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• L>^J Jl*LvO 4j*J>-\ jA 

( j j^j ^bl) - . ^y> 416 
. 400.367 £ u> : Lit >JL, 

* ci 1 ^ 

ISBN 978-9953-0-1557-6 
. l)1 . 1 . jj j «/? . 11 .3 . .2 . JuL j ^c_> jLj _ . 1 

* j-*) Jbi^ t ^ . (^r y^) 21^ * V 

* 1 * ^ 

ijjjjJ L JJs V ^h£)l 1JL*. J fc,l ji I .IjSl* 


iuyJl iJadil UL^ oUl^l JP 

Hutcheon, Linda 
The Politics of Postmodernism 
1989, 2002, Linda Hutcheon, All Rights Reserved. 

Authourized Translation from the English language 
Edition Published by Routledge, a Member of the Taylor Francis Group. 

:J aia^i* ILyJl 31 

|L|\ uU flii jjftil 

113.5996 ; 

)) AjL 

(9611)753032 : ^ / (9611) 753024.753031 :uiU tjU. 1103 2090 

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4*X>- ^ll C^Lwtfl jA I ^ j Jj 

113.6001 .j* c^» iL 

(9611)750086-750085-750084 coU- 2034 2407 
(9611) 750088 :L5 ^j 

e-mail: - Web Site: 

2009 ( J y 4 : J/Xl iUJl 


L m it 4 

7 j*->- ioAA« 

35 ^ aJ LSw^l lo J Lo • ^Jui^xJl '. A^ A a^j J^>tLo 

55 ij|JL>Jl JboU a^L** 

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57 i.ui j>-ji i.oi. 


65 JOuUJl ojIp! ! JjVI J-<adil 

65 jl*jLo Lo 


67 <c-w*»Lw^^ 

81 ClJb- Jl^U 

102 aj S3lo*Jl JbuUj tAilJi>Jl 

111 ^iJb- JUrfUJl J-iUsJl : L^ill 


HI c/ 3 


129 J\j>yyb\ ujlkiJl 


135 ~jldlj iiljiJl 

159 ^UJI *j05i SaUI : dJlill J-^ill 

159 4zAS ^-..' Xj jliJl ^ Jj'jspj 

171 ^UJt ^ ^Ul 3 yw 













(jijjUl) j >- Ul ^Sll /i\ : gjl J*ill 


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?^ljbJl jl*jLo jJUJI 

I /J^aiJl a jJl>- Ol jJ jJ * j^UJI 


U*U~JI i-l— 

* »• 

i^-Jl otf J > Jl J UU»Jl 4AiU : ^oUl J*m)I 

Lp Jl -™~J 

* y fc| L J 4*** 

<luljl>bll JajLo 4 j LojjUl 

.^Jjj S}UmiI . . . 4iiljpJI JOuL* ! 4«ll> 

«iJ|Jb- JbuUl CJlS ISU» 



* * * jJ|jL*Jl JLjvjLx. JjjJU 



i-yU-Jlj iJiJlj ^Ul Jl J-^JI JLL. (JjJl 


349 jlaJI j 4 ^aJl j c JL*Jl 

353 I olJ jH I : 4i*l^ Sib-*. 

357 ^ 


361 oUJLLsaUI cJ 


367 «►! JJI 

401 ^>JI 



'jj - ••■" ^ IjllJ l ^ ^ ^ *j • . 1 1 1 ^* 

_,b£l jl_^p £. Jfttf fLit Jl Lulu p-ii 

.4^IjuJI JUyU JL.L- : y> ^JUI 

JlojLa i jA U» L_a.stf J J I <• i_ 4 jjjCJl Jl JjVl |mJUI ^ 

L^j^iajj frljTj jlSjl ^ilill M^il • 

oLjli5 ^ Sll dJLil »...2lt ^ LqI .i^UJl 

^ J t>* 'j^' Ui-^' 


(Derrida) lJUj:> 4 ^ $ ^ » > j\ ^ $ K t^LajJl 

<ui^J U^> I j t (Foucault) jS jij t (Althusser) (Lyotard) 

ja Jzs * I <c£J JbuUt ^Ijlp ^ (Nietzsche) 

jl^JI LLUj (Nihilism) 4JLL5 ^ jt5 <uSl 4p-Aj^-*^ 

• L^a^JLo a j LlJ ! aL 4 AolwL>- JUoUl o 

( * > UlJb»«3l Jb«U _ I 

(3 jAA ^ A^-LS" ^yA (J^l 0 1 

y kSJIjJ-I ju-»Lo» j (Postmodernism) J y jl*->U» Ux<>jlpI (#) 

. (Postmodernity) J 


j\S 1 1917 ^Lp ^ x^L 


* ^ 4- ' 


1 *• — 

AiUj 4^0 -Lp iJo t (Rudolf Panwitz) cyLJMl 

( 1 ) ...<=• 

• 4**M*>sJ I {j* 3 j£s Ool 5 *LaJaJ|^ C ^jJ ^JLaJ| (j jJl]\ 

^ a^jI jj>- jLajUI La ; (J 1 j^**Jb I JLo 


jjri j^^ojJL) 1 -kJ ol (jj» U JjV Jlj^Jl IJl» jjp 4 jb»-^U 

-UjU j (Modernism) 5 jj)Ll>JIj (Modernity) iJ|j>Jl : js, 


.dJliJlj 4 (Postmodernism) aJIju>JI 


<• jv-LJl jui; I4JI : jU^Lj «, iilJL»Jl JL-uJL 


t 4 jLi Loj t aj jj>xJl j t ^JLfti!! j t ^Lp j^Jl j 

. dJUL <us C-*I>u ^JJl jJ* 

Lo-fr U j (JijAi J^j I jl jj LoU t A-oid^*Jl JjuLoj Ajjj\x>t}\ ul 
caLLa^JI 0 j-d-P O-^ r^A i*jU J_) d^isj 

: <2) i*5Uil ^ *£fcj 

(Postmodernism) iLil.l#Jl JOyU (Modernism) ij«J|jl>«Jl 

ail jus 

oLlS^U JlPiJl 

** «t 

j\ £oj*JI 
uUUl Jus 







U£J1 jlSoVl 


^«Ji _jl OhX^-l ^Jl hUu>- jaJI 








UiVl 6 

Lawrence E. Cahoone. ed.. From Modernism to Postmodernism: An (1) 
Anthology (Cambridge, Ma: Blackwell Publishing, 2003), Introduction, p. 3. 

Beverly Southgate, Postmodernism in History: Fear or Freedom? (2) 
(London; New York: Routledge, 2003), pp. 128 and 132. 



vJl jdl 


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(4jL*JI ^ ^>-j) 




»l&Jl j\ ikiJl 




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<lLj! J j>- J_x_)LoJl ^ajLs^->- 01 

: Jj-4^ 

/ 3) oL~Jjl oJu L>! 

«• 4* ♦ 

I cA ^ ^ 

,L>- J uJbl UKi tiUJl _U, 

^/-** •* 13 w ( ** ^ 

<, (Single Vision) ^ j-J^jJIj o->ll!l j-£iJl i? - 2 

** ** 

. (Totalitarian) 

^^0^15 U^>lla^-J oUjj jl^aj Jl>&A ^ j5* j-*Jl J PjjLst - 3 

** +* 

. (Decentredness) 

OlJL^bU ^UjJl J 1 ... : )1 - 4 


. (De - Chronologization) 

^1) iK^JLwJ® j^a cjL1-«*LJ! (3) 

. &5j>-j Oj&S 


f lk JSj L^l\j 

. (De-Categorisation) <uLL« 
^ ol5 U JJL* cijSLiJl . 6 

J* j-^ U-*-° J <• ^ is I ^-LuJi * - 7 


t Ii>L<wO J & yJL^si _ 8 

LjsJi ^2 ] a: <J l JLaJMI Ijl, I? jJL*j .^JjjIjl>J| ijLSUlj 

.AjjjI J>JJ 1 « 9 JL^Jl yyJO <_$ JJl 


.Zj^}\ fftk* &*S -9 

• ( jlj^—Mlj <y»Ml - 10 

ilil Jj>Jl -OyL >J 4jy Id^Jl ^ (Jjjii U ^ iAiji’ iitjk J 
oJ^Jl jl>p J Jl 5 L*Ij>JI JU,U L^i if. opLj 

J_p^ l-Aj-X>«jj I4il2j| ^ r l L . /j .-o i_jLli y Jp Jiij <Uj jh!\ j t j J~li» 

• l«JljjP ^Sy jt 4*1211 

c — J oLaiJl y£J t SjUi>Jlj iiliiJl ^ i,|y oJ iLt 

dUL- Ml 4*12)1 Lo j .L>- JJJ 4 jaL. : jL^U U«J ^=Jl LfrJLS" SjU^Jl 


L-jtaVlj jL^sVl Jl^U a^j>- j j}\ <^LJ! 

L«j Hw^aIjuJIj cjLo^/lj l L^-cl j U i (jjjLiJlj 1 g c,\j ’,1 , 

. 4jL^ 


Ojta ^jJl Ia jl -is^j lAililil ^[jlJ Jl \j jiaj lil 
<.^JaJI JlyJl - (X^l 


' ** 

.I32j 128 ( y 1 4. ^ aj j i-^ll (4) 


jLol ^ ^Jl) j (j-jL-Jl J-J ^ 

♦* i* 

Oj jill ^1 L JJ W? 4 AjjLo-wJI ^1 ( <>jz£a 

Jl (1)1 * J jA> 4_5^ LjjjNl SjLa3I ^5® 

t_J I jJl jl tJ^/l j\ t *L-Jl jA C^UwmJ j t(jl5 iwtfj'yi clLL ^ 

oll^LlJl aJI c™J j J y- Ojb ^Jl 4i\J&}\- jj>*a jl5 ^J3i . 4 JJI jl 

cJLi lib - 1 V^>' 

(ljjO ~-*- j jooN j ojLSLo) LJLlJI oLLJLi.ll j j $ b > j 

^ 1,,* 1 1 ^ ^ 3 ^ ^ .J^-l) ww*^tJl — Jl 

iil&Jl j,p^ J&' ‘OJJIpj jjj-J) ^>*3' (^ A-»Uyj 

# l » 1 

**+ v** *• 

jl jij -Ujj t 1990j L>- 1950 j-j oJi*^Jl aI^pSII ,_,» 

* ** tf ' s 

i^L^' JL. ILL-^U oLLS <y icJb*; L. js\ tcJUj JJi-U 
b-*j JU^Ij jUl o <.*£~jj 

jjb ojL%Xplj i *Sjj^-j (J t Ai »^ . a M 

o* '■^jr* j5 ^.^aj ua & ol N (Reference) L*_>- ^^Jl 


a^aaii Jis U5 - J\ , jju ^ jt,b 

•• ** 

~'^J' >*— o tSJj_JL_ll S^l^—j N ! (Louis Althusser) 

. (5) OjJJu 

^ila Nl ^jjjj ‘tykjZj j5 jij jWj^j I-Ajj^ oLbS - Uj 

OC'I jiJl ^3 e j_>Jl olJLJl J^>- (jlj^'-Jl ii J-* t S J-j-L>Jl ^iLaJl ^ 


iiiitll jjLmJ L>t^»j *b^Jb ^L^llj 


0 jylSA Ijcj oJoJl »^aL5 ^ g a i jl Lip tfrj^aJl Ufc Jjl* ^ 

Louis Althusser and Etienne Balibar, Reading Capital , Translated by (5) 
Ben Brewster (London: NLB, 1975), p. 14. 


Jp~ji rya <U hj 4 Lj|jj>JI JbuU 

^c 5 ^^r*“ t L^» <L>ojbJl I ^liSCJl Lgj 

.3 ^>Jl ojI^UI ^jA 

idlJbJl JbwU iMilw* , i j«^£a . II 

<* ♦ * ^gr 


IjuJ SJiwJl c-jb5 JLo ^Jl oNl 

( The 4*jI*Ap«JI *AajLa 4 **Lm* j-& (_£jJl t^>Li^Jl d)l ^a ^ rt- Al j 
(Linda O j - ^Lj l a l-Li-J ajljUj^® jl 4 Politics of Postmodernism) 
aIjI J j>Jl JjuL) ^ iiMp *LiJl ^Jl c-woj Hutcheon) 

oJl-S"! t bJ Lk-S' 4 oblxSsJ! j cJbj^pVli c a^wL-^JI j 

iSJjj 4 AilS^ L|_p!jjL 4 A^>- jJ^j wL) I j! 4^>ejjlj j\ 4-J3 jl L_o! 


tjjJaJl j* <5ijia;j jj*A Jl ejj-A t^LJl Ji--dl y> 

U .U^Jl SjL^JI Mj t0 iU ^1 Mj ^ 

(j-° d oLSo 4 *- . . .. -w ( __ 4 -uIjl>- jlajLJI 3 *j_|4 

. <LJza\J?'J <jlp 4 jI Jj OjLS^j 4 ^s^LoJl (j fa]\ 


0 £» ^ £. 

(1)^ ^ ******^A > OtaX^AMwl Ol f ^J] C Ijljl 4jl»Lj! fc .* I 

1 $j 1S ^ OJlfr A*feiWhAf 1 ^a o ^JbLiaJl oJLfts jl 

aJ oil; J S jl oL*j 1* Jjij ^jJl (Brian McHale) JjU iil» ^1^, 


li^UaJl tiUij 4i^?UJl <£ju ^kj jJ& j 4 L^»U-J| -cJIJL?- JLujLo 

j^j-3 4 tlUi aLLjI J->Lk iJLo jiaJ Llj j ( j^> 

(Charles oUij— ;_J 4^/Vlj (John Barth) OjL» Oj_jr 

(Jean- jIjj-J Ij-^Ji ji _ jU-j 4 ^Lya-3l <^>^1 j Newman) 

Linda Hutcheon, The Politics of Postmodernism ; New Accents (London; (6) 

New York: Routledge, 1989). 


*UaJ ii j Francois Lyotard) 

J_> jJa (Ihab Hassan) «_>- i j-^Lx-aJl oL jJl*_*JI 


N J cdLUS JUJI L.J . (7) ~Jl .. . i/JU 

UjjiaLa O-oJli IoJL^p Ls^2j>- Lo I jjs > j ? La jJjj O oLLJl 

^ *♦ 

f **£Jl AJUoj ^ i^jJl 1 $jLS jl£i dDi J, 

? j jyyZZJ* SJuJl Aj^I^ Li 4<tJ L p 


t>* “jW-* ^ i : j_*_.Lo jl : t 

■ *-<- * 4-i^J iXkjj 


o I 4-^LaJw^'yi^ ^ j*}[ O^L>- i^ii j&\ 

5 j& ^^JLp O . 8 j%JLJl ^ Oj-aJI ^ 

LpI . ^ ^L^>L^* Sfj Oj£j 01 j^-aj ^ V j_*_jL^J! 01 L^LLo 


a g 11 (JLa ^1 p 0 1^1 4 j-Lj L^jIs t J-*jLJ L^pL*^ 

4Ij1wAj>- j**jLJ1 ajjL*a^J1 


iLxjl ^}\ D^So ( j i A$yj 

^JL. ^>Lr 

s^Lj^ ^Jl *“1-L 01 ^ jjj) t L^-LS -a-j1j_>- J-*jLoJ1 v^L^JslJ 

<jL~Jl j la a LJl £*-sii j-Jl tf « 'I ^5-9 ^ j j a_L_LJI 

. (11) «<dLjou-l 

: 4juU ,jjj-^— *-« ^yrj <^l j 

£. f- ^ £* 

^SLucJl (wilLj .UL?4 Oj^Lj-o-llj 4 O^j j-^>«-ll ^j-s^>Jl iJLg3 

Brian McHale, Postmodernist Fiction j 1 11-10 ^y> n — ~ — a — i jJ — s*all (7) 
(London; New York: Methuen, 1987), p. 4. 

Hutcheon, Ibid., p. 11. (8) 

.3 ^ jX^ait (9) 
.8 L4~Jb jJUoil (10) 

• 1 6 t A*mvj3j Jl \ l4 1 1 ( 1 1 ) 


i.- « * J I imLpI « ✓? , « , <>J • i_JyLwt* I wLqJIxj (^jJl 

jL^Jlj t^l^JJl ia— jjl J iJ^Jl J-JajL>«JU 

. (12) «^Ui 



LmmJI Ludl 

yJ L*Jl y* 0y^*O_A 5j 

b«d t e-d^l>- ^A La_Up ! 

Cr 4 r*A 

4 -^Lww*( old c ^L^Jl 

fL*-t 4_*Jli j_A tiaJU- jJ&» J^^LLa SJL-^Jl JJLP J^-UjJ| 


6^-^-dJl oO_A LaOJ^PO • «^U- oJLp ^y L>ea jj ^ * l 4 la - 1 *a » 

o? t <-Ja_iJ jl ti-jj ^ : oj j_^ Jl5 J^Jl<>-jJI oV» : J j_U 

* * 0 p, 

4— l i ^n i* ^ . < /3 ^ I 0^5L b^3 ( ^ ^ *'o • • • 

Wj^> 0_^o <1)1 Jc^JJ j' • • • j^^Mj 
j j*JL*Jl jL^Js>l oa $ : .m oJl ^-^1 jJl JaJaJ^oJt dJJS ^1 

. <,3> .^i 


j^A t La J^LojJl O' 4 l^-r® ^ Ojj-s^LjJ t^J-dJ Lg^a yly 

i-iLLj ^Loo*4 j-aI^U y» LJ>>- iS j^H ^ J-^ jf 
^-lJ (oUyJl ^y Uj 

*1 ~**\j 1 4-L*ijl Jui^oJl * JyLl 4^i^jj .(<w**-JL]Q 

Q^i i^iw^i^A 

in 1 1 JL) 

•Xx^LoJl o a-^-> ot t Lajojl>cJ 

♦ *• * 

t *ily!l y2^i j_a Ju t4i jJaJLa i*jt5lj ^y ^ylJL?- 

(jl 4 -wsAaJI O— J» I il5U -bjJ J . ((4,13 yea ^1 LJL^*/ Oj^J e-i*5j 

.16 ^y t<uOj jJLuall (12) 
.29 y? J-s^aiJi te«0i j.i./all (13) 


Lg-iL Aj>- JboUl tcLLta wL*_j 


jJb <Uj|jL>- JuyUl <JL*j1j La® ! J jJLUj LgJ 4 VJ-I 
^ ;L~.l£*JVl LUbb-Nl Jb fil^Jl i-iLLi Jb^- 

jLJi 4 la 1 . .. ll f-Ll-www*»i 4 ^i_ - ^ t^s^ ^3 ^ V ^ 


<l5) .(a.jjiJl iJtfJl If&^k,) U^JKJ 

4 d^-J' il Ki <_d^" “^3^ 

j*jjuj o^LpI : ^LJl JSwJl ^^Lp cJLJl J-^aiJl 01 yp iJliOl cJl*->- 

IfJl t (Re-presenting the Past) ^^LJi 

** •* 

(Prefix) iSilJl : (Representation) (J-Jb>b) ^1 U .,<g * Il 

(<y>j*) j\ 4 (( JbJL>- jl «iLJU 5^.* :UL*^j t«Re» 


US' jl c^^UlS Ju J l>- y j& : A^JdJl dj&i t (Presentation) 


ujL^S 4 JjJ->- ( jjo 4 jLJL»I (^^Ljt a-j J-flJ oiLp|) I L^a^- y> ^ 

** * •* 

JU^SMj oLL£Jl \ jj6 ^LS : J yu LJI>- «-^J, ?dLJ:> j j £, . 

iil^Jl t^bLi Uj Li^jUlj i-iiJl 

«* ** W 

<_d ?50 jA?- Lf^ly o_*&j tUj^p ( _ 5 >ojUlj 

** «*•*«* 

?LSU»- JbuU 
** *■ 

0 jJL; Jtj-wJl Ula j-p a_jL>- 1 J .,/? $1 01 ^ j-» 

*» 4 * ** ^ 

£ * 

j^oUJi oy^Lt JL-^ y yj y 

SbT ** *♦ *♦ 

4 Jbj^ejdl j 4 Ljl ! _) i jj i L^Ij j-Lj J 4 A-ol J->- 

.(Parody) il>jj^\j 

.32 j-Uail (14) 

.32 ij# 4<u*flj jX^all (15) 


U*J ^ US ii\ j>Ji\ ^*3 M (Metafiction) ii\ 

«* ** 

bo-* V ep3d J- 4 ^ j' jl 

&j!>3 4*Aj t jJl 4jilz>t^ A^jjJaj ol A>-^ I j ^Ul ij j ^ ^ 

.lo (wA5 J^a jl jl 


1 0 j-UbLi .JUlp cJlUj (Complicity) 

<UajjJL ^^1*3 4j^>^*JI 1*1 .Ji-ljJl ^y> [ $ a j c £jlS jJlj OlJL^^I 

. La 4jtAJLjl 

£^23 ^1p V L^jjw (J j-JL 43 1 j^U<Jl ijlSJl <-_A^2 j J 

b^A^^b £3^" j\ £djUb lfL& 

oLJUjJLj (j_$LLj ol LfJl jj ^* t^JLkj M j c L^j ui 

* aJjU ljWLij . ^L-wvuIjV U*u1j 1 L^lia-Mk *! jj 

<-. J * J >s-) JjU&J (jl U <j| J*S> (. b^UjJl *W^3>*JL> ol UjjOJU_> 

J^L>O>0 ^JjUl ^ A_*Jo LgJL y>\ jJLsMIj 1 OjLj 4J^P Lj j-^3 J^->- 

. (16) «iiUi)l 

(Events) ^Ijlp-VI l ^ r -> o _^1*J <jL£JI j 


UUM Jli ^jlijJli t (Facts) ^jlijJlj 

Juj^j JLp ^yLa 4i1 >Jl J^o- l* UU tljU .UUJ! 

4Jpj_4j>mJ 1 JpLjJ 4 ■> a 7 J^L>* ( j-a £_jL£j ^Jl 0lJU>-')/l 

: (Graham Swift) cUj~- ^Ia^p Jli US ' j / 17) LJLjbj 

*» * : b 4 w^UxJl j-p <*U>U Ul j-U t L _ 5 A*-<Jl ^ ^ys-Uo 

. SjAj Jjij ji-I y* c ^ ^(L^pju jU * ibii 0^^*> L<a O^’^vmA 

.51 t <u*A jJiUtl (16) 
.54 y t<**A jJL^ail (17) 

Graham Swift, Waterland (London: Heinemann, 1983), p. 122. (18) 

Hutcheon, The politics of Postmodernism , p. 54. : lU Jail (19) 


. ^ j m j ^1^0 <l>> i jj>- m i ® 

^ji\ Jj^j_U A* I CJT® J~*-d 

** ** 

i JLSI 5 ^ 1 ^-wtj <UjU jS tiSUl ejUl jS* Ml t^^s^UJl 

£, *d 

t <UP^ A^LJLqU il^* (_£ y*-» dJJ-OO M L»l (^1 c 

•* ** 

(21 )t t * I ** A * l 

lj>-j jj~h j v**,a 

U-^jLo d)l® * <J ^-^-!l" j ® ^j&LlaJl oJla ip (1) ^_*_JLi.& 

JJUJ JlSUl I4JI Jlo Sj^UJI iiliiJl *4^ j-pj jp <Ui& 

L^jj^s ^j-JL j . ((^JwJL^xJl ?c-j ^;Ij ^jjUI ^ ^ » c 4 ^jL^ 

(Tradition) jlJLlJI <_iy* j ^JIjls- ju^LJI jiJl jl» : J jj£ 

. to) «i>*Jlj (J^JL fcjUB Up jJUlj, 
(Roland Barthes) OjL o^jj < 1)1 Ul l jLi^l jJb*J j 


M® I ^jU LaJ-lP i (1) j-wsZJLA 6 Jt*->1 jJ& Lo ^^1 

. j-fc L* M) iillA ^ wJj tOl^* (,5! ^ J-* Ld 

** ** *• «■*■ 

^LJ .dj~Z * ii ^I^LuJl ^JLk VIA y o'^l J} UJL 5 J 

Ml toU^i <j£jJl ^^lJ £jfi> qj&j J 

: (De-Doxification) 

j\ t «SJuUJl oliJl oJLJbJl® ^6 (Doxa) j\ (Doxy) &aJ <jl 


AujAJlj c Lo^^p oli&Jlj , Lj^wJ^ j -~~*-i ^ JJl «^L*Jl ^1 jJl^ 

.78 ^ jJL^all (20) 

.55 jJLt^ll (21) 

.55 t j0 t<*«ydj jJL^il (22) 

Roland Barthes, Roland Barthes by Roland j 1 58 ^y> t & \ j .i -^>l l (23) 

Barthes , Translated by Richard Howard, 1st American Ed. (New York: Hill and 
Wang, 1977). 



‘ — I * ^ SJL-Jl jS jj jl\ l^> 


J*aZ.nj j .oL ajIJ? l^J <1)1 ,*-PJj J A»«il — L$jI_jj — 
o U 3 Vl 4~i ^ V <>Jl iiLSJJl Sis jlU (> SLw «jl 

d^jjj d)l (J-zatf.i (^-*) Laj *d£jl jj-o oLj>-jJ^jJjI j 

** — ^1 ^J-p ^LoLp t j^jLoJI ( -L? 

^ JULit «>* 5jL^ t^-Vl fliJl J L*jV 4 JsL^JIj >\~SN\ 

•j'-'V' jS->*Sj .^~»-jJ^jJjVi jU-oJL 
SJaiJ t (De-Doxification) Jb^iJl ilaid ojI^5 j iCL» 4 
(De- p 1 1 jl 4 — si> , : a .,. « _ l l 1 ■ » . . k ». . ,.t—ll 



^^iij ^1 ^MSJl I j_a JL. . U4; Naturalization) 

VI j-a jl dL_* x >- jj L» J5 jJJu il tUL_e-lj \sS\liy* JS ^ 

(25) t. f. 

•* w #* 

® jjj*0 {j* *cj>JJLa ^ jjjJL>- ^t\ aJI a! J UJ 


^ oU^Nl L «j AjLS' ^ 

** t * i ^ (^ ^yrj (V 

•* ^ 

i-^jJl oli,p jl# :o^JLiA d)LJ ^ Lpj tJjjj; 

• • • i~<L~Jl ^s-j iily>S\ j t jj^Vl ^ ( _ s sLgjJl J-aaJI 

** #* 

I^Jlj l^yj>y Jl wUij ^1 Alw»jJl ^1 Oli^ajl ^ 

Il<W? oj^s-Aj A : j^s^Ij J & J ^1 aIjIJJI jjJl 

• (26) ®<>«ijiJ' 


(J J^P ^J] _L> «Laj 

Hutcheon, Ibid., p. 58. 


.70 {J » i*-J6 jj_all (25) 
.71 L A ... o\ j . ( . /all (26) 


jjl*J h\ju Jbj_>*jJl jl 

J-Oj-J J^-4 j c(<L>L£ Lsj J^-») <U 4_la-w>t^Jl j 

^ * *Lh) oLlJ jl# : (Lionel Gossman) 

V~^'j ^ ^Uaij^l oL$J, y* ((^Ij+Jl 

. <27)(( ^LJI ^au^all 

» +* 

JL«-»^I Cj* ^ ]p j _^Jl fs>Cj Lo yS \ j 

-L*jLo LjjjLJl)) '. Oj^sa J jj»j . o^>-L«Jl LliSJl jl «uaj}Jl 

“■sLc’l j\ LJJ ^.Li^Jl L*>-l ^Jl ^ 

OjSj j! LJlSJl ^JcJj . (28) «UjJijjj ^.jbJl J-JUJ Jl SLi,] iji 
'^.jr^y’T 5jj-s L^ l . (Nostalgia) '^LJI ^1 LpjjlJl 

* LSL^i) Aj JLfij A t H Aj^Laj j} a . ^ 


JSj l*JS c J-S’» : (Sherrie Levine) jjLLJ i J ^ U5j 

aLsAJ S/I Al~~J ej j . /a 1 1 Jl ±jjAj 4Aj jA jjtj OjA-ja ijj^a 


ljj^> L^o sj^I j ^}j ^UuJj 4^i ^uJ 

^ 4-^ 1-4- i_U ^jO OiL^-^w^a *>— j qJ I S^^-saJLj 

** (30) „ 

ir* *-~ty. ^ sjjLJI s ^ iLJl 

Lionel Gossman, «History and Literature: j .84 ^ 4 < LJ jj oil (27) 

Reproduction or Significance^ in: Robert H. Canary and Henry Kozicki, eds., 
The Writing of History: Literary Form and Historical Understanding (Madison, 
Wis: University of Wisconsin Press, 1978). 

Hutcheon, Ibid., p. 91. , (2«) 

.94 ^ 4 kJu jJUall (29) 

Sherrie Levine, «Five Comments,» in: Brian j <. 94 ^ l a ^ i \ j .\ „t i ( 30 ) 

Wallis, ed., Blasted Allegories: An Anthology of Writings by Contemporary Artists 

(New York: New Museum of Contemporary Art; Cambridge, Ma: MIT Press, 
1987 ). 


jP 41 

(wiJljij c ^ Jlp o oJL^Jl j-S" jj t 4 —/? L_>s_j L^jla 


O JjCjijj . <CjIj ^LJ? If) <jl ^S' ^JjL^v 0_5 e-LtJtfl f j* - IfjJ^ ~ 

oIjlSjl^ Sfl Lf-j V ^1 iiLiiJl dJJu jl 5J ot 

‘ 4* 

Jj-S-> (jl (J */* tf * <_£•*) (j-* j3 jj.Aj I j 

jJJj Ajj-*J jI t^yjlwL?- JjuLaJl (!bjyj 

Zja Jl^l ^ SjLp ;^Sh f liJl ^ cJjL^JIj *L-iVl 

.L^jJjjAjVI 4_^jU^JL o.U^J J~*^l 
iiaiJ t (De-Doxification) iliiU cialj-^Sj tUL^-l 

(De- *— a j! a-**? j-JL-i— oJt cL ^wJ ? t j—A e-^y L ]\ 

L r *yJ>yJ\ ^Jii j ^1 (J*ji iJLfc Ji* . < 24 ) Naturalization) 

VJ >a jl *1L> 1* JS jJJu SI tLJL^Ij iJlliy JS 

* < 25 > Jr^ ; :5J ^'j iJSLj cJjjfc ^ Jij^j t^LUl 

Ojj j-s^ ^j-« t 0 A^aJiJLa ^ jjAL>* ^jjl aJ| V U^>*J 


^^3 e$® oUoNl l - r ^>J 

*r ** W' ** 


<LJI Jl>sjl JboL® jU 1 \ $ *.,j,o->- <Jjl>tj')/l 4^£- yj? y Jl c- J jj>- J t j-« 


^Js- J l 43 j^Jl 4~sJ>jJ«Jl 0 LL 3 (jj® • Oj^JL-A il)L~J ^S-J i <J jJL 

. . .o-^aJI i-UJl t 5L>sJlj cjj-Ml ,> cH' 

4* 4* 

fi*l j^Jl_j >-Lu 2 j A— ,L>s-a ,L>*J c5^ C^LA vaJ l 

a!^**? 0 j y&-> Aa^^aJIj aJLjjIiJI Ax-JaJl j 5 oj ( ^i\ aIjIjJI I j- 3 l ( jj® 

■ < 26 ) «>ijb« 

C wLLP ^JaXj wL iAxj 

Hutcheon, Ibid., p. 58. 


.70 y 4<- *ii jJuflil (25) 
.71 y 44 — J& jX^ail (26) 


V 1 1 ii ^ JJ L*3 4 AjlJU Jb^Jl 0} 

(J^-Aj 4 ( AjLJj ^ ll JJL*) 4-j M *.‘>t-^J 1 J 

a U .*>1 j_j) ^.jjLJl 4_,l^5 L>*jLs<? ^L^-aJI jU : (Lionel Gossman) 
i 4jLJL>*JU ^j-o ^Ua-Aj'yi ^Jlp 0iL$-J* j-A (^Lo| j-^Jl 

+* ** 

* 0 , 

(1^ fjt L* ytSl j 

53Iji*JI JOoU UjjjUD) lOjjiii J_^- .s^LJl ifcSJl J\ L*j&\ 

JlC JS}j &\ji DiUl j\ ^UJ Ou.-lj^JI y ^ 

OjZs jl iJl£Jl , (28) «U ^iJuj ^jjbJl Jjl^j JLSLil 0 ji 

V>r ejj-AJj" 44 .(Nostalgia) ^Ul ^Jl Ll^>- LijjUl 


. Ubj L^Sv&» AjJLAj ^^3 4 ®AjJLaJj 4»^SC^j 


JS j LJlS : (Sherrie Levine) ^jUJ iSjiA J y ; ^ j 

»> f, 

t[ »,<Q 9 N I Cm«J 0 J J-s^aJl (1)1 (*j j-*J ^j->b-L 9 4 <U JJ*> j-^J 0 jJ>-jp» 0j y^P 


il±^\ Qjj-*0 L^Jwfl oJj>-lj 4 AP^JJLo ^LsAZjj 4-*3 ^ JJLw 

V oLaJLU j5i OwLoJLw» w fl 4 J^Lm^LA^J| . j.---a ^Jh ll a 


^ L Aj-^^jo ^yJl Li jjLJl j-p SjljLJI 0 ^Ja^' 

Lionel Gossman, «History and Literature: j <. 84 ^ t * - i 1 jj_^ll (27) 
Reproduction or Significance,» in: Robert H. Canary and Henry Kozicki, eds., 
The Writing of History: Literary Form and Historical Understanding (Madison, 
Wis: University of Wisconsin Press, 1978). 

Hutcheon, Ibid., p. 91. ' (28) 

.94 'j* t<«i; jJUail (29) 

Sherrie Levine, «Five Comments,» in: Brian j t 94 ^ t jj_^ail (30) 
Wallis, ed., Blasted Allegories: An Anthology of Writings by Contemporary Artists 
(New York: New Museum of Contemporary Art; Cambridge, Ma: MIT Press, 


JjoL« ^jjaJl op * o (J j-4j t a^sjjUVj 4-^LwmJI 


^ JtftLLjl 5 JYij ^1 ^_jL' J> 1 » jicJ (Irony) LojjUl 

C5» >JI SjUI ^ VI ^^LalJIj JLSLtSlI J*-J& oUi aJu_p 

aj jl jy\ f jlp o^UJl o (^JJl ^LwJl IgJLioJ 


4^1 Ji>- JjuUI ^ ^j^ju obhS" ^ —III 

j\jj*S \j*~i\ j* - jl>- 

A^wo-^J L° ^1 (.r 0 ^ j^-* 3 -* J-* 

•4 •* 

JajJI : Ujb ^^S'j ^^JLp j»li ^iJl _> ci jP 

y* L^ljl <_•** olJUlj A^Ja^J JJbJli tUibJl olJUlj 
.L? j^>- ^yLJUJl ^s^LoJlj U y*s> ^LiJl ^ S yljJl ^5" 

ft* ft* 

Cr* J-*- 4 

i-li*Jl ( _ # 1 «- >»JLiuJl aJL*^ ,_£ ii>»j Mil* (Nietzsche) 

^ iLix—l (^JJl o^-.p c_s*>U>- j . (Western Logocentrism) i-_>jJJl 

( _ s -Lp jL; j_J JL«_x_*_j t (Heidegger) ji-dJL* *J u> 

5 JLp- _jJ! c j^~aj ^yUUll jLcJl dJJi ^^Le- ^Uai'AJ (Wittgenstein) 


jLJcUj 4 (Foundations) a~^L/VIj 4 (Totality) aJISJI j 4 (Unity) 
aJLoLlJI aJ^-L>JIj 4 (Representational Thought) ^^JLi^oJl jiliJl 



jJj>Jj twJfclJuj jlS^I ^ ajU- Uj .. . (Universal Truth) 

Aij J Jai a_^>J (Feyerabend) Uajl ^lii^l aj! SjLiVl 

(Epistemological Anarchism) aJ y^-Jl jiJl U 


(The Postmodern ((J^lo^Jl JUjU o y^Jl i? L# apL^> 



fj] jiiaj ^JLksA^a Jlp aJIjl>JU 4 Condition of Savoir) 

Hutcheon, Ibid., p. 96. 



^ b'jj <UPj j_Jbo y g --O '- 1 £W2j 43 Oj J-*P 

C^' hy^h J-^' 

aJj-4j t L«_L^ AjI Jj>«J| JbuL 4 jJ jLj j-J 3 JU>c_> 4 dUi ^JjlJLo 

(«Grand *> . l a *-Jl ^j3 *,/? a ll»j <l*_j!jjJI oL*-JJLj 3 j_sL^Jl 4_*JUl 
. jLjcJI Lgjl <d jJL> 4 LjUoIj t Narratives))) 

4 4_^pV O-ilj (jl ^b*j jJLSCo (1)1® * Ls^LjI (J jJL> j 

j^oa <J £*^Jl j . (33) ol*Jl wL^I oLjLJl V L J, Ji-ju 
(1) j-^o <upL^j>-NI oU*>UJl (1)} J j-Aj ^1 

** 4* 

^ o^JiJ 1 .Jb tt-lLj t <34> J_^I_^J SU JjUJl jL^pL, 
oUJ r<j\jji\ oUJJ dJJjJ . (35 ) « v ujVi 

p ** 

. 4j j_*J c-J 1 L«J I 3j ^lp 3 4-Jb*^o 

(77ie Postmodern iilJL^Jl JUuU i)L>- jl yjJl <jL5 ^3 j 

obc<»j>^Jl ^ jJtj ytx Jl! jl jIj^J ^Jb 4 Condition ) 


$, #» 

V L£JI jl* Jl oLS" 4 1b_>- 4^0 

J-&J dLlb ^3 43 dUL> 4,1^) jJ ((<j1jL>tJl JbuLaN 


JpL^jI ^3 4 4_d j-w^S/ 1 ojLflJl ^^3 4(l)Vl 4 ^5l j-Jl Q-Ua-s^a-oJl 
3 AjIwLptJI JbuU <3 ^*-<0 d) j 4 ^3 (J 


w P 

(jjljJJl aL>d L^Ls_^L^>- J J 4 oLk. ■L^»Jl ^b ^ 3 0I3I 

*• » 


«What is Postmodernism?)) 1984, p. 87. (32) 

.10 L ^a jJU<all (33) 

Kenneth Baynes, James Bohman and Thomas McCarthy, eds., After (34) 
Philosophy: End or Transformation? (Cambridge, Ma: MIT Press, 1987), p. 73. 

.79 { j^ jJUaII (35) 


UJJUaj l ^JLp LJjJi ijySj w (Differences) (oli^A^NO 

. (36> 5-jlJ| 1^1 j, 

Jjil 43 ^jcoJI JLsJW 5 ^lp ygtfll (1)1 jL jJ *XSl*jj 

4« * 4 ? *&a \ I 43 .4j JlJLa. l l I oUaJLwJl £jA 

cdOjJLsJI ikJLJl USL^ ^ l i**- A i — * 

' B-r •» 

j* i.LJL. jl^SJl aJ : J~S ^ ikJ otiii 
^LJli t t ^Ua_j d)LJ 

L$j (1) ^L^o 4-SjjJaJi (Jj-wJi jA La J (1) jJ^L^Jo 

0^' J* p*J ‘ l /*4* s 'N J* L* J_p- 


(Paradigms cjUJo^IjL) gol»j dyt^j *UbJl Jj^L U5 UUj 

. (37) ej*I*u U f-jJ> 

(Jacques Derrida) IJUji i)U- 

( Writing and 

* 4 * ll 4 ^ ^ j 

(4* viL&aJj (.{Speech & Phenomena) j*\ jbi i j c Difference) 

j£si I jj 3 cJa^ ^Jl t (. Deconstruction of Grammatology) JLpI^aJI 


*iL-£U j\ gjj-i-w iJ-ua ,^-ii^l 1 1967 fU ^ 


4jjS^*Jl» v_j ^ U jl tJLjjJJl Uj^U~«jI (Deconstruction) 

o*>LliJl olil L^u<»Ls- t (Logocentrism) «<Lik*dl 


^_jUa^Jl_j jlauJl J-JJ tSjjk-.Sllj Ji*Jl J\ jJ*Jl j-> JiliJl : Ji* 
1 4_>L5LSl j t (Rhetoric) 

Jean-Francois Lyotard, The Postmodern Condition: A Report on (36) 
Knowledge , Translated by Geoff Bennington and Brian Massumi, Foreword by 
Fredric Jameson (Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 1984), p. 75. 

Baynes, Bohman and McCarthy, Ibid., p. 81. (37) 


tiiUi ! \j ^ j UmJI) 

<S ji .(Signification) aJNjJIj (o^LJl i$ycJl) ^oj 

,L Ax^J^ ( j- a Ajj^jlJl A^L oJLfc <jl 


i _y*> tdJLSCiJl jl ^juJI i*^-«Jl j oL^-Jl^Lw-V 

l^uLid ^Jl iJsLJl olijLUlj oUJLJl -J* 

i^jL>e^ tL^oUaj »wJ li « ^ JL^J LgJU- ciJLgJ t(dJULj) 

. 1 ^ « p l 4 -Jl a 3 L*wo 


(Levi ^j\ jZ->* c _ 5 -i-J LaJJ^I SjL*jl^I 1 

|0 £r 

(Bricoleur) j a (Deconstructor) ^lJ_$_!l ul ^ *j 4 Strauss) 

olj^l IjLp- UlJL>w 0 «l ol ai^o ^Jdl 4 (Handyman) 

p *" 

.aJ ojL-P jl Qj$ ^jA < jjy>-' S l\ oL>fcol^X^»lj 


V >Jl» ^ j& dUj ^ (^LiUxli) 0 IJL 4 J 1 5.1 jii\ 

** 4* 

(Gesture) _ SjLibfl jl _ IS y>Ji\ ^yry > Jl (Tension) 

L^j J jJaJl 4 ! ^^jJI (Statement) 

** m 

^(J^JI dL£L') JoJ! J l* r >^JI jl&bU u«»ll dAi^-bll 

** V— f «* 

* * 

\aJkU^ j . Li O^S sj jjS L-JL»L& ^ JLu 

4 ^ 5 * ^y> ajLJLaJI ^jj aJIS 0 >J ^p ^>«Jl j UaJL 4 jLJ^M 

£ p 

J >3 4 oaJj^o jl 4 (Transcendental) a-JL*j oli jji j 

. LoL^jLw 4 J L*jjLL» ^ylxd IjJUa« J Aj^La oblp 



4 ^ <ydi 


LL*J 1 j L»>* aJ 

** ***/ *• + V V *• ** 

^ L^j^jubii aL- cJii' 

J2*#y\ Ajjlkj L«3 4 ^JJ 

. 152-125 y> <.*~Jb jJu^ll ( 38 ) 


jA yr ^ jJl ^ (Subject) «olJLJl» jl 

tt *♦ 


(j $ ji ^a $ t ol jJLJI ^1 b ftbj^lJiJl® _> -i ^ ts + ll ^a L® .oIajI 

?aI J>S\j oljJJl 

^ I bJI>Jl II* ^U-^J 


^ j_j ^3 A^i>cjO A*c*JI jJl aSV-*-J| JaJ Ll>- jJjjJjVI® ! j_to J i 4s*JL> 


Jli) oljl J* ^ oJu» Uj»^JI a^Ul J ^1 «*>UJI 


t Juol Cj^ jl cCajj^j jl 4^^-V-s^l ji ji ^Jasls^a 

. <39> « C il^l Ulaj M L^Jj bj^ ji 

olJUl jl» : UJ ^Ul J jJLiL jl ^ -*• — - j --* i ’ r 

Oj I j <+*Ju CJ jJl ^.9 (wA--s^l t JjI J5 (wdJjj 

L>- jJ jj ju V I aJlApj Ow«I^La latfs <. Lj>- jJjj JjI JS c-iljj oIjJI a! jiu 

^1^-iVl j-o ^4— j— SL j t (l ^ g ij— *— * ^ i « kjj) 


! aJLJI jTTjljjJ' ^J^OAxj b . ft J 1 

^ W _P y.-^y ' -1 


J^pJ jl aI pVl ^ oljJJl lp._Pp.JbVl UJ »j .2 

.Olji Jl aI >S ll 

AyUli bJ-^Jl J bjAl J b0Atj>l JA A>Jl ^ OlJL)l .3 
jA A>Jlj biliiUwJl IpJpJbVl ^1 jh* bUiiU^Jl SaIj>II JA 

. Ajj L>* V l ^jI j-to C Ajj jlJl 0^1 jV I 

Louis Althusser, For Marx, Translated by Ben Brewster (New York: (39) 
Pantheon, 1969), p. 234. 

Louis Althusser, Lenin and Philosophy and Other Essays , Translated by (40) 
Ben Brewster (London: New Left Books, 1971), p. 160. 


*SI j yt «, *il jJl jSf t j y* «, Laljl «-5U J 5 .4 

iaUJl i,lj y. UJ» .5ol/V 5 jA. olS-jU 

?1^p 5^ olji Jl aI /VI L?- jJjjJbSfl J/j iJLS jS3 

(Ideological <41) «aJ jJlU A^jJ^jJbS/1 oLJVi jl toj^-U _j 

. State Apparatuses) 

a^JUI o LJVI ^ ^ ciljjJJ vr^JbVl oU^i oi* 


c jXj>JI ^ l^JlLo Jl>J t (Repressive) aJjJlU 

#* %• 

t <uLi l# j t t j tAkjJtJl j 

•c^' J ’ I ^ JI 

bJli t oLJNl j\ o/^-V I oJ^J o->cw^ ISl 

^3 <. a*-mjL> ^-*J1 j 

a***aj aJI jLJdkJl 

II vdJL) c A/o Jill ol ->J! .1 


Ammm JL> jl>-L^wqJI j] ^*1 j->Jl ' Jj-2-L$ <^a « */a )j 
■f**? /I t/W'j 

4_*4 L*J I l—w— »— ] I y ^JlJL>a 4 Aj^-j J l J ^.»— l l .2 


• AaaMW^^^4 ,3 

* ao^jLaII d3 I .4 


% ,(wj|j>-Vl / l*^ 4 *• ^-w«L-^Jl ss*>\***m y»j\ .5 

. I I .6 



.149-135 ^ lA-i: jJUail (41) 
.137-136 i.4—jj jJL^il (42) 

4il>w2Jl JJU t oN kaJ^ 1 jl ; ok-^jkl .7 

.dji}&}\j oik ~>J 

,o>L> j}\j j jkllj tiiUtJl oL^j^Jl .8 

t <JlS ^jp liU JjL-j oL*~-j_Jl oJla jgj 

*> jt 

* f, p. 

tLjiP V-rA: ‘Jo***^ * a > j i» ^r~d 

^ ^ ■ ■ tf M i ^1 LIA » i^ 4 H i. t . l l ( *^< 

WJ^>> Ji* £lj Jl LJl; 

.^Jl . . . OjlJOM LjjUI j a~-L-J'j V j^^'j 

4^>OkXJl 4-1 4Jwb Vl w«-*«A> 4>J| ^ jJ 1 Lt^" oj 

** ** •* * **/ ** ** V*t V 4 ** *i 4 * •*** ** * V *• 

cjJL^j ol^i^l Jj>- 1 Ll?L>wo J^jLa t Llk>- j 

U-* W ‘^Mi cr*^ ^t* oli Jl <Lj^j 

^-LiL aJJI d)l .oL*l kiijlj 4 JJI 1)1 i ^ jjgj 

o j-Svj oJl t oJi l-Ub : Jj_L> jjtj t (, dJLJl 4 JIS 

** ' K 

, (43) «*J| .. . «0J| dUU- JLoJ tJjULj IJlaj 

jSjji Jl*--* 

jk LoJjU jk t(iljjJl N) ^o>s-oJl ^ 

^ ykp kbkkl 0 j-ill oli*)U j*J lcr ijU U^L>- <><£1 

: cP- a ^ Lj»J\ L*J^>-j J-j ckiJ J-^kl 


• t o^>«-*Jij 

j-S'Ju 4 (77*e History of Sexuality) ^jjli ^LlS' ^ 

^Ul jJy\ ^ <Ap £U Sjk U ^^JUJI 51 jSj* 

.166 c <u~ij jJLall (43) 


(Censor) tiJbUl s\ ji\ <^1)1 4 

^ 4 j o jJtli O^L>Ji oJLfe ^^3... Ow^-saJL ^J-L» 

_ dUJLS 4^Jo - ^->J) 1 la v> ll jj5o oNl>Jl oi-A tiJjjli 

j-A iOjjLiJl /SjJL!l 4 _>-! j_> ^JUl ij-illi 4 ^jLJI <LpLW j&j tlj^-lj 

(ji 4 ^9 j*!m 6 y 4 4^-l^J . tol jJl 


o^jliU aS.iU^ll s jiJl oJla . ^ ^ 

^ydl SjJaJl 4 ol jJ o j-i 4 4 juL« 4^JL«j o jJ Lfjl . <u^oJ Iji jl Sjj 

O'* 3 n * tl^Ut L»J»j Oj£i jl L tJ i- u ~)~» '.Jj& 

.(jUxSll jl Jl (JjjJl 

bjjti\ ^HSl bjjLi\ j±A I^UJI ^ jtf JJUS 

^xiUlj (. jbtS’ l j^li!lj t j b*& ^L— Jl bjjA Jl O *■” j t*" 

^jJl j*jJiJl ^yJJ iUi SjiJl -Ai-^r s$> 

o ^3® ^3 ^ ^ lhA-A ,t2. ULoJI oLw^* ^ j ^ 6 ^ * Ja-ojl 

^ U c\ c oj j 4 j-jfcj . (The Disciplinary Power) «^UajJl 

4 (J OJJ^AJ UaJ jA { J^ J&J . ^ 

U ^1 iiUiNU y»j • (46) o* ^~*d ^ : <J jX>j 

fjjJl IJla .4 Jl^OU j! (Repression) £-«JiJl jl ^---SL!l ^Uai jJLiL N 

>— f j j * • J-j ‘J^*Jl f ji* a A -*-r~n! ^ 

£_JaJl SJa-^ljj Jj ij jJli-ll ^\ ojLiNU p+k> M j t (Technique) 

t (Control) U . .a t l j iJI^L L h^UaJU ^ j i (Normalization) 

Michael Foucault, The History of Sexuality , Translated by Robert (44) 
Hurley (New York: Vintage, 1980), vol. 1, p. 85. 

Michael Foucault, Power j Knowledge: Selected Interviews and other (45) 
Writings, 1972-1977 , Edited by Colin Gordon, Translated by Colin Gordon [et alj 
(Brighton, Sussex: Harvester Press, 1980), pp. 104 - 105. 

Foucault, Ibid., p. 89. (46) 



j' ^y» <J M °' dr° ** j' v ^ 

Jj-4j .(jwLs^Jl ^LjJj <j J-v2_ll 4-*J £A ^jloJ 0 ji aS^^Lp <jj i^JCO 

j\ c o^jL bjl LajLjLpL Sj-S-Jl oJ-A JJL>*J jJ 

La l ^ * sr? ^Ls OJJ^AJ Ml IL&jJ {jAj M 

.tjj 5 Lj^>- jl tip-Laj La j Lip I jl c jLJl ju ^ ji tilliA jl 


^ .<!^-*Lll 4 jLLj |>-La.b ^jxjLu» j\ 0 ^JjJl ©JLa 

«_^a)I «1$J Oj^waO *J ^J>y_ U5li iJaJai l$J 9jJ>- djjjJj 

jj-J *i%*S ,J>jj\i jj~AZ> jt-fi; M 9 _^aJI oi^j . <48) Lfij— jUjj 
.£» 2 >mJIj iljjJl ^ iUiJl Mj toLU-jj (Sovereign) JO 

jjjLill g tf <> cJxi-^1 Ji jS' 0 } • cJ jLaX^-L 

( j“* J^S" ^j3 OjJ>- Jl 0 J-aJ| <LS*)Lp 

•* ^ *r 

i ^s Ljj ljis c <U>-U ,‘yo ^jjjajo i^j*y 

(49)* 1 »* 

* ^_A 

.89 ^ t<u~* jJUall (47) 

.98 c ‘Uwij jJLs^ail (48) 

o^J c£-Ll o~^ 4 g . t . : ... ^ .142 j 93-92 ^ t4»w*ij jJLvail (49) 

<j? «-jLSJI ^jU bli U \ht .(Origin) Ju^Vl. jJUo" J3L~*j o^L-loj j^pJL, 
bll-b tuLbVlj bt^JaJl jJ_b ^ jjJL*j ^joS" I3j» : (Manuscript) c*U?^l*£ 

* ^ t * Jjj £r 

(jl (_5^° *-tUi jJr U-jil 4<UuJaJlj jLj^l ^jA O J>c3 

^jS> L mO jI 0 j-L>*_Xj *■■ ^ • 0 1 1 . | *l 

0UJ>l 51 !*: li^i (UkL.) > 1 ^- 0 ! ^4 lil j\ 

*-*-4* ' l ^4 *■ (*-^ y |*-5L^aj! p-sbl ij jiLii u^j ^ jj>- j *y j*. . laii j 

j'*-^' 4jj^ oLs t 0jj£a> UU- <uSl 'i/j t Ij j^Lij t jUJJj 

Loyd D. Easton and Kurt H. Guddat, eds., : ^1 ^ jLbVl j b^JaJl 

Writings of the Young Marx on Philosophy and Society (Garden City, N.Y.: 
Doubleday, 1967), pp. 313-314. 


^ijL*_Jd Uij ^sJ-L-^ j jljiSlI ^-L^L ^1 t (Disciplinary) 
{Discipline and o^j ^UaJl 4 jU 5 ^yii 

4 . * X . ^Li5 J jl j_A ^JUI i Punish: The Birth of the Prison ) 
j twJtaJlj 0|® <Jj-Aj .Sj-iJl ^5 iojJaj 

oLJl t a-uL^^II L .. a-_>j^J1 j 

UU j (Sorting) U^ci\ j 0 ^Jii\ j aJI ^JL! U j*j (Techniques) 

ij (Normalizing) , g « : r kjj 
^ Ai jJUi J^>- jJ N AjI j_S* j 3 JJLlpI C dUi J-* j-t5i . ^ 

. cusjJl ( j^ju ^ Sj-aJ aa!j^> o-~J j t ^ yr3 

** ** 

* . * 

f. £ 

tyUaJlj «UaJl ^L£! jb>jl jjipl 01 L.LS- 

(Domination) ijJ <lLL>J w j ^ jlS 

** •* 

AjjJalll A^>*^il ^Jlll vi^fcJl <L)lJU« ojjb*J ^ 

j*J IjL* J J ^ JUo la o ) OjSIaj ^ J-JJLlSI A^S jUl 

JLp j *\ i jl 5J li^JLJl oL^-j-JL! jUU ^jJU jjjAiJl 
u) If L^p crH dr* i-a-«lS3i 

ji boLL« aJI j^-JL ' I o jJaJl 4-^*» j 


o jiaJlj t AAjL^JI c-jLaxJI A^JsdI ^1p 0^>***3l 

.^>1 i^J ^ ytf JJJs JA Uly V ^1 V^jUl 

aJUJL>sJI (1) ^T " "‘ ® ^Ja-*-wwU ^-1} jS ji 


J JLiJl oJL* j . (A Technology of Power) l jiJl L>- 1^—i 

^ijlj (>* LfrlA^ (j^i ^ 

Michael Foucault, Discipline and Punish: The Birth of the Prison, p. 221 (50) 


j (Exploitation) yu> oSl dJJi 


(Labor Process) olJL^a ^ o jJa^JL oLai^J (Alienation) 


US’ 4JI tJ Sy jli: ^ v-5jUJl S>JI ^ 


^ • >~Jl ^1 5 >L~JI J5 (Total) (Alij^) 

j! £La!I (wiJLS^ ot ^ t J j2i\ 

S^wLaJ^JI ii ^ a-qJI /o jjjJi oU^aJ <a-s^ L>- ol^S ^j-P SjLp ^juJI 


cr^* (>“ . 4 _mS> jfij J jb <y jS\ 

JILLS' cJl5 jjJJl eJJLJl 4 -JLlJ o j^JLaJI 

.iuiJL>- JbuLJl ^jJuJ djUL-Jl 

IJU 0*lS ^loj J o>Jl AiUiU LoJUb j ua cJlSo ej l&I 1*1 


y* Oj-JLiJU <, (Nihilism) «^Ji*Jl» :_, cJ ,* 

** ^ 

.f|j*Jl 3 >JI J.U 

LjJl j-lij <+*rj SfJ ^ (il *J — Li J £j 

m ' -r 

(Auto- ZS\S3\ Lf^U^ o j*** ^y> (, dUi JS\ Jj <> (Perspective) 
S^ljl j^al aJLp jJLUl lJL-w jj&ljJaJl a-JL^J JlS j .Biography) 

j-* Jl-ws^LLJI L« . (The Will of Power) 5 j_iJl 

a* ** 

! Lul JL>«Jl JajLJ j*Xaj 4jLLS^ (ji Ljfe J c oLwJU 

^^SLj : (Perspectivism) 

«* « **s#r , 

JI jl 4 -lji -_} 




Jj_L . (51 ^ L-tfg <. \^y>- y* ^ . la ,,, ; * /z I L; 

U ^ j J ii p <J j) «.<g > <-AJ 4 _^_L-w (_£xJl j ® 

aS^ oli xp . (52) «oycJU 

J .^ijUJl ( y>^> tLilx&lj LxiL^j lu-^ 1^-3 c5 L*X 

^ a * g * t . . <L^r-l »/3 ^ ll 1^-L^" CX*a*X® A-9^-*-«-jl 



** u ** * t *♦ ♦ ** t * 

. Aj j tla^a A3 jJC» Jad3 t Aj j j|B^ 

OIa^-JI a j-j-i-o j (Truth) JjJ-vaJl f J-4-^ <j*-»j-iJ 

. .iy ■ , »...- . U UJIp '•.>U; jl«] .UIa j c~-J oL>JU» : (Argument) 
U .- llj t i?jJaj>»Jlj 4 ^L-a^-^Lj ^aXJIx (JjJij) 4<-*3 L ^ r * - ) 01 
Sj j^Jl ^ t 0 j) ^ • yl 1 ^ aS^^JLjj 4 Ai^xOl — t._ ««*«■» ll AS^^ajj 4 w ■ 

t^J .^wu jl X-l jJ-L ^ oOa OUjVI 0j^ <>* 
tlJljbjj C-^a»J oL>Jli viiij c5^ 

1 a g * j p ; J j-ajj . ^Uaj>*Jl J»»-Xj 01 sL>Jl bjj^j 

li^Lbl aJ aJ^Lp V j-^i t (Species) £jjJl Jai^J X X-»-< J l 

. (56) «S >a 3L j^A-Ul Jijjo yi jL-j i3ju«JI jLoa U» . (55) «c3x^JL 


.481 ^ jJUall (51) 

.496 t<uX j.A ^H (52) 

Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche, On the Genealogy of Morals , Translated (53) 
by Walter Kaufmann and R. J. Hollingdale (New York: Vintage Press, 1968), p. 
12 . 

Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche: Beyond Good and Evil , p. 4, and Gay (54) 
Science; with a Prelude in Rhymes and an Appendix of Songs, Translated with 
Commentary by Walter Kaufmann (New York: Vintage Press, 1974), p. 121. 
Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche, The Will to Power , Translated by Walter (55) 
Kaufmann and R. J. Hollingdale, Edited by Walter Kaufmann (New York: 
Random House, 1967), p. 487. 

.534-455 ^ n~Ju jJUill (56) 


(57)„ ... 

jA-oJl U*** ^ O j*j ^ ^j^^j' 1 

^JJu La ^J ^A^aJ : (Destructive Skepticism) ^IjuII ^JULtl 

4 5i 4jJ-^l oii |*-JlJl ^L^>ej jbUw J (1)1 (J J-flJL 

<j\ y> J^JJLi 4«1*J hjai ip> I 4 J IliiPj jl ^ -Jj ^ 

hji J5U>J1 Ujfc^AS'j t Jj-AiJl <y £>• ^ 

^LJl cJj-ill JJL> t (^JJl (Jj-aJU 4 LJtLo 

•* ** *« 

^^-9 4jV 4 Jj * /3 l l j-Aj^- j-A 4 Wt*iLJ*LS^ ( j-^^l) lj-A 01 -LajlpI lilw 


r* ‘r* 


•li^i j^” >* 4«Ji^ tiiycJl jlf>- 01 ^LmuwJ «^>.J 

. (59 VLiSfl ibh*l LJlj cii^Jl JLp J^JI oLfc, c Jj 

c (iL^JLjJLj <, 4j^/ jJloj J^jJL Lliaj L.^ 

. (60) sUJU l4«iJ LJlj iS-ii JJU. Jlp oUjJI 

L^Jwaj 4<U-s^jVl C*>l>-L>0l^ oLp ^J l (JjJal^Jl UJ jJSj 


uL ^IjJLdNlj t^-Ja-iJl ojjj^ ^^Lp J^JL^j j-Aj t^-Lk 
4 o^A-A 4 ol^Lws*>Jl O^l^jj^ AamwmJ . Aj ^ L«^ tJwa ^^_}LmJLa 

(61 )„ «|| « I 1 . 

OjAJl O-iljl OJJ^P 

b Li 


cA* ^ tr* “-V'-' d tfi 

.aJLj*J| LjL>-L>“ 4 : *,rt:a~ ^JJI ijj^aJlj 4^UaJl ^y* jlJLuJl 11 


A^jLjLwO P-Lm^VI . ).yg| J5 4 4 ^Lp<mLm9 ^JlAxJI aJl»U3j Lo^ 

,t^L**>eJJ 4-Llij Ajtj^AA ^\ 4AjjL-«laj 

Nietzsche, On the Genealogy of Morals , Preface, p. 1. (57) 

Nietzsche, The Will to Power , p. 275. (58) 

.274 ^ la~* jJL^il (59) 

.276 ^ i. <u*ii jJU<ail (60) 
.277 ^ t«u «4j jJL^ail (61) 


Og cJ^jij t a»aJL> L^« (^5^1 I^IjjLmhI 

t«oL»aJl#j t#frj_J>j_*Jl»j t (( J-jl la o 1l » ( _JtJl#j 4«*^_JLJl» 
UuUal* jy * I oUyJ>-l U Jl*>sJ 

. <62) «(b;aljij) cSJUJLS' obw> tft Uk, JUJl U jjui III 

Jl«jUI ey^lii ^ oJLj^Jl *jlJO tLfjLS' UJU- ^ 

0 ^jjJl t\j ^ jJL.1 i 0 01 ■ t 4_01 

dr*0 4 ojj^-ajLj t UajI L>-jJjjJjI J^-io 


«olJUl Jjt*; dAJS 

• J <Lul*X>* UUj ^ 

cJLi? Lg-»1 t ^jJ j 4 A-oli-L^ J-«jL^JI d^jol jJ 


( j^a £!JLLjI l Ot® • <J j- 5-13 uLw^jj 

t O <-J j^a ^ UsJb~ i A^Uilll <Lo*XxlJl oJ^Xo ^)l C L^ao^l 

<^|JL>JI JUoU *1^1 ^1 ^|JL>JI Jl*_>LJ i^LJl iiUlJl ^ 

(65) «iOJa^^l 

^Jlp jS j <d5 «jla oJlmmOI «. ->l ~ 01 ^J1 ojLJ^^fl 

UIJU1 <JI >J1 i-aiJl , «* i^U^j 4 <.5.L,:.,I S j>Ui£ ifljbJl JbuU 

*♦ *• V ** *♦ P v ** * 


.^i^-^ji y.^ij guji 

.283 t'Uwij jJUall (62) 
Hutcheon, The Politics of Postmodernism , p. 166. (63) 

.167 ij# t4**j i) jJL^all (64) 
.167 ^ t4-*i jJUall (65) 
.167 jJUall (66) 




JbuLo ^Iju^JIj 

HJlj.Sl, ^UiUl jl ^1 SjLi>l' jJLj^J i\j-i±-\j 


(V ^r A '-^ a J-* oL-Lii^l j oblf-li—Mlj 

^]\ i*_JL!l ^ j^ju (^ISJi! j-fi JU- jJl 


.aLp aj>- aJU&JIj ^sSsiJl j 5aI yd\ 

.173 ^ j.\. /o[ \ (67) 


^dJlissuIiI La a $a& La t^JjjLojJl 


U^o oil (<dl5w1 j) (Re-Presentation) JJUiJl 5 j£i JSl 
IjJ U (aLuI>A>vJ| JjuLa L^->- j*5*J ^JLdljwa 


« * - A . j* aA 


• i ? 

• ‘\ir 

(JVew >*jU ^ j^UwaJl Jj-I 


J^UJl ^rjj JliJLj' 4-saS 1995 ^Lp ^ York Times) 

& is, ^ 

6 jL_ 1 pLj 4jI ^jU t ^ j-**\ L§-$ jl 4-*-PjJ 

L^jIj ^j-p ilsL^Jl cLUj c*JtS^ oXwa <jLwa t LJl>bs^ 

(Ir 4 ^ ^ J^J *d'jj J** :® 1 — L<J| J_p- 

(— i-ll J_5 jj-^j (jl t(jL»«Jl) J-?- jJl iJL/h ij-y* 1 j Jt -* *— —'Ij 

jUiijl ^ j ^> Jl ^4 ^1p ^jl» :s.C~Jl (_->l_p- <jl£i t«?4Jjljj 

*♦ •* 

iJUfcr iA+> o ^pI ^jJl Jl jJUJl 

Mark Slouka, War of the Worlds: Cyberspace and the High-tech Assault (1) 
on Reality (New York: Basic Books, 1995), pp. 1-4, and Nancy V. Wood, «The 
Road to Unreality,» in: Perspectives on Argument , 3rd Ed. (Upper Saddle River, 
NJ: Prentice Hall, 2001), p. 84. 


J l^2i\ oJu j* (Slouka) IS jJL- vi^-Ul Aii-I Ji j 


t LgJl (djUJI) oJlLmJI vULb Jj^ 3 L _ 5 b> LiL^a J jjLJ *_ 

oj .,<g 5 jlSJ .ipjl jl to jl t o>- jU> tol j ^^-3 

La d^XP JLd 4 4 J^L-**j JSL 4 Lg->l 15 ^JL» JJLlplj) . J^a 

‘<_y* W>jP i>" toJli 

** 4* 1 

t i L^_d <1)1 ^Ipj a-ws^aII ti-lb ^1 p 

♦* 4* 

.(Real) <-*51^1 jl tJJi>Jl y* U «. LgJ ilfclj J 

! J*iL»Jl jLjl jl *Xaj w^A>- 

(Good Night Sweet J^Ji J t+iSr : 4^' cr^Jj 

4* 4» 

. M/e; ^4 Murder in Boston ) 
J^P L. <LJL^jl ^Jl Lpb>a aJLI^vj ^3 LaJlS l5^JL*a «/? ^ > 9 

4* 44 

JJL^o pljfe oUrJl ^1 p *j ^ ^JLL 4j1 <J j J L 3 dLjJ 

^jl^Jl ^J-P ^^aLjLaJl LJLsAAjU jjh J <n£ji ^LSCj ^LJl oLw>- 

. ^Iju (J j-*-3 ^Jl (j jJLLa 1-Ll j-^J • ®(Rcal) 

' l—,r ** 

JlJl J 4 Jl<^J La ^_Lp 4 OwLjl^La 5j j^sAJj 4 aJIp L^e-ws^l AJjJ 

JaSL^a jJb L*JLAj ^3j L j*0 Jli) . 4jLJa La J Oj^JjLJLJl j-_P LJ ^ jJL 
(Re- LJ JLy<J (^1 JlJUJ ^Jl (Intermediaries) 

LwJLp ^p JaSLajJl LdLai JlI! 4 La Ip Sjj-sajj .Present) 


Olf-UJUl Cwaibj t^Ul irt ^ 

jla’ . ■» H i t 5jLs»«Jl fciU JSj t ^ j ' * *> i J^—^J 4 1» ^ • ;! 

^3 L^lail J 4 JjlaLj^j ^cujJ U5 ^JJl 

4* W ** ** 

^ Jil jJU, jU, ^I^JI o\yj 4 A_aL*Jl JJlJL>Jl 

j-aj .LjjL*. i)Li ^ja aJI jia U jic- 
J_p«j .0j~5 if-j—j iiJLki« SjL-Jl o j£j Lj-Up ajIj^ jiSI 

!^- Jl ^IJl 


J^L. ^11 ol ^ L5jJL- tio-LJl l^Jl 

*• «* •* 

.Juj^i\j Jy^lj- Jyi*Jl :Ubw 

. Ls^j).,i9>- j Lo <L oL>Jl JaSL^pt ^1 4.^w*J L 1 jj& 

JajLxj LoJJLp 6 jjbliaJl <J ISL« I 

O *- *-> 1 'jr* ^ '-iSj^ ?L~! 


L^aj ISLaJj ?UjjL*Lj La O^-^L 0jjjJL*3 ol^il 

'jjz * j obljl jS> 

^ & L*aLi L ^ Uj ^y?.<.>u ^ ^ - 1 o*Xfe 

- * 

j>>JIj j,>Jl £a &\juS\ llb^L JLp iJlS^Vl v^ 1 

Jjjj A-JlS’^j-aVl oJL>*JuJl oLVjJli t^A-iljJLwjJU _j t I 

*— ^ j-® - dU3 ji^Sl - Ju jjj (. oJal jJL^jJlSI LLo-JL*j 

tiJl^JUl 4J>JS cjl /u> 

iJlgJ Lj ^ s^l>s-a yA t oLjlajJl Jill 

(Pierre jLU Ju jii\ d^Ul o^i La JLp ^ *$X LlJ 

Aj^lyujjJiJ e^^Jl ii^aJl jl <, d^-Ul \jjt J Jh . Manent) 
jSj . ^ «, <a 4 t ^l ^V^a 03 jJa_La jl J-sA3 ^UaJ LgJl (ojj-iJl) 

.i*-S olij iaU oJla 

* ■* 

J-*J ‘ O-*' 0* ^53 

OjJaj L-wiJl 131 LJ| 4 ] jJL> 4 O^ita-a Lt>- ^JS> 
^UooNl dJJ3 Uj t^LLjo^l ^UaJl Jia oUl 

l£>*-^ j-S1j-*j I* : k ; ’ J 

Pierre Manent, «Modern Democracy as a System of Separations, » (2) 
Journal of Democracy , vol. 14, no. 1 (January 2003), pp. 114-125. 


jV-J ilLJ* LjjJlxj 4JU 1 

t j*JLp ^ *1 ^*>Jl °jy K i <^-^1 1-i-* (1)1 ^\jlS 

kJjlkJj] j <*?**- Cr* ^ Jj -* dr^' 

^i\ oUJliVl (1)1 t<l)jJjJL L *j> t<l)jJjJL t<Ljj-*Jl 

C5^' cP^l JLwI jJl ^ 6 

4j^Xd3l i ^ ^** 11 -j-* 0 *■ 1 Amm^1mmm31 *— j L — » j . J 1 


ijtljiwJJl jLip! o\i tdUi 

o ^So ^L—Jl ^Ls^^l j%JLp 41>-Jjb I CjLjVj 

»LkJl i^U- yfc J-msjUI <jl : J >LJ L 

* (^ t 6 Apljjl ( j^> 4lw* ^llxj J t doA>«Jl jj! 

** i ** 

.^UcWl ^-JL J~JI f-JB y*j c,^Jl J^i .1 

.oUaLJI J*a» .2 
.il jaJl ^ 4... : :<)1 J**i .3 
^JjuJI m>m)I jj J.iflall. 4 
.(«-Ujl ^&i) jJUJb (*UJI j ~£i) ^5< JnAdJI. 5 

. <4) »L>JIj ^LJI j- j! t f*2Nj Jgt J-A»JI .6 

SjLp Ia^>* l^Jl (. oJjb JlsAaJI ^l^jl li^lJLckJl ( 1)1 (J j4-U 

p p 

Lol .(Prescriptive) ojLju* jl (Imperative) ^ 

^QaJl cLllS ^j^Lxl ^lp ^ jJlXd 1 4^j Jj>xJl *Li^*Jl <0^>*Jl 

.flfcJl dJUi J^iil il tJ^AJL ^UJI 

jL-JI ^ O^UJI 4 iS>t !>i vi^Ul 

t_»>*JiJl il jjl) (. ( jKJjjisi\ ^ I»_«jLJ|) 

.115-114 4 *~Z, jxA\ (3) 
.117 4<u Ju jJUoll (4) 


cJtf I tjjAJl y iVl ^ joJI AS ^ 

** •* 

Lu. Jlp Jl 5>- ^1 iJLSJl S^jJLiJl oU^j^JI ^jLil 

loJLje 4 (Authorization) dJJS £jAl? -SJb-jJl 

4 j-ft IJLa ^jJI jli t IjLmuI o 



i ^>1 jJl ^J-s^jiJIj aJ \ d)l jJL jULo L)jlaj 

U -^-9 4 aJ jjJlj ^Lsazj Qj£j (jL ^Jsju ^JUl 

aJI ^*-JJl L >- ^ jA jS *&aj .<_£ j^SJl £jo 5 

^SUj I4J \zSj L oljj-^aJ ^1 p 

** * 

(ojlslji ji^ui ^u^i.juuJi oUi ^1 tjs i-Vi ^ tUSj 

«• «* 1* 

^1 aJ^-UI pJLtf- ! {jJ* LdJjj^a ^$JL>e-aJl jj^Lt 


Ol$*>L*Jl jJfc ^mLoJI ^<kJL>s-^Jl (1)1 .^JLoJl ^<kJL>s-<Jl ^JLpJ 

olwjj tUUJ dJLIS J!>U- ^SI^Jl .Jui ij^Vlj a^L^SVI 
(.5^ t ^1 j^Jlll /*Ualll 1(1) jJl I^JUj 

»* ** 1 ** It 4* Vhr 

US^Li ijL^Vl ^ aJjjJI c/¥l Sj i-LJl J J*i\ll 

olx* U-fJj t JlioJl ^Js- tUUJl ^ (BMW)j (Siemens) 


!wlj iJjjJlj tSJjjJJ l-JI^ OUiJb- V tjU*Jl ^J\ll 
ol j_jLUj t4_>«JL^^l oLpLi_s^? j 4 Ja-ijJI oL 5 *j_Jjj 

OtaX^^b^wQtJ ! A.) ^l^L^miJI ^ >l** u 4 a_*j 9 c^L)Lji 9 

♦* ^1/ # Hi* !„/ #/ 4 4 ^ 

^JL« V] I (_)l L»j .^k^nj <—> j^~ l jj> <. <*£ j^woVl 

•dUi JLp iJb-lj 

0 (1)1 4 j->- 1 IJLij iXdjJt IdA 4.4^s2bJ 

jS/ t jjJ.ljl-^Sll i 5 *AP H_jLP ^yLp L4JI JJwI^.1 

.119 t <u*aj j^Uoll (5) 


4 J y6 j-p j^UaJI j^>VI 

♦* -** 

^Ul U5 t JUJl ol5 lil ^ .U-J^ 4~w»L~Jl 

^lll 4-^>-L^aJl C->! j-feUkoJtj l?L «/J *Jl 4 (1)1* La 

J jJLJ Jjb Ljjjl jIjlLj a-jS’^oMI o J-> w>Jl oLVjJl jj-a lg-> 

?A: r ,^P jl OsJli- *J 4(jlJ^Jl ^ ila— »l y I yl ^yl 

\ ** « »• 

^pUi^I jla*JI J J-Ldl . I 

V a* 


^ ^i5 . ^ J ji j_aj 4 (Thomas Hobbes) J-jj_a 

J (Representation) « o j-SLU a-**^ JlijJl 

Jii jlS' yyfe j! . (Leviathan) ajIiS" ya jyoLJl Ju^aiJ! 

(77*e Elements of : Lj» j ^bSCJl lJu JJ i^L*Jl Crrt^ 

^ •* 

^j-Ju (.1651 ^J> *-Jo ^JJI ( De Cive)j (.(1650) Law) 


*^1 jJ <■ {Leviathan) <lJ ^JlII j»UJI 

^ J 

((^y^JD) j}-a; jlkJ ((J^iJl)) S ^.Jjk JJl>u" Lot 

^ l^rr-L! jj-Lj <jl -b«-J (.(Person) 


ya j_a (Representative) 01 4 (Artificial) 

jij* djjj LJUx-i'ifl LjJdJl *-&>-j5\ <y> 


LajjJL; a-JLSJI dJlaj 4 (Persona) y* (Person) ya^Ji iJLS^J 


( 6 ) 


AjLJj U y 4 A>- ^JlS^ 4 A*a li 

Howard Warrender, The Political Philosophy of Hobbes, His Theory of (6) 
Obligation (Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1957), p. 147. 


(Leviathan) ^ JiLJl { yL 

¥f ** ' •* 

^-°jj L® j j-hj e£^ 

(Commonwealth) jl JLL>» : ^LxJl jj>^iJI «JuJL«jl1I» 



t ^1 j3^l Jjjj LowLLP 

p & & f 

* • • (j-*" j' (*-$-^* l-^lj ^ j-* lj^Jw^_> jl 


^ LiJ I jJtSLxJ jJl -jlj-dV I ^ J) ^ ** ? " jj. 

^ * 

ol_j L^aiwi IjjUtf yJ^Jl |» i « < >:> « 

Jj (*liJl £LAj) ylL-JI ij^-j ^ I ijj»j V oJlp- jJl «JLa y J^aaJI 
y. ^j^w. jVWlj by Oisl *1^ t^UJl jl !l oJj-j ^1 

. <8 W|j alji^l 

J**j .iljJiJl J ^ oy ojSy iJL* Jil 

♦* *+ 

<jLUa^&Jl j_>- ^1 4-vajL5-« 6 JJL*Jl LgjJ-J* 

0 ^JLJl (^ ^sJl <)U) <!U ^*1 CJ15 ^Jl 

t 4 j*JLjj .CjUaJL*Jl JlS" oJL> ^3 ^®L>eJl J} 1 la o ll ^UJl ^ g 1 


4j| toJL>-j c oL>*)l «/3 ll J^l la o. )l j^Lp-JI IJLa Jjjjfc ^ 

$ 1 **1 



t ^-wwLwmJI Jujiodl <JLmw® ^3 jjj-A jiaj 4^j>- jJ I Jla *X*j 

j*-S^>Jli tlj^J £j-Jl j-* crrf 

Thomas Hobbes, The English Works of Thomas Hobbes of Malmesbury , (7) 
Edited by Sir William Molesworth (London: J. Bohn, 1839-1845), pp. 159-160 

.151 t<u*di j^LmoII (8) 
.210-207 j 159-158 ^ ^ jJudt (9) 


cJ jJLj I j-A (Jj^J (jl ^ (jJLjfl-^Jl 


Si I aa j £> Jl o j5o N cJ j jJaJl oJla ! ^yL L« (Garner) 


^yi (O-Sj-oJl J-S_p) ( ' I wXjlJ^b/ I ) ( jJkjjJtli\ 0 jL-P (jV 

. (10) ((ij ! jbi4 5jU tJLuJl flkJl 


jJLxjj <u V t oJlJL» j**£* olL l..* ji j»^L>»JI 

^JL yj*j .iiJLkJl I iJU SJU ^ jt IJJ t jb4 


oj f L.l VI J jj . ^ j-fri ^VL-JI ( _ r — --LJ jl5 ^UJl oi 

(u) , 

o^>- J 

(Hanna J\ SjLiVl 1 >SUj J-L^jJI {\y\ J>\ 

. {The Concept of Representation) JyjiuJI f^jla L^bS* ^ Pitkin) 
o jialll H JuluJl ^jA ^o_^vu IJla 

o^kJl dJUu iLAJ ojj-saj l*t ^yJl ^Authorization View» 


jl dLb jJa (frbJl js^Sij) i g - * ^yXil 


La {ja j* i>Li <J-«-*-"-! 

^yi-P S jJajJl o*L& J-v5" ^j-SsJ . 4_L) jj>tj OJl5 L^P 43 jJL>- 

^lAj) (frbJl J^ww^j) LgJLwlSwi Ai^bJl 4ojy& 

. < ~ l2) *Zj J ^l\ i jkJl* 5 _^kJl oJla ul j5o olj Jis (frUJl 


ojj-^ (Max Weber) ji J y£ j 


JJ U l3l ^*A>sj L#JUp t LgJ^Lcwl JL?-15 j£] t Aj ^j J ^ ll o ^JaJl ^yj| 

James Wilford Gamer, Political Science and Government (New York: (10) 
[n. pb], 1928), p. 642. 

Hobbes, Ibid., p. 322. (11) 

Hanna Fenichel Pitkin, The Concept of Representation (Berkeley: (12) 
University of California Press, 1972), p. 39. 


<*y^*-* fl** LfcJ L f}\ ojj^u <j\ 44J jl> 

ciU^ ^*X*j 4pL«*>«JI 4 *JL> tl)l jl 4 L^UAj ^]f 4pL>J>- il jil 

. (13) lgJ #jL* Ail j (Legitimate) UjjJL* 

OulS" L*-^-a t(^ljL!l l )1 j-A 4 Lxa t jj*y>~ 

JyJ JL*pL fUJl J J- JLS t ^JLIawo L^Ja-^1 j_> IjjUtf jJl iLjJflJl 

U* i/® ^ i_s^' tlf! 


‘ gJL^JP frj | ^J^wLftw^Jl® A.. rf> II, m, * l _4 0 ^ 5 -i— > j l_J ^ ^-1 

__l>vJl o_^j jl ^ys^'Jj (_$JJl J~uJl yfc j t (Descriptive) 
.I4I5 o’Vl ~oj J^a AjLJL" <l~»y <=-Uipt y iily 

1 j-JL>mJI ol J jL (^JUI t (John Adams) yol u J-fr AAAAAAAJ ^ 

10 P ^ 

*wP a1? y. s^o 0 JK*£LA ljy0 Oj& (1)1 J.P LLJUw (1) Jo J JjJl 
JL* I JLwOJ Ij j- J lJLjJ Ijj-^JlJ (1)1 4jl .,<0 p| ( J«P J 4 4^ (w*-«-JLJ1 
J5*i J^J 1 Oj£a (1)1 -Jj (_£ JJl J^JUJl (1)1 . 

.4 +A*p Jl 0 JlJI oJl& jLo c^lJa^o jj . ss~>* 1 1 ^>Jl 

Jl Sj u>l ^ 1 V , JUJI gljt ^ UJi U Jl 4 iU>U 

L$J15 JVl 0 Jo JLp (1)15 fjSi\ (Edmund Burke) iJ ^ 

oUJI I J JL . 4 -^ 0 J oJl 5 4 J Jala 4 (LJlIajjj) 

4 Aj^Ljwjj 4aJL>c* 4_-JjLL« *1 jJt** (^^jJjJl 

.39 jJL^il (13) 

Karl Loewenstein, Political Power and j 4 43 ^ 4 4 — - — 4 — J j J — *oit (14) 
Governmental Process (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1957), p. 38. 
John Adams, «Works: Letter to John Prenn ,» j 4 60 y> 44 — aJ jju^ll (15) 
IV, Boston, pp. 195 and 205. 


(Xr^ ' jl Jj>-\j J5 Jls- 

4^t-LsA-o oli o.L>-l J j-^-dlU ^**-L>e-0 LJI 4 1 Jbo 

^-0 j-*J>cJJ oLiJl U <L^>- 4 ^Jl^Jl 4->eJLv2-« 4 0 Ju>“l J 

** * 4* 

. «U>«Jl A fb U -l*]| JiJ! 


! (J OwLo ^3 LtL>^ o j_Ji>LwO i 

Oj&i ^jj oLI j*5\jUol Jl^J 4^*5^ 4 ( ( jJL>C^JLl) Ij^dP j j*5ol 

. ®oL«J jJl j-sap Ju 4 — jU 

4 lgj5 io^U Jj 4 ^lji*)U OjJalll oJjb ^3 4 N tl)l <.^J?\j 

oLV ^Jl ^ O^JUl 5 >jJ1 ^ oJla ^ Uiku 

** ** 

& p p 

.L ay*& ijjjJI LjjjI (J Ji J 4~S — «*if I aJ>«i*JI 

ol>\fl £»L,j alyVl J-u; Jj» iJl^-JUl s>JI JjUsH 

<cLLl$' ^ ^JLjl (James Madison) Oj-^-oLa jl 

«* 4* 

V-r^' j' {Federalist Papers) iJl jJLjUI 

ixiJl j -^1 jibAJ oiJUcuJl ^JLuJl JumUJ c5 Jlp 4jl1sI j_^ 

oIp iiUlp j-<Jl t>® 3 Jlp l$jL (Faction) 

p i-^ p 

4_*^? jL*JL« ^1 j|_tf ^ jJLsIwO OtJJj-* jl 


^Lsau (Filter) o 1 6 Lj 1 o^wj^U> 

OjjJJoj (*lill <ul*Jl j)a^i\ oLp-j 

( 17 ) 

Edmund Burke: «Speech to the Electors, » in: j t 171 ^ icJ J jJU^il (16) 
Burke’s Politics; Selected Writings and Speeches on Reform , Revolution and War, 
Edited by Ross J. S. Hoffman and Paul Levack (New York: A. A. Knopf, 1949), 

p. 116. 

James Madison, «The Federalist no. 10,» Journal of Politics (November (17) 

1787), p. 42. 


• ib! jj *Jjy>- olUJ UlL? Lgj 

jSIj t aJL^aj c dUS £o 

^£jJl ^UJl Oj_^Jl Oji\j jl J-s^2->cj oil : iJUl UjHJ\ Uj-^j^Lo 
t>° £° UU^Jl ^iSl l J^j» jwUaj 

. «L*a>*. ulS ISI <uli 

* . 

JJ^ J-«-M *Ai 1 ^ t^£J» 

cifcj 9 j-^ 4#^jj-iJl JaJaiJlj t ilbhuJl sljjkVlj 4<UjX«Jl oLpJ_J| 

t-)LU*iVL jjil J^ ^ i— ~JL«I 4 la .■>! jj jl ^> 1 a.1 1 j o^l^Jl 

• ^ » .« tj l 4jL^- *j 

>JI u! !lo- o> ill Jl Jp** M jIUJI jl dUi J*, 

j-$-® o J-A J-^J jj_^*j^La o-^ijL (jJLII 

Aj^jjJl ^JLwoJl (jl 4 J jJU -.■*-_« 9 l. a , . ‘C 

. <20) ! jl Ji-Vl ^ 5JU l*jloU* 

(j-Ui J iJjjJi i-«J »j o! ^ tjjiii L*s>y6- 

** +* 

l a *M J I g aj>7 jJ OiLp-lj 

IS jS^ ^ jxi\ fj\ 

(2i) " 

Oj^*-oU ^u^-wo 

jL5 Jo-\ A j\ C-JIS SI: 

.45 ( j/9 <,4 ~Jl> jX^all (18) 

James Madison, «The Federalist no. 63», Journal of Politics (March (19) 

1788), p. 324. 

Beer Samuel H. «The Representation of Interests, » American Political (20) 
Sconce Review, LI (September 1957), p. 629. 

Sheldon S. Wolin, Politics and Vision; Continuity and Innovation in (21) 
Western Political Thought (Boston: Little Brown, 1960), p. 389. 


4i\Sj\ 5 J&j dVl JI>JI .yLp ^UJl O jii I 

.luLl ^ i_J\ 


<. iJl^JUl iiJLaJl J tpLJl Ll- J!>. V i>Jl jl i 


j ^Jl^JUl 3 I JJLi ^il j}\ ^ Lat .oil jil Vl L«j 

(Lobby ^ - ^ oL^jpaj 

^ Uj— j^Lo ul5 ^1 o^iJl j^l>-\ Groups) 

^ •* 

<LoLsA*3i *)ll l - - — 1 -laJcs^aJl <jl 4 ^>*Jl^ 

<L«L*JI <L>*JLs<a_gJl Ia\ ^Jb.« J l l *jji dUS j-*-pj < a « ^ j 

.oL^xaJI dUj ^Ijj ^ L>jI3 ^^3 4 

4 IfrJLij tOLU^J^i ^jS '$«;»! <woJj la n */3 l l 


j jL*^ 4 -j i g -* 1 (_£JUl) (jLaJl 4Ja—.*lj-) c 

r *4 

• 0«*l *)/ I 3Ap 4 3kXxJl Ala.^l^jj t (^— 


<1)1 (Jj-SJl ttaiUjJ 4 0->lj-^Vl S'Xfrj (jLgJl <jl 

^3 o y*L> j*-^L>Jl 4 oJl 3wi_*_Sl 

JUl (1)1 I jJ& LjIjJ*- * JjL* • aJIj-^-UI AJalji^jjJl 

oLNjJI 5L3- ^ 3jj-^ ^iU: 


<_^d ^ i_s* j'-Ai ,y !4»«iJl 

*4 4* •* 

I v- 1 ^ 1 o^UJl ^Jb-1 tf^LS JUJ1 dJUd 
c~~J ^UL (jJLjl ^LJI) j^Lp ti*U jU 

^1 jj| ^Cs^j>- 3 yrj ( w-wwso 4 0 JjLxj* 2i^j> Jj 4 LjjLo 43^-P 

c L >l! *3LLqJ1j 4^JL>t^Jl 4-Jj>sJl i3ll^3 1 4j a ««*jJl 


( 22 ), 


Warren E. Miller and Donald E. Stokes, «Constituency Influence in (22) 
Congress, » American Political Science Review, vol. 57, no. 1 (March 1963), p. 55. 


i jXi\ : L.U J OlJiUl dJUb J ^LJI JJUiJl JU- y» 

•* •* +* 

! I *>Uaj L«jb <. *L#L*il a^cJLs£^JI ajL^^s^ 

Jjai^l ^LJI JuJUiil .II 

•» «* 

(The Aesthetical Political Representation) 

(jL^Jl aJJ) aJ-^I S jkJl ^ v-L-Jl 

Ui ol .GLi^Ulj -LpI^-VI jsltoJl oJ) ioJI ji\ s jkJl j 

Ji (Friedrich Schiller) ^JiLd dLjJbji jlS t *>L_p dlls' ^S-T 

. 4_^j L ~ U ^,4.1aT..> jjJiuJl jJbj tAPlJCol JjU- 


4 Uajl&l aAUAJU £%s>\ iij\j+A cJlS Jl 4 jJJlJ, aJ jU~. 

I*_pj cJ-LaJL o*L (j - 4 U : la:^V I ojLjlpI La jj>- 

(ojjjJl aJj^) A^LujJl aJj<A ]1 ! ^y» jj\ Aj^C ^j+j 

JjJLII <Jjj) ^4jal^»>l iljjJlj iJjj) A^L^I aJ jjJl j 

L^S* c >i aJ^ ji j ojis aSU^i iL>j .(Ju^Ji 

** «t 

V'IS UailSJl J-^Vl jjUi j 

p p 

jp- ^iLe ^Sl tLlU »3 ^ t(Ankersmit) 

dr 4 (*-U^ 4 /* Jd^xJl 

^ UOiP ^ r LLd ^1 j^i tAj^ ^1 aJIjUIj 


Sfjb j {Aesthetic Politics) SJiJa ■wwl V I <U»L )l ! AjLxS” 

. ( 24 ) A^LJI AiJuU ftUJ jJUamj dL/S' ^ 

aIaa^Ijj ^ I Lg_>- 4_^L~Jl j La. V I aJ*)L*J 1 Lol 

t (Representation) Ju^wJl o^So UjJUa* aUU^ UI^j 


F. R, Ankersmit, Aesthetic Politics: Political Philosophy Beyond Fact (23) 
and Value (Stanford: Stanford University Press, 1996), p. 22. 

.22 t j. i ./? ll (24) 


,«j| jJJ JUpVl JJUJ 4 Laj JJuJ 

2JL~« jA ' $ ■ • ••■' iJjjJl J-Jl^J (jl ojUspI ^ (Guizot) 
l*li* tUUj *. $ h<w ^JJI j-ft JJ jjjoiJl j (Taste) JjJlJI 

^ A $ ’ J J ) JJ***" t (Jl>eJl 

c/ c/ ‘ci>' ^ U^Lu: ^ 

Jj t ^fyjsyi J-L^-l -^rji M ^ U5 i^.L-Jl 

JJ jliJl ^ a-Uij ^ ja CJjSC (^JJt 

. (25) ^l J^J! Jl ^JiUl jl <*UI jci) oJLJI 

* *• ^ ® •» 

o j_5o (J j->- (J JL>«Jl l)I JLw<j ^_3 4_)j ^jL5 j_Sn_)I t— & « *,a u 


4j jJaJo ^mu t ObLstf jL*JL« jJflj ^ j ^ ^ 1 ® 


jl t •«■*' ! J_1«J jl L^j ,_^j«jj t (Mimetic Theory) JlJLJLJI 
iJlfJ ^JLpVl ^JJLaJLs t aJLU-oj La 4_2jQa-oJl l— > jLij 

(pUlII ^JLd->) L)t 

. o J_>-l j Ajj-ft ^ Ip (frlill O^LUm»J1j 

AjjJflj 1 4 jJLiJl 4j jiflJ ^9 A^jlxuJl ^ ^>*Vl 4j jt a« l l 


jJlLwJl (j jii\ iN t JjUi t (Aesthetic Theory) A^iJax^Vl 

p p. st 

*)[ La-? 4 4_J_>tj ( j^AJ jJ*\ l L^JwO aJL> 1 la A !l 'L-P (^1 (. ^-ILa-aJIj 

^ Cr^ <j£*-z 

•* •♦ 

. ^ C AjLijJl 4 U-A t I ^ j^-\ .Ajli 

.23 j-Uall (25) 

Jean- Jacques Rousseau, Du Contrat social (Paris: [s.n.], 1762), p. 302, (26) 

ail j| jj* * Jj-Aj t J~*JJ tii 

.j^-l Ll«i 0^ V j 1 3^ ^ L*^ L“l * 

^ ‘^! cr^ AamII e-^A^p 1 4-iijr I^j^So ol Ij—*J (w-ArftJl ^JijT 0|3 tlUjJ 

9ilj| 3^ -J* 31^1 


4-«JajVl 01 j^Aj tA-lJLoVl u-Jj-s^ ^j-Lpj 


Ott*" ls* 1 4 ; ; tf : l a:^ ^l Aj^laJl ^y y° ^ _ ^>*^1 j*JUJl 

.jdidl ^ ^ JA 01S ^jUl.^lkJl 01 

0L? (^JlJI (Carl Schmitt) c~-<>~^ Jjl5 

01 <J .AjLdl Aj^iaj ^j-P- I A-oJ 1 LjL Oj>-^JjjAjI 

<~j\sS j-y-^ ^Okjj-Jl o j_^L_iOl ^LJl 00£ c. 

j*5L>Jl j ^pLj^-^ 1 A_L*Jl ^ 4 jl » jJaJ £yj> <lJ <jaJ1 (Leviathan) 
. (27) u^ JilkJl 5 ykltj ttlk. ipli* j~J»l >J1 J jlkJl 

00 ^Lajl^I Jl jijjJl il»0® <01 

^ J-AJJ C-^IS Jljbdl Aj j-0j 01 Jp^Jl il t Aj jL) 4j jiaj JlJLdl A-> j-0j 

A^Ukjj a^O-^OOSO! (Natural Law) ^s^lall 0 ^JLSJl ^^JLp 


^juJI ^^JaJl A^Uil y* JJbJl ‘tA'-jA 1 <AHti ii-JLi 

«* . ** 

.<Ul^ ^1 JlJl«i!I L ^1 iilkJl L«j ,4jL_j|j otL^l t j^3l 


t&Uj ^ tJLiiJl jl tjyll j5Uj idUS Jlp 


v'jj ^1 ^ ol (4-j^Jlj i-SI ^Vl) 5 jJljUjJI oL^j^JI ^ 

*t ** 


. (Neo-Stoicism) ZsJ&^io 

■LJI 01 ^0 j-*-> L» AJwP AjJJli j g la 7 4_*Jl jL 



Lj j_j-L>cJ 

^ p <*• 

A Jj la 1 It ^jS' C LL>4 ^LL*j^ 0 yJLi i ^j-^*_$1 A_*Jl ^j-A jjt CU^W j-5ol 

V ^iJi ^ ^ . (28 ) jlJI£J| LjkJ Lj>jUJ\ 4.a>:.«yi 

c_it)0J>“1 Aj>“ j_> L$JL>- Nt 0^-^0 'V 0 ^ c a_aLs^ aJjuJI Aj^jaj 

i) jjJl y> j oX^s- iLLkJl j . <29) ii)Uaji l _ r J j (Difference) 

Ankersmit, Ibid., pp. 45-51 and 190. 

,29 ( j& t<«Aj jJU^all (27) 


.46 tA**Ai jJU^all (29) 


iJjjJl (Union) j\ c~L>-lj lx-* tL^-JLS’ 

<jt j-Jl j iSjjJl ^ ^»Uol jl iSjiJ ^ £-<>^-Jlj 


<J jjJl AkL- VP oll~> U-^o 

(JU y* j-£n-> I AjjJaj U 4^jiJ jJl ^L-Jl JUJI jl 

jj) *,/7 o llj 0 j j-vaJl <JU- LgJ C LsA^J ^ ^ ^ • » (J V AjU j£jO 


-L-L-Jl ii UU lJu» blii-lj • <3 %ljJl ^Ju) 

c_-j>*-*® cl ajJ <uocJLll (4-JLJaX^Nl) oil^Jl 0 -So ^ “ (JLJiL^Vl) 

* * ** n / #* + ** ** & ** t * *♦ ** £ 

^Jl I « A.U. J I ^^-1 - ^ . *1--- ll ol 

M (Sovereign) jJU- illiA» :^juaJI IJla LyCi~*j» aJIS L» 
* t * 

c l^j . C« ««»,« I 4 j9 i£>-j c ^ j Jj c 



C^ } ^ jiH^i ^ . l I t, ■•...! | ^ L^AMbll t) W 1 . . . 1 1 jjLsA« <jl 

.L^'li LJuJl ^Lo_c ^ L t (*liJl j~S->) jL-Jl ^ Vj (*UJl 

•* *♦ 

j-X A, — M i ^ i a^Ji Sj-aUp a-^L*J 1 Ua-UJl jl J jJLj i 


Vj c(pitJi ^jl») (*ttii aS^uji 

tJb-V l£b> v-LJl ikLJl .U^ ^1 JJ ^ UjUal j£w 
(pLlII JjlJJ (frUJl ^jlaj) JJl». Jl jl$_*_» jl ( j_^_«-j 

. 04 Vu^U 

& p* 

jl o!^ JL^si V 4j1 ^1 _/ij t<u^i ^L-u V ( _ 5 ^jj 


J-J ^1 j-sJl ^5® A*/?L>sj tAAilj ^*-1 4 -^jcJ| S^L-wJl 

.52 j-Ls<ail (30) 

.53 jJUaII (31) 

.53 { j& t<u oil jJU*aH (32) 
.53 jp# t<u - Jb jJUaII (33) 
.54-53 4<u«ui! j-UaII (34) 


.jL* £;LJl Oj*)\ Jb. jlkJl Jl J yi i^LJl ol>Jl 

(A Ail > cJtf l*il L~*^. N ^ J* jSJ 

Os)^ JJii- j Fiction) 

Jj>> C - w^-O^ Jb t ^Jl 

t ^. : . : .L ol o^^/aA^Jl j*£* gShJl* _> 4 **«**j 

^1 oLjiaJl dik! LUjjbl V 

(Utility) i>uL*Jl jl oJlUI Jl«) (Consequentialism) 

lil tJ&U-Vl ol <.6yu tOilJJ .((J. Bentham) blki^Jl -lij jiip 

^ •* * ’ 

s-tjJuj .*0hJl dUb' JJUJ Vji IjJy o j£s~i i-LJl ^ c-id 

LJI ^1 (The Welfare State) iJ> ^Jl Jy JJU dUi JU 

(36) ** i • * i 


^1 Jk (<S*>l4 j\ idkll Aid o~Jj) aJjjJI M -J JUpi ol 

«5T ** ' l,|,,-l, 

1 $ju>*JI ^5* I w\j ^Aj>- L^JIp ^jj_L>Ej 

** '** 

jl LJL^ 5 j-fc Lb o j^UaJl oJlA 

^jUl tJjJaJl jSjjj .^Ij^Jl ^UalJi aJL>JL>- ^>jU IJLjl jjfc 

. <37) 0 j& N aJIj jJl d-9- O >j£> 

Ly Uajj 0J j .^a.i J I jS- £jbdl j £JjUl ^ Jajjj j 

. ^y-Vl OjSo V U^-t>-lj Oji j* Ail JjA Ail 

.54 iCfij jX^all (35) 

.220 4 4*^dj jju<ail (36) 

.220 'j# jJUdil (37) 
.222 (. ‘U-oij j Aval I (38) 


j •, <? p 4 4 _aJ^/I c Lj j - ^ c* <_ ) i j** 3 

jlS' lil AjI^J .Oij *s3. A-Jl j+S* gS bJl j^&S* jlS" 4 A-Jal jJl^ 

«The Cunning Ji*Jl Sjlg^ ^1 Si j^ojl Jl ^jLrJl i^ (Hegel) 

«The Betrayal JaJI aJL>- I4J <J j* j&\ jU t of Reason» 

<39) AjjUaJ j\ JJbJl i^L-p l$-i jj tdJLJi ja Jbol j\ of Reason» 

. «The Self-Ironization of Reason» 

J* JJodJj ^L-Jl JJUJl J 

• , £*ij U ^i,| ■* ■* 1 <1 LLku-ML i^LJl 

O ■** ** v j - •• #■ . « 


c- * ^ t 

_ _ J' ** 


o jj-s^ jl j-a ij ^>H L* t-5 -^L r -Jl J-JUjJI U_^p t (Depiction) 

yk (Medium) ia — j ^ o jj>- j_Jl SjIj^I 


^ . — ~ /> Jl J 4~*>j ^ o S j j la . j-.«* jl ( _ # JlC- 

^1 ..... . j aJL^p j U a .(t-lijl j**£S) 


V (jLk^l) ^1 JjUiJI jl ^ ^ iwUJl s^&Ul :UU 

** *♦ ** ** 

4 ^ j^*“l <uJLSL .aip S_L Jj Sjj_^> Jj 4 JJLoj LJ 4 _^_>Liwo s ^ jlSj 
( j^L*»I j-A (^jJl lj-A jVj .aL^j L ^ ^Jl ^Jl J jb JLa 

ij^JaS c—J i^kJl oJlA jU . jlJUJI J> Jj^a j^jiJl 


jl dJi .LAwX>-^ ttafJJ JhS' ^A 4 . tf 1 Aj jiaJlj 

** *T ^ 

. (41) i^l ^ j^ ‘ill jjSL V JJUdl 

j A^P j-*^Jl A^uL^Jl 4 la L m ll jl j^jI I UL 


.223 { jA tA**oij jJL^il (39) 
.45 ^ 1 4wi) (40) 
.46-45 t ^Mjtj jJUaII (41 ) 

AjIj t JjjJl jl (J jiJ I dJJS 5 j>- j 


t Ij_^o aJjijJI i <3 tlUi J^j_> LoJU-p 


4jjbJU jJl jl iJLSJl JUJl 

i (Irony) I ^U^Jl 3 ^LL ^L~Jl aS*>Lp JLa ;Lulj 

Aj1 aJLJL>- aS^L*J 1 o j-fc ^ ! 4 J jJL j*}>- JJcJb L^JwP ^1 p JiS j 

Lwj ^-3j>xJo La ol j-®Vl JL^pV I j&Jitj t ^JL*Jl j\3 

p p 

j^-« j_p t^ijJLj LIS' o jJU>- jl La jl j t^jjb AiJl { : «J 

p ** 

t>° -Ujl L~-i t ^ .‘W C A>^ ^ t’ - 'i -JJ 

p p 

jl ^P J-a aJI La ^-*.+- * 0 ^ jlSj cJuAJ>tJ jlS Oj^ljl (^JJI 

(43).. . , I ^ t ‘ 

(( ^Jjb ^ Uj*- jSu *j*yu 

^Jl^jLaLj (L^3^L>-j A-w^Lww^Jl) uLm^VI jl 

j\ J.jiJl a^ La jl xJu Ljb ^UaJl jV dJUi . ^UaJl ^U- 


. aL^P ^Ip A*Jl JjL*j jl Ls JU j Lj ^L^Lo jjb JuijJl 

p p 

.52 t<u*uij jJL^all (42) 

dl)i jSi 1 166 ^ t *_i jJUail (43) 

.166 ; d.....jaj j.i.^ll (44) 


SLulJbJl JLsuL* 4uu\jllu 

M t •* 

^3 Ls ^JL* 1 ^ U -/» J JlajL*W *r \ 3a ^ J L* 

0l ^ OL — 5 i>^ 

c ^yjNtJi j oL>Jij*jj JlJojC j* JjjL* jJ^j iJL?- *uic- 

^ ™ 

pj L^J| jl t cJ j jl> jlajL* oj. t UL^>-1 t U JUL ol 

La ojLaUJLJi -Ls-1 3*i^ JJajj 

^Jl>w ^jJ? yC o ji <j j 3 JJi ^ I j .LiLi 

— 't ~ ^ L^-lLnJLJtfl 3^?- (j-*-s 4 Jw>«Jl j^-jLa 

j lJuJ w~J> j& i jij^d\ ^1 j-* UJj 4-la Jl jj-vJl 

oL> jJj^Jo'SO JL*jLa JJj ^jJUJI 

JL*u La SJLJLp- i—j\zS 4-$jL>- p3L*Jl ^ 

^plj^a ^s* i-ij l Jyu^J! oiy — ll ^ a31a>J1 

.Jb^l S ^ LjJl JL* 

j ^j-Lp Ot-JflJl 0 Jl* &JUJL>vJl 6-Ub 

£*j ^rj¥ V^l !*'y ^ '^r^y 

, " " 

^3 tA^jljLP- JjyLJl -wl—^ Jp t 1 i^jb l j J-P^J t 4 j 


, 4j j£> L 4J?L*j ^ AjLJI 4_ftJaJl 4 JwA 


XoUif J>d! aaJ*a 

1 ^w 2 j (New Accents) iJLJLJ ioU S-*JJLa < 1)1 V 


is_j^3 i— i- Jc~i ?JUJ ^ ISUi cj>-Jl 

/ ^ p ^ 

^JU ^****5 jJl L^_^a OLS^j t Ijl>- cj >JL^> aLmJ-^JI cjI J jjl UIp 

A^o 3 (J ~ to A-w^jilS^i A^-O^ 1 jtAJi 

•i* <±jXj . «i^L~Jl jJLpIj «oU;LJLJn)j 

j^L-l Ji jLil jjjjJl i—J^UaJl J\ 4 '-7'^’ cP! ^ , ‘ x ^ 1 ' 


•fcj* ' -ii Jj AJ i 

JLii t .Us (V» j 4 ijl>^u» (New Accents) < 1 )J : J yuj 
^j)) ^ i*J Hi* Uj^k. 1977 J jSlI L.JULJI 

oL^ljJLiNlj o L+jjJJl JJlS j-ej i£>s~>j t£>W 
oV jiidlj 4 _«JL-S/I» jl c.— le-l j .t—oSll <L»lj,i ^1 iijS’j^Jl 

c^jSo (^jJ! «il _*Jl £. A+&CJ, jJlS JbJ jJ ^UJl ^ ^jjj-JI 
N J __- ■ " iJU-P £y><J~3 i^LS J 5 <jJ_» jl£i 4 «JjJ->JI J~>Jl 
oOj-L>JI jLSobU ,ji> j *- Jt ^ 4 l^UjLL» 

o\S lilj .iLaJl oli olj_jlaxJLj ^iljJl ( _ s l r yi 2 jiJl j 

SJjjlj -0 *_«) »- yj> J jli 4 jJ-*Jl j-fc (jliJVl jl) 


Lojl . Lij (ilLlA ^ jJL>c^o jJai>- ^3 oLjj—wJ 

<^ s ' Oj£j ol Jjjj dr ^ 3 jl*X« tjjUai-X LJl 

.JiSfl > CA^i 

cJUp LJliJl i.JLiJl oU <. i^~Jl JUJI hjj /i«j 
.iijA^aj, jJ. ojL*>- £ki LL>xPl J~~j iS\ JjjJ 

t 4-L* oJn-JLj L* iJUfc . ft?4«*«« J^-oL*Jl> jl J_) iij^U C-4-^-9® 
<Lojl>&^Jl O^U^LJLxJI t ^o 1 4j^x-*^o 

cjl^ iJ\jA sjlpI jj (. ft LUv».]g.^ L-^l LgJ ^JLLLqj v^l 

L)15_£ . ft^j lo *-i->-^ t 4 j2jLmJ| jL^ 3^I i^o-L^® 

dUS jA t t^jUsLoJl 4jl*J ^^5 t Aj j-*5sJllJl V ( 1 ) 1 ® ^LgjJl 

•* ** ** 

.^JbJlJl 4jLJL>tJ! 4-J jA L. &\*&1 C ft LjlSUl 4j^v*J Ojj) <,<Q t A^-JL) ^ JJl 

•ST ** 

jju ^ jju^^ji a^jJi ^ oVi ^ fjuL- i^Sf 

.i*i* ^ tSjifuJi £~aJi jiSoSn 

j^5o 01 ^<>>-V -L*^- ^ <u^i]Lj 

pLLJ c^I j-^d ^ Vi V 

l*J LJ jl L>- J*u> o ji j L*jSl t j * \ g »» tf » ^i*j L*jI j (. aI-mJL^J! 

0 ^>w4wqJ1 ^—3 Lp ^ .s^j^»J 1 ^ ^^.x* ^^Lp t ^ls^ 

3 /j-o ^xsi cJlL tuVl ll-^SOI jl .i^l oL-ljjdi ^ 


Lo L&j^IjI ^iJI uL® c La ^pJ^o L^j .^?%j^Ij .L^jlaI 

.UJLL. Jljj L. I 4 J I>>JI ^Jl ^JUjJl oLiiLJlj i^JUi Jl>‘ 


L^.ilsSlI oL-ljjJl uU ^ J :J_^ jL^Lj 

Lj c <Lcmo 1 ^Jl lUj! ^aL^J aj oj *^ 3 ij 

^5U ^LLl>*J 1 jJl ^jo oJU J l>- ap j^o.j>*-o oLL! J-A3 t La J-J^ il UajI 
t ^Ljl LJIp ^jOA t l_43^u .oU ciilj £0 

Aj j^^Jllll ( 1 ) LS" 1 * ^UaSjLj J-9 4j1 (l)Vl J^yt 

.1*15 dUj Jl j]fi l*>-jl>-j 4 jc«L>JI 


!^jju>J oy j JLi (New Accents) ui oJlS lil U iIL^« L»I 
jl i aJ UaJa>&j jl t Jb J->Jl JJLpJI lJ-ft oL^bjNI y* 

Oj& i jij tAJl bds J\ ioj^> L^jl 

-**yry, j* oUil^ L» 

l 5^ ^oJUxJl jL iUipMl y* iiJU IaXaa ajIiS' a!jU^> 

** ♦* 

(Terence Hawkes) ^jS y ^ j~> 


i~s\ 6 1 A Y\ 

11* o\ y* b'j&i jl oLS' 

t <u V dJUS t (7?e- Presenting Postmodernism) idlJbdl JajU 

juoLo <Lwo*-« a_> j_p- IjLSol 4-JLlJl o j-qJJ c j-p- 5 j j «, <g < j 

}S jbj 4iJb>^ olSLw* ^ Oj^JLj ^ 

*♦ «'* 

(A Poetics of Postmodernism: : Lj* j 


(77ie Comedian Postmodern: j w History, Theory , Fiction) (1988) 

. /I Study of Contemporary English-Canadian Fiction) (1988) 
S^laJ t Ul^J \s> yj> y jU? Oil* A*Jl ffc&\ b jl 

0 j&Jl J Lg-»L> JLa^j ** Aj-Ls^w a1«L^ 

J cUJb AJLiUt ^ 

* Vr - 

oIa ^3 <.j£> i I ^ j J^>^> 4 l5^^' 

•* ** ** 

JJcoJLj C AjV dJJi -XJwO aJ ^JowLj 

oUjLaIj t jys2.*S J^i te^LSCJl ll* J-P J Jy~* t 

«* * a 

A-*»jL.q o Sj ( j-Ul j-J j « /? a 1 L 

_Lp o j*>Lp j .aJLS* 1jl$J J^jLL>JI ^L-^l Lojj t AdL.»- ^ 

,l ** r ■*♦ 

£j*Jl aJLp-j t Aj JL&Jl c AILw^Lq^ - ^ A*$»PO l) b t dJ-b 

b[£ dAJS JS t (Aequinimitas) A_>jl jJuJI 4_dL>- aJpLjj ^dJaJJl 




- ^ 3r* tlri^ Cr^ °'- r * 

(„)1 t ^>^1 j X^I I t 4 jw«I^iAJ| OhX^J A^ ^ w W^ fcd 1 ^*-«wJflJl ^1, ^ - — * 


iLJl --.tfll 

► * tl^/ •♦ * 

i^j-JljLiJl >-j t c-J^JaJtj tfr^La^Jl y Lp! 

t a^jIjl>cJ 1 jujU ' jjiJi j>j^\j oiiJij 

*• ** 

1 1 jJLji^j <jl j .^jLJ L q J I oJLa i y ( y 4JU15JI 

.d dJjb ^ iS 

^JJl t (Terry Hawkes) Lr S y> ^ jyi ^l>- JSCLj oji« t^b 

* *► *ST 

ixiljJ! <cOi»Uj . 31 # <dL*_>- ^JUI, i<;Jj _li£Jl IJu* jUS 
(Janice ^1 jj ^\j - JlSUI^ jJjlSI 3j>^' viUS 

U^uiJ {Sj^* tUjb cJLo U5 tAjfjl Price) 

^ '0\ y* .l&\ J^j l*~.\j}\ 

W *♦ 

(Isaac Walton Killam o yJl j Jl-w 4 ^*JL 

t (Canada Council) IjlS 1 ^Jl^J owUl Foundation) 

#* • ** 

v_^£Jl» ^U£Jl lJu» tV . (1988 _ 1986) ll^J\ UL~^j> 
oL>tj LoJtj g la 7 ^jJULJI L^JL<w[j ^ jS o} t UL>- .^^->-^1 

.L^>cj 8 L^jLvfipi 

<. <J J*A oLp ^ jj * #LlSU1 \1a jislii 'jja** (1)15* 

i!L>-j ^ Ijl>- Uli*** oLJ j kt U y» < 1 >J y* ^JL» 

&jy>^ ol Sjl .oU5Jl oJ j jLSoS[l 

4 ^ jJ t A-JLlJ! 'JLs')} La^JI js±j>vl-o j 

: jSs li 


(Texts) , (Signature: A Journal of Theory and Candia 
Literature) , (Style) (special issue editor: Mieke Bal), ( Canadian 
Review of Comparative Literature) (special issue editor: Alain 
Goldschliger), ( Quarterly Review of Film and Video) (ed. Ronald 
Gattesman), (Bulletin of The Humanities Institute at Stony 
Brook) (ed.E. Ann Kaplan), (Postmodernism) (ed. Hans Bertens, 
London: Macmillan), (Intertexuality) (ed. Heinrich F. Plett, 
Berlin and New York: Walter de Gruyter). 

** ' . 

toJLiUlj AiJjJl Jlsaaj <. (3^ 

SUNY- Stony Brook (E. Ann Kaplan, University of 
Western Ontario (Martin Kreiswirth), Queen’s University (Clive 
Thomson), Toronto Semiotic Circle (Ian Lancashire), Victoria 
College (Barbara Hovercraft) and University College (Hans de 
Groot, University of Toronto, International Summer Institute 
for Semiotic and Structural Studies (Paul Bouissac) McMaster 
University (Nina Kolisnikoff), American Comparative Literature 
Association (Daniel Javitch). 


<ju cub) 

JbuloJl ojLc! 

?iuLU-l JUuLo ^ U 


SiUiJl oLiiL* ^ L$JUjc— I *L Jj oUJLS^I o| 

*• ^ ** 

+* ** '**' 

i/'i dj£ i <■ dUU .iLJLi <■ (Postmodernism) 

** *• 


0*3 jJl ^ <uJL <L oL>*jI ^Lol (, OJJ J ^ H *j C <uJl£Jl djjb Ju Ji>oJ 


4 1^-J.P jli t iol Jj>*Jl JjoL« ilL>- c-ijjju ^J1 IgJl 

c L^j^La l*L& o^-^j jJj . 1^jLww«wJ 30>*j (1)1 <• Ajli o*3_^J1 


4j1 La-S" i OJj j-Lw*»1 0>1i o j-ftli? <olO>sJl 0 *jLo d)V 

.l^» *jAA N 


JpL^jJI ( j^o oJjJ-p ^j^Lwo ^3 iljlJL^Jl jl«jLa o jj&Lt 


i ji J C AjjLo«JCoJ| ! / J^ 0 4 ^3 Ldill 

*• * ^ if 

Ul ( w’j j-« ^ (#) SjlO^ jLtll £*^- oil 

£, n" 

[k-^L50l A*e\ ij* ULmJLj 


<jdj: t^JUl JbJLi-l JuJUjJI i jiCi SjUI» _> tjUSUl iiJjil JUaaJ (#) 

. (Cre-presentation) yxJl IJ u*j ^y iolJu>- Jbulll 


I Jj ‘ JA^Jl <Ab ‘f-bA 

^ I -tf (, 

L L-tlj} (jLhJl ■ 4 j>Lp jhijLjlIjj . j£— ' Oi^b 4 

cJJ I Jj *> Jj Ji- colJJJ JjuJIj tbli Ij 

® jl^jl® jl L jJI . 4 _^> ^ . ' L w .4 ^y*&\ ji ^>4^ D j '’* 4jIj 

C 0 j^- 4J ^ 4_j L-*jL*>»Sfl (Jj-^JJ i ^ ji ; ^#Juj 

\*Xfc JJL 4 J AajUJ aj*4*&jl i 

J 1 y>^> ^jjJL 

^S ^IjlwL>tJl J^ljL> J V JJJi t OL ^p c e ^1 j-> i /j r « j 

^ U jAaj oU^Ij^NIj JU-^I Jl 

^ ^ ll (j| L iJjJiJl J ( j_4 jJL-J i tlJJi ^>SJ *L^4 -jJL^-JJ Lt j_^oJlJ 

j4Ahj ( j b ^L>JI ^A^-laJl j^_kj j_to 4 ^j I wU>»Jl JL«_> LJ ^jjJLJi 

oLjLSsJI <^LLr 01 jij-jjj t LuL^- 4JL> sjbl 1 1 lIj l j 3 ^ ll 

* ^ 

t ^J.^-w jJ> J ) ^ 4 .a„ J? H ^ - - J ^- ^ j*JnjL> 0j>^ Lj& j-b*- >tJ 

‘A* rfb Jj ‘at <Jb^' A-^' -*-uJb ‘Jb* r^b 

Jw*-*La j^JtJ Jij .IjJ aLlfl^ja CmmmJj t IjJtw? j olijJL^o 

*jl>t*il N t a jjt t ^A-JaJll (ji t ^j|jL>tJl 

<wdjjLcJl 4jjJL51 dj I i /j r 4 I I Jl& JLa 

^ AiJ (1)1 i^LlSvJl IJl^J CkJLs jj 

■** ^ tf 

J* xl*>il L» (Jjl KJjjljjiJl JL*jL»D ^1 !a .ja j 1 - «* -' AjilaljjJl 

jAiL j Ju £*; iJljb J A^JJi^Jl I ^A> j tLflLp ^L^-nJw^l 

- ^^5n^3j jj-A L«J ^_^LmaI>9 4 ^ 4 ^ jjWh billi ,^U^| 

i_d i ^ry y y o~*y >* 

JI ^-^Jl ciUij t(i >L-1I iisu^jl JJU) >1 JI* JI 

Cp> *(£*^1 SL>Jl» Jj jjWl 

4^«JLaJ| a1!Ijl>cJI J-*jLa y^> J i*^>*-J>\j}\ jIaJ jl »Jla 

Lg-3 1 j?c 3 U 6jl jj^i JL . 4 ./j ^ 1 .T ^ ll 


J 4-jI^JLJI ^a -/?_j lij 

j! t jlkJI 'jj ,L» « jjUj iijy^ oL-LJI JUJ ^Jl 

. LjjJ— jI ja 1 

a*. A . « Liikill 

:ViU ^Ul ^'15 ^ jUuJI VJ Lb L. ji ai* Ju^ 

j » K Aj 1 Jh>*Jl -L*j L* aJ L *,*,.. ^ 4*^ LwJ I JljuI ol j _j JLi*j ® 

j_*_jL4_j a^Lu*-JI j! oljj — !l ^ jJj .tiLSi ji a-JLp 

jl y> ^UmiS/I a^lj .U^ ill & Nj !jU> ^i\j^i\ 

jji djl2> A*ij Lw L^yljJ ArtjiwL>tJl JLrjLb IwAjjJtJ (J aj>- Jal, >t ^ l| 

^ ; L . » l^JI jS Jj ojj^A^ - <uJL- j _ ^ j ^ j 

1+sJUO.J I j\j <4) jL-JI oj>T 4Lj* . ^jljJI 

Heiner Muller, « Reflections on Post-modernism^ New German Critique, (1) 
vol. 16(1979), p + 58. 

Charles Newman, The Post-Modern Aura : The Act of Fiction in an Age (2) 
of Inflation , With a Preface by Gerald Graff (Evanston: Northwestern University 
Press, 1985), and Hilton Kramer, «Fostmodern: Art and Culture in the 1980s» 
New Criterion , vol. 1, no. 1 (1982), pp. 36-42, 

Terry Eagleton, ^Capitalism, Modernism and Postmodernistn,» New (3) 

Left Review, vol. 152 (1985), pp, 60-73; Fredric Jameson: ^Postmodernism and 
Consumer Society ,» in: Hal Foster, ed.. The Anti-Aesthetic: Essays on Postmodern 
Culture (Port Townsend: Bay Press, 1983), pp. 111-125, and ^Postmodernism, or, 
the Cultural Logic of Late Capitalism,^ Left Review t voL 146 (1984), pp. 53- 

Charles Russell, Poets, Prophets „ and Revolutionaries: The Literary (4) 
Avant-garde from Rimbaud through Postmodernism (New York; Oxford: Oxford 
University Press, 1985), and David Caute, The Illusion (New York: Harper and 
Row, 1972). 


oUlxiJl IS Ujwo l fUM jJ ulj a^LaJI 

.a^UJI v-LJ! jj JJa*J dJJS Uj tl^ULi^l 


oi_$J (j— -J jJl j jSJ y! O eJLA jl yj 

** 5^ r 

yL£Jl 11* .ly- >0 V 4^i- JSLtJ 

^yl j-P ^1JI.J jJaJw«Jl o ^ p.Xj LoJ Lfji gX-P a^jL^II 


(Roland j ^ ^ I j *xij • ■i 

jj- ' ^j\Ju 4j V 4 cJL>wo L ^JILj ^ Barthes) 

(6) « Uaj^ ilL* i-LJl Lu 4i~>-» :Jlij 4SISW1I JL^l 

Liy 4 -£Ul ylll j y-LJl J^lJi^Jl -L*->L> y j_jj y t 4 La j 

<5T ** *• 

Jsl^dl JlSLil jl UaUi yll LKI ^1 K^JI JL> s >UI oL>, 
y 1 ' y im Jlj ^aJlj lf^ LoSl - UK laUiJl 

yj 4yL-Sn vr^JyLj! y 4yyU^»Jl y jl ^UJl 

'j ^ *» ** 1 ** ** 

<LpLjx>-'yi ej^A-Sllj olitUI y yL»-*JMl yiU*ij jl y y«^l 

( 7 ). 

4mw>>LaamJ| 4 

•* *• 

y JtiLJl .1*^11 ^ yjU;! 11* ^y y y! *Jyt d, 


j*s> j^jIjip^JI jl*jL« (jl ^}i u5^l ys^L*-<Jl dJcJl 
yiu^' »il_p«^-'j <~~srj < -^r^ J* ^ i/ islyj^l y 

(j jiylJO 5 JlU* 2 Jl aJL* 0^^>“j-oJl JJ-s^Jl L ^ip 

(jl ,4*J| >tSjj ti _^l (jj) o ^ j^-1*aJI il^>w-A»Vl j^LsA^J 

VkMHP t* 

jylJL>Jl JbuLo J jl^d> ^^xJl t^^ljjJl oj-fe aJI 

Victor Burgin, Between (Oxford: Basil Blackwell, 1986), p. 85. (5) 

Roland Barthes, Roland Barthes by Roland Barthes , Translated by (6) 
Richard Howard, 1st American Ed. (New York: Hill and Wang, 1977), p. 154. 
Burgin, Ibid., p. 55. (7) 


4 A ^ LJl A^^^Jl AS^oJl lAA ^Jjla (1)1 (1)L**J ^A 4 A^a^L***^ 

4A*5IJL>*JI JbuLJ ^y^ljJl * y& ^ a> JL?-Vl f . |«<^&MiWk4 Jl u-J 

t* ** ^ 

^La-aJb ^jiVl {.^'J L *^i (1 )j^j <1)1 ~^-* J L<iJi jJLfij 

** ** 

U>1 ^ ^ - Ig-s^-s &ij L *jj*0 i£\ - iJLlgjJl Ucw? jl wLjL 

•t ** ** 

(JL^_J*U o j.^i.Jg L^. ^ ^ i o^L*j>- (1) j_^s_j 01 ^ j_^ 
JajL^JI cLLLoj V ^1^^“ .^>“L*Jl ^l*LSl La jSjC 

•* t* t* ^ w 

L^j^® t Jw<j*^Jl ^3 (Jj^-jJl ^jA j j ! &~<±j ^ULs o jJ Ajjiaj 

*• *• 

c^i ^ ^ eS^l Lf^L^l Jjy*j LlSI % *s> 

0 LJLu ,All tt .»Jg ^j^a jA L« Jb^>tXj JLalU JtgJLa 


Oj^?» j! >»L*Jl ^I^Jl ^ju ^Jl t(D6xa) «L*Sj.i» ^ ioUJl OjU 

• ** ** ♦* 

im j-*- a ^ j->*j {j^ a!jIJj>*JI JbwLo 0^3 ((Ocs-JaJl 

t^^LwJl L^J y^JiA j ilJLl«jJl Ul^Lil «De-Doxify» 

** ** 

.^JcaJl dJUi ^jja AjI 

f (, 

JL*jU ^.jju aJI (^5 ji (Umberto Eco) ^£j1 yj^>\ L)L5 J \ij 

4j^L>- 1 O****] OjJjJl (1)1 (^1 i j£ ji ( j^o A^- y^ J^jljj>sJl 

( Ji* 3 Lfclla tljA i (1)1 <U^<u (1)15 j . ^ ^«L>-jli>- ^ jJ3j Aj £ j* 
(Textuality) ^kJL aaJLoJI Iju^ ^ S^Ui^Jl J>»jjJiJl 
jlJ^Jj (Vattimo) Li aJLS U j! t (Deferral) Wj-Jl cJl>U^Vlj 

j ^w^- l l y* aj! t J j-Sj i j>-\ .La^jJL^-j aj j£jd\ o^LwmJI ( jS' 

o * o~p\' Xjh ^ J -~ La j><Jl ^ X ‘.J=^ cy^ ^-M 1 J-x®* 

^iJj (Ir^^dJ . Ajj-jJl La Aj jJajJl oU U cL^pLJl 


^Lajj jJlli L^J ^ASi^j ^Jl A-AjjJaJl ^5 oJlA jL^uaJ^f 1 ^JLp A-«^Lp 

Barthcs, Ibid., p. 47. (8) 

Stefa no Rosso, «A Correspondence with Umberto Eco,» Translated by (9) 
Carolyn Springer, Boundary , vol. 212, no. 1 (Fall 1983), p. 4. 


J) ojU^I jjw d~y - ylkiJl* y JUyU 

**** ** ** 

loJUt* l ^JU-P J ^-g-«*ASvJ l^a jj N 4^L~Jl oiiL^Jl 
4J9 y>»Jwo i-Jl ^tl oli^-P *UaJ» <ul J jjaJL ^!)\^Jl c-jUaiJl 

m " ^ 

y AZjj~! C J *L-it ^1 _ rr U dUi o^i 4 < 10 ) « t yVUa:l I»Ll; 

Uji^I ^9 .^3> o l»ix^ c f Ji* t a^*U*J1 

US' j .LpU^I oli^U (^1 i oy CjU* 5U i yj aUi>«j y* y^i- 1 

** *r ** 

jUoLJl . ,<L,,t : «.»> V I uj ~>«jJI jU ; />~jI -*->■ jlujLqJI J->4 ui^j 
)aJy> yp yU- Jj<j _ji Ail aJI Jaij jl «*-»« ^i^- 

. ^ ^o jU - " JuU V U»Ljjl 
,^- j IcAiA ot t Ajl<-L*Jt wLiwA c *L> ^1 4 s lb 

JLaJ (^1 to ^Jau-wJlj daJLJl £« jJ^l^lUj JsaJj-o UJL j^9 t JjLJI 
ol Jb* tilll dJUS ^ J»j>Jl' ^ ^ j^. ^ ^ ^r~. 

** i# 

y > Ji ^ ^y> £^Jl U-^ j>l >t jl .o_^JJ Ujjj ^-LL>«-j 

j^-^> jjjjJJl t Ajjy^fJ ^\ 

La IJl&^ t LaIjl>^Xj^ l ^ La-* JjS[ I jl jl^j l a ^ j! 

jA\ iiXdiJl j*s> i~*L~Jl oUj^Jl jl .Ldb J\'s ^y J-*>s 
• ** - 

(E. L. jjj_ i_Sj .u -L> (Gunter Grass) yl ^ _ i _ ‘— g L-aLJLJI 

», iUaU y AyiJ^Jl ISyl yliS (^1 jl t Doctorow) 

«* *• 

t (Nigel Williams) y LJ j Jj*oU 1 (Star Turn) dU-iSj - 5 Jd»- aJlL»I 

yUj ,d*-*J' y *olJjy«j»j oljly Lfi ax) yll 

Allan Sekula, «On the Invention of Photographic Meanings in: Victor (10) 
Burgin, ed., Thinking Photography (London: Macmillan, 1982), p. 84. 

David E. Wellbery, Postmodernism in Europe: On Recent German (11) 
Writings in: Stanley Trachtenberg, ed.. The Postmodern Moment: A Handbook of 
Contemporary Innovation in the Arts (Westport, Co: Greenwood Press, 1985), 
p. 235. 


J\ ^ lUJJl j* I 

*r ** " 

<dj^l jl (Amos Barking) *^£jL ^ y>\ 4JLLJI SiJaJl 


(Henry Swansea) t5^r* (*-“"' >* - IJJ t iJLkll 

(.1945 (.U i-AUl fJLj .(^^Jl Sjljj 

JS (j L) JlSJ» ! 4 ** ~ 5* ^ " ojj**a*t ja\ a^j Jli ^ JJl 

0^ Alapt I ^ dj& Jij ) Jkj aJUUJl ^LUI 

( 12 ) 


UpJG N 1 AjiJaJl ^y^ 3 y“ &y~*t l**l ji £JG N ilj jJl «JIa 

Ji (LJlp l* o _^cJl ^JO 2LLk)l oU >)l o£*d IjuI 

•* * 

J^jU Ji* oU iwi jL^Jil ^ ^ 

t (Douglas Haig) j-jU cr - % ^— ^ j* j t (Marcel Proust) 

ojj-saj) ^rf^H 4 (Sigmund Freud) J Jb j 

La I Jufcj c(^ $"<»>- ^ylJl LJL-kJl pfrjUj^J I (kij-JLa 

: cT^' 

Jrjj L» <ul t5 jLLl L$J id ■LaL^ L-*—S^ ^ XyM*> ^ 

Li-bP ( A>i t *X^ 4,*jhX$J cJ^Dl ( ^ O^^’Aa ^L! 

♦T *• 

*j^Jl ^LaLl^I ^ jjh Ja^Jl j ^j^Jt ( Jl>J| d)L i j*Jl*Jt J^LLe LaLj 
^ lp ^yAi 4<LJlp O^LfcJ^a ( o j-kJ ol ( jp A^jjI L5^' 

jJUJJ Cjw LI L-b5 t (Whitechapel) JjLSjjIj Likba 1927 

tJljj Laj .^^Ul dL^.b ^aIj^ iw-ft jj (1)1 ^1 t ^ILLIa^L 


<uU£Jl <J U-. <UJI iL-UJl iUJl c5JlJ L^o I ,L5- ,UJ| 1JU 

. (((Neurosis) (13) ^U**Jl jL^-N 

Nigel Williams, Star Turn (London; Boston: Faber and Faber, 1985), (12) 
p. 15. 

.203 (4«i) jJU^ll (13) 


>s-j jLS'i \ JL>- JUoLJl d)l j-y^ 

** *• 
ur p, 

jc»p <-jLd jjo Lfjl j-A i 4 j1j 0>^-A ^JusLft-J 4»*A>L<-«fcJ 

jJpI^JI ^ ijjLlj (Race) JyJl <1)1 olj Jui : LiJaJl JjjyUi 

^j^wL> 6taL4xJlj t t ^ )-P AA-jaJl 

** *• 

jl ^Ijl ^jJl JiljJl 4 (Isaac Rabinowitz) 

^ ^ ytj 4 (Tom Shadbolt) cJ^Lt ^ y 

4^-SLgJ j^Sfl 4-» ^-$^1 cS^L? t4 —b <-*-* c^I 

/Jjv* -J-Jljjjl c $ j ^-^LiJl jJaj ^ Lg-jLl^ OjSLi (h^Laj 

\jut y^yL*~<^> ^jjLJIj ol jJJl j-£j jJLi 4 (Oswald Mosely) 
LoJ^j 4 ilj|JL>- jLwjLo L^jI ^^Lp ^JL^Jaj 

^ j, 4^^^ .UJJI UaJ 

. ^jljj>- jl*jU 1 ^^L»-i>-^ll JJL>tJl ojJj U 4_>j^ j-oJlj ^Udl 

4* ** 

^ JjL~J ^_A (_5^ °J3 t^ C 5^“^ 

*• Vv *+ 

.olJJJ 4*i>UJl ilj^Jl «JL* 

®D 4 — s^Ij 4.53— ft— 1 jJLL >«-)1 ^-P«-A— i 
l»— J ^>eJi * ^-s^L>tJl ^il*jJl l ^ i^ j i 

* «4 

(D. ^jjJ ~* .i Jjli >*j ti-JUJl t-sl^Sh JjSlI ^JLxJl 
(Virginia eiJjj L^rj-ij ‘C— J^-jL'j ‘H. Lawrence) 
4(Goebbels) jJL^-pj 4 (Churchill) 4 Woolf) 

4 (William Joyce) fLJj (Lord Haw Haw) jU jL* ^jjJj 

*— > ol a^LJ jSj .^jjbJl £jL>- LftJb jl£ <u! ^p 

(. Propaganda ) LL5 ^Jl li j-^a^ «J^Lo LJliJl <L*JL*Jl 


J^JJ^ AljJLa ^ L/jj 0JU&LL0 ^^Jlp I (jLS* UjJ^Pj .0 iLya-i 

.17 1 j.^.i /gU (14) 


jjt t-ui kAji- V ^jJl tJjSlI <JL*j ij jlS tJ^LJUL (Dresden) 


: 4 L yaJLJl 

l* J Sj U^*5L» >Wj!j tUliaj^ J>j5 jl I jj&* N» 
c~J UU tdJUi J5 ^ iijLl* ^ i^£ll lift U* ^ 

^L-Jtl v ^>-1 ^ Ulj j->- c I jp\^i\ jj-p ^ jJ-^> 

j a V^_$ ~ 4 dLSS ^3 Lwj 4 4jJL*-«Jl Oj^_*waJl o^jJj>J| olft ^3 o^JlS" 

. ^ 15 \<aJUJ) j>*]\ tJ-s^U- 

{ j^ji jLS t^Ul j-ft (Amos) ^j-1 ^r^JJ 

M ** ** * _ f. 

• u * L ^ L "i 4 jLj 4 <L^L*Jl ^^^al 4— (1)1 

(j-J L°j j-* ^ <y (^i^Jlj) aj^JL 

*• ** 

t ^jjLxJlJ jLi^?-l ( j-« ol 

cJ » :Vsli tl. ^^>Jl jji «J (1)1 Jjl^i 

liL-Uj tJjLtJl ^ <xj\j |«*4jj .. ■ ^i^a-1 

^•IJLJI <l)j / 16) «i-i;i»Jl i^L^ 4 (ij-*-! 

•• <• ** 

ol jjJl <> (Hi-Story) ^jbJl ^l^L,j aJJlJL. J-Lcl<JI ^^aJl 

4K ^ 

: ^hJl ^>^1 , 1 • * U5 L.UJ c jA U-; 5 ^-J^L- 4 (1 ) jj-s^j- 4 

toijJl ^ J (J ifeSj jl jAi" M cJl» 

^iLdj *jl pj . ^ ol ... i *)! (1L! U.5 

i Jmj .<L«jjsJ!j t(J^*Jlj tiaJaJl jL-~s>Jlj ii»lj jl 

»jb-1j J& i-^UJl Lj~U)>!l oUl jdNi 4-*^ -J^r!" 

.l^Jo ^ l^ 

.305-304 ^ iw) jOvslt (15) 
.306 tA*-Ai jJ-^il (16) 
.307 (*_* jJUall (17) 


^jJt _ ^liJi iS cy °^ Jfe 

p, ^ 

j^J-«Jl IJLgJ Sj*-j\-a <U-*- s^jJ *-blj-d 

- j' ^ f^-*d <-^ c^i Cp3^ ^yva^Lxll 

**r »* i ** ** 

p, p 

ol .i-^A>- »jj->aj ^yrjJjj^jlj j->^ { y-* J-* 

JAAoJU <LJIa?- AjuUI Sjl a - l l oAa ^JAoJ ^j j^asi \ jj^L^Vl 

** * 

^ lilL »j .^IjSII “■*-* t»» SJ ^ J - f - ‘•^'-dj-k' ty £>»>!' cr^Hl 
^ iL-L.Jlj i^lJbJl JOuUj ij^liJl (j y {Boundary 2) iJL« £»ljJl 

oUl ol tJU- JS v_ii ^ i*ils Lfil il~s- 

Lo (1) tlM I ^Jb ^SMj 

l*i alfis-Vl y5 ^'j tri^J 


J* «iiaA. N ^jjjJ> *■ yrj fUil L^jjAjS/I ol xJC jd\j 

JOyUJ U3L* ^Sl OUu*. ( vAkiJl . (18) ( _ 5 pLo3-I oLS JS 

*+ ** 

.^bfll Ia*J .^jkJl *fjx)l jp Uaj 

tb-. Sj^oJI., ^Sfl oy^l J AiJl iiu- eJlS ^ Jj 

0 •* 

LJl5bv*j t(OLiJl <l£>l. ie^u JLp iLjJJj 

Ji\ U^9 jljpb ^J^c^tj) Ao j y^J t(j*JL«Jt AJjLj ^aX>Bj) 

4A-^*5jLqJ|j t 4_-_) jjJl J C 4^3L>5-wJl J 4-^P^UJlj t 4_>j_~jJl Oj-biJl 

t JL*-t Aj j\q \ llj L*J t A-bo^l I J 4 Aj j *,/? \ n l lj 

Cy* ^y ^ <^i iilvs>l (^ip 

j-ftj •OSll -bj-b^r t L^_LpL^w« 

o^pjj U jAu tjjialJl lAA .(^jcJJ ^jJjjAjVIj ^U^-il 
iildlll (. dJLIi ^«j .UfejJU^-o (j^)j t 

jl) : la : 1 i^JbJLo 0 ji (. yA jjJaJw^ ^ iJL^IjJl 

Louis Althusser, For Marx y Translated by Ben Brewster (New York: (18) 
Pantheon, 1969), pp. 231-232. 


jl) 4 JLjLjlo lo,,^ a i o->La*)L*Jl (®^-Lp *L*Ls^l)) 

o^rj jLj j-J I j-*-<.oi ji _ d)L>“ cjULxS^ o^Sj jJLs 4 (<-s^jL*jlo 

.l^till o^IpIj oL*>UJl *-&} _ ^L^il y* L> ^^JLp 

J± .iLilJb- JOuUl iiliiU L^i ^ Jm oL-ljjJt a I*J IIS dij 



kX^oL^ ^JuJLqjlII L*_«^ij ^jJLp o^^-*-*-** *■— «* Ll^J I !■ 1 ^ I jJ I ^*J5*^*Jl ol 

•Jr^ eS^ i>* £-L ^JLaJIj (^1 

4 jLa*J 1 Jbjj>«*J)) <Lu I JL>- JUuL^Jl <lJu_*J| 0 

jju II ^jJLAj V Li! ^Lp 4jl ^JLj (_£ jiftJ ®LftL^« 

/LpUj^-i ;~j->ji iJijl ^ ;sLj.» j*». ^ Sli (JbJi 

, ^ol ^ ^tlSlI t )Uaj>xJl ^1 jj\ t^\ 

II4 J UJjJI LpI ,j 3I i*JiaJl UlS J* £} b\ Lj» 

lift oLSj, Ljkj t iiUiJl iiycJJ aJVjiJIj ^>^JI i*JaJd L 5*-P' 


IaA Illft^ <ws ^XAttJl ijLLiJl t_j^>" (J1^*«Jl f 

\jls^ IjLw. UojU oI^Juj oUJJl t ^>^1 Ji^lj Ail>Jl 


* w p ** 

Ol^ jA+J bJL>c^ Lo^gJbjlj jjw4 tjlJUlj i^JI^I J-tu3l ^ Uwlj 

** ** 

L*v-^-JlpIJ <jL>*-« ^ 4-*JJl 

M *-!_ ~ <•* 

JUuLo La 4^jL>w4kJl oJlaj . 

# * *• 

^-l5Uj*Dl s&£}\ Uili^Jl J^' A*- :SIJIjl>JI 


N t ^ jjLJl jJl IJla ^ j .5 ji»-LwJl oLS'Lx^Jl j Jl ^jJIjJI 

(Mimetic Mirroring) ^ylSU^Jl jjj^ii L-j^ i~>\ 

f ^}\ <AijiaU ULLScl^I Jj t (Subjective Projecting) LJli LUliw-l j\ 

Charles Russell, «The Context of the Concept,» in: Harry R. Garvin, (19) 
ed. t Romanticism, Modernism, Postmodernism (Lewisburg, Pa: Bucknell University 
Press; London: Associated University Press, 1980), p. 183. 


UjL&V Loljj j saaJI Lg-> 


.^^LJl ^ j jJ?\s*S\ ^ toliJi jp 

** ** *• w 

(J-aJI jJl ( J»I-Aj>- JajLoJI Oi a^J (1) LS" 4 UcJ^ 

■<^U ^ jjb (Avant - Garde) ^JLiJl ^ (jr ^<aaJl a^Jl j 

ol ^ l I^jjL^Ij >. l$Jb ilL^Jl i^laxJl ojlap L*S" 

Jil jjJLj . (20 ) aJ J~i*dlJ a^jJ y» *lu 

(J^>- 0*)bbx_oJl CJl5 4 A-jlJ^tJl JjoLoJ kiJJS ^Jo jbUL 

hJs* J ^Li . < 21 > ^i«,lsJI i,b£JI ^ Jjudl iuJ. 

(1)} t <J jJL 4 4 _oLp 0 j y -^ 2 }J 4 IjJL^J 4 0 J-JwLP 0L^^>- 

A^JajI |*L*Jl ^IaIII £« (JjUa^j AjI jJ-j l JU>- JjuLJI 

6 j V l^JaJL*»j 4JJUJ 

.^U- Jp-b ^ 

A-jpL^j^-^l A^J^«Ji aj jJajJl Ll£ bl 4 (JL>- ^5" 

4 (Paradox) aJjLL* ^^JLp ^ jJl Ijjb oli 4 AjjUJ| 


J-J-Aj J-aJ C-^J ^Jj > «JI J-LaJ jJ LjL jjjw» aJLj 4A^b 

Teresa De Lauretis, Technologies of Gender : Essays on Theory , Film and (20) 
Fiction (Bloomington, Ind: Indiana University Press, 1987), p. 3. 

Dominick LaCapra: History and Criticism (Ithaca, NY: Cornell (21) 
University Press, 1985), and History, Politics, and the Novel (Ithaca, NY: Cornell 
University Press, 1987); Hayden V. White: Metahistory: The Historical 
Imagination in Nineteenth-Century Europe (Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University 
Press, 1973); Tropics of Discourse: Essays in Cultural Criticism (Baltimore: Johns 
Hopkins University Press, 1978), and The Content of the Form: Narrative 
Discourse and Historical Representation (Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University 
Press, 1987). 


t 4 j j ‘ l l 4^0 — I^Jl) I JlSL-Vt> 

^JuJL^xJl OL^-JM z\Ju J-*-j oL^-j^l .Ji-d-<L) LliI jJl+j t^j_>-l 4_^>-Lj 

p, f*. ^ 

j-A (Parody) j->-L*-Jl u-4jJL~*VIj .L*-o L ■gjJaJLw* j >- 


Oij^ O*^ c < W ? L>Jl iSjLLOl o jjfe o J_>*1) (_£jJl ^j|JL>*Jl JjoLo ^JSwJl 
opL^Lj Jl-s-L^jJI ( yj> 4Jww^ Jl5Lj»lj 4-o L p CjL>^ la .,^1 JL^-»-.:— »l 

<>• ^ AajLJI jiJl c ^_SL$jJL L$JL*jcl>»I 

(Rosalind Krauss) ^j\ ^ Julljjj ©jpJb L« IjJ^o 
ol> y~-* ^^-Lp *U-,VI ^*ws*a_!l JJJUwJl» (wOjJJl 

V^jUl SaUJl y> {jS\ dllS Jl cLa M Ulj , (22) «^ily^l 

JJV Jjji <J jf rt-^Lk* ,J AaLU ^Jl i$iL)l 

** ** \ m ** 

^ l 5 L>*^ Jl ^IwL*- JUuUl ^LJI c-oVl ^1} Ju t (Disney Land) 

p p 

(Angela J jL5 t>L>«Jl jl (Selman Rushdie) ^xi j jUJL- oLLS 

** * 

OjU? wJUpVi oJLa . (Manuel Puig) Ju^U jl Carter) 
LgJ-plJLa J-oL*Jo LoJLLP SiLftill Lf •L^— mJ 

. jUajl^ia L*aj c U^JL? 4 : tf : ,lfl.:.^Vl i^Ux>-Vl 

d\ Jbjt V tdJUi 4^ai ciUa^Jl ilLjb iouLuJI JlJj 
Lr* tS JJS ^ '^LSJLji jl ^Lk)Vl il J\ 

01 -AjjI U ^JJI j*-~0aJl j .^yj|JL>Jl JboLo 

JajL«JI 4jjL^*-J| (JlL* ^^Lp i U 1 4— jl JL>eJl JbuLo 

4j jL»-*- Jl 4-xJ.l^Jl <*_*-JLm*I Ju y>^> i+J <L~>- ; 4-ul JL>- 

Jjj— J^>-i Jj iUja-j U- v« -~ ^ ( y 5-awjUI 

4-Jl X « j JI jLSLiVl (Lars Lerup) ^ jV JU^-I t JlXjl 

Rosalind Krauss, «John Mason and Post-modernist Sculpture: New (22) 
Experiences, New Words,» Art in America , vol. 67, no. 3 (1979), p. 121. 


(iJLJJl l SjJ\ J) LpLip-VI j LiL^I jJI j «c..~Ll» 

** t* 

o^o 1 oU-l>Jl J A^S'\^Sj>- S )1 1 ^JbpLJL^Jl T l^jJ ^ 

J L>- jJ^jJbl 4 -oLj 

*' ** 


(23) - 

I) ijL^Jl L.JL4JI . 51‘l.uJl a~U JP ^S3l oil 


U5 ((Portoghesi) ^^yjyj (Jencks) ^-\ ^Jl ^ 

t 0^1 |» ]g*j» J-oJLJ AjIS ((JylJlxJl JLxjLoW ^UflLsAL^Jl 

0 jL*P jJs> jJl t *— >ll5sJl A>* j ^i_P lLUS U5 

(Stanley lJM ^^JLJLx-u- 4 -^1,^.,, ) toLw-lj^ oLUaJLi-* 
(The Postmodern Moment: A a j | j * ^ ^ji !l j Trachtenberg) 


La LJLpj <. Handbook of Contemporary Innovation in The Arts ) 

J*i J r^y\ J JL~L LJi5 jjt ^ 

** i* Vm ’ ** ♦* 1 

A^jl^aol ^.Xp 9-y*p / ie S ( 4jl ^»P .LLlJl JjLa ^ 

ijLdl .^iVl LL JjbUi Sll Lip jj^JL t v*»Vl oJi<J 

(Ze%) Jiu f ^iL HJi ^aj ,5 >Lj t LXi; ^ ^1 

ji 4_JV dJLJi c (Mar lane) j\ <.(The Mozart Brothers) j\ 

. ^j! wLkjL^JI jJLJI 4 J jLLo I jll>- 1^>I (JLSj 

b J «- 1 a%a L-iJl ol 5 jLS^i IJla J ^J, 

** ** 1 ♦• 

LjL^. t 4 mS^ 

** * t, 

4jI jj 0 oL5l>^Jl ^5 j^uu 01 t j^-Lw*Jl 

4* *• VtaMV 

(Peter Wollen) ^jj (Penthesilea) ^ (Kleist) 


(Sally jJj-t o^LpI j\ 4 (Laura Mulvey) IjjJj 

Lars Lerup, Planned Assaults: The Nofamily House, Love/ House, Texas (23) 
Zero (Montreal: Canadian Centre for Architecture, 1987), p. 99. 


jJlp 3 j>u> yt> IJla j . ( Thriller ) 1 $jIi 5 ^y (La Boheme) J Potter ) 


jjli) _«i«u yi t JliJl J~-< '(jlp j4~ Jliol i-i; 

c Ss $ 7 ll» ! JJL>« t ( ySL3jJl JL*_iL* (^bMi ^ 

j\j^\j t ^jJb i\jA JUjo-I j t L»u,lsJl 

Jfl ^ip LL>_*Jl; ^LoaIj toliUiJl 

oLjUI oli'jUj toL>Jlj jiJl j-iJl Jl5Lil ^ 

( 24 ) 

JJLJl ^y I j-JlS' ^ JUoLo # <l«JL 5 <jl 


(_y ta * J ? x - J . o^-s^L*-^Jl ^-L^j-^Jlj ^-~->IAj>- jJl 


. * * £. 

J J^La |*_pLo ^*P dLsAj^l ImL^LL) LajI 

Jy ( y L>5 ((oJULk^o 4-IpLajI Jt^JL ^JLaj) L « ««> >j 

i^JcjJl S^L- S3 j_p j!sL>. y j! 4 (Phil Glass) 
j\ ^Lpj^U jJL^-^-S' N t L^JiiJl j-^Ji ^Ij t (Tonality) 

(Lukas ^3 ^j**l5^J (J 1 ^^ ^y L*5 t 43 L*^ ^Ju t $-L 

p, ^ 

j^p <dl .(Luciano Berio) y mJ ^ t jl Foss) 

• y U^jI ol 

** 4* ** ++ 

jjt (The Photographer) ^yl y- y yJ I Jy Jl^*J 

^yljP-yyLJl (jL>-p|^ $L>o ~*>- » LoLo1j3 4 _^ 4 -wwo^o 4-*Ja3 


4 y-T oUJl ^yj t JjJiS'j . (Eadweard Muybridge) 3 jt j^l 

pI ojj 3 015 J Songs From Liquid Days <JL*p j! jSS J 

Sally Banes, «Dance,» in: Stanley Trachtenberg, ed.. The Postmodern (24) 
Moment: A Handbook of Contemporary Innovation in the Arts (Westport, Co: 
Greenwood Press, 1985), chap. 4, p. 82. 


,L>«jjIj o *5” IS j 4Jw**-a aJL^o-P 4 j Jaj Ailjij y (., ,. 1 la" i LjI*X>- 

+* .y v ** *• ** , ** ♦* 


T jj^>J 

jl*_>L«JI j_*_JlJI 

JL>JI dJUj^j 

5 jdLo iJL^kj c$ j ^ ^ JlSLdl 4^J j .^^1 j Ashbery) 

aJLjujJI <L*JJl ^s> (L*l y^S IS ^ j olS 1*1 y^ ^ 

♦* ** v» 

^ -J ^ ; f^l 4^^,x-*^Jl 5il£JL) 

. (Sam Shepard) 

4 jI ^JLp 4_’QhJ>c^wsiJLA 0 A_J| ^jLJLj wLh^-^Jl Jfl_*-«^Jl o) 

ZjSr'sj*. Jl JSLlJl jljjij-1 8 j-C’J-dj t O^yixJl j-» JyilJj- JjyU 

I* 4* 

fli; iilliJl uV dUS 4 UU»JI JuoLo ilNjOJ (yjiljL) 

m 1 * 

a. L .1 > JI ji*j syrj £-*j .8-1^ J^Ju^Ji aSIjJI ,_y)l I yL-« ^j-^J 

ii'U tUlJ US' i^lJbJl Ju^Uj c i'** j! Sll <.Ul*j)\ IJu J 


^ 1 1 o^L^ww^l l ^3 1 1 js^ ^Jw^w^Jl 0^3 t 

c5 JL pj ^^iljJl ^Jl j^JLp (Unproblematized) 

*4 4* 

^j^Ul AiJl ^jA c)^S- bjy t AslidJl aJLI^jJI 

j* jlSjJI dJUS o\ JLp ^y) Ojh^j ^ LJ' 

j^3 C Aj t*3 ^y^oJl Jbjy}\ (jlS" Lo-^a t ^yl Jj>- d*jLoJl U-Aj ^ xll Jyl.s QAA 

44 4* 

j»J ^JJl ( jA ^ j/a * , 1 1 oljj \^a *^>- 

L,_*_a LSwi La*Ij^ 0-LL>- t (JLL) La j Jj| I jjfcj (. 0;1 jJwwJl dLLj (1)^1 

p 0 * $,+ * 0 % 

dS'l ULp LLj >1 a (. aJslLmJI oL> J ^JjL L^>*_» jL I j-> j->d I^j_>^ 3 

« V I AJ&LamJ 

Ju» ZJd\ jj \ jjJl y oljb «V*'-^J' ol 

i^j^jJl ^ o jj-s<aj J- L» LJLp oJL 5 j <. oLj^jl^II 


P m" 

^Jda C <Lp y^A ^Ldl d-d-4-Jti^ C 1 ^dS* 0 JLoLa |4-J d— j-ojdl f 
^JjlJ ^j-J ^LpI j (Susan Sontag Camp) ^LJ y*» d\jy* 

(Ihab vUeV ^MP^r^Th" Jl yj^lj (Leslie Fiedler’s Pop) 


(Gerald ol j-p jJI jJL# JLij . Hassan’s Literature of Silence) 
4 i I f c I kX^c_] 1 »p Graff) 

j-p .iJLijs-Ml ^J^L; <• (j*JL*J! 4jlf!) i~AjJl 4 jJ^L 

j£! Sui L- S/i *JUS ^ oUJUiJl. ol.; Jl £3lJb- ju^U jl 

6^1XoJL^>Lj .^^2^-lUJ 0^^? tjldix^-'yij ^Ul 

t L-jl**ww**dl aJaLmU ^IxJl ^-t^cdl {_^~ 
oLliSflj ol^Jl ^t. ^jjUI ^ (jlii Lw« (^IJj^-jJIj) yLjjbJl 

^jL« ^A ^jdl aIj1w\j>- J^jU jU lLUj /<L^jNI 

* ^ 

.U.LaS LfcJs L. -Uy*Lj lfc>L- 1 ^ oUyL aIJIOs- 

i(oL£dl) oLyJl ^ iJlla 'jjT j L^jbu Jil l*^? jl ^ 

ojl« l$i j-*J ^dl j-^jUl Jl*j>o 

•W^ c^i L5*^ l$*^ 

j^jLdl)) I*1 a la. «/? IL jA lo ; JJaj (JIj-mJI jl j*& 

?®l3 jJU 

(.{Postmodernism Fiction) SJ|JL>- JUwUI Jil ^>Jl ajIiS' ^ 


4_1j1wL>J| JjoLo jJlJ Jl? jl ^jl JjLa dLo jLljj 

i ^JaJ Lljj y* LS^AJaJl LiiJSj t <u^>L>Jl L^Ujjiaj jl i Ls^L>Jl 

jl ij£j]\j .^_y-Sll y> JS\ ija^> j\ <- -? **.» Oa-I j <j\ 

: J^iJ ,y olil y-» J5CJI 

** ^ ^ 

t f- £ 

4 J-o* (^1 tOjL jjj^ v"IJ^ dLjb tlj-^Aj)) 

^Ua t JI l-j^I ^1 c (Charles Newman) jU jj jLU a^1ju>JI JlajU j 
^LaJI i? j-^Jl (^1 4 jLjj-J Ij-wuI ji . jL>- ilj|JL>Jl JboL ® j i ^ * I' 

4 Jj>- i j-s^l^Jl oLaj-l^Jl ^Uaj O^JCaJLl 


Uajl i ^Jl t-L^“ yJl ^y < 1^- ^1 

**■ ** ** 

y> t olJJLj c o^iLxj 4 I!Ijl^ Jl*_jLJ (Kermod) :> y>j^> *ly 

. <25) «i yr ji I 

J-.U *]L. iplJL*- Jl^L. ^5i Lo ^1 . .,^ ; jl 

$ j £ cJy*-> (McHale) 

* " 

jJ j- ^ - U ^jVI o^L-^j» JjJtJ ^yJl (Modernism) oylJL>Jl 

** •« 

cii-j jJ-> y 4 -I_jI Jj>- l *, a *1 <ji L-JLp l)I jjS* 


y^JuJU ^jLLtJl jJaJwJl ^1 v (Fredric Jameson) o j- ^wU- 

*♦ ** 

* e p. 

^ L^y t yJI oL^ AylJ->- c ^J l 

** ■ ** 

r “ Jl (Referent) «- yj\ J— ^ yjjL *A>j*Jl qjj-.aH 
(Kroker) >jj^J (iJUJl ^i) vJljJl J ^cJl JUiJl ^_JUJl 
0 jj-LJl (Sloterdijk) jL>o y jJL« ilSI-L?- J_*-;Lo j t (Cook) iS jSj 

ij-iiVl M la . ^ jJLqJ 1 fl^j 4 ^ l adjil ^Pjjll) jl <L) Lj j ^ 11 


. (Alan Wilde) JiLIj jjSf JplJbJl _u,LJ 


ijLft t yJa>-*>Lo ^y t dJLi J y y> 4 U5 j 

♦* I 

j_*jL« j .* j ; LaI Lla (J-*-^ «-LiJl jl t (_j *Lil j->- <LJLj- q •«» 

t^lJJl jSJc}\j <.JlaJIj iJajjJl jluL" ^Jl ^L*1 jl>- 

** «* ** 0 


'-j'j-*' p-d-M - 1 toijjl (J-aJ ^ yij ti-J*jjld 1 j 

0 >]l ^ 0 I 4_*_pL<iJLj>''V A-^L5_lJl (^£jJl}\ oL> jJ^jJul j 

4 * 

Usli yfc (wijycJl y>OyoJl j [jUJt ^y y^L*Jl 

4jjj 1 pLiJl ^Lp t 1 J^*Jl JLajLJ 

*• *4 

Oj_jiJL>Jl j JLi j (Modernism) 

Brian McHale, Postmodernist Fiction (London; New York: Methuen, (25) 
1987), p. 4. 


S^kJl ioJ-JJ oUijI 

Loyb ojLipL; ^jjULjj c (Territoriality) olSCJL Jl iJLkJl 
£U^Jl L4JUAAJI ol .(Hierarchical) 

dlSLJL JLJ)M ^j^J! L fiij ^Jl aJL J aJJ J-s^jJl iJUjJ 

tjtri ^LS*)L*Jl J ^UaJLI Jj^aa*- I J-A ^a Jjil yj .j^ajjl ^p 
t (j- A ^ri ^ ji^ ** ,| /? * 1*^-* uLSj frLvduaJlj ^y»y^Ji\ 

jJ . LsAjI L*pL«jl>-I j * aj*A aJI JIp cLs^jI 

OjL*0 4 | >OlM I Jl (Le Corbusier) j _5 

5 IjIwL>JI J-*jLo c-^a^ti Jij ,a£jJ| 4-q. .. la *Jl (Jane Jacob) yj j 5 b»- 

jL jLoJ^/l J-&J 4 <Jj-j|jL>JJ ^ ysi^ ^ ll <jLa*J^I 
(^ CT^* ‘ f 1 ^' OLwoJa JlSCLSI *UJj 

4 . < ? . laT >**Vlj I j»-^SJl uLq^jVI dJUS 

<LoJ_*J ilj|jj>Jl j_*_»La ajjLw*_<J| c 4 J JlJL>Ji oljLwJl 

(Pluralist) c_^J j t (Historical) i-j-J^jLJ j (Plural) 

JrijJaJ' <^o)M w (Historicist) A^kjjJj 

^ - ** ^ 

JlSLiVl ^<-$-9 C 4 _k^>^J 'jj <LuJl>- j_A La L^-J Uj _ i^Jl 

^tjLj ^3 t jp lj^*Xs^ ^^LaJl oi ^>-LaJl 

ewL^> .aJ <^^>*3 fJ-AJ JJaj ^ Uj~j 

. 0 J-L» <L>tjjLJl La^a! jJa CJ15 Lk-^-a t A^LwwwQ ^2j 

^-m?IjJI ^jL>*jJI J^LLi^Vl ^ Ijla ^LojlpI ul 
JUpI aIjIjjJI j_*_#LaJ 0 jj-LwJl cjL_>b-JI I oJl^J o-j^JI j 

(wJLSLa ojl^p j\ ajjL>*j wb>-jJ ilSo .' j-^UcJl .,<?:!! 

jl cs^r-^ ^ pj| UjUj y 

La oU ^yJl t^aLJl Jl olpU-jVl oJLa 

J t 0^ J o l l A^>sjjLJ| frlJLs^^l ^jp j-^"jl oJlilij 

d)I lf^* d^ai ^ydl 4 (Charles Moore) jy ^JjUlJ {Piazza d’ltalia ) 


:(New Orleans) ^Ujjl y~> oju J* iJlki'yi iJUJJ \jS y> j Sz 

jyA c (Italianness) «LJLkj^l 4 _pjjJI» ^i\ Jrr jL i c _ 5 Xii 


i-JLk rl )/l jJpLJUIj t(Trevy Fountain) j-p (Moore) 

ipLs^ Lu** jk>zi\ JiOllI ^jj>- j 

jJz SV jiJl j (Neon) 0 JJU) S^L^o 

Vi t^UajVl ^jJi\ iSy Jr^' b (t^JUaJl 

^_9 La»>s-a (1987) 01 <w*jj 

** ** 

tLjJ V ^1 ajjUoJI ob-LJl dbb ij^r-jJ 

** ** 

Ll>jI 4 - 1 jJ_« 4 _*_Lj 2 _j LjJ *-J J) .... * *^/ 1~-|U1 g ■* T -Ml dJUb 

(Kohn Pedersen Fox) (Vatican) jLSLjLiJLj (Acropolis) 
01 Vl LJLp 01 jJ> . (Madison Avenue) ^ ^L>^» 

JbuLo olOjcol (^il jJLU Jb^jJl IJla j) ^JaJl (Jufc 

iJ j^kJl ^0>JI UOJI JU1 Ob ^ JJLiJl 4JL- oi ^JlJbJl 
Jbd Vl 01 b' .aJLwI j } I iilStll J0$ 

j-L*J VI <■ — .S2lJbJl JboLo j\ <jjjIjl>0I cJIju^I 

t^Vl cilkJl J O^SUi 01^ t (jl^* j^ 

j^X^t\j a*Lft jJslJI IJb JJO L 4-JI Jj>- JjuUOI AjjL^JC<jJI 

J-^jJl ^iV>Jl 1*1 .L^b oL - jjh l^Jl JOS ^jA i tfcjL^pl 

j-o cr^l^-Jl bi Orr^ cr* J+* : *bb c y 2jL br 9 

^S^b^ ty ^VJajI t^l j bb H c -laSLbl 

** ** *r > 

‘UjL^x-aJl J^Lm^ ^Lp j-Owo^S* ilj|jL>*Jl JbtjUj 

^ p p p p p 

^^3 ^ IjI (j-b-? O^-OO' b' ^1 O' C <Ji! Jj>- JjoLoJl 


(<Lw«^fj j L« Ulpj) o-U- ^>-U- 4 _ s 1p <*-Ai 

(uj jjSb u lju j) y>jj t iiUJi v 1 ^' 

4 * 

(Anne Friedberg) p^Jby jl iU t U^U- j-Jo) 


c-JlS' JuJ» ; (Dickens) y^by J ji iSjLia tS^-LJl 

OulS" La-S t J-JLoiJ O-StS^ t 4 _j j^UJ 4 -^Lwh OolS j 4 4JajL>s-« 

oJl5 US' £^1 r UiJl ^ ISlSo OJ15J cjJUdJ S^/l Sj^Jl 
AOaJI 43jtU ^A OwLa . ^Uaill Jp jlSLU ibjP 

tL^-U-b jj* iiUj c-JsjUo jl (Lf-JU jl joULJ jl) Jj ^ ^y]\ 


Lji^j iiUill dJUb- Jl J] JL*. Jl J_J| ^A Ijjfe j! JjsS-xJ 

i-L«jLo 43-LgJOo La-9 t oUlU 4-o LJ I 4-j-JLajJl Ia ^aI j]& j ^ ^SL>vJU 

L^JL^-*ol <J^Li»- LiL^i Lg-Jj Uj-^o jl j-a 4-1jIjl>sJ! 

JUIjj tij-.l^Vlj tiJ^jUlj tjb j* S J-Ul 4j>o J-02JI 

-bul« lajl £^\bl .luiia ^ iJUo j^SUJ 

^^J L a- ^ ljJl *-_*_AJ-aJl Jj»-b ULau <LulJL>Jl JL*oU o^aII? 

^9 jlJoLJl O L w-^OjJl jUA-UaJl U*Aj i ^9ljLL]| ^jLuVI t_*AJLaJlj 


Jl (JUJI oIjlL iJlp 

Lo-S’ 1 jj> ul jk .... 8 .. I I jUjojUl OUla aj ‘ J .*._. L. 

8 >ji st^- ^ diSjziu ujl U5 . j*Sji r ikJi & siw-Ji <oUi 
JUj L> JSI I Jaj t isi9bl« 8 jiaJ t £*i>wJL i JJl Ai^p Jl 

« f, 

<. J j LO u >j 4jL c ^Lu^M twJfcJLaJl JjL** <. Lg * ^ 

** ** 

tiL-J! .UUJl UjUu^/I a * a . lg l l oii-Lo c Ljzji t lijLdo t **iJLJS 
iyN\ £*\j ^ 4 y& (jLii-Vl t JbJlo j) by jii\ ^IpSI jl t jL^-t ^Jl 
dJJS j t (Adorno) < 27 > jJjj^ UJloJ Uij «b ^iJl Lbl» ^ -Lo- 

Anne Friedberg, «Mutual Indifference: Feminism and Postmodernism, » (26) 
Unpublished Manuscript, 1988, p. 12. 

Theodor Adorno, «On the Fetish-character in Music and the (27) 

« Regression of Listening,» in: Andrew Arato and Eike Gebhardt, eds., The 
Essential Frankfurt School Reader (New York: Urizen Books, 1978), p. 280. 


LJLxJl l^AJl U 5 ,_^j b J-^-i 

<.aL*U>JI Jl^Lo OijJ- liU ocit <_y* ^ «. lA>\yoH^\ 

j| ( y i yJi y is^L>Jl 5 0 I 4 J *Ua$l® tljl ^S sj J^>tj US' 
iJU-^tjJij oUjVi u 0j£>> ^ijSy ^ j ^ 

0 } J >iij jsiu! c^s yt .JLiJl - ^lUlj olUi y 

y Uj 4 UyJu j ol ySlI JUol aSjUa y^ ^.Ul 

( 5 JL>wJl JJL« 4 ^-v^lj jj-HaJI JLpO^Hj .oUJl cjlj-C-l tlL!i 
d)U j~s> ^ju~J ^jS/i iJiiJi j i-jiJJi y 

P !*i1 JUbUL* y 4 JUUJI J— ^ J* 4 (Cindy Sherman) 

** . 

il y>*^\ y U 9jy Jil 4 j~S jIJJUjj 4 yj Ijylj-* 

iuU* J (oj^JJI ou-^Jl o!i) jj-vflJl (Madonna) 

y Sjl.x^ll y jU^J^ jj*0 cLUJSj 4 L^jI JJ L$jU> 

4 c- t l^-SJ 4 ^ ^ijj-SsJj 0 jj-v^ ^y 1 g * * a > y-^- c (-$■* 

jl*->U» o jJaj j^-Lp AJ- iL ..»*Sf I y* A- ' ^ y ^yiJl ^j-k Uj*X ->" j 
oUjl>u ybLw <_£JiSl -kjyJk AjiixuJi aU-^^I . aLI Jj>J1 
4jU^Jj 4jLSNj tUy ^kJ ol S Jy 4ylJ-^ .UjLJI yiJl 

A tf kl^ y 4 IJ-?- yJlj 4 LkjyLo tyy-lj 4 ^SjJj 

l3Ljb JL?r^j Nt ?(Doxifying) a^-J? ^ tS*^' y^Jl 

SyJl y Ui ?l$J N yJi ok^kJl oi& ^ 

^5Uy ^^SjUJl y 4 1ajj:> jllp ajI^JI Uj 4 ^Sy 

Akjy« y oJla aj ^ kJl ^kJl ol^-j y o-^lj JS oU LtiLJi 

ybj .Lfc^-w»JLj I jJjU- yll cLLLj ^S o^SUj - <3y-4>jj - 

+• ** 

\j ij1 j A»J -UoL. y\ iijLUl »jj» 

Friedberg, Ibid. 


eXgJ iJL^o (Teresa de Lauretis) 

(^5^ ^ t oLj ft 1 (— . ^fe^LoJl aJULj 4-5jLa-«Jl 

£jl>-j Jp-b <5>uJl ^UaJjl 

j\ %*I5 LJj ijjiJl jl ^p . 4 jL^J1 0 J 4 ! ^1 j 

<_$* *yrj jU tUjU*? 

** *• 

•■LJLflj ^_J jlJLL> jJ J^-IjJI 

JjuU ^ »*yrj 

■ as jLUJl 0 ijs SJj>»ii (_^jJl jf- iLli illol JlpLJ Jti _j 

J-4i*_*Jl tiUJ-Sj) ‘UL^s'^lj t 4_;Jjjj_*J|j tOlJJl ( j-P j - ■ » * I I ■ 
LiljfijSji \jiy^ iM J dJUij tGLSOJL 

•JjZ> or?\j*y£ ^Li ^1 ^ a^s AJ\j*jjji jj^aJ 

cJLli L$J^i ^s- bolli t_i$o j*J L*5 j 4 JL>- J £ 

‘ (( ( y* <J\j*yy - 11 ®j& U-uJl l*JL*i i 

*• TT 

A^U^JI 4^>- oL*l 0 j^aJI oijb j * oJJ ^Jb f 

£~aJ*jj .Lfj 

Ol (^J-Jl t ^*&s \js}\ ^yiljLs- JLxjLJI ^3 4jIJLo 

(Historiographic « 


„ • | 
0—> 4_»l 



De Lauretis, Technologies of Gender: Essays on Theory , H/zn a«t/ (29) 
Fiction , p. 10. 

<■ J4 3 IjJ* <JL>- I4-J ijLS' jl Luai ^1 L* ^^1*0 <il (&) 

j! «*-— L^IjjIj j\ t Jp J*»*j ji c jJl (jAiw 0 jS’} 

^ f Ijl-U-0 t * . /a i -l <JU»“ ^jA L4J] <■ Ay^l JL ij i LliJl j\ Lj/Vl 

JU-jI Jl Ja^> N ^ TtUa-^i L ^ jLx^I jl ij Jl 4 JUaj| Jb y_j 4JI 


(30 ^ cr * tr ijb jjLjJ jjbjj t I (j Jj JiS j .Metafiction) 

Loob d-oLS" JJl3 * l gT tbs' LjI Jj JJJo Lob 4 .,/g^LjLo t <*JoLo AoL jJ so 
L l r <Jl jl Lo^dCJl j j_£j JJla £W> bU <. Loj-J^j 4-JI jJ*- 

4-wflLoi Sj 5 4-o 1 J_>- Jl*o U 1 4 -^sj^LJ| ^ 43 1 


_ ^U-Jlj ( _^ J LJI L$_^.LO L^*., i-JljJl iijLLJl *jL«J 

4* ** 

Ji J .LIol jJl 4-^LSL*o*)[ 1 L_-oL>- 

oL^LpwJI ( jja L LkJU>- I J -JJL«- <J I ( jo» JbJL*Jl Ja^-N 
Ji ^UJI 1 -La . <Lo L~ J lj LjIj^LloJIj <. Sj^-UJI 

4o jol-X>*Jl J» jbcJl LIjI J j>«Jl J-*jLo Sj LJ^jjL; OjJXj 

<Loc>-j^Ji J >,^g tf) L^-« Jljp- JLxjUJI jL^> t<L>-U ( y*3 i 4-o ^ V 1 
^dSLSl o J-LJl slSWJlj t J> <. j tiolJJl 

^Uso l^olo J->xJo j 4-*JJl oliLJL^dolo LsAjIj i <Ujol J>*Jl f *j3 ^jo» 
iil>Jl cupjU JjUiJl 

** i5T 

t oi)l J>- ^11 ijilJbJl LfjJjiJiVl SLbJl JbuU 


LiLilllj JJl j^o JUoCuJl J-o2jjJ|j j-s^ocJl j 

. aJl oL>Jl J 

iJUJl) iiUlJl ^1* UiiL; ^*|JL>JI Jlx-iL. J^J 

J-*0 ^yiJl ^ <L*-lj3jVl oi-fcj .La <_^a j ( _ 5 1a- (ij^^U^Jlj 

**4* ** 

dJLSLij ^3 jl j-^oj Jo ^3 JJUl j (. O ^»jL> olj (_£ jJl Ja->«Jl 

Lennard J. Davis, Resisting Novels: Ideology and Fiction (New York; (30) 
London: Methuen, 1987), p. 225. 

Andreas Huyssen, After the Great Divide: Modernism, Mass Culture, (31) 
Postmodernism (Bloomington, Ind.: Indiana University Press, 1986), pp. 53-54. 
Fredric Jameson, Architecture and the Critique of Ideology,» in: Joan (32) 
Ockman, ed.. Architecture, Criticism, Ideology (Princeton, NJ: Princeton 
Architectural Press, 1985), p. 52. 


oL^Jl (uiUl a*~*JL) (^1 : o j&-j J*ol*Jl ^sljdl 

jl wUjUI ^Lk>J( ^ cajJuLJI 

<_$■* ‘Sr^J* 5 ^ oi-Aj .L^JJj AjJJaJl a$L^JI 

j\ i _ a^L_*J| JjL^JI Jw&U^jJ j_SCow4 iJJJl) ^1 

^ljj>Jl JjwU j-iU j .LfJLi j-o J-J-JLJl 

JjljUI .biUJ aJLp ^ caJ *JiJb>j 

*• ^ 

(j* 4 ^-aJJ o^v^jLaJl ajJLaJI oLJI^o^i/1 LlIp 

. A^i>tj ^lll A-^aaLuJl p-*wL 4 W> o j j > j t jjfc oJLaj 

AjSf ioIjlJI <y L* aL1ji>JI *UlJ c^Ii JOJ 

** # 

J cj* v* j s 4^> i-jjv y Lsz <jifi 

^ sl^ \y.jiLjl o* j^j .i-ljjdl oIa 

t^jJl j jk . ol l jdt- {y> <IJIJj»J| JjyLl JAkj Lo ^y 

<" ** 

jjJaL* J-*J <-JjiJl dJUS Al* jJUaJo 
.UjUI j^jj .^U>- wUjUI Jj-b o jjX^? j 

a^pjLcu JjL~* ^ j4* ^ ^Sl aJ15L£I 

‘ (33> >-> Y 1 -^ ^ n5L -l 0^. ^ a-ilr- M 

./r^ ^ t UJs>j .aJISw^/I oJ^a ^3 o^\ . /? tf ^ ^ (-w-L-wJli 

** ** *♦ 

J-V ‘>^*^1 iiiLx^Jl oSUl ^1 k~Jli tL»jb LjU«jI IXwJi IJL* 
lj_ij_j^j ikjjAj^- 5 J J ., (8 i jlyLl**^U 4_yljL>- JUjUJI 

^ .((Status Quo) jJl ^Jl j) jlJUiJI j _ ir U iksU^JJ 

(7%e iJlJj«- JjuUI SJLfil ajLS’ ^ Uj^p oU^J jJjLU 

j-$j t jl j j Llm} !\ ( j_a kJ jkJL jpiJ^Jl AjyLa Postmodern Aura) 

Victor Burgin, ed., The End of Art Theory: Criticism and Postmodernity (33) 
(Atlantic Highlands, NJ: Humanities Press International, 1986), pp. 163-164. 


jl i JUj JpJlj ..i^Sjjl jP ojP*Xj J jl Jal>*j 

bj&o t ^ 34 \(oL*^J^JL (1)L>jNI ^jP ^ilJj ^ ^l*^ AxjUJI 

oV tdlli bob jl J^Jl Jj>- wI*jUJI (j^J ^r^Tji 

p ^ p p 

oL^^s ^tJ ^P J* **4* ^jJaj <jl 4-Jp 

?o^L)CLw»N 1 oJlA ( JiLa <-) ^j-« 4p* 1 «,/3 .<fc 1 j ?tl)Lo-J^ll ^L ^ JL^j (jl 

^ If* IAjLojI ob****J-$Jl oJ-ft Jj^w*u 

?<1 )j& <l)t 

aJlL^^I oJijfe (1)1$ t 4->jJ>-l J*JJLj N jJ i!lIIJL>Jl J^jLa (1)1 

p p 

oLJ-Soj .oLi-s-Jl aJI J -ajI L* 11* jl i^jialL ijjJ*- 

tijuiVL J\ c-iap L f$\ nA^jUJI c~~J 1 J yt> <. <£ J>-\ 

** *+ 

jJt Jj t(4j lfOJL>- ^JJl j^I^-qJL) JiVl ^^Ip) ola^u 
.JlJUJl j jl yC^j\ j*-^L dJJS t_£*iJl i Jj*\>Jl iaiU^Jl 
C*L J -V»J1 ^jP l-Lw^- ^JLa ^-UL < — 4j j-*Jjl ^J-^J ^Ap 1 

Jp 1 j^U jJlo JL>-1 ; L j-«p iIilJL>Jl Jl^jLo IfU-SJ 

ijL^SlI c_lpt ^ Jj IU-. xi ll» ^ Jj t JjjtlJl Aiil^Jl 

.l^ljl- w ^1 U12JI »JI > 

1 <L£ j_>«Jl ^jS> bjLA3 jl j LLj j^~ *Aj& 4-oJ-^Jl d)l i dXJS 

Ja^-N i «4lilJb-Jl 4 la 4 1 0^0 (J^-o-j^LS^Sll >w.- ^ , > b-> 

J^J ^jU O^p jl jU^ Jl- oSfl IfAU ^4,1 

4-w-JULfJlj tj-i-llj t J-^lj C ^ ^Jlj 

Charles Newman, The Post-Modern Aura: The Act of Fiction in an Age (34) 
of Inflation , with a preface by Gerald Graff (Evanston: Northwestern University 
Press, 1985), p. 107. 

.184 ^ t4**i jJ-^il (35) 


i -uLJUll <> J-iJij oNl i^j ** aj jL*-*_^Jl 

*• *• 

1 S-b-tAJl a jIaJI yj t (Historiography) y*->jL!l y_ j^aill j 
LiUJ Slw>- t (Cybernetic) ll jJlp La- jJ j 

(36)- .. 

dUi j 4 Lain (JLjCL-wI JL-Aajj ^jjL) 4 *L*plj 4 ^..u -t5 

4 ^*J 4Ljl*jtJ! L-X 4 JI y yJULJl y> -b-bJl J3 y 

oL^ljJdi tJLajJlj u-o^/l ^ij iijj- saJI jjjjiJl 

•4 *4 ^ 

N U5 4 La y^Jl J^JI |JL» jl j£s) y** Vj . (37) oU LiUiJl j 

C-^L ^L»Lo (J^^j ilJIJbJl wLxjLoJ twdj jJKJ 

o^LjJ (_PJ^ t JoULjl .ojL^Jl oJ^J 4uall^Jl 

<jl~Jlj JaiSJl ^ jJl ^3 t aJLJLJI 

* ^ 

Jl>-Ij ^?L>- Ls<a->ti 4 -^IjJl!I ojLA ^JL5 j t lILIS L £ j-& 

4*^L**J1 o->L*x>bJl jj]ax* l *jA t <*j! jl>*J 1 juuLqJ 

^1 Lop tJiiUl s-ajjai* ixLcuJi JLJLJUl eJlS u +AJ 

* * 

JDuUI Jl y La«-spIj LpjLaJ tjjj^.«i 4 »l iy»- j 

j tjjbjJI. j 4 j .jJlSLal ^1 ilLfi : *OfcJ| ijJL lUSj 4 v*|j^ 

(.5’^' IJ-A (1)1 J-* <— OyjJlj *- - y* • ^ 

» 11 ^ **^ ) L.»J i ^Lom^JI^ c ^ I y^Dl *j - L 4 ! 

» ♦» ^ 

OJ j-oajj <. jJLo oUl (1) 1-3 £-J>\ J^jl 0 *>Ll?-I ^JLp j 

AajL^J I Ja_JL>Jl iJL>t-o3j 4-oP^ojlj'y 4olo ^ LoJ t iljli 
L-jUa>tJ!j ejLl>-V ^o ti^L ^ IJL>Jl 

Ihab Hassan, The Postmodern Turn: Essays in Postmodern Theory and (36) 
Culture ([n. pj: Ohio State University Press, 1987), p. II. 

IJL y 353 t i-»UsLl UaA’^til jiaj\ (37) 


of O* UlS' ^*>^1 

dwLA C taLxj 1 *a ^3 l a ^ ** * J 

*4 4* 44 

4jj)j ^]l (JLa ^^-*-v-*_^Jl I JlA 01 t ljJ& i ala>-^taJl i jj» Jb N C <LwoljjJl 

JL>- JboLJl OLaJjj jl JJLJl 'ji j»Jj Ja-S .3 Jsj^lll 

JUJbJl Ja>-M La*Sj i<*iUS ^ 5 ^ oj^^j . 4 i^pl L 5 
jJ lil cllft) ij^jJl ^>JI oSf JLii 


iJUb ^1 yl JbJjJl Jlip ((Heterocentrism) oLuJl L^S ^Jl JS Ju 

LgJL&l^>vJ^ 8 'i--^^a LgJ 1 d djLj JL>tiJl 4 -w^! ^ Jj 

j-fc t t tJLlsJjV ( A^xl j wwv l l j <JLJaI^^1) 

t ^ j_^Jl j t ^L^jJl JJLa ^ E jJa_* Jl iiliiJl ol >f ^1 

(*-*J o^LJJ <l ; -L.^*^I ^> j jlJJ\j 

•LajL^JI ^J-JL«jl) 1 (Jl^Jtl t 4—1. - ( m y u 


^ 4pr ^| ^ 

<LulJl><Jl JLrjLo A3J-a UL^I j^.Aj^j (j* 

4-J^Jl ( y^ s oj sJU (taiL^Jl 4-*_L J-^jLoJ i j^j J& L* 


* (, <m> 

tjyijL>“ jl*jLaJi ( j^> *j2? l*~<>->- L_ii 


jlJL^ rJJ>- y> ilDl y> JJli yu i)L* J .V ^ dJUS Ll^I *1 j— 
* jluLo A jl L15 LoUol oIj ajjL®jwJI 4 — ju^JI 

jlrf jj JU J jbii ( LfcJli ijLnij .y^Wyfc ^ l Uib t ^*3 

4*-J> j-> <• /yJI J j>JI JuoLJ y> jL*jJl i jjkLU (Hal Foster) 

*4 ♦* 

t Sj iIj|jl>J'l JUoLa j t OjLa-aJI 4-uIwL>- J-«-jLa I t ( j-^P jJ 

U . (38) S^ <Jail>s-A ^ t JUoLo L^jL <■■ 

+ p £ 

<y-y y\^>~ OjoUJI Jl ol i J* 

Hal Foster, ed., Recordings: Art , Spectacle , Cultural Politics (Port (38) 
Townsend: Bay Press, 1985), p. 121. 


^LSolJI j-ft JJUJl jJ Jj-£> Ag_P-jJ Aa» I U^-JS^ 

4JU0 0j^aU^ 

A>- ^qJ| 4 l^pIS ciilj ^JwJUJl (J^Axwl Ls^jl J^J * 

^yll C As^tO* Ojj^AiJ 4 j *~£ aIjI-V^- JUjUI (J& J) * & + \ \j .(_£^>*x)l l^-Jl 
^1 4-u^J oJjJl 44 : hU:Sl Vl^Ji ^o)l iilii^lJl ;«.>» 

(1 r 4 V t£-^' JO>J' y*j ‘J~^' ®^*i '-frkj.V 

. (ULiVl j *. J 4jJL[_^cJI» \^S^3 Ul^j, yblkj 

JL*jL* oL^*_Jl -I** Ml ^->JLi J «->- oUV^iJl _v jujuJI Ol 

4 4* * 4* ^ fr \ *4 *4 V \rnJ ** 

vrljjjl jL^I M J* 44 V'-^' 

jJlo JlLIj ^jjl ^Jl <t^jJLi 4 ^Jj\x>- JjuL^JI 


* * * 

4 t jJL*J LOu wOyLj oiJlp^a A-s^L>- jJfcj 4 L#L>xjI 


L^jU ^ AaLAiJIj Aol.A^- tXxjLoJl ^i-P JjJLjuI ^ j^o wLLP Aj ^>*^mJ| 

^Lalll JjL>*Jl ^ iljt JL>Jl Jl*_>U J j^j ^,<3* ; Uj \aa»* 

,/jj^T ./***-*■ (j ^^l*->Jl 

^ 4* 4* ** 

V <^1 or*^' ,/*'4* j-V ‘ (39) >*’^ -* -f (Jl V-^J 

A-jw^-si* 4 aIs^J j^o L^Jl 4 jl>- jl^LoJI ^y*j L^> ^yJl j kL$J 

** ** 

jjhljJaJl ftJjfc jJLJ c 


®^jl <lr* c cr^ e$H f *■*■** 

jiJa^ yj*!' (*J^' 4/ 

. ^ j 4 cj1*1^-1^ 

JLajL« ^->wsJ2j ol ^9 ^J-s4>L>«J| ^UsLAJoN I 

L 1 ^ ./S /^a J ^LaJ^I ^yaL^-J A^J <1)1 jj-j 4 AjI 


M. H. Abrams, A Glossary of Literary Terms , 4th Ed. Rev. (New York: (39) 
Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1981), pp. 110. 

.16 c<u~i jJ.s^Il (40) 


Ay U -S^ ll l LfjlSUv* ^1 OjjyLj bjj~S tjlljl J~«> (^** 

*j' Mji t crH bj bjj^jj 

** *• 

^JlSLilj 4_ow> yy jl^bcu jl 

^ <>— Jl iJLS JL* Ja^i 

t IaL*^ y» (De-Doxify) ( j) 4_«Jajl Juy^L, 

i$ j£a}\ j jjy}\ b\j c_d t ^ ^ j ■ 

jSSsj LlL«^»j i Lf *j£*4sb\j t ( _ r ^.l£*J'yi 

. (41) «<Jdl 


: Jyi Jj>Jl JjuU ^y y yi\ Jja Lm 2 jI (J j^\ <* j 

£ljjSfl i-Ls^LiJl ^Jbu ULU t yJl ol jJjjJl JlL* 

oULLlIj L-L*JI iiliiJl ^j-oj c ^o*>LSCJl (^Uaj>«Jl i^iaJlj v <L«oS/ 1 

V 4 jVj 5-w-jLa^Jl y yJl t 4-Jl^JM La t <b 

jL^> L) j-lij Lj j^4 t ijjJaj bji ,v» i£^ ^ y^J 

4 l^-IS JUpS/I ^y i jJ>J j-Aj JjoUJI < jyaJU IjjL 

*• ** 

Jl*jUl dLiJU t^JU-pl J jj>- ^Liil oUu^' ^ Uaj lj 
^ olS' (_$jJl 4_>^ik*Jlj 4 0w>Ls<aJlj 4 J yuA*S\ jJt- £JL*Jl JIju j*J 

vULJi ^fcujl Jbo ,J U5 .i^Jlj^Jl /ij^JLojjJl JLJliJl 

:i^olS\fl jlJULJI ^ olS ^Ul ^LtU^Ulj L^iuJlj oUJl 

» ** •* ^ 

JLoi aJI ^ jJl (Peter Shoterdijk) JJb»o y yi> jiy J_*_*_; jSLi^lh 
iaJL>- y» ol ys>-\ Ljj 4 ( Critique of Cynical Reason) j>-LJI JjbJl 

f ^ 

tSj^jL* <lL*l L$y <Cj>- j++~oj t JLSa^o ^L>«-A CijflJjpo 

l~*-» ‘^y ^ l#* 4 — jj "fi 4^ r >^l_j jl5^Sfl 4 aI 5^» 

J- 4 L*j-> (jJ->- ( _ r ^>- J4 4 j*_eo Jj AjjJajJl 

William V, Spanos, Repetitions: The Postmodern Occasion in Literature (41) 
and Culture (Baton Rouge, La: Louisiana State University Press, 1987), p. 7. 


jOoLoJl c^LJLj ! jJ& i ^ o 1 j 1 4-*-*L>«Jl 

* * •* 

\jy>^ ojLi*l> (Douglas Crimp) -LS^r <>iJ\Jo- 

JbuU -SfrUSy <Sj& cl$J USU j 1$JLp Llij (i October ) aJU*-J 

^ JjT J*i dLliSj . 

(Martha Jjjj L'jUj <. (Barbara Kruger) >j> I^jLj 
I j J U : jjJJI (.ojjj-\j i (Allan Sekula) N yS^» oVlj <. Rosier) 
*)l J JjuLa (1)1 J-Jjl l-^* L j j • & 11 

dr* V 1 — “>*-*' dr* Ur*' 1 * dr^i (-* dr^* ^ dr™* 

.JJLl«~<JI (_^_plJu»«Jl ^-ill (N t<wsL>- ^ >■ Vj tLjjLiJl 

tS>^' ds® Jl ^ C^J 

** H V ia »- 

^ 4 (New York’s Museum of Modem Art) 4l^»JL>Jl ^yLU 

^-iJl ^Lylj 

kj^J £ jilJbJl ^ p jUJl ^ ^1 JI jLit 
^1 ^Ldl i S lU l> ^ q r -4ill UJL>Jlj 

JLoLaJ ^j.'i *>- s 1 ^_1_P 4_j j_^vjJl 

^1 ^iaJLj . (43) JJuJ! <£y~** O^pUxll 

^lll jj la « o ll 0^3 4 'j*S y> 

d) — dj-* l _r‘Wj- 1 - ; ' A* U-S'j .iJj-*- ‘jj-AJj ’‘(Jjjj-^ *- 1 ' tr 1 ^ 

: (Andreas Huyssen) 

Linda Andre, «The Politics of Postmodern Photography,» Minnesota (42) 
Review , n. s. 23 (1984), pp. 18-20. 

Craig Owens, «The Discourse of Others: Feminists and (43) 

Postmodernism, » in: Hal Foster, ed., The Anti- Aesthetic: Essays on Postmodern 
Culture (Port Townsend: Bay Press, 1983), and Barbara Creed, «From Here to 
Modernity: Feminism and Post-Modernism,» Screen, vol. 28, no. 2 (Spring 1987). 


j-fcljJaJLj fcjSfi t 4 Ax^»I li>- jJp (Jjlji? ul 

Oj-s^JLj <. L$-lp o^-p^Mj i-jQJUj c <uLl 5L)I j ofrlj-aJljj t i-s-wwjjjJl 
jij lj*>- j^jLj L$j j V *bVlj 

jl oliJL 55 j > Jl (j^oU ^^Lp j i oUpUlJI oJla ^ ^jtSJl <1)15 



LpljJ 9 ^ lj~5 S/j^J O^jJl jJajJl olp-j cJJLp-I JLaJ 

^ ^ UaJj tSiytJlj t5il£)l U ^^515; 

LJ j a, a \ J U j*£jl> JJ-<>-*-» ti _^Lw^Jl <l)LJLJi Lf> 

• ll»<K ^ * $ L , * ^ - -- ■ ' ^ 

^UJ| ^ U 5JLlk* ig^o iajlio iJLfc cJjp tdJUi £0 J 

^^SLSUiil ^.iljJL v Ljjl ^JLa jl5 jla] £yu>J| 

*M 0L5 Ujj^ V«dJ^' ,> -^LJ ^^.jlJI i 

•* *•’’'** 

(JI^pI CUiL l tiiJi £« J .e-L~UJ iukAl ^.^JlJlj 

eA^> ‘j'jj— j <-jZj\S tL^ij t (Christa Wolf) ciJjj Ll~^5 

4 (Audrey Thomas) (Susan Daitch) 

4 P 

(( <_r*^' ja Oj^iII)) jl 4 (Maxine Hong Kingston) oj^jcS £jja 

<lr* *j?r >* oliJl q* 


oLL5Jl ^5 ^ V I -Laj AajUJI 

» - * tT * 

j^jti J <1/^® i ( ^a ol .i^jlJ->- 

j*^la 1 t (Margaret Atwood) *jjS\ c-j^p jL> ^1 <. (John Berger) 

4 <U-« jAj> V <_£*Jl ( j^Jl>J1 SL^j ( j^>kJu 

(No Place on Earth) 5k~Jl a>-j ^Js> J^a V *JA jj L~j^5 ^jhS 

Huyssen, After the Great Divide: Modernism , Mass Culture, (44) 
Postmodernism , p. 220. 


(Kleist) o ~~~ " a * *-*** 

LjbLS'lj^l o\S ,^\ pU i ^ 4 (Giinderrode) 

** •» 

Ji Jill c— i**£i t ^ ^* 4 ^ cr 11 O-^ 1 J*J^ 


rtgi.! VI is y, “>U s ^LiJl :l ^Jl 

trH LT-*i ^ dr 5 ^! '-M- 4 J yr" c#^*“ 

** ** ** 

c a^o^JI oLl>«JI cjL>-L>- aajI La jl^sl ^S " ^ L) I ^Jlp <LoJL« 

tol^lSj .jaSII ,y If! jLi- V Ljl «j~Jl j-* Uj *Jl ooJ 

** <*T 

j~*j jl jl ijl <jl oilL* 0 jLaJ ijtstfli- C— ~J 

(45)„ . » (t , 

jS, JS 

\ *• 

I (J^jL 4ol L* j *-> sAl ^JjJLJlp U! 

4 y^ 1 4 ^*Jl O j dhubP 4nXJ L amwJ 1 ^ * y - a ^JuUJj (J 1 

ai> cSUj jl oijl ULkJ .L-jis lii v iiJi j^: jl Upj 
I 4J Jb-^Jl |«Jol t iwxSljJl ^>JJ 


j^jj» jl &j>y\ ji L4 UI ^>lui ol ^\ji\j 

jS^sj jljL^J-S" tolj-^oJl cJl>*jJ 1 .1 -o.^ 1, a Jl5 aJ^Lp 


-Cl 08) 4— i, Ljo 4 LsAjI ^j>*-ij ^ A g * c ^AiJlII 

ol J jJaJL (Feminist) si j ^Ijl>- oL>-I OIj 


^jJj>Vlj tiJLiLiVl jl^l ^ tolA J*, LiLUl aLfcdl JlSCJiT 


*^-43 4 L^jI Ajj • ll 

** •• 

Christa Wolf, No Place on Earth , Translated by Jan van Heurck (New (45) 
York: Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 1982), p. 107. 

.112 jJUol! (46) 


U^LJLj jL^Xpl JL*_> |J 4 j1 

. (G&gnon) (1)^^'^' <J^Sj « 4j^la,*Jl <u^-bJl y* 

L^j| ^£y***~*}\ fttoL. 0 — l l y ■*■) 1 ^JL<w«m 4 Oj_® 

^U^l Jjj^i\ ^ £& ^\ j\j£s}\ iajjJa jl <*JlS ^ *j>£ 

(o!J UNI ^ jl C^^U^JI (&*y\-j\ *L~,) 

•• ** 1 « 

jl «ijjJ!jSll» olUl J~UJ Lvoli- t ijjf LjJ 


. ^ 47 ^< jA ^ J tOtfj 0 jfc*~A L$J| ®ijJj$jLll* 

#* ^ 

J J* yA 4JoLl1I LJL_L*jJ| oIjLjlp^I ojufc J-Lw 0 } 

tJj-2j ^Jl A^Lswi>-Vl OjJiJl 4-aJflj| y& jiajJl t L^-lI^L^wa 

p p ^ 

c J' Oj^Jl jl) Laj-^j ol^Jl y& jy^\ ^>^-i 

JL^ JJ-b c^j^i Lr®^ 1 c^ 1 ^ * ( 6 J| •* * U^ , J- LJ ' ^ 
^ <uLJb>Jl 0 X*J t^U-0 j»Uaj ^1 _ L>-jJ^JjIj ^ypUl^l 

j-iJl ^^jsj (. 1 g <* 1 ,* .7 / LjJLpLwj 

♦* #* a* 

ill ojj^i (J j^>- S j-yS oUlji c* 1 «/?>• [** $ "> jJa->j ^LqJwwmJIj 


JlS j^jL. ^1x 5 jl t JUuJl J-j- jL*i iUu. J l 

( _ s Jlp JlSjj 1 . (1983) (Post - Partum Document ) jj*j (Mary Kelly) 
JlPiSll ^jUJ ili*: iJall J*^ ^ ^JnJI JyiJl r-lxJl 

^1 ij^Jl oJ^Jl ZjjSlto i JkJl jt SJLuUl 

+* ♦* 

Uj^LJl /^Vl aS^L«J LijJL# Ljl>w« ^ " IJla ^wJii iLjlJLxj 
- a-L^'b/lj oUlSJl ^ U \yj^aj Ju 4 JiilaJl j 

Vl t *» C5^® 4 6 JuS^A _ 4^pL*JL>-I A^JLa-P L^jI ^ 

t>* cik •a • tt 

Monika Gagnon, «Work in Progress: Canadian Women in the Visual (47) 

Arts 1975-1987,» in: Rhea Tregebov, ed., Work in Progress: Building Feminist 
Culture (Toronto: Women’s Press, 1987), p. 116. 


SjJLp £jSll L.UJI oLiJLuJl 0-515 tJJUi J JLaj ^ 

Oj b ^yJl j t(Hans Haackes) jJLa l $ <» la * toJLuLJl 

«* *4 

4 (Les Poseuses ) Sj^oJI a LI jJl ^iUi (Seurat) ol i_jL 5 J _p- 
^ 4 1975 f U Jl 1888 r U ^ ^1 ^ ^Ij 

j^JUl jJiLJl j 4 LjLJ! SI^JI ^1 JJUJI jlJULlJI jju* 


«4iUi*j» ijh* ■*»**. I Aj j]o^j (_£UJl t^-Nl ^ $ " » t 

** ** 

JjL^o J-O^j c 4*L»I 

L. jiJl Ijuoj oL5 L^jU j!5 ^Jl A^UaiiVl 

^ ‘^Nl (*LkJl ol^l J—j ^ J~~j b^ Jl>. 

* * $ * * * ft K 

|JU-X>- IjJLa-o L-pL^jio^-I — L**L— < liLtoLi j j 4 1 &>. 1 <JL*a-Jl^ l ^ * »j\ j a 

.iJISLil l^. , Tjl* 

** p * ~ * 

t Lf i\ J £’jljj}\ jij+ad I (_,Lp i—ljjJl oX* ^ ji <ssjZ±-\ 

** *» 

4jl ^jJl oiS <L> j^s^Ji (1) jJJaJ! /j-* 

*t ** 

^UJI ^1 J JS U-fJ L^a‘>LSLs : ^ I 4^ */2 a ll 

** ** ** 

l *v ^ Lp ^4u*^i 4JLP t 4jj^^L«j>cJt AiLdiJl^ 

(Annette o 5 40 JI aJ ,JaJ L «j .bJL^« IjULu j iilLi ULi»dl 

4 -j-^Lwo oli-w^J JL*j t J ; la : 1 ^p jJ jJJl j-p Kuhn) 


: 4j4^ ‘ (“j-Jl y 1 >>Jl ij-Jl yp 4 Ja^yj 

jV Juui ^ 4ij>>y>J' iJLJuJl JLSCJiVl» 


1^ LjLLl>- >■»— 4.1 jjj 4 Lsj| oLpI ^ 

L* J5 1 yi ®L^^ (>ri (>* (i^3i 4 LJU ijy*j 

4 4-I| ^ la-i l L (J) ft j j '. < a ' 15 0 _^j 

4* 4* 

tfl jJJl (jij^ ^>Jl L^" 


JlSLiS I JbJLxJl ol ^«Jl OJ y ~0 3 y*~j 0 1 ft » > ■« ll ( J_wJ 


JLiCj. L.y^ i I ^ UU>I ILs^JI 

yA AS-y^J^A ®ol J^-L3® jJ^J AjL 3 t aJ \s* y*P yA Si y$\ yfr yJ yl^\ 


. <48) «l^li y> ^iUciVl ^yUaJl Jjljdl y «i5Jby» Ji-Jb' ^UJI 

** ** m +• 

j\ Ijy^ ^^JLp ^ «/9 l A_;b 

jA^y*£ 2 -XJl ^-^3 i j\ t A-JoNi A_pL$->*Jl ^1 t (RclCC) 

** ^ 

1 <wJl y^d\ <1)1 jJ *,aZi <L)bjl-^>- AajL^JI Ail ^3 1 j & jjjjaJl 

4 * 

l$J* j jj oli t dUi . a-JLJL«jlJ 1 l*JU^ v^>'j 

*±)j <j£-*-U • A-J&l J-* 

0 ^5LJl ^3 ^ j-~jJl J Jj>- JL*jL*J| J jJL Jl 

•* ****** 

0L> .v‘ ,J ^' J^uL* olijli.-j! v-LJl ^^JJI 

JL*jLa i)\ j*& t o j_3 AjjJaj V-* 1 la ^ 7 A^pL*JLj>“')II Aj^w*jJ| j_Jl 

<■ «•*-* ^i a!S1Jj>J1 

N ^^43 ^A-iUlSi ol JL aJ J;l ^ Ljlo a^JL* Ji^b 

*♦ ■** •* 

•* ** 

i ^AmA iwCj ® —3 C Aj ^ >^J 1 tf 3 ! j -J 1 f ^3 yiy*A ^^Lb Oi ^y 

U 9 jJa j\ i Jw«**Jl y>%. j 0 jJfiL>- (jlS^ jJ t Ju»**Jl JLjL V KfrLJti'yi 

* * 


y* JjybJlj y, y*j O^UJl oi* 

^oL) Ala>-^La jJL>«j <, AjIjUI JJwO (, ^j5>J . A>woljjJl o jlft yA ^^LJl 

.A^^lJLjl LSLSuxJl dJLliS'j JjujUJI ^Js> i£y~2S\ 


^3 JUuUl Jjlkb j! U^aM J-J ^-Jj 

o j^a d)t <y^~ ^ *■— (Jl5w»V o^Lp| 

Annette Kuhn, The Power of the Image: Essays on Representation and (48) 
Sexuality (London; Boston: Routledge and Kegan Paul, 1985), p. 19. 


t (. Roland Barthes by Roland Barthes) 4lilJj>- JUolo 4 -JLo2j>~ Lob 

' / *1 4 4* t* f» 

(Michael ^p^oiJJjl ASlob^J 4_1jI jl>- jl*oL* ^ ^ j 


£^Uo ' jr^ ^ Ondaatje) (. Running in The Family) 

j\ L-wwjjJ' 4JL^-U^J {Patterns of Childhood) SJ^ikJl 

. O j^JcS £ jjb (77ze Woman Warrior) L>jUmJI el joJl 

ui ^>JL Literature jl) lol c U LgJLS' oJu* >^o ^ j 

4jI A OlS* U L^jI Jo t JaJb ( 

^ ^ Al US ,sL>Jl ^ iUSJl ^ LolAU ^aJIj sjLi^Jl 


£jU-j J^-b L^olS iL 4 o j^jJI 4o jJajJl o d)l 

* * p, 

Of'LwJ tf » m ^SO ^Lww^O *^1— | 0 ^ - - -- 'Y ll 

1 j ) Aj^uJl AcJl ^ ^JjLko t OkAj CoLol^ol 

<> ^JLXJI 4^JIjl>JI ^UJl (U^y 

(1)1 j+s* t L>- jJ^jUjVI £jl>* liJL d)l uIjJlL Lg^ob ^LiLpN I 

tj* J^J 4 ® j]a««i<fcll Vl aIiLo 4-s ( jUJUsL) 


<1)1 o^Jajj ^ d/> ^ uiPjy. jj-^y £fy* 

t<uJaJl <Jji jA 4 rr ^Jlo) <3jiJl c5 ^« LAj 


<ul JLp JyAiaJl jl a*U^JI jt jl 

J-f 4 I4J t Lf >uj\j t J y»L^> t jr'-’i *4-*-P 

** ** •* 44 W' 

JajL»J| N Jij . ^(UuJt Jjtajj Aj J^-JLXj d)l jJLaj 

<JUa,l ^ L> ji 4 JiSll ,> ^ 4,^1 dJUi 


\ t 


Burgin, The End of Art Theory: Criticism and Postmodernity, p. 108. (49) 


t (Postraodernity) 

(Modernism) (Postmodernism) 

Xlll Jl>0| JjjL* *uJl? Jla.O^L lJ ^jA jJiSlll 01 

<Lj I Jl>iJ ! Jlaj LoJ ^Jl 

^ j\ o j^J IjyJbnJ 4jljL>Jl JbuLtj (<U 

O^taJl j*yOw <UlLi>^ <JU?LoL> <j) JL>iJl JLujL* CJ^P Jj j . l$J 
<J 0-L>»J i> Ljjl t 4-Jj-Ul jXaJI wUx^Jl 

iijjsu^Ji i-jJijJi jj^* i vi-^* iUL-* 

jAaj ^j-|U aOL^JL^JI l-jI - .rll jj|^ t jJt.jljJl 
t OXJ^ ^yuOl *^>-Iaf'^ oJLa 

U-— k»L<»-U -Ldj ^JLp JlaJLJLJ Xj ! J^>iJl J-ajL* jl Ojji Oj j-*JL£ iJljJb 

(Positivism) ^yw^Jl ^JUJl^ (Humanism) ^LJ^I 

.-ElJJl ^ UjlSol L^i^bJ 

h-LjwL>*jl 1 4 * a w, La.ll jjil j jUI 4 j 1 JL^«J! JLjuL* j - * " ^ 

*1j IsAjjJI l!jIjwL>u JjL* 4 ^-yj>) jJl <j jJajJl e^All 

1 1 — ■ > l^a-> uJI cIjLU jj^jo 4 -^L»«Jl j)-S^jj o\J^>iJj t <-j jH«Jl _^t^L>iJl 

<**l « rt 4 ll 4 - A Jl^ - 1 (_J UM J^ C A ■ Tl j ^ 

LjJL£ ^JLfcj i^jjpJLflJl ^1 SjlJLrJI (Metanarratives) 

^ j-*-Ul tw^Ua^Jl SjJaJJ t oLoJ^JJ t 

O.LJ* jy* 4 ^ la 1 .4 H A.^.la.iSl Ij t 4 JLwm^- 

- <j!*a^iJ! JajL* (Jj^- 01 jJLjj Xoi-^jVl L^jlj) 

JjXw IJLZjI jj - iyl JL>iJj JLajL* ^ iaJL>iJij 

-uL >-j (Jurgen Habermas) j*jjt iilJL>Jl j* 

L^lyai /^SU-i V ^U>JI 01 Uilj U.a'ASU t jU jJ 


JL jU L* j\ i sj^-jJI jLSjI 

t (Enlightenment) 

<J^p i_s? 

, (Metanarratives) 

UlSj^ ^ 4 +ry ^y tVUSl Lkj j»j -A*> (J 

A-s^i jLS^ j^J 4 jl 

Aw^^IaaJ) i ^ jJ!^ t jUJl JLaI-pVI j£***a>a (JJj-^L*J! 

^Jlil *-L*Jl* ^ t 

F ■* L * 

iWlJbJl JuoU cJtf tdUJU .ii _^Jl ^ UIjj-a vJL-Sfl Jl J 
t ^jiJajJi 4 - 1 XJ 1 ^yr ..11 S H ^ UyUy S j . j «JL* jLij — 1 Jjll 4 -ujJlj 

\j \ Jjtiwl *i/ SjJa 1 <J!j i j*x~a£i\ ( _ # ip 

jl'jJ j! Jl jj** 4 jL>- -^J - 0 =*^* ->' 

M- a- va - i j-* OljJ-AJ U15 t 

( 1789 ) Ua^I : y^y-O 

<_f) a -*-‘ <Jj^' y-^ l J ^jyj 

■H ^ * — 

tyj_jj i j'“U f*** -^J l 5* **y^ <y^'j ^lyJ*AJ 

jl ijj^uyJJ UoN Uil (Richard Rorty) 

^y j yii jjJj y* 1 * j * » ? y L* 

jbuL. Ji Lcl. ol^Jl ,y OjSy L*^l jj ySI jjj *bS Ulx-. 
- j u 1 ... I I ^ o yu*Jl i»3yL; Jj_ijl jji - iJlj^Jl 

uyj^' i>^ ^ J-^y^ ^.yr J>jjj V^'y 

■ <l!j^...i ; ai-UeVl o-i-A (Ji-» Ja-fj ^ 

y'-*y'- fe t,y i!U>JU ^ 

jJLj j *LJjO t IJl) 4 4j_)LJ! Ljjlj j 

ly^jU La.A- 4 I l« ^Ui^jU lJ J)\ J ^e-\ v_~~v oi^ ij-* of 


\ja\i jtf (50) «i‘la>JLJ ^ _,J(» jl J\j jLii : /Jl 

** •• 'TT 

A . X.0JI 4 j ^ dJL>c 

*wA <U*uL> 

J^jI Jj>“ JL*jLa 


J^yi *4-5 J-*jLa 0^3 t ^La jk* j%-pj Lo^Sj 

. AjI J j>tJJ Ajj^llt SjJaJl oi^J JL~Jl ^ cLUSj cJUJL>«Jl 

#• *i 

dUS ^jL>- j-o-)l ijlJL><JL! aSLsi-oJl 

.ifU aiJbJi jouU j i^u sijbJi jujU 

Jj5xJl J^jLgJ ( jxLa^jLa C-AJjJcJ j\j jJ ^ Jj>sJ ^J2S>- 

aJI^ 4jUa?-*>b _A3 i UojI ^wL>- 

~ ' - 


Ol Jj-w^jLp- JjL>tj c(La Condition Postmoderne) ii|JL>Jl JjuU 
^ 5 -Lp jU ^ j^jfc j-a (Metanarratives) S j£L* JUo 

(j^ 0 Aj^wI>cJ| J_*_>La 4-s^?L>*J| 4j J&3 (1)1 C ^j^Lo^jLa 

ol ^ iaJI JuX>*j ^^Jlp igjli ^ j 4 4-o^>“ ej j . /? ; t CoLo j— »ll— «Jl 
jl : JyU Ua^-J pH\ ^dLj . (Mandel) JxLJ Ul£]l 

* . tf 

(w^-Ai-OJl^ <• ^*-3 1 jJl i»— &<-L-o— 1 1 (OkXJ^ (Jj^iwmJI A-JLa-^Ij 

** ** 

iJUaJl .UjI. -y jl . <51> ^1 j^JI JbyL. jj, ^jl&^ll 


t A-J) 4 *.**m*JL* 3 . ^g3 *L^aXa^ d-olj 4^jlfeX>cJl hXftjLo ^ j 


<. «o ^luJl iJL-J jJU ^l^Ji ^ku. )l» ^ oLa^h^JI 
**■ *• «* 

4 .. M < > l |M 4— pL*— ^Vl - 4 j^Lm 9— iVl jli^'l oJlJj * JUJjj jyj*Z J 

J\ jJ- .cULUlS" yN I j_^i Oij .^iJbJl a^LJ (85) ((i.a^.JuJlj 

t* ^ 

Jurgen Habermas, «Modemity - an Incomplete Project, » in: Hal (50) 
Foster, ed.. The Anti- Aesthetic: Essays on Postmodern Culture (Port Townsend: 
Bay Press, 1983), p. 4. 

Fredric Jameson, Postmodernism, or, the Cultural Logic of Late (51) 
Capitalism, » New Left Review , vol. 146 (1984), p. 78. 


lj*\i yhLkJi jJ> UlJ jCN I dUj JLirJ I*;! ^ j! Jbj 

^jb jj&J ilj|JL>Jl JbyLo SJIJLpnJI -LajLo ( jJ» l*i-* 

4 + 

JO 0 L 0 8 c <. 1984 ^Lp ^9 aJULo 01 

oli t tJjLIi .o 4-Jlwt j-U jL: jl 

<Lol Ju>«Jl JjuLo Oj— (1)1 j-k ^lp C^-*-uLo 


*r ** •• 

^ P 

t ^Luo ^ J-o t ^\sS ^Lo-p (. 5 ^^ . U ^ * IS' t A-jLd^Jl 

^ . a . W" . i t - jl d . g li ^ya AS’yaAatA^ L^-J Lj <L*J I ^A_>*J 1 AajLo k. — Aj^aSj 

^Ujia-MI - ^aLaiiMl >..>ia.. : ID) LiJj t oUI^)llj LJliiJlj 
^‘Ml jl . ( 52 ) 5>LuJI aJL-J^I ^Jb ^JJI L^j^J 

L^jL ,_^Jljt ol Juj ^1 Ml 4-ui LJLi M ^1 IJlaj 4 jUaJ^L* 



'JbuLaB <_£ u*yi *lJDl (jl .c-»Ua->Jl JjL*-** ^ .4 1,* 

jJt- ^ja 4 -i^ll ^yll j~~i -L*jL«#j «a5Ijl»JI 

ji UfcK JU> aJMjJl! Alii jjycJl JUjcl-I jlp aJL-JU Jali» 

4 SiLLiJl aL»~ J I £-1^1 q -a L £jj ^ ^JjMI go 0 * *^L«*Jl 

jlj .ULiJ A*l^ ikJ* ^ pu j! M 4l f ,:.t.iL^ yL-Jli 

AiJl jl ^1 jl ^ J^La ^ I 

♦* ** ** 

JbyLo aJUj A-ilAllI V |J ^ -buLjl Sj ^ i»j ^iJl J-Lo |t-^> 
iL‘lJL^Jl JL^U c^JU : i^Ub-Ml - LaLadMl I A.A.Jall atJbJl 
^JUI ^[S ^Jlw ! jU Ll.Uii Svi^i 4U_^iU>- ui r . U5 4 La 

Fredric Jameson, «Hans Haacke and the Cultural Logic of (52) 
Postmodernism, » in: Rosalyn Deutsche [et alj, Hans Haacke, Unfinished Business , 
Edited by Brian Wallis (New York: New Museum of Contemporary Art; 
Cambridge, Ma: MIT Press, 1986), pp. 38-39. 


I ji\ J ^s*Jl l fU^ >- pi UUsJl Jap! 

•Lfc* (^AiJl ji-aJl Siljl j] iji Jf. JUd I jj- JA 


r* W'jj dr*J 4 jj— ~-»-dWj £_P J-5-! 

^ypLaJL^-Vl _ ., <? : t4o^< iJL^-4 1 a_aJLl>*_«JI 

*• *• '“s 

4-taL*-* 01 .AjlJj>*Ji wL^jLo a!JIjl>J( jlkjL<>J ( -Aa-JLa!Ij 


tJiVl JU <.'6'U iJl£.)l qU-JI pj tlf-.l-.Ij iiliill ^ U 
•XajL«J oJax^JI aS^*JI (jL^»j ja c ^pVI j L« 

A^ jl*^Jl ^oljjJJ IajLa^L— » l ^Aj * JjuLo ^ <Uj|j^«Jt 

&yJl l fMiijj tvLkJ>lj v-^jbVl tojiU*JU 

.JSLi. Jl pjJl J^Ux-^U l^tdl 

k* ■ ** 

J^p- c-JLa>- ^yill <jJl>JI oL>pV I /p ^iSOl iJU-Aj 

** ' li ^ 

pOl .tf aJ dLi N U*j .iujilj^Jl j JtflJisJl Ji^U ^ SjJLjt 

U^Uajl C Aj>-1 J-*0 jl Lj.4- -g t jJL — 9 ^j!~L>- JLajUI ( _fip AjJflfJl ^j-4 

2p ^(Walter Moser) jjj-« pi j ol_Pi LJ jL_*_«Jl «Jj_<Jl 

^ P ^ p 

ot <■» ~ ^ I w c ^pI j 

OjpJJaJl ^IjjJl L p]\ 4-si>jbc<Jl ^ L>sjjIj 4jjj1Jl>J| \ j}J^ %j 

** # 

0> ^ jLJt jiLU ajjJIjl>JI 4-oSL>- cJloJ j . (Avant - garde) 

•** ** 

(53) * * 

t jJl (jjLjJaJl L (Jameson) oLeo 

•*■ ** *** 

J~° ^ cT^ 01 £AJ . <( c5jO^JI ^wJcJL 

t ^ J-Sj j-Aj tjLiJVi j-j t 0 jj *ja tj 4<ul \l c ^IjJI IJLa 

OL^Ij aj^JIjj>J| 4^jp^_Jl LajJJ frLylVl ^aj 


Fredric Jameson, The Political Unconscious: Narrative as a Socially (53) 
Symbolic Act (Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press, 1981), p. 42. 

Jameson, Architecture and the Critique of Ideology,» in: Ockman, ed., (54) 
Architecture, Criticism, Ideology, p. 87. 


oli o* dUiJ aJlSLSI 

t (Eliot) Oj_JLlj (Pound) JLJ jL> (Mies van de Rohe) 

LfipSl j .(Celine) jp Ijlp 


. (1)^iL*j 1 ^JJU Oj^i*Xo La^ t LaJl^ 4 j jLw%o 

jLmmJ) l ^ A \ P B JLd ol t J-* J La^Sj l N J 

SiUiJl £LW Vj JlJ otSj J L*jV 

JjoL^JL C— 4--li J-aJI J~» (>* L«^ 4 

. (55 ) « ( _^LaIj>-MI dL-L»jJU slLSLi^Jl (Agent Orange) 

*• ** 

(ijjJlj.^Jl jl) }\ J jJl iS y>- Ol ^OLa^J 

4-«P jJU IJbJLgJ L^jL^pL) Ju3 ( j-o 4JI JLo C^_)LS* iL^Ljl 

Lr* J\) jL-Jl JJ ittJUdl i~*jj±*S\ ijl^jjl 

vJljJU UJ (Lukacs) *LUi JJ SJ 1 ^' i?*Al J^? 

t j-Jo1jl>J1 jl_*_jL<J ^SL^JI (^jJ ji 0 **^ 

L t La Lp^j 4 <j! c 

o^La^JL^j^ ci^Lmm^LlI l ^ « 1 p c^^*A*LaJt L^j I j I & ^mjLa^«JU 

i-JLsLbe *.. « * yg ll ( jj» jJUj ! J jJu jS>A ^t>LSsjj ,<ij,lfl",<fc \\ ajjjIjl^JI 

J j>- Jji-*- 01 aIjIJjJI J-*jLa 

tb&*> uiil y 'ouj 

JajLJ JbjAj t Jl>JL! ^Ls a« JUuLaJ Jbj^a ! j 

^1 a t ^ jJ|jL>JU ^L,iLa Jyjl JL>j! JbuLaJ ^Ls^La j t ^ ^j|jt>JU JbJ^o 

t imJM I Lo^a t 4 j 1 j-P JjJ-a ^j!wL>tJ| JjuL^J 

Huytsen, /4//er the Great Divide: Modernism, Mass Culture, (55) 
Postmodernism , pp. 16-17. 


<1)1 Oj-LilA-j jjjj-il (j—j ^ iiL-A JJaj 

I L^ j j> jjJJI j <. jr til jsil JJuJ iLMjb- J^LJl 

U 4 43 Ij (^ihLII t j£yj . l^_J 

p f, 

U ^ < ^ -S^ J 4-U^jLqJLpI j\ 4 ^jI JJl by ^ « &J ^ iSr • (jUAj_^Ji 4_) 

* # 

j4AJ -‘A-JLiJl ^5^ C c ]^b^JLo 

4 V / 11 y>^i j 4 -SyVl 4 il >Jl i(Td Quel) y US' 

jl^3^U oblwUU o J_a ^ 4_bl Ju>- Jl>oLo 1 ^ U — « 


^JLJLj tiJrtJLJl a^-^JIj t ^:lJLJl J^JLl-^I ^ i^ilJL^Jl 

4* *4 

tJa-waJLj» y> iJl^UJl Uil jUl oJLa Jo^b Aj^jIjl?-)) 


jj j«s^bJ j 43 ! jb«JJ A*wpUi>-'yij U>*jjlbl oUJUJl ly> 

** , 

t p j .jjUl y ^LU* j^jUj LUjclU lilj .^JIji>- jl*jUJI ^^lyyyJl 

^ JJ* 4* 

ljucu jJ> Li# (Jui dUi o^i N J j!) ^‘lo^ jl^LJI 


p t*# ^ £. 

(( wlU« jl 4 JJC- 0 ® UsjI t«Aj(S aX^P 


^jaaJ^ C 4-^ l l ,’j^yO ^oJwb'i I J - ^ *J 

<>* ^ ( _ # 1* V-_« -UyUj ( Jj5\dj>J\ 

NgJ '■ *4 ** 

npUaJNl _ ^Uj^-MI r . la ;.-Jl ^ li^L-Vl JjjJJl 
a^Jl tjUU Ja.k.,^ eiijJl 

** *4 *4 

tyJl y ^yUl *-s^y 0^5 yj t^yJUJl 4>yJl yj tilaJLJL 

** ’ *4 *4 *T 

ol&Jl ^1 4™JU .J^^UI/aJI Ju4»jUL aJUjUI aS^Ap yj 


, (57) ik£ Ika: tijUi oi ^*Ij^ jjuUi j ^jJIjuJI 0 ISL.L jj 

Stanley Trachtenberg, ed.. The Postmodern Moment : A Handbook of (56) 
Contemporary Innovation in the Arts (Westport, Co: Greenwood Press, 1985), 
Preface, p. 12. 

Ihab Hassan, «The Question of Postmodernism, » in: Harry R. Garvin, (57) 
ed.. Romanticism , Modernism, Postmodernism (Lewisburg, Pa: Bucknell University 
Press; London: Associated University Press, 1980). 


iiULlJl ii*>U oJufc 01 

OLf L o LJLpj .<J1jl>J 1 JL*-jLk-» j aj^^L^>«JI 

ii Lilli j ^Ldl (j-ill 4liiJu>Jl juoLo ^JLp 

** •* 

Aj^jl^l^tJl 4^ws^ lij ^t^s=xjl 1 4_) L^_>J 1 


(After the Great ^ * b> \\ ^LJu^l Jbu <uLS ^ ^ jJL-L 

L$jL1i^L l^utj jp cJ^p Aj^ilJbJl Ol La^o t Divide ) 


^1 dJL4^Jl Si lii; .i^JLJl ^ <. S^l^Jl SiUiJl 

^.Jfa JL^Jll 4*5LsAftj e Jteb j • ^ ‘i** - t l$J 

Os~>Ul ^1 ^ ol J SJ. Vj .^1 SJ^Ij J^cS$\ 

** a* 

<j-« Sjjj_^J jJaJ oile)/ JjjJaJl oJic-1 t _ # Jl ^ (Avant - Garde) 

•* ♦* 

oli!5U) SiJL^JI S^JI oli^Ull J^ SIjIjl?- JuyUJl Jli 

J 1 ^ I o^. ( 1 j ^ j I 


lg-J> y> ^1) Sj^aU^JI SiliiJl J| S ^JiJl ^AJu ,PJ -i£Jl 
- <SLJXjj _ LjJt Uj^yA ^y> oyA^Aj 

V^JL) L^3^3 ^iJl 1 A^a^^JL-»Jl o^^-J*Jl ^uLL>vJl^ 


ij^ji >usyi jl ijl* ^ju Vj . (58 ) «s:^ijl^J( oijuji 

** » 

0 0 0 

ftl^j U ^v^l t ^1* & ^Ull jJaioJl JjL** ^ L>ejjlJ La j$*a 

* > * 

(w-^LIa-lj ^ (x) i JJajI ^~L >tJL^-l ^ ^_A t L)^l l<JLfe 01 

. JawiJlj d ^>-L i$Jl ^JL^al ^Jl o^IpI 


jJUiJl .iUaiJl JlSLil J y>~ 5 Ay i-iS cjWcS jlSJ 


diL; ^Jtia jLi^I oi o jSO OL^j a^Jo L^j^U: ^y-j IJ^ 

** # 

<^-^aJ 1 , »^ g ^ A> c-t ^1 A-LS" ^UajJl j^Ju (, 0 JJj 10 4 ^Ixj ijta^xJl 

Huyssen, After the Great Divide: Modernism , Ates Culture, (58) 
Postmodernism , p. 9. 


obj La b t, sLoJjLaJI £*~4->*J <*jiJUi 

LaJ t ^ A ^ t 1 j *T ' ... if ol^AvJi JU 

tLj^P i~*JLJl j\ ivU«Ji j\ iLiiJl jLipV» 

JU* _jSjl j! t Juj> ii^l <_~Jl 1 -Ljjj t (59) «^ > iiUi» 
J - 4 U-fc ^j-Ui i*jLJl J bU . 'J l ^y> ^LOJ l 

dJUi ~ Jl^ 'tf . Lbb t bJibbilj Lib I Jr Jv- U-*^b 

bJ^ t a jJl t -- j U O^bJbj ji l iil jt- y jJji 

JiUlib ^UJ! JJL*Ji Jt£b! ^ ^^1 ‘*+>rj}\ y* ;U+. 

•<j^ ! 

<j — J_*_iL»Ji j -ajJIj 

Ji ^ ^JUl JUJi ^ji^' 

ry*H *<olWJI bo^Ji) 4^/^! UUiii 

jJi w- jaJI Iji-njwc 

jj*& 1L* j-*j t jiJLaJI 

Jl t SlU jl Jjl~j Jb ^>jH>U! 

^ J * Uj j* yi'&ik 4jjJ jl ^Jjj 

A±1 j>*_H * A^j4j Ijj — Aoti 1 jj jl 4 j^jIJL>- t^XbCoJt 


^Jl iJl£bl ^1 jJJ ^BU jl\ JUJl J % * Lit 5-fljb- JLiuLsJi 

JUuLoJl ^ ^ ^ .iJijJl AjjpiJL>iJl LdjLuki 

^ ^ J ^J...nftrt1i a 3 ^ ■* J^-JJ t 

Hal Foster, ed +1h Recordings: Art. Spectacle, Cultural Politics (Port (59) 
Townsen<F Bay Press, 1985), p. 25. 



**k <y J °.j£ 


4^jU jJb t JaJL>- jjb t ^ jfr ^la £■ 4^JL^ ^jJL* t 

0 j-SO JL* uSf <*LUo ♦ L>- cJwP ^JL>tj t 4,.la. : .L^- 

■H 1 (r £ |. 

(j J^s-i Jj l l./Ltl J * „ * 4w^JC44Arf jl t 4^1uJ jl it 4-Jf^-o * 

JJUJl j j£j ji U . jlSoNi J ^ 1 b^ 

jLj_tj l ^Jl ^ ^ \\ JaJa_>E^Ji k^Ui t L*>- jJ^jJbl L>* jJLLo 

, 0) *<tlijb4 A^~Jj jJUJl 

frL-iSfi si*> Ja-^j t<y!j ^yj ^'*^- JjytJl 

iiLjj tL^jJjjJjV) (^f^j) t^^i)lj tSjj^ail : Lfl5 


Jl&it US *k^J ^Ijb- J~U! (JU31 JUJI ot U»U> tfJS Jl 

!_pJtj LpLk^t jUiSl otj iJ.Urll 

JLf 4 


LLiNi SjU! 

■# (Benjamin) •_ 

, (_$-L*_i 

Catherine R. Stimpson, «Nancy Reagan Wears a Hat: Feminism and its 0 ) 
Cultural Consensus,)! Critical Inquiry, vol. 14, no. 2 (1988), p. 223. 


cr* i)L>- ^ Ji-ij iuLJjjJ! 4^sliJj «<L5 LjL5LaJ| 

^2’ a jjljjJl J-w« JliA Jljj L» tkiJJj ^ aj .J_JL«jJ| 

lij ^jLIj^- JjuUJI iijJaJ! (tjUfc^l iS y_ tijJJLJl 

-d**Jl ( _ s jLS’ jl ilJaJl 5 ik->! y J.* ,■!! 

I Ji -Xp~ JajLJI jSJc\\ \ j~£ \ j1juL> j! jj» ^s - jJL 

j jJa^< l-bji Jl ji\ ^ j£J&} : Jj^Jl 

bjUai- ^ JJUiJl ^jlUJI LJL-l jLSJl jJ> ^ \ jS ji 

.Ad A- s^L>J| 

\s~*t ^r- - ^ ^ (< <uA£ jl Ji Jl j 


.ol5^l>fc«Jl A ^k a c oilp La i JlAj ,aJ 22 Ala a 

aJL^o Jl Jl^jJl jU c jUi £_a j 

j-° JjJ' j-* ^"U>l Jl ^JUw" AJIJUJI 

aJ U ^JL A**?L>tJl cjL^I I J ; (®aJoJI>J| i^aUaJl ao^IS# jL?co 
jd U btj^j aJIj^ JjuUI ajJJI Jj jJj .^bJl J>Jl 

A-s^S tJLi^Jl Jp tJ-^LJli t o JL a JliJl S^LpI 

oJxp J~pL& t(77ie Loves of Lady Purple) J u^» ^OJUl obi > 

• JJ J _ A^jlS^bt^Jl OL^I jJJd'y I 0 JLgJ J n i.n , *Aj 6>Xi a i^>.»i4 I 

fiLa^ A -J ^bjl biA5j t j-fcb <LSj->«JLa ^JLs^ A */7 a ^ Ijoj j 

A*j\j» J^i 4J| Jli, . (2) JJL <£u Abjl LJ5 sL^JL ^^uj| 

<ul L.J ^y^lj >* l« ^ L< t ^ JL?- (>1» j-« ^ j-aj 

> ^ ^ a* 

cy 0 ^ 4 (23) b*dlj aJI \J^>- <-3jju LJl t^y^ilj 

jX&j «j>Ji jt» jji; jJJi £*j c«5b>Ji V» 

aJ«^J aJL-SwUI SULs^Jl o j-A . «^JL^<J| oljbil jlj^l)) JLp 

Angela Carter, Fireworks: Nine Profane Pieces (London: Quartet Books, (2) 
1974), p. 23. 


1*1 IbS/ ^Ujl IgiS'i) l^L UL+ji aJLl>JI JlSLiS/l 
J JJ' t <J L^>wo ^3 ciox>«j jl£ j .(24) 


^ Df ^ p ^ 

OJ-JJ J-A J l$Jl e^^.3 OJju LgJLj ^jJl ^Sl IAj- ^JL 

r 3 ^ > (26) i*Lj 5 J^sOj J l^j| 4JL#L5 ft J J ^ 

I J-5Laj^ ! <L^*-£lj SI ja I JL^I <LjLsa1j c— «L 5 La jJlL ilL>tj 

51 jA X>- JJ ^ (, dJUS 4 0 J-^ All ^/Lta jl LfS^i 

.(27 . 26) «£jUJl JSJLlI li* ijU 0j5i jl ^L>cJ 
V <ulj l$^> j_p jJL j^Jl oU^Lc-^l c^w> j jjj 

CJ15J 0>) bu obis' ij JJ SI Jl^Lil JJ, 

Jl O^^l IjJlj t (3) «U^Jl vjl J, y^>r-i S/i v j^- 

Uj .J-^Jl J cJi-*J ^Jl i*aiJl -JLJI i-AAi toJUk iw.JlJI 

4* *t *« ** 

- 15^L1?I oLj^Ij <w?L>sjj) *L*jJl jl jjfc ^jjLS" 4jLJL£j 

^i > Jl ^jJl oNL>J aJLJ U j jjfcljJi <Sy* 

<Lo cS-*^ cJLS" -Lb t (30) L5 £jj ; iL r « jj^>j)) 


jp U5b Obis' JiiJ tj^Jl IfJi; J (^jUwJl 

** M ** 

oL>Jt ^1 5*4 jJl byu 4 -sAaJI .^yU^Jl 'jA (33) 

** ** 

S*Aj , x>sJl L^jL^tj bU . ^-a jl^-Jl^ . 4_o jJb j LajLmai ^LLI 
jl y* a^Lp jJi; j^jJl JU>-jJl ?l^u j>*jj ?l$^Lb5l _J| 

** *S * TT 

dolS^ (J-*® * J-* Ljua <_£jJl Jlj^Jlj ,OJ**Jl ^3 SjLp-jJl C-O ^Jl 

*** •* 

^ l^-»l ^1 4 CUdjJl (JI^Js 4_dj^iaj pLj>-^|I ^Sbb 4*j.jJ| 

>TS/I>- iJL«> jl .(38) U»bt Si>woj JUb 4 jS/l 


p-Lh««»JLj 4-^L>sJl ^J L ^ a ' 4 **jl (JL^^wkI ^jltAjS^a ^b I ^ ^ LsAjI 

•* ** 

i-J Jl oaaJI o.Xa J oljUl « j ?(25) #pL^-*ill jjp iislj 

J J! ‘ (Sandman) JJ J^-j t (Hoffman) jUi y* 

.28 t a^Jl> jJUail (3) 


3 cr 1 ! ‘ (Pygmalion) <j > ^Ij ( * V«ca/wiy) 

(Queen of The JJJl a£JL> ^Ju oJL-*Jl is<aS jl it) (Mozart) 
^1 c Lla LaI jJLSI o ojU.1 ijLjfe j c (Night) 

aJULo t Ayt <X>- X*jL$Jt ojj« s^zJt ( j-^' 0L>* AjjJflJ 

•* * 

j-bj-ri ^(The Precession of Simulacra) SjUIjJI jj^a . Jl <1)1 ^Lkj 

h ^ f jJl (OU)M JSL-j Ul J* j^y 

olS 1 j ai*jJ iaip o j y^> jlJ yj a^*S1p t'iljl : 

4_4j1j 4JL « ^[iAj I t t LpL^-9 AjL^P ^j***Xj <jl L^^Lp 

j-o-> JS j .^ot J t ( ^jtj-U 

4JLJL>eJ^ l K^yot ^Jt® ^Jt 4-JliL®Jt *Lu3j^_«3 Ll*-o_ 1 I Aj jJfljJ g 1 1 j-Li jj 

S* XyjJ\ A iLoJbJj tJ-LJl f*P>l ttyjAj ilUSf 

aj t o^LLo <wts ^ jj L>-S" cot j** ^y> ^5"! lw»L**»l Ls^t ^ipI diliA <jt 

Cr^ <J** : yf C/* ( Jg rj j') *yrj <y* 

( J <jl_9 t oljj (jl ^gJ^LejJl j*£* V) #^jl Jl# (»3 yu 

iS\ A i jju Jjfc l t <jlj l A^o-JLj olj l Aj o\j 

l _ f *j \ jJl i oj-j>- Jl (Lisa Tickner) yjjj IjJ 


4 ^lal^ll oU'^jJl ^Jj 0 A ^ la )t <J^->- ^jA aJ Oj£j <l)t ^jA 

^L-Jl JjuJI J>Jb La j <4) «JU1I ^ **A£Jl ja JISLil y 

'-*-’1 <£^j '•^ypy. 

c_Ly9 j 4-s_A*5" Jl oJLjLxJIj Jl# J oU<9l j^L*Vl 




4* f. 

U jJU U IfJ ^ill dU; Jujy jl^p (Uncanny) ^ (^) 


* jUlij \jy^ jSjj U l <C*P- ci jJl t^o y <ci^j J i ^yz>L*ZJ 


Lisa Tickner, «Sexuality and/in Representation: Five British Artists,» in: (4) 
Difference : On Representation and Sexuality (New York: New Museum of 
Contemporary Art, 1984), p. 19. 


^ to t-jUap- ^ a-oLS' J 

'•* •*■ 

f ^U>l JJ ^ c ^ Jj «^l^l» _, ^ ^ 

1 ** %* > Tr 

cJL5 U-^-« _ <ul Jjji; d)| (Jj^aJl ^ 4jLi toLJj (^JLII Jjoj 

jl* cJlS ^| *<£j*i\ ^1 aJ jJa_» 

J-aL£jJ . p « la p j^jIj oli C-JlS oj ( js- jU j* j-> o^i 

t 4 _aL>»lj 4_> j^_P ^^-LJLshJl /^jUl 


: JjLJI ^^sJl 

J£** ^ (_^UJI ^ «L«UJ» ^,-i JS jU> jlSJ» 

ij* J -0 ^" ojj^a . Jl > I, $.»!■* j\ 

C^-jLl!I ^Jl>- i j& j ~ uajJl ^-LlJ! ioLe-lj t a_j j-^2_Jl 

i^jLwtJij ijjJajJi oi jj l«j t _*ji ^ jj))j 

♦* H ** ^ 

jlj li^j «LilSi» jL5 *,^1 J5 ol jjo OLlJIjl?- JbuLJl 

t«uJL>*Jl p~a[aa jl jU-jiSJ U^i aiaZtjii jl? JJUiJl 

j^- (J IfSJ tftj US tUsli cJLU ^Ui^Jl .il^Jlj 

t^liJl LjJuj^jj ^jljJl ^I^V UJlSLil JjL~* 

Sl'iUjl Uij t Jjil-b*- Jl*jLJ| ,j-Ji 

t LU^. jj> i -a-Sj t^iljJl ( _ y ^-*-<J jjk Jj 

^i J-! j\ £»vJl ^^Ip jVl j ia~»j JJUjJI jl < r Al'l 
crr^j ‘<v^* (jJUi' iLUij) jJj u S ^J\ 

.4j LiJ^J I LaJl^o 

Fredric Jameson, «Hans Haacke and the Cultural Logic of (5) 
Postmodernism, » in: Rosalyn Deutsche [et al.], Hans Haacke , Unfinished Business , 
Edited by Brian Wallis (New York: New Museum of Contemporary Art; 
Cambridge, Ma: MIT Press, 1986), p. 42. 


{jJaJLoJU Qj*ww»jI> o j-PJb L « d)( IJLa JLJj V 
J -UsU <>* /U+. tr-J <6) “(ii%JJ jl) ^^1) 

-L*_jLoJI jJLw^^/1 ja JjwL^Jl d)i j-A £_il jJlj . ^j|Ju>- JUoUJl 

O^jX Jtr^' S^iJ 

4^^JaJlj o 4_kjl jJl ^LJLj <LJLiJrf 


(J^iJ t Jj-Jl (1)1 ciLi 4*<JL£JI jl j-oJlj 

£, 0 p 0 p. 

j-*-a wAjJ cLU^ J-k-Aj 4_j 1 j_^_P 4 UajI ej^jsJl oj_A 4 aJL^^Ii 

ajLaSCJI j Ja*^jJl 4^ULi ^jlp ^Ip J-%5"bJl Jjj jJs5 *• 

4-JfLLJ j_A <LolJL>- JL*jL<iJl ^JLjuIj Lo-9 4 j yA jJl ^UajJ iJlJLJl 

^ <Jj ^ iyiJuJl ^SIjJl 

iJUtJl U^KJ i>~Jl ikJU! *LL^-! 4cJ>Jl 

AxjLjJI ^a oJla 

w ^ '*• 

{£ jjlJbJ-l ic«iljji 4^*->- ^oJl ^Jc« JLj^>*jj JlJL»CLjj 

olS^*J cJL>t^Jl ^ J^Lgjdl jU 4 LojbLjc# ja 

iJLfJl j-aj j_aJ ; jvJLiJij jjl; [ j^j (j y>-\ iiS L<wo 
4 0 ^ 1 ^ 1 ^ ilS y ^<Jl j 4 i!U^SfL iSLcuJl ojliol (Benjaminiaix) 

olS"L>t*Jl ^^i-p X*XL*j ^Jl oL>wl i Xj? oLa^wJl C~JO Lg^caj 


4j^l .liLl** 0 ^^>-^gJl OjL*>- ioLpl^ 0 

* * * £ 

oXj ‘dr*^ L>«r>w? I e-yj>y> 4jli £rA> i>' cXh 

0^3 (>^' O* JjJ>Jlj .iaii ^UJl jVflJl ^ 

** t* «• 

^UiiJl JISLil ^ SJL^liJl dJUuj ^oiJl iiUiJl J\ 

Iajj^p |«J (^^jtx]| <Jl^-Jrfi j 

Fredric Jameson, «On Magic Realism in Film,» Critical Inquiry , vol. 12, (6) 
no. 2 (1986), p. 34. 


V AjI Jj>- -LxjLoJ! A-w^jLo-oJIj Aj jJajJl ^Ua-ljL 


b Nl t ^ dl]^ Ob 


Ajll^>t^Jl (Jbx-JjVl Oli to j^-Vl (J j *A A jl (_£ Ji l_9 j+j* i ^ ^ j 


^Ai >c *->j> j*~i j^jLoJI ^1 j&jj ji o ^LJl 

^ ' +*■ **• 

$S j .(l+Ji** J LJlJb- J!>' V ^=JI) ijiiJl JJ -jA 

•* * ^ ^ 

JI>oJl alUl a*~. h J j .t o H UlgJ 

c bJi ai>iv J J'jj'j j~jUi j-uiJi ^ l. £>JI j* 
oljjJl cjJJ :Uj.i*- £>J' ojy p-*^. (*-b •J'sjbJl 

tdUi J* *1 jJl *yz d\ jJu: cJtf ti^JUJl Ijlp 4J s iu,l=J I 

5Iil ^>Jl J J 44 _JL.SH J jiii ilSLLJl of jjk jju Li 

•*#*-•* •* 

J ciLDl j 4 LiLLJJ LjLjl >LSVl JI jlisi^l Jj c L^-IJl) 

w •♦ 

JIJUI ^ISUjVI JLJI ol .£*1 JI JL LLjlJl -ulsSJl j-^-b 

J LSLi I 4. L - i " LwJ J_jwi_*jl 4 LJ_*_s 4 *JLoj ji <ljl JL>xJl JUuL 5il 
iJjuj tSiL 4 If; gSL ^y> ^ . /3 . /ia\ \ J-Ldl 

j-IXajMI L.L-. «uL 5 J Lf ^ 3 .«-; (Robert Siegle) J. 



: J jii c {The Politics of Reflexivity) 

^fi j>v^ oL-Ja^J ^)) 

^jJl Ja-ww*^ jJJ A^xJaJw^Jl ^jLJI j i ^a^aJ ^3 4_Lp oLqJL^JI -» b - * 

<^i *Lr^ ^AjLp^j L^da^ljj JjL^jJIj tli^A 

** v 

.^IJ] «U^II)) o'yLJL bi! 5 U A^Jsj t^^aiJl 

j~£ jJJLj 4 ii IfJli L— LSLj'yi oj Sljli ijJjj 

Robert Siegle, The Politics of Reflexivity: Narrative and the Constitutive (7) 
Poetics of Culture (Baltimore; London: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1986). 


‘-Sar^L; lla. Zjjuj . ((L^-^ljjOiS/L 

k^L^JI JL*Jl# JA j£\ \y^ 

** ' ** ^f 

: tS >' CjUKjj .(11) V ^ ‘-r^'ji lS-^ 1 

»• ** 

/w# l g "LLd JLoJLw%J ^ 4 L*j j c <W 2 jiJl il)l ^l*Jl {Sji 

JjJl j a^jJI ^Jl a-^LaJI ujl^pSh t 

2>. jp c JJUJl5 jL5 ISJj .(225) f^iljJl* oj-pjU ^JUI 

** ** *• ♦* 

V i^^dl < * > 5it oliJl ^ Jup Ujij^ Uli 

L*JLp Aj 4 *UL>I aJ ^Lp LJLp Jaxs 

ijJI^Jl Jkj)j IJL* ^ J>Jb iLkt S^JJI 

jl LJ ejL^i 4 \JuJj>* 3 <^[laJ^S ^»JJL> jJL*Jl <jl 

^1 -. 4-s^^-sAj J^L>- 4 A^P ^^L^Jl ^*P ^^^Jl ^ 

Loj 4 JpU jJl J 4 4— JwLj^f 1 J jjo JJU ! Ap^JjtJl AjI Jj>-I jIjI j^P 

4 4-ol JL>* Jl*jLjl Ail j>*Jl cJ2L& 4 lil ^ * J l Ajj^j 

^A LJ ^i^-wJl ^JwJL^Jl O-^LLj.P ^P 4 L j. ~ ~ J 1 (Jj^yO j^Lp 


.itaLuJl i ( j<>-*j jl 

i LLp 1988 ^Lp (Esquire) 4 _L*_* 4-Jj-JLJ L* 

0 0 

4 jJliJl j ^LoJJfcVl ^^JLp JL^Ij j_aj 4 Lj j-p *>L>-p J15 4 L* j 
4 aJ 15 L^>I £jJI oL>«J aL*-JI Lo^Aj g la > ^JJJl 4 1 o ^ . W 

(Prince i ^>&p^ ^Ijlp)(I ^4 J*?*i ^oVl *\ jaU 0-« Ji -^Ai 

^jaa-Ju b ^ : ; Lf-^LvaJ Charles Narrowly Escapes Beheading) 
^J ljL? j Jl5j .^PK? cr^b cJLliS'li' (Peter Davis) 

iuai ^ Jj t iit ^>JU ^UtJt ^y^Aib <il ^ o— J (Meta-fiction) ti\ ^l^ll (#) 

•L^J Lj^ C5* 


tJL>- 4Jlt JuojJI IJLa (Lee Eisenberg) 

1 \ g */* n t j i ^ *& * i <. j 

4* p 

oLo^sJl lO-A 4JLL*i1.i ( *j^a \*y^- O' C.OJ ^0 • ^4JO» 


L>*jjlill L^a^JI ^II c <u>-^o o j j ,,<? >j t UJ <u5\J <. o ^jLaJI 

A-L^SlI ^J\ i _ f *Z£ ^1 

+* ** 

(Richard jj-~Sw j-p ^JJl (Coover) jijS ^\j 

{j* ^r*" ir* (The Public Burning ) ^Lo^wJI IL^Jt ^ Nixon) 

** ** 

I ^-ww>- Ol t JiS j . <lLLai cjLjLlS^ 

\-*>S . fiojL^jL j£juj j*JL>*j 01® cJjL^o tjJjLU 

C-i j^Jl I jJ jL>- ^ jJl frVj-A ^Jl C LwLwLaj 1>s-s^ 4jL> t Lsiul 

^ f ^ /q\ p 

IXj ol t <jI ^^>"0 • <*o ^JwaJlj o ^s^SsJl Ijij t aJ| 

jV ^ «>> c> ^i» :i5jU« JA. ‘>JI 

P P P 

j I £)1 ^ ^ t oL^ul jl>- 

tJ > L.' 0> ^jtu ol ^i,b <u*l Jiij tUO t i^i- 
SL^ ^ (oljJLi ijj^a Jj> jJj J^) *^j\j L+3 SfU^l 

L 4-^aaJI J-*0 cAr*^ ^-dJJ 

jl jj>J 5 ^-L- Sis'Ll JJUj ^jJI (Masque) «^Li» 

t (Diana) ULi tiJbMSij (Charles) jJjLU (J yr L^JI ^-s^p 


(Donnean) (Shakespearean) oLj jJL> 

Loil plJLs^l J^aJl ^ Jl>-^jj .(«Di» J y- t !Ai«) 


-byj . 1 a g JL5 t ^m»SH LuJI iJI>Jl ifjiVl ijliSUl 

•* ^ 

^ i o jA ^j«p Lr^kj i^l ^ - " -i - ' 


t (Prufrockian) ^UT j y j^> li-Lo" J^l /»Jij t(«AOi-! UU Jl.) 

Peter Davis, «Prince Charles Narrowly Escapes Beheading, » Esquire (8) 
(April 1988), p. 93. 



aj Vj t (Hamlet) o_L»La L \j~J\ oL~J^I : j_* j 

ti-SXJl i^UJl al >1 jl>- 1 US' .^JLJi ol 

^ ^ ^ p p 

< j_> I oLpj Lwpl <1)1 la,", ji 4_)l 

. (96) 

‘ J cfl^ UaL>- (j-vwJ lj-A 1)1 aaJL>tJ1^ 

<-l>*J>\j cL~>- 

J-*jLoJI ol yjj 4 j 1*^ e'^JLJl L J 


Uj jj. l. _ jiJ _ jg, sjuuji i LSUb- 

t JlajJl jl 4(1 )La jJl Ji ^ < j-s^LaaJI AajJI jpliL?- (j-^ 

OjU (JLo-pV iJL^Jl oljJLlJl ^1 t IjUj^ 4jU5" 


J-iJj .AjjJai ^ U jl-ti*j Ual ^ tJUJl J~— <» o J-buJl 

** «•> ' ,-r 

^jS' JJU* ^>- ^Jl UtolL ~\_j JLaJI 4_Lj 1 jL>«Jl JLujL* OjJjUm*! 

jIjj [V ^ ^U,l i)U*i :iuJUJl U»_olsSll <LjlLJI -.UJl 

'j_^j ^-LtjU jjjU (^Ij^Jl t (Peter Sloterdijk) viU-^^JL- 


iUljJl SJUjjjJl ^ JkJl 4^.ljj ^JlS! (Mario Vargas Liosa) 

iSJ&X Ujl ^-0 : ^ *lj*4 Ji {Perpetual Orgy) 

Oj-jj-JlJ 4_>Ijj * j-JLjlJ 4_>JlJLJ t « (Emma Bovary) 

<J J Jlj-^ ojj-^ 3 JLp 1-4-JaJj t«(Flaubert) 

. 11 ji L|I?>WI Usl J>ejl 4*J ^Jisai Jal Jxjl (. ^Allj J 

*^aj ol ^^23 4 ^j!wL>- wVajL^JI aJLJIojJI jL^kJl 1)1 

•*1 M 

Ij^-s^ l3 j >% j ^iJlj t olij aJj^- L oJI J-JLaxJ 1^ ^jl j^-Vl la amj 


^9 Uj) Aj JjLJI oN^l^c-^Jl la * >^j < oLs->t-Jl 4_kJLi>- 


t o jla.^ll j 1^1 a : */> Jls^iL yj t (^..<kJau 1 (il jUfcJl oJlA dUi 

0^ t-J*-' — 1 c#Jl ^ 


bLa 1 bl 4 -«-Lp o jJa**«Jl o 01 ^Jl /* X - 

/ ^^^JIjJl Jj*-4j j! (.SjJa^Jl (j-ai^J (jgiJl (l)L-JVl 

L« LJUj 0^ lfl.n M »i^l I ^jLL aJI i wUjLJI JuJUjJIj 

** U^jUaJL- ( jS' ^La J I i-iLJi ^JutAj 

OVl J->o c _^Jl A-bL**a o y> jS ji LfcLpO ^Jl 

** *► 

cLIjLm«-%j 4^j-taLo-xJl ^.Lp^ .ci^Lj-L^Jl ^j£> ^Ju>b-a 

(^iJl oSUJl aJjLo^J! oL.X>fclJl \ la l?>«-a ^jI J u>- JboLgJl 

J^j Uj oUL*Jl ^ tjlijl J^» ^Js* t j jlcJiJl I^jj 

ji J^y\ ,y « >VI» J& cjL5^ ijU^VI 

** < „ 

Oj. tjjill UbU? 0^50 wlii Jb V Laj ?*^la 

0? jJ> t (t jM' cs^i ckp^ ^OJI 


jL^sl i k •-• t > o Lo UU c 1 jl>- i * a l . a i l ^ ~ & 

^ c - l '-r^ oli iLL*L$JLj iiLcuJl JJI-L>- 

dalp tij* l*t o- y^Jl 5A~JI oUJl ^1 

jji-Ul 4~*Jl*Jl l-Jj>«J| jUD (-*^4^)1 *■ ijcJit 

** *• * 

WJl aidl ol . (11) ^UJI ^LUJ dJUJl (JUJI oliliS 

t Ajb 0j«^J w\-43 4 JJL> 4 A-a*jb £jj-sAJJ 4 


4 (Zbjy Jil J^SOj) Jut»J| ^ <Uix>ta Jl5w»l 4^5 JP J~*Jl 

.<^1 jjJl aa1^>«-o (JjI ji? ^UL 

Roland Barthes, Roland Barthes by Roland Barthes , Translated by (9) 
Richard Howard, 1st American Ed. (New York: Hill And Wang, 1977), p. 172. 
Simon During, Postmodernism or Post-Colonialism Today, » Textual (10) 
Practice , vol. 1, no. 1 (1987), p. 33. 

Rey Chow, «Rereading Mandarin Ducks and Butterflies: A Response (11) 
to the «Postmodem» Condition, » Cultural Critique , vol. 5 (Winter 1986-1987), 

p. 91. 


dJlLi V 

J\ i~JL jS^ji j yi ^ J& t ii^>JL) hJj>j <JL. s >; 

ASwt ^Jl ^AlAj ^£>J 4 0 Jj >- yA OwwwwJ Ljj J ji tJ^J|jl>eJ| JLkjL# ,jJL*Jl 

^ *• ** 

L# jIjJL^ L^L>- jj—J j-$J 1 ciUi ol jJ* ^£1 jJl j . ^ ^i^Jujju j 


Jb*J llLfc utS' li(j .Aiu-L^j AikJL- ^p (j^rdl j 

** ** 

aJLa>JI jt «jLJ)fl» o^~p 1 - iSlJbJl JUjIo ^ s^SUJ 

^y*0yA (_£ i 4 A^iljJl O ^Jl>*£** i^L>-9 iS ^ ^ 

(Catherine o yy L£ j^ajlj c J_sA^l_> ^jLJl ? J^JL^jJI 

w #■ 

:j1 y> cStimpson) 

4 ^IjJU UbljJw^j oli^l ^b ollJVl (jlj J-*i> Aj^Jaj® 

cJ^r ^I^JI ilk. (^Is^ j^SJ U UIpj) SiiU c~Jj 

; t ^jjJl (wJbJlgJl L)UiP y j>-\ AlkJ I jJ*L* UL«I 

«**«-> " * 

4jjjb^>- t jlx«j & a! jp a^pI^ cjIJj ^LSipVi 

(13) - 

(.LMi'cz* j^h-j <kl~Aj 5 > LIS JLiJl di)i 

t ( 77 ze Order of Things) *L_^Sfl »UaJ *uLS’ ^ jS ji (_gl j L ^5 
5 ysJl LUJ _3 oJl>o aJLLoj 4 LiujU ^JL>C^J L>*jjIj e-Al&U JLJLJl 

** * *4 4<r ** **V V ** «*<y 4* p 

w 4* 

4 iil jJ>-ljLw<>Jl i y LdJli>v-A *A-JLx>J> Ai^ju ^jb j ,aj 1 j_>*_)I ^3 

*4 4* 

‘<J^* 4 JJ^- 0 (>• 5j_^SCaJl 

^ii ti^iJl ^LJ>ll ^Ul L^jls ^Jl a-^>Jl SJa*Jl dJUL-# 

4* •* 4* •• 

J* <.(A Maggot) aJI jJ^p ^JJl (John Fowles) J-SjL* J y? <w>U 5 

Suzi Gablik, Has Modernism Failed? (London; New York: Thames and (12) 
Hudson, 1984), p. 17. 

Stimpson, «Nancy Reagan Wears a Hat: Feminism and its Cultural (13) 
Consensus,» p. 236. 


0 jJL)i ji a jJL 

****** * 

i_i j ./»•:« » <ul ( _ # Jlp kGUJlSsjj i (John Lee) ^ o jJLs- j-»LsJt 


J - r 

^ ^ « (■ * 0»$i * ■ ■ J-* 1 ^ 

^JJL* OlS" t AjSjLL* L$J) ^ ‘d ^JJL« (jj® 

ij? ~**yry* *tj4rt cr*~ ^ 

* * * 

^jJi jJ&J l I j Jw? (jt£ L*^« t L* jtjJLoj 4*o# J^LfclJl 

t aj^o ^ £l£3 j JLJI J 3 I <SjJu 

** •* 

tcLUS ^ja Jilj Lit ISI t lJl» j*-$i jl ^ J^>J 

p p 

Li! t t 4 J ^1 r,>»-^J I ^d^jJL>»Ji (J^LavqnJI ^ 4 1 ^ o* 

■ oi jj»- LjJl >_j jj»J (l)lj <■ j£ju jl ^Li^eJ V a j-0 Lm-»JI lS/Ij 
^ oir J o^ ^ ^.^LJI ol ^ dLi V U-J 

. ^ cJjli (, ^J>\j olJDlj 

6J* \ kjIJiJl 0 I»l& 

1 •* ** 

■£} o^»-^ J by LJ.» :aJI>LJI V lJJ ' j^eJl 


I.!* JL« br^ij ‘^-H> jy* (J^ ^ -V *'■>' •k’ry 

J\ ^ >JLJ JLJuJl J\U\ ^ ob -085) V^ 51 

*• m «* ** 

4 5 La 1 ^ ll LlL-I-oJ (jL^Jtfi 4«^>x_J jL*>^ Ot-j-JaJ (^^3 Jyjl^L>- J-*->L* 

m *• 

Uu oojj ^1 ^ L^oJl JuoLJl L^JI ^ Jj . (I5 ) oIJlL! 

4* «* 1 

ijjJajJl OJLap JLiJ t J jVl Ju^iJl ^ Lulj L^5j . JJL*-*Jl 

*• 4* 

L^jjj) ^jmmJ! <-L*jL^JI ^<j Liqi^oiJ \ ^ 

t j ol ol>Jk«xi*j oliJl SjJj ,^1 (^J 0^ 

John Fowles, A Maggot (Toronto: Collins; London: Jonathan Cape, (14) 
1985), p. 385. 

Paul Smith, Discerning the Subject (Minneapolis: University of (15) 
Minnesota Press, 1988). 


pjUJl dUS jl j Z^\ UL~. jl UyV 

l*Jli 5^1 »LdU <•£ ,J <uSl» :,LJU (^ibkJl) 

4 _^^ol lili 4 Jl^JJ liolS jl i <dw*y«Jb jl 4 J^VIj 

I (Ego) llSflj tolJJL; JdS Oy «-iu (J (^U?- JSldj) *LJI j! 
- ,ys& jl Si j\ ^a i>-L>JU 4 (16) ^)l . . . (Cogito) Jit) I j 

* — J 4 olj^/ J$\ i J\ <d j£j*\ ij jJl dDi _ j J ju iiJbyj 

^l^^®^ll JbcuJl ( JuuL^Jl f pjjj " l| f i , 5 *. I ' 

** 4 *T ** 

oliJl sUkJl 

* * ** — 
t (Angela Carter) y jl5 *>L>d! jl jJjli j j^- isj- J jl y-jjS 

Vj 4 Li^U»l c^li *ji£ J 4 aJU* ^ * »* cJii V ,Jl!i 0i» 

m *♦ ♦* 

oJlS JJb t ^jjLJI ^jL>- t IjuI *^*15 

t ilJaJl tLdjI tSjjl^Lflj 


Jl cuAL ^JLJl JA J*JI jlJJl ^ISUlMl jlS L. SjUj .^i*Jl 

** ** ** 

^ t (Doxa) >JJLo ^^ajLs^>«Jl oJLfe 

Aj^^j Jl£j»1 ^ _ oljJl Ju^jJ S JlSLiVl c_Ali>- 

* j~ij— J t cLUJ»j L* jl ^^-9 Mj .^s-saJ jl 

(Sammy Ji (Zelig) JJL. iil^Jij 

' 4 * 

Lfil jj> 4 oUJl *Lj <lJu^ JdUdll d)l ^LiSJand Rosie Get Laid) 
Oi* 4dUdSj .(id JJL J^JI dUi J « J-VI» JJJ Lsajj Jd 
•j (_£*u£Jl c-i!j-«JJ (Patria 1: The Characteristics Man) 

‘ ^ 5 ^ j— ^ Jbl (R. Murray Schafer) JLi ^1 jj^o 

** ¥* *4 ^ TT 

Nancy K. Miller, «Changing the Subject: Authorship, Writing, and the (16) 
Reader, » in: Teresa De Lauretis, ed. Feminist Studies j Critical Studies 
(Bloomington, Ind: Indiana University Press, 1986), p. 106. 


JLajL* ^J-Aj t Rock 

bU» l^x** ^1 *bS!l ,y .SJU- LfU^jj 

j olJLU \ju,~ ^ «^w-» <i\ J* (D. P.) ^1 

Lr J ^JJI) ^^15 aJlp JUJL>- 

p * 

^Jj) (Accordion) dy_ijjS^6 J ~>- jJl <jy ^Jl o j^aJl ^ j— 

. ( ^...-.-»J I ^J-P 4_j L*-Jo » g . *J J L$JlP A-a^-P 0-> j^ lg P-bVl 

^ Vr-V 


.jisljxU ^1 j ol.Ul ^p iUcjl (j $ I 

^Lr*-" ir" ^'~ A < - ) ^J 

«ij l Sy>zJ\ olUD) i j£i tjfi'J 9 (>* c£^ **ij* 

LbS ^'llll J-ioJl wily^V oUl^Jl L^-Ip fjij Jl jSU-. 

{Roland ^ ijLi oj oiid> ^1 j tiJ |JL>- JbuLJl iJliJl o^Jl 

#* ** 

ij, ji 

ol ^1 c_LL> dJwj-P jl jJw* Jl j-oJ t Barthes by Roland Barthes) 
^La ^JJl {X Par Lui - Mime) jii\ Jm^JL^JL) S Sl5U^» 

p ^ 

<oliSj J^aJl Iju LoJUxi t (Michelet) JlU^j OjL <ti 

La JS jl LoLLa Aj j^JozJ dJo^-^^La ^ a .,<9T7 J^Vl J ^jJUJ 

£ p 

4 jjwLLP tijljj ^ J* L^? aJLS' ojLjlpI ^>*j ol^Al** 


. ^jl jl>* JixjLoJl ^IJUI Ajl«jJLI owLdJoji d ia La l Ljj>o LJl j*-> 

«• *4 ** ^ 

I ^jlp tLfc t-yj) 

•* ** ** 

<Ls^li*-- A^sl^PjJjJ jj^au ^ LL LAj 4jV 4 ^U5UI IJla 0} iJ^il 

^lia_> ^ j_«JJl ^j^ajJl * jLi t d-Ui c^jL-j 

C«dJj^Jl OLwflW i ^Jt> <ij*a*}\ jj-vsaJl jL ljj^J>cJ LaJJLP t pl^dJl lilj^l 


u!j .(j^u ob ^ t ijJ) oi^ii iL* Ablii a:V ^-Uu 

(17) " - j>-Ji Sfi J 

* * 1 

Barthes, Roland Barthes by Roland Barthes, p. 3. 



J\ ^JUJI ^ IJla jl 

( _y c 'j (_y - ^' >A->^LilL] L«_Sl^ k_aJij_j j-&j .i ^j /3 ~ . I I c-_jL5 


i£j t ^l J) ■ J j*t t If! a**L*Sj isaiU 5^jL5 i oliJl 

(J j-flJ Ol ^pJal^j 'il (_£jJl 4 jIS ^Aj) olJiJl ^L%uIjVI 

IfLu: JJU a!i« t vl>y>i!l j>^ 1' ^ olJJl ol . <18 ) «(a^ 


Ij^h&j <i}jl\ oJ-a ^Ul j-a <. ^LSJi Ju»-«Jl ^ 

* •* ** 

oIjJIj oliJl qjj^ ^JJl j-Aj t j->-T ^ ’j -*£ iiLwA tdDi ^^JL^- 

clrH toUJl oliJl j-P ^.iLoJl ^j-r! L^! t o 

iJl JJl xil J\ Aj USj o ^S 1 JJl ^ J jj^aJ I ^ aLUi^JI aJ jiiaJl olJJl 

«* •# 

• ^LJii «!LU ciLSj <_l! (J ^ :oLJl$JL 

.(36) ?kiUi <uJ) 'i Jij <uJtJ Ji cjli t«cjl» 

f I* ^ Js^ 

OjLi 4 Lil^ JjoUJI 5JIJLJI Sjr- 5 ' 0^ <*>{ J^l 

Ul) : Jjil ^L- Ut) Jji\ ^ Ul# 

jl^ J <ul o~J# . < 19 ) «(R. B. -u *J\j tLi; 

olU! «jI^jlJ» j* oliJl J-UjJ j-^J Jj^-j V olUl 

(j^*j jJ .(jA-aaJLj jl j j . /? 1 L jJJi jlSl i (82) 

jl£ >! ( _ y >- j t (Bildungsroman) aI_— ji ^l.u>-bU jLi«J| 

•* *• 

t ^^ilJl 4 ^a3 IJLa £ JJi> i { J&^}\ jl Lf! jS y* V <la a! 

Oj^ ^ Lp^p y*j t diJi oU tolJUl ^^p 

^ ^ a-* <J^4 ^ L^J -068) *SL» 

.(151) \sj*h 

.3 ^ jj^.11 (18) 

.56 ^ i*~Jb jJUdll (19) 


‘ j ii^li j jsUJi yj>i jm\ 5i 

» •* ** 

jf-c-JU SLS’Ls-mJLj <u^l>Jl 4-JLiAJl oLs^l jZi\ c l.*. W 

(oL^loJI a^L^aJI a yg & aJI L»*S jJL<Jt 

{Roland t^LuJlj 4 ^LuJl ^ j_JIjl>J! j ^Iju>J| Ju*Ju» 

UU ocJ* ^JLj ol JjUxj Barthes by Roland Barthes) 

tj-Aj ij^aLMa-SJl A~^ISC*_>\ I Sl^Jlj iS jiJ) "■'p*" 

*• . ** **■ 

AjliSsJl ^1 p ^S" l^v g"jA> li ^jiij 4 A*^dJ 0 * 3 jJl 


ijJlJbJl iJ'ifl J^lSUiVlj oJI^Jl <JLxU 

A^j L*JUU 4 Jpl Jj>- JboLa jJ* 4 Lo.^ «lSsJ o^LaJI ^0 

ol /LjlJUj jJj >0> ^ ^,a,H j ^\ j* y j-iJl Ji-JLoJl *>LSC] 

** ** 

{■* 4# 

o> 4 ^Jb^AAiu^ 4 o t*3 La^a/ oL*1**a>^ l 1 ^ ^ 1 ^ c jJlSOLl I 

£*J •'-~!^ >*" cr^ “OiJ AO LrO*i 

iiliiJl iftl oJu» JiP J£^}\ ^jllJbJl J~i)l i, ^L15 Jtf tdDi 

tiiJbhJl ^ feUjh 4 A-JI jJ-Jl jJ jjjl ^j-ygoll ol 

* 4* 

OajLqJI 0 jJajJl Iaa^ . aUooJI £*saJL aJLa^o j j «/3 1 O^Jj-*^ 8 

j^JlJ aJLwo 4 *L£Jl aJLaawO AjI JLu5j 4 JulojJL! AjJI JL>" 




^Vl 11* iiiliA Jk; jl Ja t JU, jl p^JlJ 

4iJUi 4 e^L>tjNL> Oj^i 1 o\ ui fipijbJi juo 4 0 

o3*x>b« 5^3 l*^^' l j 4 aJ a^>-L*/2 -«JI L*>*^J^jOj'y lo oS/ 


* yrj tj# j^t UJ-^-4 L«Lj 4 ^ -La J I iil j^Jl ^ U-fJ 

S^UJI ^ ii«U ijj . sdj A-iliJi 

.L^J ^j]\ oUaiJ tb Ja-^LJ U JS' ^ 

I t l i kjjJ L^--— on 0 aJs-ajJI 

JlS^iVl Lj^a Itlij jlk> Ua^S li-tjjJl sIa J Ai\yJ\j 



iSjjJaj jJj) i* ^L>s*oJl A>t-JlJl oJ^j jli^l*j L t^LuJl 


jj-^j |*-W^I L^-j-s^j ^-LS"! diJS Oj^jj f\Iij ^w«-J 

<uLa^P iJllA jl jJz* >X*j l* ^Ij&jjjJi Jl ^ j^P-Vl 

** •* ** 

^ tjlljl Ju^ ^ P tJud>J aUI*-* 

. (The Name of The Rose or Hawks moor) Jl* «<S J .U^» «il ^ 


(Jr** ^ j^a^aA . 1 l J-IajJI <UL~* jl ^j^il ■J'i (j-^jLb ijU^J { jx?- Jj 

o*y ^ *^0* jj^ ^ j v^i ji j *> * 

:J>. > luj’Kl 

L $ - 4,*/ ? j_> tiJj^JaJl 4 </? 3 ll Jj-*j * i -i lia ^ 1 1 <uL^J j )) 


t apIIs^ j *«-^jW*JI (_£j**aLqnp%JI ^^IpVI ol>-^« ^^Vl 
jp* I J A^I-A^Jl (Jl^*l*)/l (J L^jCL-* 1 jU? ^jp ^ll* 
A^b>fc* A3*>\^ IgJ bj^l jl C~-P j ^j-* Ajc^Ij 3 I JlpI JI 3 

c— L ^-p JJb <. Lg-* JJJ cJ!>L>*_j j j-5o jl jl ^il jJl 

* Cy ^^ J ^IjJlj j ; jiJl J&lJl UjLxpL 4 a-soa!I 

usej 4 cfV^ r*^’ ^ ^ 4 jc^' ^ 

. <20) «jlJ u, jajJi iu>ji 


ljjb J 5 tP>~ &\Job\ Jbul. a,^^J| Liujldl ttl >l~Jl jl 
L^j^laJ - LuLIjI <~a«$ - llLlw A*^5 ^P JjLamS jl ll* t^JUajj t UIp 
L^-A-^oj +/3 a l l oJ_A jl '•{Sj-* l on . 5 J .Lul jJJ j ^dljJl ^Jl 

4 (Hans Haake) ilU jiU j t Jjjj L^U aJI j*yyb\ oL-jUJl 

<1)Lj jl L 1 * 1 la 7 4 (Silva Kolbowski) LJlL^j 



Lennard J. Davis, Resisting Novels: Ideology and Fiction (New York; (20) 
London: Methuen, 1987), p. 3. 



&J 3 4 >* c/ 1 4 1/'> >L^' <jl^ 

.- LS^ 4 * a -3 ^-*- 1 '*’ ^ Ij^La 4 j J^ J 3 

jij£j\J ^Jl jj>y jJJl {yj y * a-ft- l l ^ oli! oUlJUJLJI 

i (Runer Haraldsson) o j -J !ljl * j-Jjj : (»— *j) (Vancuver) 

(Michael _JjJ J-SLLoj i (Harold Ursuliak -iiLJ jjl jJ jjLaj 


(w^J-a J-*_> La v?iJ l :^l J^>- (Lawlor) 

t(A Linear Narvation: Post Phallocentrism) ((^jj-SUJl ySj ^ :Jl 
J-w ±s>j L* ^L-w- _ ^Uj^-I jl 5J ^j_p LLLo! o-aJii 

jr* <u£ ^oJl jJjJ jj-s^ C-JlSj .o iJlSill 

^ jl Jjjb t (Heartfield) JLJUj^jfe ilJU; LLL j_a 
ij .r*- 4 L>>^ {Two Queens) jli&UJl ^UJl *~j> j& 


(Warhol) j ^1 (Marilyn Monroe) jyy> ^JjUJ 

(Elizabeth iJliil iSLLJJ \ky^p ^y> i*il j*yji qjj 

XJ> 4+>-y» i-^U- *jJcS JajjJl IJla Uj^jj .II) 

JJ ,j^) jLa. w . ’ LxiVl t 1 

XjJi\ r ^p>l JJ s) JUJIj 

** * *• 

JL£-il j_>-1 yA i ^ 1 y 3 j : j • 

J.J Uj .L^iil ^ l«J^ LJ1 >j y. ^J1 5_S^| 


(^JJi j* J^JIjj>Jl *X*->L® ^1 j-P j3yi}\ jj cljL^Sj toj^eol jl 
**>Ll^I jr^ t^LiaJ UjLxpL L^^JjjOjVi jJ^o 

J-^J L-jUa>Jl ya Zijj** JJ+0 

j*&) j\ t(L^-j uijjL«-gJl j-j-p) 4.: ^ : : L I ^LiijLS' 

j-»j-vajJl j .dLL Lw^ijI jj^p (<u o 

LftJ r ^U>l ^ JKJI ojyJ>- 


yJl clUj Jjl* _ ^UJl yLLJ aJLi^j MISLJM 

•* * * 

jl - (Richard Prince) y j ^5 (Nigel Scott) 

j-H- 1 L* *X *0 *L>-yXi jl^ tw*JgL>g-> 

4* 4* 

tt-JtsLitJ wL*_jL* ^i\ jJ> jjjJ^\ jiy*0 « ll jl .jL^Ji^l 

** ** 

4*sA>r *)\ aJSM jjL>* 5 iSjjJaj dJUS ( J^*_4 j j-fcj t t Ljajl 

jl tJliJl t5 l*i :.JL—i^l 

•* ** 

J J£\5j)\ *Ju»wiJl» I (ijJlJUJl J&UI 

“ ** *• V* 

L" jL. j ^.UJ 3 ^ JL^I J JUlSLiJ IjU* oLJ'W! 

** ** 

t y^Ut-51 oj->-jJl jjj^a h olj_pli t ^Jl yJl ^Lp jJjjj 

j-p i-JliJl o ^Jo j cjm j <. olLlJl j 

** %* 

JL^I J <JI>y ^Jl *j~ Jl U!>U oJjJjj 

( 21 ) 

• o ^jy. jy*i*j (Duane Michals) _>!&> jjjjj 

$^*-U a^oI Jj>- .A*jLj| djL d J la 15 y-JL-a <_)15 L«^ 

«iyc» ^jIp LmUipNj to^l viUi 5j-iJ LgJ!)U^I y* 

oUxp^I dUS *>Jj jJ c/bfUJl jja^4 .I^JL^Usj y»JUbLLjl 
I *J->- jL<? jtl<Jl o yJl jV dllij t<u>sjJl ^1 Sjjj^saJLj 

Jy>- 1 1)^)1 lj c_i>waJL! J~i*jJl otajjLa ya 

O^j^sA^Jl j^JL) L« .oI^^k y^a ^i5l I <1)15 

:l^JUJLSLjj t (Sara Charlesworth) IjL* iJI^PjJjiJl 

* 9 - * * } 

1 t ®<5 ^_ Lo-a 1 ^y-i-tj L« iws^ <1)|)) 

Douglas Crimp, «The Photographic Activity of Postmodernism,» (21) 
October , vol. 15 (Winter 1980); Michael Starenko, « What’s an Artist to Do? A 
Short History of Postmodernism and Photography, » Afterimage (January 1983), 
and Gene Thornton, «Post-modem Photography: It Doesn’t Look «Modem» at 
all t »'i4i?7>zeHw, vol. 78, no. 4 (1979). 


^jI jA i 4**aJL]| i&Ldi]l f \A 0 J-^^wwa 

*• « 

J^*-«JLyill Jj_J . ii (_y* ^^tip 

Jl 4*ydl 4;l^ U> *bSfl ^Lij jiJUiJl ,yUi 

■* *• •* 

OIJlJL ^UJl ^UafcJt j3-b ^ LpUi^I JsL^JI 

a^J^A tjjjjjlLJl <j1S\ ^Ulll J-JUjJJ 

L5>>*t 3 j^> *j-*rj-> oU*>Lp^I j (Hollywood) 

^3 OjJUju j jJlii i ^ a * ]g 0^9 ^ <uL*JI oJla 

>* 3*J -AajUJI ^L$Lii1l ^ jJl jij : ^ y>-\ 

Jl ;i» ^ Sfljl ^ JU UJ ol ^ u±r JH 

Ojj J jL>- <, y-L« (Uai ^'c5y U5 j .(Exclusivity) 


I Ja <1)1 t LJIp J^a> Ijjb ^ c <1) j-ol jl>cJI Jj^jL« O 1 jfi> jj jJiS\ 

Aj^*J A^wJL*J Lp 

L*jV aJUAJI J s^j-J1 JjujJI Jl5Lit JLp SI ^^Vl ol 

^A 0 J±-L* 6 Jb J j>- oUL^wk AjLL**> oLax^j aJL o*>%-a 

«* ^ 

La*Ap*j C5^ * -S* ( ^IjP^Jja)I JajLoJI JJLlU J^lfl a ( 

* ** *• *4 

^ p 

4 ^ 0^ 4 A3 jJLaJI J J + & 1 1 5^3 AaJLmU 


jj-o t *L> t lilLi UjLgJii JLp ^l i^Jl 0UV1 


^yJl S^lJlj Lfi^-b ^ J^aj ^1 ^JLa^JI ^ I 
U5Ll (jjjiljb-) sJU J\j (oJl j) sjsUj ^1 jl . (23) s ^..A) 

Lub c A-^jLtt-^Jl uiLLj JlL« L%-A j-JLj <1)1 <• ^ a ^ - 1 ^ 

S^^3 ^1 c L^ljI cLUj^j ,L*-^jIji>-I <Jl>- ^3 Jj 

David Clarkson, «Sarah Charlesworth: An Interview, » Parachute , vol. (22) 
49 (1987-1988), p. 14. 

Tom Folland, «Review of Astrid klein at the Ydessa Gallery, » (23) 
Parachute , vol. 50 (1988), p. 60. 


U5b jLS dJUS b\ jJ> toLiJJ J\ Jl J\ o >Jl 

ir* >* tlr 4 *4^ j-^ >>>^ aJLSLM 

{£j>-\ A+**Ja~A t-JUJl IJL^Jj o^IpI JpL^jI 


jj j ., in7 1 1 oli jLLJl ^Jl d) j*.< jLi! Jui t 1 M 

jl jj_- j (.(Annette Kuhn) j jd c-_jl ^dju ^1 jS- jJ_^aJ| 

liijj ^IdJl jPdJl ^ : I jJUi (OjL jN jjj 
dU; ^ cdUS £«j 4 (*^ iiUill jPJd jl) J> Jl ^ 

P ^ 

tJyUJj (i^sA) U ^1 jl Jjj>- J'Vy 

** •* ** 

( l a .xjJl l-L^J ^yljj- JbuUl (jLo-Oxil 4*J>jju Lo 1 -La j .jJjVl 
i>» J r^' ,) 1— rjJ^.-bj (Kuhn) o ^c-JJ L j. 

*• j-*J cr^ 

fj, ^ p 

^Llij jl L« 4 1 */a J <. ^jJ> j*. j j-Aj . 8 JJ^ j-A 

^ ^ j>\ ‘^;i v'>^' 

** *t *• 

J-x_>LJl jj-s^a-oJl jl5 bl^ 

J5JJI j-a j_aLlJI jl5 j t Jl± ^ilJI <u> ^S\ 

JL*>JI ^ J^bJl j\ dll^^Jl jtS I JjL* jJJ JadJ^l 

Jd ( _ # if-j -J-lojJl ^ (j^i J_A (i^iJl oli ( (24> t _ r aJa- ~ ^)J I 

** ** 

bx-J j J^j|jj>Jl J-*jL* jjDI ^.yg^ l! jLU UUaJ tJL>- 

otfyJL ^UJI jJU J*p jl .uj tiw-LJl JuUJ ^ ^ 

^ JIjCuJI J-Ijjj bjLa Jl*P j\ o^JJCuJl 

tL^U LUJ jL>-jJl2j (New York’s Bower) ^ j _^juJI 


U ajjjIj>JI ajjjJI ^Ul J^axU L^lva^il \jJaj j 

t5^!' / u J>j**3\ ^(dJl 

•* V* ** 

dr* ‘dUi ^ Jilj j-a t^l /y> 


Hal Foster, ed.. Recordings: Art, Spectacle, Cultural Politics (Port (24) 
Townsend: Bay Press, 1985), p. 100. 



aj j&j 61$ 4 dJLSi ^ 0 j .Sj jj jjt 
Oj^j 1 6r* 6jJ-*LL*Jl iS ji 


IJm$-9 4 aJLww^JI oj-A 0 ^J^L-o A^j-jJu 4 -t * 9 j-o 

p, £, 

oljj Lo <1)1 (^1 * ^ 4**J? j-o 0 (_£^Lo 

4 Lo ^ tU^5i LS U5j .aJ 6 j & ^Jl! 1 ^ij-J 1 ^^Lp cjiSjSj 


jj_^2_U J-.UJ iSj^ W-f ‘‘-^^ ^ I ^ 1 1 11 ^* 1 i X ^ Ih iii A m ]| S^Lpj C-olii JLii 

"** ** ' •* ^ 

jl 4 L*SI Jl iJsL* Jl jJUxlIj iJlJ^Jl SJKJJI jlJL2xU Sj^JUJI 

j4^j a_>jLa-9 < — j^>xS^ 61 lg" ««» > V wXi j (JLw^J! ^.Lp JLojjo oljJ L» 


AJ^^UIaJI L^J An l m>i4iH il 1 LJL^mmI f * y-^ 4 4 ml ^ 4 

J \Sj^\ J ,1 JUJI ^JJ! JJLp J*U Jjl^. V IJlaj .LiUI 

M ** 

( j^o jl ajj-^S/ l jl c j_^Jl <— >jj*-JLJI ^^Jlp j oLjlJ!>\JLII 

.U^jI 9-LxjJl Jj 4^*>UI 61^** 

( Ways of Seeing ) hjJ\ <jj» J y y_ by J* S. -^J 


LfU-b J 4_JI j^Jl j 4_JI ^Jl jLipI Jl jJ» j£» o! j^Jl j! 
/LU ^LaajNI 6Ij . ^ 25 ^«ol yi\S L^ojjb ^ja L*^S6 { j^ r a}y* 

*X*J Lo Aj^io I 0 Aj2_JL^^Lw4^j Lo Lo bw ® Cu 1 / L i ® 3 ^ ® 


(Collages) ^oLLkJLJl JL.J ^ l^jL JJL. ijl 


4fJl» 4^UKJU : SjJtUl J ojiJl Ly , aJl /^jJJJI iJI >J>il 
Ua Ajo U olj-oi 0 AP^-s^J-o Aj 

A.JL5L1I jj . aJ^_>x_o ol^a J*>L>- Ojj-^ L^S" j ^ la 7 
^j-w-VL ^p JUpI 61 ^s^ijJl 6r*J ^3^ Sj-J^Lwo ((iLjJJco)) 

t (Constructivism) ^LlJI i^ftJuJL! oJl5 

John Berger, Ways of Seeing (London: BBC; Harmondsworth: (25) 
Penguin, 1972), p. 46. 

6! j 3 otbS" ^ja ^ai : jJaL* (^) 


(Heartfield) aJui; jlgJ ijLu Lp ja iSjd\ ij\ ji-yyi\ jj+ai\ j 

1 g ~ ' Lx»j c^JLSj t L^J I oLj^^«w4_>«J|j l*-i I . *, . . ' jW' jj •/» 


j4AJ JlL* LaL^j 0^si>lj 4 ^LwwvU 4-s^L>*JI 

iilA jJt& t i JjuLo ^L*JI 

' ** * 

(Klaus dL~* ^ J^S J (Alcan) <jl£Jl J\ (Mobil) J IS ^ 

^L^Jl i ytl j i..,ai Ji* LUaaJ SJuj^Jl o j^-LJl LS Staeck) 

(Durer) jjys If*— j Sjj-aII Ji.) j-Jl J> 

ej-^J k£j& d)l ijj M 1 t ys J L»cJl (jljJ^Jl LfJLp J jjj»t*JI 


J^-*) oL^-uLaJJl LjUajjj oljL^wo^Jl jl 

** *» ** 

J^JJ 6 j y^> <1)MpI ^ i^L** oU^pl Aj J>t^i 

** m 

iij-Zi iSJaX* J> J— i Jlij J, j ^. J w (Rolls Royce) 

•• •* ^ 

jXJ iojliSl 0jiJl oiitAp ^\ ji* y jiJl yy^\ JP^I J jl5 

tiiL ^L*^a A^j 4 Ls^jl t A^uij JLs^ Jl5 Al5sJ t <LoLp 

a^L^ojlII a^L5 ^_p c 5 j_aJ1 j aJ^JL^JI 

.lolj ISLSsij a^SUj 


'jlH» i*\i\ jl ciJlill S^JJ jJ\ ol JA J 1 Mj 


4 jj j-s^ajJL j j| «,<fl >t^ Ljj^j j»J ((^L l.i a 

oULiJl (Stan Douglas) jL^ ^JUSGl jliAJl jia* 

Yve- Alain Bois,- Douglas Crimp and Rosalind Krauss, «A (26) 
Conversation with Hans Haacke,» in: Annette Michelson [et al.], eds., October: 
The First Decade , 1976-1986 (Cambridge, Ma: MIT Press, 1987), pp. 199. 

Allan Sekula, «Reading an Archive, » in: Brian Wallis, ed., Blasted (27) 
Allegories: An Anthology of Writings by Contemporary Artists (New York: New 
Museum of Comtemporary Art; Cambridge, Ma: MIT Press, 1987), pp. 115. 


ob yu>j JulaJl SxUi* a^MpI ^1 

01 r JLl'l oL^s <. ^^LsVl Lw>- jJ 4 -s^I^cjj c 

_jl JJL*) aJ^-^qJI 

i dJUS j ((Slides) Jb^U ^Jai <kJ* LiUJl JLp L^U^I 
Lai .^51 jJU ULLi LJ L^ j <1)1 ^JLp ^JLaJI ojJlS 

.1 .! (General Idea) i*L*Jl o ^5Li)l ^^Jl j jJLill 

t (Felix Partz) jJjL 4 (A. A. Bronson) 

d*y>- Jiii :oLLO*_* i+^-j JLii t ((Jorge Zontal) JLlSjj 

(Miss General Idea Pageant) i*LJl 3 j-SLUl jL>- j^o ^Up 

A*-** Li^ IUj U^l J C JU^r jLr ^ Jl JUJI ^1 jJU 
Lsiltf jl&t A^ixJ U-^p II il a^I>JI 

. a^JL^*>I jJl ^.aJl ii%Jl o^gOLlI 8.o jL»^® —i aaHjc-csJ \ 

o t* <» u ji 

AA)jia}\ ^yip 1 (*"$■’ 

cAjw ApLijj 4 ( ^ s <?L*Jlj j-s^l>Jl 4 ( ^pI*J>-VI fUalll ^ ^jLII Lg-J 

t* I M 

o>A* otH ol .^jjL U^jI Lf!j 4 a_^L^ JJujJI JlSLtl J£li 

(The New Art «JbJu>Jl ( yii\ ^jjb® ^Ju jL<? L# ^ ^aUjjbNl 
apU>JIj <><Jj *- Jlj tA^JJlj Ji* JaL~« ol History) 

0^1 0- 0^1 OjU, ^-o^Jl J^Jlj 4i^« 


0uLJl ^ Ju^AJl 4 ^l jyiJl ^ oJl5 LS cSj^^JI 

Jjrtj t aj^L>- <u~J oL^UJ t jiJl ^jjbj ^Lj^-MI 

a^»»* 4 1%— %a J I oL^-*J 4 iiLb 

.OJJi <1)U ol 

^jUlj 4dl ji-\ : i 

JIjLpJI iil >JI oLl 5 ^ L> ilL. uLI J-* 

#• ^ 


♦ iil jJJl j ojJIjlhJI iiljJjl ol {Postmodernist Fiction) 

ciLi jj>* j 4 LULLS' AliljL>tJ| 


•<jS(^ 1«^4 (J~* oL»-f'-0 (_£J— i j JUJL. jl ^ JjjjL* J^p Ol 

'LkS aJLw» L$~Lp y iLiwjLJl iil 

UJLtJl Lajl j§laj i ^ jJl i ^^UJl 

US) Ujj.^ jI—ipL. Ul bJI jtjjj. iJ| J>-a J| 

lt® <-b-p- j\ JioLJ ( Coming Through Slaughter) 

{The ^y L*_^) o^L>t^*Jl ^y 4 J 9 j-L>^ o y*-y ^ * 

( China Men) j i (Timothy Findley) ^ • I Wars) 

** *i 

(Gayl JjUJ ( Corrigedora ) J\ i j -* £G-* 

t^i ^1 J-U. - JI aJL_J bJ jUI J j .(Jones) 

** *T 

lH IajU iilyJl j^L j L» LJLp t(il)LSLil 

cPi ^ jr ^ g - S'a -tf i l iJl 0 ^J| tSjLuL^Vl 

c Lo L-*JJ 4 4_y 4 LvsljI 4 Lla^ .Uo 

L^>*Lw» Ljj>- 4 4 t ol (J jL>o (Cj.) j&j*j o k\jj J >UJU 


'*LS^ dfi 4 (/^ L_5* Lf4r~i ^ Li^i 

** *4 

jSl iULL pSS 4( JK: .viJJJJ Ua! •& this J\ tjjL^ jisl 

/ ^ yi p 

4 oLJi3l yo ll)^-^ y« 4-J.P jJLdj La ^5" jJb ti-lL 

jl jj . ^ 8 ^(<LoJL$Lll oJLa La ^ ^ ^ *>L$ 

.^^L*Jl J . ^u . 1 1 iUL^-l t Jil LJLi IgJ ^s^ail! 


<Ua*jJL t4-s^L>oj 4 dD jS ol LJObJU 

<JL^) ^jjLJI 4jL5sJ ilL^ jV 4 LUi 4 L y>ojliJl 


j5S\ |j -a jjiL Jij 4 c-jUaiJl JLSLil ^ ^JLv. ^UjlaI oli 

44 #4 j 

Ijjj 5_^J (jlj .4 _^_,jLJ 1 S-jl 4 ./a aJl ^ L>. J_J> J 

John Berger, G. (New York: Pantheon, 1972), p. 75. 



ur* {I the Supreme) JpSII Ul (Roa Bastos) 
jL— L p El Supremo Jl I jus j .Ula j_c- t o J U - . of 

((Jose Gaspar Rodriguez Francia) L_JLJI J jj 

j^ jrr* ‘ 1840 Ji 1814 j»U- jj (Paraguay) J jJ-ljL j 

j^a_i S^-5 j I I ^U_p 4JL>- a *4 3 a i ^ tJ JLaj La! jju a_jI j ^J| 

j*i : pjlsJl JJUj ^dUij 4 iJlJUl JU If 

4lt4j y> CJ15 La jJ-aj ^Jl 

U\J6j . ( 29 ) «li^ jjl: jl ^ J.)) iJ&Jl ^ J 

o . l$j (1)15^ 4-siflj <lJLp ^jLau jis ^Ul i^jLSLII 

h *• * 

tj ‘ ^ j ■^■ ^ ) La^^_*.a) * 1 jJL)l dlj^J 4 jIj jJl 

ULj JL> 4^ Jl 4-^4, .(?JjL- r l 
^ cr^Jl t>* *' 01 t J-J -Lii) cpLJl Ijo { j^ j t ^Ljwo jjl 

t J-Ul 4 oUiJl ^yLJj <• ^ 5 ^^ JlSLi^/l j)) ! (oi 


.AaI Lo 1 | aJaLJ! i^ai .( 1 1 ) y ^ <Wai&S li^Ual 3 y>-j !>\i 


Lo-a^LS” 4 (/ The Supreme) jLpSm d oijjij « juVi ui» 
tikLJlj ((SjjLlI oLiKin :«0;isJl# Jil Jp ~JJ| SjjUL oUj^j 
‘ 4^ oLJ5j» LSi oLU JJ FOULS' JJ oLJ5> 

<L ~-^ J-~* (H -L ~* ‘ Jl JLajj . < 30 ) #oL*_LS’ c—** J oLJLS" 

^ l *' UjJj t ^jL5jJ| 0j .„ ^ 4 oLIj ^Jl 

>jj t^l^pljUl ^Jjl: ^ Up ji^j J^Jl oU 4dJJi .(32) 
.r^UJl (>“3 oli jLLa 4 JI 

j-^-9 015 J-Aj *( 3^4 J-^j) ^ t 0 J g it La 45^1 4 -JTlSsJU 

Augusto Roa Bastos, 7 the Supreme , Translated by Helen Lane (New (29) 

York: Aventura, 1986), p. 5. 

.29 ^ h^Jl> jJUail (30) 


OLJiCJl jAj t I jj C Alib Lo -> V 4_jl LJUp "jJLi 

^ t S^~ ^ jl * 05 ) ‘ ^ g » ^ J a 

»_oj 'il* :oljjj < _ r -_ J ^-L Ijjj Jl ijLil Jp t aJI y-\^ 

0 * ** «* jJl ( ^ r - r iJj-oJl *VjJ> I Xp~\j jl ^ 


^Js- «S A-l> jiaj <l*JS £si>j ^^JLc- JLuJl ULa>- 

•J** '^J 4 (35) *\Jl> ^iJl 
j-pj cSj-aJI ^_p aJjj (/ 77*e Supreme ) Lf Lf^l\ lit <J jj jl 

^43 4 a^jLlJI ^-^w?J_ll ^ jlJUj j_p j t 4_>li5 

°j- 4*j|jJl^ ^pIjjiJI a . . . la j ^j\ jl^JI jlxjLo i > , " I 

jl Jj>» : d'^oJcs N jLj£i V'-jJlj J^luJlj 

S-U>-jJl iiJaJl jUj .U jl$j> J <Ua>-^. £^>lj n_^Sl / Jill 



( 3 D„r 

cJjU ^1 jU^JJ ^yj^pvj ^yJl 

♦*■ V |» 

jr 4 J->j->«-j^ ^-a L«— >lj j y »<g ll ^ Jo Lla 

.c-ol Iaa# : J^aJi Jj-Sj U*5 jl .(58) ^Lajj^j 

tey ^Vl J-UJI Sy jl lju JS JLpj .(60) «JJUjS il=£Jl 

oJL5 jl jjijjo V *lyUl3» : LJI ajLS 1 L^JL La iW j jJL* j 




(Don Quixote and Sancho Panza) 
.(60) «ijjiyy _ ohsisS' >w tUfljt 

|i ^ - j^^^l fjfi' olia>-^L^j Of- ^J-^a L^l 5 AjI j jjl 
• l ^ 9 ^al>*Jl C-i]j^Jl AJa^-^-oW ^ j .^^jLJlj 


j! {$ jl-LlJ j_5J» 

^j£- Lj>j*j t Jju U ^ji C^S Ji %\ \ ji jj 4 AjiUJl j -.\W 

.45 ^ t<u-waj j. 1 . /j . U ( 31 ) 


JJ Ji JIS" L. «lj i lUj jl (J jJL> 

i *1 t>j la ■i r o ' I ob5 J_jtj (jUl j . . Uj Jli <y 

»Jl* OjJ^J jJUl «J_J LJl d)l t (_iJj_a ob j-i-«-> 
IfJ.ljj Otf yJl 5-aiJl ol y* Jl Jj^f oUap-%Jl 

*• m 

O Jjj? ^1 jplibJlj olwa^JLSl jl c jJDi yP p->jj . jy j%J Ifci 

yAtJl t 4jyI^*Jl 4-i-Ul 4 j j-*P t 0*-*-***l5l JLi 

*i«> ^ cfUlj J^-JI tSjLiJl ^ ( yjL^^j 

(32) «S| !*&_-! j 

<. AjLiS' (j\ _ JL*jU 4*jUll 'jA Jjy>*Jl yA IjlA 

~m> ** «• 

.4-sAaII ol^pl ^OwU 4C-JjJl 

J ^ Ilf ^ 

0-l>y oUjjJl ^ ya £yJl UlA £« UjLUj j 

f Uflj IajLjpL 4«»,f3 *,<a tf 1 1 Ajlj^Jl 4 jCwJaj L " - c Jb JLP 4 j Joj C*>Lwj O 

t iiJilj t J^jlil J t UaJj 4 5il yJl J _ <_^l-~>l ilji 

^p' « «•••«* 

^JJJ £_* <ul <33) ( _ r 5j J j y-j Jj Oij .^Jl . . . L^-jJjjj^iiSlIj 

t kXlL^jl I C-iJylaAij 4 t ( Lfl jj I ^1_ - ^ V ^1 

*>— «> j-^Jl J 4-j^jww»»^\ ta ^Jl <L^>*_LqJ| 4-^*-s &J yP JL$ * y»Jl jl y* 


* n 9- •& 

t Jjlyb> dLi ,$y>-y t 4J jJL jy^j jl Jw»j^«-<J| y«j .^yJLlJl 

j»J-p t L^plyj 4^2 aJI jyiJl ^ 

Jii t(7) 4 j y^_-JU j cw> yu U-p 4oJu*Jl cy Lp La^UipI ^ 

t#L>Jl to ja tcuiv?l ^yJa^Jl ( j^al Jl ^Jl UJLl iyj V 


^ L. £y ^y J-t.Jl JliLil Jl Ujj UjU bil (U 

.435 t <Uwil jJU<all (32) 
Peter Brooks, Reading for the Plot: Design and Intention in Narrative (33) 
(New York: Random House, 1984), p. 12. 


l-jU^I Jj>-\ Qj£j Jij UUa>- Jl^JM pJajco 

3 “^“J ^jL j-J l- a ^ u 

1 JU oLw>Jl U>lj c oL>Jl y V ./?3l|» ; <jL ^JaJl 
L^uiJ oUiJl J-JUJ vL5 J\ . l^^jbVli t (34) iL^^jbVl 
^ ■ Av a-a J l iuli ^JwoJ j\ (Doxifies) _ 1^. ^ j;l 

t £f^ ^ t ^ A crS- 9 c (25) LoLp jl L^Jg jJLo 4JU>t^i 

ci^Jl ^ 

c#^ ^ jr** 
( Chatterton ) JJL* ti-JlJL>- jl*_,LJ| oUjjJl <ip d>JL>*ju L# 

j! ijj-jJU-L IjjjJ {I The Supreme) jl ; (Peter Ackroyd) JujjS* 

t 5 * *y?J ^ dj*i l*Sj . c*j jjj^o aIaI^jJJ ( Water land) 

jjL. ^‘ijuji juuUj <j u Ls*>ai o^uji .i* ^ *J\ 

(v«^ail) L?-jJjj^jS/I JjlyiJlj jl&l» 

JhA^a ^ikj JajlkJl 11* . (35) «Uj^e i^a2i\ ajIjjj 

,_y»~J_^l) iL»<i«Jl ji>-Ll«Jl (_Jjjl-b*«Jl d.5 jAaj ^j|jt>- JUjUI 


JtA>*jl oAa ^ tjj^S' J^i US' jl 

. 4 JISUJ ^]| <lj>- 4 J jUj Uilj t<d jlSLl jl JulUU 



U>“ jU L*l J^J Jl LLSjJl ^ J^-ftjJl AjyUaJ ^ Jl>- 

M ^ •* 

- 1 . La I j-Aij c LfLkJejjj <. l*JlSLst _ a ,/7 5.1 L j^S ^LjlaI 

« ^ ^ ** ^ cs*^ - 0 L>^ t/ ivsUxjj coJj-U- ^jjL» ^ dJJij 

*iir >c ^ V “^ )) ^j<jLJI jl jJU -lil (Hayden White) 


Davis, Resisting Novels: Ideology and Fiction , p. 24. (34) 

Fredric Jameson, «The Politics of Theory: Ideological Positions in the (35) 
Post-modernism Debate, » New German Critique, vol. 33 (1984), p. 54. 

la U a J L j* I JL Aj .JUJ 


Jb-t* L*2l\ J\ SijjJU ol5 OJj -IjdVt 

$ «<l aIap o^i 1 5JUJI l _ f & o jjk cujlS^ ISIj . aJL^I 

A^SIjJl J ul«J ^ Jla O^liLj jl5 J .1 ^ 1 jJtS* 

4-*-^ L-*-*^ ^ ^wa -a J l J^lojJl (J j^- 4_Ll** 1 ojLI ^3 j^jLj 

*• ** ' *# 

k — ^rr’JJ' 5 (J-*^ ol -A><J c<uii>ta iij \ j ^ jJaJljj .LkjJl^ it—o'yij 
jLs^Sm i j-o (Dominick La Capra) 1^15 V 

Laj^JaJj ^UJJ LJLL*J JlSLil ^ LJ^jjLJI jpli ji\ ol t J yu 

** ** 

JjuJI JlSLil J a y^Ji oSu^Jl sJla gj U^>y 

4J jj^L. J-4i I ji (Inert) iiUU J JJC jJl .^Jl >Jl j 


«UL-JI» ykljjiU aJL_^ s^J jl>- j\ yJJu cAS*>U» 

.^]lx]| .<g tf 1 1 y y*j? y* yb iJb (jl j*& • 

Jlp cJ-*^ ^\ ^ Ujl^ j LiujUl oJil C.....I 

** *• 

i ^a^aJai\ AJUjJI dLSLi; 
** *• ^ 

IJ-fc A43 t LmsjI (, 

U-fiJs»jj t-x>fcj jli-Jl Lj& . . . *#2 \ I .) 4.^3 <1)1 cjLS" 


tJLJVl c5>I JlSLi! >UDI ^ LSLs£ij L^Jl 1^1 

^ ** 

l 5 V>U^“I olJJ ilLioJ o^l>- (7^>y J t JJUJl ota jk* JJiJj 

Ao-P® 4 */l a ll jj c <JUL> Jj>JI j . ^ oli _ 

^Ui>-Vl Jf’LiiJl J-s«L?- LgJI Lo wLLa LoLw 

Hayden V. White, The Content of the Form: Narrative Discourse and (36) 
Historical Representation (Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1987), 
p. 11. 

Dominick LaCapra, History and Criticism (Ithaca, NY: Cornell (37) 
University Press, 1985), 58. 

Teresa De Lauretis, Technologies of Gender: Essays on Theory , Film and (38) 
Fiction (Bloomington, Ind: Indiana University Press, 1987), p. 109. 


(Maxine Hong Kingston) u ij y b i Uil 

U SK-i wOJl U JJ (.JlSJ V (Gayl Johns) J_,U j\ 

( j*j oVl^jVi JsLjj ijLS'b j. l»jIj ^js- 

^ # ■ 

<_r^ t c (5 ^jLj i3L-» ,_*> j 


jLJ — ! jooLJI ^JLp ^^LSl jjl^j 

t (Gabriel Garcia Marquez) j^jL* L—ijLp JU^Lp j! ^ jl-£j 


\ $. oJ Lp LjI j*- i-Ajjia-j ./a" oLIjj aJL-^wo Lll J! c*-«uJU 

J— ' ^ 4 ^j^Lj.a. 1 1 ^jil jl ^ 4 St .A a ll 

H v* u- 

tLfcSb t^iUi5 j_^j oij J-*i - (^a^aill 

UU^-1 i,\jj ^ (l ?*jj CTi" cr^* 9 ;Sbli (jlib; 

LjLjJjJ ,y j-SjiJl tLf*-j5J i^Le-lj t iwiUJI 

j*J oJj-lP ^-s>- L^4 j! 4 LajjLLJ 

(7Ae French ^S^i\ Jjl ^^UJl s! ^1 jljU 
- j^S jlJui*jj _ LLkJl 4jJlo U IJl* jL£ iLjewtouzrtf'j Woman) 
Lpjj <**Lj L» LuL^ijjLpi Ja^j>tJ ^Ltjl ^UJlj 

(_^i-pj 1 1 <Xa L**^! LjL U jSj^ t ilj) Jbnjl jl*jL» a^Jl^p 

L^j t'J-y* 1 Ji 4 jjj 1 jb JLi 1^3 Iwoj'y 4 jLa>J| j! ^ J 

* H 

4JLjIjj Laj 4JL;lj j La JJL>iJ Lj zS\ ol j! 

J^pIaJ 4-aaJI SjJLi oliLLSL^L cj li ji 4J 

i«i^ljj» OjL. ^yJl ^ jl*jU UUiJt OLi t «;LjJI» 

M ^ 


t?* (Stephen Heath) (i~A yty~» L5 j .I+Lu^j 

Ijj-LaUj i p . L a. U j t t(jjjytilU) <jU»i jjJLp 

Brooks, Reading for the Plot: Design and Intention in Narrative, p. 3. (39) 


Ol a*> LlIp caJ^JI *w*^nJ 1_9 t 

JLpU^I s \ >Sl oli^J uiljiN ^JUl .Ml t -.--. 

™ +■ 

Ijjb iJj^JXj jjS^ * A ^^>baJ I ^y iyJJ ^jIaaJI Jij 

^j-* ^jJa-n-^-? 'V i OoLp L$_J1 JLL _ a .> . j ^ /a j 1 1 LjljjJl 


JUjUJ SLij! JuJl IgjjjL ^L*jj l .1L-: 'J ^L&>- iSU^ Jljj La 
*^tjjbJL i j r M->- *_ ^JLp o-iLS* s^jaJI swL* LajLla t/^j|ji>iJl 

-^j^' j' - JiIjLU knfJjlJ jJ»J ^JLp ^ 

<LJLs aHJL>- JjuLs 4m^sA9 4*JLp La 0^ fl-A 

*» « 4 1* -J ^ -^- [_ _J 

JLa-C'^/L j»li t yo <. JlJUJI ^y IjiJL?- yjJl ^j jj ~j * ~ i ^ is 


J_* niJJi JJ- tA-J-o -£-Jj^ (^1 

t (JUa 3I ( y Ij^y-JL* 4..^aji j j***j ^LJLc-w 

(Rudy Wiebe) «^jj l5^Jj y iJL*\M LjlSJI :^L* 

jl t ( The Temptations of Big Bear) OjJI c 4*I u ji-LiJl 

j-* ijU j_J ^JLjL> (itetfwft/w/ Losers) jjJL-*-j*Jl Jjj— L**Jl 
(Oma/idra) IjJUL-iLf ^_i ol j jl t (Leonard Cohen) 

t- |ii f, 

\3 jl LJLyl ^y iz^LpL^j^JI y l l Llumj^S\J 

(Andre ^ <_;^AJl i(J, M + Coetzee) ^jJj_S .f JL*-pI 

J Uj Ju^L^AI jt v(Toni Morrison) j j yj> jJs t Brink) 

.(Ishmael Reed) 

JL>- JL*j U I oNjU-J I t L^jI ^jjsj 

idJLjpjLj i ^ - ** - ^ j ^ ^ j-^JJ LjlJLoiJ! 

-M *f ^ 

UwjU (P^r/wme) ^iuJI ^JiL (Patrick Siiskind) JcfSL^ 

Stephen Heath, The Sexual Fix (London: Macmillan, 1982), p h 85, <40) 


^ yaliJl d) j-2Jl LJ yU LSI ^5- Ly^« 


iL^I y tills jl 1 $JLp (1)1 y# pi-jib t<uJL ^ yJlj 

4 * /? tf l li 4 A ll I^Aj>^_^vJ LoJl 3 *LuLy*£ 4_LL>eJ <Oy*J ^JljUJ 
LfiL-^J tJa-ii (j-Jj L^LJbcJ ^Jj\ 4_^b- 

cu-^wJL d)L>- 4-s^i ^ oJLa d)^l tdiJS t j ^^cjjLJI 

•* •* 0 

S^SliJl i^»UJl ^hj <1)15 ^JJI 4 (Jean Baptist Grenouille) 

j-fc <Jij\ 4 aJ 4jwU^t>- A>t5lj *)/ ^Ls^U*j Lj 15 JiJj (_£jJlj 4 <L**J jAj\ 

JiL J.JU y* i^JLll J J^UJlj, .jjull J ei^Vl /5l 

4*1^5 L»l ^ L** 1?3 y-*j LJ 4j1 U5 4 SjLI ji j 

# . * 
ajIjuJI ..xS'^j y<»Jl liJjb^ o J-Lll oJl& *- ^ L y> ft y&))^ 

p~l*j Aj y*-J> <1)15 L°JJLPj . ( L l*J j ) A)jJ ^jJL>- 

jJLL ^ J» : l*J ^5lj V ^1 *LiVl Jl* Jjb- ^Jl oUKJl 

1 *• «sr 

jUtf LaJ-i^- LfclJL>-l Ja-L>*j (1)15 j tLgJLL?- JIp- 

. Ji-* tI^Lo-l5s3 4 A^j^lS- 4JLjaj Ulp j 4 LajCUm» 1 ^ 1 'y.^.X-nvj (1)15 IJLilj 

llj 4 4JUlj 4 J « <fc «/> llj 4 4_l|JL*Jl 

jJj . ^aJI 4*-***llb IjxJ l^-ol*^ e^Ug 4 . . . Ju^j>JL d)li ydlj 

JJli 2**i ^yUl L$Jji* (D15 h\jj LkJ U^-LL. 11* <j JL N 

. ( 7 %e of a Murderer) 

jtJUJl yu t3^l;. jvj!^ (^5^ t Sj*tj* 

(^yi-Ul j^jlJl lj-A (1)1 ygLSJl (£ jJJ . ^ ^(OlUI j-A3®J 
(JUID) ^ frL^I (jjl J*a! jl jLot*Jl 

SjJii UUI JJi. J^JI Jfcjij .(125) ((yJl i«,Uu' <u»L^I 

Patrick Suskind, Perfume : The Story of a Muderrer , Translated by John (41) 
E. Woods (New York: Knopf, 1986), p. 25. 

.26 ( y jJUflll (42) 


£AJ ijJUJl <y Ja Z* S jUJl <£jkj* 

J^>- y> S/i \1a N id ^ jl jOa V dyS Lili tdUS 

j^a.jjJl j aLlSsJJ aLoLlJ! aa! Jj>- j^jL^JI <ij I a^J ! j .L^Jli <LI j ^Jl <L*J 
(^ *®yJl Jy- jjwU AjIjjJ! oJl* j V tU^jl t oJLa*JI 


yy*"^ J_saaj Lg_-~i5l yd I ojJL!! j jaLaII ^^La!I 

Jia)I oyUJl S yJlj t (jjJaaJI apLuo y yL jJLa^) Ay I ^ 
xJl >Jl l* ijp^u yJl SyJlj UJUidi iJUl >*JU LJLU) 

i *r' 9 

(jS^Jl jy*J>J|j ©y%>- J IP-Ju oU xij •uij~y 1 <J* JU$3L; 
^^9" c#* ^AuJl P >>«J I l-li J-C- <jJai ( _ 5 Aj illjjJl JUkLlJ 

' 4 * 

Jl A-UaJl 


(y ydl iJyLAoJl cuyJl jJajLdl 

o^aII . c*yJl oy jl Ay^Jl oy jl JUl »y y <5yl oy y* y 


.(252) KijJl v_o- JU i_pvJ ^1 SybUJl 


(*-^' J-~A vW* ( Perfume ) ^Jap 4_>ljj 

^JAJI iiliSDl jlj .iylj_>«Jlj t A-pL»jL9- , yij 


5^^ y. UJ. tijAl jAw' ^p ^j^JIj - Uy >1 

jjlj iiljJ»-LLw« 8-1 t (A jI ^^pLo^J (_j }-*-• olij c lAtjjlj 


^JJl J-AJJ jSAj .Sjj-A 5iUaj<Jl < _^il y-- J ^ ^jjU j 

Siyrj^ l$AJ Alj^Jl A>UA ALA jl iiUAVl oJla oJ^L- 
(The War of the End of the World) JUl ilj ^>j>- Aii ..Usb 
(/* 1896 (* u cr» (Canudos War) ^ y>- jLj 

c iUl jl AS > : l4i>- jl > .JijljJl y J^\ JLAJI 
AlJ^S/l oli <~jjjj\I\ r iUJl JU iAJl i.JL-JLidl A=-AJI 

aS!>Lp ^^Ipj i LJUj aJLJLjuJI 
jJUJI ^jjbJ ^^va-s^aAli ^ j^Jl Li^i 


^Ua^jl JlSLlt J-, (oUtJl ljut 

cJLftjCL>»l 0 *L**|j jT~-i -^>-\ J_A jui 

♦T •* 

ikjl jJl JtA^oi ^yboj ^ cJ?' ®*k (j£^ ^ j*i\ 

^ LU>o U- |JUJ 1 Uj ^j*Jb y* L» yu 

.^UJl ji J.JUJ ^ \ 4^-JflJt 

«* •* 

JLSLM L y *ujjj /jSv~<*-j 4*oLsAL$J 1 >ll , a.'>Jl <JL^a <*(1 !j-a 

*r * ** 

(, j-J >-^/ 1 LmAaJI i y y O y** Lo«Sj . 4^>o jLJl 43 ! ^jA 0 

t (Black Venus) «*bj-*Jl j-p yjli* ^L^Jl ijliS’ ^ 

si j-«JJ ^> 1 j^ « tJl < 1)1 

$ + 

4 ^JJLqJLj^ A-^v^lww-** A-jJLa-J 1 

p p 

jt— fjLSL^j 0 <3 H t — oL^j>-ij->s jl j^_j 

tj'J^jyf JJ&-& J-* ‘^i '-~ L4 t#* ^iJ^' V^jjLJl 

^ >JI J jl ( j*JI olj^lj t(Banville) ^Ll {Doctor Copernicus) 

, f 

Vj . j 1 jL_4_J {Maggot) j\ <. (The French Lieutenant’s Women) 

jl) H\ j£*i\ j pjlxJl iL^J L^jJbu t ij|JL>«Jl AxjLo iil jixi I 

«Ja i JLp tvJljJl i*aiJl ^ iC^alJlj iliuJl ^ (^Ij (JU3I 

tjl^pSfl j^Lia jj? C 5 ^* t (*J'-’J'j IfL^ 

$ j ^jlp 4_^I^bJI t L^j *^-3 jjL^-^Jl j-j-p 1 ^ 

JJUJ L^jda_^l j_j oLLjJLj I^LLj jl (_y» tiU^Jl 

^ *• 

^Jco Lfri |»JL*J| b^»Ajl 

4, O^JI dJUL- L.UoJ XfLX J i^UJl LsiUJ ^ 

JjU^ jl U jZ+i d J± 4 JjuJI ol UjjJLiw 

•iiLSiJl ^jbJl (_/ aIjU 4^p bj^^s 

0 ^ ^J - 21 ^ ^ ^ ~~ j bj! L*S 

LqJ^«j .<Lw>tjjliJl iij-icoJl ( jj» 4- ' -? * - a LpIjJI cLUi 4Aij-*-oJl 


»JLp < _ 5 Jl i^aiJl ^c- LJ y^> j jU t (Perfume) ^JaP iJjj c^«- va J 


LojI.5 0^5^ 4 — Aj ^>« xJi 


Ai-U<9 Jl> t i^a2i\ ^Js. J}j_ s aj Ulaj . J-i*Jl «lUi i jJo~ j 

.U \ > Jl i^ill JU 

4-aaJ! ol*Jl ojJiJl oli <cJlJL» ^ c~jl j uJbLft J^jfsj 

** ^ 

^ JJUiiJ aj^JI jjjdl vS^UJl i^Ul 5j>Jl -> 
* •* 

t ^jjUl Aj^Jalj AJLbcuJl Aj^SCaJI ^jIjuJI 

jji cJl J l jl A>cJ tiil ^j>Jl 1^5 t^jLJl ajU5 aJ15L£I 

* ** 

^■A a I t ^JJLa * L^-ilii JjL^JI g k* 

I f- |pr {# 

.aJj>«^ 4Jw? 4 J|j l a!^- Oj j*Oj ^jJjjJu I aJIj t Aa^uJI 

jJaJL 0j& Ajjl^uJl oULoJIaVI oJjb (J ^JaJl ^JL>-j j 

O^iUwJl £-k>Uj ^1 ^lk>JL A>-^u ^1 ol^t^oJl ^1 

(Water *UI Ji* : U^JlS' t^jlxllj ilj^Jl ^ tip- 

L5* j' JaP J* iS^ i ^ fl*l to**/) 

c?® oLa^w ^Jks* .Lo-a^S 

.oljx >^> j ^ c j^o-p <U*p ^ IJla 

•*■ ** '** * 

Ujio ^il5i (l$^-UaJ ij^xJl jJ.) <^ji\ i«~x£jl aJjLpj 

(^Jl Ma^aiJl JJUjJI (De-Doxifing) Ujl*J j ^ 


t . ac, f. 1 i ( Historia ) ^jjUI» : oLl*^ ^ oIjl>-L, * y<r..» 

ia_^J (^1 (b t 4_«_;JLi A_^aJ (2.a (*-i-*j; j 

^1 >» JalA J* ii\jj}>\ £~J6 j Al^aij ilS^- 4 <jI j j : 

LgJl ^j>~ Ak..> : :,4 A-s^jl t oLicaii^o (^S « ^^L*/ 

4 c; asaaJI ^1 jl «£ ? > t ^Jl» ^1 Lil il^J 
®A^*ilj j^p j a^j^>«- 4)) ^jl oi^i t jL^aJl uijL>*-4 AjJLgjJ 

^Sf liJl ^^LSoo^/l jl5^ t^ 43 ^lj^ JL>- 

** ** I 4* 

Graham Swift, Waterland (London: Heinemann, 1983), p. 6. (43) 


JLii t (Tom Crick) dLji* pi J^UJl L»l .iJI ^ 

L^Xo ' ^1 ^woJ>- ( jj» ./3 dll i A*A^-oJ® aAjLp 


4 4jL JL«^j M ^ iJlj 4 jL*U^J 4 ^L^ oJl jl 

<W 2 _aJ LsAjI ^J!)Lo <— li-Aj .(1 - 2 ) (( j->-T jl i-oJlLo ^JJ-P 

.l$Jli ( Waterland) f-UI 

4jL^J J j^» ^ploJl Op <■ j-»\ ir* U-^j 

*• ** 

a.* : «, a > «jUwaJl ^1 JAj jS JbJ <>-y* j-*j • (( ££jbJl 

(_£.U1 t ^tjjLxil o^L* |» ^ 4 ((pul)) 

JLpliju j) aJLp 4 (t^^Ljl jUl £jp. CuLl^Ul)) 0 y±fr 

^ ** 

AJLmjJu* (1)1 ^A L^wwmiJ I (jl 4 ^-s £L>t~*s» J (1)^1 

** * •* # 

4^M?Laj 4XL#UaJ t j-P ^lijJl ^^9 (1)1^9 <Oj Lol . ((^pjLxJl ob« 

<<^>wjtj 1 jjiu N .JJUl b» Ij^jJ^j ^ 4 bi ^^LaU * 

4**xJb 4 ^>jbJli 4 4Pj*^ ^-woJ^o oJ-^o^b (1)1 j+& .(18) 

Jilo jJLp ^ I^Jb* (1)1 jjnLii, 4 ( 5 ) *U \ > <L*i’ 

ilj^JU oU>tljL/? JCU-9 4 Ajj^JI ob^lb tt (l)S/lj La)) 

.<*3 p*Jb (l)Ug..O jA ll ^>eJjbil ^J^^l <1)1 -L>*j 

*» ** 

4 cilli J 4oSjI^Jl Aub^l oUi^-^Jl ^jb b^ajl (jUaJ^a La 


J-Aj ^0_) ^ jJlj 4 Lg-J-P 0 i J oljLiJl J-SLLj C^^l t C 5^ a ^^ )) 
. (45) pLJ ^a Vj fliJ >A «J5Lj ^1^ >-* 

^a <Lsjl JL>- J-*jLoJ 1 A3jbL»Jl 0 jy*& ol c.* ^ 

^^jb^-^jNl J^-o-b-ll 4-j_b<fcpW (1)1 J->«j 4 «-jj 

«* *♦ "-■ 


. 6 ^^-aJI oU_A 

LJbi 4 (( ( ^oJi2jJI oNj^tlJlMj ojj-^1 4 A t . la . l l 


.4 C<U*Ai jJL^ll { 44 ) 
.7 ^ ( 4 **aj jX^aii ( 45 ) 

of jA £ 3 ljl . co 1 o J& jj U ^Sl ^Jl L^Jl t illjjS ( J| 

>* Ui» :*tdJi Sfl ^ ol i£p\d\ <A^ a^Upj ^ V» 

■ dUoJ j\ loj . . . co-*Sj ^1 ^cjjbJl OjI Jo>-l ^jlp 

J d>y* t y>A z j?r j V <ul 

t^Ja^Jl t^jUJl ^ ^oj| \jS\ U ?pLJiVi 

4 >* dJJS .‘U-g-JI ^JIjJl AjIjj j-A ^gJJl J 

j-aL^JL QjjbJl JUa-jl ol ^>0 t(34) 

£■-* Lf.S’l^p ^^3 jL^>Jl ^ jjaj I4J ^j_*> J LoJl 

. (34) «^JI ^1 


0_LaJ L*-w<*j>- LJLj tdJUS ^0 tiJjJb dL jS jl 

<uj0> y&j oywn 0 j j-sOj J ^JaaJl 

of L u ^Jl ^Aj (1)1 4-Ju tdUij t J 

oLLSoJl Jl ^cjjIiJJ LjJU <u j j <_™o 4 -~^ jA j . 1^0. 


tOUi Oxjj .Juit j*j <u-UaJl lijU- 015 Ujlip <ul 4J l^jj ^Jl 


^Ua^5 ^jLJl i—l ji <4^ «Ls-jJi» t-JLkj jlS LajjLP j 

ti-ils^l ijl*Jl ^^sCJl lJu ^ ( _ # *_,iis! “j ye* 

** +* ' W 

.(53 ) « (J ^IajJ*sU L^jIj .iJL^I (wul Jj tiJLs^l LoIajIj 
. ((<_*^i3)) ^j-p ojLp- <l>oJ 1 jo U5 ^jjLJl 1 
(J"* ^ijl><-<JJ 3 J-j-$J|j oLpI jJl *JLoJ1j t )a *Jl AjIjJI t 4 jI3 

.(53) fiJliJl 

(J «jliu^Jl Jpj LjIp dL J lAjJdj i^A.11 (1)1 


£~m» ■ 1 - a '-^ J Sll LJlp I. tiJU 3 jj-aj J>~ ^jjL; 

ells’ lij l. jSjj M 0ijlJl» oL Ij^rK; ^ iil^pJl 

.35-34 j* 1 4_^ jjuall (46) 


(Fenland) J>jl ^Ll Jb4 (Thomas) J ojL>- ^ 

o j£*s» ^jl ^e-L-JL l l v tf>,fa"«* y o ybUl 

dLJj jjJl o j-*L *1 *^* c-^j y^y ojL^r 


I^jU C (J jJLJ <w49^j oJj>«j ^0 y t^J * S*llJlj ipJ^aJl A-J^xJl oJp 

Jjjo jl ^<> L^i LJ ju N olijl iiL-gi <*y>- Jp (*-^i 4 -^j^l 

y^j 4jLj J aJ LjL ^jjLJI Ja_> ^^1$ t . . 4^1 JtJl 4 *,/7s\\ ye ^ijLJl 

£, £ 

^«A _ (74) ®4-*^*^ ^^jl ^^Ap ‘■^ 1 1 . 1 1 ^^j2j (jl <lJ«P 4 f 

(J jU^jj . jjN I 0*13 O^LulO*,-— oJl C-Aj j 4 ./a 9 . 4_Jl j-AIAj L a Lllp 

4jL5 j ilil y Jl 4 jLiSJL> L$xS*)Ipj 4-sAaJI oJJip ilL^ ^Jl> jl cJ^y* 

4-9 o j-^x-9 4-JL^-J*l y ld-—> LaJJLP 4jlS 0-9 Jl ^j-9 £t-> jLJl 

1*5^ UJLp)) I ^jli oJl^a^j dL jS (wJi9L>o La-U*J t 4 J*jjLJ| 

01 <w— >e-» L^JLS' i— 9 y*-*P La-S'j t jL*d» LjS" ^jjIiJI \J$y L* & 

4_)L> y^y t jJJ j 1 jbJl j ?^djbJl SJjli La ; JL*%J 

y 4jli c-^L-%*f*yi ^jP (d->*-Jl 1 Jla ( j-^J1® ' J JL-9 t 4-jL>-^n ^ la « «mj> 
L**J>-I jJ ii y*-*-* (jl LfrJp (jS/ dJJ3 (. l g *« -a ^-^a ^ 4 ^>ojIj cLp 

.(92WUiU La Jl U^ Ua li^laJl 

-«Jl ^oLLqJL oa-J-4-^Jl 4-— j-A>*Jl dLL^ c ^jjLJl f^yy ol 
y> (tUaJJl twi*l53» ^yu«j <d->«j JLp JoJLj t«<L~uLJl JnJ j 

® (jl Lw$JL*j t ^%-P l3jb^ 1 4JL^J^ t ®4^tOjJl^ — *-mJ1 

j-A Jlj-^Jl 4 JU-P ./?) J .(93) ®liLoJ JLJ oV lo>“L>“ a-tw 

Aja^l t : J\ gL,UI J^u: • 

r'o^'i «2.>,;i: :« .- * 1 ^ i*:i; & , u^c.t. 

.70 ijA (. *~Jij j.A.^gll (47) 
.92 4 ^ g i j. a ,irt(l (48) 


Jg> j l la , > wo i l £jjUl» I wLj^j Lo ^5 

^ V * £ «* 

Uj| jS> 'jA ^aUjo 

♦* £° 

i ,j -* 4 (Tom Crick) <jL? 

I y Ji u^5(j jl Jb V j^JJl J^ljl^Jl JjuL ryJ^JL! LjU** 
‘ o**** 6 jr* 1 ^ «j jiiij (Collingwood) 

\jj \5 V 4 Oolj OAjLa 4 U^jI Jj 4 oJs-j ZjjkzljS 

4 (Raymond Williams) y^LJ j JJj_«_>l jj 4 (Dominick La Capra) 

(Jj->- (J-i^>«Jl 1)1 . _ oL>"_j 

)LJl 4 -jU^JI ^ ya^pj] \ TjlojJl «i . * ./? 

» ** 

£«j .4ILL, ^ ISLLU viLLiS, v«,jLJl aiji-tjJl I^aJUC jJ I 
Lg->L Jj <LjIj_>JI j_*jLo <il ^>«Jl d)l Lilj 4 viJLIS 

ilLJl y> L^>\Jyj iyJyjUy y£j jj jl lljb 4 ^jjLiJI y 

ii\j>- * yP ^ 4_di^«JI Ijjfe frLa^ l xll l y <(j| yfr . • . . .,X j l ^ 1 | 

( Midnight ’ J-JJl Uup X p *ij\ jl (.{Water land) t-LJI y J : JL» 
tP 4 _*jj Vj .{Ragtime) *\&yA\ XpLjJI JLyy j\ 4 Children ) 

I4J ii^U V iJlSLJ)ll oli v ,J ^ Jbuljl JLiu,Ldl oLL£Jl j! 

.L^jUl iiy Jlj (jiujUl JJLcJl JiL-. Jjb; ^ j j! 

^vUJl LJ > jJl ^JLlJ ^ y 


ilrn ■ x d Jj r J Ct* (Denaturalize) 

iL$-La ^^xJl (Facts) (Events) 

Ij Ijj-N oji tliJ LjL^ I ji j ^jlijJU 

(Js?* - t Ji-bJj .Lfjli ol Jj>- Vl ^jlij (Jlw 4 j 3 JL>mJ 1 

jpLp gl^jl iU»l ^ (Paul Veyne) ^li .J^ <Jli U t JliJl 
^ ^j-* uL5^ ^LS'jJl jl £*3 ; 


4 <Lw«»Lww%Jl jLj ^Jl ^LoJIaI y» Oj&i ^JUibj 4 L^U*>> 

jij^-i iswaJl (^i i^JL; J~> ^UjLaI Jj»^> Oj£j Si I 

53U»J| JijuLa isl > Jl L^J L. ULo C (49) LJ J J i-l*Jl I 

^ ** 

LJu^u /y> ^Lij (^i cr^ 

5** £■ 

o'J***^. ‘ 1-fr^dJ^J Jl (JjIjj j : la a' j 

4jaJj jsUj *_L>~. oL t-j ^ U>li c^LeVl Ul <Ju_t ^ tU 

-cr^l tr*^^ '-<-l>'^ ; c# 1 " J 2 ^' '-Spl o* bj~~* 

ijiojLJl iil>Jl <y jslS^I iiJJj iLilj COJ15 oJu* ol J dLi 

** ** 

aJl^p d)l ^a t <u>sjjbJl <il jU-U^Jl ol *%\y iS^ Cx° 

o*>U*~Jl -s>=r->Jl JJjJl Jjjb ^ 

J~~- ^>j) UJl jUT *A*s- L^jL Lf!L^ p Ji 
oL* tJ^*Jl '^j • t > it dj'-» <^1 (ki»l«V>-Sll 

^msUJI® jb iJlj^ll ilil J l>J 1 JOuLo iil ^U*Jl o*1a JJL* 

m * 

** ** 

«ij*l ^t» L>JUa* i±L LtU-l aLSLi: Salpl jl -oljJj 4ili LpL?- 


_P c C jLoJLS* ^^A 0 j-A (1)1 ^-o J . 4_*^lUsJl 4 4 1 «/g ll 

bj|jl>- JL*jUI (j-*JjjJl l 4 LUijI wLgjU 4 JkJUjJl 


.J\^i\ JSLUI J^L i^UJl 

*« •* 

iil j_>Jl Ju^jjJl iJLwv^o 4_>sJUt-o ^_Lp o^UJl o jj>- Jl5j 



UX3 ^-obCj i. ^1 c j^oUlJlj 4 U_^J5 

jl kuL>; jl t<o crc^* 

«• t* *» 

J^)U>- J-a ^jJlJL>Jl ^j-tfJl Ul Lu*_a JL$LU1 olj L*S _ 4 la c ^ 

Paul Veyne, Comment on ecrit Vhistoire (Paris: Seuil, 1971), p. 35. (49) 

Dominick LaCapra, History, Politics, and the Novel (Ithaca, NY: (50) 
Cornell University Press, 1987), p. 10. 


jl .^jjbJl ^ l/° y^ )] O^ ^JUwaJl Lgj jJaj 


*yrjj ^ ^yrj-t ij^ J^a: al+s l^>-\ JJ*J 4 4-*t>* 


®jL>l ^1 t^^s^LJl ^]l Jj-s^jJJ *°>® 

.(_£ ji*j C-)^l>wi il yo j i. J> j jg — ll oiL^ij C 4 -Sj1jj JlLo _ <LSUl 

t j { jm*& LJ 1 iSy*** ^ Cj^*^ t ^"^*1 



X*-jL> jl t JjJJ tl*L>- ^^Ij ^ ; ' rf * 


JlsCj,! r-b: 1*1 JU s^uJi Mi ^ y>j jf. UlZ& 5l*Iji>Ji 

jJ* 1%XA <U^xj Lo J .^JuJI«>JlI| jIj ^jjLSI JlJL^J 3«9 C AXjLwo 

aJLJLj (Tradition) jlJlaJI ^jl>«jlj ^Ijl^ juuLJI jjDI. jl 

** ** 

jJjcJIj <d*>U^! j^-t tJ-jUJl ^jL; j^» v j-^ 5 ^ : j*j 

f, * m* ■ 

c5* ' JwmSjj ‘ l 5 jj '-ij— L»5 t L JjL> <u!p 

^ LflUjc^l j^l ^1 j iLxu^Jl Jb^ill Jl5bil jl . ajI jJl J-aaJI 
jl tlr SU_ ! toli jLLJl oli v‘Iji>JI JL*jL. oJl* JbS 

jjiJl o ^i>-L-Jl A-ixjjbJl Ajjl^jcgJl ^ - g ll I IpJL) c j 2Sj 

LJUjJI oj y^> i yi\ tJbj^S'l {Hawksmoor) ^ [aJlp*J> 

j_>- L w*< 4jli TJLajJl^) 4-JL> 4-JflJo^ ilj jJJ JLfljcoJl ^ -/* d ll 

*♦ •* 

t3jU«Jl pJUj i^UJl v.> ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ 1 1 

( Riddley Walker ) ^ *ij j k_j y«Jl Jl»j U o jie] Ijj yJl 

** ** 

t^^LJl jl >- y <1 ~ 4 (Russell Hoban) jUj-a J-^Ij 

^ki t ^-JLwJl j^-P I cJjlJ# JkJl oUij lii jj t 


oLjly iJLa j-* ^>-!' '«»-* ^>y. *■ 

i iJ^i L. ‘ 5il >J1 ibi 


ftJjb ^ 


Russell Hoban, Riddley Walker: A Novel (London: Picador, 1980), (51) 
p. 20. 


oj (J y-j ^uaaJI <J i^>- i»L*Jl L^jU^I jiil ja 

tcJLi Jli aJLIaJI* o! j_a ^Ijl^JI jl*jLo 
i 3 .a>JI dJUu" ^ .t : , J^ljjJl j! 



_ ^jjLJU j\ Mill _ J*l2Jl c±li oi • (52) «£5li jjl 

tLs^l>“ dili c Ls^jI 

JLSLi ^ $ J {V&L l^Ju y> N *5li 
Ui #Ia j^UJI ^Jai <. IfLP 0 ja1£i> (jiiil O jJ?Ull ^ 

(Jack Diamond) Ju jaLo i)U- JjjiaJl i ■/>< jl . ( _ y iia^» J5 
|»LJ jJ (Legs) ^ La ! yu j «<JLJL>*]\* 

Lfjl ye- y> jlujU m ai LgJl Ji (William Kennedy) 

jAj tl* jt\ JJaJJ i^l y «SUU» (. 4J^P 

<^S U JJ ul» : iJU- oLJl^jj .4JLp <^L>tMaJl aiIU^I ^JJl 

^ - (53) «^^. ^ '<^k ^ yJ^jH^y 

** «• 1 

^'uj }) <>* ^ J^ 8 J^^iJ 

^ t(54)(( ^^ 

lUA LJlv? I <1)1 Ulj .Aa^jjLJI Ail j>«Jl t«il jpl aJLj jlj JLoUj 

>ojbJl Aa ^ a I I .LJUJ o I ^pI A. ^Jg Jj^>sj 5 jl^u ^ JL>tJl 

*♦ «» ^ ** 

JuLuJl ,L*i A^a>Laa> L^si ^L>tXj iSj^jaj i <Li! y>*i\ j 


^^>1^ <_^u^ aLoL«J1 aJL$-*JI c*La ^JLp j 

i?la»Jl JbuU Ail>Jl ^1 ^JJl ^jLJI JiUl A^ljj (Ljif) 

1 ** *• iT 

Barbara Foley, Telling the Truth: The Theory and Practice of (52) 
Documentary Fiction (Ithaca, NY; London: Cornell University Press, 1986), p. 67. 

William Kennedy, Legs (Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1975), p. 245. (53) 

Brian McHale, Postmodernist Fiction (London; New York: Methuen, (54) 

1987), p. 90. 


(Saints and Scholars) <Ajj ilL* : l$jL 

(1)1 ^yJLp JlJjj AjljjJJ . Oja 1*_>1 

J-Lo » ; » c «L^juJl5L <LJL5- 


^ IXfcj .£*\a*,aA ^Ul ^ lg,* < d)l 4v^olj^*Jl 

oLpLsJJ ^1 js>- uuw?j ^,-Lp ^->- <■ J-saaJ 1 

(James cSAaJ^j^I ULi?J 

*• ** ** #* 

(Kilmainham) aI^-US w ^y <l«IjlpI c~«-— < _yJl j Connolly) 

1 •* •» 

ii ji JLi; (WSi- jl jjP .1916 jiU/jbj 12 J 

: iil y > Jl 

cP S-^r’ J-^ <y* £-*^d V £djUJ' (jl 

o^J^jLJ L>«j >Xa$ 4 LJl^>- ^SLojJl ^£51 & iSj*^ 

jJ jl5 t t (Waterloo) jJ jftj IS yu» ^ (Napoleon) 

0 * * > 
^Lp ^Jl (Florence Nightingale) Jllp L*_SL~jl^ .ilLj* JjJ 

jlxll ^jA \ jl5 lU-A ^ 1910 

( 55 ) 

j->Jl ^ ii jJ J ^liJl la 1 ^ |jl£_A j 

j-«Jl fli-A ^9 pLs^-9 0 jJLf ?kAAj (j|)) 4^Ju t ^jlj^Jl 

•♦ Vbpp- «* 

<y* jLjUllS r>wi <j' u-° (Jimmy) <, y^r Cj^. 

U*>Li-l olSU ^y JJ--L>j ,_y«-!jLJl 


.(10) US' 

e.U.Jl J^P yfc~, ol*Jl ^yj 
‘ *- ' ^ a- J^LJI 

4 vlr^Lr***^ 

Terry Eagleton, Saints and Scholars (London; New York: Verso, 1987), (55) 

p. 10. 


,j£ I ^ </3 7 


^iijJ] L^J^Jl jL^> [(Leopold Bloom) ^ jJL> JlS^j^J] 

JjjaJ. ^ jjj t (Ludwig Wittgenstein) 

•* ^ 

S-Sl* , JLJas>- ,« t .h «_> jl ^>i .[(Mikhail) <56) 


^ *.31^— .1 t jlp 1^ W . ** jl^ . .. U * " 1 ^ ^ JUid 4 O 

O* U* Crc^ Jl JJ JLii :<c!3 

>* Loj i LIS' Lil js~ Oj^p-Sh ^Jajj tLi^jjLJl i<j>-_jJl 

^I^Jl ajL ^ L.u*i i (30) «LiJi Jiyu <ot <J 

: ^yr iL^LS 4_^- 4 «iJU ttl >» ^ L> yi)l s «jl Lb-V 


o*bfe y* |j->-lj jJ-j j C-oli t . . . pLajJL 43 jIj 4-3 1 O j£j Jl3® 

** ^ ^ 

y* o^L j^I jl 4 JjU? JiJ .olilSJl 

** ** ^ 

.(135 ) «L» jl^JI 

(J^LjLo JL- *1 J_^?l j-yt * ^ 4_S* jS>*S-A 4 tf It 4-^3 1 j_>-ljLwO 

0"^ J L*_> • .odjb SOjJLp ^>-La> 

0j-saj^ 015 til Lo <*j j-*-J jl j-j i It JLs-p ojj-j 

(Lukacs) ^£15 jJ yAia^l j_a IJl*j (57) «i_^Jlo LJxjjL L-a^_S 

.iJtjjUt 43 1 y>xi\ ^ oj^- ><Jl oL^^jJL ^?L>Jl 

llAj 4 4-*JJl f^j JLw^o cL^LjI (, LJIJJI JiajJl L— LSb*Jl 

Ij jJi-i 01 j-* t Ls^jI L« jl .iw*^h-s ^LlLJc3 

<W?U*jj 4j>tjjL r-Lu It LjjJJl -ob LJLJci 

<> iS j *> <? \ ^ Jt 4 >bjjIj^ Li-w3 4JJJ-4 ya OLvjlS^ ^oj-SJl 4 j>cj jIj 


4JL*J J^wL>- 01 ^LAj 01 Jl^-JLj) (JjL>«-j LoJLJO 

.132-131 iA^Jb jX^aii (56) 
.94 ^ t <u^ jXA\ (57) 


liU» o^i t<uJlp ijjb- 

ijl .(114) ?.. . <L*JJl C~j ^y Jj-i-i d)l b-JLp d)lj ^jS- 

( The Prison - House of HaJUl ^>\sS jl jie- ^ l.<- 

1*1 : oal iya vJ y aS ^ ^ o_~J Language) 


^>^1 ‘-Aij-^j) ^JiJl (_is j^JU ^yKJl JL^Jl 

.** ** | 

jV <. jt-^o I .L*UJl j^L, A^aJlSlj a*JJI A^ISjji ju^ (<uli 
0^ Jc*^' (Saints and Scholars) j^LLJl J 

^I^LwJl oLl^ jja^# US' t^SUuJl j^Jl 

f lj ^V ^ >>■! J~/U> 0>lUul AjIjj pxjj 

aJI oU?U Uj^p j)) ; ^jjjS x^>- Jlp aaJLUJI 
4 *UJJl a_* J a_9 o^L^>- ilp U_fl 4 Ail ^Jj ^ * a LIS' 

i "Ar* J ^ yj . ((5jj^>»Jl ib!I 

jCl lUUl oljlb y Sll <~~Jj iijjtA 

U-fc -UU* £ja ^iSl jis o^xUjI o^ljl L jl t^^UIl j^oj j 


V i^jDl J^J y sjuj^s- iJL> Ul. 1 r oi JLii ^1 

LL>w!> j_pix« y jX J u. LJJj tJaii 0j r-a^jl L*. JuLi 

' (. 

UL<»j! J~A«Sj Ajlj_pi tjj> J*jj .JA—Jl _yj y-w.^1 ^ ~jLJl 
o^LL>J £A (Dublin) ^5 oju y iLoUJl 5 ^yill iiJaJl sL^. y 

^Wj-r 4 ^' ^r , ^ a -ij->. Cj L)j' J - 4 : y yj c*LSJL)l 

•* «* 

iPXi Cxi b 4 jIj ^ 11 oJip ^ .i^LwJl J 

^jjj Jili 3 ^Jaj £* (84) ((^jjbJl Lyk j! ILJ y» 

4UU t (l 18) « Jjjj- j! dJLip» \ > u_^5bJ <ol UlS>.j <. 

!jJ> j^\ jli» : J^JUJ ( _ s JLfr J-o-e-lj dJbjLSb*- 

.145 ^ I4_i; jJuall (58) 


^ J ^ % J,} 

;y> y*LA (w^jJ)) Sf l J-*j jjli t (104) «ciJU-w? Jjt A^ajJ 
: i j-A . c-jUa-?xJl _ o! jJt' t(104) 

^ . ^ .l. P • • • C*l*i L» jJfc c-»lk>Jlj® 

J&& ^ aAUI jl ^Jl 

•* ** •* *ST 

JUoUl ^J-P LsAjI Ijjb ol 4^3 <>— ^L.j .(105) ««%]! 

i-A—Jlj ^jlAl SjJij iijfi ,_,1p Ja*j ajIjjII {ja gji IA* 

.5j^-Lo ^j-vaJj ji IS ^ ^jJL. ^-Jj - j-P 

^3 ^Jl (. 4-ul Jj>- JI*jL>J| 43j1jL*J| ( -A aJLaj 

dUS ^ ^ Ujlp JL| ^rki*; J Jl ((-uJiy 5 >L.I» j 
jA U V ol® UJ -JJiJ t C ->jL O^jj j~jCjj .9yJ> y* Jl 

“c^dj'- 1 j-* L* Si | iibufc ^--Ai toLSL« ij\ ^i l/ ai^A» 
****•• •• •• « 

.^ylUl J-sAaJ| f j^y^yA iJjfe ^6 jLo ±Jt}jpL*#j . ^ ^ol^o 

Roland Barthes. Roland Barthes by Roland Barthes , p. 139. (59) 


Isi) (JwaiJi 

^yoUJl J 1 ' <l “ 

41^ ^ « J£)l £pU)l» Jb^ji 

4 0 Jj J-P Aj jJaj oV Ijs^a ^5 (jL^pVl * ^ 4 UjIj JlfiJ 

«* ** 

4*.*lyg AJu 4jj^l ^liLsJl J 4 a - ^ jll jL J S> Ji til jiP-1 (jl 

CJ\5I *1 j-^>j -IS^Ual oUajo# jt ^A-sJCwJaW c.~~J J _ uLyvJNl *L1 jI ^j-« 

^Lp ^ jJl AsA 4 -U t _3 jJUJl (j^i 4 <U 3 l Aw>t_> jIj 

.^UiSj £r »/? tf ^ *ljL) A*1^P 4 4jL^jJ 4 J &*njj 4 4jI^L> 

(jljj) " ll 4^llJL>“'yij AjLkJI >.L>-Aj ®4-s^-aJI 4_jL^J)) e jf>*& tl)|j 

A^jL^JLiJl y \ jjJi 4 0j- ; i^'Jl oljJw^Jl ^B -t + ^£L>Utl L* *0 >■ 

** •• I ^ 

iuJkJl ULUi; jA\ i^iil Jl s^JkJI b\j .*J~Jl J* ciJVlj 

** > 

C*> —JLpl lil ! Q. UjI 'V I 4 oJUJLp- AjjL>«J! 

.(Totalizing) .LuJl lk<J 

WJt c5jI C (Totalizing) « JS Jl J_^dl» iliiJ ^1 U5j 
Lfj ( J*>LJl jJe- «ing» JiLiJl jlS IjJ) (Process) iJL-e- Jl 
jJLJ JiLi, t ijiiJl J l ii\ JJl j «jUJ| 

^ ^ ^ |Hi 

Jo^waJl eJL>- j-« J 4 Lg_J ^UaJLil ^ 4 LJllaJwA 3 Jt 


JUUJI .JUj .Wi~& ^.Sfl ^1 ^ clj* ^LUl o ^JaJlj 


tM ^ £ ff 

4 -S’® (L)L kX .* ^l& La ^A \. </3 Lt 1 L^ t o^JaJlj 

J-* UJj jj Ja-iJJl clitj ULft ajLjLpLj 

jUl U5 oLSUl oUmf Jl iJl^JJl v^>' JUI 

^ I ijlS" ciLjwoji 

,✓ * #* ** ^ 

lt* £jjK^ ^-r^j jj-*-d (( c^^ ^j'-' )) — i 0i ,) 

jl - 4* La J^>cj t$jUJl JptfjJl o^i ^Lp o Jz~J\ 

lLUS t <LaJI ^uCji pJlp o j]a„ T Ji L { j^>- t- 4J J^ljLJ Ujj 

<*>J*y* Jjt~* <j-* \*X> AjJJLJI 4jL£JJ ^LolgJl 4^jJl Jljla j jlS' 

. (Annales School) (1 ) ^jjUI o^L^ 

(Fernand Braudel) J upj^j uL y aJLpI ^JJl oji$J| j 

4 *<_$*** -ilL^a^l JoLpI jA <. 4^>ojLJl o^U*~JJ juLlJI 

LllSL^j ^-djLU ^L*JI jLt^l ^ 4-x^j? j <oLp|j 

J-a jo-ijJlj tL,Ajt SLwxJt SX>-j ^ ^^iJl £-jjLJI 

Jc^oJl J-SLiJ Ol . (2 ) «oUSLJIj v-L.Vl'olijLUlj» 
4-ivaJl <L)I tLsAjI oliLJl jLjlpI JLi jJ Lis' *>LSLlj 

J5 v-Vj -M C> ^ tjS «i>Jl j 5>~JI 

L-fjL LS’j) ^~J-L>JI (Sterne) j (Cervantes) ( _ r JuL ij~* /,_* 


IL^j ^j1a>®JI LLlJl o| * <J Iji>* LoIp 
oL^juJI ^ £j hr L- ^ ejji?- bj& Ji (J^Jl J-SLidl ^1 

jJ> o^Jl S^Jl J : .^a :l S^LluJl L~JLj ^J l S^LJl j! ( 1960 s) 

Dominick LaCapra, History and Criticism (Ithaca, NY: Cornell (1) 
University Press, 1985), p. 25. 

Fernand Braudel, On History, Translated by Sarah Matthews (Chicago: (2) 
University of Chicago Press, 1980). 


ji 4^J -lVi dJUu O L^jli «Ju» 

m* ^ f 

O^ i lfr<-la^.J i bL>- Op J^b - jiS Lr Jj _ O - ' **5 <1)1 0iU« 


:Lp jJl t-i-P J Oi 0_j^JUa_,^_Jl alUl JL. JLi j .1 <: U o J b...H 
s y>Ui 1*1 aj JJLlJIj Jisai jXbJl oJL^i ji\ i^buJl 

t* ^ ** 

(Joseph Heller) ^JLa j jj>- Jl* JLpIj 4aJL>^<» 

iJliA d)l ^p .iili , ^ ^ j jj (Thomas Pynchon) Oj-iJj 

c~~J oUjj O v‘lJ^Jl &■ ibO ‘iiji ilO 


{Midnight’s oUjj J±* te-Ui-j OS' J-SLiJ O* J^bJ IS ^Ol> 
4(7%e JfTuYe Hotel ) jl t(77?e iVawe 0 / f/*e itose) jl 4 Children) 

t ti-oUJi ttsAjl C5® 

M 1 t* ^ t* 

.UfJ* 4iil>Jlj 

jJl ^ cbL*-<»j (^ajLoLtf ^Jb ijjj j-SL wj 

c<Jli jiUJl <^1 - J^jtJL>«Jl JUuLo ^.,<9 " ( ^IjPjJjjL!I 

** •* t* ** 

<L> jjhLliJl 4 j 3 -JL>*J 1 j->*-j *-?*-{ ojj ■/? * of j-p ^ b ^.>_p^bu 

4 JliJl 4 4 ^*Ju jlp ^1 jp jj ^ f 


(Duane Michaels) ^ISolo JUpI ^ L5 Jl*Jl ^IjJl ^ISob^fl 

*• *• *• ** 

I! *. 

^3 4 P ^ L^-tl ^JLp <LdJb>c- 4 tJf 6j 
^ <• 

^ j-dJ L$Jb jj-o J l of jO t^b ^p j_> OJJi Jl 5 .iUcLw^oj 4 iitji 

Ja^Jl IJLa .^j jlty JJ-b olii iJttlij UJUJ'JlSLi! 


4 Ja^i/gUjj 4 jA ^SjUjJIo ^ylJJl L# 

«* # *♦ 

JS J .L^2jI 4 ^3 d./*a\\ ^]| ^jfjL>*Jl OajLo jp b* 

** ** 

of iijfi (Marjorie Perloff) (3 ) OjJ^j (Joj^-jbo 

Marjorie Perloff, The Dance of the Intellect: Studies in the Poetry of the (3) 
Pound Tradition (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 19S5), p. 158. 


La j}\ jl jj!A>*J| J a ' ' iS^^i j->-LuJl ^/a^AA] ] 


4,..^^iJl ^ r ^Jl yp *■ jiOlj ^y^^l I 

^ t S^Ip <■ Lx».^ai* o^£j (^*01 yJlj a*jL>JI (Li^jj) L^Sjjj 


i /> ^ _ .iiLjfe ju>- y* aJI Iaa <ujju » A*wal.lj « ll oAaaJI a-Aj 


,_oYl y> ^Jl IJla ^ Sbl-— « cJl5 oiU ^ yci ^Liil - iil 
i iLp^jjbJlj 4 <«— .L— «JI oiUl ; Ajy^j> L^jI 1 $ a ' * *y. 

i jm\j JJujJI f j\Ju jl I {jA fjii\ IJ^J j^j 

* ■ J 

JiLJl UjlJuu ^ iJJJ oLLiJl .^.^JL i^UJl oJuJUJl 

SjIjlSUI ol>ls-. 4^J-Sn 4 11 * oA *iUJbj 

*♦ ** 

. L>«j jlill 


dJLSij t o jJa 

Jl ^ a!' ^1 _ l^j I j A.*, «,<? «,/3 1 ll o j-li^-«Jl 

Sl^-j ^ r 3 .^lji j^lL 

A^O a)jU^ j£\ ^ tiJliJt Ljyj Lp^j-a ^LJJ 

•* •* 

/ ^ ■ /•> ./* S ) ^JLp JLpL^-^o j-o-J A A-j-P S^-J!j 

L*i 4 ( _ ? *oUl U>ls- yi ^ '-fr'i 

(/ </ie J\ ( Water land) Jl» tijiwjUl i»li£Jl olil <s- JLJ 
&JUL*j jl <— A..— , L^-> ^jJ-*Jl <JL^ Iil L* j-b 4 Lijlj t Supreme) 
jl ^ ili^t *) ij ^aII j\ ^'S* I t J^lSI 

4li yc<Jl L*-JL)I LLf>o U y a^j ji ,JL>Jl ^p jL aL^j 


^Jl Lol jl>- jlajUI aJ jj>tJ ^ jJI I j-A * y ^ L^ -AL I La. j J_a. 0 1 


SlJL>*Aj J^lJL^Jl AajLq A^5sj (^jJl AJiOl j^*-> jl 

S>^JLI o3 jwai» iJLj^al Lpj Ij^L^? L^iL- Ipy 


L$* (J^ ^ *^J^~J c5^" ck (J^***^ ^ Oj, 

\ijl5L* o^j ui jl i(JiVl ^Js- t&jiL* jJ> jl) bj^Aj I 


liLjjjji ojj>«ji ^jji jlL^ji JLscji j.c^iiJi jis - u^ iLoUj 

^A^*X^aS\ 1^->I 4 4 * -- -t * ' ~^- 

4_—Aj_fcJI OM . 4 » 4 I J-J^-jJl #<L-~ij (J^jLiJl 

jc* i^ai# *jL Oj^«jL>- «^jjU» (jt J~£- . (4) ( _^wjtJl 

4^fcS"L«J ^T-J^J LxJ I 4 ij y*£ji 0->l£ 4 ^ J * (. 3* A 

4 j+£>j t Axla^L^-ll^ t OJL*CL«Jl (am*j>«JIj) 

. . .(Rushdie) (Midnight's Children) <_£JLij 

4<Jl ^^J-P 4-sAJjJl £Jj^» Jl j^ 3 '* l <1)1 

<jl A-^S^jLgJJ ^1>- ^ ^Jl t Sj-J*L-« ^*P 4JL j^SLiJ ^iSji 

AxjL# ^ 4, ' S* * /> A ' I 0 $ t ^SUJl £^w*J>- Jl^JLj 

oU*>\p ^ j^rj V JjJIjl>JI 

^L-Nlj ^^sAsaSJI JSLJl ^o 

Ia 4 Uj^sJ tLScSUL^ Jj>J M i^-Ul oL^aiLiJU t^JL*2jL* 

L^-»l L^jLsA^U^J j* -**J& j <j\ 4 -m 3 tf 9 ! AJuLj^o aJLjJoj 

J^> t aJj^SLo oJl>- jJ oJaiu a^jL>- oL**>Lp 
(Midnight's JlL* i^aJ jl j-a ^JIjJI j. . «^JL>Jl>> jt 
^L>Jl ^1 ^iljJl jjS ul c5 1p J-«jo Children) 

Ji> ^ ^ 4 - i-Jk^>l . . pjUl -UUJL 

(1)1 £AJ ^J-L^Jl ^jjLJI i?L«JL LgJL$_>“1 j-« 

Fredric Jameson, The Political Unconscious: Narrative as a Socially (4) 
Symbolic Act (Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press, 1981), p. 18. 


ijbSLji (. JjiJ j\ a*UL ^ 2 iJl (Saleem Sinai) 

a-LMjjl^JI jp c®^j-JL>oNi aJJLIL <Lv 2 j j-*-* 

j-* ur ^i y j 


<>• cr* H^r o-*J ‘(jrri- 1 -^' tijJLLjJl 

(Onej t ( Tristan Shady) j <.(The Tin Drum) : ; \ \ 

Syr ^JLfc j t Hundred Years of Solitude) 

'k . + ja L^oJ ! Lg-*JiiL> Sj^^aJl o ! 

Jj\y ^ aJ 1 i Jsa\ 

A^Ij A ^ .i l l Jj-vii J*s<ai ot 4U Jliij t _ 5 JLp 

4 * 

^ <.4>*J>\ J ijj^euj LfJ-P ^1 iSJb^JI 

Ji*JJ ijLuJl *^ai Lijl ^JL» olj «.«UJLc- dLj <jl# *1a\ j <u^jiJ 
r* *^Li iLoJ to-ij S-aLaJL. J*j Jl ol j*i- .\^j>^\ c? xjtJL ; j 

(Chutney) jl» : J jJL j_$J <, J_p 

** •* 

<. . . <u-LJJl j h i a . J y> i c LkJfc 4 (Kasaundy ) j 

** ** 

.(38) «oULJl aLJ) ^ Jai»j t <45Li)l Js, t^SlAJU 

J^i :lf^ l-Jj+a V olij^ ^ 

.(461) . ^1 . ULi j StfLi c~Wl» SI aUJI al^Jl cJ>i 

U5j .i*ai!l JjLS 1 ^ Q-AJ U5 ijiujlill iiL^Jl jyA, IJu j 

. La.t t P c .^...1.^ >. ^ * 

j*J 4JI t 0jjUl jJuj iUL>-U 

^-Ijl o! Jyi p t Jj>-I . . . (j y>-\ LJL^Ij i JJuJl *^| tijju 

tlJJ .iiUaJl 'ij JjZa cJ^Jl ^ j£J 

Salman Rushdie, Midnight's Children (London: Picador, 1981), p. 459. (5) 


j-LLu ; oJLjl*JI 5JLu>*Jl oJla {£y~» ^JLil Nl j k> ^ * L>li 

. (6) «dUi5 c-Jb» ii> Jl 

^ iSU\ «^» J* :>* J^. Jlj — » ot j± 

** #* *** 

i]i»u*ji j ^l^ji ji J ^ui oij^i ji ^ ij±H i a^»ji 

Jrj teiM; £JjUj <>* *■*** <J» 

SjJLaJl Al* (^iJU.IS' <ul JtSjj U5 ,jp << J^Sjjo cl*3wj>) 

,L>w?lj j^Sb V t^jVl 

Oj^ ijjl>c-oj <UjlJL« oLjw ^J^jf Ju^JU ^1 £®ljJl ^ JL>xj jl 

jU? t JJ jr^j ‘W^ - ‘^J^' J JjjJu-.Vl 

I jJa-s^M 1 

»Vl ^ JLp 

jl jJL3w4.ll ^j^-oJl 03_*-L?j 
1 03 jJl { j~JL> i^Ljj\si\ JJjswJJ ZX^ds? ob! t^jjbJl 

j*-^lj-5Jl ^jp L*3 jp t jjJLlLj LJLjLj# jS j3 ^\sjj .^JijL>sJLll JJLUlI 

j j3xj ( ^JjLwwlIj A^^wJL 4^3l>j| ^bjbwL&Jl oL^w^Jlj jjjLwIl 
w^Uaj>*Jl (JL^JjV jJLk^oJI J 3 -IJL 1 JI Jla3ww%-Jj ^Ja^-'^Lwl j j3-jJ- 4 Jl 

bj« ^Ul J I yjk* ^ u, >" ^Ji ^Jb^Jlj a^UiJi 

t* «• M «• 

ij^jjljJl ijbSJl ^jp ^Ja-wJl ^1 p j-$i? (_£*^lb t^^s^LiJl ( jp 

L$3 jAJ L *£ L oJL>- jJI oli j 4 4JLLLoJlj 1 Ajj jJfljJl ^ s I 4_LeLjLll 

ii^wjlill LUfll ^ o^jl ^Jl iil^buJl J l^ Uio :Ljula 

** «* 

i/*^l >* £ijJ <j^l 


4 6*X^A-*mJ| A^bd-LJj 4 ^Jj3xJ| 6 j-L^JJ J b®J (^jbwftJLwuO 

.JU- jll L<k5" *b*jJl «jjI^l1j w t^ d,- • I I 

.561-560 t 4 *«a) jX^iil (6) 


IIjIAaJI J_*_>U iil ^>Jl La j_JL> Jjl Jl ^^aju oJLa 

XiuJl j y j}\ ^lll J\ >Jl LudJ <JL.L*Jt iUiliJl Vf^r\y> 

m mm ' ,—r *** 

Jj*j pjj ^|JL>-! t ^ykjjLJl 

c ^ya-^aS ^ LpIj UJb l$jl j^JaJ L$j5J 4 ^ 

U UUj t If-U- ci-Ul ^ - LiUl Ifc-J y <1)1 j 

53Ijl>JI JUyU Aily>*Jl <U^ww*<y Lo (1)1 Ojy^ajj t ^y?lJaJl dljjj 

« ^^^**1^**^ f IaJJ ( '‘ViHjV (^ f' 

jL^i ‘JL£-j\fl ^ Jill JIa Vj 

t^^s-Ljl cr U /.Llij (j^ji J-*i ^1 bLjuNI <J-Ji i l j*J>LJ\ 

** ' ** 

jtS' AP lv</?.l L^j I J *+# | AP L^> J 

•• « » kl ^*^ l§,J,.nj <J* (>*-> 

«l >JI ij~}\ J ^kuJl «Jlj t( jL_J| ^a! 

** •* *» ** 

Jjui i*ai JJL- ^jA^ii : U4J5 c i»li£Jl .Jj 

** ** •* 

OL-L* 4^ai jl {Famous Last Words) l II Sy^SlI oUJL^Jl 
tU^ t U-$J5 < J~Ud! <yjy^ ^ {Shame) jUJl ^JU %j 

oly5L (yjUa->Jl JL$Li^ ^1) oJU jL/?l_>- j^/Lwcl^I t^iljJl 
^lyjJl XU-oJl xldJl J15 yy»- .<L>- jJy J jI j a-^Uj^>-I oiiL- 


j-*^Lp aJI jL ^y^a-dj (y-oS/l ilxj IJ^-) isAiJl l-jIiSj yy-jyJl ^gjJ 
\1* J-*jU b\i tj^s^ysAj ^ydl J!aJ 1 

yjiJJl JL-JI J-5Lljj jl .^y iJl (3L~* 


ol^A'Ly ^ j ^-> lu_>- JUwLJl Aj^-ydl (l)lj-w^j 

** m 

U^;i eiljXpNl ja 1 N il t^UJ jL*j>-Ul Iziy Jlj 

‘(_5^«ijLJl ^^XaaJI ^lajl l j£-*-i tl-L^Aj .L^Jli 4^A«jjbJl AijA^Jl 
OajU ji ^ j-P <ji ^ t(»jJl 

JJJ .Jills' usb oJl5 JUJl bIa jl jLiU ^ilJL»Jl 


a. .j9.^a\\ 4*««ja.]l ^^ip L > ^ (Jl^**»l 


■ iiycJI 

jl 4 4il Jl?iJl JUjLo 5Jl>* 4jU5 4lJLsL-« ^ jIj^-J dj-AJ L*5j 

~m ■** 

fi Idjbj c 43 3 ^-> lg-> ^^dl AJL^JaJl Jljj U <UaaJI 

JJ 4 . . /j . /* 2 ll 5i ^jc«Jl 4-*_o^ 4j jdJ o jLJI ^dJl (^J-5Ji ij 

tSJUJLP ^ t (Positivistic Science) Lr w>jJl (%d_*Jl 

j^j^L-4 ^ 4 JljJ Loj 4 4 */3 a ll C-Jl5 J-aJ -Sj-^5 jJaj ol 4 ^-j cr 4 -? 
o jj^ojj 4 1 j^J>- Jl LkS 4 o J j-Lp 

.£jdJl d^lp I^jIjOS ^y»j l^lk: ^ 4iojb 

JLi; e ^^LJl SjydjS o J& ^P d IJla> ^ 

** ' 

jJ* JaJl>- ^ <P y. ^ < 4 4 J yJm ^ya^ai 4j1j j ^ jL> 

^JJl j-Aj Lf^JUu JJ& 4 4-Lal5 J^-Pj <iy*j* £>LSj ^ p ^ " * 

jr* C^i <^i'j t^djU ^ W-* C5^i 

4j^a>«Lj 4 Jj^wu dl e*H 4dUS 

C 5 ^P j^*-* 4^515^1 dlb ^JJjHJ 

3 ^p 4 jL» 3 *^-*“^ ij-A (1)1 « l *> < 8 3 4 ^*^LoJl C—^ld^-l 

U jl 4 JU- 3 ^ 0^ J^' 4 <-^ ^ c?^ 

Ula 3JU ^oJG u-iLS’ jj* is^SljJuJl iold>Jl J^U 4$l^>Jl AilJ 

4jIi5J1 jJLJ 4 JllJl 3?r^ 4 oJ-S ” jj c^j ^ ^ujl 

4 ^ ^1 i;>>^JI 3e^p^ j* (Pynchon’s V) 

i <JUa jl ^ /> jjo ^yJl i^jUJl j o^JjcuJI 4^ww>xJl olS" jJ-Jli 


JL-JI a- ^Li t J>\+> J f jU: iil>Jl ^ 

<L*JoaJ| o y*r <• 5i jUl i_j ol_^J) <~ij j^<Jl < _ s >*-jjLJI 

^yJl i_JUJI ^ iJU^Vl JakiJl jl (Paranoia) dLlJlj 

i j-isyi r^’ r jUj - Jl >- u ^’ Ul ^ ‘ ( ^-^ ^ 


L*jb i, jl C-! y*^ 

o J l->-! j 4 . /j5 ^3 O JwjO j SjjllLa aj L> j EJL^j ^ m 

i oJjJaJU 

in ijs 

Uj» 4*i ^Jlj J*UJI |jui ail. ^ jl 


^w>jJ ^l-ls- -L*jLJI J.«-aJl Sj Ljj*. OLiJ^J 1 *a^5 


ui-iUl ^UJIj jy>JI it ijujbJl jjl Jf. obSJl J 

- 4-^AjO L j I jp-t,w>j aJLd-ftJt jl ■ ^ i 

liLa jt jhhP .{JlL<Jl <_JjI jfr 

(J-J^J-^Jl *Jl-A ^J_!Lja JLn_gLa 4-il j^l . Jl 1 j 1 ■ p ^ ~jb ^ ■ 

Cf* LiJJLP i L*L*j*_d i . * . . U llBj 4 _>i_^| ^J| 


J. w . L ,J ^UaJ LL?- (Midnights Children) 
(Gandhi) JJi^- cJj^Jl ^yfl : StsLi ^ ti^iJl 

^UaJ 6l>j tjJLli Jl*u j ^ Oj*j 


^ fLUJl ^ *1957 obU^Jlj ^iUJl 

^ L^-^J ^ ^JmmJLhhJ j**ju i jLLbj j i 

JJL-^Jl jl ^i\ iiwS[| UiLi LjJI j L jI^> - 


1 Ll < ^ , i i .'t. ft Jl U*>Jl 0 -La> ^jJLu Oj^jI 


^y £tJ^ L#* £?-? l5-^' i>* »>W jiiJ'j 

* ^\sli t Iji-Jl 4 zJUm*vI l ^jJLp 

^3 I Jl^aj d'. j ... /l 4 (J^_? j^ .......Qi l 4>c^ J^lj IJa>- JLuuj^j Jj&JI 


t6 s r i J^ ^(j^qJU ijuxjjl (>^1^- 

jji (j-® 1 J*-i* 1 ^jLoj ^jjU oLlJ j_j_c-V 

^ a* (> Ll'j ‘fjJl ^(JjSy 

• <7 \j;>^ <j' 

.166 4 _ r ^j jj^al.1 (7) 


!jla \ (LJLa) fc L 


Jt- Jb-I j Iki- jlS \>\ Up t fcUjl iUiJl «Ju ,J ( jUJl UuJl 

,^l>Jl ^jLJl J AS Jl 3 

W^' 4L&1 ^ Ju> JXl; Jt ^ : >r Ji>-, 

M- h# 4* M- 

0! i j r ^ t x>- j_4 c-LU^lj iil j-sJ1 <jLl£ 


J f. fr 

(3-^-m^ ^ (JjLaj Ol ( d QajO) OJ 1 Jl&) tiJ^- ,J - i 

4;! J. LU ^ *L* oli JSL. 4 L*J ?^UU JU 

M- +4 ^ 

UJ ^ jU , fJ Ji J ^Ui4 

1 Ua . (G.) * ^ U-qJl jUJ 0 yr 

U-b*. J UJLp v' > U-^J ^ JpUJI 

•M H -H 

oiUJi jl! jji ujw * j j \ ^ 'b/H 

1 1898 /jIj! 6 ^9 (Milan) 0 ^^m° ^9 j^aJI ^0 

1* » 

4 ‘U. jt U 4 ila* JLp iiU U ^pS\ U JS O jSU. 4kfc)l .Jut 
j AU l IAa ^JjwtJ ^ LLta j 4T *~*~ Uyrflj IjlUjl 

J^ j_jj 4 * G J5 *■ U. ®-^ a J 

^UysP^Jl CyJLyPjl jJ U~£ LlSU^ jLS' Uj° 4P*JL?eJIj J aL*ji 

44JU 1 44JJ ^44 u. r ui j ^ji^i oi .uju J\ 

^ Ui) Jaj 1 ^ -i" 1 oj^* . ji^y 


.-■■l.U.-ll Lu; ^ La ^1 S-u^J' 

^ 1 ^ 

5jjj JL^aJI -iXP (U-») 

•H H- 

£jA aJL^ ^lJ - A^^wr L J 1 L^J>*jLjJ 

i^UJl fLJl 




Jl* 01 

s JLj JLj>- 4_JL>- 

il JLj 


John Berger, G> (New York: Pantheoti, 1972), p, 77 T 



\jjSa <sjy j4 (77) K^LJI J}U^/>U 

.JiSlI Jlp iJL- 

Oj£j <jl U JJU j-Lj IJLa ol ^jr^~ j 


^j\ J_*jLo dJUJl Jj^-i 4-J^i 4 1 A ./a a \\ ^3 

** ¥t 

Lojjj . U ^JLS' ti-woUi^-Vl I <J ji j ^u^Lic-Lj 

jjjZSs 4jIiS" ^3 oLL^Jl & yi U lJUb y o 

(7%e itoofc o/ ^JL^p y (Rosenbergs) Sj^l yp 

£-* L j-iju 4 jLLl>*-» jL5o!j oJuLJ i? j^J>- <lJls t Daniel ) 

t iJLSCJil JSLi y^l 

o»Ll$Jl (^Op-I ^ t La. 1 5~*J jjLfij i) ijj\ j*s~»\ ^J\ 
L«Ap! yjiJJl AjJJIj 4 4^j jJ AaJL*^ O^^- 9 ^^31 (jLoli j) 

:oyJ y ijLft sL>Jl ol Si! JL^j ^ 

£y*x!l y ^U-^ii Ijl pI yi!l :> j*Jl jlSLJl oL>- yi 
iUa^>a cJlSj ojL>- c$y-l y j . L y 2 ^i j»Jt y 

^ypUJl y tyj-wl (Kaddish) y-UJj 4 

LotaUkP 4 Lsaj! ^ f >- ! ajL^j^ .4*s^ iJl oJl&j <JLj^ 0 L 0 * yo 

a*-«L>- <uxS^« ^y ^1^51 cJjjw? ia-^j LJL>- olS' 

/iJL>«jJl /i^iJl /^>Mt 0L5j 1 1968 JH> /jLj y 


<L)V t (( J^rj L 4 yl^Jl jipl» <3 JJ tijJLP 4oly (^jdl cilyp^l 

J-Aj 4 lyjj . l_«J-SvJi 4 oLw>Jl L^JL>C-« 0 J 4 O-nJ Jbi S^yJl 

Loli Lpj Lijfc ajL^jJI oJlaj ^LiSsJI ol 4Sj^>-'yi oL>«jLm2JI 

y-o aLp aLo y« 4 > tf ., /? l l LJ LJli \^Sj6 cLL^jlaj 

I t* 

ji y V ciLi V Uu»j . ( One Hundred Years of Solitude) HyJ I 

- y « jUb ^.LS'# JJ, Ul^iJ y I s_yyi oLJLSCJl 

■*■* ft t* 


t JJCLw^j iil I oijfe JJU V ,J ^ *-^*jLo iil jJ>- jt 
JJUU ^ U^>- J^Lu illSlSl j jlSoL y icJ jJl 

JLjcl^VI lJub ^.kJl ^ Sfjbj .oll^LJl ^ V3*SI 

l JgjjJlU <w^mh jl JslJa^ol 4 jI opL^Ij 

i j^>- j 4_*_>LSIoLj A^-Lwk ^j-Sl £-J>J AJ^i 

5^1 Jl ^ * J .Ji^l ‘*i>W oUlS^i 

^Jl (^y^jLill j l^lj) JlSw»L 

•T *T i* +* ** 

iL>ul aJjL>^ 1$jjj .IuJIp 1 ^ i a^ ljj 

c5 JLp tjLji Uj-SLi) ^aSLjJlj iyUl ills’ 
dLjL$JLjJl j] ^LJL^JNI oJuVl iJLJL^Jl ^*JL* 4 JLuJi 

*» ** V 4 * ^ *♦ 4 4 * * 


* 4* 

ijJ|jL>Jl Jl~U Ul >JI 4 -aaJI ^ J-JUx)l oLiSltf Csri <yj 

4 * 

jLf ^ii. i jJ >\* Jlj ^Ul ^ Ai*>U-ll J ^yJtj 

4 * ** | 4 * 

fljub J 4^iJLl>t-« CjLsIj-a 4 {The Book of Daniel) JLJta 

(_jj jjJl (Artie Sternlicht) ^jl :5JL-^<Jl 

LoJmj i. L>*Jl i ci-j Iwwwwv^ j l 

tjluli l«l 4 aI^^*> k j3 ^ 1 (Susan) ol jy*** 

** ♦* #* 

.j_*sL>Jl -V jt J_Jlj jj-^LJI <^>^> jt (Daniel) 

Jit Js. 4 ^Sll dj2i\ JL. JLi«,tdl ilsS^l «:>UJl ol* oJUcJi j 


J-j (H- 1 ' j - 4 j^J •^’ J - i; 

J ^ j • <*£ j <C-P j^-lSsj ^ JJl ^^UJl 

4 * ** 44 

Mj I J-I^j tbJUCLaj tUaili^ |Jb Ji ^^LJl Uj-^J 
iJLa ol ul j*& t jl**^ j-s^l>*Jl 

Al ^ljlx)l i«>^5 < 1 )V® I 5i ^Jl iij^a^Jl 6 


Lg-tLJjl L<Jlj t ^JLfeLL^Jl JjL* jU-p'b/l 

<oli illj^l llfcj . (9) «:L^j oLk ^ p| y-\Sj iuboUl ^Ijb-SIL 
^L-l ^ glj ^jJ!j v^jLJl Ail ji-L~*Jl UsS J> i^^JI jjs 
j-^~ ij* £-~&y. olij La.»~L1 j I 

4»*J ^_LSOj aJLLw* jL> 0-»Lwl>*-J* JL>*J <^_*J>- i L^JLoJ) 

<y U5) ib-N oLbui 

•Gj^^ (Ragtime ) j tyaJLl (Doctor Copernicus) y j>j£ 

^ijUl Aj jlaJ ! y5 y <u*1j b>ojLJ| ol y-L*Jl 4 jLiSj 

jl («Presentism») «^_bL>Jl jL#» ^y JaJL A~J) V ^ S^bcJl 

•* ** 

^iJl ^UL 1$3*>U ^ (Nostalgia) ^Ul J\ j-^Jl J 3 

** •* •* •* 

^yi t l^jb-wJa y> ijujjl 4S*>L*J! cLUJ Jby>*j j_a AJLx-iJ L*J nJUUJ 

yj iJllA C U.^ : 15 JjyLa AilyJlj Abojllll AjllSsJl JjJftj 

** * -r 

^Ul ^Ij^M Lr ^2}\ jLcl, (J^ J ^>1) .Jli 

•* ** ****** q* 

tiwJlxJl aJojI^jj c j-bL>Jl y^Jl y 

Jli; lU^k t (>‘'-^ ! ' Jr^' J* 

( _ s -^’L«Jl 4 „<g a l l yJlS jl j^jj^jl (JjJLsxj o*^ t 

5 j£ i^si i S^l*_Jl obi _^Jl jl jJ»\>~ ^1 (w. j^jJl 

(Natalie Zemon 0 ~Jt i b j j^j j (^JUU (Jli j\) y'cS Ji* 

{The Return of Martin Guerre) j-y>- j-i jLa Si yj- j_a j t Davis) 
LL9lj-C-*y J_>«j oj^o ^-L P jJJij ( _ r *5L*_<J| I » » j_j _L>-I jjJ 

oli isoi 0 j^i t Ci>Jl ji SJUuJl /Ul i-J 


iy>rj (.ij^Vx-A ( : 

** *♦ 

.ilb- (^1 (_^ SiUxw-V j\ (_ # S^53Li 

Arthur C. Danto, Analytic Philosophy of History (New York: Cambridge (9) 
University Press, 1986), p. 185. 


j\ i (Coover) jJySLS ( The Public Burning) JJLa JL*_p1 j! 

caipL^ JLjJ jl JLj^j M tjjjiS'JiJ (The Book of Daniel ) 

t L^-jI La ^ib jl La <u-*J <uJy 4 _*_Lp i jj>sJLw*J jl 

j->L^a ^j-a) ASyu LJl ^jJaj La t Jjji j-p \-J ? jP 

JjH Jr^ Jyr ^ 5^51 JJl J-OJ o*>U^Jl 


«, LfiujLJl OywJ! JL*jL« ^J^JI dLUl 

** •* ** 

es-s JpliLs-j LjJ^J «^j15^JI» 

S^wiUJl ibol ^ iyjw. -L^V! {Shame) oljj 

« ** 

yt' <jLxS^ J5 aJL>- o J-& .^s^LqJJ 4. L JLaJ <Ja> jJj d->! L» 

*♦ +* ^ 

i<S>x^S V jl jJLjtt) iil OJ15I *1 y» t^s^LkJl 


Cr-») ^ (,0) «^iUJ! ^ ^ JJ i, ol JU >4 _*i 

** ** 

tlrri j-^ ^ cr^ jL i ^^L ^jjL* *-tJj 

AS La J_^P (AjLp 4_Aj j-L ^AaljJl j*JL*Jl3 (. ^j-jAjJLo j 

^ ^ oLi JS jap Lp ^ l» o\ J^UJI Jyuj .(87) 

*• ** 

oJ-a ^ ^ .(87) OL*Jl ^^Lp Lfijjjj jl <Ajjj 

** ** ** i 

iJUijw o-ljl cUj tUly :U\y\j 0* **LuJl 

SjSIJUl Uj ^ •wwi^wJi b^jJ bL#^ t ^ ^AiwsjwmJ bLa : 0jjUl 


La^ t (87 - 8) t ( ( jJL*a)I JuoL*a!I t ^up ^^JLp 

p ^ 

tC-Xi ol L yhiji )) y~» {-» Jxaj 

" ** 

jLl^5L ^jjLj 4JL^J i (88) L>J| ^a Ls^0j_j ^jLsOAjj 

ji <Jl La ul yu Aj\ i JL>- .^^UjlJl ^-s^L>Jl 

•• ** 

jJIj l4»j3l O-lJ V<j'j *±u>r *JJ S.J& jL*J' '*j£j 

** t* 

iL>Jl iJLLfi t Jj-i; L. IJLa j \ t ( 1 16) i_JL-_5LJl -clljI 4_LlL, 

Salman Rushdie, Shame (London: Picador, 1983), p. 24. 

( 10 ) 


j» Ijl ij Jj>JI ^il y>Ji\j t ^>Ulj 

j^Lmsl#LuJJ U^l ^j->- (^1 j-> N 4JI j+s* 4 <LSl jl>*J| iil j>%. Jl 


.I4J *A>sj jJ 4 ^yL> 3jJ>«Jl 4 <_£ ^>-1 oLqJL^jj .<u*>-bJl 

JujLfcJlj aaL*1<J| a^3j^J| aLl^I oJia ^ j!a^<J| 11a ^1p 

Ojju <1)1 j-s^L>«Jl *Ja mmJ 4»jL^3 4 J->Jl JjuLa ^,a*/aa\\ 

** V w « ** ** 

-k^ t** l* ‘r'j*^' ^ ^jd 

** 1 •* ** *• 

t> w cj4i ?j£l tr ^iJl J*-JI dJUi iiytJl 

** •* *» 

J*J ^ £*~i jf ‘ U-> >aj ot <yi*j;Ul iJu *> ^Jl 

0 jj^a>^o aJL^JI jl jl ? ^s^U^Jl S/I (1 )j& ^UL lui yw 


jl L*_Sj J^i- j-4 j-^L>Jl ^^JLp SjJUlJl ^jj 

J-*->La , +4A l l La *Ju ^jJI ( _a o^_>s_^Jl aJL-^VI oJla j^i 4 Lolj 

^jLoJl t _^Ai 4Cuijj-M- ^LaI jjJ (Water land) i*ai Ji* 4 aIJIjl>JI 
^-aJ <Jry , Jl ol^^j ^LlJl ^jjLJI ^-u 

cJ^UJl ^1 i-yjJLi 4 aJ^jjLJI ihSUl J y>- ^l*. Jl Jjl>JI oIpIjJ 

Ul 4 IajLLpI <***3 j 4oS/lj La oL>*Jl .JLp» 

j tLp!j-i>-! t j^J ^jUJl <1)1® <uJLp ^JJl j-a <JjJi 

J*~* J *(53 ) «ai« L^rr LIj _ LL*i b 

(d)L^w%Jl^ oLajJJ oIjAj) *L$Jl jLj ^^ULj AjIj jJl ^3 

o^5’IL5) L^ajl 4 ^jUl o^Lc-w-L oLiJl ^1 Jj^jJl 

^l^^-l OjLS^ bl L^p cj 1 3 *^ 1 1 d/^d 4 L^Jajj d a - ^ * 4 _>l j jS j 

^ ¥f 0 

4 I>AA_j 4 ^ 3 j ^yV^LaJU 4 ^\ji 3 Cj<J j ji ^s^LvJl 

Sjial!l 0 j_A i>i«jjLJ| iil AjllS J^jl; j . Ali jJW ^JlP Ljjji 

4 vJI S jUl. 1 *I*U~J jJLkJ ^ ^UJL! oLJLiJl oJI _^JI 

Graham Swift, Waterland (London: Heinemann, 1983), p. 35. 



*y>ry> jA ^^LJl jU vUbl*? J^U^Vl dUS yZi U^p <ul g y 


4 Sll crrr^J ^ Oj^i ikUi4 jlil i Jy j> J* . oSlI . LJI i~Jb 


JJjJl q* ‘woliil 

o^*J ^ LJI jljUI *llji)fl lift IjSli^ ^dl ^\Jjs}\ ol 


4 ./3 a 11 ^li-Sj ( j-y^jy<J)\ ^jL*j V J*^->* <j-« Sit ^j-s^LttJl 

♦* «* 

Lk-^a l ol jjy}\ cillj Jl>- ^_^>tJ <J jL>^ 4-*_J ^wJ|jj>Jl J-*jLo 

: (Brecht) ^ ob li*j .^fs^-j\ 

i-pU^Nl ^\ J\ jkJl SaU i-jlw. ^ ol 

La ^jA LaOj^ptj ^J-^ J *-J t <L*^LaJl CO I yHa\] 

fjA , ^^LaJl L • .-"^-* 4 LjLa^J 4^jLJLa j ^ la i (31 ^ ,''* a i A.d.L l> x-a L^-i.a.'>%j 


4jUL j g t^-Q c ^-1 J 4 lillA ^jl jjl J$^* A 0 j-fc 

iojla^Jt I^jLo^p l^J jl niJUi U & j& t LJUi c UflyMtj L*j 

jJ> LJ tUJli ^L«l 

.« <12) UijI tiaJb 

• x> 

Oik ob bl) |JL» y, p\ JlP jijj 53tJk»Jl JL~U ol > Jl ol 

1 «jsi ‘i^r <>* ‘-^r c^ 1 ol oM 1 dUS— 


(Presentness) 4j y^^SUlj w^^LJJ (^LjJIj) (Pastness) 


iJjciJl ^^s^Ujl o!-b»“l y*} i (_£ J>-\ 4_gj>- t (jj-sA>Jlj) 


toljLi)/l olj .^Jlij ,^1 L^L^j'j LfX^JU^o ^ qj>JI J-«ij 

^ 5±jJj»JI Jl^f-^l ^1 t^j-s^Jl ^ ijiajjLJl c-ilijLiJl oli 

W •* 

Bertolt Brecht, Brecht on Theatre: The Development of an Aesthetic, (12) 
Edited and Translated by John Willet (New York: Hill and Wang; London: 
Methuen, 1964), p. 190. 


JjLwJJ {Doctor Copernicus) 

M •* 

*■ *L j l a « 1 ! ( j r *j oIS^AaJI l jjLS' l) jJljl ^ <Zj jJ>\ 


OjS no! .jJLJlj j*I*Jl tfrL-lSflj oUiUl yyj 

(jU 4 A^p|_j A3 jLLo jfii JuL^Jl oJLa Aj o i* ^ 

l$U\ L*2i\ V-J15 J*i t .cjyi ^ ftUj 4js ii Jadl 

** ^ 

£Uai;1 i)L» Jly L. <bl JLj i jyA ys^UJlj J^UI Jajl _jj Jju^ 

.iiyuJlj jL^-Vl mjS/Ij oUjJl dUi ^ 

*• (S^ ft J * - ^ - 1 4_iL^wo j* V ^^LJl ij j*-* 0} 

* ^ ** * ** w# . * 

; | « |/? 1 ft l <* LftL«^JJ ■ ( ^ jft^^ftft-U ftj Lwvw"* 1 1^ ft Jj^^^ 

£L>Ul it* ^ J ja ^Jl t (Rankean) )\ i^kJJ 

(Croce) ^JjjSj ft t(Droysen) j — jj j j j t JJ>_a JJ y* 

iil^-b^Jl i)L^U iily-Ludl j^p-ly)! 0^9 i^lUiS tjjjjiS' 

J-iftJl jl-ty JijlJl l"f;9 ^ £■ oUjMI j5 y ijiojUl 

r-iydlj ftijAAaJl jL^-l ftiilij) (jiujdl 

**■ ** #• 

i>* ij£i J\ iJy (iyrjJjjJjS/l ipL-AJl j\ i ( y»*~**yL!l 


^Ljlj i LsP^v2 y* ^LJLqj o gyjhll 

a!s^\jj (a^>ojIj ^sli j^) ^la *~ A-ft^U! o!ju>-S/I cLULlI 

A^jl^gJlj AjjJiJl ^ ojl y\ L« .Ajli & ^jJ*Jl i ^Uaj*. 

Aj^S\J C ^ j^a L ^sjU ^ LpI^I Jl3o>l y* ^la>Jl 

A-w^j-iJl oLLsA? j| .j^-^jSLa oL>bJ tft—ii j-*J> toiLp 

^J+>- Jj i j <, J-sAaJ1 J-Pj fci^Jl 

oJL_jLJ| A^a-mS jJt J->c^a oLi-soJi ^_A 0 jufe « 

•* *• 

AlijjllJl 4 « .. lal l j£s5 tijJDl f^jlyjl y« 0frl^Jl_J ft <L>Py>^yaJl 

•^.J 1 ^ 1 tJc^J ‘ X^Jf ft ^4wud^J 


iJL^a ij->B-a A_w>tjjLj! A-jLx5sJI ^ A-^P j-Jl aJL^wO Qy^l 


Jft- A a. i l ^ (JLiLj—ft L*5 t La I t ^j t (Methodology) 


i <, 4-0 j \ ® o^p-U ^~i XS*)Xp X^J ^ jz>~ Vl 


S^LpI J^-Jl jy^aS tL j*y>r Vy^ hJ*> Us* ^l® 

aj jjcoJJ ol jA Ajjiau t L^->-jL>- |^-wd-o y* t d^l-LU 

i (Adequacy) 4 _o*%«Jl ' ^ 4 -wo-^Jl 


^Jl iijjtJl JjL-^JI o^j . <13) LgJlS t (Accuracy) iaJiJlj 

JL-. J\ ( _ y oJu: ol >Jl iUJ J oiw,l=Jl ih£Jl ^ U jf* 

«* ** 

o JU& c ill Jt> ^\j t Lo-^-o Oj!^ ^J-o-P 0^^ . 4>»j j I 0 -AJfc 

JLai A*>tjjll!l 4 jJLa 1. 1 1 oLJLiLloJl ojtXsP JbjLww-^Jl 

j] (Berger) >^J (G.) .£ JS, oUjj l^> ^1 I 4 — -5 Sli-Nl 
. (Boyd) J-j j-J {The New Confessions) S JbJbyJI oLil jZS>*i\ 4 -/i* 

:eolj Jji 

iJ^Jl SJISUI ^ Uj «^UJI ^J>\ 5* ^ L*» 

*4 *•*•** 

cJ'j <Sj^ £j_J £“ iijliJlj V*-L>^' 

^ j > p 

lo j ? 0 iLp C l ^ n a JloIjCj (_$Jl *—A+0j} aJ-Aj <jl 

•4 4 * * 

Alal^ (j[jj g »ol Lo^j <C^A-oJi ( UlojJl (Jl^rfil 

^ ** •* *T v 

jCi- 'i £»\ jJL ii ^ ^ I 4 — I 

i LsAjI t LoL^-wkI t 4 -oLp ojj-s<aj t I 4 JJ pl.Hx>Jg j 1 L|*jXp 

.« < 14 > ^U« ajLJI ^ 

Fredric Jameson, «Foreword,» in: Jean-Francois Lyotard: The (13) 
Postmodern Condition: A Report on Knowledge, Translated from the French by 
Geoff Bennington and Brian Massumi; Foreword by Fredric Jameson 
(Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 1984), p. 3. 

Hayden V. White, «The Historical Text as Literary Artifact, » in: (14) 
Robert H. Canary and Henry Kozicki, eds.. The Writing of History: Literary 
Form and Historical Understanding (Madison, Wis: University of Wisconsin Press, 

1978), p. 41. 


HZLLa ^1 i <3 ycjl J jJUdl ijL-4 jl 

i«i*iljJl» jLcS 'jAj ^Vl J-M3.ill ^ C-4JI* JLS CJ15 

** v *T 

*U«.:K ciil >J' (Fact) 

£jli_) jy&i L* <1)1 t ‘USIa^o AwsUl ®(i>lJl>-'ill® J^s 

L;!j jl j~- -uJj .^^^0^1 i U jL^»i isj ^i JJU; ^ l^. 

£ ** 1 ** «* 

4 <_£**-* ^5^1 4^9ljJtj aL>J| 4^-l>Jl ( j^i li-A (1)1 

•* *♦ ' 

I.X^-9 4 4-jI wLkjLo 4^1 ^>«Jl jJb 

j-s^?L*-^Jl £JjUl 4 -Iajj oUa^cJ ^A 4ja->ej ^3 0*jlj 4«*J^L>tJ 

IjlaU- JjU- 1 Ul» :^jli {Midnight’s Children) AZ^ai ^ jLl^SLj 


sjl^SII filial j£j£\ Jj» ^^Jli o^ 1 ^ o\ 

^AslL^j <oV c 0 jAa>- A L,rf> * a oJLg-9 4 ^\ ■ 4Jwv^ > <Jl 

^JjljjJl ^ cjLs^jl ^ll 4 <J jjb (1)1 4 Jl>-1 ^ 

^*JL5 oJ^o jJ ^JLl^UI J^iVJji C-J15 lil 4(^U^Jl) 


jj^1j»j 4«jti~*SL o^?» ^jjUii 4 JJ^Ju jl LJUi (Kashmir) 
4< jJ jl) cJLpo.jUS oJLS iijj .LIS' «jj^JI J5 

^JLJI .lil-LA)) U (JLajj ^ ^oljjJl Lo I ^A Jij-wJli 

^JJl 4^>ojliil AjliSsJJ ^iljJLj .(339) ((Lsiul 4 4J^^-^Jl 

! iJl^i»-^l <LJ jJ^>*Jl 4JUJL-0 cL^pLJIj « J l j->tJ j^Jo 

(.Oil 4j^Vl k~~~Jj ?>V1 jt 4iJli jt 4 4,^11 y* ULa!» 

4 A>-\ Ulj 4 o wLaLJ) 4-J ^>Jl 0-*3j JJiJ ’ 

I I* t* 

j^tJl 4 IjJii C-S.<wgj 4 LvojIj 4 oVL^>“ 

♦* I* 

.(339) «(_5UUai- ^ J£cu jl 

** m 

^^JLc- ^^LJl JLw*- ^Jl ^ ^Jl o jJkjl oJLa *-^3 

Rushdie, Midnight’s Children, p. 338. 



ul did N, . <16) « (> iJ! ^ aJ ^d (JU 

i*5l5 ^Ji\ IjXSy J^J>- ^ - La Jj-Jj J^alJ! JLpI ^3 

lwL>Jl JukjLo (^UajiJJ ^^aiS/l JlJUJl Uj^o <1)1 1 *j 


8 <L*Aj j\ <ul*i JuU cJaJL^I 4 j jl SJLJb*- 0 ylkJl» I 

^1® p-P-** J^ci ^ ^ JhIjjj LJ a-^jJLJ c (341 ) 

jL U ^ ^)) ^ ^ «^l ijiL ^!>LuJl Jit 


jjJj V I t IjLA Jl gSliJl j .(326) « j >SJ 

J^JI J ^'IJJI ^ISjjVl jJJctii iw>lj ido/Ul ib£JL 
J^J KU-aUl ^ l^Lu: ^ jd\ djlA^Sfl y^i tLw y&r ^1 J~L, 

*‘ /3a\ \ j**J (_jJl 4^-ljAjVl L«L*J (_yA bJLa j .Alb L yA*a2i\ Jjti 

jUil ye- «£jli_pi» Jua«j jl Jd«dl J^ldJ y£i»j %i tills’ idwjbJl 

£'li jJl jV dUi t £jli ^1 dLL- j£dJ ^1 ^Aill ^Jlj ^_iJ| 
Uj .L^is-bj jUiVl dLL- Ak*.l_* I4JLU p. (ULb4 ^ (J jjj) 
Jl^Jl ^Le t >T *^d ^ Jd. t JUjl~ (Fact) i*ilj 

oU^liJl CU>w?jl OjIS dJ t ^j jdJ ^^sliillj t# pL*i»-*bfl 

.jjjiJl ^ *LJ| ^>jbJl oldlS ^1 a^-JL 

(Fact) oJI^Jl j# ^dl j^i ; JjS/l ytLkJl ^ ^L, 

j— ' ^ 

-SJl eji j->-^l 3l va - 'J l ye- LoUJ jj* (Event) jjJL>Jlj 

cr~ : a-* ky U jLipU 2 -aaJI jJu ^1 i^jJL h£j * Jl 

ililA^ JjuLs l$jV <. l ya*al I I jl jy .A»l^-^Ul ijJ>-ljji ^ isl^sxJl 


iJl ‘ J\ k^-^>Jl Jj_p^ lA*s- Jte- jS j 


(jr-ij^Jlj ^ jJl (Hierarchy) ^1 yJl j»LkJl ^ ^ j_»JJl 
4 (Fictive) ^Jl j (Real) Jldl ;>UkJl i -JdaiJl 

m » w*** ~T ^ 

.340 f y i.4~Ju jJuail (16) 


Lix* jA jA-')} jA la jl ^S. iJjJjj fjA> ^Aj 

4 i«k <. u +*asl\ t aiiJi Ji<g* «1 jJLJj .A$l j>t)\ Lo-S” l ./?$ 

(jl Sfl tiil^lj oJljJl ^ J-aaJI j-* ^ i;jUiu 

t IxJL*jj ^1 dUJ^ J wLo A^*_> jllil 43 1 ji>-ljLwoJl ^jjuu 

{Factual Fictions: The Origins of the English Novel) ajLj-S' ^-jL» 


<Lflla>.oil A>«Jl jjj Liaj ( _ y lp ; 4 jcJL® iuLi jJfljj t lijlj 

JO yLP ^liJl j jiJl Ja-ljt ^ Ail >Jlj i*i\ji\ J~,*S j^ul\ 


j^jUI SjL^JI II <ui jJr .-fjyiAj (Defoe) y>j* 

*4 ** 

^ U5 (Robinson Crusoe) jjj o AvaiJ o^U^Jl AJIji>- 


jp *iyd U Js*aA ul <n£y£ -f -£-J (i^e) >uil 4^ai ^ 

Oj^^j ) ( 4^q<Jj2j Lg»P (L^-s^ t La^3L*^2-«) ^jI-O 4_*^3 AjllS^ 

j-A ^All t o-^-vaJl L^-Ap a^A* <. aaAi>*S 

(Susan Barton) OjJjL oljj-~* aj^-; • 4-^.Jt U ^jJ. j\ll 
1^53 tis^UJl jAo AsaS ^^Ip ((15^U^» I jut> j^S3 V ujj .Sij-juJl 

tf A^Ai ^jP ^ A3 L .^i - ** li*LA^ t IjLw^ <j^j3j 

.^Ap ^Wl Qj}\ J a *\ >!>Ulj Ail >JI 

4LwjJl tAl-l^-Vl A^>sjjLxJ| iil j^-LLj-«J| ^ r /a dll ^fljg jj LajLLPj 

t (Indira Gandhi) ^jUIp JlL« t^jjbJl oLpiJij 

(. A> jZjIAJ t AjilS^ i aSjAJ ojJli I g i j* ^ 0 j& Ljjli 

{Tera As a&j * P iS^j Jj j j oli cAAL^^jj c j\ cAa^mJI ajj*Zj ^ 

ii-jjJa-jj tJu^p ^.p j c Jji g : ; 7 (Fuentes) Nostra) 

dj|j-^l ^]l 4 jLA>“ 4 jI ^^ip" *^-i ^ t Ajjljjt^l 

jy JLii (Elizabeth I) jjVl ^l>!i :^UI 


SSjJti (Columbus) ^ jl jS oLlxS'l ^s- jjiJl ^jUj L« jl 
<it >J> J^ ^l> ►LUl ^ il^wJl ^.jUl IJla ^Lij ol > 


H *p ^? '> C*w3 t AjflJ 1 L ^g> 1 ^ 

(^/ Swin-Two-Birds) ^ u#i a^L* ^IJU^I £« JLj-Ij Ji$JL^ ^ 

^ i-*iljJl S>Ulj .tf>t 

>UI js^j t (Mulligan Stew)j 

4 ^>cj jIj i t j 

0 * 

CJlS 1 iil AP j jJ^a 4jLjhj L**® tjl Lfcj^JJLaj oL/?>tJ 

JlS t A^Jb ^ylJl ^1 
iS^L*? ^ toJub iil^Jl JJujJI JISLM (Facts) ^li j jl .aJI^p-j 
jJ*- Lg_>V t ^jjLJI AjIxS^ £»USj O (L)l - AjSISj - 

J \j*r i>^\j U^tdl aJU*JI oJl^j .^Ijl4s M i^SlijS' tUSb 

<>(The Public Burning) jJ jS L^aJ ^ (Nixon) j j—5LJ J~Jl*J 


(Bowering) <*ai ^ (George Vacncouver) gjj>-j 

.(Burning Water) 

& * 

^ t (George Lukacs) JJ & jJ ^j>=r o' <- U>- c *>*-> 

w >11 >li >1 J, yui, ^ ^iujlsJl LaaU ;>>JI <cLiSb. 


L. 1 ^i, -■ ^ ^ c 4 )L%il A— %3 1 1 

*t *• w •* **V *» **V 

C-Lcot jij** t-jj> *>«Jjl^ll 4> >tJl >*P llll (1) <W23 A^>cjjIx)I 

L^j ,1>Ij> UjisJ *>* t JiSll Jb jl J*JI 

^iJL^Sh Lib iJI>Jl i^aiJl jl 4_J 

\ ** t* ** „*/ *• , 

Lf*JU >-p ^lij >1 ■'-*-! 

** ^T_ - 

Ui t v‘^1 ‘ > O^'j ^ >' >JI 

** a* 

d^ULoP ^jfi' A«o1>^>bJ1 ^XxjLa Adi ^>> bJI Aj 

: jJUj (S/zawe) is^S JpUJl iJi^i j 

UUJ c-^vJ j\ t jLu*5lJl o— J i^iJl oJla ^ ol» 

*• ** 

jl£^Jl O^Cs^j j^J j*** i^ls JjUb 

•* *• 

*jrA~* “4j'j ‘t^ 4 <■ >«jb>l ^s^k>j <. i jL^z»j .C\i 

M> ** *• 

01 •> t <j jj i>w»LjJl ijtsi >1 sX* oJL>- j JLilj .a.5.>>J1 


jti**SL ( v r P 

4 a,/q a 1J ^Uli i ^ ^jLoJl ^j^Jl (1)1 

*• **» Vi r ** \>|IH' ~ 

: lg2lS ivaiJl ^ \ *y>- Jji>- 
c-i~- ^1 f uSfl 4 (Delhi) ^ Jjjx. 

• o LL ^L iw J 1 *■>.. -i 1 a-.^I 

\y\s pj»j (. ^l>ji\ 51 J-f—iJ t>*J 

lj— j- 1 i^jl^Jl jJLp ^ djSy*S-> 

. #(Bilquis Kemal) (I8) JL£ }SL J ^1 ^sJl jjJ ** Jl ^e- io*>Lu 

4 * 

JP iJLi^ is-ai oIa cJIS lil» : U Jli iLJLi olW -boj 

V-^j LS" ( 1 ) j j^^JL ^jS' LoLS^ OjS\ ^3 t oLlw^L 
jwLo La ( 1)1 .<*lUS O ^lj l g « P j 4 ( 68 ) j-JwaJl 
oJl LUp Li? Lip I ^1 jJ^j fcLfc c (Non Sequitur) Lik^a L? jJlp! 
<^LL> Jl iil yJl iS*>L*Jl ^Ij t^flij ^ j-o 

d)l jL>-1 1 1 jJlL>*-» 1 ^UJl d)l LL_S^ 

j M d)l Jl Oj j la «/?l JuJ)) tJjLilj Li^jw jli^L 


^JUaJl ol Jjljti 4 . . a»U^ri LI jj* Lila.* Sjj-p ^1 p -JL*Jl cfJLJS 
iil j^jLil 4 _>- iJLfcj _ (69) jJLaa Jl « la all 

•e- j 


iijlijl US Uj ^ <Ju>> Ji* v^J Wl v'>M' inoSJl o! 


p^JI 5^1 Jjcill 5JULJL31 

Rushdie, Shame, p. 29. 


.64 1 <u*aj jJUoil (18) 


jJb La jL^$Vl 4 L&L*^a r^a 

Ji>U -^HJ^ j\ Llr®- ‘UiiJl <_*» ,_yi-*j 

*1 44 4* 44 

Uv^.Ull UJI^Jl U ^>1 S j^J-oj SU:.-,. tUSj ^1 
^JjLa 4 ^jjbJl (jL) J-_£j La <y «/3 «7 4 4*>ojLJl LLSsJl <L^*J>- 

4 oL^_«wo-Ji »^j| iAj>- ^ 1 (1)1^ 4 4 ^ ^JLXj 4 4_3 1 ^_>«J| 

oj-A .4-*JJl ^^ lj>- ^-> oLla^L>ej QLla-Al.>^j L$-&^LS^ 

N L^iSLJ c jl>- j ^_^>LiJl jl jlS"j_J 1 ^j-o-d c4_1j1j^>J1 JuoLo LijLLa 
J-P LJLuill JLSLilj t yJ ojUl j!>U- Si I tA^Jl io^ 
JpU jJLS* I j-M?L>cJi ^ 4 0 JJLx-* Oj-^-j La LJLp e j-^L-^Jl 

44 44 

l 4 -Jl-^LJLxJI ^ ^w*> j]\ j 4 4«*jl jS' yj yJU 1 jj) ^.f"? ]| Ls^LjI^ 4 4^^L>c^mJ|^ 

jl t^jbU ((JjLJI jp ,UJl u^SL Ljup 

£, nf 

dj^S’Uxj *-ji t l j A * a Ji } I olJj_>>J ^ b^l-Ls-il jl Oj^j 

jSj <^jJl jl5 <.hJ±S\ oM^U«Jl J>j .v«jLJl «l>UJl ikS 

** 4* 

oSU— ^ S.> J^-^JI jli5U UUJl li] I UJall yo Up .Li^l 


U^»dl oLk~Jl UL- l* ^1 LUJl <. ^Ij^SII jJUu 

«* m 

p, ^ 

C-sJtAj <*PjjJ>eJl (jl 4 ^JLa 4 ui J-*J 4 <UjOlj 

.LjjUj ^ jUJl JP^>H <_** Lfr^- L* ila—lj-> 

** •* 

S 5 - 

do-U.My^l Cj*'SL>t-wvJl ^3 Oi^->-^-«Jl jL^/l 0 J_A (1)1 jA 4C3jX« -t ^ Lo J 

oLlS* L)1j L^jI j * r +*ju ^3 c ju-L^jl]! ( j-^ 


P LJ1 oLJUJ 1^3 LU)I ^IJJI Lj_,pj ^ UUjUI iil ^L l^JI 

%ipP 44 44 

ll ^ijS Lai J>i tU/bJl UUJl »iA <.Ul,I t( y» t *5li^Jl 
«i-*JI_jJ|)) jl Jjj»^-j jl b-j> > 11 >\ ( Cassandra ) UJ j j 


(Helen) (Paris) i <. A^al ^xJlj t o^Lp 


‘ jri-'-Jt <J W - jj Sit j jJ» Lfpjn>l iil j>- j ji 5^1 j 

(^jl» : (Cassandra) ljJU—15 ol_*JL5 L*5 tdJUJL5 jJ^\ jl5 
‘ J— 4 ‘jOj ‘l^»ti Ji jLi-'ifl jijij jl i-i-S’ 

•ijdL-'J ^ V*' ^ 

** ** 

jii\ j-fc i-iJjJ <UJJ& Ui t (65) «<UL£>- Jl Jjo I Ouljj 
<■ ^/Vl £ilj J CCJ15 j4 ^ CoJjGl jl 

(*Jj t (Paris) {j* j^o-a dLLa J->-l JLii ; AjilS* *L^ r 5' 

^ j .UVi?l oiljjJs? Jl J*; 

j>*}\ ol JUj t(Homer) i^JuJ U$j JL, J 

*k*jLa jA I .Ajj^tJl ojUoJl (3 J 3 ^^Jp Ip 

• J-*^ o Jj>tj i A-JjjIj iolfiXil <uol J Jlo>Jl 

■* ****** Sr 


'— t-« <3jj"t ja I Ja {y> (jA^ai *Ae- jSj U jl 

(Historian Rerun UUjj OIjl^I ja LJI X*t > j Uj (Res Gestae) 
J*- ~^«Jl Aj-I jL^ 1-La jl jSXj jl JjJJl JjlJ jaj .Cestrum) 
jlaU oJUL ^JJI ^>ji\ Jj .i^/hJl U£JI bjd S^L-Vl 

* *" 

^ j c oS ojL LJ JujIj Vl J oL*Jl 

A3^-«^Jl t ^J>-***j La ^3 i oJuJLP frLwdl <^**^*u t L&JLl>s-« I 

L JLL> L*5j .wUldJl ^_> La J tSjjJl jjJiLaj tcij^JaJlj 4 A-uaJUJl 

: (Frank Kermode) *j*j£ dJLIy 

ol Lo-P tj*JL*Jl ^ jJaj <^>-j ol LJl £Aj)) 

c^i ^ 

Christa Wolf, Cassandra: A Novel and Four Essays, Translated by Jan (19) 
van Heurck (New York: Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 1984), p. 64. 


Vi LgJlJLp (j-« l ^lia-j V J 4 Ajp ! jij 4_>L5 ^ ii J*-*~ 

(20) «r . n 5ii ^J| Oj& 



^jSn dJLL- i\ju\ t JjJjJ ils£)l ^ 

L_p ( Chronicle of a Death Foretold) i.^aa\\ J jL«i 
Ifp jij *V*i j' 4 W**J^ 

J-j tbJ JlL <01 jJt- .OLp ij-fr-i jf * tj* tii-o 

^jyy> L~J jl ja AJltll Is>Jl ^. Jl i.L^ 

HJi ol J jJsJl l yjj~fSLi\ CjLjS i C - Llk;» : 5j>W 


^JalaJl ol I y&\j (1)1 L*-L« d)15 ^L^aJl 

^j^Aj i >bJwO <UjIp *L>-^ tlj^jL^- (1)15 

jJ <c 5J t 500 ^ 

t ciJLlS j^Ji oLnAj 322 

t d)V OJJi t J ^i ^yisU^Ji ol 

«T ** ■** 

( _ f L>o (_r*^J (116) *<»->a\ll 4 

JJUllL; JiL^JI (j-i Hit e^A Ji* O-i; 

£,) j^lkdl UJb- dlS ULj« ja Jbj^xU c«P>: 

iS^bJl ^ Li t (22) (L<aiJl J>b) JlJMl iLi»H «=»**> ^SIjJl 

Frank Kermode, The Genesis of Secrecy: On the Interpretation of (20) 
Narrative (Cambridge, Ma: Harvard University Press, 1979), p. 109. 

Gabriel Garcia Marquez, Chronicle of a Death Foretold , Translated by (21) 
Gregory Rabassa (New York: Ballantine, 1982), p. 2. 

Hayden V. White, «The Fictions of Factual Representation, » in: Angus (22) 
Fletcher, ed., The Literature of Fact (New York: Columbia University Press, 
1976), p. 22. 


01 y>\y*S\j JpLjJl 

•4 *4 #• 

^ jiL; ttljujl JbyL. ol >JI ^ JliLi>!l JUi^cJl IJU6 

tJ>j ^Jlj O^-JI ^ fo^-jjl vMjb-Vl jlftf 4-^Jl 

•• «* 

— * f, 

t j *0 > ^ l ^ * «i*9 j Jj-^ ^ jU^M oJLa (1)Vj . ^jLS j ^Jl i Sj JL*j 


^yLi^Jlj tljl»-ljl_j iOjO>- ^y> Lfri*JJ tLfJi* j£-*J 4^\i 

9 r (23) 

*JJ***i J '***H ^ 01 j-* 4 

SjliSOl ^i o! j>^ 0^-L ^ JJl L^JLjIjj 4aJLJjJI dJLiJlj 
** ** 

(Berger) (G.) Li» ClJbJl J^uL 0 /».^2'l ^ oUL 


^ {The White Hotel) j\ t (Barnes) jJjLJ {Foubert's Parrot) j\ 
j-* ^yJl iJLft JLii t(D. M. Thomas) jJ 

lili tJKUji I JJaJI a«. ; 1», j_*I ^ 1 r UJl JoLpI ^ ii \ >JI 

** 1 *• 


£-y*s>J) *~J> j& ^ja it jjb»*_<J! C-JLS* 

tJ^Llill ^yo jjS olS jlaJ .aj^LxIj 4_aJi jdl ^Ijjl 

y* U5 Lli ^lj (Totalizing) -ULU Jj^ ol* LJLi ai£J 

t#* -J-V •*» (J^-^ Xjr** jr*i L* t/’-J -f 

NLsAjI N Lgjl A> /jA JL*0 Aj*)f I O j-Ju AiLu jJl a; l$0» ol 

O^LpI (J^i- ^jA ^\jJj jl Oj£* <1)1 U-C>eJ IJJ 4^-^LoJlj 


JbyL# Ail jjkJl JL>-^j Aj! j .^UJI ^JL>JlJ ^^iajJl 

4 A tULmI ^jLS^ ^Ijj iJlLft tJu>tAJl A^-^j a!jIjl>JI 

ft J 

Oi LJ f * c ^>wm5 (China A/^m) JL^j 

C<£jJ^\ v-^Jl Jljjli :ljbf i:^JU jiL^. ^ jslI^Jl 


^ yL^J oJ_a t ^LJl oljlj^-j Jj-?"jJl olj^ibj 

E. L. Doctorow, «False Documents,» in: Richard Trenner, ed., E. L. (23) 
Doctorow: Essays and Conversations (Princeton, NJ: Ontario Review Press, 1983), 
pp. 23. 


(Carl jj J j\£j t Jb j jj Jj j t (Harry Houdini) jj t 

c—jIj ijj-iJLb^j t (Emma Goldman) jL*jJ j_p L*_>Ij t Jung) 
■>jji c5 j**J ‘(J* P- Morgan) oUjj^ .«*-> t (Stanford White) 

^(/tagf/me) jjjiSj* 4_s^J ^ <^^4 oL^2jk-i j (Henry Ford) 


Ujj^i a!>- j aaJ» C-J^j yd iuL/? JJaJ a-saaII 

<>* (*-*A ‘ (Coney Island) JjS l ^ J ^Jl jij J ^ y _j 

i^-jJl ^ U,^ o >£* ol ^ ,>1 >JI vioUJl dUS j! 


cJX J-Aj '(j-^r aSV^J (ojL^Uvl) Li ojLxpL Li^>jli!l 

(The JUb ji+* ^ ° j*»\ ^ ^uS'U^J jjjzZ* JjjIj <u-i 

* 10 p p 

4-j-bl JJ-jj (Isaacson) ^Jl jls* aJV iBook of Daniel ) 

J, tiJbUJl *\ji\ jl* 4 Jbo jj r $Lj\ jlaUJI j ii^\j Ll \jL*d 

Lfc ^ydl <uJ^p t j^ a aLo Laj t ^ $ . o jl 

jl Zdjjloj IfLjU aJu jpU^Jl Ij-J jl LuSUj ^>>LS jj* t JlJta 

wlJI j\fi\ ^ VI ^Jl ^Ul ^ ,J lili 

dj& t(Usb a^uL* ^jhs^JI J 5 JJL- ^j) J| 


^twaj A-^jlJl Ail ^>-b^w«Jl^ ^fjbJl AjllS" (jl a>*_juJI 

JjL^Jl JJ»-ta ^ J-wtj jJLka ^>-1 j-*Jlj va «. U JLSL^I 

xfc >j*r M dli V, .(<lbi Vj) V ^Jiil 

** •* 

^iJl IJla ^^Jip (Poststructuralist) aj^jJI jl*j U (J ^^cS\ oL^JaJ 
4< y« ^ oJl A-Jl^joL (jlxlj JjL^» ^Jo AjIiS* oJ-A jV i AjIiSUI ^jA 

oi t (La Capra) V iJ .^s^L^Jl 
t^l «jL-iVL. iJl^pj Jil ,oljJl Jj«^- ^ JAJl ( _ ? U 


J 1 Jdl— JL*® ^3 ® La_L * j ^_A f- ^_$Jl (jl AJldL>" 


.,.£ yJJi ^UaiJl J « (24) ijJJl 

y» wdl jUSlI Nl l _ r spLJl V LjL t JjJUI 


*w— ftwL-oJl J-SJj L»$d 4^/1 ^-s^LJl (1)1— t (J^-4-Jl AjI^ 

H *t 

t Jju l# C-JbJU (Jl^il ^yO^S 

♦* ** 

OJL>- j <U^LoJl d>l li ! dll JL>*Jl JboLo o j_£\_ 9 jJ jl^Nl 


tp-Jl Lfri>«-; ^ LllSCJ t _Z-*-»J'- ! 

Jaaj <U-s^LJl dlA^-VU Sfi t 

*• ** 

I j-*j .^jjbJl ^ lfLi«J J*Ai>- ^ b_^-j y~*y i Lr JU> 

Cr t '^ J i <_rfr* ‘^'j jj~* J y->*z Lfll ‘<Jj-*i Mj*y, tjb 

«* ** ** 

^ o» ^iSl L» ^ Jill V Qjki\ 

IJL*j Ll«j OjJL*j LlS/ tdJJS - t o "jA LJj^s olS^ Ail (J j-4j Lo® 
^-S^l *iLta ^-Lp l 5^^° o> <» »/9 < ^j->*-> w dAJS t aJ 

.(LoLs^Ij) t— *L^?I ^JJl 

** ** 

tjJjUJ (^ Maggot ) Jio ca11Ijl>JI Juol® ^a^ai AJUil Li 


4-Ljiaj yS jjt t (Findley) ^JjlLJ {Famous Last Words) j\ 


4_JI>JI ~jLJl i,U5 oLJUp > iiJ S_JIS _ i—lSUj 

«*■ i t*V ♦ I* j, -j **•**# rt 4» 


i>'>- <iW- ^ 6 jLj1 j! 4 A_lfl_>l j-lo-ll ^jjUI ^ 0 j> ^ j 

U LJIp j . Li-fl t <L>«jjtdl aJjjIj jJl LtJwo t 4j d yjm 


Jsdj t Jui^Jl l»XgJ aJaaII aj^LoJI J^l^ jJl oJlS^ 

oL^M la ■>/?! lJub j i ajLl5 

jJ* t J^-ij CzUa^>s-«^ 

Jb“ <JL^ J*x ^ /l^ cl+j d^iLjuJl 

.r * 

Dominick LaCapra, Rethinking Intellectual History: Texts, Contexts, (24) 
Language (Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 1983), p. 26. 


toUAiJl j (. a*p jjjJl U^jIj tL 


<L*jL~* £j-)j .l^rT p-L*J <* ^J-^J 
Jsjcl* t^jWli tiaSi l^JlP j^3j M aJ'^' Jbul. 4ilyJl ^ 

04rc American Tragedy ) ^ oil j J SJiSli jJl aaJ» jJl 

•* ** 

ji^Jco jl Uajl LaSL*_» j! .JLaJI Ju^. ^^JLp t (Dreiser) jJjIjaJ 
(0/ a Fire on the jA^o <, iyl ajI j ^Jl ^jjbJl 

IJla \S\j .(Norman Mailer) jJLlo jLojjaJ Moon) 

^y tJLJb*- Ua>- Ai Uaj»-I jLU jV 


(.U o> p\ UjU bjli o! £.J, JU> ^1 JLp 

iiUl -^ycJlj t( >Jl ^ Ww* J 4^ tS^iL. IkkJl 

•jC^ d A' ‘cr^y 1 W 9 c#* 

*• #* 

dl ^yaJ! oLk^.j t Lj»U- jlS jij tjUJ! ^il>Jl 

•* *t 

i^Jyp JS. SjLil tSjliJl ^yJl J-^»>d ey^J tUijI 


*jIS jJl d cSui coJj vdUAtfli : (Apollo) jjy <I*J «JLud 

(ij'^' W^id cr 1 ' 


oAjAp ^yJl 1 JlSLAI j oLoJlLJ! AJUj Jju j 

j-a t^y* JL*_pVI oJjk jl U ^.Saj LgAli y?4 4-J1 

jjJk^o c^pai^ SllSLi! Jljj.U U^>JI ^ Uji*J 


Ai (^AjL>j j-A b> d)l LJ j g ) at t c LgJ jj>*j 

t(Jl>- JbS" *^° N LLa ^Jl£w<iJlj Ju$LL<J| J jAJI 4^1w« 

ol >L JI ajIiS" ^ IjuW ^51 aS^I oAa jj^Sb U UIp 


0 ji JIj a^?L>JI a-JIaJI a-^LSCxjVI Zj j 1: £J£}\ (A Maggot) i^aS 


C/*"* 4 4-gAl>tJl L)1 A->«_» c jJjli j^S' 

^aJI ^^wjLlSI (AjA>J| \iy>*3 A-i^P P A5"jj t4^> 

** *♦ ^ ** 

ju. i-adi ^ ^ji ijudi v~„,ui ou^du t «i> ji 

«* 4* 

ot ^ '>Ajv-j i 1^15# L^jLj l ^ ^ p 


t>° ^yi SjJj iil yiJl 


JloliJll j-si>l>Jl ^ jL^Jl j t^jbJl JjJjj 

jb^ (JjS X>t_> Ljj^ 

** ** ^ *+ 

ot^l c(«^JLp ^LJt J^LU» ^ISUjVI ^iUJl) iijLJl i^Ul 
°JT^ <£jh\ C5® 8 • JbJl 01 Jjt 

<Jb~Jl ^1 Uxj 4 j^Xp ^liJl OjaJI fj* I j~S \jjjiaj 

^ SljL^Uij ^LiJl jJLMJ S^i\ L. _ <j}S^J\ 

jlXJL^j j»JJLo 

L$x£J ^(^uaxJI ^Ji <u_JL 4 _^jL>- t(_£l) ^ ^ ^ <uL*J 

** ** ** • 

.((jjjli J^* v (J^JU iiLJl (CuJUJD) ui^Uw) 

i 0 * <^1 t#* bJaU«j lS-^ o^aJl U JSI 


c^I ^b 4 VV c^Uj^I SJJLaJ aXj ^1 ^\ jyL j V 

CJ15 > o > 9 i 4*$J>1^- ^LsAjj C-^P ^ ; fri jjiS j l *—4---^ 

Jla JaL*J V ■> » ,« ✓? ■ ■> 4jld C it l"jI U . -w a JlJLaj 4_>- J .5 

01 tSbli fU J jLil JLij .v‘Iji>J| JL«l. ilisai y, frjJl lift 

f2«\ a a 

4 «£*1>U Lj>P>. !*SLi» JljJ L- cJl* tUxJl Joj 


^ ^ A^s^LtfJl iwkjlS' aS l ~ j - 1 'J 

JU*i**VI <1)1 JJJ .(95) « (Design) ^^^wwaill j (Data) oLkiuJl ^ 

^- >t d J^xJl oUajuJl ^ j/ 3. 'J i\ Ua-w>taoJ ^pl ^Jl JLhjLo 

^ ** *• 

LpLks^l L^U ojLupI . /a . i l l p-wo. -^Jl J^b 

^^Ip A-L^j ^^a^ajiJl oJl5 lo ^LaU Uj^sAP LUjI y Jajl j*Pj 

J^j <jt .^W>w? Ij-fc ( 1)1 Ji'j-Jl .^IjjJl 

oLL^Jl IiaLjoI (oJi^o ol jPj 

William H. Gass, Habitations of the Word: Essays (New York: Simon (25) 
and Schuster, 1985), p. 86a 


$-1 j aJI^JM ^jJ» ^s^LqJI (J ^ at 

• iilj>Jl ^ J\ ~jllJl ^ 

«* •* 

4-s^Lkjj) 4 -sJ^jjLJI ^^ajJl oil a : >«^ oLL5 jl 
*i«>* > ol>-^\l a *, & \ ajUl^j jjtf ^JL! -/>* N (JL^oVlj 

** iT 

jj-* LoLauI <1) l LfiJL^ tt ^l A^sjjLJI <i I j_>-lx^Jl 


jl £»J .S/I ^-Jj i-LJ^ <-o\/l if\ jii l yuu 

5jIs£J| ^ (JjjjllL Lf fi\s> t ]\ ^yJ>y>S\ jj^d I toutf 

** w tt 

JUj^I Syslk <jli iL,lj J3 L5 US lULiAJ ji LU^tJl 

M OUa^« 

11a ji** aj ^JUI J\ ^A\ J^JLl! cJ-U ^ 

tLJU aUSOj Jj-a^5Cj jl ^ j .jjJ-saJl 

CJ15 oJlA ^j/ 3*. ll olla^o jU w(j_^jLaJl oLjlJI ^LiaJ ^Aj 
ill 3^JI Ui£Jj c^iujLJl.oliSJl A^jU-J L^. Jl>- 



* s> 

«* *• 

Jr (J^ ^ ‘ <>* f -^VJ ‘ U^djU' <il .^-^Jl oj 

«* *• 

<JT? s1^«l jJjU <U^3 Jl* ^ ^Jlj*Jl (wAjUpj 

.ot^L^Jl ^ ^j-uaJL iUU-Vl ajSj; ^JlJI jjjJl LJ 

(5jjjL$L_flJl ^-oSflj ^-djbJl A-^j_^a_>- jLu Llaj 

C^l jJjoJIj aJI j > Jl AvaiJl £* cJ^I jJL) (Victorian) 

6 UL>*1 l j C5^ oL^jLa-oJl ^1 4 A^LmaJI ^1 

iiUl i^-jJ JU jjjjLi, V ^ j^jbJl »l >U U-y -ic 

CJ-Ak ■drrdJJ^ 5 ^- 1 ' (M-*^ ' <-!_M — J 

Jjl jJl (Laurence Sterne) j ijb £* 5 jj-ajj) 

djSjl^Li j^IJ U JIj ^1 jJJl jL JLyLJlj i(Tristran Shandy) 


g, * * p 

oXa \*y>r ^si»ljJl y* j * 4 -^ ca *4 y.y ^jLL>o 
^ J~F 4 £jl>- pJl*- (Jl ^L^l ( j^aj jJ* iolJL>Jl 

‘iSj^ ofy^ c^i y c s^j 3 ^ jJa^i :ilL^ ^^>0 
dr^ ^L? 4 ^ 4 c5^"^ <Jl£-JM ^1 j^> 

• ia2s LjJ^>- ( *^a « jJ*Lw* 4 jL jiaj 

,>• JU&VI iLtj ^_^aJL ikU^U 5JU iUij ilUj 


4-L^ax^JI A*ia^*Jl ££^L3Jl S^I^aa t ^>w ^JLp 4 ^ y* 

^^ijjLji ^JaJiJl \jjt j (. L^JtS A>oL^Jl ^^Le JIaj i jj>-j LfrxkJL 
<j** ->J ^LiiJt j\ i-^LpxJl ^1 oLjjVI Jj->«-j 

Oj-^j t LJI p t t ^>»jjLJl c— >Ua^&J! d)l 

** ** ♦» «4 

A,.. * , <> , ^ o j LgJLoJ I jJajJ! oL^>j ^J L*J> <U3 ^JUl d)l^*Jl 

4-qSj 1)1 Lgjl t Lvijl ^Jl*j Ll^Jj t. ( J^il l 

i^j^J .4-o-pjJ *^y&j-*-A A l a 1 a# oj-3 ^ JJL> 1)1 jJLaj Lo LJU. LgJl jl 
A^-v«J Uj ojjt tl)l wL>sJ (1 A^ixjjlxJl Ail J^lx*w^jl 

jS y^} A^Jli a-mu*1^*jI oljLil5 t bjfc c t j .AijLi^Jl 


J-s^- A-kLJ j\ U JlaLLJ A-J^jjUI a-JIjUa^JJ jU,k : i ^jUJJ 
- L^aI?- ^1 _ LxJ^lji ^ Ja tf 7 tCUSjJl ^ J tLfj 

0 J-A (1)1 (, (J jAt <n£j >“ I oL>-i5oj .AA**JU Alls' Iji! J>- <uul 

. * * * * 
jjwi>- jSj ^jp Lx*.*j ^J-<mu 

CP® CP^^J- 3 ^^ CP^ J-So C A-ol J->> J_*_>L<Jl ( yja ^jjJl I jl_A 

.{Finnegan's Wake) 

^pJl ^Jl Ul >1^J1 V 1JJ1 v-^^' 01 

* ** 

^ L^.1 j i»jLLjl J akJl ikL-JJ iULiJl SJIJb- ^uUJl 

*• * 

J^Jl (Alasdair Gray) ^1 y> jjJuJ^S {Lanark) JJL* 

dr 4 ap^*^* Jl tUjjJj ^1 Lf ^>^i\ jJ^Jl 

*♦ *• 4* 

OtS” 4j| jA A - •" ^ ^ 


A^Jw-aLA jQ*j (jbxQj d y>-L- A^xJ 4 La jj JU 4 ^y> 

** *• 

( The j\ L$Jli ( Finnegan's Wake ) J oJL>J ^JJi Jia JjL- ^ol J 
iiiia ijw? <Lj oli Ail ^Ls» Olj . Rime of the Ancient Mariner) 

^ J*}\j ^^Ul JjJJl (j^J 4 UJj) JU*j3j La LRp 4 6 jlA J&a 

** ** **** 

IiU-t j . jjLdl j\ iuJUfcil S^liJl u *A\i il^Jl JjMl 

**■ ** 

(Kiss of the Spider J J ajJl j^>Jl 

J^J 4 S j l a^^»l l aj^L*JI oJ_a J j . (Puig) Woman ) 

l$Jl A*Li>Jl Jl ^-I^^Jl J Sj^s^JI 

4^L~JI jl _ LS^UpI oL^,>^Jl i] jJL* £t*J > jj V UU 

** 4t - 

A-s & j& L>-^Ua..^l A^^yoLaJl A^JtiL>cJl Qyet.Kif3.Aj aJoJLww ^ ~ * 

JLa-« AxJaJl ( j-a llL-Aj ,^L#15 I j-aJU J jj 4 ilJLJLLl 

‘ic-ir-VL ,j^o JaJI oLL-^w* ^ p^J 
^yJl A^Ss^^tA^-ll 4 L^zjI 4 aJ jlaLjLo 

(G/as)j (Nabokov) ei jJJLJ (Pale Fire) : JJ_a JJJ' c*JLi jJ 

• l-*d>d 

^3yiJJ (JL^xiwrfl (JL^jcl^I a*^>-1^^jI 

J j^tfl l ^JjLp JJLa 4 aJI J oJl oUa-y^a ^ <_£ JlSwl 
LaJ^a^ ,A-aL*Jl L^j^^Aj ^^-jjj La j^LsAIj ^jJl A^>*w*JiAaJl d->ljLotII^ 
JL*ajJl oJjb (1)1 JL?*-> 4 oLwL>tJ | J oLJlIJI J 4 ^Jtflj^Jl ^a Jl>Jl 

(Ls\j^~j) U^ j ^ : jVl ^ L5* 

** «+ «* 

Ji» ^yO^ai yj .4 ZJ*uj\Zj Allolj JSydj i Qji I JaJl 
oJL^a-ioJlj SAjIjJI (J j 1/3 a ll ^jjjLwP (jl <Xs>*-i 4 ci^jL) (l)^j>tJ (Letters) 
^JDI JuiajJl ^AiLi (jiJl k^uill A ^ : k: 7j Ul > Jl 

^j-a 4 j . aJ^*x ^J| JiLuJ jJl (Jl^jCU^I 4 Lj 4 L^j 


(77ie French j jJ jS/ ( Intertidal Life) J_i_» ^ yQ 

Mljil jJjli ^-li-; Lieutenant’s Woman ) 


pujl (o-U<9 jl) ^ Ij*?**- (S* ( J\ l$J 

<j** LSjLaJI jj^ajJJ oLk_>*_*Jl oJLA .oJLajc« o j j ./3 > t j->«Jl 

*^3d c5*J -q-lA^' tXjlJlj ^1 J^Jl 

IJLa^ 1 a ^ ~ 1 ^ (, ^bcJl J jZ£*JiX} N 4-j^eJjbJl 4-s-s^ J) >«Jl ^JLp 

(J^IjJ! jj-^) i*jLLa ^JLp jylJbJl jl>uL« * — o'y I i 

iJUJ jU^J cjLyu JjULoj .U53I ^■^..^i ^ih J\ 

^au^Jtlb kiL * ^Lo jL ^Jl AJb«jl dLL> L$j1 ^1p JLujU 


jl>«j LuU 4 Ii^JIp ^ ^ a * ^SsJ I^JUjcl*! ^Ip Lj^xxpl ^xil oJ*wJ! 

1 4* 4* 

L^Uip-Nl J LiujLJl JLp jJL)l jl/UI jl 

Jl M t .Lsrtl vry Jl liAfJl J *^>. ^^aJl .Ji*J UI>Jl 

*• ** 

jjh L* t dJLli j-P Utf* J-P tju oJU^Jl 4*saa\\ La 

^i\ cLUj £^r <Ji “ 

4 <Lj_S" Ajj_*_Ul oLLk>*JLl C^jj-oJl t ^ $ * 

.Udl 2 Jl oJSUll 5 U$3l j 

^ji j] i^U- jl*! ^ ^ JkJi oLk^ JiLi jlS U^aj 
^y> j^gJ Jp-IjlJ 4j>x-~i jJU- ^ ^ iktjJli t LI j-lP jl L^i,4 
^Jl j-*Vl 01 .iil o^a i ^jjbJl 

d»*h L^J| jJiij 4 Of^Jb bb c <*— ijJjL>s-a 

jl j-& 2 1 bjlj LlS^ U5 4 I <1)1 / U-b 1 ^jaAiift^a 

. ** *• 

CjLJj^ S^jI yj> tlj4^-l_^J j! (» fr ;^ 015 

La ^ft L^j | j . 4 Jj\j ^Jl ^JLJldXll 

4_^>*_) jL> ^ii j ^Ji L^JL j->tJ j ^L>«Jl A-^j^>tiIi I ckJlj o^Lp-L 

jl A.* )> <LwJ) I jj JL>- jj d-oLS” La Ujb j .L^-j^1aj JlSLil V 4 _Aj j_k 
tljJL>Jl J_*_)^/ 1 I ^j-^-jJ-«JJ JjCjJI j^l «,/g <» 1 

o^j>Jl 0L5l p\j^ to! -V^v cr 1 ^ 1 


f * 

O LLj ^a j\ 4 o C jLo jJLjos o jJL®LCj 

4 ^j - 4 ^« 0 ^-LelxJu l )1 ^y* A-lL^-oJli 4 oLp 

<>JU^Jt JjO jliLl olj .-bo l« ^ L^JjJ>JIaj £AJ 

4 Jj>wJI ^S- 'kiyu^t 0 ji pU^jI ^ <jPJj ol U-A 

Ji« 4 aJIo>- JjuUI ^s^a- ' I ^y la! .^^Ul JjJj ^1 J }>cJ 

«■ * * * 

{Midnight's j\ 4 (Chris Scott) Oj £ .* cr -_j J -_5LJ {Antichthon) 

^y JpLjJl ajoJa -b ^^JL p j-* JL^yJl jli 4 ^JLi jJ Children) 

•0 ** 

iL*j l*t ^ 1 ' iU ^Jl ju: Ji 4 - U^JS - Ul >Jlj v«jUl ibfll 

ttLUi l y& j& >■ c!jJL>J iiLa-i 

** ^ i. * 

(Babi J-ftLt oLj ^jA j ( j»Lajj .a JlaJL 4 L «,<?*» 

(7%e White 4 _L^_p (Dina Pronicheva) LLJLJ j j-> LjoJ Year) 


L yojU I cbJbJl jp IjLaj Jb 015 oLJl lJu jl ^p 4 Hotel) 

*0 ♦* 

^jUI L»J 5 4 L$Joy>*JLl Lao j— * Ol^d * Aj^yya oj^-^aj 


^ i * ■*> * V . {Babi Yar) aAzS (Anatoli Kuznetsov) 


A*/2iL 4 jL ^J aj Ju 4 LS^Jal aJLSj 4 0 j-J-La AjL^Jaj O 

^ * 0 ^ J~® j-r^ 4 JjCjJl j-;-P _ A-Jy-j 

Ali^A^e ^j-a L L-P Jj 4 ^*A>LoJI jtf La 4. A*A : i 

^ ** 

.aLJL^j » AlP 

frlj-i J-La 4 J*— Aj 4 oly>«_* J-jUj 9-Vji Oj-^~ jJ-«J! La 

dr* jjilsxjj tC->l^>«Jl 4 

• oAjJLj^ AmJLS' 0sL»j jjflj aJbJb»- ^ - • a » ^ ** -> 1 . A < 1 ‘ 1 1 1 ^ ^ " 

l 5^ ^ ^J>^' ^i'jJ <jp : Jr*^ jr^J 

oVb JU> UJlj ‘U^ Jlp jl tl^li 

aJLajJI A^Ji^Jl oJu& 4 oljLil ^Jl a«w«sjL 

$*x>%j yJl Z j*J> L>Jl oljLil L*jlj 4 oi jJL LixjjbJl 


JLa^JL^I uL *-**j-& *,g *,g a ll 

*• 4 * 

i L$jIS ^^-jJjJaj'yi (jLL^uNl I J-A SjLil LgJl ^^JLp v j /3ll! ^ oik^o 
^■A (^^>1 j-^Jl 4Ja^ljj) 4^>ojLJ| 4jLl$L!| j*L^2Jl U}® ’ JjJL 

^ . /? . /? 5 1 1 :> j— Jlj ((4-J^uiJl 4JLJL*Jl>) ^UauaJ^I ^^JLp g -t 
_ iy/9t <ULJb*- «<JbciJl iiLJL>Jl>> JJLL> j! .(32) 

** «4 

yk <L*u,ldl 4il>buJl o-jd; Li t jft| JLp t pJl Uj-L-JL 

^i!l £j>Jl j:U > ^ ^1 5 Jj>~^ J jy 

( j-o-»-^— J t v_di jJ Oji 4 Jl*jL { yfi j ■-.'.'I j 

Lf*-*-* JjU jJl J L - O- il 

i*J JS^JI _j dll' ^Ui jju; jisCaV obJi -* i^JaJi 

t (Cortazar) jljUjjiJ (Libro de Manuel) <^\sS ^ii ^jJl 

** ** 

cjLs^Ls^J fL>*JI J^SLi <.{Manual For Manuel) ^\ ^juJI j 

l^r^i m *M Ob &Jzj b&i U>J ol > ^JJI J*Jl ^ 

^1 jjs ^S' oSjj 

oLL^lI^JI £jJ jj^ ^pjJ tLf-J J^ajJl oLL^J 

j-p oiJl L® oV fcdJJi tJa-Si 4^S^4 j iAjjJa.; j-SsJ j t (Collages) 

t y h**- Cfrj* u* $ tr-J £.^1 

cHj-^ j-P Jij .^^ajJl <-LJuJ j-A _ 4-JU Oj-^ _ Jj t 

JJaj Lj-j LLi^j (^oJl Jiwll ^A ^ A ^hJ! 

I jlj .APliail j Aij^J ja VJI^JI 


♦ I <*4*1 

Lionel Gossman, «History and Literature: Reproduction or (26) 

Significance,)) in: Robert H. Canary and Henry Kozicki, eds., The Writing of 
History: Literary Form and Historical Understanding (Madison, Wis: University of 
Wisconsin Press, 1978), p. 32. 


<J >- * & ' I oLygl «/2 9 oli-vaJLo 

e-L-Jlj ^AJUJI Jl ±2* ^ V JoJJ cjIL^>^5 

^u41>Jl ciLbj Li3 y*-* <j1 t UajI t Jj c <uaa!I Jl^aJ UjuIII 
4^-JL>*Ji Ojw y>t^3 I j-* (Jj. y® <i j*j* Lojb 

y y t Ulp t (?Sj-s^l>Jlj) iw^Ljl 

Jl £S\ jr^ l^y- J£J LS cUUJ tiJLu: Jl£it 

yjUJ ^ r ^S’ y (<ulyp dUjb US') u^bSCJli t ^ y-l blJUJ 



4— 1— >t— — Jl J ) «p ^ « *1 , 4. 3 .,a)I^ t ^1 ^ ■ — -,-^ I 

e-IIS’ j» j£S (. Public Burning) J j ^.jbJl Je*J JISLil j 

J5tf j ili*j (New York Times) j^ili il jyyy j (Time) *jU IiJl^ 

Oj£s jd\ J.J t^ijJl j ji Jl l SjyH _ LiSUj’ olil > j\ _ 

** #* 

.oUJL JJce-.j jSte- 

*• *4 

t a^L*jjJI <u>ojbJl (JjUjJI (JUoV ^ j iibj&j 

^JbJL LgJajj ^SU_> is^cjjUl iil yb-jl ^ya^al Jl y yi oUay^o 


J J^' J^-*- 9 : (_sri J r*^' ^Hji (*— *— »_? >*-<>-11 

# ** w *T I 

iJlSL»l lolil jJl Jj-b J cJaiJ ,_JI JjlijJU (1)15 

** <4 

Ji ISj^' Jdy*^ y 2 ^ p-*j ^U>l y t jSh}\ 
^J^Jl Ojj dy& jij -J^i^ dil^L^ J i j-Jj JjL^Lo 
uJ' u^J' <J> lsy>ry> (Brechtian) y^y Jl J^r J 

cj 3 J^LLjj I^L>- <y*j-s< a-Jl J^-JJ 

OyliJl (J-jUj o-w>j t j jjfc 5LJ (China Men) 

oliU^j yy-lfai ^yyblyJL ^ 


JU.Ji>Jl (iiSL- JU*J LSjy^ I a-UJLJ UiOJl'jsU»JLJ ^il>Jl 


• 0 j-A> (J j^OJ>}\ IJLoj -^j"* 

jlij_*Llj y-s^Jl Jybl j-ylj < 4-S’ o Je>^JL<Jl oL^jJl (j|)) 


yA (J V ^JJlj C— iliJl 

■* ** 

t (Migration) ^j>Jl JUiiVl ^LtaUuJl ouL^ J L LajIj 


^ i^L y» pjs[A*jj ^ 1^1 

P P P 

j - -> . 5-v< jl tejU^xJlj f^Uai—'yi tilJukV ; (Emigration) ^ y - 1 
^ oJ j^JI (Burlingame) i-JLijM ^^oUJl JJ-Jl .^r-o-jta 

^ j 4 1868 jJ jj /} j-»J 28 4 (Washington D. C.) . ^ .3 

. (27) 1869 /J\ii\ 23 4 (Peking) jX. 


ill— \l ^pll^ ^ Sll c-JU^ <J 1878 r U 0 L 4 J J-Jj 
tJLwaJl ^p Vwul l^oJb (jl (California) ^ 

<y* 4 (1 KTI:^ JJ *L£u*l 1 1882 ^Ip ajL^J JJj 

^Lp <L>LgJ j t o>l j.i-w4< j -JLp oXoJ L|^3 .i^LJl ^1 (J^>“^l 

01 oLLo La jA JL>ci^Jl oL^ ^JU LJLxJl cjjJL^pI c 1893 

Jj* Jj-P iljil ij-la-i J-x-51 (Congress) ^1 j-Jl 

j y <.yjJb\y> \jj~^-A oljJaj- \jX>^j jJj ‘ ^y L H )) 

«0 y>^\ Uij 4iUjj 4 4*U1S \jj~*u jt J* (j-iJ-srLe 

<LpI j !j£j *J LJuJl <1)1 jJujj .(153 4 {jA JjJJLxilj) 

hjjr** Jl «Catch - 22» ^ S^jl jJl oj^SLSl 

Ala^lj-j JJLSi L«-XiP ( j; . ; .. ^1 ' 

.L* 4 U*- jji j > jj J uS/ 1 jSSfli 4j^U)l 

** ** 

toJLfc JJL* iil j->- 4 JI 4Ja_>-^L«Jl ijL>- Jl5 l5 J-^ j 
VJI^JLJ -bJl jl^>Jl jli 4vl>Jl V 1JJ I u- 

jl 4<Jli*Jl \~j~i (Juii 4 4 JU^Jl L-a-aaJI 

^ •* •*» 

1736 j*UJ (i Gentleman s Magazine) kL^u* ja ^iJl o^LpI 

Maxine Hong Kingston, China Men (New York: Ballantine, 1980), (27) 
p. 150. 


^ y*-\ oliLw- i(A Maggot ) <wa$ ^ 
yb IJla -SS 4 4_^iJl ^ oISk» JjUjJI oi^Jj .Joj 

^ ^ «* 4* ^ . 

jl^LJI iJL^i : aS jLi* ( _ ? 1* iSj^z i5*^' oliUJl L*jb 

jl>Jl JUJI cLL) i Jyi] \ l^i (^LJI jSjsi\j ^yrj^- gry 

** ' ^ 

c-^jJL-AS’ J^lSl Jb>-<L^I (1)1 dr* ^i 

*lli S'Mj £f~i O^y***^ 

jZSS I ^ c5 i>- (^a-s^iJl £>J' ^ jljj L» (jS^Jl 

JJuJl cJjU-j dl ^ c-^Ul b\j *v' y~^h* 

oJuJU>Jl cJjLp-jJI t dDi C)L^ 4 

^JLp t 4 jj^j>w<JI ills 4 LJ L$jl*3J 

<J jJLwO 4 4_l^r -a O^UUL«) ^^^J>X_^J| UJ O-aJ-5 4 

sjT ju jiUj» v_ji iji >*ui (sj>»j 

^1 j-iL« Jj«^jj J“^ ^ d^*i (Jc^**~^' 

Lf kjj*si\ ySn uiauj lii Si 1 dj£> ^ '->-* 01 £• - 


l*#i 01 »d r r JlSc.Jl t _ 5 U L^li ol ( ^SUj ^iJl 

4 ULw>-l 4 JL>^0 J g 13-fc I 4 J 0 

{Hopscotch) ^ U5)] Jo^xJl 4 ~LjJ dUdJl <^aJl 

** ** 

{The Invention of the ^ J\ (Julio Cortazar) j\ jL-ojdT j-J js * J 


.[(Jack Hodgins) y World) 

Jr-* ij^ ^ ^1 js~i <-4 

#Jla jL <-il ys>i\ jA y* «. OjuU 


oN jJ^*J! ^ : a2JlJ\ a^JI jJI oli Sll 


» ^L- 5 Jj_v3j C^-*-J> j 0-Laj .< ■ { « .» oLiL-J ijjJL^Jl A-jLlSUI 

A>x-~j J _p-_* ^ 4 aJ^V jH^ f (^ Ma ZS ot ) iJ 

tjjLSUl j .(i-JI jj- AjL^^kj ol tj-«j) jl AlL*j0 j jl Ua^- 1 1 

loW oLS^ i j ^ «~.ll cjI^I ^ .t jl , /3~^ -L> j ^ jJI 


9 9 

* s 


4 1JLJ .£JUul 

tsfljl C iil >LuJl it5 . (28) « JUS ^ i*5^ 

L^j»-Lj| J_»p| iiLij OjL?-jJl /_« l -,a » ; 

Sjj-aII Jit Jl tijUJl jl SjpIj t Lsb 4 Jit U-j tUj^l 
i**ill 4 j15 £s*JI ^iv*i US, ~k Si JSLi Jlp U^AJJl 

J 4f.jJb-J ial>Jl» (Ronald Sukenick) dJL-S^, jJUjj 
^IxjNl JjL«j ^ SJL-j JJJS (oUult« JLp ic-Lla 

(29> «L yn j>- Ja-S^JL SS^U jS A^J 

JxJL s^Lyi ojj-Aj Ua-JJ* J-JiJl jlS J j r >- J j 

** ** 

wXxjU isl J o jj^ jL^? t^^Ul j-p Lui j ^^LJJ JU&Jl 

** ** H H 

j[j I e>l L> ^ L^*Lp J j-*j A*-*il jJl Ua,j jA aI5Iju>JI 

oLiU o-UJl aLU; JjliJl aJJ^JI cP J ^PjJl 

kPjj JjU- t(77ze Temptations of Big Bear) ( _^ii kA^jUS ^-- lj. 

“ ** *4 

^LJaJL dJ-wv^ jl tiJli ^L^l£L*Jl aJL jiaj j <, (Rudy Wiebe) 

JJLj jl LJzj) aJ«p jlSj .aJj_s^ La a^^J^ iil j^JLj 

iiJ Jl ^fiJl ^Jcjl ^ *£)L i^UJl yJikll j ^!>Ul iJiUl 5 J!l 

Jl aJjU^o ^bjl jjj .Ajj^Sjj ajjJ^JI 

oIjLL* J| jUL^I i J-£- A-J»tjjllll ^^Jl A*SI J 

<wja>- LaUJI ^Jl A-<Ja^Jl c-Jai^Jl ( y& dJUi ^ Jj| j) 

/^^LJI ^=-^1 (J J i Jl ^1111 Jl j! . (Cree) ^ 

•* •* » t* ** 

John Fowles, A Maggot (Toronto: Collins; London: Jonathan Cape, (28) 
1985), p. 343. 

Ronald Sukenick, In From : Digressions on the Act of Fiction (29) 
(Carbondale; Edwardsville: Southern Illinois University Press, 1985), p. 46. 




LJl aJojJ ^~5Ul * — JwVjLi ^ySwaLjjJl ^jL^JI jj^^i\ 

^ *r * * ** *♦ 

oUL5Jl ojl*j ijjUa>Jl d ytll l)1 j t <uS*L**» <pL1p ^ yJl 

ool jJl <jl*JL>- ^j_SO>l i 4 la S 3 oLJLSIJIj l g p 

.^li ois a»> c> “j* 

t <Lii ^_p jj j^Ji j j-s^Ji 4 -^l>«-jj t jjJi ^ j-*» ji\ ^ 

A*A jA (J! V-A <_S>^' A^' olkw>^ Ji* l^Jli ii^kjb 

i.b£Jl iil jA~» ^ U«->w» IJu j A* ol U^-LL V j .w^Jtil 


( _ r si>UJl aJlSj *JJ - ^ (L)ls t Ljlj A3 llS" 

U\j*jSji} I jj-^JI J£i JiLiu >UJlj Lj^ 

v ** ** 

( Coming Through i Ji t -vaLJJ i-J-JuJ Jl£*il 4(*jLycJLj 

S. +r ** *• 

ojj-saII £&l t^yaJl olk^wj 4 t y>JlJli jl c J5C->Lo Jl^j Slaughter) 

JJ j5wJl (Jazz) jL>rJl J^J oAy»- jJlj iij y^Jl 4 -il j-P y j-iJl 

** ** 

^A -r -i$l A ojj-sa11 4 (Buddy Bolden) jjjy> 

- ♦* ♦* ** 

Aij <. V'lS 5 A ol >L^Jl « Ju» . (E. J. Bellocq) 


u-Jl ZSj) J\ J>y jt jy^S ^tfll j i#2l\ J iJjJL 

** ** 

jjJ jJ ^_P j IS y>^uJlj c^jLsAJI ( W> jJ (IAjI 

^j^Lw%Jl 3 j yll c 5 ^ ^Jww^aJI jl l AjL^JI ^3 C-aUaJlj jyl>t-$Jl 
^PyjyflJl ^jysA^Jl 4-la-^lyt (nLU^^ — (^ 1 -J ^ 
toSj-b L^-J.S’ J-^1 aJ1 j\ jl j* 

4 1 A ^ ^ Ijf t j^^ww^u V 4-L >^ wv ^ - l l S^LoJl c-->L^P (^ 5 ^ ^ Jai® 

» 4 ^ f. 

ejLftj (^dJl t LsAjI t jLLj-j ^ 

.^Jk»Jl JbuU SjU. 


l5A' AiA A fA 4 ( Camera Lucida) ^ j 
<>gj>y i+il jj-rt ^A c^b y.y^ 

^•ii, ^PyyiLll ^ys<aJl io^lj>«Jl 4 1 (_5^^ 


j j H 6| c ililjjJl JuyLo iil jJ*Jl <JL>t* ^ 


jl *-aj aUI ly> f-*fJ 

L«-Sj ^^JLp ojl <uli 4 Ja at oJu>-l j o jA dJUS 

t ^-9 ®.1 }Lla p^-JLJl d)LS^ uJiJ)) \ ojL) JjJL 

Uj tiJLA \zy>r y* OlS" U i>w? J-p JpL^j <Li1 ^p jj jjlll ojj^aJU 

Oj^o 61 4 <u*JJl Lg-LP ^JLjJaj dJUJb ^ jJLj j 4 4 JLLoJ 

^^LJl J-d^J aJL^j d4dj^> j_a j i 4^ojLJI <il ^LuJl 4_JlS 
aL^jJI oIa Jl jj o*>ULu> Jl 

w ^ ^ oi 


l-U j ^(87) «jjU>Jl ^ ojl^JiJl)) ojiA 4j»*^!AJ (j I 
U US, ^JJI i _yJbU-! ji^Jl J-U=J|_, ^yJUuJl ^jdl 

jl oalal ^yJl ,_y* ,y^U-; U-j-«-ll ijj^l cJlS' -Li! tUlj 

** 1* 

4 C-iJUl <lijj jjjj *U~jLoj ^Jl 5^1 jii\ Lsiul jJJ JU ^^dljPjjjjlJl ^*l i 


^ L/2jI Aljld>Jl Jj*jU Ail^idl oj^J ^jlll ^-woJCJl I Jlfc jJ& j 

i ) L> ia-w>w<Jl Jud^jJLJ 4 *JLs ^9 o->ldJl 

** •* 

^ coU JISUN jj-U- JlSUl oU L. AJ\j*jjjM}\ jj-aJU 

Jl« <ii» Ji j^i\j 4±-j£j C~£ 

** *+ 

jj*pa)Ij jl AaJJU ^Jdj»JlJlj 4 j^ L« jliAJLaJ Jl>j>cj J-^ 4 AjIx^JI 

* m * 

. <C-O^LwJ L<»jli Ajj 4 (JkXtJ L«j1i9 

oJl^J ^1 4^^261 Ji\j^ JboUJl 61 

“ lP^ 1 J 0 y >- ^yiil 4 ol <*ixjjLi!l jliMl ?jaJd>t^Jl 


l^J>y ihA j\ oUL j\ ^ oU.Ua oJl St ^1^- 

(.UJl t 4 -Lo*J Ui j^rrij J^* — !l U-J» - Ual ji-yji 

Roland Barthes, Camera Lucida: Reflexions on Photography , (30) 

Translated by Richard Howard (New York: Hill and Wang, 1981), p. 76. 


i 4****JuSLa cJl 4 */? « ^ o^Ia j^Jajj 


L>-b ^_9 o jJiLwo ^3 Jl^J> 4 UL^t t j t t cjLo jlS-«^ 

** •* 

* LuL L. j . (Collage) ii^Ju ^ jJ US 4(J il >Jl yJJl v U*iJl 

«• - *• ** 

4 ( * 4 Jl ^JIj^JI o~U J'J 51 dJUi 4 JJliJl l j^JL ) j k -J» y, I 4 JS 

ft j J ^ *J 4 Lj 1 j JL^J ?^UI O j-*J iijlll j|jJL« I jJfcj) 

«* ** 

C->L)Ua>-j t J^aJL jIjS/I ( j i a^a^i\ oJlA ^ x <*3 j>- 


at > ,4 : .,r3 .,<3^il 4 JLOI J 4 4jijljJJ { J^ j\ 


Up4 LJ aJSxJ c J ^Jl Hi ^jil |JL» JS3 ij-a-Vl 4*-=Jl 

11 1 ** M ^ 

jSU- e^S .LlSUil p\ AkJ {Apy Jaii J, «, JI>JI dJU3 JLp 
** .Ua U (ttl >JI dUS Ja Jilj) Jjiw,fe)1 ib£ll Ll; <jt 

/^p c— »-<>Jl d~~*Jl» : (Cover's Uncle Sam) 



>LJI jSlJbLl jbuU JJUiJl 

lj-A t jl o 5 -saaJI 


twsJLxl UaJ*>- Lu^l l^jl t 4 j N ji 

^u&s^>cjo iliS^ jl t (Pastiche) S^>-L* oj^aj ^ i^l jUl 

I o,ilp Oj^xj U>L; 40 j>~ ^jl >%ja 

^ A^iL JjuU \jjSja alp au-J ^ 

oiji^J_<j! ^3 L^-aLj ^1 J^>Ji j_«jLa jj JLL t^j-iJl jL>two 

I 4 JI (^ 5 ^^ ^uLi<^-'l cjL^Ju'b/l «Jjlj jL^-laV ^ys^L^JU ^ « J J ^ l l 

/ . \ ** '—'• - 

(Abigail j ^ j-p - oUJL^jj . ^LpjjLJl a 5 l l 

(Duchamp) jLJij^ i_,jJ|ju>. jl 4 4_*_jr r Jl Solomon - Godeau) 
IipLa jl j^p . ®La^!*Xp| a^jI Jj>- j_«jLo 4ojjs>b>*Jl^ Sjl»cqJI 

^J-L 4 <^>UJl ^\ jl^ScJl 

** ** 

Abigail Solomon-Godeau, <<Photography After Art Photography, » in: (1) 

Brian Wallis, ed., Art After Modernism : Rethinking Representation (New York: 
New Museum of Comtemporary Art; Boston, Ma: Godine, 1984), p. 76. 


i>^' %jrl ^ J\ UxjjUV Ail US .Lib 

Cr* ty »- 5 * A 4^~~D a5L^ ^y> ^i»L»Jl 

t i^jjUl Itli^Jl t dUi ( j_e- L*^ jjti jlaLJLo 

OpL>- c-ij5 ^1 JU-^I J-^-LU i ll^p j-r* 

gSLJl ^ Uj iUL, J-U; JlSLit ^ aJUJI J^jJI JULll 

. i^*^Al>- S )1 1^ 4j jl I ^jA J^JLi ^zJl 4*J>-^j^0 I 


aJLs^Vl iL^UJl LJLJVI LjU.1 j & I o>jjUI ajL^JI (.jlij 
J^jLj .iLSLLJl j dJJUdl aJL»— I J\ Lijisaij bl yJ\j iL^Jl 
^i,i i ^ * j i^ ~ > ~ _ ^LiVl bUI JISLiSlI ^ JSLi j|l JL.J _ UajjUl 

LUas-yi 5JJL) iu-iJl jij tayUlj t>J Ul Ail ja JU»Sll 


oLjc« JJL® <1)1 N I JLa j .didJU ;(ajjL>cJJI oU»xJJa_vs2_AkJl j 


f. A A ' ^ f, 

<J j>^>- ^la V <1)1 j <■ IaAx>*^ Iju jl^- ^j^a <ul t ojlaj 

A--.L— jljjl J^-*j bijjLJl 61 uJj-Ai oL*iS6j .viUi 

J* aJ^JLJI o^JkJl c~J oIa 61 tJj^Jl ^1 ^b Vj .J-JUJl 

^ 4_JIwL>- jujUI (jl jA ^JujbJU <. 4ll Jj>*J| AxjLo Lo^jLJl 

4_P jli j 4-JJjJ^ C ^jjLU ^jA L " J ' ^ 

ljy > Jcjl LjJUiS' iiUiJ yb 11 a jtj J-o 

<Lj1j^J 1 x*jLa Ip jjUI <1)1 ^LdLJl <1)1 i^l t dlS .jj-saJL 

t (Jl^ll ^ijLu ujl ^LP^l <Jl£ll ^jA 

l^_5v^ll yS’ A^LwmJIj t_dl ^LpVlj) ^JLj l*jj 

<UjlJL>tJl JbtjLo (l/^^-^l ^jr* 1 j-*-* dl olL<iJl (j-*j 

<JljJ La L^jI j^Jl (w^-mJI (1)1 (jllj * 4-ol5* 

. 1 j>x^*S\j plS^Ul /J^-* j^S' <1) jl!l (^} jL^dL <p j,a„*&.a 


^JJUj aL^o <1)1 L1p <1)1 La^H° UjLIjI ll^Lwo aIj ol j+& 

<1) jA Jl Jl5Ldl <l)l^j t oi^J^s-^Jl Lp jjUU dj jL*ll dil 

_ ^ £**\ j (_£JU LgJ LijjlJl ol luLo jjjj-i-oJ' 


^ Jl jA l« ciilj {y> 

*0 * 0 ^ 

JjAj c jj^wL>- fj*-) t^UJl £ja xjJI x$ . L Jj>- Lai j+>~\ 

I J^IJlsJl Jbula 
** *• 

^ P p 

d)lj t l^jlS'Lp^a Lajl>*j oJjj-i!l (1)1 ( ^ws e jzjla t ipjli 

- ^ ; IJUg_£ Li® JA (1)1 jJl (l)!A^>s^-*-« ij^j-illj oX>*Jl 0 j-A 

0^1 l ^jjLS" ^L-*>tjl j L)Lft-L^t jjlp aip f'lijJl 

** ***- 

.LjS Iplil J (1)1 c-^j lil iLftUJ All ^1 ^Jl .JaA® 

^jVl ^1) (Pastiche) ^JLi JluJl 

iJUI^-Jl <JIjl*JI JUoLJ <^U5» ( >LJI i^JUJl 

£0 j 4 4 jc« AjjI 1 J ^s^LftJl (3L^-* t (Jc® 5Jj*X>«Jl 

i<L j L i fi^LoVl isL&Jij <w?jLcuJl ( jjiJl J*>- cLlli 

N .S>UI La jjLJI jt $ jt* -< 16 ) 

«• ** 

U&y Lf^J t UgJ -L ^dl LLuill ^LJI <jL~» JISLil 

V* ** 

(.yy 31 J- 4 '-*-; - (*jJ' t l _^Ul kiUi ys- ULsoaiJl £3l^j 'Jc] 

l ./,“. a Ja->- 1 . g t iaJlJL<iJl!I (JISwpVI vLLLJ (Jj->- >(Jl ^jjllll i — 
~.jLJl dJJi a!joo (J^l ytj <. ji-L. 0*^1 tUj tilt* 

(liJJj tj^>L>- jl j_yWLp>-) ^>- $j>-j ^-Ip (_s^ j •i ' 3 ' e i .Ajli 

dJU j\y\ y» LJlj aL‘Ijl>JI -W* W->JjM' JULS^f 


{The Name of ^ aJ^jjUI oUiiLJi 

{Manuscrit Trouve a Saragosse) ® j t (Eco) j_SL_j^! /Ae Rose) 


Jjji jUj5 oLU5j t (Borges) J-«-*j (Potock) 

4 (Coena Cypriani) (Ik (Conan Doyle) 


oLLiLJlj q,r? (?ll jl Jli^J APjJJLo iJj-P oL jLo^J 

Hal Foster, ed.. Recordings: Art, Spectacle, Cultural Politics (Port (2) 
Townsend: Bay Press, 1985), p. 127. 


0 jjk j-A A-L*-Aj LaJ t <Lj^A^\J| 

Lo : J t4jkJl Jl oLjuN j\ 4^_olSI iyj ^ ^t£1 

^****^ — L^-L^>mj Aw^Lw^Jl JLjJI ^A s L<-ALwo1 

<J £ J ^L>tjL^lj _ ^Lj)/I isLoJlj JL^-Jt^l 

a-oIj^JI JajLo d^L^dLijl 

* *• * 

SjL jl tJ^iJL aJLSLJI jSUj t^JUjJ aJuIJL» JX l^rjSj 

^J-2j A-^sxjjljdl ajj! L y^j (jL^^Vl ( j- 4 a-JL>- 

( USA Trilogy) (Dos Passos) ^ ^*1 ^ j* oMi! Vjc~j> jjiip aJj 
l ""^ y“ j-® l«i* jl .J^-ljJl fy~0 j^Jl olS ijiVl 

<_5~^J 1 J jj-^^ ^-; Aj^^dl <LjIj^- JlxjUI o^IpI ^yj 

A-^jUl ajlIjI >L^ jJ ^JUi^ t LfrJli v^jjLJI SjLJI cJ .Li 


Lg.L^*.u~j cL^jli ^j-^L ja As^y^^j .{Ragtime) 

Ls^U^I oL Lui jj«co Jp J5ol j_aj .Uw jj y£i 


J-£l-P (jLajJ^P j\ (. ^jl t J-j j J& (JliLal -, **r } j\~ 
4-a. y L > *Jl c—iJj-) jl ( y£L^j L>-P a^j jjJuJl jJr UjLSlil 
^XjJl 4^>-lj^Jl ^jA < j^yS aJIJL^I JL*jL« I j_J^Lp lojjUli 

Jij .Laj-«Jjj ^cjjUI J-JUJ JLSLil o ji J_p jlS’Jj <0*1 J iolpl jl 
4 jw JUcJi Jl i>-UJLj ^JjUI Jjco ^^SLuJl ^UxpVI Ijla _p^ 


i-ulJj>- JjuLJL ^UJl ^t£'jA Jl ^^-s^aiJl xiljJl» t^-s^UJl J 

. Ij^jjIj t <LUL*j t tUI l# I 

<UaS iwU^- wbj Jl ( Chatterton ) jJjLtJ JLaJ j 

j * /3;l l ^Ja^» Jl Jkl^Jl AJ Lg-L^*i $ J >* J aIJIJL>J| JbuLa 

Craig Owens, «The Allegorical Impulse: Toward a Theory of (3) 
Postmodernism* Part II, » October , vol. 12 (1980), p. 67. 


A-JLSlidl <■ 1 *4?^ t Sj^h 

^jbdl ^ is Ai (Chattertori) j .<JjS>-\ iJ^o Lg-i^L^ j tLijjLU 
4^aj U-Jj c LwA .io^Vl oU^Jlj o^LJl LpjjLJl ^j_pj J-JujJI j 
J“* ((J-^J 4 i*jl JJl t jUl ^ 5 ) j* 4(jljJ-*Jl 

Oj-iJl j-pIa 4 (Thomas Chatterton) j y jJLU ^Lo jj 
^ LfJl J-J <^1 JJ L a-i l l _ «oLLSi>Jl jJJL «)) j 

^ Jjj 4<Ua-ftJl Jj-i»j .^^la-^jJl UjjiJl ^ ^jJLp »w^aIj 

1770 *Ip 

1 jL>wol o jJ tl)l 4 jJl S ^t_> jlj 

ci J-V^l c-^LlU ^^ykiJl Jl*-Jl IJLii) 0 J JUP OjIiSI ^ 

** t* 

>4* : jUL Jj c^»Jj miUS SlJLi t(^jj2UJl jJLi)l (jij 

,j0 j-«J 4 — ^-> <j!jlx» j-p *ioL>w j-SCJj JjL>wL»I c— w j*J 
o.bJl ^ C~*J (J jj <.5^1 i^opj »U«j- (VD) JL.U: 

^oU^S' <>waj Aj‘U j A" jJaJ tlitAJsl S^JLp 

4(^J^l 4 ^ : lg , P <iiU L,/g •/?* 4-J~P (J J^M-lj 4 Jijjx-fl 

** *• ^ 

. (William Blake) cLL* 5 Vj ^»LJ j JLpI pj| ^15 

«>* A-A 1 ^-aJ' A* cr^-A' cr^J^I 

4-laJl dJJi ^ L>j t <UP olil j>* J*>U (j-plj Lib JiaJ A-aSJI 

(Henry ^-Jlj 1 *w>j jA I «j y J>\^ <UaUJl oj a ^ A a ll 

** ^ ** ^ 

A* ^ LiJ, < ^ 1 -^- LjJ (/Jlj ‘A* oA> A Wallis) 

Jij .(George Meredith) 4 luJb^o ^t&l : yh jl ^ 

cJj^S JjJ-*-; .SJ^Jl Ju»^J LJU Ua->- iiJ5ilJl O- jJJl ojjh o ji j 
(jip 0 j-s^L*-« ^.Ulj ^Lp J-aljJl { J^J jja]\ Luk 5 

<>“>J ^rj t^jJl (Charles Wychwood ^ j j_JJ j jJjLJJ) Ua-jl ^pLt 


•«XaaJ| dkXA ^il v d .., ^ ^ 

wiutfj V" 1 * Auu-I tjJjLy Ju^p tJ-An J SJikJlj 0 >LJ 1 

J-®-^ i>L.S/l ^JlP j JLxJuML) 


yiJl ^jS' 4-L*^*>- a^Ljl^j jL^-JM <jLlS” 

^rjj cJlS’j .^^Jl^j ^y?l>Jl jyyLL> J-i<w 
*X^j» <. 131 ,4_ajLLoJI *\ j-4-H ^9 J& 4-lLs^ aJLI? jj» 

ir*J ‘®'j-*J <o'UIj^- j* 4 J-Udl ^a 4_vi jl! I oJLa *aj|jlJ1 


jylil O^XaP (_5^ 4 ^-9 jlsJJj ^ili 4 AjLJI^o^ 

** 4 * •* 


L- 4> _*.*wO - * Jl jyyLlJ JJl J 4 £-ldl 

j*J 4 ^fJJi j>-\ ^yLj y&Uaj|)) 4<(^i^^jJl y>Ul» 

.tJl^yJl ^Jl^>*jI jl ^Ja.l.»l Ul» ! Jld3 4 Lw* I ^pLJj o jj j_^2j ySj 

.(138 j 2) ftciyjl ji ^k*-l M ^-p 

4 U*. L*2i\ J 1*15 AijJJUlj i^aJl JJUJl JISLst CJ15 

yJl tt \ yJl (j^j-A j^J} ii j-*# j~Jl j-w*j jJl yo Ifrju 


^.4-Li^fc^J 1 < » | . j^jjJLJLf c*> J-JL*J Mtfj j(5j . ^j_JL_Jl 

j!5 (_£ jjl twol^Jl jl5 wLlJAS'^ 4 4 »/2 tf ll i^jljlJLlil 

U15 4 iijb^ ^ I j jl5 Ujl^J : (Model) ^ LL jJl .1 jl 

^ . jt oUfll ^ - JjUdl ^ JUJI Jili. Ju^\ & jL\^_ 

c~JS «LJLJb- olil i^» jUJ Ua L^-lS jylSwJl ol 4^1 
jl ^ 0 ^>-Vl <Ly*t-wJl AjL^Jaj ^IxjjJl £3 1 ^jl ^ Jij j 

jl .*>Vi 4^iUJlj Lol 4 ^jJJ 4 Jy^Jl Jl 5 wl 

dLU Loj JL*J ^>i ^Ij y* U jt -JUuJl ^ 1^1 JJlj ^1 

«* ** •* 

(byy LU) ^yuk > Jl jSl LJjj>- OJb_^. -U^jUj jl Ml 


; iJUl AJa>-!>LJl l£^I 4 OJu^9 Sfl yfc j| C^^l 

4i^ U jl Jil jJj 4 ^ jjt L 4^11^ oUlSjl jl cJli jlaJ» 

^ (Rowley) Jjlj vl^l^l Jj>J1 ^ "> 1 1 U ^Li jli- jlaJ . JJj- 


( _^s <w«aIj (_$l ( j^° ji5l oLp- 4^9 d-ol5 C jjji “ . - la Hi »lj*Jl 

Peter Ackroyd, Chatterton (London: Hamish Hamilton, 1987), p. 2. 



j y y LiJ jl jJr Jj>-j Ui jl£ Jsl*J I djjH\ 

L^.l I> <-> L$-L®lSy aj^j aJL>- JL>- jlL) .aJ^LJI oJl$_> 

/ ^ArftUo Ail 4 <J>Jlj , 4 jL* 2 j j ^JUJl JL>- JL*j M ^pLlJU 4 . . . aJ 

JjJjJLLj Oy JJlJ J.U- tdJJi 4-~1 j L^jj 

Ail ^ Ap L^b Iaa . aLjl^j ^*.p aoUJI 

>~j . jLS^ .( 157 ) ® j^j yLJLlJ ^jA*JL>«J 1 


- ^yn y*j - J~*-t ^ y~-iJ ‘ o y jiLi; <. <uL*J ^s<5 
: Jjii ipjli ut aJp jl *-»yu _>)jLiJ jl jJc. .aj-j^J JJIj Jju: 

dr* 1 ^-* l «— * jIj -La® i U.& jj^l ol *A vail ^J Ul_j il_v*®l_j IjUk J# 

jr 4 P^J - < 169 ) *(*■*> J*J ‘ p 

oli^Ua. ^ jj ijz IS ^LSou! ol j^L iuli AsaaJI oJla oIjiap jl 

** ^ 

‘dhr^-^L* 4 ^lJj>Jlj 4 JL>^MI J^-p j-SJo aJ j_L>^o il^jj 

Ajli ^^LJl *, rt a l l j jJjJLU 2 j ~* j L^mLLP .Aj^>s-mJIj 

JLr^L? ^y^l j-!l A>-j^> k^j^LJI ^bul ^LpI» t^LS" U^J 

j^l 4 j l a ,.** ^3 <_£y ! j jj jJLJLJ a^jL5jl> Li j^JJ 

+* ^ 

4 aXjLwj A*jIS A^-P-lj AAjjJ a_jj . ^ ^ j$JLs*?l JL>s-1jNI (jjLs^>l 

^ I J^JI j! jl; jj <ol 4 j^ 

aaL>*-<JI a-J^jjLJ| JJUjJI JlSLil I^aj jj*>j 4 jJjLU ^^LliS’l Jii j 

LLLi^A I j_pLj l i./jT cJL 5 Ajli ftjrr - ' J^ )} jl 4 j y jiUtJ oL>J 

4 >1 t^JlS' L^aiLu e^LiSCJl JL>-I oQa>%a Ja-wv^l jl _^- .' UUj 

^ ^ 4 ( 127 ) J-Uj 'y 4 IJJ 

Jl a^jJL 4 AoIjj>JI j^jU aJUJI jl ,^^ 1 >J| ^^UJl 

** ** 

| ~~®'-Jl liL*J)> ;(_ 5 jjj>Jl Jj^ill 5 JL?- LgJU l ^ a ./> j ^j^oj 


.157 f jA t<u*wd® jJUaII ( 5) 
.87 j-L^ail (6) 

N J OjSijJ 4 j-wP ^-4-0 . * • ^ 

. La^JI JSU^I b\ ^\ .(213) «?ii j*A J ^>y£i 
Jjuj Jl^Ldl <jU toVU^ol j-p ui-JLSu _ oil* iLSLlJl 
oUKlL iwu)l .obis' j>So- <JU>JI o^Jl 

<u>o j^>J yo Ijl$jo~« J-Jlj Raju^jB ^iil dUS yp 

.(sL><Jb ajuJS) 
• \ 

J ij> o* Jr^' oUjtyj Lfc j* j\ 


iJLLd i y>\ yi\ *% ^^UJL j«J>l>*}\ iajjJ 4-L *s>j£ L^jjUI <Ji^>y 


4a*%J\j IJlJ ^p 0 y-L* i^ai y 4 !^ioi 4 (J j^aJl jl c£>*-Ut <■ 

( Nights at the jJjlS t>L->«Jl <u*ai aJUsj <1)1 J->*J {Leda and the Swan ) 

ZjLa*- Jj U1>o iil j>- Jl*J jJi- ((Fevers) iijycJl) Circus ) 
oNl JjiJl O yill iLil»» <■ «isw>lj 

4*J <l)j^> bo (^iJl 4 00>-^b 

{Pericles) L^aJai olS’U^o y* ^yJl a-^aJJ 0 ji^LJl <1)1 .(25) 

** ♦* 

jJlJ> J-*-P Ud' j-^j 1415 4 {Gulliver's Travels) L&ij 4 {Hamlet) j 
4 jl oLjjp *b*o Ls^Lp SjIpo c^j 4 tf LoJJ^p (Yeats) 

Ula twJLSJl o^JL?- j-* 4 4_j y» aJj_*JI oXa)) : 4 J j«aj 

JlSbdb y-L* O-bb lJufc : (69) K^UaPj iJU JLw»l lya 
^ju Uj i^UJl kllJ\ JISLit jt iJLiiJl JdUJl 

LxiL" ^d» Jd^Jl i-U- ^ IJU OLJ>l . « jJl» 

LijjlJl ^^“j, iJ-p 4 4 ^s^lypl 4o^>-L^Jl 

t i^jUltj i^jL'*>Ul (Pastiche) jiuuUt iiku J\ ^iJbJl J^ub. 

Angela Carter, Nights at the Circus (London: Picador, 1984), p. 286. (7) 


aJslsL^^o j 4 * ^nXp (1)1 *X-> j! ySl j*-J 

dJjjl L# ,J^9 ce iiULllI o j^JLww^a <Jljj lo ^s^LoJl ^Xx.-oJJ 

•* ** 

Ld jjUli t4ljlJL>tJl a^jLo lo jjLJl j 4^jL»«oJl cLLIj y y*.<cJl 

** V « t* * *4 ’»/ V • ■«/ »-/ ^ ** i v ♦* ** 


t*C. > " Cl « t 4j JuL J 4j jJ>- Oj J-./2-) J I. 4^j| JjSxJl JLajLo 


ULji^ ^ ( _ r $i ^ aj^SI j! ( _ j -^>L<J| ^1 

•4 tt 44 4% 

AjdjjLil *wujJli L-LCaC JtOL 4iLcJl o L jLm?1 jxs\ 


t^yu LJLjw>c <> LoLo LSLSotJ ajJlSJ a!jIjl>sJ 1 JiiuLo 

4* 4* 4* 


oj^i i-k^j ,jjl ^ el jij J~^JI :> t a^LJ 

(Pierre jLj l*jl ^ip bj* 1*^1 j^l, yi t^.UJ tSjn^ 

t* ** 

IajLcpI ^>L^I qj-^j t^-Jl <• ji^LJl tjiil j*JLp Menard) 

I J jAj 4 AXa Aj V *jA ; Cl, JbJl -UjU i ^ ioj _,UI 


jl jXJ y>C3 t 4j jA jA J oy^jA t Oj y^> J5j 4 4*35" JS# 


6JL>-lj M 4 4P y£j* j yjP J <U3 *Ua 3 ^1 C~~J O-jJUl 

'jA 4^-jJUli t A-s^jLjCLoj 4^-jLoJLo JJ-10 4 4-JL^I L^-Lo 

jjfc JLfcLLJlj . . . V iililU y <y> SJuCw^ ol~*cl<Jl 

o^ic ^Jl cL-LcJ^l A5" l 4 ,U jljlJ ^J1 

** 4* 

. <8) «^e i)|jua ^ ^ cioj^jJI 

j jJuL i^UJl W^JJI Jy ^\ Li! Oj^. Uj c^j 

iijjJaj a_c_x_^ iJLi Jw^_p j-S'JLj (wiiSC j*J c (Egon Schiel) 
c j^+jCS _ yiJLj -W?UJ| cJl j_P Vl c J-! ‘*>-1— 

.dJLL S Jht ^Jl c^jLil^ 

(The oLLwvw^Jl ijdjjLJl (Mark Tansey) iijL> o-jJj 

Sherrie Levine, «Five Comments, » in: Brian Wallis, ed., Blasted (8) 
Allegories: An Anthology of Writings by Contemporary Artists (New York: New 
Museum of Comtemporary Art; Cambridge, Ma: MIT Press, 1987), p. 92. 


^ (Paulus Potter) JJsJt JjLjJ t Innocent Eye Test) 

t (Young Bull) j «a H jjJJl 0 -^ 4 1647 


0 jJl jl j-y^ 0 

fjj}\ J-iiSft i| tSjij j* - 1 $jL d^Lfj t IA 4 J 

jjk ^ J t (Bullish) w>UJl» jJl di-A ^bfo ^ J-s*^ 

Jo * >JI iSSo-Jl >LJ» J* J -^ 1 


5-ck^Jtj) .J_JL*jJI i-JLLlj StfU^Jl oUjJa-J 


oJLA .(ijpL* Oi^ j-tf - Ow) «jJai;» ^Ll! t oj^L>«JLi J 

< si j&\ i A iLjtiljJl « si jS-\ c— il»j iSj^-L^ ililJL?- JuoLo LjJjjLj 

.« U-^uJl «-L-j Jd»Jl JLi~" jljrii 5j« Lf-^i 
(_g jjIjl>JI ( jj&Jl j* JL^J IjuL- Ua-o-i Ls^ljI LojjLJI oJL£j 

t(T. S. Eliot) Oj-Jul .0 oLLlS' ^ is^U«j t (Modernist) 


t (James Joyce) t (Thomas Mann) jL> ^L*jJ j 

c^jj-pL«j c (Manet) ^-JL t (Picasso) j— ^LS^-j oL> j-Jj 

^ * LojjLJl o Lsiijl 1 ^-a t (Magritte) 

M ** 

jl, .U-$J5 4- 

* dUi 4 

i *u>**j\ .IajL^JI (JI^a****! 

** ** *4 

^ 4r^ ^UJl J* 

t JU- JS JLpj .JduJl (oJUlJI j) tf>Ull 

yS\ cLajjUI JU*x^ jSS 1 jJtJl ^ otf_,> Ui 

<u^».5>L^j <L*jI-L>- a^_^o j oJlS ’i^lJL»Jl jl J Scu 


(V 54J' ^ C5» ‘ (•-fj 

^txJ (_g jJl!I aj^jI Jl>JI «ib l j/n j j ^JJl d*->L* 

.oJLi Ldb i»3>JU cJiSn Jlp tAiUJl jl ^l=i-Vl 

aaLcuJ! 4 j i_j ( 5 _^jIjl^JI oLs^>l^il jl 

j, JduJl 1 5^* V ,Jl! ' aJ^-^Ij iasL-JIj 


j'jjLi b 5 L^JLP pUaJtJl ^3 jJ 4 _*j! J_>- JUoUJl c« 3 1 la »l c^> 

'.y&jy (J ^jL> <LilJl>eJl Jl*jLa Lo^jUl 

L^Ja>o 4 j^jIJ->bJ| ^plj^a ( 1 ) 1 ® 

^Lul iJL*J «4JU-IJCuJl Aw?LJi» 4jctJa.ll *jjyJ> oU jJ\ 

jjb ®£jjLll# <1)1 ^jJ?j^JLi (jl LjjjjJLfc-J JL*_) ^_1_3 b^b*-oJl 


4*JUL«jdl c^Lw^jL^sJl <~*£ jA ^ L>- ® L« ^>o ^1 p s^^^a 

iJlSLij © j_p ju La c-iJjj lLJUj t ^ ^Jl c <ws?L>oj _ La j*pL*j ^ydi 

. < 9 ) « f * 0 ll JSL-j» 

(_$* Aj^JjLJI iJLl^Jl oUwl oJlA olJLA*J Ajjj 

•* ^ 

(*-* b*C-b. jl IjjjL; X~t- ^\ ji- y yA\ yyO^\ 

^Japi jJSj .^^LpVI ^JuL *hj jj^a^ I L&SI jj>*JL **»1 


\jy& jJ y <UljP y jjiJl jyA^\^ (1)1 y& (^Jll t 1988 ^lp j& 

Lip y o\S (jJLJlj) (Photographs Beget Photographs) «a-J 1 jP^J^i 

■ ,-,r •* 

\Xy? { j^a < ((Minneapolis Institute of Art) yaU ^ y~^y J L^ca 
4-d-*p b jP^j ^"^1 It jLb <LO^jLJ| .X*jL*Jl 4^*JJ 

jj^3 (J^JjLo aJL 9 Jl3 j . >LSLjj b Lwdp L>c-^>t-vP LjJjLi^ 

o ^JL p e~*» (Hollis Frampton) u ^al y y* j (Marion Fuller) 

^^Lp (L$_L^J^ L^j1jJ»-xj) $ t7 k^jLjJI ^JJLjJI® ( j-« oU-obL**-* 4***»lji 
^LJ^I j^JUJl Ji^Jl ^ oj y^LJi\ (Muybridge) oL-lji 

^jp JJaLp olp 4 jjio) 


l^jll>-l O^jLli (<S^^>tJl 

j*oT J^Jl JwoP J^a JU J3 l^Jl 4 -jI j& y j* oUjJLl 4 j ^^Jl! 

(Jim ^(JohnPfahl) JLIj 0>-^) b (Ansel Adams) 

Victor Burgin, ed., The End of Art Theory: Criticism and Postmodernity (9) 
(Atlantic Highlands, NJ: Humanities Press International, 1986), p. 204. 


tlwJwj-S'j t i-JU o (Pfahl) JLLj (Weston) j yL** j J\ (Stone) 
^jJl j..., 1 » LVita c— IIS’ j i ((Kenneth Josephson) o 

*• ** 

L^_>L> l $ k -a 7 LojjLJl oJlJL^JI i jJajJl 

1JU» JJL. J,J1jl*J| JLujLo -J^\ O^i LiujUV 

aJ^c- ^ >XaLL<JI ojS'lij ^1 ^jU ^ -k^wJ kajjlJl 

^ ^ ^Lk y i ( j^woi *,a <» iij o^Lpi 

o^L*Jl (^jlJI ^ ^ ^ — a j 

* ** « 

: Jli Ujlp t o jijj tJJLJi ^ IjjU V 

(JL*, AAi\ j^Lp (Ji-U ^a/2l/ 3 l»P ^^P 0 *>L®^Ap LmmJ 4j ^ ^ * 1 1 )) 

^iljJl c3ji j-^Jaj <jjjJl ^L^^AJl (Ego) UVl 

U4-. JSJ ^j-Ul ^J^Jl ^ Jjiu j! 

** » 

^ * * 
t 5 » 'jj - 5 i^Jd (*-S^ <->i Ji .(Aporia) 

Jj l*> SjAaJI Lf. fljxJVl J^i V iki- a£j 

oL-J)fl oUjJI J_^s/ ajJlaJ iil . ^ ojJLaJl 

. (10) «aJIp 

JLUS (. la : Ja )L>j 4 ^JLaJ 4-*jIJU>sJ| JL*_>Loj 

4>-j^ll i^LJI 

4-pLws^ LojjUJ t A-JLoJlJI 

*¥ ^ 


.<J-P p-S^j U j-4-Uj ^^£9 : i^Lw* ^TJ^y 

Dominick LaCapra, History, Politics, and the Novel (Ithaca, NY: (10) 
Cornell University Press, 1987), p. 128. 


t <U^oLj.>.Jl i~-il . Aii l . '.-l i 

*j£ ‘o^ ^ J\ Jfc 

♦* ^ 

L> ys-Lj> UsLjjl iaJj^Jl ( jjjJ| ^Jl l 1 .}>,\ 

& & if Ui-ii t^u f Jii ji >s o! ur .^u^-Vi 

* Vt-^jjJbSlI ^ Uwc~Jl UUiJl UbU* .1JJI ^Jl 

** ** ** 

d>\ jW^j JlSLil ^ j~** *wi;So 

ya>*iJ 4ij^t ol LojjUU ^y-S/i Jl£iSfl y> 
^j^jJl Ifi^p ^y t—aSjj LjI j JJL ) j . a^L^-^JI dJLL 

n~tj>w}\j JU-jJl j^y* <vaS hbS Xju ( Cassandra ) 

t ^U-4-1 ^Lp 4 Aj^LygJL^I LtLwwtfl <LoJljL« o^?-L» 

(Bosporus) jj^L-j-Jl ^1 tijU^Jl Jj-^jJl JJL.) S-ilj^ 

^wa-aJl q, <3 s 1 .L*S i4_)*>L_a ( j^Jj 1 oJ_?-lj kjjjSij 

‘“"’Wbj"^ l g ' i X>- 4 _^^Jl oiljjJa *L^»jJ 4 _wQ *Jl oLjj^Jl jp 

•• ^ 

. j^jLjjJl 4 j jJ^^Jl 4jyJ| yJl iw<k^JUJlj iJ^jjllIl 


(Oresteia) JJL. _ Uuj cw> ^ <^>4 ^j-aJ 


(Herodotus) 4 (Aeschylus) 

(Goethe) a_J> j — * — S {Faust) c- «*jLi j 4 (Aristotle) 

Oj-£j L» LJ^J - (Schiller) jJLJL^J ( Cassandra ) 
aJLL» ^y ol j 1*5 j .ajL£J! SaUI yZ y> yt> (aJI jU&^I j!) 

IjJJL- 15 ^ c-Jii jl yJl) {Condition of a Narrative) 4 -*aS 

tyJl 4 IjJJL^LJ 4 A-s^li»- 5 j j-yg > 4 (jJaJJ ^ ^®Ajj^J| 

JLw^j 4dUi 5 j*>Lpj .<jS +# : 1 jj-SsJ j*J ^yo ^JL 

Christa Wolf, Cassandra: A Novel and Four Essays * Translated by Jan (11) 
van Heurck (New York: Farrar, Straus And Giroux, 1984), p. 161. 


L$-»Vj) IjJ-iLwoLS^ O-JLS • *■— 1 ' ^ jj 

i£j** ^ c 5 ^ 4 *\ j*£}\ J^l>* ^jA OjIS* 

JVJ- ^ VI IjJJL.LS' V LJ % .(287) «(4-Jl 

^j^Jl l^JLu; b\i 1I4J iojS JLJI SJLuJl JlSLiVl 

.UJ? (jJL?- tciili Ji* j-ft j 

^ !»»*>> t„)l kX^iLj c l f * 1 1 jl t ^-aJI l _ ^3 

** ** ** 


! (Malen) <J . ( j-wi>*Ji 

c^I j-^-d ‘d 6 , m ^ f'-*' ^^ )} 

pL^jJI jJiJ t^A^Sj c^^pVI JjLw-j *L*J1 jj >,<-3" tfrL^jJl 

J^dJ S J^ * o^ 1 ^d ^ Jl 

U t 4^3 Lflj A^JLLoJ JISLil 0 J_A |» la ^0 - (^J-%*w>bJ 1 (Jl-4->«-U 

. (12) «i5^. , L oU c I 

♦* ^ * * ** 

JL*jL» 4j3^jL> C1^LsP"c*jI J~-*\ C->UUjaJl l» 


I4J jij JJj LJUiJl J_JujJ! JlSLil £ijU ^1 SjLi^J iL'^ 

^3 Lg-^-LS" t (_£ J-Jl 0*3 ^Jl ^3 t l ^ « l ^ 4 ^>&jj1jl11 


(Sylvia £-j*)L* $ " * L«JO*J i i ■ <> ■ ^ aJJ* ^Jl <^ 3 j_j ^JLjJaj 

LfJu_p (Velasquez) j^SL*V-uaJ ( Rokeby Venus) ^jJLp Sleigh) 


o^^-U L^Jli t jJl ji y^*J! {Philip Golub Reclining) 

•t ** 

4-s^ J j-*-gJ I L—^r ijjLdl ^Sll i£y.y~ 

t* ** 

jLj SI : £j >\ jJl c 5 ~o>Jl \j^i\ ^ diUSj t ^lll sjuUlJ 

jljjjJlj .iS’jjJl ^^JLp j^li j*&j tLiJLi^ t Ljfc t 

aJLaJco AJLoco <Ljl**a ^-SLoj ^JuLaJ ^lp 4 6 ^>*L^ AAijJaj C J*xj Q*X>~J 

Lenore Malen, The Politics of Gender , Introduction to the Politics of (12) 
Gender Catalogue (Bayside, NY: Queensborough Community College, CUNY, 
1988), p. 7. 


jlmLi UvJl Lai ./I!! LL' iujjkJ Jl$Lit 
j»S\ j! jJ> 5jj-aU Lfli (UtJL>Jl 

J JWI yJl J-JuJl ~jL Jb^Ji Jb> N 

** ** *• Vi— • 

^ 3 ) 1988 aIp ^3 {Media Post Media) jjJli tiJ(JL>Jl jl*jLo 

** ' * 

Alal:^ SlL*pl ^Jii ((Scott Hanson Gallery in New York) 5JL^ 
(David ^UJl jiU aJluJI oUjU-Jl o J>^ I JjL- jJ 

<• JSL-J Jl ^ Uib Salle’s) 

L^-y-b y p-*- 1 ^ uj-iL^J' ol^j .tou>ij 

f, fr 

^ j ***^^, ^. *5 y Oi y^ 

°st^ y p-* p-f^jy y*^ LojjLM ^LiJI ^jak, <J&>j jjj 

• L JL>J jJ jl5 Lo>^.^ l JuJU p[*Jl3 ^L>*j j i) j}j\j>^j i oJ-^S 

* * * 

IJ-a ^ J^\j ^a <yyjy t ^ s ' j^yy 3 ^ y j^:} \j 

^ jJaJl AalU ^jltaL>- <AajL«J1 

•* •* ** 

(John c^j-yLl o j->J {Ophelia) j-a j->*-~y 1 (Tfe Bridge) 

j ^ (model) £>y * jJ jUJU-* JJatUl j^s, Everett) 

A^a^J (Kim Novak) iili j*~5 JJUJ yy^ j* <, (Ophelia) 

IJL* j . {Vertigo) (Hitchcock) £ Up ^ (Madeleine) 


Sl5L>*-a oJlaj) * IXlJLjti Uolj 

aJjJI 3 j _^jL! (Cecil Beaton) u 5 ,3-L^ 

ol5 t *- j-si> j-jj 4 (frLjbU ^1 j-p jJ jJJt 0 ^ j *,a 7 ^ (Cellophane) 

** *» 

Ol > .^LUlj ^^3 (Model) 

(Ophelia/ Madeleine) (^UjVl) J5Li yt IJla 

j-A J jJl* ^ j-s^ L CJ j^o aJL>- ^ jl bwo jiJ Jl >> ^ JJI j 

0 •* •• ** 

^Jj5ijl J^vaAJi J^3 {j* jjaAP^dJ 

j! jljli o^lJbhJl ^Lp. LjJL. ULi ol5 aul 


jl 4^J c j&jj ^ oLpj iiliS" 

^ Ai^-^Jl jlJU ^1 ^-J LpjjLJl e.<L)g j_) (jl tVjl i ^j-j js>A 

t L jUj ajI^LExp! j iJli 

L?* 4 ^j) £hj^ J e 

^a dU.s ^9 Loj t pLwsjJJ JU- jJl c^Lw^Lwmu ^1p L-jJL (i ^L*j ^5sJ 

♦* ^ ** 

. ^ ^Lk^aI jlS" A^AJflJi oLwrfL^Jl jlj 

A^^JL 0 ^P-LJ| A*il jfr jJjJi } I ^j-a aLw«-L»*» ^ A& ( (Jb-^l 


t (Office at Night ) JJJI w^i&i (Edward Hopper) yy» JjIjjI 


^ « la, « 7 oi jL^j AJLlA-gJl Aj j_AjN I oJla JjjIj J_*_*_) 

L-^w. j jllLSl La^j^Lo^ a d»s > L^d 4 Lf! j aJL^-^I^JI 

dr° £jj J^* ^ ^-lia cJ^J J^jJi ^ 

sI^Jl JaU*^ J^li ^ fU* t/ j^ 1 ^' ^I^S/1 

^hwJLI .AJl L^JmP j^9 t dUS ^j-s-s^aJl Vj i)l oil 

Jj^-jJI J-2-w (1)1 y^-jy J y-L) .*-*-J>\y^j <iy^ jjy ly%*Jr^ 
•ol^Jl J\ >JL jjSU\ ^ ^L1 »«jj oi j-^Jt ^LaLpvJLa 

J^i ^ l5^ Sj j-s^-^ii 

vf fr ^ 

(^■U^w j-*j (UiS' L. Jij .jUI Jiyj iUUj' 

(LLijiajj ( Preparatory Work for Office at Night) JJUl ^ 

iJUJl LfJL-L— J iJLl*Jl JLCiSlI eJLjJ iJli ^-L5l*Jl 

^JUI *, - - - * « ^Jj_j j}& yS' — 4 a . la \\j Jl (J^l) * — 0. 1 tf « a ll 


LoJl^ s^aj (^JJl jJfc bJL >- j <Jj~a Jl jjjiJl y* £yi\ IJl* 

Victor Burgin, ed.. Between (Oxford: Basil Blackwell, 1986), p. 183. (13) 


Jsp- Jlp I UajjUl Jibi 

4^_^uLw^Jl <w?L?Ji AA~«J L a bjy+^Lij i o^^xS"! t (JUl«JI 

_ <* „ 

c^L>>Lwwc o Lo LJlxd <* ^ykabstj ^ j&> jA LkJ L^jL jl>tJ j LojjUH 

** «* 

•XajLa 4_aj>x_) jLJl iil ^3 aasI c>LwmLwmJ1 ^J^JL^jJI 

o y-L*Jl j )a ; 11 S^LpI (J j_b y« 4 -^> j-^ 3 LpjjLJl OjL^?j .<LJIjl>JI 
J-UI ^ Ji* i*i J - pjUlj JJl _ ^UL 
y-kjly-<Jl yJL^Jl oIS oUJLJ {Midnight's Children) 

{Tristram j (Grass) yl jJ*J {The Tin Drum) :L 

yJ y-LJl ^^JLlI LJl£i t (Sterne) Shandy) 

JJUl i,tf ya?n 4 j*_>- yxi c Iju>- T a^LLi>s_^ c 

Jww^LijJl y« Jwws^-iJ Jl5 {Midnight's Children) 

.ajJUj* ol^jjLo Jl iJUJVl {Grass) A-*aJaJ tiJUillj 

wLw*J>- Ajl jP yo IpJj ^JL*» t idJJi ^jl AiLs^^L* 

Luto*)VSo t 4 juj^v JyiJl ^lyp^l a*-^ j ^Jj ywaJl (Oskar) 


^JwJL c U^l>- l -^3.^3 3 jloJLflj LkJb^S J i l /*> jL^JL 

p, ( 

U-^jJbl ojljS» wLS' yJ <, (Bildungsromanen) t^ylyJl 

£yA t t A*^J L*>im*J I ^Jvww4<j 0jL*P C 

^JbLi y® jbw^Liil Lwg-i jLSL-jlj ^wJLm^ Ld5 

aj y>^» jLS'Ls^j yw?UJi w U.fl jl _ (Shandy) 
d\ tjU- Jl5 ^ pj .a^^saaJI cil^pSllj SjiL^Jl (Sterne) 
y ji£l AiJ » j i£*$t (Tristram Shandy) ^JLJlsi *1 jua j ^ y? bill 

U j^JCJ wJ yJU A-J oNjl>«-« j*j. la tf 7 ^ 

^UI Jb cAij> 1^1 Jl ^ aji U5 oi^i 


^*-»-*.**j 0J_^ •/*— ^_a L* ^jlJUl jUm^JI 

* •* 

4-)L5Jl jl .C~3jJl < j^iJ y o^-wa JJLj j 4^^-s^LJl tiUi 4 jL5o 

liili LS iL*i>- £J-> J» jA iiJJl ^ 

iSL a j •^y^ y c {Shame) jbJl y (Omar Khayyam) 

4jU^J| y LpjjUl jLfcX^I j5l*> iUL^a 4^»L**» olijLLo 


y 4 *,A a l l ^jIp Jjj JujLw»I J_2i c UajI t *ta j^Jl 

y jv-LaJI ‘(Flight to Canada) \x£ ysjj* oljj 

y ^UAiJl c _ r Lpj <.( Yellow Back Radio Broke- Down) 

(The Terrible (Dickens) j-J_5L-p ^^JLp j t (Mumbo Jumbo) 
(Flight to y (Uncle Tom's Cabin) ^ j-b j*jJI ^^Lp j tTvvas) 

y wUjb 015 ^iJl . Canada ) 

4-i-JUjJl ! ojL . ^,o.ll frLsA-Jl jJUJl <lli5w1 

<w?L>Jl o^i»L>Jlj 4-ws^UJl jlJUJI y _ ^j^Jl 4_k_y yj 

* ** 

j f jS' 4jJ-U oliL-w- *L£Jl (j y 01 

y t*^ui tU^j! ajj-s^lJI Oyiil y iiJuJl aJL-jU^Jj 4 J l^v* 

4* m 

jSL~~~j\ ji oL- k_i>wU ( Second Sight ) *_J J^j>- ^jj| ^ yJl 

jUail jlji*Jl c^li ax?-jJ ( jj> jt- t a!jJl>J| o jXili 

c—jL? t (The Triumph of the New York School) iljjjj-J 

^j\sS ^yJ| j^r~* •i c jOwI_*JLo IjwA 

\The ^ j*Ji\ -uiil jUaiil t (Irving Sandler) 

£ p 

OiyxJl 4 jIS Jwo-jJI 01 t Triumph of American Painting) 
OL^j^j t 0 j>^ : J il^il : ©y-L^ 4-AjjJaj 

(-ip yJl dyd+~j [(Leger) <u>tJ j (Apollinaire) yJ jj! j 

L$i»Ls£ ^Ij] LJUj l# JLp\/I i-S'^Vl ^iJL! jU^Jl L^JLp- 


fjrij* t (Pollock) il jJ yj t (Jackson) u j~£br 0 

jLS’ j .((Barnett Newman) jL> j-J (Clement Greenberg) 

(Surrender of Breda) J \ J-L* (Tansey) ^LJU 

«* « 

J dr° (1634) 

** ♦* 

<JLi fj iL* tlJu JTj . <14 V jt* UU ii- 

* *• p, 

,Ll5 4-ih^a J jj 1 5 J-L* iLjJaj JLp L»lj 

oli iJKJLa iJl^b Ja : jLj ^ t JU JS JLpj 

IS! ^Jlsa>o ISLoj ?Ll& 4 cJLlqJI 

4^>«-J jl <~*j>*j <L*~y>- ( JI L j»J^j jl ? j>-L*Jl tf,. J bJ L ^1 

La jJjJj ^JwO-*j lj_A^ . jJ J_)Lw*» »w^L_S* ^Aj - cJj-^J-bl 4 -L-w*^ 
jPjJ (G.) Ji«) 5 >Ul SSlJbJl J~L ttl >JL uil ^ ip^I oL>^ 
(Thomas) ^Laj^J ( White Hotel) « ftl J.ULjLH j (Berger) 
LJ j* y ^ J-ai 4 JJU (Doctor Copernicus) y» j£y yj£ < ? , : »hllj 

LJLa>«Jj a*_*JLSI j»pI ji Ll <J l*j Lg-L^sJ 40 oljLi^/i ^.»->- ojj& 

jl&l mJU- (^L t 1 -La Lf iju .£j2\ oLJt£.)f j-fPl j 

** *• 

li' C5» LpjjM' c»* 

** ♦* ** 1 

( jj» ^j>" ^ dJL^ Vj 4 cJLo-jCL^NIj (JL-oJI aJ yfr+* aJLw^o ol 


Jl*jL» LijjLJl J &jy d)l j-*p , JyjlJ->*Jl jl*_>L> LjUjlII oLwaLw^ 

SjJLaJI ( j»LxVl jJ*> - Al^a jJ>x-v%J La La ^«Jjj L^IjLS^ (J - <Lol Jj>*Jl 

1* •* 

f|j-^" htwXijLa J y*&i»A IJmA J - L-^ A { ^«Lp 

! ^^L>- 4^^Lp^/ 1 ^JjL>a^ j j «/? 1 ^>-L*Ji 4 ^jj Jj J-P 

UjuJI JISLiSfl JLi: p+il 4 JL 5 ^jL JI iJLA 

Oraham W. J. Beal, «A Little History,» in: Second Sight: Biennial IV: (14) 

San Francisco Museum of Modern Art, 21 September- 16 November 1986, Foreword 
by Henry T. Hopkins (San Francisco: The Museum, 1986), p. 9. 


m 1 01 *d*Ldl 01 4*L*_dj Ol di ■ 1 P L« l dd-A 

c < ^JL*Jl ^j-iil dUi «jjIj oOcLw*^ LojjOJl <1> \ ( ^jLlaJ1 


^01 dDj^ aO-JL^jJI j-s^L>«Jl ^x** 1 ^Ldol ioLp^b ^ i *,^1 

** ** 


! j^JJJ Cols^J . L** Lo-Ai-LAj 4 ^s^LoJl ^Jl 

Ol j-13 ^3 [U^jjUI 4j ^-P3 wL5 C^lS La j! ] ^ 

<Jj*}\ J?Lj jN I oLpLj 4c-jI^IpNI jJ>“ J b 4 <LwjL>- aJUajLo <LO%jjL> 
JlS*Jj jl J jU t dUS ^ j .Ldi-alp J-JULu 

< Sj ^ tjf d>jy ^UaJLJl t LS J?\-*J\ £* Jjl jJJl ^^Ip 

- SJLjLwmJI <U>xj jLJ| K3\S+0J* j*j oJj 43 JlA i ^LAoJl ^e-> jbJl 

Ob .^jjLxJI ^ j^fcjLw<l ^^UJl jJflj 4 ^j>-j ^JUaJ 

j2j> ^1 Of j^L 5 ^L^3^/l 

0»jLLS jijjj c^-b>rJ <jU t^LJl J-sAxJi ^ c5 

^cjjIj 4j^>**J1 ^p 

^ iij J l-j-L^jJ $JuX>- AjUjJb j»J-L> 

^ ^LVi ^ ^LiJlj JUl c l^Jl Ob .««jUl 

** •* ** ** ** %*■*" Vm ■> 

J S^^JI JL-Ldl j jiH\ c/^U- Ajli. ^UJI u jii\ oL^JSi 

•* +* 

l 5*^' (iW' a* *>=r >* 

♦* ** "#• 

(The Bowery in Two Inadequate Descriptive j-Jjjj 

. Systems) 

U&yj JbL *j jj^> b\ j*jj$ b-»jtj jUixJ 

jy ^5^ iJLwIjJI Aj-dfljJI oL^ 1^)11; ci i50lJl Lftj^ 

*• ** 

Lj^jjLJI 01 b-^Jn i ^ j^j *® j^“l-«^l ^LsA®L^0l j -*& ^l^iil j-s^Llp 

Martha Rosier, 3 Works (Halifax, NS: Nova Scotia College of Art and (15) 
Design, 1981), p. 81. 


iAJLs^'bMj t ojJJLlU) t 4 *^ 1 ^*j iJJkjj ^ 

(Vincent JL^pI iSLj* j / 16 ) a*SLJLJIj t^LAJtxJlj 

J_«_*J (Pastiches) jl LiL^a ip jJjl» S/LSLil jJlJ jJ Leo) 

jp SjLp t dJJAS Lgjt J>Jl j 4 (Robert Frank) dJUl jS o ^jj 


t lLLI j_ij jj ./*\\ t^lxS" {jA j a /7 A a ^-IX-il oLpI C^LwaJL* 

ax^L^ j ?- LJl Uia JlJ <jl t JJ Jij .(The Americans) y*j 

( ^jj 1 ^jj j _ J j_ j ^ ® 0mLj3a^J1 1 

jA Jb j_A j t L^jLuIajj L^j tj ^X jc«J| oLjJLVI jJLaj ^L> O j jJjL ^ JJl 
oL*jl^I p J-*-*j >* J t aIj y>^j ^ aJU^^I 

*Lj OjL>b->- jJ* <JLa-xXa*I AJa-M^l jj ^$1 jk' jj jJl}\ jJj yfl 7 1 1 

** " * 

* * 

JlLo pjiJ Lg-> tJ ^Xx^Jl Ajl^aJl i Li j>~ t 4 j-s^LxJJ 

^1 L~*y Ji-b dLi > 

( 17 ) 

^ ^lAxJl JjwU ^1 ^ W^jUl 

«* «* ** 

-Lid i ^jLoJl ^^-^1 (Jbjf'V ^_a.AxIj AjlixJl 

^w 4 hAxll 0> j*& t LjJ La j L$ AMwO </« ^JUL ikjji* LijjUl 

Jjl« c-w^J ^IjlxJI jl*_;L> ^LJl J^UjJI a^L-^J : 2JLla JiL 

^ l a ** 

JjL* Ju&jJ IjJjij <1)1 <w ^ t d b 1*^4® c «/a«ll j\ 

•* T 

<Ju j_*J 4 _w»»^j JjL- ,-Ls J_»_*J j-^-L-- Jl-JLSJ ^$1 (Pastiche) 
<U^»Lww*» A^xlj^jl JJaJ 4 aIjI JLxJl JLxjL* L^jjLJl t (1 ) j^wojLx 

J^>J \~*Sj ^ ^MMWOk Jl iiLfiJVl 

(. a««,<3 *&a\ \ iil j>JI c yi®Li!l -jA t^^xJl -ojjxj j\ ^Lp^i L^ 

Barbara Kruger, «Taking» Pictures: Photo-Texts by Barbara Kruger,» (16) 
Screen, vol. 23, no. 2 (1982), p. 90. 

Solomon-Godeau, «Photography After Art Photography, » p. 83. (17) 


jl f-^J\ j\ 

? ^|jli“l JbuLa j^-LaJI 

{Metacinema: aJUL« (William Siska) /*LJj 

*• * 

J-» £jJ LfjL «OjjIJ->JI LoJww^Jl^ A Modern Necessity) 

LjJUJI (Hollywood) A^lS^Nt 

Lj 3\ ji\ S cJLi^l jJUJl 18 <J 

; Jju t JLSwilj 2 . ./3 all ^lJI <LJULJLj aJjJj*i*JI 

/ 18 \s«ig«T in The Rain)j { Day for Night)j (.{Sunset Boulevard) 

Ijl$J 4^jL*-oJI 01 LLsLl« Jj-ajj 

LajLxpL toLJliJl oJla Jju JOs ^ A-05LiJl aJUijVI 


c o jlaaJI j L^JLp f y*Jl a*^^01 

** **■ 

<(oU_^Ji*-*j i«jjp Jl5w1» jt jl ^Ja . 5:l lj 

Jlj—Jl jl .8lj (Persona)j (W. R.) iliAlIj .(286) 


*-*'> yh dJUU ^IjJl JUo)M 015 ISI tlSL*j 

{Stardust Memories) -L>«-> L*Jj_p liL»j ?4_> 

jJj t (Fellini) ^^JwJLJJ 8^ (Woody Allen) jJl 

<i_s4? aJIp a *,h ) jl luip j-* c£^ 0j5L> Lo->jj 

L$5 ^ a-w-s^L^j l g aS^aJI aJ ^ 

j \ jJfcj ^ ^ J-Jl JOwLa 4jjLk-^-<>Jl A*4*U*gJl Aj 

William C. Siska, «Metacinema: A Modem Necessity,» Literature I Film (18) 
Quarterly , vol. 7, no. 1 (1979), p. 285. 


^Jl <J ^J>sJ lil - 4-*3UijJi AjjI L ^ jX> t-» 

^ LpUi^I Jl^Slij S^JcuJl U5LU I ^JLkJLJ Uij c^SLJl 

j (J uJl 1i*j dJU; aU- ^o J^U- 

JL*jL&*9 t (_£^5IJl>eJl 4j J jj>- JJI 

j-^3 <.L<asbJ jl t L^JL^ t 

t L> JLJLaj^ Lj-iIJIj- <L)LS r La d^-9 ^Jl ^9 Oj^oAj^ ^*Ja a La 

** ♦* 


ur*J ^L*^JI ^ J^S jj^J>~ oli LijjLJlj 

4j j! j.oS^jj\ ^11 o\ ^JaIaaJ Li jjUli i L^-l5dt ^ <. Ldli 4 j J^>tia 

jJLa9 :(^>jJI ^ J ji i_p-j ^») (JLill ipLw? xJU; 

Ja^U^) ojj c_l^ j <^>J (/ftg/i Noon) pJLi L)L5 jlju (fF/mm) 

Md«) 4ji j& oUail ** ( L*»^ J I ol j,*%}\j / l)j->LL]1 

v *• 

4 cT^j) ^ i ^4 J ** 1 *y&l <c£i t((Jj^iaJl ^9 

'JiSlI ^^JLp c d-oJL>rJl jjLJl (Ruralization) (^^aiLJ t^i^u 


t {Crossroads) dJUi JJi»j .(Amish) oli^-Lw 

•_£} i. LJlSLdJl a^Joj <lp j_^ 4_g_>J ( Leadbelly ) L>LS ©ilpl ^ 
^ ** 

4t : L : H Lj^pVL LJ ^p apUj>- 43*>Lp cj j ji LJI ^>- otayL*-; 

^ IS%*M Jl oi £•_> O^' (*■*■* 

(Allan j^l o*>U»_J ^Ji; SI] jU»>1 

j^i t[^_jjLAjJl j-i jjL J_SLi_i (Folkway) (j jSJ jJj Lomax) 

o t ajJLpLs^JI cJuUjhJI i ^ ^ 1 


Lo © jllJJl ^JjlJLa 4dL j^^Jl 3 jlisil ^1 p j&t 

IjlJilo i (ijjj ^JLp ^1 jLjI 4i->» t^Ls^l tc-ol^ i _5^0 

•* •• 

. (Faustian) < jl*j\Ji}\ ^J^dl Lilj 

«* *•' 

Ij^jjL-JI (_5 


JLi ju) US Uib; -bo > l*Jl >i)l J Jj& 

& ** 

^o»*jl!I 0^3 t L«^j 1 t ^_a (L^JLt3 

tgf, ^ 

If * «i<^ 0 j i r a .^.w i %w- i L>- jJjjJlVI t l « i-^fe L^w ^J i 

^ Cj\j£ (^t-^ljJl JLaLLoJI AjI^^I j-^P AjIS cJjJl ^i. 

dr* cr- 1 ' '-*-^ - ( ^yJ>j^Sj 

L->-_jJ jj-XjSI i ii^P aJL->u> d)l i(_$ (J j) t iJLibwJl 

oLo^*iil ojj . <LolJj>«J! J-*->Lo ^j| 4-^wvjJb aj^S" j-° aJLmvwo aJuI jJL> 


(jA*Li» J~£j cJJL*^« 3^3 3^>-j 0*i*Jl ^L^o^fl ^$4^ .1 1 

(^Lp J^oLO ^l~ol jA j>k j 4 <L,a3Ljo» AJLjJajj t L0 l>I .tijLOo ^Jlllj) 

0>*O La Aj^Jjl»Jl • ^*^-Jl t l f ^T.J I ^^0 L^JgLs ^ 03 

^^1 J^UxIlj Lw-LJl UP ioAl j oLJliJl 

t j%JLpj ^(Freudianl/ Lacanian) ^LS'tsUl _ 

A .,/3 flllj ^1 j^jjjjtll ^jj-sAh!| (1)1 Lolj Lot Lq-£ .(_$ j^-l 0 jJtS ^v^oLwOj 

\Sjli 03 . jjLiil ^ i^. 43*>U UfJ 0U3 O^ASLi Ujbj . U \ >Jl 

J ijSlJbJl cJ^ ^ Jb tlfKOJj iJioJl vilJJl ^ ^ 

**■ ** «• 

oloJl ^^JLp a^Ijl>JI jl*jL« yS jj ol5 c oloJl ^3 0 j-o>%Jl ( j^-wmk 1 j 


'iA^y jl5 t^^S-l oLJLSLjj .j»i j-OjJI Ja^-j Ju>- j_p it^LJl 
jlt^/1 i y^-^ Jljj L* 4 -OI 0 JI ^^Ip tLfijj-*->j) 

JLi a;IS U£l ^ d^Jl ol ^ 4 >~«JI 

ljJL>J J C Ajj Jj>- ^j|0>- wLxjLj (1)1 La CjLIOj 


tjl I (J jJL ji>-l oL^ASsjj JUuLo c-jUa>Jl Af>-I j3 jl AlJL>- 


LolS 4-utX^gJl olJJl 6 j^O j^joJSj O^Jo ^^i-P A-olJL>Jl JL*jLo 

Louis Althusser, Le«//i Philosophy and Other Essays , Translated by (19) 

Ben Brewster (London: New Left Books, 1971), and Catherine Belsey, Critical 
Practice (London: Methuen, 1980), pp. 56-84. 


>“LwJl <u^Ljl>j tjjT (Zelig) $kj f-44 

a^« JStfjj J-*J-~' 4 ( /s- (^jJlj 

^wmJ L^jjUU <>(Reds) ^\ (Citizen Kane) ^ <*<£ j>-\ 
oliJl IoAjj Lo ^1 J ^yjLo-l^Jl !j 0 ‘+ ll <^i-i 

d\S JLii Lililil iJuudl LHSLil JvJL.^11 

f ■ * 

V-r* 4 -*' J-r* ^ ‘^Lr^r 4 t L -- « -« £-J-ej 

•l^J ^?-L»«Jl i— ^La^« J l >lJjj jL/ 5 ^1 t LjJLuuL-^j 

♦* W> ** 

J> i^Lj «UI-U^ c~2S» j « jfp» ij*SI j IJ^JG oU-ai^i iiL * j 
l)lj4»*. H (1)1 <L*jj_*Jl AjIjJj C*>jL*p iJJLd \ iSj* j-ll jjjJl 

ol VI f' ( ^li\ ciUi ^Aj^j V L^^Up 1j^*J Oj-^i <1)1 $**t 

«* ** *» 

t J) 4 ^**ll cpI^>- !■*! ^4-Jp L# j^S* IjLwJ d) 

^LjlaI Lo^j o jLjpIj ^AjjJ olS JuJ i ^asLjJI IJl& ^ ^ /*" -* 

<lP^ ^ ^ c#*-> j*j) 

*• I M 

1 J-A olS t (J^JL oLJL^j j .{jj^-V-ll ^jjLxJl jju 1*5 — 

a 4 *>4^' : ^ Jr? Cj* P*J' T’^r-l * Cj* 

JLaLL^ oL^Jo d)l V (Holocaust) j-^jLJl J-li 

olJLJl (1)} oIjJI ^jjU Vj 

t (lr’ , ° 1 t ^Lp | 

t <LwOljJl L ^ ^Jl ^3 ^J-JjaJl ^^3 Vl olJJ Lj3 JjL* j_fti (, SSj,^<>Jlj 
■> “> 0 

* !■ ^ * t f ^ J ->*-^*Jl ^_» ^jp (^^jlwL^fcJl t LsAjI^ 

^j-fl^pVl ® J t llA C A*Jp (Jj^a>tll 

(( a*» £5^ r^ 1 ^ o- Ul i/to 

p^}\ . juLUI l4iliu yJl v 1jJ b -J^LLJI 4 V'^' J^ 4 " 


L*^ jA ^4>| Z*~mi£a j^ 4 *AiJl IJLa 


- tjSy* : j-* j c cfl J-** >* 

c-M^-P^l Jl o ^JL^I J C 4jjJ>t^vJl j*S* j-§-® ^ ^y>-jL>«Jl 

c ^L v^ V I oUl j-plj oliJl a*L«-p ^^Ip aSJj ls^ Oj la .^ M^I I 

aiS'^j (Real) ^wJaj cLLiu yj SyJ J^-Jl 

\jjt A-Jd^xllj Oj > Mt j^s> t (Reel) j j<-^> 

(The Purple Rose of <LJ*^-p j ? v a -> J1 la :: 

Uj ^lj <J jU-ji~ v-2*J> s'-*- 51 ^*s»- t Cairo) 

JSJI dUi ^SU ^ ylJb- JL~Ul y £>Jl lJUb Jjbu .US 

- »^w « ol jS’ . a1AX***j 4jI i i 

jl 5 yJl ^o _ I^JLp JlSCJI dJJS y^Jl ol-Ux*-Jlj ^JaJl w>jL*-« 
J-^djJl 4 -wU-p ^ j* diJ - *LxJl J^t3 t _ r Lp 

t laa* iol-iJl t £j*<au}\ ^ J d»x3l j », aa\ \ A^Udl 

^jA iJLgJ A^jI JL>* JbuUJl 

tjJLiJL iaLcuJl IfJlS JU-p-1 cuaIj ^liJl 

0 jJLfcUlJl (jJUJ (Richard Rush) ^Ij > jtdx^J ( The Stunt Man) 
iJ&y 1*5 t (Protagonist) JJaJl Ji* (^/bJD a^p £-*^11 y 
(a5 j ^ o j*>%j*j A-uL®l oUL^j ^*x! o^LaSsj j) ^-La) 1 Apd^ oly*! 

L. JLp IJL* .US V'j ii>i tol yfc <i>S ^ 

t L» j-ft-P ^jlJbJl AxjL* (Jl 


(JL— ^ ( > iJ ' ^ C^'-J- 5 ' ^ P - J 

^ f, 

jljj—J {The Mozart Brothers) jl .UajI 0 2 , la: < '-r- <J 

^ « *• 

Jjuj jlJju jp 1-uLo j~*j» U-k*J (Suzanne Osten) 

jjJl j jjjy (Etienne Glaser) j— ;*>Lc- oL~>l ^ L» J-ii ‘ 
t (Mozart) OjlJ^ l^jl jl ^lj I^jjI >aj * (Walter) 

oblJu jl ip- y*Jru> j* iLJL-^ (Z)on Giovanni) ^\j^r oj* 
^jLJbo- l l j ^ tj— » j^1p jbjl L«l t o ^ -i^ o 


.LoL*j I Jla JJUj fli Juai cU^jI I jjj\ j-jwLaj t ajLSLJIj 

oil Ojj JU» JIaLLj tljjjVl ^^Lp (.5*^ \Sj& 

1$** cJl5 yd I ill l^siJ La j .yJlj yp LaStJj LJJ 

Jr^ Jj>^ tOl jpA ^S'J i Ajj-^jJl 

iijjj'yi J^-pj <LpI v v3 > 4 JLL*jL'*_) 1 ; <JL^-*£I ^Jl Lg-L? 

I^hjI ^LJl iS jJt jS' ^Uj^» iJ-p 

. Sj^L Jl ojljj^ l^jt <jP 4^15^1 y*-JL iiJjA? _^p 
ojb)ll yJlj otjljj ^rlj (jJJl yjlJL^tfl L.t 

t jJl^p JLas 4, 1 JpI^aU oL^«Jl 

t jlsAii-Lj Jjjij tOj-^Jl ^ijXaj <Jl ^jtaJj 


SJLjtP^ 4jL*j La *^*2**° *Lo J *JI^pI (3*^^ jr° Cj^ 

J>4 Jk Jl JJi t JU J5 ^Jlpj .«ojljj-* L. yl» . tiijli 

_ t*_$ ^«J| jl jJl^J JtSy A**Jj ^oyi-Jl ^*P ^ — * I 

t 4->-Lj! ^Ul 0 jS ji y^*- 4 j c j-a _ l*JS jl>tlj 

i^U iLf^.1 t J^i^j jl L* JSl lijbj t^Li 

^A3 fc A*s^-JLj O^La^Jl LgJlj t*»—^>tJl > O . M ,» J <UAl t o^>bj 

** £ 
(Volksoper) a^^aJJI l^j^l LpjjL* toy-L* iL^kd 4 ^ 4 ^ 


j^iaj t {Amadeus) jJLill y {Don Giovanni) yli^~>- Ojs y 
£^*JI yk^» £« j£jj J$l yJlj jU Ljwo .I^Jl y 
LJjj ^.LjLaj iLJaJl ^Lp Oj-s^a-jj ojJj o^aj \jj{£ yiJt JLLpj 
L^JLy* t - - - ^ Ojljj-o jLJj .(Masetto) jJLw^Lo ^ (Zerlina) 

UiUaJl o- Jl 

J ^LJl J^JI 44^ ^ \ JUtaJ *JLt-Vl U 

jrH ®'j'_r>-" C5» J4* 


& £, P 

L^jJLap £^>L>- O j-^*j 4$j$ ^UapIs 

* ^ fr 

t JL^gJl (j^i 4 dl >* ^ pL***^J| ^_.«, '> t^oJ 1 ^Ji j 


l (S ' V*-* A ^ r-UlVl IJl» ^ LoJLlu. 1I (Donna Elvira) 1^-iJl Ujj L»1 

** t- i 

_ 4^>d (Jllj Lo t Axii -U»a^j Aj^i ol^®! t 4 jLL*mJ 1 ^Jl_2 

^ **TT «* 

^_**»l 4 -wmjJj ^J-P J^J ( J)^ ^ 3 U *1 $ *•* a * 

j%J <1)1 1 Ju& i 4jLsAaj <Jd-j i (Leporello) 

<jj}\ i jJuJ\ j^\j fc4u .jA\j /J>^j?r >* 4itU- J*L 

jljLj nJlj Lfl y J ^1 4 (Donna Anna) U Uji jj-L, ^ yu 
^ I l*ui« ^ ‘(^ Xyas-^ LfJ jl j-P .£-^1 (^LiJl) IfV-J 

>* d^d ‘ oiU^ . t- ■^LiwmaJ 1 V^' t/J' jxllj 

4 Sj-JLSJl Lj-uJl (Don) j ji ol 1 j-uJl Uji j-^-1 (^Ul 
oJU*Jl ^iJl LjJuJI jJ-H ^ 4_u5Ul ^ jLiu-Vl LL»Uj 
.ky \ jJJl -ul jyi-j oLj^SlI yS\j ol?-jj ye- Ij-Lll Lij-s hy° 

LLs- jLiJl Sy.Ju. st^Jl \+Ju LLLJl L- jy Jl jl^S 4 .iiJuu 

Uji IfJjL- ^1 i^Jl (Zerlina) LJjj c — J oIa j£1 4^Ij 


*1 j-^Nl j-jJLj Bj-j'>-o 11 SI j— o— ll vUJLS' J_S_s I I ) • » y-j Ij—j-aJl 

.frljP^L; jl£j 

* SI 

oliL— <»Ji ai (The Mozart Brothers) dj£j d)l -XS'j^Jl 

j! al^Uj M c '^!j' o* iS-hy* (^4^ >f» : <Jy-\ s^L- 

*!,---■; (^jJl 4 (Bergman) (The Magic Flat) J >. AS 4_~u^j 

^ ** 

<UsJb LsAjIj (. ^ ^ujl 4 *Jj oL^->Ll^j 4 jv> 

oj-Hgjrd Jij .o^Ip tiiUdJl ^yoljJl ^1^^ 

c5 JL1<>jJI ( Venetian ) iiJLiJl ^UJij ^ 


Jjfc j\ .aJ ialag^oJl ^di^/l (£j> jl bJl ^ 



o*>UU; j yjOill J*jJI y L»lj -la® . ? £*■ mJ 

i>wJ y t(Z)o« Giovanni) y 5 y L* AJLjiaj AJyi* j 5JU15 a>*-~J 


ap j.^^a-oJ i j j-jj .^j^vi 4 ^ xJjsj ^p 

£ 4-tJtJ>- ^oJl Lj^^LJi lUjI JlJLjo ^JLp A*sJ I wU>- wL*j l* yioi ^4 


t yj UlJ-s^ * &a\ \ yj-^aj J5" crr^ cr^ 3 

** #* •* 

^ |jl>*Jl wLjoLo A^JLlI ^y Jj>o LJl® t lwl>- yujJj^-4 y^oUaj 

** ** 

Jjt ^j^LoJt ol ja\ y&j jJ jli A^aii t aJUI Cj* 

t yljLil ^ l ^ ^I'glyuj 4 

****** ** 4* 

ol j_P*>U j AoL^Jl Ajj jJlSLjLII ^y-vaJLU) y-LJl yaljjJlj 

oaII layS y ^JcJ LjUj^ l^Juj y ju V 015* (1*^*1^ <Ul*Jl 


yS j ^1 


(Manuel Puig) ^-jj-j J-jjJLo i_oJ j_* yA JJo iJLo j 

JL$LM y oL^iL^jJl JL>*J dy (Ai&s of The Spider Woman) 


^ Jii L*yu‘yi i-^UJl j (Molina) LJ^J S ^LJl ^ yJJl J-UiJl 

tj* £s Oy j! 

^ »^iSll ^s^j-1 JlSj .(Valentin) illjJjJl 

UJij ^ b\j~±- £-L ol ^ <>* ^ IjUa^-l i-^iJl 

(1)1 £ dUi ^lp 4 (J jAi £ LjIj .Lgjli A^LAqJJI A*i***Jl A^_A \j 

cJl5 yJl j iLjJaJl j yJl olkx^j aJLLc^JI Lo jjLJI y 
t$j Jyy aJ~Jj>*J oL>jLw £>“lyH J-^ 

t (L^ip yiJ jl yJl ^ 

.oLyg.^lil Jp-Li* aJUiS'I y Jb M jIS' dJLSi 

y L^jjUl O-w^J tUy ^ y-1 ^^ilj oJifc y 

J-aLSoJI itiljLil y oJL^J Lo J\ olJUl ^ ^ JLSL^I 

JjiJl o| .^JLaJI ^yjlju ^ (j ^jjj-<Jl Oj^j^JI yJl ojL>b^JI 


(Carlos ( Carmen ) ^ ^UJl j ji3l jjaH JiLcJl 

** #* ** 

(Merrimee) {Bizet) Ij-jjO Saura) 


4JLp jJJL (^AJl taLSjJl (j 

( _ r J Li»jjljj .^i-LJl 

,I>JL ^UJI J >~ Jl ^1 ^ 4 JUJI ^ tsJJl 

«• «* «i tt ** 


4J ^«A (Scllircl) ' *** 1 ■ • ^ • bp 1 

JUJI ^1 Siia, ^uUl ^iU W>UI J s^-UJl jJIaJI 

*4 ** ** 

•(J&> Jib* '~? J .j* j* LJ ^ijjj^' 

(Jjt »1 jj > I J-b* ‘ JL>- ( J-5 i_f^- f ’ 4 j-a jvJbjjJl IJLaj 

<ua 1 ,y j^i ti.jl_pJl 4jL?-ljijl ^ -UjL> <. Lf ^j J aH 

w 4* •• In 

‘- bbl^jj _ dL>JIj ^aJI ^ t^SlI ^ £l_> 

/»JbJl jIju>«JI i>-L«AJ (_$jJl jjJlx«JI iJL-iy 

*b\llj dill i_iL?- ( _ s Li*i)l nbSlIj 4 


f. # 

jjh i ( ^JL-i_l (77ie Orchestra Rehearsal) ^ *bVL> j £ Jb ^JUl 
•> *• * 

V ** 

0 (j ^Jl I O.JJL*_)J ^^bJl 4-w^LSs_*_j > y I 

^jip ._ i^uji ^jL>* ^ aJUjL>m i iituJij 

jlaLLJ US' bl l# ^Jb-qJ 01 tjL^-Vl c-JLpI (_y®j Ijjjji 

** *A •* 

<JLm^O J <-jl jJl 4^4^ 1 (jj^J .p-LjjJ-U J->sJl 


‘O^JI (*-M '-aa ol -yj <‘<yrjJji-w &}** iSy~^ 


(j j-JUJi.^> j-bj t (jLLAJl a ^ ^ ^ JLJa- ^-9 4JL^L^2JlJ j_j 


^Jjjl Oj y-y? - Ls^_9ljj Si j_/ol _ ^dljJl J-J>qJL) (jl aXjj-j (^*iJl 

^-jIj t c c^lkXJl 4 u <_i_4_£' b 1 ^ m^mi ^s^L^s—ll 0*^ 


j olJUl jgj il >)l ^ 

JOolo LjJijjLJL aJLLjlJI o j L> — ^11 jJajJl o| 

t U^>l (. La JL> tJ tULL* LaLs^p 4^jLuj t igilj L^JL) SJIuLqJI 

«• *4 

LojjLJl d)l !>Uli ^LsLxj I^Lg-s JlJL* pi-L-a 

5_^»!>L_p (Star PFiar,?) J\ ( Body Heat ) 

4-^jLsK^® ^JwOJ J-y& t ^Jww-?- 

^Ip ^h-aIj j^a^^jL> LjIj t cj jJl ^*^aj i^j .j-*»^L>«Jl 

t ^r~* J Tj-' iSji _?-$■* o* ^ 0^~ 

uy* 4< JiVl J* tjl - Lflli dU£~Jl iJUJ^J JbJLi j»LfJlS'» j 

t>*j-N £-* (j-^ (j-r'-* jU ^ ( « -<>-S->«-»J 4_w^3_ij 0J-L>»_« 

s Lr*'j OO^J £s-Wj ^i Jj-ij J-^ 

<jLJL>- JualxXj <_£ <LjI J_>- JjoLo J ^aJI Jjl 

3j^-t *2-L!i J-*-^ ^^-ijLJl 

^ua ^oLaXj N I^jI o^-“*-ajL^- jjp (1) jS j .IS^U^I 

^ ^>-yt UJlo : jLJl 

I 4* ** 

(((^juIjJI ^j^Jl)) ^1 JjwsjJl <J j 4 ... ■ ^JLSLil oL^jIj 


t)l ^IkkU 

(J^-s^^LJ t Lj jJ t <Lj15L*I $ j >-j ^*xp J-^aj ^a t <2JJ^ U? 
y> aJp jJaJ U Jio :^JI <_^>U Ji «^iljJl» ^1 ^ywJaJlj ^LJl 

Lq«S^ . 4*J-JU*JlJ 1 4jL^*il^ t OjL»l ^jA ^s^LoJl - frlJL)!^ - A9 j^A 


t (jLj^ c^ULj ^1 t j ojjt c-oLS^i t <J jaj c IjI j£-> LjI j 

Fredric Jameson, Postmodernism and Consumer Society,» in: Hal (20) 
Foster, ed., The Anti- Aesthetic: Essays on Postmodern Culture (Port Townsend: 
Bay Press, 1983), p. 117. 


<J1_*y jl ca~4jUj i j^» jiS I jl X?-\j J— Jl ~j» jl 

JSI .^Ui J\ sju^Ji LisL»j iJJLu; Sll£it Jk ^ 

^^L>sJl <U3_) j-*-> ^^3 01^-43 aJ L» d)l 

iS^ x y~jr^ Ai i^ A»*A|| ) t^jjLdJ 

bj-^-i y^r : y*j ‘Wy- 

^1 Ljj^- Ljj>- j 4 jL*Sj_, «jjLJI UlA ■ W.t L,! .k*JL>- 

Jlaxj |Jb jl5® ^s^Ijc«JI Lolk of (J jiJl> pIj J\ *J ^ys^UJl 

** 1 ** 

JLaj l-U Lj t ^^L>*Jl 4 ^Uj 4j jJL9 

^ ^ ^ il J . ^ * a 



t^Jl ^djLJL (Sil^iJlj) 

UL— M» Ula Oj£* d)1 L 11 

j! jlaipI (.^^1 _ ^L>J JL- ^ c Lil U5 <.^sS\ LI j 

4_Jl_^_^*)l j_!Lj ^^JLSJl L^_l? j^jl! - 1^ g 1 aJl«LJLJ! o a_SI.s! 


A^wt frl jj ) t(LgJjLo 4-i^j^Lo A—^j^lSl AP j‘ ^ ^ l'j|) 

1 4* **.'«* 


aj^^ ^p oL$»p 1 ^ i-l - -• 1 1 ^ k_y^ 1^ ^ ■* 1 L> 

V ^Ijl>JI jlajU (O^lj .^LpIjJIj, iA^y\ wl J^'VI L^jLJl 
^ip jJxi ^ All AjV 4 aJIwI jJl ^-LoNl JpLjI ^ aJ^ j Jl 

^^SsJ ((Jl^IjlJI ^)) <u^j JJcl^o jjb tdJUi ^p SfJLi tdiJi 

** *• 44 ' 

5 j_*JUj 4 0 j-^j 1 ^ ^ jJlj _ ( j-JL>tJl^ A-olX>tJl J-*jLo Lj3jjLJ1 

'"*4^ JJ -^1 - f^' ‘ LiiUJ ^ f-'j>r y>j t iJLJl 

.125 (21) 

Fredric Jameson, «On Magic Realism in Film,» Critical Inquiry , vol. (22) 
12, no. 2 (1986), p. 303. 


(o j*£ J_$L£ ^1) (Dune) Jl OjUdi 

J_JUjl!L 4 _^UJI LJUiJl ^i! y.SlL, 4 ^J j (Star Wars) 4 :^ 4 ;, 


(Tampopo) aj <JLII JUiJl ^JOJI jl 
JLpL^j ^131 Jl 4_Ua_-j {Shane) J_La) ^jlJLaJI JL3-L1 

^ c_^j3-II JJ J (a^-L>mJI aUjVI 

aJ-*-4j L*-® 4 K Aj* ** ll Ay j_dJl Ajj 4 4 ^ ^ r-,^ ^ (jl 

Or* (t £j^ jJ ^ 9 ^ ^(J ->*1 L^jjLJl 

» f, •# ^ p. 

jl 4 yjl <y*3*j J **3 j^*-* ^-31 j&\ {j* J^-O^a jjil tJu&LLjl 

O^j A>* iSj^iJ 4 dLO 4 ji IdA^J .JjLoJlJl ^J^d> ^1 4 t— yJda^/l 

JL aJ*j 4 LJLp 4 (jl Ai^L^a jt-I 4 L*J j .5 Ji>- 

( Phontom of the Jda JJ to jjL jl .ioUa^Jl *L>JI 

Jj * Jft J>-*j U3J ^JUJ (De Palma) LJL jjJ Paradise) 
(Hugh jJ* fj~A fijP- Ji. . j;S [| J* jSoJl J-Afc ^ U 4 ia» 
(Du Cote de chez 01 j-*J ijj otS'Uoa ^ (Swan) 01 j~J Hefner) 
. 0 LI 4 JL apJjj jy^>Jl Jy y> yjl yj^l Jl (Swann) 
{The Bird Man of : o^Jbcu Ip ^jL y> *L>J| iJut JL aLm-I j 0}j 
4 -a^jL> yLS'l 0L30a j_ft j (.{Sing Sing) Jl cJUli yJl) Alcatraz) 
4 cr ^ r 5Lw yjO^Jl oJjl-jl^I jlS j) {Psycho)j 4 (^_0Jj_a __ j*_*J 
J^- Jij) (77*e Picture of Dorian Gray)j <.{ Jju jVl AywiJl j 

4Ay Jl JJI Or 9 4 Ji-J iajJ» J i>-JJl doJj>d 

Jd-$^» 4 AjiJj 0 jj) */3jj 4 ^Jd - ^jOl yp JL*3 IJla 03 

4LaLjL>«-s^j 4LAj?L>*-gJ : 003 \ g a aJLv?j^JI j a^Ls^^I olJJl 
<j~*S M (JUIIj 4CU-^U JUp% .l^slsJj 

oL>JJa-v«a-a Jl Lift cJLU (.{The Phantom of the Opera) 
li-Aj 4 4_*s>L>- 0 j j > 4 J-LwJl JajJl Uuft .(Rock music) iijj 

Aj ^(5 ^Jl 4 ^-^s^LaJI o*-Lft (jl A^^^j 4 ^j^suJl 


V ** 

^LJI ojp OUJI <lT*I OUJu Jl* 4 j^P 

0^ 4 Ljajl i>tjj-s^ C— M»jli L>3 jjLj .4 ,,/7 all Jiaj ^^lll 


A^ai 4_iSU7 (Cantata) y> i*JaS jlS (The Phantom) 
43 jl5 tUJs»j .(Rock) (Chorus) I^jJJ 

,^jJL j£ ^Uaylll (Swan) jl ^ 

4 4 «,<■!? 3 IjJLa 4 IgJ o J^S' 4 j>«_v^I j j o^JbCU LjO j jb jl 

4ci^Jl (S' X> ^ C 4/^^^J Jo^ <j* jj^ 01 

4^Lg^-^ljLwaJl Jul** 4 _^Jl j ^o'ASdJLJl 4-Jl ^*J1 L*Jll« ULJ 

0 Cotton Club) Js ^^jjbJl j ^1 J > Jl £j^i 4 4-djjJaJl 
ji,3 ^ iAa Lw .J I a^j^j (Coppola) 

4 SUL 5 U-y £>J1 jl 1^-5 !>Uai SL^Jl J-MaiJl 

(^^Ul £j-w*U* jlj^l L«wtlP C->Lbj jjJt Lj J_ij M jiJSj 

^AJ 4^ai j j j ■ >✓? > 4 JtUJl ^^1*3 4 4^w^o jJl SJULJl J^**j jJuJj 

j-*LJ j oL-JJU ^ jjJJt onJUJI Sj-JLJI oIS (Lila Rose) jjj 

l _ # -Lc- jjJUl <_p (Sandman Williams) 

4 JIp ^ jl L^5Li-j 4 Ia j&- j l$J^ 4 ajJjcJI 

o3taL>w®Jl) 4^s_pL$JI^-N I 3jJ->Jl JjLw 4^o 3 V 1 ^1 3 jJL>J 

• 4«^ b*<^JJ oLpiaX«M>*fcj L^3^l5'j 4 (La 4 1 j*£L*£ r 

^Lk^Jl JlSLil ^ jJ^LJl <L^S II ^LjSfl ^ ^tliJl iJUb 

wLj! ^Lp ^LqjlaI 0 JJ -+0 jl 4j^_^j ^ 3 ! ^>Jl 

NL^-p| .oLjwJuJl Jjw9 iil (JL^-^VI j 

(|J— j-J-jtj; 4 _^j jJLi'bj 4 (77ze Return of Martin Guerre ) J^_L^ 
. 4 jjI>JI AiliiJl ^ 4 ^- JujbJl IJla Jlo jU-pJu {Amadeus) 

4 p 

(Maximilian Schell) JJ. {Marlene) Jl* ULi jl ^p 

t I Jj>- AajL. A^jL^Lm^ ^AjL jJl J- jJl Ui^jLi aJLAj 0 1 <C^«j 


1)1 (Dietrich) ^ Jlj-JL £~Ju j^i 

olJJl XS^sl ^IjLaJI JuoL. ^iidl o\j .a) ^>\^r N 

** »♦ 

<i j^aJJ ^w\_>rJ La J j>ol ^xJl (JL^-Ji^l Jj>- 1 *-« t Lla 

•* ** - 

1 1 ^ijLJl 4jaJal^> ^3 ^JJi L-LL ^-A_j * 4 *s>sjjLJ| 

{The Temptations j\ {Kepler) JJU L^ai jij -iJlJUl e jrr Jl 


LfK c (Kennedy) ^JojSS (Legs) j\ <. (Wiebe) i_jJ of Big Bear) 

+* * ^ 

p p 

j\ - oL‘ (£l iij ^s- j»OiJ 

aJ^_>- La lj— Ajf .L-A^^j^^_j ( ^ i )— LL*J l itLL) - 

o* »*Vv ‘ crk y-t> J-^'j -Usl,! (Marlene) 


* ^ 

CJyfi <Sy* ijr^ (*^* tSj+^i (j^i (*-L) 4 £, 



( _ r 5Ll4 jjJzj-j t. 


*L_pO ^ylJu-Jl JuuU oJLaJ 11a (Schell) J-i Jij 

** '*" r 

jl y^y ois (Loljl j-yU- oli J-Jy (>-M 1 

^ P A^ 

^ y*K*J yJ f ^ i»Xj $ OtA^J ^JLUj (Jl^J*lj ^LjLk>J 

A>«*wwj 4 ^^LaJw^LwoJl jLW^M ?c yS Lfiij 4 ^A j 4 L^jL>- J^P a^L- 

** ** 

Li :xij % Uyj Joy Lgjt <.^J>y> ^ <-^y ‘V'>=~ 

i * w A £ p . a 

4-^LkJI t ^LLo 4 ^ J~^ ^ 4_L*^ij ol 

0.-XA ^Jlo* LJ ^ w\j3j 0 ^*A»La^ .IS^ A,lp Q.Av?^ (_£fciJl c-^jLaSL) 

*M 0 0 m/ jp 

Jl>^wJI JLAi iL j>- jj*j LJL^a Jl-^L>«JI ^j'yi Qj£jj cl^jLhP 

.*>LL N J J N A^SJ L L .g.> - 

AA t <UxJtf Ip AjwL>- (, oLsAsLj el j-al ^A 4 LLA 4 


4jLL AAoS y <• Lj jl i 1 1 ^ 1 oP 15 l^sl jj t 0 tj^ <>■»»>' 
. {Judgment at Nuremburg) J-J> cr -L-> t jLI 


La Li 1 0 JlA ^JJLa L j J j>- LoLaaAjI L^-iS" AolJlll (jl oLd^wvwoJl 


^LjVI JUl d)l _> (i _J5 ^p ULs(t>J 


oi ° ,JU| y «•>>■ - mi jj> oi 


oJbJLJLlI 4j^_*_s^aJl tix^J 1*La ^jjn ^j_*^ L)L5^ .qUw 1 g - - - " 

Lg-fl^L$l jjJ>t_) d)l (1)15 JJL$ ( t jjj.^3 <Jl ^Jl (J j**0j 

1 c.-.-1-lg L^jlSCJ t(dLta oLUlaL^ jJ j) LaLoJ tw*p^j L>_5 

.JbSfl Jl i^SLu 

i^\ jt_M-l <l-JLp jJLbl d)l Sjl ^-L-i j_a {Marlene) 

L«jta 4jUa >* j .j^“L*a» ^j1j»>- taUoLo 

4» Wfr 

«. ioUULJ _ LJUdl ^ *Ul <Jl_ Jl LaL^I c~aJL 


oJ^-j L^-Uj . L>^wl5 t «jjlx3U Lis j*.* dJLjbj 

«* •* \taMPP" 

U ^JJLe 4 »n^L>*J1 ^JjLw^w^JI oJ La o^L>1 ^JLp o— L^-p ^^Lsl 

(Peter ^1 jl^_> j_p (^ Zerf and Two Noughts) ^ • J ^ 

** ** ^ 
if * 

Uju t L»- jij^o jl_^> ^-L-a-H IJla ^ J5li Greenaway) 

j.* jJl Jj-lJLuJl JlaJl <1)15 j .oLjjiw-Jl ^1 oL-sA^jJI 

oUli' j) (Vermeer) ^ ol> ^JJ (<[^1 y- y _^]|») LS *i \ jJl JJUJl 
d)l ji j) «>^3 > o L^jl5"l>t>» 0 -wLs^2j>- ^ill l^LsI 

1 •* 4* 

^■L*aL 1 yJ . vA A 1 1 i5^aa*J 1 t • ^L» / 3 ^ij ^maII ^^^L^3l ItAA 

t jjk jt-M-'Vl Ijlaj .(Van Meegeren) ^ jU u^I ^lyr 

s ? ^ p 

tS^l J^^l ^ j-^1 oLlSL>Jl (_jaL« j 4-*^I t LsAj I 

^1 .i (jJUJl isij) (Goebbels) jJL^p ^LSL 


<1)15 (^JJl iJjJl j^j Lfj <3>J>« o->! 

j\ <. l _ J JI j5*Jlj ( _ s -i-_a_>Jl jlj t JUj j5^ ( Chatterton ) ^ L»_S j 

** 4* s *4 

(r^- 'j-;j o^-i ^ 

<j £fy. olj-~5Jl-; 

(Charles b jJjLU ) 1Jl5L^j .JpOu^NIj j}Ja-Jl JL^ 

# ^ ^ 

. L ji^p Ls^lLai j L>- jJ ^ U-jj^o Darwin) 

i^>-U y»j i oi_L>wo iJU- (/I Zee? and Tow Noughts ) jJLJ 


JbuU p-LiU (Cas Limite) UU- iiJU 

*>• $ (>• LjJbr ^ ^ juLlJI oUS yd 

t Ojlat 4 L^jli c ^Jj>cJ ajLs^Lj ol 

jJLSl L$JJ“ * ^ J~^ t oijl Lo-S^ t ^j 1 J->sJl J_*jLo ^_L-Jl j .dJUS 

AjI */j ^Lj ^JJaj wL<*_£- ^ -U&-P ^P t ^Jl>- -l j-b> 4 -j1 j * ^13 t dLta 

j^aJuj JL^>I (j\ - iijliJl 4s>- UU^JI oJla j ,ilJL>«juo 

o*Lfc Jd« ^iLJl cd^>- - oJjLJI ol 

• «* 

p ^ 0 #* 

lJ_to .*, a > k-j < 1)1 LgJ JuU L^Jwo t LJLS^ 

q ^aj jl) uil jl?l JL>-1 JU jd 111 Si I ^jUJl 

dJU dU >UI >* ^JLJ ^UlJI i^ljpjVl 


t Jj>wJ < 1)1 wb^j ^JJl dUi jJb ^|JL>J| JLxjL# j%JLjl]li toJL>-lj 
A-LLw*»I ^jJaj O' Jjjjj L^JwwwJJ <U^jL>Jl 4^sA3ljo J^ldu 

£, p 

JJ^ <-!>>- 0 “^ ^ t5* f-^ O 4 

t/* oUJl J-SbiJ ,y 

•* 44 44 


L 4jj 1 j_bo oLdS* l^L <. o j-a C C * J U0 j ^iJl jJLvo^ I 


J> iu_ siuJl ^bwJL JlJ ol LJle- 015 lilj UsS ^ Jj 

•* *4 *4 ^ 

W- cd oLJU^JL ^JkJl 0 ^LpI LJ Jb lJub JiLa 

L« j-m*j V L^« j*& IbX^La^J jJUo 


^ ^ 

• L $ ^Pwb 

4 * 4 * 4 * 4 "-^ 44 *4 

Edward W. Said, The World, the Text and the Critic (Cambridge, Mass: (23) 
Harvard University Press, 1983), p. 135. 


S jyu ait /JoJl 



Sj^-s^ <J 1 ^9 0 ^-*-1^-* t ^$1 jf'jjjJd\ 

^ #* m 

L««LLp La ^1 Oj^j p-* 1*^4-* J -j%-gJL$-p1 twi_s^jJ 

Ujllp :JJL» tiih>*-o oU-^-^ JlS^V c5 i ? ku-»)fl JiU-Jl ^oL^j 

*• * i 

t 0 J**~ l^^jli 4 *L« aS'jJ ^ <1)1 


j j^.^. ll ^1 p 9 'i k _$^* i — ^ A^ksju 

4* 4* ** ** 

<1)1 JL>*_> l ^ y*S\j t C^JjL>wO J 4 dUi C CXwwtf ^xll 4-0 jjiJl 

UjUj ji-j^ '^jL;j ‘-cnf'jy. Jy^ ^ i Cr^ i ^Ayj i 
:JJ> lie-jiSj* lilsrj^SD JlSOi o^. Lju till* ^l*_, ^Jjjj 

jA\ i jJu ^} t r-l^S/lj -^L^'j ‘JsO^'j uj*>U)/lj t^UJl (jiJl 
ji ^SL>u ol £>x>*zi t ^ <, L^ J^lj J5 j-UaJ 

. 4-o1 Jj>- JbuL ^pJj 

^ 1 U . >a ^ ^ ^jA ^J-s hj\ W<iL^sJ|)) (1)1 ^Ijli ^J^JJ-i 

10 £h 

y^.j j^' j-«-» ! ^IjUhJI JLajLa oLJujJI i— A..*^ jJ 


ciLli jli ojL>s-qJI cJlS t<ol y> 

t UXvLfij i JJiXaj 015 Lo SjJo- c jJb jlSlxJl 

jlj .4^JaJVl ( j-« JJL> j*J U} ^jj» 4 JU aJj^o (jL5v-^l 4jL> 


«iiL>*Jl» o U l-o^jI j_a 


JjL-jj ^^aJl J-O U £-w>*J JJJj iJI j-PjJj-flJt 

ojj-sAjj t I Aj jjaJl j 4^JjjJl v ^Jl*Jl ^aJIj 

4^s-s^l^Jl oJUb l ^ . ft cLL)L*iJLj ^..oJl ^3 <. <Ls^L>- 

4_^»jLo^aJl 0 } . 0 J-jL^- 1 ' jLSoLj ^>-V.Ij Lajl^-Ij 

JLfcLLjU l] jJLj V J t w\JL*J L^jI U5 t c—>l a jJiJ <L*3l j-P jj jjjJl 

<Ld-*I» jl^il ^ t— ;! j]a I . L>tj y* SJLaUUJL] L>w? j^s 

/o jr kJlj tjjLil /^^Jlj to Jj^ajl /^^Jl ^ oli^LJl <>P 
^J (l$J LoJl^wO (Jj^» Lo LJIp ^Jl) l-<fc *—$1 J&\ - 4-m«»jLo-oJ| 

tU^« Jj>-I j J5 L$~Lp jl j_^J1 js- iSy^ I* 

I jjjzS\ I jjo . OwLjU_>- 3 ylaj J ^ > ~'^ ^ aJs-^I jj (J JLj j t jjtJuj 


^LwJlj t Laj.^ jjj *LwJi>Vl ^-tj^J u~z~l jl*_>U> 

VuH- *• ** 

3 ULJI Jp qJuJj>- (^JUaA ~ 

L^L^eJl (w*J Uk<J 1 ej_A jJLSl >^->*l tl)j^ .Jl^p^l 0 jjb ^J^-° jli^ 

J &1 b\s UJ v-UJlj i^kJl A\'*t ./s~ ll ^0 JLj^I 

.^jU asLi aj a jip ai 'uu 

4jLUst^o ^ol Jj>tll tX^jLa (wAj^aj ^1p ^Jwq*Pi OUS" LqJj 

4J (^JJl J-*jLo (1)1 t cJU t AjjLajmJI t _5^- i * 

•* *♦ 

^ P P 

-L*-« (<a-« 4-S-w^ L^J (^U-5 jJI i£ 

jJU^> 4 JL Dip ^Aj ^JJl J ^A.Jh.^y I ^^UJL Asl^e j 

Victor Burgin, ed., Between (Oxford: Basil Blackwell, 1986), p. 56. (1) 


bj-^i («-5 jlj t i. <l^Le- ( _ r » 4 <llp 

S-uJl til jpSIL 4 J-U: jltJ i^L-l oLiib; »1 La, 

O* <>“ *L^' ^1 J_^5_pi t-Jiaj j4» I^^aUIj 

J-x-jLJI aJ^Lp jlj . J j-*o jJl JJLJj jL ^-* (_$-* < '-5^>- 

cLLL ^ (£^Vl ^UiJlj tSj^-buJl 

:wJL; a^u ^ (uSl tl* i]_^JLjl) sjlJi .^s' i 

** ^ 

f ^ ^ 

^ ** ^ 4 L fl .*3 A^ajjj JUjUI 

^ ULjw ^ «iliUl» «oLlajcJ|)) «^U-|jJl» 

y> L^* jA 4 1 l£jbj iJiiSfl JiU 

^ 4l5CJ ^yj| ya L jy 4J-»Jj>JI 

.l*XA jAj _ 4^0 V J^-JLi 

oL_L>_p oLSLo 0 j-S' jlJ oj_>- jl ajj 

** «* 

4 JtSLil ^j-o ^J)\Jl>- j^jLJI 

4 J 4 l£j?^ ^ (J} 

*% *• 

j;> ^Jl 4«olwL>sJ! iJ-XiLo { j^^aA 1J <>£** Liloj .aLjUI tsc.\l 

4 ob^w_<Jl J-m^I <Uli Oj^o 01 jl j-^j} 

^jU_<JI ^ J>^3 jf j*Jj^ JL«-*4 ^y> y6 jJJji' 

*— |>.^ ) L»-pi ol 1 i-La .kyAj2i\ c-ib^LuJl j ijjUtiJl 

J>\ <JXy - ^yi>yj - if* il yt> J 4 w>l yj>\ l^Jlj Jj^ 

CT* UajIj ir* 


L«jl^ O-ali 4 1^-A P ^3 4 j^^P^/ 1 

cJi? t Jjj JJ .I^jlp^pJj L^_SL51aj wL jJ ^Jl cilj-p^Jl ^ 

jl IS} wiUS ol 

j jl i^LwJl L 4 JL- 
.iJUill oJ-Aj tJj^?jJl IJla ^d} U-liio 


J _ * - * ' l JLSLil jLii 1983 fU ^ 

i jJUj ^JLi rj}j> [a jjj^S ^ iljLS t( Representations ) 
j\ JjUIj idj-laJ' oL Jj £>*-< ujljiP^I 

a^^sj^LxJI 1 a ^ *1 ... ^ Lq>^ 4 ^ ^ 1 ■ ^ 1 I d ^ L ~ J ^ 

t IJla c^li c^Lw^jL^ j*j, l*j 

*bf ; iJjJJiS L*»J <1)1 JoL*j*il Jj 4 <LJL {j* j 

olSLJl jp (ip^sJl oLlkiJl J) ^iU SJLUill JlSliVl J*aiJ 

V t* 

_ dLb L4J 41>jl>*j t iJUiJlj 4i^*jjUl 

0 JlA Ju b>*xJl 4 ^)LaP 1 <v ^ jJj ) ^jipl «xij 

** •» 

^>*jjliSl q jj^ ^ <. cLLta^ c oL^. ^ Jl 

jillj .^nil^Jl oLJlid) JLSLiJl J^-^I JU^N tUjJj 

<» — t*-^ 9 J~* t t L y^fi lS*^ X«jL« ^jb\ ji- JJ J~ai\ 

* | *• ** *• •* 

«^-*Jlj ^jj_baJ» J-AJ <<_^b I^J-; J-* -U<aJ 

« - - 

b#* J-jlojJl frbj biLllS’l CjJ J~0 ^ylp 4^-Ud^!# 

p*y 1 jjUj j* 4 (2 ) «^»i>ji ^ijJi j^b 

". JUJI 4_^lxJl 

** ** •* 

ota^l O^o JlS jl cjljl Uj 

ip ^lp ^ jJL AjV C 6 Jb JLP j t aJUI^SI iolJjfcJl J^jLa 

*lL*j>*j t 4J 

t (JljLoJl ^JLo t 4-s^L>«Jl OIS jLl^-U Lw^-» 

L^-w>j ^jXJl ojj-aJI J-b* ^l^i-yi^aJl jJj-vaxJl ^1 ^laJl 

*♦ •* 

t wjJJ C t^-jJ-j . 4-LaL^Jl ipLwaJl ^jP 

JJi 4 JwJs_4j Ju*j tLsAj( tjU^ 4jli t dUi . J_>XJ V J 

Benjamin H. D. Buchloh, «Since Realism there was ...,» in: Art and (2) 
Ideology Catalogue (New York: New Museum of Contemporary Art, 1984), p. 10. 


(New York’s Museum of Modern i^oJl»Jl jjsJL! j-J 

by>r ji J-r? ir* j9 Art) 

* # f, * 0 

t L>t^j>w? j i Loy : LJIp Li (John Szarkowski) j-S'ji j 

t J yu tjL- JS ^^JLpj . (Benjaminian) LyLo «aJL» Jj *>LIS j 

^yJl J <yl >y jAJl jty^i\ J\ (L iujU <ujilJi*Jl) S jkJl ojub ui 

** ** 

‘^-ly ^ ‘ ty^' '-A ^ 

*• 4 * *4 

tUajI tj»-A ^j_^aJI jl ^jJl ^iljJl ibjj 

oLJ^L-^n yo Ljl> i a-wjLLJI iiUlJl ( y uL^o AS 

Ai-L cJlSI p| j*j) AJJJli i)\y .0*A1iaJI ^y 0 *AjLJ| jj y*A~> ollaal 


s^ikJi u>Jl>u> jj^j fLSNi jl Lisii^ji oi^jJi 

» •* ^i_ 

oLSjLL LJ j . *ALww« Ljls ^L-p 6 yJl j^>j) ll L»tA£wJi 


LtH y*3 . Ja**jJl <y £JU tSj^~\ 

j j-v3-Jl aJI L>- j-I jJLSCj y+0 yA j 0 <Uj|jJl jj ^ M y*P 

ol ^y oLsj^fl JL Jj£3 c Lili £*j .1 g ^LLiJl A_*_£l jJlj 

aJoL>*JL> c—^Lo jN \ a _>*_> tSJuJl oAa ^jLL L jl (,5w^»- % yi wJLJl 

ilk* oiiU y t y jj jiJ! ji*_> ^JLi» : L>. jj ySLJl dJLL! kJLJl 

jJ ol a *,& a aJI 1*5 pLL^I ^ y L$j!A>- y«j tj»JLJl ^^JLp 

0 ^ . y**-« ^J-AP j t JLa 4^*xa Ju 0j i LiLp LjLLjI 

(^J^PxJLi C 4-s^L > t-J i ( ^->| fc X->BJl J-*-jL ^3 !^-P jj j-AJI j_*^2_J| L^P 

*1 *4 

.U^ JSuJIj 

** •* •* 

^ j»j L ULp ^AJl Ua>U j^ 1 ^ jt LS 

a^Lp Jj->- jh y>-\ J ^y A>j yia j_a c Jlj ^jJJJl 

oJJlj j y+p aj JjLAj L Jl jt t jj-s^Jl ®oe-l y® 

Douglas Crimp, «Pictures,» in: Catalogue for Pictures , Artists Space (3) 
(New York: Committee for the Visual Arts, 1977), p. 62. 


* s 

a* ^ - 1 - 

«jrf ^ J^' ^ ^ dfUU,)'?^ : js- a^l 


4 Uul^ 4 AJL^Lww^ Jui*lU O liLoJj 4 <LjIO^*J| JjuLa ^3 «la7«*>^)/l j 

** #* 

jJalSl ^ySL^j «*ijJJLP® .oL»5lp LgJl oUlSJl J} jiaJJ UlS* J 
j 4 JL»» (W. J. T Mitchell) Jul^-a .o .j La *ljj La ^1 

^ j t j t iJlyLp Jjuj aJI aJLLjlJI j yu ? kll JUu 
^jA j^p^JLj . (Mystification) ^1 4i$LLi 


^ JLij IgJls tJU-f- j tolilL tipLs^Jl oJlfc jl 

4 * **■ 

^-aJbj ^19 JSL$ olijLa-o ^a JuoL^jlU 4_>-l^Jl ^Jl 


, 4 ^J>\ a oLuY dJJi , LuL fljb a 4<CiUJ»$ <Lk ^LJl <d*~k 

v ** m lJ *♦ *» v .y «* *• * 

p p 

,J-Jj (.O^jiJdl ol tib Oj^ •^'~ a ‘J 

(Paradigmatic) jLJl j_«jJI J^JLlI j-» <. ^1 ^ jj jJJl 

cJ j-^vw^-1 4JO_9LLJj o'b/ 4 J-*_)La 

p p 

<Lul0->sJl -L*_jL» C_5^p| 4 4 Loj 4 . J-Co 4 

^^L)uJi ^1 jj jJi]\ jij^al j| la.*< J cl)Ls 4 1 g"l ,Aali7 oUrlSa.|tf»j 

4 * •* 

.<Ljl0^tJl Jj*jLo (J jSLJ O^jJaLJI ( j-« ^£S*1 JjIS 4j1 J Jlu 4 <L>-li 

jp j) ,yg«ll ol® C-Jlij ^LJ y~* olj^x ^ Li*5j 


^ 4 A y*» Jj>- ^j^jJ 

<.l$Jl3 jJJ 0^>Jl i>w? ^ j 4 C-s3jJl ^^ij® J-&J 4tl)L»jJl 


oilj3JL*-*»l 4_Lww0j ^ 4-J-P gj| jJU 0^-^ 

Lfl^ olijUJl oIa ^ ^ij . (5) «<djp 

W. J. T. Mitchell, Iconology: Image , Text, Ideology (Chicago: University (4) 
of Chicago Press, 1986), p. 8. 

Susan Sontag, On Photography (New York: Farrar, Straus and Giroux, (5) 
1977), p. 179. 


c-ilj-P^U ^UJl ^ sLuJl ^c_LL) j_t j 

** V m ■ ** 

^ ^ * 

c*oIpI Jij .UaitJl jj ojJ l^Jbj _ LgJ aJL&»»cj *<1 
LflU^-Lj £* iSj-A Jl L^fr=r'j-*-> ,^1 j*jjS 

4-jl jp jJ jjaJl iJ^^JLlI Ju5 ^jA <Jl~£ Ji ( j^*Jl Oj^IpI Lq (. AP jlatf o ll 

aA-JJij JULj C aJ*^/ ^ C->b <La^L*^ AJuL^La j C AJLoLa J * 4 j J|j_>*Jl 

♦* ** 

. ^ ^ • S 

13L43 tolp t 4 j li^jca N (jJJlj to 3^0 N ^JJI ^L^Jl 

** ** » 

L>o^-aj j tl)l tj-* j] ojl ^P ASj-a~* oiljpjjji 6JJ-S^ 

^y» fr U ^g J l J^UJl j-a aJLJL* Ja-y-j vJIaLLo J <jjj>*J [(Model)] 


* p 

0 J«A (3^$-®,$ ^ ^j>AJLw» *4 \ ^ \, iHjI jJb^>w«Jt j j *■ J LilJL> 

1 j-4j t j-3 .(Sj^uJIj) 0 jJLjwftJl jj • A I' 

J US' ^aL. JJi I-I43 dULb J^2* :OSfl oUKJl 

. Jl _p-Sfl ^ JU *>t5 JiLi; Mj 4 |jup ii>* oiu 


»u>- jJjjjj'yi oUasLj t 0 j j s <3 >j toj^>cj ji j 

p ^ p 

Jp 1 JLiJl oj J tLsfljl t^pjjj J-^ 

0 «* ^ 

AjLj A 0 */3 7 ^ ^ ^ ^ - * ‘Z 9 

AA*p ^jP tJ-LIi Jl (_£^jp ® jJajJl oL*-a ^jL5l>«-a 

** ** «* %# 

P P 

.olJUL! c <ujcwJ^ j c a& jJLo L^jl obj^o ^jJl 

^ p . ^ 

t J-aP t LsAjI t A-wsAjJl / A-^3 1 ^P^-i^aJI jL^-pVl oJla ^J_>5JL)^ 

l ^jjLJU Aj J-^J L ^J I ^ ^ j - ^ - 1 1 Aj I 4_<J 

4 iJ->«— a uaLLl^- ^_A ( n,<g, 1 3 Jl) jlaUlJI ^1 ^j_JI 

(^i 5^0 jr^iJ 


‘JyJl J ‘ ^j«Jj>«J|j tOl^«Jlj tOl^jJl oJLaJLx^Jlj _ JjjLJl L^J 
,-iJl j) ( Possession ) ( _ J jii t ( _ r >*Jj»Jl J-^Jl j iSJLiaJlj t^ftJuJlj 

s#-’^- fi l J-a-L.-S' Ua_.I «c—m:> j _p» 
iljjjj oj j_^ J-aLU t (Tyne) JLp (Newcastle) 

AmmJJL ^iiLajJl ^L*_j liLa * oL^JLSvJl I Jj Lj-^3 j£ j i ^AjUcCo ol j-alj 


L^J I 1 Lw>»%J 1 jl Aj>«_j Lx ^_9 ?dLJl 

t ^^JLAa-wJI j]&>*** ll AjOl ni^l i— ^ L^T 1 Ij >/?, 4 V,t AP^**hJ l ^ » P j»s^ 

4* ** 

* ®LJ ^ ^ja aX^JI 84 *^ 11 ^ LuxJti ax*J 1 7 » I 1 ^JL$ 

«* ** 

toliU— £-*s>j ^ A-ijJl jl 

aIS ^1 ^ (oU ^ 4 aJLj>II >^LKJ1 (U* SUi: J> r^>'j 

jl a>- jl ai jU**j L^i t Ljb U_$J| jiajL^ ^JlUl tl$iS Aj jiajJlj 

ocuJl ^ Uajtj ci>^I^Jl A^iliJi ^ jilj 

4* t* *♦ ^ 

^LuVl <Lju ,j\ jJi- jJ. ^jj> ^ UjJjj ^i 

** 4# ** 44 *4 

aJL*LJL 11 Ajt*-A>* Jl^ ^$1 A-wXJi A^-^ jl • 

•4 4* 

0 0 f. 

c Ufljj J&j^j ^JUl c oJLl^Jl j - ^ 0 aXj^-J1 ajcl^J!^ ajJuVI 

& ** 

c iAmaj Aj 1 ^ibX>u ^ ^ ^ c a*j i ikUl ^1 jiJl Ja^Jl t Lib j 


^5 j JLij .llJLsLij ,jS la * ll r /g d ll cUJLj r-Lul i aJ j ^ — * j 

*4 44 ^4- 


a? aJL~JI c~~J j .LfJlj^- ^Js-j hj-^r 1 ^ pAjj** t#* '■hy^ 

j -ft ^$1 j-P jJj-iJl jjj_sAl!t jl <J ji - La^*_« jl^ lX>jLj j ^JJ jl 

•4 *4 

t dJJiS ^ aJI i>Jl S>JI jl ^ J, A V--»J - % XJL-j 

.jj^aJl ^ (ijUJl li^ ^ 

*4 «* 

^jl SjLiNl yi a*o1i-X^ *i-«jL»Jl j^Jl o j-A jl 


J-viA; dUi lj-* J . 1 4, »..,<>.■>■ liJLflllt JjL- ^ ii AAjJaJl 

lijj J~£- liJU hjj {Ja ^i : '^tj~fi )*> #3UI L fjS 
AiSl>~ Aj JLflj j (1)1 J 

j! J^Li jl ^Jbt yb l* Ui ( _ r Ji : ^1 jrl^^Uj SlULJl ^1 

f, ^ p p 

j 0 " ll Ls^* La aJLS-^^1 LsAjI aJUfc jl j-^-P c oJU 

** 4* 

; ( J^4 4 oLxjuJI jx« l^p-jlaj ^Ij^jjjjlII 

l^j o_^J lj«Aj ^JlSj <a C^IS oJlqSj oJ^5 ijj^a 


( 6 ) 

iSLoJ j i 4JL***0 \ j \j-+0 

jy~° (*^>« liUlj *Jl£ '\ i j\j*yy&\ jij~ad I ^ 
o jP ^jjJl d)^j J ^ ^ 4^ulJaI^l 4^-si d->li Lgji 

p-<- v . . l a » jl iJliJl — Jl ^jai ^1 iiL^VL. 

V-LJI ^UJI ^ L.j ?^pUa;-Vl jJUJI ^ Li J>B tiiSUJl 

i_s* ^ (_M ) a r~i ir*J ^ ji y ^ A 



jL- ,y (*-f^j o^'“^' J -y}- a ^1 

<** ** 1 

.^Jl SjUiVl ^ j--pI J (>* jisl - ^U- 

^^iJl olijjiJl JL^I <wiSj^Jl IJla JJu 


l)L J jjiJl tj&oJ V Ujwu 4 ^5\J .iolJbJl J^jU j ^ 

j-^ 5-ulJ->*Jl JboLo ^ Jj>o LJ^i c l $ \ a LJI 

^ ■ f+ ** 

JUllI jja^Jl» jiJl i?3y ilLcuJl AijLLJJ tlSLp 

#* ** 

,UU-b 4jJL>*j <LuL^-ol^j o ^^> jI> <J^-flJ La3_2 4^0 


<?i ia^jJl >* J-* j-ij-^ajJl j^/j 

oLyujL«w«Jl la **>j (C,\ - jL-^-Vl j-jjLijj 4 o^L>*-oJlj 4 o^-p^II 

«• ’ -<r 

llL ASjJj >b t_ <JU jl*-<Jlj 4 j jL>tlll 

j^L^5 J^Aj ji *^>tJ Jj 4 

*• ■* £l 

. A^o aX>cjO 4_w*w 

V ^ ** 

J*- fcwwiJ j 4 4 j>-L*JI ojjfc ^jtJL>*Jl JjuLa jj J_vajjl 

4 <~*JL> JL^ L 4 J 5 l ^ ^ 4 (p_£jL*J ^jj) iJLdiJl AjJ-*L ^8 o j*-o 

JJa^J j&jjfi 4jli*Jl Jcr^ c5^° Js0j 

Frank Webster, The New Photography: Responsibility in Visual (6) 
Communication (London: Calder, 1980), pp. 4-5. 


JL$w»l l j j l l oLaJj-* <ulS ^jJL^Jl 

oliLkj ^Jl oU^pI oL> jJ ^a Uj_» j*_>*_>sJIj cjLLl>*j 

<a1aa (^IjJSI 10 x 6 Oj-^j L o LJU j) 3 jyS oU-Lva cy*j 4<ujujj 

Jtr^i 6^L«-4 Ca[s^-j11a ^jJ> jljwL>- ^^J-P 

.T-Shirts PjJ ^a uL*a.* J L l l ^^JLp j\ jJJi ^sS J LaJU^J 

** ' * *r 

^-ljj"» j*JjS l^jl; isjJai- (jSjjitJ JjJ-iJl 


. 6XA>J dc-rfj! 

(_?* cr*^ tL ~* jj tJ>SJLj ‘-W>t (1)1 J* Jl ll Nj 

*+ ** ** 

^Ijn ^ jl ^ « 0 J j *fc,Jl ^ -/* * 1 1 M 

** ■*• 4* V 

^IJ^J! ~t*_>Lo jjLIU t <Lil j& y jji}\ jj^aJlj 

jl) J-*P JSo t 4il>waJl ^ oj j- sAo- H O^/UJl ^P tls^jl 
(Graphic) ijLSj (Photo) Sjj^? <jli ^ jjb (JU^I ^a aJLJL* 


.^JcJLj il^Jjyu\ bj£; ol aJ LjULa J5 dJU 
..(Logos) <uk^»j (Icon) ^1 iijil, ^ ol :J\ <-Jy>^\ 

. (Photo-Graphic) _ jj jiJl jiJl yt I jjoj .L^iplb dJUJiS' j 


jis*ii «-cji 


^ (Bill Nichols) jJj-SLj ^ Ji\Su 


ISLlo c-oU? ij^aJl Sjj^aJl ji {Ideology and Image) 

**** ** 

^ j-^ jIwLa^j *^® fc oliP ^»Pj& 

ij j-aJI J\ iS >*J ^Ui>l jU 1 1 JJ . (7) ((Lploi- i l vLoU- j 

e-A^j^ <bl ^yif- aJI Jkx> ol t ^5L k j t,_s9ljP jiy^cS I ^ 

Bill Nichols, Ideology and the Image: Social Representation in the Cinema (7) 
and Other Media (Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1981), p. 57. 


tJlJpJl JL*jL« ,jiJl c#* •i£j* aj . ijr** ijr 4 ^ 

jt tSiljj V**-* C - J ~:-' ‘JJ- ■V«l JLj JaJI ii^U ol ^ 

i J^>-J ctUi £-* ( j ' * ^>«-J (. jl j£-i jl < 

iiU>l ui t Jli JLi <8 ) ojL jN jj j 15 JL5j ..u^jj ^Ui- £-*lj 

jj (^y\ ^ ^ j\ &k*y\ <j) xj>y Jl ^ au-j 

cJjuj jt 01 oL* j^JLj dU^5 

jl . JjjLJI j JjUalll iJUp JLi ji dJJAjj tojj^aU A^mJI oN jJ-UJl 

o^UJi l^j ^jjL yJi ( jiVi tiiajU^Ji ji) A-sA^iSi <k^^\ cIa 

(*-^J : y ly-jj j^3l LpI j lJLi*j t di!i £* t ^ j*Dl 

jli tijLJijJl oJ_$_# y*-j-i jl t 4jli Jl J J ^ > • Ot 

•4 ** 

»jj .^ll £« L^S^Vp J I Jj IoJcp i <u~aj jlp aJ^sxj t aJ«aJI ol«i£Jl 
J** t ( Possession ) ^ rji jJl J**-*-)! <_j JL»Jl ol£ l*-£ - 

<it>U Jl J - JjiJl y.j-^' J a* 

*• •» ** 

Jyi o\ jj>Ji j ? >-Sh s jj^ji j JaJi j Jji i^L* 

t ji>j j&S (We are Your Circumstantial Evidence) y± tdJJ JS ^ J 
y illj ol» j_L*-o t,i : M j-g-i t ® jj-^aJl ^ya-Jl ^ 

4 * 

.Si, Jb cr J j (Derridean) iJl O j j:> iLSJ j^i t S jj^aJl <y i^-s^lj 

ii^l*Jl f\U\ yj ^ 6 t dJJi 

.Lajl t J^S(I ^ p Lo-fcl^S/ (Jji-Ulj ^^aJl 

(iii ^ C/ 5 ’ 

eJlA JJL« jja LtJJ L« LJLpj . ( 9) (ij^aj l ^Ua^) (^j-iJJl j (ojlxJl 

Roland Barthes, /mage Mwsic 7exr, Translated by Stephen Health (New (8) 
York: Hill and Wang, 1977), pp. 39-41. 

Craig Owens, «The Allegorical Impulse: Toward a Theory of (9) 
Postmodernism. Part II,» October , vol. 12 (1980), pp. 74-75. 


\+i\ jJ U5 * ^ jjJJl JpLL' S>JU AA+ ibLJl 

Jliftl jl dLi Nj iuLUj^jk its jl Jjj 


L^Sl 4<US iilJb- J^uL* oL^JLi ^ oL^Mb 


IkJU tfl jii I oiks ^|i : jjUJl ^JJI t ^l J^JJ 

jij-^' <yj -JAJl «>*•* lyli %**j 

4* *4 

N ciUi 4 c3^-^Lj aI^Xj Jl5 ^ k -JI ol aa-JL>- ^_>-L>’'y I oJla> 

L®>J-lp 4 LS^JUl LlAj Oj&j 

•» *• •* 

J-Si Jp-j 4_>-j j-* 4 Lf^LJl j-c-j J-S' coUl J J-* (W* jj 

Sfrkjl ^jP |*PcJ v ~* ^ I l jl ^c-pl jJl V ^lp 4JOpl (*“®lk) 
A^ljj ?<u w ^1 0*>lp Lo j ? 1 ‘ 'T ~|^ ( .J 1 ^ * * ■ I 1 4 

j-SaJl J^- jJl i^lj ^ t jlaLJL^JI i^\j ft 4 jloLJl i^lj _ ^ 

«<— -Jt jpJl ^^p* jUJ)ll dr* f>Jl l4> UJ^JL ^1 JlSLiVl jl 

f*'’ £r ^ 

JpUJI £ja 0\ jS- tl J^S y\y 

L°*XLP . 4 ^jI J->eJl wLkjLa ^dl j& — yj^^ ji ^-sAlil ^-9 (_£^*JUl^ 

*• •* ■** 

b-CP^J 4 (1^4 <*L>P ^4 |^p jJL) 6 JJ-sa)I ^2^ l j ^4"** t j^Jl j^^rf 

JjVl JSdiJl .Ifiy jl Sj^l Ji~b J liUj LUi L>^oJlLo J*x)1 
+ * 

J****** 6 J^J ^4^’ (ojjfr */2 li J^P *)LnAA)J» ^^3*4 ll (l)^Su L«bXXP 

y y*A y&J • Lj Jj3j LaL^jI t ^aLj Jr^ L <*S 4 U 


^ j JLU oJ.a*^JI oli%Jl j 4 L^LaJL«Jj L^JojLp ^0 jL^-Vl jy& 
4o!A>^Jl j 42 -jjL . Jl < r s£S\ ^ ^yJLSl JuolScJj J^LuJi 

oU-saJLo ^jJLp oULJl j jiJl (w^S 1 Jla aj^Lp aJUuI j-p Ijlp 

(j*j a£lJIj ^^aJI j-ill JU-pI Ajj-fj c-iij^xJl 

4* ■* 

tJL^J J .L|JL^J*I Jdu^ul LaJL>-j (1)1 ^a^I^JI 

i^> 4U.J ^Ldl ^1 il5J ^ Jj^1» £>JC J-*j 

.ciL% ^LJj JUpI ^1 7,c\.s>^\\ oik >j]a3*v*i\ 


Olj-*£>oJl oJL>*jj t ol y» Cf* Sj-J*L* ii^P 4J Ol 4 


.LsAjI A^jLpOj t Aj jj jJ cOIJ-aV Jl <*«4» JLxllI i jj *A M 

^ *» 

, o j,-s<2_Jl j oyJUl iJisLoJl SjL>J ^^-Lp Lg.jj-5 c ^i-p' oJ-& j 

L# Ulp 4 j 1 ^Jb £*1 jJl j _ 0 j-dJl 0 J-A JJcLw^j ^^il ^P - ^JjJtll jJ j J 

(The Bowery in Two ^ Jjjj L jU ^ JUu j .iuLL> J >l, L^U-A, 
-^> : 1 1 aJLjJ? ip j-^_j>wo Inadequate Descriptive Systems) 

L Sa i jjJ J^aj ^ I 0*>LJl oL?*-jJJI CjiJlXjj • J J ^ " j 

oJjhj .oJL! jJl ^ * ' '/* a * * j : k * oLJ-S" ^ y£ 

^/b 0 JlA^ ( ( (( L>cA ^J b^j )) ) ioUxjl OjLxJLL*^3*qj l ,4 ^ ) 

.(3V>;MI iai- £jL?- OjJaJ tijjlj^j^Jl i-jJblijJl ijiaj 

u_JI yj )a>- J i-Jdj #^UaJl# Lu liSJUu 

^ip J c oLjL5\Jl jy^'J • • • L^jI 1 jiDl LflUaJ ^-iS” 1 Li ^>- 

^jL]| ® s > jJl ^ Halil)) ^JLij . 4>*j j L«)) I 4**%L* OjIjXa 

i C~Jl (^1 i^J^Jl iJUJl oUjJl iJLJL* ij^aJl jj^aJJ 

r^i oljjjlj .OjLpjJlj jL»-flJlj 

.JuS Lo LJLp lipjUJl ^LrLrj ul ^ ^L cu^jIp (iiUl 
«Lush Wino \ jJL5Li jJL£! iJij^jl iiil j-*Jl oLJi j^aJj 

. Rubbydub Inebriate Alcoholic Barrelhouse Bum» 

l$j!S iil jp y jiJl jy^\ o^Lb ji tL^jl t ^5*il jl ^ ^ ^ 

^JL-SlL OwoOi Oij .^ylJbJl J-*jL i Aw g ^Ljj _ S 

-ui oUJl ,lL (iJJl ioU^I J (((^U^VI l») Jlj-Ul 

Lf* )] - L$rr ^ (*^J - 

^ 5 * *• ’ 

^ . j .^ ■: l l ( ^_p) (In, Around and afterthoughts) KiJLs-'y jL^Lilj 


jZ*j> ^ o jJ^j t 

*• »• *4 

0 -^-^OLJl *j^S L ^-«.m-&j <£j-> <-A-*S j^jjj j-i 4 (Bowery) 

jl Uit V cl^J 4*tk^l ^jJU J^Vl 

*-^J- 2 l!l dJJJJ C-ilJLA^I JL>- 4 -jjj 

jl V lfj| L*5 tCjL^-Vlj <ii-^JL Ij-4 jJLJ oljL^Ml 

<j^) *1 j-iiJl 4j>J^2^J j*_L$Uj UJUp <U3 yhji J_p jJa-Jl 
015 -Ui) W>UJl (^Jl_p-I ^-Ju" J^S. jJt- t(JOUlJl 

*j>j£j > Jl oil** ^ oloJ^iJl ^ ji\ l\ ji.y jjiJl j waiil 

#• » ** 

.((The Farm Securities Administration) Sjbl J^L>- ^ I 

(JT* <JT® ^ 

ulSLJl Jj>«J d~>- ^ ^>-Ul 4 (Bowery) ^ 

•>JI dUJ^j ^1 >y^ai LU^ o >i-u 

^\JL ol ^ 4 jpL» jJl j^jjj 


(5 o’"' (_y3i *$ » ji V (_g JJi (._o«JL!I ya <e- j^>&* l j& 

t#* 4~ L \ a: .*y\ <j’ L .i <al l jJj . #Lp'L*i>-l ajjS 1*1 

oL^I^I jtt* ^jU: 1*1 U5 t jJLUl ^jcJ oL^iSiJI 

.(79) ^\ji\ >UI l*!jU j . L^Ji j l*« iuJUl . lUoudl 

m ** 

^jA A^pLgJL^-Vl Aj j ) a\ l l o*Lfc ^JL>^ clAJS L^-jl j-«»P 

c ^b) (( (jtrr^J 

j^ji i 4 .lg-L-P J^b 4aj^wwO»J 

0 ** 

Ji. ^ * <_$A2 4 4 4j J-JLtflJl 

^ ij^yy^ y.y^ (5y c^j .^>UiJi i^S\ <01 

iy '- ^ ^i j' U- 3 ir° ^ijr> 4 j^y.y) 3J*> J-»ai 

Martha Rosier, 3 Works (Halifax, NS: Nova Scotia College of Art and (10) 
Design, 1981), p. 73. 


JSJi . !l cJJtdlj ill ill Ajjljj h±,jl»JI ol jL?- Ji* tuLiJl 

4 4ilLi jJ-o yJl y <y>- ^i*-> 

*4 W ^ •* 

.A:li I^Up ^ LojIj 


yj J^iJi (Hans Haake) iJU yU yLJ^I d)Li!i 

^JajaJli t^yl j& - jjj-iJl Gj -> j */?*> ( y AaJLl>*^o j^Jaj ojj ll j ll 

jla>Jt ^ylp ^aj A^SLl ^-ty y {Ay\ <y L$JlS 

Ay-^S" j jy aJL^I a \* ss i oLojJL*-« tyJjbLJLaJl! ^1^5 ^y j\ 


yj .aJ y j AiLliS'l Lj a J jLu ^JUl ojLi>-I 

jJij AjIJ <. ojj_v2_Sl J ^2jJl yu oyJLa 43^Lp ^LjCL^ oJt>sJ y^>- 

t " ' * - 

ij* ‘jA>.K Cr* *js^ J ,J ^J ‘W*‘ 

o jl (Mobil) JlL» ol5 j-J. L» LJLp (^JUI) «ji 

jjb LJ yJL&UL<Jl Jjjb e-ilSL» jl Sfl jJlaj M j-ftj t ((Exxon) 

UIp y 4 aJ ^y? j*j iJl yp y-aJl d)Sf (. a^L>oj t jt-^sUI ^y-0 y> 

Cl^LS" (jJJjo JjyjjJl ® J Uj^La AjL> La 

- 0 j-J^Lj# 4j J-fcLJLa ^Jj A^-jJu (1)1 liLb CcL) jj Alla J .L^aI 

^ JLi-ill jjrU 

j'>=r i^i o\j !j <»UaJ ^ 

** l ** 

^y^L^-JLJl yiJl J jL>- LaJ (l)L^-a ^L>«-j| J jJa (_£JL?-I jJfc Ajj ^ H 


C^LtajL^-aj^ aJL*«*^o® o^L^ - La • A*ws 12 _Aj (1)1 ^ ^-j|j^«Jl 

oL~jl>J1 ^^JLrJI ^UkJU aLS* jljJU>JI x*J> J-wajJl 

aJuUjJI LjLaJajl y# ^\ (1) J ^ a ^y AjLjljL^I JJ^JJ 

^JJlj 4. ijXiJl _ iJU «uJLi ^JJI J^Jlj . (11) «j»JLi^l 

Fredric Jameson, «Hans Haacke and the Cultural Logic of (11) 
Postmodemism,» in: Rosalyn Deutsche, [et al.], Hans Haacke , Unfinished Business, 
Edited by Brian Wallis (New York: New Museum of Contemporary Art; 
Cambridge, Ma: MIT Press, 1986), p. 34. 


a* 4jl ^jSfl Ojlasli jJ-j Jj 

|>J ^ tS^. t uJ ^ j-j- tf>u ^u*vi J^jdi 

Cj* ^ sr^ 1 ‘ j>^ oi^LJUJ' J~u jt 

*^J U»Lj j\ J! j j ■ r? 1 L A l a ■ 7 wQ ‘Cw^x.a <Lj«ji!_j oLa •Ajut 

** ^ 


■ A^SjjJ 

JAJl J*J - (Jjj*d\j ./• dr 4 c# 5 ^* 

.f ^J! 4 LjL^Lo Lp^^Ju jjb _ Oj^-saJI <l_> r_r->. -,/ > aJL) ^ ka < 

i v^li^Lp^ 4 t 4 i Jajl ^>«J| 

jy& 3j* Uj-^. £-s^ Lg-lSj tU j^-p jMp^H j aJ^Ap^I oLLaUI j 
L*jI J* |t— i P^JL j 4 A*^x^-Jl (Collage) t/Ll-oJi AmL) *XjL*mA c-J ^JL wwIj 
O t US’ .U jJLJI ^p L^Jgj lilii jijuJI dJllS U^ 
A-A^kj <-Sj-saJI tiy Lf-J f^USfl 

JSwjj 4AIaL« ^ 4aJ^J| ' *4^4^ 

-L*jU jjJLl* <j-« 4 ^c>L>- 

* * ** 

l f<K ^ ^ 4 l i^. ^.a AS' ^|-«-VwL»VMWwQ^1 1 ^ ^ -/^ ■ |^ ^ ^ 1 ^ ■*■ . /^ 1 I 

iSjj oU-^ 'jj US) (^I^JI _ y^ijl jdj-AiJl JJ j* 

*• •* •* * ^ 

aLJLJ jjScuJl JUcl^NI <jl .(tAJ (Roy Lichtenstein) LaiAAMAAMmJ 


cr^-jy. jy^ jt ‘ (Duane Michals) jJSdU JJ y> ^JaiJl ^ 
u* 3 jSCi ^JJL (Hans Haake) ill* jl 4 (Victor Burgin) 

,U« JwilwwO ^ 4 ^ 13 J* JLJ 

U ULp ^ l^lp ^JaJl Sjj^aJl ^ oli^UJl d)l jJ> 

^->K_> 4 (JLL»JI 4 5 JliL»C0 


U r i 1 Uil j-&jJ jJ 5 J j_v£> uJJLLj J-^JjS JLo-PI JL^-I (jl 

Ull jiaJo 0 <jI® 4 0>UJl^il Alij lia * L^3 j t L-jlxS" i *jA 

a p ^ 1& 

0 JJ-A» - ^yj)y_ - J^i i J-*-*Jl t JL a ^yj eJLiM »Ldil dJLjkj . 



ji 4_*yl Jl ojj^,,^ ll y^a o j»>-L** 

<j liy*L> L* j-y^ Sy-L* ojj-m? i(. Mondrian's Glasses) 
jj - sa * L*-AAj>-li) L>. ^ : : > JjjJJl j*_p j t (Mondrian) jLjJUyaj 

>* tC^wby^ fL*»j yLJlj y^LSL^ ^ J^jjj} 

*♦ 1 •* ** t* 

tL* toljUaJl JUl yiJl y ypA-^S* j 

* ****** 

toLo-L^Jl yuj LaLLoAp jSs j c-y£^a y2_> ya i>sjL^? ^Ip 

t«jlp))j ^(y^pyallj t((yb:yv»j ^(SjyvaJDy 4«i^jyLji>> 
i^jjj oU-LSCJl oAa y> oJj>-\j V t J jJL j^flj . «ULa Ju*il LoJLLpWj 

Jj-* L-Jl j llXj C-JU oLJlSJl ^yi^Lp 4_>- y y*.p y 

t jjL>*jJl 4-L^lyjj C AjJ_*j j j_J) 0 L 4 JL 5 ' i aSjJ i-Pys^yaJl 


c«y^» : J-l» ,J l$jI ^Jj) ^i y ^>1 oLli 

yili ( y <Cj jJ d^^- 1 oLUSjl oJ-A jl i (J jJLi A-oU 0 jAJ . 

^LjLJl oy>od( y Jiij J&j jS J^P oy o\j .y lA>Jl AkjLo 

** •* «* 

OjwaJl»j y-wJ La LAyynJ 

.A^-yJlj yj L« yj t ** 


ji>jjS AjJ^aJ La y£j j*J oAa yia yLJl yi!t *lJU^I jl j*J> 
jj-saJI y5l jj_J 'Ay^-Sl (ylA>*Jl A-^jLa yjLgAlJ LaJjJj 
(?aSj^J 1) SjUi^Jl LiL y> L*Up y LaUJU yJl iabJl iy^Jl 

a* *T ** 

JiL>o <lJ_>«_«JIj 4_!jjl^_«J| (jL^Ji'ill • ^^Lpyi JjLu»_j ( j^» 

^ »i< 3* J C\j . 4-s^ j ^i*Jl 4 jjj«JL]| j- si’- \\ 

' ,j! cJ^Jl (j-ii i ikL. jij Cr®^' ® 

*^^^*■11 AiLSiJl La _ y A»Jl^ — ^-^ *>1^1 

Kate Linker, «Representation and Sexuality, » in: Brian Wallis, ed.. Art (12) 

After Modernism: Rethinking Representation (New York: New Museum of 
Contemporary Art; Boston, Ma: Godine, 1984), p. 414. 


tiLLJl Lo^JUco U 4 J 5 ( j :r «UaJl ^ 4ij 


oJuai /w«j t j .<LilJij ^L*-* 4-Lo^>«-fl L ^» jS i 

•ST ** 

^ j^j L;jjj' ^ ‘ Wd •f’-'j -Kr^- ^ J^' 


tjLoJl iL ^ j LiUj io j^-i* t Ui^l tdJJjJ .iJU-dJ* 

JLSLilj U jiJl ^ t-> <_** Aj^JJIj SLj-JI ^ 

«• *♦ 

j^p ^-AjLSoI - *L*jJI _ Jbr jJl Ugj <^1 

jj j_aLL» jJl ^jpLL*JI c ^ y*-> .oIjJI 

jj^aJL \jj$Jb jl Jaii j*-$Jp» f-* * <j^ ^ <jl IgXoP 

Vj . 03) ((U jI-AJuj p 4 ~i;t J* ^ aZ jfi\ 

ol*U~Jl W^bLii l ^lll oUUjJJ jJiJl J-JixlU I jlSoj I jp 

** ** 

^>JbcJl oUJUlJlj C^JJ-U AJb : /i^aJl 

LaJl^ajj L$i5' 4 JU? 3 jJ j 4JL5w»I ^5i^J ^ ^^p^J 

jp LLwsi to^lil ^ 4 J cJl5 lit c xJj ^jJl JpUJI 

.UUl i^LJl oU^aLJl JLa~" 
«» » •» «• ** 

~L>- J_> (jJUl 4Ju_p ^ ^.151 

JSLlj! J AjjUtJl oU*>UJIj 43 Jb <-^JL <uSf dUij tJaJlj ojj^aJl 
0>L«^x5 1 A^Jc>x^o el^ L ^wJ^rJl o^iXfcLo ^ 

(77ze J-Lo JL^pI ^3 L*-« Ip I frJL J J-m2j>cj oU*^p! 

^ «* 

(The Road to j\ t - Chase Manhattan Bank- Chase Advantage) 

An Allied j \ • ■* cr P_*_j ^ J 11) Profits is Paved with Culture) 

j«jjJ J_SLi L$J i_Pjli L_*J IJla jl j-Je- .(Chemical ad. 
j*>Lp^l i_j jJ—l ilbfc J. t(/l Breed Apart) ^ j .(Jj^a-ij 

^ (Leyland) 

Carol Squiers, «Di versionary (Syn)tactics: Barbara Kruger has her Way (13) 
with Words, » ARTnews , vol. 86, no. 2 (1987), p. 85. 


(Land Rover j Jaguar oljL->) y- ^ j-Dl oLL (I) LI 

J* «s o!>UI 6 jj~e (k_j) j\ 4 L Ajji\ jy*> 

LjUaj^Jl Ju^U aSjJ> ji-Jb' y- ^\ j*\ yb ^ 

‘r’J'*’ c#* 

4_J J— i JLsi o j_*Jl oJUb O^j Jjj 4 J_>-I J 

(Breck j_« SLii sjj-s^ iiL* JL~*-e 4 (American Cyanamid) 

jJ ^ jJl (Shampoo) j_yLLJJ o*5LpI y«) LJI j-p yjJ gir/) 

4 * 

jl y ^ jJU) (_yij £» o y-L* i£L-^> ■V'dJ ‘ (aS^-LII 

ip oL*>U!*J iyaJl cJLi-l ii>j eJl5 itUaJl 

yl^Ul J^lyJl l*yky ol» :JyP Jd^' J^l ^ y 

4 * 

:^ 4 i jUJl U .((jL^!>U L<j y jVl yk*I L.L- oLJ y^yo' 
y yjl 5 y4 oli 4_djUij yLa>*y Jib ol 

->' •' J 4 ^ O^d (►* 'M J-*^' O^r* ^ (S^^dJ -^r^' 

: Li JUJI Ly *J . y-^j y jcV y-**^ 

o^Ja— J-ij • »pi^l yy LNj y (.LL ^ OjlL-l» 

^jdl oLLJl . L SJH\ JibiLLJl)) :s»i >UI -S»\ll JLLJl 

^yUl (Rosier) J-^i jlS L^Sj . «yjly- »L~Jl a-J 

LSLt y <a <U-*J ,j-»J (.f 4 1 $ » "> ? • <1)^9 4 (_g J .< 3 « ll jj-P 

4 * •* 

.JjSfl jljJaJl y y J-A y'yyyJl yy^JU 4Ujli 

4 * 4 * 

.UJal* bj& U Ulpj - Ua»I Lb*- «(_$ 

J UaJIh^ c iSj^ t ^il jJj_Ul oLS" lilj 

•* •• 

t (Peirce) J y 4 UojI tAj^i 4 AiS-b 


yyjl ykj 4 , (aj^L» ikilj ( _ # ip y-n aJLJUJ) (Indexical) y> 

4 * ** 

A»..lall ejjtij jJl ^ AXi^C- ^y (ajLLxJJ J-f^) 

5 ^a! li Ajjj^aJ y-T 4-^ (jA ylyyyjl yj - A lU #Oa*^J 1 

4 * 4 * 

4 yly - yj-iJl (j-aJl | < j " - d J JaLul (yj y <w»lJ^ 


Uijj : yA ^jy ^ <■ L^jI 

\ ** •» •» 

^1 <_5 j_a jJl iiLvM oJJl iiLyl C-JL5 JlL» 

(^jjJJl oL>JUa-A4 «e*ly» U*p ijjj tjSl i ^^£*-4 tyjiVlj 

■** ** 

^ p Ljo’AS' : Lfs^Aii-l t <k;l y« <i jJLJI «, j 

Jijk iSy^H '■*-* dr^ c hXA yJk J-*-* 

|JL^_5 t L^jLJXj C \ fcOL*^-*Jl ( j-« Aj^J 

oi : Uaj t -ul j cJjJl y y>jL*i 

(jS^ ^~** L 

*• *+ 

byjc~* olOU UI& iLsb iU» tiyJUlj li^Jl 

N JU*^1 oJj* ojj^Jli t t5 ls' jl j 

** ** I 

c La t oUjJL**Jli tA-^iJ (_y oMl>- ^y> aJ^IjJI 

w ^ +* 

y.l& y Jyy LiUI ■t-'i’ J** 1 *- 


jLluJI <uL5 ix*jy. jy£-S <y>~J ^ >* '•^ ili 
^jL^I ilLfc tU-J» .(Between) o%LLJl j 


oj> j jLoJl oj j «,/g 11 ( j-oj t c-jL53Ij Jl aJL*? j-g-3 4 LsajI 

cr*-^' {yiJ ‘J^J'j 15 j^' CrHJ 

J\ JS l* c> , yJl ii>Jl ol > . f *p?l JSL-^J 

A?-L^o c j n *,a a t (4)^3 t ^ 

L. ^>lla.^_]l 4^3 ^^LlLi (^jJl jliUJl fc L*£jl fc^-Aj I L^-LS* AjjJ^mJI 

*• ** ** 

Aa^LmmJ a^ 4>> ^jlxj *^Ua>sj 

(^yllajyJl) ^jwUJl yyjy A-^jJlj \Xk 

** *• •* 

y^' jy. JLfljW ! C bjL>S^ i ^3l - yJ^sAlll 

«• *» ♦* 

(. a ^-SLS ^*JL>*-a ^Jt j 

C ^j*£* J jj ^aS' ^Ld*Jl ^JJ->eJ LfttoXlAd 4 

Burgin, Between , p. 86. (14) 


oSl I jJLJi 4 oD SJWjJI J^kJl <■«— Ja.'l j! f-felp 

1 * + * 

J& yi JjjJl 4-i^jLo-a ^^i-P Lmw4 ^X-^O 

c^> jjjJ tiS^/jJl j|S 

^yr^y^} bW^ - <L ^’ >i l#*' j*yy^ yy*-^ yy. e?-^' 

4-JL® 4^w*jL«-«j AjjJaj C->Lb^ j-JLaJ|N \Xto . (( W jSj* 

Lol 4 <j jJaJ L*> j » ^_»-L> <ub ^ 3 1 jj j-^-ll °j-tj-* aL> tlr^ 4 -^L*_j 

3jij ^ jJaJl 4jjiaJl £*I^J •Ut'W’ (Jl JJ-^' (5y W*-«*J* 

Lv- ^_i L®!>Ll>-I j! t(Saussure) aJlJUI ijjJaJ j-p 

^jjJUl ^ ol .(Lacan) hy** y J\ 4 (Derrida) 

. kJu ^1 Ji-b itj&j i3> tt> 

Nl 4 4JcUl aL^Ijj t Uijb (. (J j JJ jj .,/ g ll <1)L» (JjJaJt £*j 

J u ^ ~ H y* ^jJl Uuh UJL^ j L>^>^> ^Le-LaJ iSLi-A jl 

4JJLSI jl . 4 j J jllj AjjjJLSI U JflLfcjl ^j-J 4 j^I^Pjj jJlJl 

^Jujlj (1) 1 1 g « ^X^-J 4 ^yja-XJ (1)1 4 La^jl^ 4 

!j _& Ax^ <1)1 t ^—sl j-p - ^jj-aJ 1 . /g " l l t Ixx^J 4 j j ., / g H 
* ** ** 

(1)1 JlSj^JI y* Jj,JL« 4^j^3lXX« j>*A c J-& (j^lj^^l 

~ << 

;7J-> >* jJ-* (_^i ^ -Hi £>* 

3& LgJ ^jJL 4^jJl 4 4jLwdJ>sJl (1 )jXaJ| (JL*-p1 ^jA 4 i) 

o ja5j> ois- jj^ .^. ^J i <j ^idii 

- yy*^ d)jjj-s<a-obl jb Jlij .^1 ^ ciJiJlj JLiJl ^ 

*♦ •• 
p ^ ^ p 

4 4*0^^11 C!^lj jia^JL 4 J-»s<^ JJJ 4 b/2jl 4 |» ^ ».w ft L)l ^jJijJl 

4-wg«fclj C^"jl ^ lL»pl jl U5 tiyLJLijlj tJj-JJt iJLJUdlj 

.<o1jl>vJI AmjL. ^3 aj^lJLsxII 

Linker, «Representation and Sexuality ,» p. 405. 



t jbJN.} jli^jt^o <> l <•> 4 jj j) ., ^^l lj a*JJI jl <j 




j - °j— -»j ^ 


Jl C^i ^ $ *** i 1 * l ^ l S>\ 

l/ v a . a IJlA .^LaLw^^JIj 3 ^ 

W' ** 

cjSll jj* U^ ^t-s^jl o jj-^2-; l-i-* J-sa^**j j*J L^jjj o* 

i j^j yA\ j j^p t^iS^d M Ia*a 3 l*^> oj j-saSIj 4*JJl £o^- LoJlP 

^jj-saJI L§Jli dU-3 ^'Ap^II J-jL*j j-^p l i * :-^r 

.jl oJiSj-* t ^JIj^JI i j~Li\ ^jJ<-Ulj 

•* ** 

^lil Jlj-Jl j .ijj*- if 5 'V^ <_#* : J *> jUa^-L, 

^yJl (_£jJLllj ^J L , «g ^Jl Lo IjJ> (. o-*j lS^ if ^ 

4.«.%.»..2. 1' iiLiLiJ! t y <_£ (_$ j ■, /? - LI ^J-J-4-Jl ^J^fl-dJ! L^-«J->^j 
J jyLo t _ 5 sl> - j^l Jij-aj' bj ?U*J5 JLJl ^Ij 

H ** 

U jj>- ^JJL> j»J jjj t Jlj^Jl l*ifJ oJj>-l j apLw> 

.a> Lv 



^ - 

IIII^IMftlljftZ lll»Ail I ^ 

0 , 

^yr j-ij-i-^^' J-*-Jl jl 



jp jj jjLSI ^j-ill 4-JJ [£ *X^Jl jp* t 

*• •* ^ ^ 

Aj^laJl jL J^aJI (^p! V Ulj .L*3lj b^>-j 

jl tJaJii t(_^pl ^ U5 .dllS V^*i dr° 4 jr^' c/ 

** ^ f- 

£* tU^jl jj-H^®- ^ J J^* (^ (*-^jbjl jj-iJl 

:ijjkl\ ^r* c^Jlj cJliLtJ l$JlS JUpVi jl v^l L. .dUJ5 

jj-saJI 1 oULj j U LJIp ^ ojJJJl 

t L)Lw»-l iOj£j jl .(L^ua) j\ \ g * A A^J>-\jyi 0JJ-*A-J 

.If] jL; JLJl ^ i>tjj-s^ <^wA^ j-^ ^ ^-woliaJl ^JpLiJ 

. &SjU ^L5jjVl ^IJUI 1 &* ljj " J 

** ^ 

J^LaJ J*>Lj>- t b-fc iJj>-jj tiiJJi (j-f' M-tJ tjLaJlj 
JJLJIj r liJ>l Jl^ ^1 

*♦ Vi '> ** 


^ rjiJl j Ju^kJli pU^-VIj tUliSJl 


^ J^jL« jP - jj jjLII ji J^ 

*• ** 

Ju^kJl oVUJl j£\ c^i-Sll JLiJl ^ tCJlS JlUj 


JJL>^JI Ai^j tiy-Jl i-L-Jl J cLijUl iJUJt ^ 

jS- - y jiJl aj^rri U jl iJUk ^jXP Jlij .A-SLSviJl AjjJaJlj 

j^Jl jl t j\ tcr ^>Jl jl iUJJI ^ ) J^ss^ll Jjuj ^ 

-jwajJt J_j_«JLSl A--L^ diliSj t( ( _ r ~JJ>Jl 


^Uixll £0 4 jL> ^ i) 4j*\ jA 

jJlJ® * wL?»- ! l— tf.yg.J La*S^ '(A-Lg 

ojj^ali <L*m*4j-<JI«la".>*^f I oL>Ji]a^.^Jl ^0 IpUajDl Aj ^J alll 
. ^ 16 ^<aJLjl> ULia^^f IjLUl o j})j t L^jI tLgj^SsJ c UJli 4,-LjLlaWW-^fcj l 

c l */3 4 w ^j|JL>tJl J_*_jL» j-p _ jj j-aJl jj j . /?" 1 1 

*• •* 

o ')! jj oL J& ja I ilLft c iJU-b Ajjia^ oliU. 

L>- Ajj 4*>- AIj J^Li <Xw4 _ ^T-+/?\j j*J b LjJ ojlj 

10 p 

,A-^L>*-> jp jjjJl jjJ L«j-^-P A^boJl ^>-Vl aJ^P ^3l 


^ jJajJl alpl ^JUI JwoP tLjlj b*5j td-Ui JlIojj 

IJLio ^51 S^i iJJyUl Vr"j cr^J U 

Q j-ulJL>- JLujLoJI Jjk Ig-J <^J>-j ^_^3\ J A_*^jLa-oJl ( ^P 


.4*Jl> sj( Aa^L%*mJ >» ^ i lj -X>o ( j 

J~* Jujji !»l J jl5N 5 jUI ^ y kJl SaUJ jl ^ 


cLJLJi jlS Lojjj trtJip'yi jj'yi I4J OLS^ ^ 

i ** ¥* 

4j jJajJl d-^Lw>s^jl JlL ^w4ta>cJ mj liL^ ^3^ L^j'y 

Laura Mulvey, «Magnificent Obssession,» Parachute , vol. 42 (1986), (16) 
p. 7. 


Jj^iiil ^jIp tUaJ tyS yll jl5 t (Silvia Kolbowski) C _ 5 SL- jJ^S 

^UaJl J^-ta jS'IjaJI frbj <_ylpj 


'‘IT » •* •* ** 

y yjl yy^i I J* \ <jJlJ \ ^Pj *UJl J OlJJl »Lj y dlTbl 0 j& 

•* ** 

( , '- e ’ CS"^' Jj«jL> yly - 

id Sri M l^iyco jl JlP olJJl J! > { t (I7> 1985 


(j-^-J j ca^j^I a^Ujl^I j aJUi)I <jy> ji\ ot>L5Llill oJ ik^tjj 
^ IJLfc ^j*aJ\j ijy^\ JpliJl ^ 

{The ^Jlaj 4 JLi-<Jl (Jrr^ ^ajIj^-N im ^ m J 

^_ : j _^ j (JJl^\ (Marie Yates) ^jL^J Missing Woman) 

t JuL mjj t A-Jl oLJj-j) A-wAjLj j A-JI jJ-jSjJ Oj y^> 

.aJJUI ^ oIJJlJ jISM liwbo (ci>w?j t ol 

*» ^ 
ol j * JJ U I jMMbJ jl y JiaLuJI y (—Us JiJ i j /-I oUISoj 

a . • al jJl jLj'bM <k- j (^jJl j j) . /g l l |j_A 

y^l oi y .styJI 5 >i y* yU^Nl V U«JI Jl^iM 

sl^JD) ij\ tColiJl (Lacanian) y!5*>Ul yaiJl tUjb L<— ij 

#* ** ** 

jy^? £° .jl^Jl ^ a-JUJI 

oLaLwjbVlj ^ jVl <sJL~*S jL« a aJLo_pI cjXj^j 

q\£j jltl aj^' (Althusserian) aj^^JS/I 


4-Ail j-«Jl j -ijg.Jl Aj ^la - l l j ) * ^" ^l j‘A; ^ 1 I ^pLaxJI 

yillj k,jk}\ iJlSo jy) ^ {Olympia) j\ {Gradiva) ^ 

(Mary L5 t>^-d tJlU5 .aJIa>JI JjoU 

*• ** 

Difference: On Representation and Sexuality (New York: New Museum (17) 
of Contemporary Art, 1984). 


t ft jjb j^i\ < 4 ^- j {ja (David Askevold) JiJ y&S\ xk jb jl Kelly) 
j^}\ L^Jbolj c U^jI c l« Ji (<uL^Jl 

JLd d\S ^J-Jl JA £jJl Ul& ( 1)1 JUj jl ibcJpj 

Jbolo t dlb (Dada) bb 6 jCl 

M <■ U.f : K ^ p illxAJlj ^LuJl 

tUgJjLxJ _ Ufljt i^L-Jl j - o^JajJt oLSL-wJl j-p LfLsAi 


•<_#*'> - iJ *kX~) 

U?U«1 1 2L-L-. 

• ** 

j^jCj i J jJL) jl JjuU 5L>-b-«Jl *S-'!h> L* <jl 

/ji)l y <L*a 1 oli SfJ Oj^j jl V 5J»U«^Jl ij lw 


< -lp ^yb it^laJl (_$®J ^yl^XsJl J-*jb 

t* ** ** ** 

y JjjLJIj <Jl*i! l _X’J tL o .fr. a l i j Lo^-LJj 

y Lily^y jj** ^1 iijii <y>y^> o\j .olSL- 

iojy jAj :bU t^j-A-Jl y Lit?- OlS U ^1 j* - yy . II 

y* ^JLL^ Oj£j (jl {yj 

t^jlj t JUbbLoJl jyl ^AJl ^L**AJ 

* 10 P * 

jj^olpx}\ Lib ^AJl yjiXjdl ^y&j ^ 

_ tl)L>- d)^>-d 4-w0^ipVl <ij\ i axXXj J *xaL*^AJ ^£^LJl 
Jj tJaii <Gl^jJ U^l ^-SL; (J <1~^) (Don Jean-Louis) ^jJ 
(Laurie ^jyJ j\ c(LojI ^Lgjuo 

{Handphone Table) (When You We’re LgJU-p JJL^) Anderson) 

{Documenta ^ ii yJl ^1 OjJ-aLL<JI Lo^Upj .(Hear) (sic) 


(Oelgemelde, Hommage a Marcel —L» J-iL* J-*^- ‘ 7) 


JuxjU *UAi (1) \y\S -Lai 4 Broodthaers) 

jl>-I ^gki i y>i~+A Jl J+& j tijj-*-~Jl 

t ( _ sr Ai jW>\ oli (Ronald Regan) d)Uuj jJUj J is~jl c-ilp 

jJUjjW < j ^ A ^ l s ^ J 

tijjj o-jJ» : J jJu JJ t OjJ-aLIxJI U.S' t «uUjj 


tlJub . (Marcel Broodthaers) 

^JJLJ t j^j >- t Jl*j>*-* J->- ^ * i * * i J J y*^-* JL^Lp.} 

•* Mr 

& * <UJ Ja 9 Sy^j Jl o jL^^Ll t j-*Jl O^L*^ 

J_* JLUJ S:>UJ< liL-fej .J^ L^JJ. ^ 

o J&* aJI j*yj* ® jj -^ 3 c Jl ^^loLpjJI 

^LqJ^I J j) 6 ^ ^ ^ g * t woJ (^jJ->*Jl Oj-^Lt 4 -*'->«-*^ 

t LjIS tLjb t.vJUbLuJl *L*i JlSj .JUjJ ^Ua^> jUl 

♦* ** 4* 

/jjp 4 LJj t(^jL>wa J - Lg-J->tJ ^ ^d^Jd 

,4^>- ^Jll Lj jJ <u^.^.sa!I 4-^JJl 

iLHp j-saJIj (_£jJJl J* 

t,_ j S j^JL ^U^Jl J.^1 ^jJI U-* Jj-^4i t j^Lpl 

Lbjuki> Jl 4jl5J>Ml /jp ^>w^lj o ^^LJI j ^ Jl 

.SfUJ JJ M (jJLil JJj (^jj^Jl) 6> J-JI JlJbJl a*jL» JiJl 

(4 _>jL>*JI L^JjLij Jlijjjt^Jl) oL*>LpNI o-Jj J*^J ^,^-LJl 

JL$L^I Jl lJ to-J Lg-?-j JLw>^j ji'jjSj J-^ J 

t LsAjI t ^wol ^:il oIa .J^LiJIj ^^LwwJl JlJJl ^I^jNI 

L> Jl jS> .^Lj >-1 ^IJ J J' jjj-^iJl oJjli Jp 

** # 

JL»jCL-oI j~j- 4 -L-5 LJI j-A o j j ..< a Jl j ^ i ia » )l 4 LJl> t a_L*_«j 

jl ii->-L>- 4 -LaLL^JI <u>-j-<JI j^iL-«Jl ^j^JJl a_jUaj>tJl 

i l-L4-^> Uaal tjixj 4 oV)Ij ^UaJ UjLlpLi 4 jj^aJl 

.L4J5 olJJlj ^^1 Jl<J til 4 JlaLuJI 



'IjJl* j_rri ^ j * - jty* 

JLil ^Jl J\ _^Jl JjlkJlS) Jk Jl ^ 0 L<» (18) «5 >UI 


j ^ - /*^ a iO^Ja^ ^^IhXJl i_LL la^^a t a l l 

lJUfcLJLa JlJjj (_£jJlj 4 IjLiJl ^5"^! (£ j j v3 ) l / ^*sa + Si J-pLilJl Ja^j 

** ** ** 

jl jS\ jp j ^ o\ -l>*j Ujwo L ;w > l la : . t > 

Jl^JM ^ la « a <1)1 <LL jli cu-i-alj J-ij .l$-*>- j-* (J-s^l 
t> ‘cr* t Ja~>^' <_yJl ^UJl ,>iJlj (**^V' J 

«• t* ** ** ’ 

^jjkLl^Jl ^1 l l^-i M 4 -JpUw. JlSLih t^iljJl 

i^J*Udl l*L* li^l Ji-JLJ ol col j! tdJjJ t (19) «j^JJl 

** ** T 

{Surveillance ixialJl .U-^i5 ^j-LUIj <_$ 

#> n* 

iJu tt_J?UtdL L^SMpj ikJLJLi iJujca is your Busy work) 

bjy+,0 ^j^l w , L>J-5\Jl oAA 0^*-s &J J&y .(JlioJl ^J^-**** 

^_J>- LoL^-^ ‘-ijJL 0 l^j) JuL^l <>* JJ-v2-a t j5i J^-J 
0 J~S L^J-P ( W>lj J->- jJ'j i (aj jM^H A*lJl ^1 Jij+t alll ill ijjlj 

<^Ua_3*Jl JtiL^I LOj y */3 l l J ; 1 1 <J*)L>- <_r* 

•*• ** 

S^StiJl *-* AOjJl 4-ilijJlj ikLJL iaJjCuJl (Foucault) ,jjjSyd\ 

• «cJl» ciLil^j <^jJlj ‘ 

^ ^JLaLLJI ^-^2j ( j^a)Jl ^ «OjI» <*_JaL>t*Jl j-^w^ <1)1 

jl ^JuLoaJl ^la J^-Sl Axial* (1)1 LaU . C-45 j-a 

♦* ** ** 

^ *• 

5j^s<a-Jl 3 jj-^ -V 'Ar*i 

^j-a JbJbJl (wJflL^-oJl (1)L& (. 4-Jl ^Uaj>*Ji <L>-j^Jl KOjU 

Victor Burgin, ed.: ((Photography, Phantasy, Function, » in: Thinking (18) 
Photography (London: Macmillan, 1982), p. 211. 

Squiers, ‘«Diversionary (Syn)tactics: Barbara Kruger has her Way with (19) 
Words,» p. 80. 


yh yyU { j-^ 


,(a_^oj_^-p oNNjlSI jJl5I jJ* IjLa 01 y ^-pjJLj) y-Sjj (Jy^j 
y iJU- y oXj a*Xj tiL^j V'^^y °j>^ 4 

ol yl 0j j-s^ jl . «j*-$b l3 j! 1 j)a~ *i\ CU>tJ £y2y 4 AjLSsJI 

40 m? 

. c~~J oJU ; oL»0S0l Lfijij Sly y 

4 jUl y Usb p*\j j& iL~* jJcj jS «cJ» JU 

.aULJI £j>y t aS*^ aJ UJb yj 
^y J ^ 

«o^>^Jl» -j i^UJl oyJUl o>JU ylUl y> L^ii 

Ujup j .Igily ila-^l^j Sfi y^JL !>bJ ^ Apjli oU!Ap LajLipL 

\ \ ... <* | ^JLp Ijl$j t a-s*?Lp*j yl^l a-«L*JI Aji^Jl 0 j-^-> 

SU t(JiJLdill ^y Ajj^Ji 0j^-» y^O iS j % & t /S £*- 4 

(0L»-w«»l jJL LJLpj) c a la 1 ... l b A la ; * y 0j^-» L* t_$-* 

(You make JL^pI J^tj ^ Oaip ^ : ^-^- 3 

iLki^ iyl yyy U-*-° j) history when you do business) 

s^Lpj i L,<gj| ^*J^i<0l X^-^- a l*^® lj <JW*j 

(Our Time is your «dUL« LjlSj» y L^5 oL*aJ aJL>- y 0j-£j 

** ** 

J _ r w> oli i(U_5b pj b\j) jLw-\ll .money) 

ZJJs ijJ+0 • <J~“ (_^i L»J^P iliA j*J^l»Jl 


JLiJ» : Ifcip ^y-yJl OlyJl 0ljJb>Jl y A^yS* A^» Sly' M 

y l^yi l y oYjlyJl L^JL^-A^Ijj . S/U yljMl hOl Oj-L/? 

oUJl oLyJ aJLJLjJI y^JaJl^ 4 ^ tAJ^^^XJ 

j&Jj£ O-S-A^- tA-i-Ul Aia_^lyj AkUl y l ^ .jLLjIj t ^y^yJlj 

A^ljlj y iy- 4 t y Nl ly^u 

yo yjJUbL^Jl j j j ol XJl 


(We are being Jl^jJI ol t JLlJI JUi JUJI 


<tj \ ^oJcJ Li y>- oLJL^Jl oJla made spectacles) 

ol wOwU 4JLL*_^Jl ^ j_JjlJI 4 ^L»JwwmJ 1 <u j tSLJl Sj & *,a U <L . +,& « ll 

y ** «* *4 W s/,y ♦*,*/ * 

t<_J^L>**Jl < 2 JUS JL j*J tUJ» j ,(L*aJ 1 $JIp 0 

t _ ^j^jLJI j&jjS jy& u^>L3g.»cJl <lJI — Jl 


U LJIp y> jLAHi I JUpVi J jLjl (JS Sfl jl) /JJU 


P * 

-j jJu^L (1) 

jj *,a ll £-o (^jjLUl) i-A la >Jl! j_p j jS uL J g jJ <jl 

oL^A_pVIj 4^LtJww^Jl ^j-4 LJLp oJ^jlmwqJI t *u j * ll 

oUVl ^jj^LLoJl <£>- ^ oj-ift J 

**■ ** 

o^ 1 J ^y\ j5t -j ^ j£J iJ^jw j-p fci* ^i) 

jjb ojm. Jl5Lil Jp jl l o\j .JLJl 

f, ** 

cJsUo d\ djjj j-ji 4 L*-. (i J-iij - 

L^Jmo i L^j c-i ^ix^Jl <J«jl$jJI JLSLil <p^^>s.* l>* 


^ * * 

v jJfc (^^.:^,ll <_£ Jl j) jJJl ^Uai^Jlj .4jJaJux LJU>^o JJaj 

v U^Jlj .SJLJIj JUA)i J5L.J Jb4 tl«Jl i~JL 

JjbLLoJl JiLiJ 4 I Jj J_>*j t OwX^. iJlAj ^Jjjj ^ (_jj^ - y_^Jl 


** ** 

*Ja^ J Ljb ^jiJJl AaJJI yfc uilJL^^U 


(Hannah Wilke) ^SLL j UL^J 

** ♦* 

What Does This Representation? What Do You ^ « ll 

ZJLjlajj (.((So Help Me Hannah) I^JUp J) Represent?) 

Khathleen McCarthy Gauss, New American Photography (Los Angeles: (20) 
Los Angeles County Museum of Art, 1985), p. 93. 


oL > j 1 a ,« J l t 0 j-»^L_«_5 I 

LjUsI jiil JUaj)( k_jji-^L J-*i L» -tij iSJsUa-Jlj 

?j j ^g] \ j| .Lfi^LwD J\ cjj~ai\ /<ul£JI 

ijLjwi kkijlaj <LJl?-j 4 *4j^ i j*J 

J_p- Jia o Jj>^> jS*jS\ y> ^ all SjaU^oj tiiyJl *Jj\j 

: J_j<_) la- (_jJl j^J>jyi -> Jl J?* (J^* 

.«What do you Represent ?)) j «What Does This Represent?)) 

IJla Oj-Sl i (j-L* 4 dr 4 eJ' dr*' lt*-* 

4iy& is o^sL*- tdJU caj! J+& .(>&** j.S'j) Uw?ij 

JuJU^dl Jl^JM ^ 

iliJl JI5 ^ LjUaJj 

jl jJr .^-JucJl ^ oXoLj! Oj_*UaJl A^LaJJ 

jiJl Jajj ^ c -UjU ^J^vadi 

cU J^P iad-^Jl aLuj Lw® Ij^La jjiaj ^U^rNl J-iLldL 

f*-^ >f* 

J^b ^ ^jUdJ LpIj J-^LLqJI 

AiJLkj ij\j iifT <>* ^ L /g a:* j l 

•t 5^ 0^ 


j*a 4 ((t_»>Ua>-)) AaI^J y ^ 

U* t <21 ^« ( _ ? >- J JjjJb^l j*liJl» ^-U d\5 La J* - {jA 

Colin MacCabe, «The Discursive and the Ideological in Film: Notes on (21) 
the Conditions of Political Intervention, » Screen, vol. 19, no. 4 (Winter 1978- 
1979), p. 41. 


tir* jz* ^ J! jz~*t 

C A*^sa)U jJ* 1Jl& <jl ^SsXsl ^1 jJ* .<U^- jJ^j -b^lj 4^^L**Jl 4^JpL>t*dl 


^jC-yj <• *~JU ^lA^Jl JjoU Ji\j£- - yyti\ jiy*^\ ^ t ^ •» 

*r *» ** 

JlajLo jiJl IJL* ^ ((L-jjjUjI) (Althusserian iSj^yy ( _ y ^*-»Jj) 


L*p £luJl £ij ^^Lp ^^aUl J^jj t 

t>* u^Lr^ 

^3 _ Lg-Slj^l Li-siij jl - L^ww- 4 . 4 L^Sl jil o)j *iSj ^ ■■XALv*-aJl 

** ** 

4jLJL> tJ 4JI ^-Lol j-a t ji'jjS IjjjLj J-$-p 

JU*-a J^aJlj uJ^Uc-Jl ^ JpliJl ^ ^ 

*• n " -l - 

4 ,/3 3 jl iilji*^/L) ^xJl <L«JajVl jl_j .JjjUI US' 

I^^jj-AjSII jl J-Jj t^iil t _ s ^«-o-5Lj tji^l oJ 

»1 la ' 11 ^3 4 JjIj ^ 3l^-a (J^JL>"1 j_ 5^1 j J) » a J1 

•> Jl ^L^-Ml 


jJbj i^^jIJIp-cJI JLjoLo ^yil J-P -jjjjLJI jJ j ^ lll 4j ^j-Sj L« I j-fcj 
4^llp ^j!j ^8 ^ Louis' ^j-*-Ulj (Jp^-saJI ^^j***-^ Lr* ^ 

^Jl <zj\ ..^SLuJl 4 j j_*j ^jIaj 4Jl l*J> .JLsajMIj -WLijJl ^1 


(ojj-^Jl jl UjJjjl) J-JL«jJl JISLil JjcpJ 
iULUl L^-lijLU b\j .U^J cUi^j L^l ^k^-.lL; 

OjjJlJl i*jl ■». 1 U ■/» yv 11 t^jLlljlj JU-«JLyvNlj 



JJU t JLo-p^l ^ ilb-A jr^ 3 jp ^ji ^ 

p p • 

<1)1 Lf^w (Model Pleasure) jl t ( yJ^jjJ ( Olympia ) 


lf£ a t ^j-wSJl j 1 4jLJL>Jl j il\j#\ Ls^pj® Ja. 

lrll t t>U») (^J-J-iixJl 0 j— >1 jjj* y>-p-l Sll» jiJjj 


Jloo j t ((Fetishism) j 

. (22> « JiUJl &Z J\ 5 ^kJl 


d-*l ^L p t jj-w-^3 

^*Xp t <A^ L^^vw^aJ (j Ajl L^S 1 t 1^ 

i^Uai^Jl iJ**-*0 (_£j-*JlJl oHj C5^l H C Lg-*-« j^-pbjLa jA 

j\ iOjL S*>L* a-JU o j-a c I Jlaj) s^jl>wo o^L^I a-jLl^j « 11 

HI ^^<Jl (wJI? UwUp ^ ^S" toj^» 

p ^ 

L&j J^*-* ^%-&j^-s^ 0^>*J HI 1 ^*.y3-> 

^jJl ^-^Lw^vJl L&jl j-i Ol ^Jjjj HjLa j-A-jj .AJJ JJ 

** <* 

^ L^-LJ^o Cj* “W^-^* Vr^ 

4-J|jL>Jl JUuLa 4_stfjL>t^JI (jl_j t LjSLgj (j-^J (*-! l(_£ J *<* ; '' ®,_yiljJl 

: tlflli (_,» 4 jjj5 C~-J 

i t ^JLJLj <Lii j-p j-aJi pju« ^ lb N ol5 lSli» 

jjg 1 la" H N j ^yy^J j-*-*-^ <JH»-pI j^ouu ^ dUS J^^p 

cJQa_*Jl j .^ji\ J& JJ j-iJl c_->Ua->sJl Jl^dl ^L*-* aJa^^H* aJ-*_> 

•• ** • ** * 

i>* »_9_pJl je- ( _ s Ucj ot ,j»i 1_J-U <^L<=- 

*► •* 

i>^-*-d 4 (*-p-» tf* i— jU_*Jlj ijjJajJl j^s>J--?-jJ ^ 

t j>-'^> s j\ j! liJlaj jljjj l JZa ^~i\ji-yy>ti 

I H W ** » 

Hal Foster, ed., Recordings: Art, Spectacle, Cultural Politics (Port (22) 
Townsend: Bay Press, 1985), p. 8. 

Rosier, 3 Works , p. 82. (23) 



LpIj— Oj~ V (•— g— it iUaj! t jj-ij-*-. 

\jjj£j jl jA 

L* ‘ jjj-f L^.JI 

cJUj«- ^Jl ^LpUj^MI Jli^-S/I cJLL?- ^Jl oljL^/yij iLLJJ 

i> 3^' j' (The Bowery) iljjijJ ^ £jLi 

./wJ^U-o Li) Jl u al>- 

W** ~ * ♦ V * 

L>-j-s^j j-* J^^p jUiU J^LjjNl 

*♦ ** 

t g . i» U o^xS ^JJl ^jf^ljP-^jjjiJl ^jj^/ 3 *Jl ^iSI JU*p 5 j- 

(^L^uJl ^^iSLlJl ! ^Jl ^ Jptf jJL a^*_U 

** hr 

tA-j-^JIjJl a^UJI Jj jJJl ^1 UJIj t o>Lp <LJUJj o-*I 


iSwt j-p _ _ c-LLSJ wipjli iyJUl c~~JJ 

*• ** 

jr* ‘j' ‘•js-* ^-J*^ <y> I4 J oLIpj 

(*- SLj '-i (>«J' ur^' tr*J ‘J-»^' 'j-* tUs^*-^ 

kilL <i!j_*l c-JLS'j . 4 ^_^L_vJI 4 la 1 ..JL tL3_*jj <■ ^ 1 ./*~< Nl 

yw ^ L«J! >J ol 0 yuUl ^Jb* ^1 

Alai .* ( _jl-f' *-LLtAJ AjJ^ AjiL^alsVl l ^ j ^3 (jl yS' IAU^mJ 

fr* JlXii o‘5L* illb* .JLibJl J_- JLp tUL^it v _^- ^ 


JuJ £l**4» iiu (1) : 4U J^p ^ JiVl JLp ^U^/l 

Uj^p- aJU**I jJl JJ UJU jLipI 

o$>Xx£a SjjJjJl ^Jlll ® A 3 Util <_3 ^*-)) ( i.^ j ) 

(Jjj— J o*ljj *L^!>\J 

jJj IJaj .ajIS JJ-li t ( j^5’l^o ^1 c ji-wJU ^LsJ-oJ 

^jA aS j£S\ ajLpj o j£j jSj .LiL^ Ll^-oo ^ ^L 

♦* •* 

US' t <b J j>o LSU-o Jl^jj U t^SCJ jjJJl ^>-lj! 

Yve- Alain Bois, «The Antidote, » October , no. 39 (Winter 1986), p. 129. (24) 


. (25) ((JaiJ| - -jwsJl j i MSJllIj _> t iil* J jL 

JLSLil Jj>-I jj i 1.^1^ - jjjJii\ jj j . ^ .xJl 

^ M *» 

oLj^JLwJI d>jl ci^' 


t j^p LSlijs ( j^J t (Gay) <jjJL>Jl j 


t^LliJlj ti^LwJlj t 4jiL>t<Jl ol jJ yJU ^^9 C OJjOs 

dLUb ^UJl s^ubJl dJUL; dJJ A5j 

JlSLz-l oUJLla^a^ ol .OJ ^ JjJj>JI 4**Js> ■> 

tolJL>tLdj AlJU c OVl ( j-— ,lj i^J 4 C5^ 4 L $ J 

** *• ** 

^jb “>- ^ Ljc<0 -AaaJI^ l*kA » l$ J L . «^ 1 pL***«£^ aI^^a****^*^ 


^Sv^j ^Jj t 0 JLAj ^ iJl&J . 4j j jj>- j <Ljl^J^ A-^U-wvJl j^Sl 

^JUI jl^LLSI oLqj^II *w Jj-^j aL** j aJI l 5^ ^1 
e£l ^ ^ ol jl) <yd\ 0\ o^i*-> 

jOipI N Ul» :IyLJ i^jU v ljL ^ d^Lo oljLooj .oij 

J-<k-*j jl * yj\ (^Ui V iS ol Oli^» 

. (26) «U^I ^Uaj ijO>- Jp-b 

Hans Haacke, «Museums, Managers of Consciousness, » in; Rosalyn (25) 
Deutsche [et al ], Hans Haacke, Unfinished Business. Edited by Brian Wallis (New 
York; New Museum of Contemporary Art; Cambridge, Ma: MIT Press, 1986), 
p. 72. 

LeAnne Schreiber, «Talking to... Barbara Kruger,» Vogue, (October (26) 

1987), pp. 260 and 268. 



^ O jjLaJl 

olS'^Jl ^ JjJ^Jt Jj>- JJ y^>- ^ i U jJJL 

*♦ •* «* 

^L>j >-1 t^Jl c Js>-jj ^ t *L*jJl ^jA oUaJiLJl ^Jlau 

O^***^'^*' 1 *^ y) * 1 ^3 J f 1 ^^3 ^L» s^ 

<■ L 4 J i-iiLwo ^ (Catherine Stimpson) 
+ ** 

!>Li*J *L«~U ^ Jl*l*jJl yA Jl IAa 

t pL-vjJJ ^v?L>Jl ^UJI oilxX**»lj t 

4* *♦ V 

*LJl ^ oUj>!l JJUJ Jl ^UJL Jjiy\j i^j^, 

^j3 Loj t(4^jJL!lj C 4 a „/? llj (JjjJlj i, 4 ( j-vJJ>bJ1 ^ 3 ) 

** •# 

LjJd '^^US , (1) Uh^J\ i^L^Jl ^l^rjj dUi 

j*m ((Feminism) « 4 jj-^JI ol5^>Jl» jJU> t^JbcJlj 


olp- j L^5J <. LpLo^-I ^*wJ j c j I? « 11 oLgj>-j ^3 *LoJjcJI 4_wo_~vjJ 


Oy£j LoJ-LP t^Ji3'yi ^i_P t <LSjJLJL^J| &-*-> L^J ^JsL» 


•J~^ ^ Ji-$J Ls^X>cja ^qJ| 

Catherine R. Stimpson, «Nancy Reagan Wears a Hat: Feminism and its (1) 
Cultural Consensus, » Critical Inquiry, vol. 14, no. 2 (1988), p. 223. 



L* ,1 t ^j-ajJl *• t Lx5 lil 

*♦ »* •* ' 0 
l jJ* y>Jl ( j-* oy>Jl <u~w* 1*^1 j 1^1^-*^1 

^l*Jl Juj^tlll yo \*j?r ^1 <l)j^d <1)1 <j^H ^ ^^**- ^> ^1 jLi t<ulJ-Jl 

^ ^3*)AjL) ^1 *S1 y^Jl Jb-I y* llfcj .iJl^wl ^1 j^>tJJ 

** V**r- 

^Jlp ol^ y U^-JU 4jy*jJl olS y>Jlj 1 j1*X>JI J-«jL« h>^OJ> 

J JLAj ^ JO>JU t A-Jl OjLiNlj <■ <LoHl ^tislyoj J^>«Jl ctUi 
£j lg"^) N <Ol olfc ^3 i llfc ^yxjj <■ J. p . ^ - l' 1 y* y> J^i (1)1 

(^jySUlj (_£yjVl ^LlajJl ci^J' 0"* ^ 

is^aiJl jl .iJLlojJl Jl5w»Ml el* JjUj iiLdill oL- jUwwU 

^JUI (1)1 ^jl C 4 jj-wmJJI oLS"y?»*Jl olfc Vyl ^Jl\Sj>K~a Oy^O 

/d a <Lj1JL>eJ| JL*_jLo JLc- 4j a_oJl iLa**D (C «-SJl »^jlxll 4>*1*A-$J 

.yj ybllaJl £UjUU y! 

JLl*Jl ^ «Jo>Jl J ^Uil l jy$l £° J*\yj 

^ ajjjjJ? o!L>^ Jtr^ dr° 


Jw<»jdl i ^ y >~ I AOco 4 j j-*-vu oL^jLk^Jj ol^J 4 (1/^^ 

01151 pLUI ^ ,>^Jl y 0 (De-Doxifying) ^Jjy>oJl 

iwJ^Jl olJJl *LUIj j-SlixlJ JL^Jl *i*j*^\ 

jjuLa (£ J ai^ jaw d)l L«L>j ^^pI Lilj ll* <Jy*l <y}j * (Gendered) 
** v •* ** 

jlAjJl ( ^5 Uj ^iJl j5j^JI .11* ozr^jr 1 '' V 1 -^' 


t Lo^JlS <Lj1*x>iJ1 i£j\£j>*}\ O' aIp 

JS\ o>J j* *x r 

t^V'i V 1 ^' 

Craig Owens, «The Discourse of Others: Feminists and (2) 

Postmodernism,» in: Hal Foster, ed.. The Anti- Aesthetic: Essays on Postmodern 
Culture (Port Townsend: Bay Press, 1983), p. 57. 


V t ap*- yJ I y j~S (3 y iiljfc t dJJi t AyUU *^ j 5 ^SCaJ 

L^jV C LyLy AjjL^sLU ^LjIJ^xJI J^jLo (1)1 Ijolj JJjJlS ! aLaIj»xj ySv^w 

s >.~~JI aJUiJI >1y-U ^jL^j ^ly* ci>jV <pL^ oii 
{y^s. **=?- o* ol Sj^ii j£Sj il^U-b J**; jA\ 

'bl d^LS” ^>eJl 0 1 yb ^Jl J) . Oy^yO^ A>fc*^? 1^9 A**wuLw-*> 

t AlP JuLa jl t ly^ejl wL*jL« £0 A IL*JU Ul LgjL y 

y» Jj ^ d)l£ lil^ <. Ow-o (1)1 ^UlJI yo JuJU ykj <Jjl>- l^S" 

q*x*^-j o j3 ysi oLily l**- 4 Lq^j| <Jy^1 y^a-%$ ^ a5^AxJ1 


A_yjlwLj>” J_*_jLoJl Ay j -^-wvwJ C-JLS' ^ JJl ol^tJ^ll j-ww*J ^y aJL*_3j 

•* '** 

* * £ 

o j-A oJ^>" JlAS t Jluj aJ w JlaXpI — (^jjl j i (ajjjSJ*}]') 

&>yrj iSJ^r J->- Jl ^‘Ij^JI JU,U J^»Jl S^iJl 

CrriJ - ^ j^UJl ^ J-va-iJl -A-Vrr^ 

' -A_A ^_4 ^ ^v_£_]| l> \ y-^J 1*5 — 


( _y3 .^JJL*j ^IjL.Jl JbuLaj (_Jj^jJu j_*j«JI ^»jJU £-j. 


cj j-^-> l) 1 ^ j-sAfl^Jl a^L»_*J1 j-bj i ^y a 5 yJL^Jl l^> ^ ~>r 1 ./? a 


t ly- jJj_> y'y I oUJlifl +0 ^ ) c o^l t Lg-SL5ljij yJl J tAjily 

** •• 

{Difference: On Reprentation and Sexuality J-i-yo jj-& s 

ijJLa y (New Museum of Contemporary) y y^y ^ JUl t^4r?) 

*• « *• 

aJL» ^^yJl {£j?r ^ 1985 ^Lp ^y jytj-? 

1*1 O^Ip AiUlil JuLtJl Jl^I iky-l^j jl ^gJU^*U A^lljl ^Lju 

Cj\S j->xJ| (1)1 (j-®1>i ^ ^ j-Jl ^JwJLs yju iJLjbj .cl la * aj Ay-wJ? 

1 5 Ju J l>- JlSCi! ya dJUij :y^Jl Ay-jUyJI cyy oi ij^Jl 

oliL-J tJ-lyJL) t^-JJ 

♦* ♦* ** 

i^-J ir° o:> 0 ^ ‘-r^u ^ '-»- a j -Lf^ 


oJu^p \ toUL }£j ^Lvj5 *L*jJ1 ^ oLLa!I 

aij .jj^jJl ^ f ~ k ;L JU-jJl 

a> c^Li jj>cJl j 4 _^«>»Lwmo _ a^pLoJw^-I d-> IS aj olS ^>Jl 
i^UJl .j-iJl (>• Sy»Ua5 

^^jj-ygrll ^JL^JLOI jJl SjUJ oJLUaj Jj> 0j& 01 t AJJ>jJl 

JSSiS ^ly> - y^-Hl aJ^p:> ^jjl Jjjij Or^' 

4 aL J-Jl I oLwajLk^J C J-uOlj t ^^jjJl (Jl-^-Sl 

0 ^SS ^J-P Jl-o~P aO-A .JSS _ ^J-*-L<>jJl 

^1 bj£i JLJLj) «^» >J OLSJl ot yp 

****** *♦ 

(® aJLu JL^wmJ! y)) OjjU>t^o AoLw^jI ^J*aL*> CT^ l^’T^ 

^-LSO-vjOl L^teA t J15L-I 1 ^yO-SL**> A*s>iwS_A^ 

f/tl P> 

^Jlp JuJL>- /^o c oLjl>^ 1 c->jSj Aj^-vwjJl olS 01 j*& .o*->*-0l^ 

ft ^ 

oJbc>*j L/2 j 1 t aJaL^JI ^Lp t aJ-p *Loj - ^ j-*^lj J-UiJl a^L** 

JLw^J»xJLj La j-SLaJ O^^J ^ Ljilji^Jl jl*jLo 

_ AjLa jJJ ^Ju i JaJLs ^L>Vl La Oj-^J ^ LS t La j-a*P 

• Jtr^' 0^ 0^^^ 

w ** ** 

^a ^JuaLCj t LqJjI.5 i f y>t^3 C L j */> t jl Lj^J Jfl—njJl OlSI 

p p 

Lg->*^JL> AJw^*-a C^L>«JLla-s JJ^J 4-aOijl ^Ji— aJ^^ A-oOul 

Jl>- ^JJl ^jIji>sJ 1 j-«jLa jjJl jj* IJ-A L^_a150j 

t ^ 

0* u^J 'L^y^ cr^ /^j 

** ** ** 


t 4_X^-L2-a 4 JulajJl Aj^Lw^ b »■*< 01 1 

^x^Qj j ^JuJUjJl (Jl^-^1 i^y 2 -*^, ^ (^f^l aIaLwOI AaJajl ^A LaJ I A.vA.9 

J^Jl ^u;i jiai cjL 5 C^5l JbJL>oj t jl J^\ S(L5^1 

CjI jJaJLoJI £jA JbJbOl iJlXAj ? j-^L^l jl ® fr l yJl A*^» ®j!^i aLu>i1jj 

(De-Naturalize) Ju ^Jl ap-UJL yiij y-liL; ^ IjJLJl pLvjJl 


CjUT jp c-ilSCJl Jl tyJl y JLw^JU ^^UJl ajcJ? 

w H 

-x*— ?*JI Sj^saJI Jllu ^-aJI m?«JI ^jta 

.(ij-Jlj ijjSAJl) U jjs ^Jl 



0 ^ ^ £>-J' '-*-* 

<a^oJ 1 0 jj*p*Aj dltl^l ^Jl 4 4 .yg L>tj 4 ^LazJI ^jJiju 

v>-j| iJiJl cJU* JLij .ULk^^l i^Jl ,J <~-L-l Jl, 

<*y ♦*> V •» t* ^ *^/ * £, ^ *4 * V 


wL> ^>tJ ^Jp clU AS"^ i Lo^LJ-S* i <Lul Jj>tJl Jl*jLa Aj jJiJl J 

( J-d ^^9 (j* ji f-L-il ■> j>^j> Lfi yg j-j i-i- jJl a j-So (De-Doxify) 

jaU ^L-Jl Olj .«l2dl ,^j XilfcJL LiS J| *sj| 

*♦ *t #* w 

^L-il 5 iJ^Jli : ^JLaJl Jl^U 

J-^il^waJl £-9 j- 1/» i»Lll5 4(^1 4 <jLfJ V L» ^1 0-1?- J I 

0 * i_r^' (“"^J 4 ^*r*J' 6 y*£\ (>-Uj 

0*>UNl ^ Sa^^JI _ o-lj^J| IS. J\ iikLa ^ olfri 4^51^1 

jXj 4 ,**-> • Aj J >! JJ-<® 4^J - V"^' £jL-aiJl jiJ-^J 

i^kJl j-o jjSSGI Ol Uj JUu cii^L. iJli 'jjyjG tgjT l^-IS aJ^I 

^ .SJISLS 1 Jl aJ>j, J^sxll I JLgj d&J. SJljbJl W*, ij-Jl 
Lj, aJ^JI j Jy _ jjJJl cikJjI -LJUV c~*yu i,Jci\ oJub j| 
ili-b JjpI ^1 olJJl <j jji jJJl dkJjlj 4 i-LJlj S 12 JI JjUcj 


* P tf 

■ l^ja^l jjj Jbl O AX-JK A-jli 4_iwlj-» 

4>i (i> ^ J^ : aJISCJ,} ^P^JI Ol ^ dLi 


^y 0 j j *& I Jl jA£ 4 -y-jJlj * 

V l w ' • •* *• 

^ a^p^SU 

*♦ M> ** 

y tUajl c jL^) l^Jl cAj^-jJl Jm 
. aiL «3 L« jjk I jjb d)i j*>& ^ Ip (1) ^-m*S"jLoJI ^LiJl 

JJLa ^ajJLIJI kjj£Ji}\ (Carol Squiers) Jjjl 5 cr^Jj -* -* 



1984 aLp ^ (. Design for Living) 

*r ' *• 

4^L-~Jl j_p <. j~ojJlj ^-JaJjJt J^L>- c ^LJlJl £jJ 4-w*-j 
ju^>J ^^^1 JjL - j J-JujJI JlSLil 4-JU^.I^Jl 

,4^»L-**wJi ciiJj t l^LP^J^ ol^oJl 

jjJIjjj cJ jL» (Female Desire) 2-^p j tLg_»Li5 



jl«jLo jj la :.« jjt jl (Rosalind Coward) ^jjLJ 

oli oL jLo-^Jl ( j^» jL>e-d Ju>-b L-lJJ *L*jJI ^JL4 jl c ^jI-Lp- 
Lgj j&j .AjjJaS jl C.*-**<J t C^L<>J-^o j iSj^All 

_ <Lpj j^i t jS’jJt jLjul ^uJl ^Qa>Jl Jt^Lil ^liil 

t j-^j1j o^lp-l ^Ll>bj JLi _ L$jI fry+pyAJ t L^-pL-«^l 
L ^t lla^ ll j| j+£> / ^LjLj j {jiy& L* jLipI 

P ^ iK* ^ ^ + * 

4*wQm& 1 .^jl! L>«-sAd^ l l a « ) Oi-Lfc 4 j^ ^S' hXJl 

(Black ^Ju o^^a-i a-sa 5 ^ c ^JuJ i*L*jJI j-* oLLiJl J^»-p 


iib-l -3 * jULla^- ^JjLaIj * fj\S jC^*jl c-A-Jlj Venus) 

^IgJl jJ^O^S Si j-<Jlj) A^LwvJU ol y Jl ^ <Ljj£h <UPjJ 4jj. * ^iJl 4*JJl 
^^p <*-;LLl>- ( i y^>~ cJL>- 

^yJLp 0*1 ji *— * IIaIj j^Jl y? j^2jJl lLLLj *L*-I j-A ld-*j I 4->^>o 


iJllA ! JjL*-0 t ^j-vJJ>eJl JutU-oJl *L1 j^M OL^-° Lg->l 

j-S’jlJl A-*-Pj fc <L^P jJl ^6 -jjLj jI^jI ^^-Lp (1)Lp jlXJLa (jL-jUa.^- 

^1 i-JjUaJl j-w'Vl jjJUl olS 4-s^i 0^ 

oy» <r^S JLi j . (Jeanne Duval) Jli « j-wJl 


^ jJlj tijjJlj t «;jJUJl rojd^w. 

Stimpson, Ibid., p. 241. 



(JlS* JLaJ j tJjLkj Jlk : «t>li 4 ^ollaj.tU yJl AjjA*oJ1 

** ** 


j-r^-i J 

(U I 

Jjaj <. <lJlp 


li jJ, Cj"* yl£ 

^JlP nj ^L«J| (JLj>tJl^ ' ^A>%s}\ ^^lp ^?P jJl 4 1 ■ Jx A " 1 

.JlijA J\ S~JL & J oj cUl v-JL _ ^1^1 ^^1 J«iJl 

1 t* tt 

t>LJL5 jL5 <jli>> aJI o^jI L» jJi*jj t JuL^2_l!l ^Jlp Uwa^- jl5 j 

£6 U J*& 4j>-jJL>J 4 Jil I jjlS* A-Jl3Jl ^15 ui j-jP .lj^" 

JLj>- oli l$JL cLis^j Jui t (Manet) aJL L^wij U-Sj :JUj^ 
I^L»Lp jl j tlJ-p- ^-rij* J^d ^-rr^ ®Lr*L* 

o j5 ^Jlp a^jjJ oJl5 j 4 o ^ $ a") 4 A 4 JI 5 ' 

0 (wJ>J ^j) AjiJaJj 

l^o y>- yJl e! L*i . (Syphilis) j; y> jJI LU<a-» olS' aj! 

. jJjlSCJ «Black Venus » a^aS ^y oiJLIl 0 JIS 0 o j-^ y> ^»jUl 

. jJ (Black Venus) JjLaS y> oJlS 31 

Us»jL^ 4Aa*JU tyjlS yai ^>Uu 

Os**- *r ^iJl (^pU^-VI J^LuJl Jl (jp^SoJl 

J-JUjJlI d)l jJl—jj .<lJajL»w«j t j— “J t e ^ r '> - K --~o ol ^15 (JLjji 

jLiJl : ,^-Jai ol^JJ ^JLJl ^>JI 

•T « **•»«• 

(^* olj^Jl jAj) { yii\ji\j (jJijJ 015 U Jl«) 

m 4* 

4-**>Lp ^ i-LwJ- aJU- ^y t oi y£j j*J 4 4 (^^J^Jl 

jLjo ^ ^j^lj Ol ^jl^jJl . jjSUJJ A_k^j 

(jLc>e-S^ CjUs^ JlS^J 4^^!^! AJLjaJLqJU) ApLj-s^ 

Lisa Tickner, «The Body Politic: Female Sexuality and Women Artists (4) 

Since 1970,» in: Roszika Parker and Griselda Pollock, eds., Framing Feminism: 
Art and the Women's Movement 1970-1985 (London; New York: Pandora, 1987), 
p. 264. 


i*P- jJl ^Lia_>- jL^iM (j«tf Jlj 

jtfLai y *L~Jl ^iU> jSl Uj^ Sl5U^ S^aiJl £~Xj 


*L**-*JI jjLi j (. Harmonic du soir) ^1^-mJI j-*- 4 ‘^ a >i 

JjU t yj\ S Ja> ^ Jl olj-Jl jl jJ> ■ ( Crepuscule du soir) 

cUJl oJ je UhJ~° oJj cJlUJ ( Forlorn Eve ) 5 — SLJl 

^ fd 

iwi^J #L>Jlj Lfy>- tU^UsI |*J • /^ )l 

«b*J c cLUi JjUu ^ t (5) « V^d Ji ‘U^y- 4 

'** tf ^ 

^JlSI t <JL^>- Igj ^ JLAj ( o. ^ JL) <-3 j-*-^J : / 

(Le pauvre jJ) ^ Ls^J aIa^j 

^ [Sj^aS \ Jl amoureux des pays chimeriques) 


SJb-j Ju‘Ui ijj U* >~J 4\J~ ( ie ^0>-age) ii*-y 


^ (La Chevlure) t(Foyage d Cy there) «* 

j-a o jj_^lj j-S^J C r wd - J o** t*~* W J i (w *-r > ' 

L i^jJj L») 

( _ r l : Q ^pldJl t_J_^L»l If! iJajy *iy'"‘! 

- ' -v .-> 4 JL.UJI iL^Jl dL' -.y- ^1 j y4» Jd-) (Yeats) 

.(10) (« jl jJSlI yljll '» y*dJ' y'y*^ ( w’ J r*J' 

t i -» -*jl f ) « ■ ■ H SjLp JUjI N .. . JjJLlLi JL>JI elj^Jl 2j 

J + * * **-^ r ^ 

(West JLLfJl yly- ^1 J Xj-jJI ,>.> ^ diL~J 

^L^JI ^JIjJl ^l^i-SJl JW^' ^ ‘< n > <<Indies ) 
s y.y- <y-> ‘V'i 'js=r- ^ ,1a ^ 

Angela Carter, Black Venus (London: Chatto, Windus And Hogarth (5) 
Press, 1985), p. 9. 


W J>J» ^ j\ ‘O-^ 1 S J4>5- ^ S^i -** 


oL>- e-Li j j *L «_>wj i jj^« j As^l oli t AmJjaJI 

i*j- jdl a5UaA!l L)|j .(Paris) ^rJ <LS tii^LDl; 

** ^ ** f, 

jJ {Dame Creole) oJLwmJI 4-P L|^a ^blbj t_5^ 

c-i-bj lub O-iii J t ^pUJl L-JJ j j-£b d)1 b> M 

^ tApL^aj IXfc jl iJpxJlj 

•* 4* ' 1 


y* SjlLoj .jj^JaJl yl j> $ i*J iyj (*-> 

«J^j^5 sjl^JI)) o J la c^-lj t (Feconde Paresse) «twwa>Jl 
«Ia jjuZ* JjL-1 IJ^ja n-U-t tjA ijjLp ^yAj 

I* ! . /» a " laat ( Jj>-“>L>«Jl i— jMj t *— j -X .^ 3 ll 


iulijl *1 ^yai jJ J «Les Bijoux» ol j*y *-*Jl i_r^' 

1^.0 4 (Grande et svelte) ^ ytfl ii yuJl J (Brune enchanteresse) 

ji> J^bj t L^U JL> t^U tyjl5 bai y tdUS 

I^JLw^ yP y y>- c5* 4 -AjIjj oyLj o^J^ 11 

wLjb t ^J^jj ® j-^b* ybl b^poj . blL 

lgj| LJ JUj lJU <LSI y <w*sly ulS" b^oj .UJlSwl y^bJl 
ybJl ^ J-srj fbl b>lp y^ <i^' y* ^*bJ» 

t ^Jl j g ^ j*-b- j-* .(12) Jb-jJl y« 

jJbjjl 1 g j a |J (( 4^J 1 ° ® O^oLS^ 

<y* ^rj c5 j* o^y* cr^ )} * bjb 

y* tjt-JSll ^>b3 ^jjl J^i\ J toiui J^rl 

.12 t 4*«ijjX^ail (6) 


.(Antilles) (13) Ju^i/1 y> oJ l* aUL L$jc« *il>- 

JLj SjUJl jU&j 15 j*a\ y? y i£ j-A/^ 1 -^-a t^^iJ 

Jj-Uj JUJl <j^ ^ L15 <j^ c 

1 g — ^ <1)15 jA .aLlaJI t La ^*-5 I ^jJ^j5i ^jI j g * t * l i ^Ua5J! ^Ji 

** > 

i^5liJl l $ cJl5 L^5J t*lj^- .. . <uJ-L *LU 
oJLws ai y* (L*j>- J^a) A*jj! ^ja-J LJl ^Xgj J .(15) K ! L$l5l j-A j 

<J^ <Jk-^ (Sed non satiata) (^JJLa j-r^ 
j-a Lo5 l yy*yi^l\ j+s* i \ g « : p jj tAi^-pj 


oL>J_ja ^IjjO (JLj ^iJli tJJJl ^UaJLI J-*jj 
t jj aJL ® j_a® t j^*1 LDa^ <1)15 (a */3 a ll yA lXsa)j 

<>rr ;aJjjj*-JIj ^>- IgjL * t ^*j 

* —ir ■’"^ ' B ^ r •* 

<! <UJi V Lfwl ol j-i L5» (Lemer) j\ t (Jeanne Prosper) 
I jju (j->«->j '• 4 ./3 .Lp Ls^jI . ^^jLixJI JL>^. 

jJ u jiC; jl i-^-e Jil (Pays d’origine J^>\ll Jt-L) : 

4 _>j j j a > OfL>* jl® L*jjj .(16) 4 o. I LS* L^jl 

ol 0 > J5LJLj cLJ JJ <L~y 4 (Dominican Republic) dJL^*jJl 
LJLi ! j <.Xyyx.U o jy ili (Toussaint L’Overture) jjJ^JjJ oL*y 
tLgJw* LJjjJl ojLwui^Nl oLLJ 

I JJ Lj 3j-*j <1)^3 C dJUS £*J .A y y> J L > fcJlj C A-O l .,<3 " 3^y \j 

IJla aJLoj ,L) (Jeanne) yy- ua . 1 ^jJ^jJI ^Ij^dJl ^Lk^Jl 
^jJl <* yu <1)1 LJlp U J5 dJUi <1)15 tdJLli J5 JL*jj .L>-LLa 

<J*^>- y» c cJjl-^ ^5j . aLL 1 ^, 0 «**j ap-jJ ^1 AiLjNL t L ^p 

.16 '"T? <. 4 ~ju j X u a ll (7) 


^1 jljo <1)1 4 L^.JlS' 4 4^j>ojLi11j ^j-1 j-^1 

»LaJl» S^mC^JI ((S^CU^I ^ A^iJl iLilaJl® ^ oo/ 
(OSu; LgjL U ^*>-1 -ii j .I^jl*J ^ Cwo ^>- 1*5 .(17) jJajcuJl 

^J5(xj <1)1 L^jIj 4 ^JLp (Creole) o ^-g-jCL^gJl aAJ 


l llA t Jj— 4 4 j! .,»-»jjIj (C^| cJls* J L»JllP ®©Jtl>-® ji 4aJ 

Wi> ^ ^ S-jVi aJli^JI JlSLi^fl diL- Jlp s ^Li»Jl ji^dl 

:<> ‘fjJI 

^UaJI J^L^a-gJl j^JtJl ^j>- <1)1 4 JjxJl cihSw M® 

-UaL <1)15 J-43 4 IgJ A_gJb AjL&I (1)15 Ajl Ju 4 (.^.A.5L*J ilj 

AlP*>\j (1)V 4 -fellxjj 4 JJ%J 4 C-55 J 4 ApL* Jl*_> apL* L^JLp 

1$5J o J>S\ 


_ ^jL*jCAa^M L^Lwmu LgJ o^jJLAj ^qwwmJ <1)1 jJLAj ^^3 

. jiyji 


* p * 

1 <^Lw^*Jl 4 1 -/^ 1 1 4 ^->-1 1-3 l— •— wtJ - 1l L & - ■ ♦ 

Aa 1114 ^>rJa.^g7 jPIAJJ ^Ip^M (JliLgJt^ 4 A-Jb A^Jl® * j5 Ju9 4 ^b’ljJl 

j»JU7j 4 A^f* jxU 1 CT^ ^ **— o-lj 4.. ^^Ip 

• AjJaj { j-o j^-51 Iwb 4 Ll> 15 ^j-jJLJl A-Jws-^J A-w>x_--ai aJ-Ap- 

^lijjl 4^j^Jl ^^Ip ^^-^3 

i tfjliJ 



(9)„ - . 

((ajL^?C*J1 C^fii (Albatross) *b^*Jl 

(J^-Aj L*®A*p) ‘•mi -■"■ -.I L — L.P 4 aJL*«wA 


SJL-yflJ-ll 4 j1j3VLj Ljlj 4(<Ubj-wJl Albatross j^-J*® 

^Jaj (^Jlll ^pUJI <1)15 4 (L’ Albatross) ^Ju ^yJl 

.18 t4*Aj jJU-ail (8) 

.18 jJU-ait (9) 


S^LJI J* £>j^j ‘ o*irl 

4 -c-Llilj i y^° 


^ja S ji-L IJia^) <ULbJl A,^.lg.*Ji *J-LL 

dJLli 015 c ((Poe) j_J {Adventures of Arthur Gordon Pyrri) y*-* 
yUs : <jl (^1 4 ^ j^LJl ylls ^Lp yj tLjb 4 4-^P ^JlJl 
J 4 ^ jlj^r jj-Jl J 4 ^J^_ N i^Ul - (Penguin) 
jjUa ^ ! bJ JLSjj ill^J M 

.(19) jJaJl ^jllaJ (jlSvo ^>l ^^A Lkilo LLj 

** *• 

. ^p U5 t jpLlJl jp ^-Jl JlUj \j£L&j 

^^UaJl ^Ia j-j v'j-fr^' 4^jji Jij 

£> 5 * ^ J^' 4 4iJj_j ijb_*-> ^Jj^l 

I I j5A 4 liliiJJ L>eJ jlj 

w V 0 

4 ^ \_p Owm^J lil <ul L^-ULJjN Ljj-Aj->- OLSj® 

jl Sfl aJp Li t j^-Ml OjJJlj j*\y>c}\ y 

ui j -/J i i <j 1 q » / i » 4 LLJ I jJyS' ^a»LJI 0 jiil 

4^1^! (>■) t(ulA»li J^aiJO 


(j— « JL>- Jtjj_**ij 4 jj-bJl jj_L> * ■ la j JJ 4(oJ-J (_,-» 

. (io) «^Ji 

* ** 

I J <oL J^p ^ La ^ 4 — «.»« J 


(Le Dejeuner sur « 4 _LbJl ^^JLp JJ fS\ yt L JLa» 

JLj 0 LJ)Mi 4 <>-T J tAJL) *^jJI iLlL l’Herbe) 

sIj-Jlj .iilS J jJL *- 4 j 4AJLi oJi>J c IJiJi J^iJ (j-Jjj 

.19 CA*~Ji j (10) 



4(21) ftoLSl^ * 1 cLLaj tbmj 

.1^ *4*4 >gJ (jL>«-aJl la*^*jLo JJij (^JjJLqJI ^1 j g — N 4_jUa_>“ 

•* ** 

4_*JiP AjI ba*S^ 4 LgJLJtilp fldj O-JLxl^l (jl (J ^jjJl^ 

( Les L^jI^p aJ o.x*sA<b (a^^^* aJL ^Jaj ^S^Ju (21) 

Lo £jj» jb jJLbP» La-fjL) LfcrfJb* 4. 4 Bijoux ) 

jJl dJLLJ ^ 4 ^_pLlJi dJULo (^1 4(grappes de ma vigne) 

** •* 

4 AlP aJL*jLI OjIS* ^^3 4 Aj JJ J^JOUaiL iajJLo j*J 4 A*_>“! ^aJl 


. (elle se laissait aimer) « 

j o b ^.w d-Jl5*w 

p p 

4 J 4 j-Aj® oLo ^_A .L-A ^1 j tf « AJ 

LjU t jyA** yj^ <1)1 . L^jLj>- dJLb -L*j j l^JL>->- oJi3 ^a j 

+ + ^ p 

4 I ^ 4 OwXjib^" bLwwtjl 4. i ~P l - I 1 ' ^^3 4 


t>® o^Ipj . JJiJl IgJL^- ja Uaaj 

M V 


01 j~bL> <1)1^ La~«^ 0>Llgj) la >g-» £_*_> ALa-a-a- (_£dJl (jLaJl 

4 ( ft L^b », « $ j(JJLa*j Lg-ii UgjL>-li jl5j®) Ajlij ( J^ L$-Jl 4 _^wLi 

4 J5 |*-P jJ 4 AjI _ aJL>- j-aJl o J_A dI>*jLj ^Jus^Xj L« ^S" d*-***^*3 
o<Xm**S' L$jL>- 4 ^\jwLa JjjJa J-jo J . ft Ju^j I ^ Jjj ^Ja 

Juti aJs-^I jj aJLjJI a^_w> j JUJl OjJ^j 4 dJJi Jbu .(Madam) 
oljb^ll ^^Ip 4 La j£j t La^a® ^ja <J jJL* 4 

iSj*^ o^s* c J-*' 1 ^ jb^ AjjU-o^Vt 

jJ jL5” O j~a IwLa . ^ j ^w>w2jlj 


.20 ( jA <.4~Ji> jJUdll (ll) 

.23 < jA t4-*uflj jJL^ail (12) 

( jj» j t ^Lk->- ^ip la *. o. II j->-L^Jl 

» AifcP^^ l 


) ^ilII aJ1jIiA^«J1 0| L« ^3 d^-Ls JS* 

** *t *• M 

A-laAj oJlA (j ^_S\J 4 l dJLJl^ Jtf j^aJL 

Jfi>“l oL-iSLj I Aj jiij Oj j-sA? ^^3 L^-*-s^j Jj V J->"I J^IAj 


pa pF 

C A»aj|taX>sjl ^^laP t ^ ^a*J L 3^^"^ aJL»HVw4-11 

#* ** ^ 

oULaJI ^JLs ^jA a_JiI J j>«Jl jlajLo oLw>*-Jl I L)j y*^ ^SL>_> jJ ^Ju 
oI^cj! -3 aS w>c_> *1 Jd>^f I Lw*J /Cl C A^SC^Aj d->Ll*J OL a-MpjJl 

V**** * S J * * «* « » t* *• ** **^/ 

** ** 

0^* (*-l> -(yi-A>Jl JjuU J* Uj?- l$JlS C — J aS/>- ^j) 

£ Jjj\ ll ti^^eJl jl ^Jjlj ^J-Sl Q '^ > ~J jJjLS^ 

# ^ p P 

4 Laj 1^ t A-*w*JJ>«J! 1 g — **1 “^J A^P jJ| aJL-vw« ^-jjaj Aj^ t Jjil]| J^a £^-Jl 
^ULLil L-jQa.>- (jL^-^il JLadJl y* 

^jJl ^JuLdJl (Jl^Jul^ A-*doJl pLL> 1 ( ^pL««x>-'y 1^ 


jl^3l Lfc ^dJJ 4*JL1 aX^J 1 d-*LjujL»~$Jl ^jA yS* yi s> ". ll ^jj, 

• yj^S a_saJ ^3 a™^>J! 


0 j-JuL-* A-Ajj-kj J ^JI La LsAjI c 5^" (J“i 4 LlUS 


Cj j-p jUJ (Rape) ^ ojj 

jJ J y- j-z Uub c5 _ii t (Margaret Harrison) Oj_*^jjLa 

^ *+ 

jj_^> ^LlJ o^U-l ^JJL> (_$jJL>Jl p--~a.ll iljc-ol (Frieze) 

«Up Jj-^JI U-. t JUJI ^ ^ 1)1 ^LaMaWwlaj A - 1 \ J} ^ ^ 

♦* ** 

^ p. S 5 < 

! (• ^S'JULS A^5j o ^Ia.UJ ^ g — ^<1 ^owLdj^ c d^LL^d^wo Oj^lsj 




t (Rubens) y~>jjj t (Ingres) a - J -A-)l W-^— j ^ j-: 

p ^ 

Ji^Vl ^ ^ yy -\*y>r ** • <■ (Rossetti) 

jg) L^i t I a^jL>w? d^L^Lvai ^ j-^ 

j-v^ ^JajJl ^Jj^i OjjLjJI j 


a.* ^ - 1 ' J_JL«jJl (jL^--al ^ji a-l....L> £ ‘i* 1 1 ^ t," ■ >* j 9 . s- L~J I 


tu-»Ua>Jl 1^-L* UIJLs^ t— jlyflTpl JJLo 

J~UJ JLSLilj i iJjJLill ^jjLaJlj ‘ cy JL>J' 0-^' ls * *'>*-" : 

H *♦ 

^ il jUU Lg_A^ oUa>tJl l)1 LJ ajIs c t^JLlS ^ j .<*_a^*J1 


(L^L<*_*joI o^L^l « ^->-Lm«J 1 Lo jjLJl (jLo^coi 01 


^>*^1 jr ** i f y JU«p1 ^ ol fj j5S3\ Jo-ojJl 

** ** '“ r 

. Lo &LOo L-L j JJ IjJL <fc «p7 7 C LgjN t aIj! Jj>- JL*jLo 

t Aolp 0 j j ;S3 ) t 4-J J*A# Aj^oJl O^LJLdLoJlj ^Lj^I O>LJL9Lw0 ^1 

UJI >JI jZ+i & {Post- Par turn Document) ^JlS ^jU J^-p JlLo 

«• ** 

^UJl (>iJl <_** ii><Vl -uLidJ jj-L« -0>«J LgJ? 

•• *• **■ ■** *+ 

<01 t Su cJi jJ CJ>5 U5 \J\ tJAkJlj ^IjjbJl jLcuJl 

dJUij i«a~ 0» oli*>l*Jl y\ -jjo d\S L. ,-U 

V «* ♦♦ * y ,/ * •* k * * **■**# •* ** 

.AjIJj^JJ <L*iljJl 4jj*oJl 0 ^jJJ ^o^Jl oUai*Jl J*>L>- ^jA 4 -^L \' 9 * 


10 ^ 

C~>- ^ tj^LS 1 A*p Aj^r (^jJl jjb ollaOJlJ Uu* Ol ^0* 

** ** ** 

l»J U p j .<^0-^11 JLo^I Or* J^l <• iS f 

i fj s ^l\ (Sf w ^ j2 -> i^^tJ LL& ^ <l)Lo j+J* ^ jjww^ JjLo oLLi e-ili jj 

** ** ** 

0 V t UOJ AAi^e-a JuLawO 0^9 t IjO-L-o \jlJ&jJ 

c^i Ij-^Jl J^« - i£j*l I 

*t ^ •* 

4jjSjM lyj\ ij&j cU-Olj JUbLUl /ill AiO/i^ JOLi 
l^JLa»L>o Lo yt> ajj^jJI oji* 0L» tdJUi ^-«j .aJL^? y 

*<Sy^ if aJ^jjUI oLLSOl 

<CjIJ^-I JLmLo 4j _ fc%wjJl UijjUl 

m * #V o* w ^gr 4. 

* ^ 

t Uj__JIj jLcj Mlj— (Anna Kaplan) o% 15' Ul t5 ib L.JiiP 


L^jli <L-Aj Jl>tliJ| 0 j)il!l ! J y£ 3 


^yjU IjjJJ aJL UJ I Jjja ^^1-p) Ajj^JI olS^>*Jl 4^1*3 


d Jl e- (t l^.^iW UyJl j bj^J\ LcJl» J y (Laura Mulvey) 

SJL&UlJU CjL^jLf- .Jl <=-L~ J l L*-r^' drr*-^ 

***** +* 

** " v - - v C 

(13) «; 

4 <jL>*Jl oU* ^ J * 

jj* pL j* jl J^US ^Jj-a ^5* toJ-fcL 

• ^^aa*Aa3| ^J*X>*xjl ^jUaU" 


iw^L-1 aISUI* *JLa oils' ISI Up ^j^Iou U~Uil hit ^p 

( yi! ol j * Jl JjLj JjUL« ^y) Ajj~^ ^TJ-> 

olJlSl Ojia****Jl aJLJ^sJI DjJaJl CJIS lili ?(^SiJl 

US' tL^la3 A^S <_y 4 ^P jJ' )a A~ » ~ *J o^iaJl 

iSj^i <y syrj o^-t J 4 3 dr* <-$-* 

ISjLa J-SLUj jl (j^H. jl -^pI jr° 

JL*_>La aJ O-aJUS JlS OjLS ( 3 jL» tciUi ^j-a 'lo^ 

4JU3 olS L$xSj oJlSj 

jUol aJULLII aJIji>JI J-ajU aj y>x^> JpUjI ^IjJ^joLJ ^ aiSUw^ 

( j_SUj ol j-oJl Ji-Jt-aJ jU to^JklJl j-jS'US J-L* C l $ aaa S ip j ^!j“P^l 

jlajLJI oij-JLl Ijuy ^Lw? jj-SJ Ujjj .oL^-a <y» <<o-U^J» 
J^loJl iiaJL- jl» :Steli uoSj LaOp capL^ ^ 

wfl j i_aJ:S rs-jjlj J^t>* /ya j^SUj ^^ip 1 1 «™ A > ^U^jli t U 4 y*-> 


. (14) « jUjJl <y LlL^aJj c L^>j-y <^43 t 

Laura Mulvey, «Visual Pleasure and Narrative Cinema, » Screen , , vol. (13) 
16, no. 3 (1975), p. 11. 

Jacques Derrida, «Sending: On Representation, » Social Research , vol. (14) 
49, no. 2 (Summer 1982), p. 304. 


(1)1 L JaJLs L»~>]_J t 4-o J_Aj ^ 4 jI ^ L)L 

** ** 

&jy djZL, j&)\i ijs4aJl o- f~- 
(Gail Gelner) jjJJ- JjL*J « ji>-l~Jl ijlj j-!l j-* -tp-lj 

(77ie Grand ^ o la « ll <L>jL»«Jl ^ j_*-i 1 i^-jJ ( _ J i Jj^L«Jl 

( Closed System) jJU-Jl fUaill ^J\ j J\ Lg-Lp j Odalisque) 
^ (Toronto Alter Eros Festival) 1)L >- ^ 

<. jjj ^>-Lu Jl*-p j-* oLwaJLoJl ^jA <— IAa .1984 

: olfcLli J l <_^a Lo jjJu 

L^>- oNl cJLxjj- 4 ,/. ^ «i ll jSJJl SjJaj ol j-^p t4j>-Ljl -UpI 
4-wiJL?- ii ji' ilLLd ^ JL>- j ipj-<^>s-o 3 jj-^ o* 


^JJ| SjJij £»J t<tJl ^~P tijjbJl js-d, Jp-ljJl ^yll 

tUic- o-bcu. jiLiJ (V- Jill (.ill jU t(eiUJl ,J cjS 1jG) ^ ti->- 

* ^ ^ *r «4 ** 

JJ— p ^y» Oj£j (1)1 ^ 4*Jl (^«ill *XpL^^Jl 1)1 o <X*aa 

i (Mel Ramos) ^ y>\j J_« i*l jjj ijljjJl « j-» ^ J >Jlj ->' 
^ Lo ^ 0 -s^jj (.{Plenty Grande Odalisque) 

oJLaj (1)1 £0 t J-ajLo 

ojLiJl dJUL qj-jj ^ : > Aj! : j Liu! t y* 


oLjUJl «-L-Jl j j).,^^) (Pornographic) o 


t JbJl jiU ^UJI ci^jl IJL* i4^~ dJ& t {{Playboy) U^. 
Ui iaJp- U»U- L~^r '^j ^ i y i-pj ^1 \ jJl* 

4-%P ^Jl (1)1 ^-A t Lq-A^S^ t -L^jLo ^1)^^ J^i, 

** ** 

JUjLo ^jiJl JuLL) L>Jw-^ 9 i (l)lj j^l*-o^ LpU^>-I l)Lldo 4 jwJ|j 


Jb jj C 4^3^X^Jl ^LoJl oJ-A _ (-*4_d^^J — ^L-t^l 

I jla L d^-S' L^j j Li^l (. wU^_) 4-s^J^ tiL-*^^!l 

UL <1)U t JJi JyJ LjIj Ji L5 U5j .oLLij 


^i^-l (Alex Hunter) ^l» (j-SUl U^j I j t ^pj ^ bjb 



JtSdil JUjcaJ ^ 4 o y-L* Ayld>- a*jL 

j j l. q ^ 1 a . .j ^ ^ ^ i 4 L» . ^1 U a*w«jA3 4 £-d*^dJ ^^LaJI 

eJub JdJ ii^LgJA-l ^1 Jj>jJ dJJi J5j t^ki- JL*- 

^ (JlJSm ^^Ip aa« 3^ ^ k^jj oj-^ 


^Jdi diii ju^i ^ caJi oi dU p ^JdO ^^s^tJi j&ii 

JuLll Ja*J AjjJu>- O ud j$a M Li-wsSo 4_il$d AjI £-* 4 (o ul ^iy 

^j^i\ ^ijl^i ou JJJ .^joJi ^lysi ij^b ifU' 

4 JlA*^ jl JJL*-j aJL5w»J ^^Ip jJaJo ALlA>*Ji A*jLo 

Ajj-s^Jl dyJljl ^ yy jj oJLw^ jJl J jiaJl A>-1 4 Li->1 ij^o A$ 4 AXid 

jL-UJi Ojj-S'i ^1 ^JU«*li if* JUJuJl jLdi 4 Ll>a^j 

o j& aIjI jl>- a*jU ^1 ^ a;a ^ x<JI d^SUJl ^1 ^kJLj 4 ^^jIwL>JI 
cJ LoJU^p j .d j_JIju>JI dUJ j-p LpIj M Ua ajI jj-^d jl J-*-9 Sj 
dJUS ol5 t^ilJbJl JbuL. ^SL^cJI ^ ^Uju^I i^-Jl v^lJull 

4^1 4 jk>«JLl 0 1 • 4 tJyLfcd 


Ail! ^Ldil ^t^jAaJ ^jXy cs^ 

** ** 

l^jL*W? J_A)J 4 A-w>OjllJl dl 4jyjlA>eJl A*jLo 


ddf! ^y^ytJ 4 J-o-v. j-d<Jl j I Ujo A $ r * 

Ajj-^aJI ^JblJuJi jt 4^1^111 JsLAjJJ A^La^NI Aj4-JaJl 
jJ L. ^JAj of V ^yill JidiJl dl :^l 4^^^ w»lj 

M AlSsJ 4 o jki>- dj5^j Aa& 4 A-jpLoAa-Vl A^»jLo-oJl 

Juultj Jyy~sS\ ^kiJl jU 4 4iUi £AJ .. . O^-Sfl ojJa^Jl d^J 
A^pUap- 1 4^0 tAp ^jkil di LAiLLo jiJl ^\ SjJaA dj^jAdj 
S jl ^yl ^sP .i^tiJlj A^JajI ^ iSj^^ AdL«tAp ^ A^dd ^ 

t* ** 

JuojJJ JL>JI oJJb dl Ajy Ajj-^aH (w-jblAoJl dk dl 

.IaIAca £jA LAdjy>J (j~Jj 4 A^Jaj'yi dlL ^S- 


XijS 1 j-jjL 4 a <■ jj>-\ IS ji LL> 01 

:J y& t^IbJl j>ci\ (Barbara Creed) 


aJLIxLqJI) dllj 01 (JjL&j L.A1P® 

1 oLJT j^jOw ( jU LgjL , &j jd\ ^U-Pj j_JL^JL> 


4-j1 J-*jL 0^9 t j ->-1 oLJld'yi ^jA oLp j *LoJI ^JlIs j 
^JLp t--> ^-*-Jl A-s^L>t_j j t ^ j-^~^ AJL ujL— ^J i ^_i— laJLj 
c V I t^jfcJuJL5 i a_^-L5 j^UL?- * + js ) ^jJl 

<Hr Vi_. ** 

<_-_ftJ_Jl Jiljj ^ij .^Jl .. . 

Kjj^L^OI^ o«Xa JiO d) 01 lP ^ ^oJl 

** ** 

^1 Oj^ 1 <*— *P y )l . . . a!5IJL>J| 0 *jL AjjiaOl 0 ^ 4 Aj^jI L^jI 

. <15) «J«I^JI J* i s~Jj J«Ip 

c> t^' ^ ^ ^ j-m ^ ^ ^ 

•* ** «* 

t 4 j ^ jJ_^>JLiVl l . ’. <► .,<3 LaL^jl ^ " ' (^Jlll ^OJl 
Um»j aJOJ V iL*lJi*Jl ^ UjLspI ^ u»w Jb^5j .*0501 
ojUJl* j! ^ tlJJ .o ti!)Ua:l f**£JU yiCJJ %J i\£>a 

p p 

A*9 jr**-* 0-9 jJl ^9 AjI O^L^-OJl ( jj*j Lg-*3 LwwjJjI wX>*j ^01 

*•#**• *♦ 

01 jJ US' o>L? bJ^d 4 LLa^I u-jlla>sJl <Jl^JM 


^Jl c— j j&\ c pLujOJ aLg_L*pl aLopI ^JLp 


i^A3jA A-oli-L>tJl AajL 01 (6 7) KAj1-JL>sJ1 

p p 

j^\ ^L? AwLoJl aUujl L ^>-^J^jJUi 

•» *• ^i_ - . ** ** 

Jl oU'^UJl 15 . <05 v L50l ^Li.UU jJ^.JuVb 


t L^-LS^ lLLL Jl^oJI A_<Jaj|j A^_p LoO>- V l o>LtfjLu^0J 

t J-aLL LJj Uj LS" LuS^ i L-/3 -p a^j!o>kJI ^-wjL-wwJI 

V ^ *• V ♦* * * *# ** 

Barbara Creed, «From here to Modernity: Feminism and Post- (15) 
Modernising Screen , vol. 28, no. 2 (Spring 1987), p. 52. 


^9 J ,*XAjj J 4^s 0 o j^Lw* 4a>t^Ju 4JL^J J 


0>L*>t-ul ^“^-^ e -^-^ J (1)1 <J^>-vjJl JuJlJ 4-*3 ^Ul 0^3^31 

I j_A ^o ^Uj ^jj L^U c cIL^aJL 4JLL»jl.oJ I <Lbl J_>- j_*jLqJ 1 4_>^>&**Jl 


Ut-s^j LfJ jM c LjJ_>- t ciJUi t «_*LJ j-Jl fj£ 

** \mmrr •* 

^9 \j 4^aJaU»*»N I ^..^aI Jpl Ob-bL ^ \aJa>- 

L yi-*-> jJij tLfJ ji oJ^i t LgJ oLS!>Lp * j-J? 

** ** 

j^aII La*a^- ^a 

; yip AoltA^tjl hXaAiLiA^ ^ A j . 1 jy l i ^LS' ( y3 


^j^Jl ^9 Igj oJLjLmJI J^UjI |%i^9 ^Xp bJJipL^a 


^^jJl ^^JLp o>^5' j a>j-~jJ1 ^-aIJuJI o|i 

0 jJa^waoJl ^JjLwywoJl cLUL; ^s^*J J ^ U jb t ( j^l>«Jl 

olS" t AjjJ-iJl 4-f^rjJl ‘^bJl jaSIj ^^^Uj>Jt iiU^I ^ 
^ •* *• 

t (J^-pVI t L»j j j ,(JL>“^JL 4 -s^X>- 4 a]g\A ^Lt'yi J_**^>- 

jj-^ <y* j* ^ <>-j^\ ^j-saa^II (j-* <^$b> 


jl - JuIJj jj - Ojia^ b«l tlr^^ tjj-sA )l o-U^XJ* ISIj .*l~Jl 

oL>*-Jl j-*-**'} ol j-s-p . c^l aaLJl» (^1 ioLJL* ^Sb j ol j-oJL 

t j-p j ^JJL« t oLiliiJ Sj^-LwJl au1jl>JI bX^jLo 

|f| £r 

wL»^-»<-j 4-j^ nn «« i> kX^L^Mih^ J I l ys >- toljLiiJl oJLfe LijL*-« 

.>JL ^ jl . ili^-LJl jl . <~r >J' 

iiUi ^ «-L-jJI J_J^J JlAlSl (Brechtian) I 

^jy*& ^Jlp LLm^o ^1 LLlk. ^XLw ^ cIAaj c.- Ug") 4 jcm** 1^J1 
^TiJ jbcuJl ei yJl S^L- 4 Aj ^ k, »w^o jiJl iJlA 

l,X5’ LJL*>*jj t 4 jIS / Jj aj t b^j 

^1 j^aJLi li»jji« o_^i <1)1 v_-j*u t .Li ciyJl Ji-jl 

}J&%j 4jj]kj ji Aj LLmJI *\ j X^Lj Ol L^L p ! ^1 i LfcL\-><.o 

dJL^Jl JlSLiV oliJi _,JI ol*. Ji. .^LJI LUi U 


JL y-yJ y y ,J ^' j^jLo 

4 *: : ^ l jy*^l y y ®*Lh y^ (_r*^ 

jj+0 {£ J** y ^ j fl c^>Jl o^pJJ U Oj^j Iajjj . JUJI 


Jb JL e-j . (l6) yj\S ^L>^l (jy U 5 (Pornography) 

(Jl^pt® <UIp JU^ oo-l ji o^lpp) c3 j-^ t 

Ij/Vjb J-a>lL» J* IlLJ. j . a7) «^>)l «i\iii\ i sjl^JI 

cJLS t*L~JL> 4 -^jj g oJUJL*Jl (Eugene Delacroix) 

'. (L. C. 4-sAaJI AjIwL^v*» 

y>i 4^ 18 ^CUjLj jl y- y OLa^iJ l 4*ly^/l y yJ* fe 

y ol^Jl .Ly>l t SyD ^v-wwvj3j C C 1 O I I jJ ^ 

(1) ^t-w^S'Lo ^JJi» LoJj-p j .SyJl 4^*»L**^ 

(Margaret a j yjT o — 0 — p jl — 4 jt 4 (Maxime Hong Kingston) 

f p p 

ti-s^jyj cajIaj- Mj ^L-^JloL^I y L» jJ ^yjl jl t Atwood) 

jaMj J>f> t- 0 -^ - jrfr*^ J ‘ J 

^glC.t, Jl jli! iJl^^jJl V~^' s JL p 

j j.?- »JUL t(^Fay.s of Seeing) jJajJl JjJ? AjIiS’ jji t^y^-jLiJl 

4>»'. jdJ jr*-^ (>*U ‘ Lf* *'~“ ;J| ^ "°J^ J*J* 

^f)L 0 yuLi cJjJl u Jl> Jj) \ji f-*j 

»L»JLl j»JL«J jl i! 5 l^><Jl ^-*jLo jLSLoL J-^s t(c->lji 

Angela Carter, The Sadeian Woman: An Exercise in Cultural History (16) 
(London: Virago, 1979), p. 17. 

Teresa De Lauretis, «Feminist Studies/Critical Studies: Issues, Terms (17) 
and Contexts, » in: Feminist Studies! Critical Studies (Bloomington, Ind: Indiana 
University Press, 1986), p. 10. 

Susan Daitch, L. C. (London: Virago, 1986), p. 72. (18) 


jJJl tLjfe jX^aJL<Jl (ijLJl L>- 


t>* 'jV 9 ifj-aj L>-Upj 

1 ** ** 

tLj_J_a-i) frljjVl t jS’ \ g : » ., o y> izLe-\ J_*j 

<_y»-^-jjJl ,_yijVl j\ 4^Sj-L>«jl]| jSXi\ o j 1 ? '. 1 ( _ # JLL<JI jj j ./^ l l 

drrf ^W 9 c#v VLr^ “4LJS Jjtii Lfj^ t(LfjUJ 

M Vo tJJujJl S^ij <~^Jl vJLJl Sjj-aJI 

^9- t * * f, 

V ^ ^ M 4 b* - ;^ 3 LoL>- Si j-<Jl Jl**>- 


» 1 ... 1 . t j *A^JkX>sJ^ '^l la l . .. il (J ‘ ^*^0 a 1 la ‘ 

J— ^-la-ij ‘{Model Pleasure) Jv j^Jl i»CL« jl _v> L>_V ^yJl 

ur^ jj^Jl £^->- ul djzr* jj->*-~^Jl 

.l^Jli KA^jcJaJU <u>. jJjjJbVl <-jw? jJl 

olSL^ScJl tjz&jj. » jjP^j j*Jj$ dr* cil!J5 

4^3 ^£jJl ^^1 SjUii^U t l*<v. ^ * 3 ^3 4-vl J^xJl wLjviLo 


b« 4 ® jb->*Jlj la 1 . m l l u-^Uajs^Jl ^Jl j g -* H <_v>Jl 

p *n* 

U5j .(Pornography) vJ' JL-pVIj jj^aJl ixJai« -uL LJuiSJ 

jut jgf 

5 _^i ^Jij jJ- jjJ ( Possession ) SjLsJl JJU VUpI j^i il _^L» Ljj 
J^->- ,j-« ^Lf^ 1 '■l-aaoi® _J-* tT~V*-ll (1) I >— V^ ,j-P 

^ ^ pLU)(I dJLSi . (19) «J^J| JLSLi! 

tJ-jlgjJlj igjAU . Jl <i*>Lp Jj cL^Jli 

lit.* : oUKll vcJl j\j jUlj 

jJLcuJl ^LiJl dJUU Jl jj_s^Jl jjjj t «?ojL^Jl ^JU 


Oj^L<w ( j-« 4^Jl ^3 7» i 4 MuL^Vl ^3 (jl <^^ 5 ?"l J- 1 

** ^ *• 

j*j aJL>^IjJI J-Sj Jaj j jj . ttLoj 4^Jl 84 

Stephen Heath. The Sexual Fix (London: Macmillan, 1982), p. 3. (19) 


02*^ -UjLJI ,yj -UjUIj I JJ JA ejUJl 


( 20 ) 

:<jji <*** v ~">^ dUi ^ ^ L^j 

tJuj-L? cy^j (j^ ^j-JlJLj iJL-Aj . ftpj g Ig^ *L**jJ1j 

Ajc>- <lJu _ ^Qj |g L i» <^JlaS *L~JI ^j -g-l -j 01 ^Jl ^.o^J-*jl' 1 

^ ** 

4_v3-^jJl J./3P J"*"*? w ^ w4 * JO*" J-L! - OLjj-P- g »« a 

lA-Jljj>sJl ^,<3 ^ill .Oj-s^L»coJl *Lj*)M O^L>t» ^1 4 


OJJOj^ i <Lws^L$Jl oLaIi^JI JJL lp 

LpjjLU JLojC^NI ^vj„0$j ^Uaxll ^5 ^JL>*Jl 

V>JUI ^U5 coUt LoJj^p 4^,15 }L*jf JJS ^ ttlJL*Jl Jbul. 
{Beauty and The Beast) jJL>- jJlj *Ll**^«JI j {Bluebeard) *li jjJl 

L^>- jJ t(7%e Bloody Chamber) ijj-«JLJl iS jJJI «> 


0^Lp[j cUijjLJli 4 <w^->*JIj <Ls*?L>xJ|j 


^jJl oljUJl J->-l olj-^oJl jL^J^I o^LpI^ 4 ajIiSLSI 

^1 jJJl t La j**S r 4 O^LLjLU <Lul*L>sJi kXxjLa <LoJjL 


4_OL*L>sjJl 0 jJaj 4-s^jLw-aj Kr+^ J^ 1 ( j-J | UW 


jS' yj jjUI 1 ^ La<AJLP^ 

* ' #» 

4 iJ-A l LgJU 4 JLrj o jj-f^ V 3 5JI j^yy* ^jy^-t 

aIj^Jl-o <v3jLco yJy ^SLuJl ^^^Jl t w r' a>t ^ jy& ^j^****^l y° _y^l 


JULft t Ls^jI >T LuJ* JOyLa c_3Jjb jJ*j) aJL^?VI 

^ ** *• 

cu.f Loj *-*^1 01 t AjLi ol * LgJ y l ^ *^p ( JlSj 

4* - ** 

John Berger, Ways of Seeing (London: BBC; Harmondsworth: (20) 
Penguin, 1972), p. 47. 


iwA-pjt ^ I i bw>l j I^La Jl*»>- jJ* Aj ^ jJl 

jl olyilS' ^Lii] ( jb\ (Oedipus) 

iijjJ* ol^-i oj j»-jj . (21) «VI 4 j5jJI jJL«I 

^1 sjlu*JI I 4 JU- yi : dLL- 4 iijL*uJI s jkJI S/S ^ ^1 

J»L«-il L*J_wj^ j»jjj 4S_JliJl L$J jj-*a JJL«J 

J-«-w*-> J_sa_>t_l ( _ r ^J 4 Lf ^-J ij-&J 4 0-*Sj_P 4 <L«_«^Lf’lj 

‘«> iJLiJbdl /jj| 5 Jlu cJuJl 4jJ^I olJJ 


iJl *ljj 4 _JL j^>*jlJ| 0 j 1 a :,Jl t i„> ^_a t Lg > V <, JSJUS 


JAJ ol JJl ^^Aj t (wjliJl jy sO>Jl ^^Aj i jJy^d\ 

** **■ 

4iLk!lj JyJlj _ U ^ S J\ V^J>y> JJb- U5 sI^JI (.io^US - st^JI 
j-* oLj-~Jl oliUjiU «Lol-b>Jl JjmU olSL^cJl <b com-w« L>i 4 1 . A. t 
4 Lj^jjLJI <u-L_o *_j 4_4jjJ» 

•e^s-Jl ^1 JI^p! Ja^j >U-JI 4 cJjJ! ^Ju ^ j 4iUi-Jl 


(Give ^£L» U JZ <J ^Ul ^ j*>l\ j 

. * * 

w * * " ^->«Jj L^jL*-* LJl5Ltl 015 ^Uij 4 Me all you've got) 

** *+ 

LyZ>z^i j-5L) pj ^iJlj <L1 aJ| .IwL* Jl>- Jjl# j_a 
jLtl <J jLbl (ji £ir>J^! 0\Sj t JaJi J->jLJ>- ^Jls> 

oJ-Aj t I A^P 4-C-L^ : (j| (£j*j 0 jJj 


t (Petits Fours) ^J l ^^_L>eJl ^Ja 3 aJLl^J <l^I ^ ■/» 

* C^w>o oJ-A ^ j-L>Jl *Ja3 

s * f, p 

LjUj LajI 4 SjlLo frUipl i jS*j» Jj) JS\ UjL>»j| J*&\ J 

jSli] 0 ji (JLjJ LJ ^jA 4 *>V 5 ^jij 44JL4J ilxiJUs 

^ ' ** ** 

Cj^ ® ^Lo^X>bJ|® A-jil AjLJ 4 J JJL>c_/0 

Gerald Marzorati, «Art in the (Re)making,» (May 1986), (21) 

p. 97. 


4 4-^*^ J-& - La J5 j*j _ ^laflUl (wJLkJl dJUS 

** ** *T # 

.U^Ua| A*P jJ itXJjixJl AplwaJl j ja\ A*$ 

*» ^ 

Zj#\ <ij*Z jjW^> <>>aJ' J^*J' '-i-* 

** w 

u- ^>-Ul v-j^Jl o^Jl J ^JlU 

-OoLJl j-tf SjJai- C^ii; _ JULpI L>5 _ <uii t ^1 j g ^-- \\ Ol jJLJl 


^Jl 4_s5s^5\jLd1 aJIjl>- 

Sjj-aJ! jj-o .L*J» c~_*i ^ : Jji! 1983 pU- J_5 ^jU 
Oc 5 *^' Or 0 *0^ .Ajj* J-** ^Jl ,A> L- o^Lpj . «i~L^~Jl 

o^jljJl iLiu^Jl olJUl ajj5 ja AaOjI ^ pj t JlJUjJI ^^Ip J^Ijj>JI 

4 UajI ai^J & OJJ05 aj \ (Jj>JIj .^LO^M tw^aJuJl c-jIUj*- ^ 

^3 olJUL! aIjL>s_*J!j i^uLJl aj^JJI OL^ol <loIpI ^i 
\jy# J^Jtj j>soJl ^A l^UJb J^c~J oij .^iUJl ^LO)H 

j w ** 

ijju M tlijfc jiCJ t^bU^I JjL*j ^3 liy^yi CJlS' *L~Jl J* 
(Harold Rosenberg) £j_J jjj jJ jjL* #Ip,> U_« lJU» i i U l ... . ; J 
* (W L* f AJL ^JJl ^iJl (jl t(Devajunik) « dJ^jj^Lio>> 

015 j t Lfi^? jL**« aj j AiLi t . l l c^Jl5j . o ju J u>- c-4 ^jLj 

a-0 0I5LJI 0JJ3 OV 

J-^ju AjI £A t JaJb ^i3l ^y> j[*A J t f-LvjJl ^ la n ^ 1 oLp jJl 

Xjaj\ iJU 


t I Aa {* *Ai^ t LjL>ej jS> j jS JuQ*P Jil 

L^Up 015 IS1 :JLJ 01 LJLp 01 j*h> -aj^jJI L^-LwJ XkS tU oj 

AxOlill A^JjlJl oL^muj^oJI AS^Lp iolij ^ip ^5jli Jl9 ^sl ^P j_jl | 


p ^ 

>* (*1 4< ^-^ Or* 1^-* J-g- 9 tAjj-~jJl oL jU^Jl o^HJ 

IAa Jjh :ioL>ol iijjJajj tjl dUO JOJ o^Lcl^I 

aJLv^J>oj £jiJl (w^lki- jLSLtl ^ Ja^wQjJl jijcdl JP Jlltf 


^jp^ 0 (J? 0> JL*-jL*) 1>jjjJ1 

** ** 

oljl LowO O JwLv^wO <Ll-$dJLo.Jl ^2^4 *y>“ Oj£j JL® ^ ^^J^-ljJl 

oULxJl LgJlS dJUS j iaIjIjl>*JI jl*jLa 

** *• 

{_€*** b««*J 1 ^jtJ ^ ^ >^j 2 j *A3 J->eJl J-*-|L« (jl (jjl 4 LgJ 

(J jJi ^lp IjilS J V 4j| j^P 4 4^5 s^o1j J o^JjCLa 4Jjdyl 4 jc*^^J 

^1 d\ cjL 1& UiJ £>L , ^LUAJI ikJUl 

t I 1^ 4 ^U^Jlj cS-i-ll 6lP<Jl j-A 

dlij V <jl ^p .SJVjUI frli-pl oLLp JJLSCij j»j cjUiMlj 

««*^ 1 <A ft ». p V 1 A9 |fj1 <) ( gp j ( J lp 4jl . t 4 _j^_i L d 

^ U5j AjLJI ^ 

j_^j j! iJl£.l iJSSII JLp JOuUJ j^j tS>Ul <JlSLil 

cuii^ jlaJ <. ^Vl J-^iJl ^ L,lj U5 j .jjlLjl ^ v-Lo, 

** t* 

: v^JLJi olS U,jj * iP~Jl iJLJl JsL- ^Jl ^1 ikJ* ^U)l I Ju* 

<. LfJL ^ P ^3 ^^ajJl d)l^3 4 J-ftldLoJl ^jj j-dL»oJl 4^- jjJL) 

dJUL 4 l a »dj-j 4_s^L>tjj 4 ( j-vJ^J>«Jl J-fcLjL* ^Jj 4 Ladb 4 4 _>- jJLj 
4 L>c-s^l J (1)LS* LowL^-j . WoJU ^jJLa 4 4 -j^_xJJ| ^_>^JL^Jl 

^J>j\ J jki**\ j»JL p ^JLp jl 5U IJub ^yj) iT^u J5 4U5bj 

.(iJlJJl 4JI j^~\j jlaLL<J| 

^ jZ>tJ oL> jJJl jS's ^Lp ol ^ 3 JLp ^ C^>- JloJ 

•* « 


^5 3Jip Jij .^Sl^ uilidJl J\J>yy&\ ^j^dl JjUJ 

4j 3 j-tfJl Ol JJJ 4 jj-aJI J 4j>t-s^>l ^Jl 4 moIJ^- JL*jUI jl «. a ^LfijJl ^jA 

dJUL) jji 4 Ls4Lj 1 4 4*«_^-l ^J| ^Ll> 6-J La c 4 _LajLm_4_1 1^ 

J-»P ^ l^o jU^ U i JJ15LSJ as! iJL-Jl oJLaj .oIJUI 

» v «r ^ 

jLJl jl^ip 4<JtuJl LjLa 

+* •* 


<^1 cJLS" t {Marxism and Art) ( yii\ j 


* * 

I Jj J->eJ^ 4 ^wLLP A_ISs_JL>» l j-S" J 1 ^ 0 AJL]^Aj>“^ 6 l_^_J jS 

^jLJ .a^p jJl o j£*j (£ j-*JL L y?UJl jlIaJI 

♦* ** 

ijjU» iliaj <ui ibli twU->Jl ^ Ujup (Lucy Lippard) 

4-w*l*>«JI <LpJ-pj«U ^LvjJLJ (JL>* jJl (J 1 ^Jl yOj£ 4ju32 
L,jU iib ol Jb>*J LlSU 4 <22) «4JU&V! dJUu ^siiJ ^LvjJL! pL-jJI 

oL^laJl .aJISL*! j 

*• *♦ «• 

t JU* ji\ JSj rj-a Lo j_lp t ol^Jl i«j> uL ibli S_> j^*jJ| 

t ^I^-^VL j LjL-S" ^usdjj c V-l ^ , * w 

^-a***^j dU^ oLs 4 pLww<JI ^JJL® La alp 4 

o^j-L- J-*- I jJ iLli <JcSLJ\ 

.kiJJJj ^LaU ,j jS'jlJI t(_£y«Jl jJUj 


^^La Vl Loj l ^ amQ ) c _ 5 SUjj ^A_4j Jua-*Jl I JlA ^j3 

oLoL^Jl L^jj^/5 J j .1^ j-jw? !-$-> t>° cS^' 

jj^-l» cjLJlSCJI t # ( jA)lj a^^SjLoJI * :iJUl 

<4 — Jl j-ij - sflj ^ ^lUl jJjJU 5jJ 5-JLSL.I ..KiliUJl 

*+ +*■ 

(Tickner) jS Zj I JL^i <. Li>l LLs-ta UiibJ iiL* j <. ^ 4^9 


o - t ^ 1 (^4 ~.i jV UL^-I j) <-L»«jJl J4i frL^jJl <jj® 


bJ-LP (_£j-SI j-y^-iJ ^^-y^ (J j-9 ,)JLa 4 <U_Jj aJL jJaJ 

+* , ''■ pr 

4 4-La J-*3 4 Jj JJLP 4 <U-*JI ^Jl C-jL j^sjJl ^j-a ^Xj3j 

4j^£1 pL*jJI L;jiU>- cUj15 L»JLS*j .^^j-aJJlj ^^LjlI V l ^ sSS^-i "t 


Lucy R. Lippard, From the Center : Feminist Essays on Womens Art (22) 
(New York: Dutton, 1976), p. 125. 


j£\ tdJUi 5 ^-UUmJI cJl5 LJL5 


Jj-*^ Lr° 


jL^j-w^ oJl^ 

^ «ljUI» L^iUJl ^ ^ ^L) cHJi Jn£ (J 

JjjLS* Lq*^ jJ j +& m l l 4-Si ^L«l LaJ-^- .(^-^-LxJl 

* (Lynda Benglis) (J ^JLxJo lJUwJj (Carole Schneeman) 

oij ^L-Jl ^j^JJL *LJ ^^ISj 

AoLaJi ebiJl ^p IpIwj *L>«j& <uLp^j J-^ J-s^>- 

frLjS/l <vs»jLp oI^p! ^ jf ^yip J-Uj ^1 


cf* L^L^L <y>L^ tLjljii^l Ulii ^SL b\j 

«*■ *• # 

jl*L>-» ; (Jj-aJ1 j-vwu2j (1)1 L-Jp 4 jL ^ iaJl oJlgjI .A^wwJPxJl L^J j-3 J LgJ j-uo 

Jjl j Utf jjj 1 J_A ^3 «A>tJ jJ ^l!l Ajj-wvjJl ( JL*j 4j jLi V I *w« 

** #* ** 

U-A J JLa LfL^j]^Ju\ M Ajj_^J| j\ tjlJjL^j 


.(boJb- jJaJl oj£> ai ^Jl) i^Sfi vvU 


^>^11 UL*>- Sli*; jLj M Sj_^aJl oJla j! jJ* 

<■ "^S* 'jA AjL aJl^O_>xJ! 6 1 j-oJU 

LaJ— J ji *ljSs oWi oli oL»*>U> (j^JLJ l $ ... a '. ^ SJCIj 


0*JL^ ls*\ t a la ) j JJL« t ^^LaJI 

,—*- oU t^Lito-Vl ^Ju «viLill i^JU 
<j**y. J^> L< <1)_^j ji i^^lll (>aJI 

Jajj A.>a. j5 o-La J- 43 ) 1 g » * « j LaJL>~»- (JL*jC-o 1 #1 j»»Jl 

ill JUhLLJl yk L. : JJaa Jlj !l j! jJ> i_5jU Jl 

Tickner, «The Body Politic: Female Sexuality and Women Artists Since (23) 
1970, » p. 273. 


Jaj c y, Ja ; AJI 

Jl iiJbdl 5 >Jl'i/i J>« ILL* Jjtj ol 

^ J>~JI ^b=Jl ^l^o jj ,^| M : J^sl j*J|j j! 

** ** *♦ * 

<-^ J-^ £^£>\j}\ dJi JjJLlI tJwQ^xJl Ijjfc 

LgJli t (Pornography) ^^>Jl <J?l^Jl Jt Slit ol^L 

^^-L>wL>-Vl i-^> U a j> tJl jLSjJM ^0 IJLa jjU«j l . r /» « 1 
^ J-aL-JI ^x*p (J^VjLaj Lo <jL> ^]| l *j . 17 j I 

U jjj^j <iL^ ^LJLj t^UJl £-*&y pJ t(U-fJ 

^L^dVl * ( 4."- . f3 jL*-a ."->(■ /^<i 


UJJa-A« iU tLaJ ^JJl oLS’ lil l» J*l~jf 


(>• <iL>- >* [^i-^J (Marguerite Waller) ^1 j c^pjU ,y S ^.-cr 

c3U^I» ^1 (.(Tootsie trope) «LjU«Jl oJ» L^Jl 

** •* *** 

<^P v'-*-* jr^ 1 . “Lj—Ji *oL^ ^U—Jl jji ^^xiJl J^jJI IJ-* 

‘W^ij c^uJl 0 - </dl ^1)1 

jJLJI Lj . ^ J ij jJ jL*-« <_£l oji ij^j <• c— L>ol 
ULs-I 4 U^J J*il liU (jjpl V ^1 :J Ji\ j>Jl J ./JU>J| 

*■ -Sr 

** ^ ^ *** d) to! ^ip <31 

<J * & J> s ~i <31 !3_A jl Crri oL ->^J j*J jS 

£_U-*Jl L^jL^oIj Jljj L« _i*jLj oL^Jl _^»al J^L>- s 

. 4 j Jj>- 4+,0j\ju*j 

(wi-.S’ • J-&J t j-^-l (J\j-++> j»Lal LlJjJLj |J_A jl ^jjp jJLsi 

UiL-Sfl j& jJLiJl LJ ^jul ^S^JU J^l^Jl 

(Peinture (N&ncy Spcro) *** (,,5*^^ t A^^gj^l ^ L>- ^ / *> ^ 

It c ^LJw<w^ oj^aj tdlSLL 4JI ^JLaj t Feminine) 


^ I 1 1 ^-«Lvwi i y ^dJl (^^SjJI 

c ol j JJl j O^A-laJl pLmJJI 1 g * j_g_laJ AjjJuI A*JL~L>tj o Jteu c Ajj_**jJl 

Ujjj .^aJixll <~~>d\ i-pj oLf-^s>^ oj_^> ,^-Jj 

** ** 

4_S” jj>- ^ JuL> (j^JlJl L>^j>* 1 JL>-I ol S \ *L*»w>gJ «/2»> o^LpI Cl^-tLS* 

.Aj A^L Jj>c_lJl o jiajJJ (^oJ^&Jl L<*jjj) y^<>-<iJl 



(Nancy July ^^JLj t(MiraSchor) \j^> JU-pI JJUS J £aj 


y oLy-Vl ^LvjJlj (Louise Bourgeois) t Fried) 


y 1988 pLp y (Politics of Gender) Lm-L^» y y-o 

. ,4 JJdJ J ioJU J (QCC) iJU 


(_5» ^ iolO^Jl JjuL« UiJjUl jl I ,^1* t JL?“ 

«* •* ** 

yLu^l jyiJl ® a*_Lo_*JI c^Ls^-ul ^I wLp 


a*xoJ1 ^ja oJj jvj jla) yill ^y j^yiJ jL>) 

^jJJLj Jj jJU yP A^-PjJJ oU_>*Aj>- CjLpL-s^J) Aj^ij'y I 

yl a i j -.>a ; U ajjj^I jlJLaiJI y>ju iJo ajLSUJ ^1 tciJLSLiiU 


^y y_ol Jl><J| JLjoLs yLlI j Aj jJajJl jJ jl >Xj2SL£'\ 


S* f< A 

J-w-j ^ 0*"° jr^l oLfcL>*jl 

C j^,v« aJU*- jA ^y ^-p ~xi 0^5" ^y^y* y^ 

f Uil j ^uu 

■ t o ^^JI p yAj OwL) J_>- A«y aLL^Lj 

P P 

La I ^ ^jlji^sJt JLajLo J^UlU Ao.Ja.P A<wo-A> I aJL^wO Cl^lj^-wj J I 

m •* 

^aJL^oJI oJla y o-j y°j va ll ao«bjjLi!I a *,<<?<?'! ^dJl 

I y <o y>- A^s^>t*lJl SUJl yi*^ii o^LpI I j-A J&j 

j J-+&J t A-olwLlI t t t^Ldlyip'y 1^ t t 



li^3 c ft i */*i\ t ^a^L-m%J| 1p\ j^cj^J IjJLs^o O-jLS" JliLs t plUr^l 

Jjj-iiJl jJajJl o^Lp} 131 t L-^L_^ ^ -^> 4 » .t j_a L» ul5 

•* 4 * 

OiUaJ Jij .^U J-A Uj ^li- £JjL? y» U ^ ggxJ-adl 

JJI ^ (JJjjiilL ,jjal>£ <ulp <Li_jlio «-a ojlfk Sjj__J| oilc-1 

1 CJlS* J C 4 _«w4*)Lp^/ I j 4^*-JL1I _ A^aj-Jl oL>Jl iiLijj ^JL*Jl 


t 4 ^*>Lwo j t A-jj>o jLJl A-sAJiil (JjL^ ^3 jlal ll SoLpj ^JLs^l^Jl 


-L*jL* iLjIjLl^JI g3 4 1 J-A l^Jl dAj^-— jJl ^-uLt ^->3^ 

jjJL jl LajuJ, .JLjtfl JLSLiSfl ^ iJLP ^ i-Jlj^Jl 


j-fe L* i <. <-sj>ojljJl <jLi5sJI ^3 <u3l jJ>- _ LlwoJI ^ s ll 


t j-» _ Lo^jjLj ^LuJIj c L*jI jJ>- ^ ^ 4, .t 

v, tf A, <a;: 4 a^ljl cLgJ^p 4-sA3 ^jJ 3 . 1 ^ j I 

•• ** '♦* ^ •* 

J^aij jl S^j jJj JJaj jJij ^{Midnight Children) JlJUI 

4-«L*Jl o^*3tU Lw*ww^o Ox-JLlJl C-olSj i <lal ^P --- ll aJLjw 


(Star Turn ) j^LJj Jj>*jU <W23 ^ 3 j a- -^4, .illj jJLU j t<w?UJlj 


Jl ^UJI iJ^i\ ^1-^Sfl J-UJ J-~ t(G) 

^j_^J1 ^1 ^Jl j*JL*Jl Ja-.j Js i^-Ls-. jL«J SU.J1 
jLi 4 JIJ-L-Jl JIJJl ^>11 ‘ JJ toL-^kaJJ 

4* *4 #4 

•LSj^ jl>t^Jl 

^Jki\ blpj Ali Ci V |J ^' il^Jl ^ >T Ja^j iiUj 
^^iJl ciU^ w L<»J oU>sJl ^v^p iUSUJ ^ 

Stimpson, «Nancy Reagan Wears a Hat: Feminism and its Cultural (24) 
Consensus, » p. 226. 


Ail J^-s^LLlI l-p ^JL (_£*LJl ^Jl-o_«JI 

^j-t- j\ L a J-*-& j-L~Jl <j -* OjS-J <jl Lol J-*J < Jl 

*r ** 

The Woman j {Running in the Family) AL* Jl 


^ (ji^lj) oliJl JlJUJ oLSj tiJ Ju LJ {China Men) j Warrior) 

44 4* 

L^ t jj Lsjtjl AS t 

jjt L j Awyi? j.ya^Jl AwaAc-jJl A»L£Jl ^-o AJlSAJM aS^p j-p wL15 

^ jl J*UJl 5 ^iwlJl ^iJb-Vl J\ AiU>L <^U 

.( j>\ 


^i-Ls^loJI ol^l L <-l*S^jlJI a»s^j^ 
JJUjJI i^L*^ ^ J^U JL A^UJl ttUbJl ^oLo iUjVl 0 JL 4 J 

l i <4 ^|I» I I t 4 -^LaJI^ A^^j j < , <*? ^ *C-l I 

I f ^ o^LwwmJ 1 A*»*Ap t I 


JlJiJl jlUl ^*) J^>jUl ^ ^a -sa-l H ^ ^jjJl IJla J 


JjIp J^*i c (j A^ oj Cj > UajLLI v_^xj j*i-j tU-$jl 


4 (Ursa) L^jjl ^s- a-^J j_a ^{Corregidora ) \jjXmjjS 

VM” c-JIS'j <. ( _£ J J^\ .->_p^Jl JU-I S-S^I ^ 

*4 *4 *4 44 

(_£ JJl IjjJLJ^jj ^ l^J j-*A ^3 *L*jJi A-sJbl j_S* ^JL> C*A^-JLj AS L^.LS' 

** 44 

VoL»*jJlj -A~*Jl SjUo J^i* t J-L^s. J’^S. J-^ if 

4* *• 

II ^jjLJI Jl-SjljI J-i j . j Lg-tfV LI o LS* ^AJl j-&j 

3jl;jcUvwL!I i^j^j t I^ jJLj ^ j>-\ ^Jl ol jA I ^jA t aA> j-Lj to 
SJL^ ^ ^1 C V^UI UJiji\ CJI 5j . 1^1 oO^- ^1 Jl 

4* *4 4* 

bj-'rr*-dJj3J 4_JIJ-jJji ejj-stf J-f- t ( _ r si>L«Jl ^ o1j-*Jl 


z z tf-Ls^-j-Jl A-jj>JJlj JujJaJl® 

4 JI ijj^a ( j J- * « ■' )a « ■* »Jla^ _ (10) 

( 25 ), 

Gayl Jones, Corregidora (New York: Random House, 1976), pp. 8-9. (25) 


( 'j& 5 j * ./i a o jmi I 4_sfiJ Oj c |Jl5L* j 

. 4 JL 4 IS 0 (J 

5-*J a^jJaJl i^ai Sj35^. Sjj-a-j 

yjliJl o! Vy t <u-jU ^ 1)1 JS J 

Ujji j\l itJjjj-J> jJi\ 11 * J .Sj^ljJl oLJI ^ JjuUI 

ys yJl ^>jbJl jl ijl l^J : y Ip 

tiLjj iLjl ^1 Uy>*j ^Ij-aS' .dJJi J-*iJ jl Igyrlj 

V jl5 0 jjlxJl ^1 o^yJlj tLfjLi ^yLj M ^j-wJi c->jJL»l 

iJ^Sfl Jl^ I Jj LjJLS' oV iJUi cSl^I oll. jl, 

L oJ-ptJI cJli Lo^j jL***j^/l ^r-djLj yp 

$ <t^hj ^ jZ jl Ojl ^ILJLpj tSUi iijj] Ul» :L*jji 

4 jLrfi c^d UaiPj c JJi ibVjl dj£ i 

X u ^i\ ^ <_y sls'j-jl Js^kiJl) ( 26 ^pJfcJ^ **S^! JJj> \m Oj£j 

^ ^ p 

^ jr° 4 <3ljJ^ \jij>*j jl I i jL«J?7 <. Ub-V j 

^JJl jA dJJij .JJjJl J.A cillij .AyljJl L*»jjl <j\j >- I yo 

t <L>y>Jl Ull^j^ <Ji!by L* jj\ {jtj .( 22 ) j*-£>Jl jl y ^Jwaj 
^ tj*5c>Jl jlyj U*ajl j 

jr* ^ ^-Ly>- tC-Jl? L|Jl JyJ jl 

uU :J>SJ ^ tl^J.L! ^ jJ jjis o^Jl yrL; jlj t s> l^t 

‘® J i- Ap ^Ijj j-pj tcJaiU- Jij .(77) « ^5l> y># 

Jl£*il ^4 J^Ji <u! P ^j»tsaJl <cS3 Aji^^Jl i)li s^Vl jwl 

. «JJH» 

.14 1 4... 4 1 jJLmaII (26) 


i j~ Jl JL>- Jl J-«J (*-Jl 

^ j— 'S/I jU*>U <_jl ,jJjVI oLy-L* JJ> JSliJJ oL~>)/l 

:5j,a_^Jl <yj 

oL>«ji ~g , Jl I jJij-« LoJJ_c- 4 _L*_s jj-^-o-j c - ( _j— " dr^-i 

il^i-l ol ^ . <27) «LjJ Js*-J 

^ j ^ li (4 ^*a»LmwJ|^) 0.S j > ^a ^ - J I frL***Jl 

., \ 5 1 )) * (J^-Aj L$J_J . 4- A b yl C g l g ., <a Vl A-s^9 J U' 

4 (103) I3j JLpI lllj «- ,y Ijj-M 4 U.J l>W 

^ « ** # 

.<LxpIj <Lil?lp Jl_ JaAUl a^s>-JLa j j£j cLllijj 

** « ** 

t c (108) j+juj 

o}j <■ ^jjJlSs^JI ( y& IJ-p sLj*JI iJL-ft 

JU- ^Jl 4-il^ J-*j) i yp\J>^\ ^***j5\ 


.A^aiSl o jjfc jLiijj t 

jl 5 iLiJ (jl ,J cLla caLxJI j-p ^ 

(i j_s*Ml jl ( jJl ; u')I\ £-«-~>»_»Jl ( _ y i) g l a , ^g*yi Ij-C- 


I ^ Jl ilg-kjl Jrr-^ ojU^-l ^ 

** f. . + ^ \ \ * 

! (J jJL^$ (, t^Jj^>eJl <1 )j-*-*J cT*^° 

oL (Ray Charles) jj jLU ^1 j Uu*j <y* ^ (Sinatra) 1^U~- 

Jbo jj t ® jJjLlj s^\j J-A3 t j-L-P 

jlS' JlaJ .JJ LjijP oy>Aj jj £* <-iSy^ f ‘ ‘-^ 

,J jJj» :Suii ^1 ^ ^ ‘l^ 1 J • «dUJ5 oj-pj_> jvJ 

J^iJ ((^"j <.(170) «dUi Oj^. M (*-“‘^4 

oJUJLP J Aa~Js ^ J s y > 1 <*A9 s -^"- • (J^::^J 

.78 ^ <4~i jJlJ .1 (27) 
.169 ^ k_£ jJlJ .1 (28) 



*^j4**J iilJ - a* • {j* 

ul yC^ ^pl^Ul oj^Sfl jjJUl -y> pL-JL) I^JlJUJ L— j 


\jij*-\ jij .IJjI (_y~^ V jy>- J~r ^1 J^>- ^ (_y 4 A-iJl 1 >^L. 

.(9) «ti*>Usl jJ Li uL ^Sll jaJ p^S JS 

\s~ijS J, yS y £j,y> oL^jJIj J'iJl iji oJl5 ^ 

I 4 J i jA\ ( Patterns of Childhood) iSjilaH ^ ^iUJ * aJ jj 

‘ aJj>~JI ^ yA^\ £>jlx)l i *yS- jjP 

^Jl 5L^>oJ' i^-Jl ibSCJl ^ ^liJl gjJl j* js* 

ajJ— jaJ <da^-*>L3 i3Lw*j . jlSL«Jlj jLojJL Vfi'fe- j 0 IJ 1 JI J j>- jjJu 

^_£)) l ^ p ^ A . /g A l l i"jl ■ .,/? ->~ • * (j| Lj 

^1 ■' 4* 


:U Jji: ii)>JU c^il^Jlj Ail>Jl ^ ajLu J\ Ui^y |j| t ju 

Oj-^j Loj-L*j t«u 3 jjJaJi ^i-s^ ^j .4 *1 j_LwJi ^sl^j ju> 

4*^JL*Jl t <IzLvmJ| ^Jl ^jUl 

L°j ^j^S' jA L* jU t <Li jJiJl LiLoJl ^ <wJLS\JI Qj&j tiJLill 
i)j& (jl J^OJ t AjIjJI JCwO d)Uajl jZj ^ j^ 2 ->- jjfe 

** 44 


iJlj-?- j^jL L& jLipI jJx^j ^ * jI^SUI 

. «L_s^L* <ul - l?*J 4 

** *• 

l l j * a> <,/? 1 L> l^. <liw .4-i (wJ^L>sj j 

5 j j-v 2 j j t jJ Lo^S" t Lg-J j-ii? 4-s^i oJL^i® t (4) 4 -o^j 

J ^ * ^3 > ^J { J^J>-')j ( _>sjjIj J^JaJwfl jjl t 

•* +4 *r ^ 

0 | cJJj .JlLo. Ajli J^J\ JiLij .(4) «S^5 IJlJI J> J^jlo 

Christa Wolf, Patterns of Childhood , Translated by Ursule Molinaro (29) 
and Hedwig Rappolt (New York: Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 1980). 


iUj UjU.1 ^ 1 1975 j 1972 L il^Jl 


c?* v'-^' '-^ J -L; t^i Lfr; ^j-*^ “ j^= 

** » 

jLx>bj (1)1 Lg-J-p d)l^s 4 oLj^jj^Ij oLwLo^liJl JOoVl 1 g — .^>1 ^ 


saLJI oV <. ^jJj>bJ1 ^s>~j tjLSUJl j jUjJl 0 j5*IJl!L> 

tj {•& ^) ^ ^.jAj °/y (_s^' 

•* ♦* * «• 

IxJjj ^ t^-jjbJl J ^ a,* tjS/l ^ j ^(Landsberg) LJLjl 
Uoxp l 4 ~Ju («oJl») i^UJl . (Grozow Wielkopolski) 

^ IjIjJL* d-UJjj t (Nelly) ^ilJ *_^L <Lti? oJl5 

**■ * •* 

Jl *-.^1 ikJ _* iiL~Jl 

toNl ^ tlfiilS' tilikJl Ul ,_Jl SjLiVl -uL IJla ol jJU- 

£, ' 0 ^ 
.olxiJx>&^ C-J-Jlj Si Ixi ^txk-3 * L«Ip J-*j Ug-xi 

£-* J^»Ux]l t$Jl y t ^ jj 4-x^J U5 j 

Vp- •* +* •* * 

; J yjj tj^i>L>Jlj ^^UJl t U-gJlS* iiL^Jl 

** > 

yA 4j>eJL**gJ ^JlvS2j 3-11 lU-& ^ jS\ 4j|JlJ| 

•J^ CP-J^ ^ J^sOjUl JlL* 

towLe-L-wwo 4JUi>l 4 jJa^oj IjlJ^j Jt <db>-j 

iL?-l JX<Jl olJLkll ^UaJ aL -^.1 jj dJLp tgJUai j o^UJl ^.JiU.1 CUpJLXjI 

^ ^iUJ iljy t O0) «ijL^Jl s £J iJl^LS - JiLlJl J\ .. .lift 

ij\ c^klJl Ju» ^%o {Patterns of childhood) iljikJl 

^ {$ :lgj Lg-^Lo A-vszi ^ j3-Llwo 

•* ** « ^ 

^ji tlaJjj ^1 L $xU-j j^s»L>Jl 

^ p 

^ ol_^- ^ J4—I tJjuUljj ijA ^(jUl ol jjl Jj 

LxJLJ J^*-j jl 5il j : *,^3 > L»l ; J 4 axp jLi»-Nl 


o*>^L^ ili o! J-P .(8) «Vs^k-iJl jA\ jJLcj LoJl^p 

.164 jju^ll (30) 


(1)1 coljl tjlijl JUJl Ilf, jJbcu 


ij^-^jjLS' o LUIS' <. J_Jj j-js (J 


^Hava-« If I y ty, .. . i-AUJU : < _ y JU( Brandys) 

(Kazimierz ( _ r u i Jul J _ ! 

(J Ifl j *(36) l ^ I t a \jj\^a ^ >1 tOL^JVl y» 

£•_> .(1)UJS/I IfSl ji Jjd lj ijij ]o y lay- t«iJUi Jj«i; jl 

LjJL, SaUJ jl j .Lgj j£Li iLj» lylUl L^j t oU 4 dJUi 


• l jUp jl 4-wQwwtf 4 * ..,<3 >eLJ1 3 jS\Si\ ^^UJU 

c jUx^l jl i Jy j\ <, (^\ jL^-bJ ( j^ UajI 1 ^ a . ) cju« j 

tikLJl ^1 yojUl (jd-iJ' (iAiJjl <-jL~ 3“ 

• jt-*j^4i d)l5 l» ^JIU^S 1)1 j»J .(38) l^jjJlj 

y *3^ ‘ W>j y5C<^> JJL# ) J j^j U5 tdUii 

^ i^V JJu^U j jJb- UJ 1 11! .(39) « JLkdl s y JJj 

• Oj-^L® < L , <a> gU> 4 j^>sj (jlS* jJ t ^ijUl 

^UJVl t w * x JL3l j^>-\ Ua$ tl$j(S 5 /IJlJI ^jJL>*Jl Jb4 J 

cJLaI^-I ol jSLjw ^ j t 


o jSSsj a 1 11 a c Lfl.1 1 ^ 

\j~l JLaJ : «*LS ll*i») : J^L-j, ild 

(« JlS - S ^SIUU jUii _j : 1*15 v y>Jl LiS’j LjLJb- LL. 


.UajI ( 1 j 1 o C j L» ^jJl L^J 

|»J JjLJ)» : ibli ( i-^L«Jl (-a^. /a J (J j\^i\ . j l ■ ■-■ 1 ' 

^ [161] 1936 jJU*_* ^ (iLyy ^ Jj_^Jl 

ilb-A jj.. ^ ! l tiJjjJl Lyi£L» y ( General Anzeiger) 


.(129 - 130) t(!/lUl UjJLao - «A>J.y «J5LUJI 

.39 i<~J6 jXuill (31) 


. Lo^-wL5 l l f j^^j V Aj\ ^ .JJUJ il^JL^Jlj 

^ ** 

£*J .(153) O jSx; Jj* • * .^j-s^LJi Oli 

i-J^jUl o^U^Jl jiUj ^^Lp :>Ljlp^I ^1 cJLt 

c5^ 4 ~«LaJJ (^^LicJl J-Lj-P k-jUai- JJU <. Ufej(^ la:^lj 

. (Kristallnacht) ^.Lo 

o&H v» ^Ui <jl y* al. .Jl l^UJl cJUj Uj 


. I ^ L» LjL la. l»A ol^ ( ® \**£ f ^*^2 i 4 . ^ 4 d . y*^ ^ 

4jLl^JU (. <uL^> J 4_1 jL>wO 4-JjJ-wvwO y» Lg-uL*_> V ijLfc <. dJUi j 
£> eilpl y<u Ait ^ y>- tlflS t^y-SlI oUf-ljJl Jjy; 4^-lj” 

> - - : ^ I SJ^pI tjjjjj c IfAP J— i -Xi aJI j-O yJl aJLl-VI 

w •* 

t (171 ) «JL^VL Jj iobjLJL ^Lij -L*J jv-! oloSL«Jl y I g - c. 

. 1 ^7 .1 A5 ^ l Aw*^ fl> fc. t . l l 1^7. • -■ . As^l (31 k '^ti* 

.(171) iUj^JI y Vjj^' 0i jy y f^Jl L>cj” d\ JU-Jl 
y> lfjUi5-*>Loj toIjiLLJlj ct_o£Jl JJii^Jl jjj<_^JLi_5 

a^UJI ( _ y U (w^j tS/Lal 5Jx«-Jl (wj£)l dlhJ Lfjfrl ji y SJuo^Jl 
yl>Jlj ^UJl 0jjLJl 

tSiJ* J* iSj*~\ *-*r\y ^ 

oL^Jl jLJLul 


OLS" Jl$ 3 t a9La^<J 1 y iJlJJl L^lpj L^ajl t 4 j>-! y 

** ** 

yj lf~>o 015 Jjfcj fiL^ljdl iJLi)) (Nelly) 1L5 oil! 

If; oil! ^1 iJUS/l AiJJ (33) «^-l]| cJUJl Oj-^JJ)) SJLilj ^ 

iy oUls^D) ^^Ip ^^ILj Jjo SjJ i^jJUl ojjo> 

••jJ^oJl ^ j .~ - ~ - >ts} oLj>«JI iijjiafij ((iw^jyJl »jj|# • toloJ!>ll!l 

Oj£j liL^Jj ?ao*^ oL<hl5" twO^jj ul o^ljl ISLoJ^ ?(16) 


.A^wuij j.i.^ll (32) 

.48 ^y> t<u*dj jJUoll (33) 

N (Auschwitz) JUxpVI j£~ «ul» _> 

^ai ^ o jlj i^L^j JjU-^ 4 Jl jLil 1 $j Jr ^c3U®d 


J UI I J^ JtJl ^-s^LaJl ®U1® * (J jJtj 4 oJ^5^ <U>ojIj 

4* 4* 4* *♦ 4* 

.(230) O-^WI _ aj ^ Jl 01 - ^*jJa «■»*>! UI - L^jj UI - 01 

^jjU 4 5 j-wva_i 0 j_S13 4 JL>- JL5 

^^p>S^i^C_uihJ I Uo »_JJlJL U.UJI jr «J, jtf, .o^JUJl 


^-i 'jfr^ 11 dM (*-fJ (ji-iJ' dhjj\ J_p-j t^jiJlj 

LgJCjl jlilsl ^a ■ -*>~ ^Ip t V j«^ .a? ll ipj^ia <(JdL)J t oljj 

<_^i J-r* ’-rdr”'-^ dr* 1 t ^j £ ' L* tj£~i j*-i ■ i-Jjj—aJL (j-j- 

dr* ^ ^ e-^’ ^ a- ’^i 

#* •* V e t * - 

Jia JJLL.J V id»UJlj . JjLJI U>JI v ul t^JJl ^i^uJl OP j]| 

** «* 

L^xljxlp C-**S j Aj,il>- ^U j^JU (jl J-UU N C5^® * A-o-*lll oj^ 

** ** #* 

^3 4-^o j^>-*Jl A>-LmJ| ^3 (JOJ^sj 0l£ L»J 4 LOljI 4 j^JU (jl j*P 

•* *4 

(jl j-^ a^jL^JVI ajOJI Jb^jcLw«*j (jl jjiij Lj-»l ^ jl>- .cj J l 

JL>- jJ «Verfallen» iJL5 * J Jj aJ jj~** o-I J 

c aoUc~*1 ^ UIjlas Jl43» y* ^jJl ^UJl ^^JU aJJ J J 

iJ£Jl ot J .(288) «0LJ^I JJ ( J UUp IjUS ali. a;*)! tdJUi 

n/ ^ V + ** *»«• •* 


l5 -^jJI» : <j\ ti-J^L^-'yi aJjJL*JI oULaj 4.. a +# : 1 oIju 

j-JL^a j (jl ^ : ^ A * 4w<Ls. 5 ! UJU Jlj^Jl . G^oJ»oJl 

Lat«J>- ^ >* U J 


l*2i\ Jj odU! J ^UJI J-iaJ *i\ iL5>J id»UJl d)l 

*t ** ♦* ** 

^ Jajlj^JU l^s Pj ^jp aJLs ai tj&oj N t^^UJl dJLJi ^l^Jl 

** ** 4* 


! (J ^JL c U»^ Lo i^Lau 

.237 jj^all (34) 


I JaLktf iJUuJl i^r ji\ y*i» 

A^jL^JOo <\SLy^J A^>"j1j <LjLdj N 4jl . . . ^-V3 5 l l 

^j- 4 ^ cs^i c ^j-r^ t V o j j^2j 

^ - ^J a ^-j (w ^ ;- ^ - H y» ( J_ s a^ 9 Jai»- ^^Ip 

jUiiVl - « a ^ . v^ oL^» ^1 _ <LSI yj> oUJa ^^>1501 
^ yJl t «5UJU)) .5JLiJl ^I.^J UJ* > wJ Ji 

/ ^fljjJl Pj Jl ^k>*J iiJLJb>Jl iJU^Jl 

c^Li jLi-o— 1 t ^j!jl>«J1 jl*_>Uo ^jJliJl ^jJl ^Jl SJU^^Lj 

** ** ** 

iSy*~-> 4 -*-> t (ol jJl y>tjjlJl o!>L^joj 

Lq^-« _ «oL>Jl ^P 4 j 0S"W ^y L^-Lw^-^j 4^*_a! j o — >Jl 4 ^j]j ^ ji 

** *♦ ^ 

1^1 iJUJl 0^50 J-d3 4 ^JljJj l £*-J Jb 5 j^S' AJ^_*Jl lLUj OJb 
4 JjL>s-o 01 j t(362) «ULJh Lw? j oUy£0 L c-i*^ j ^JLp yyli Ji*j 

<uLc*P 0^^-> 01 A^L>»P cLLJS ^y L« JiJUj 

!Ai toli^Jl ^ I ^ t (359) «JL^yj t*U&lj 

tdUi y t Uj-pL^oj .^jUmJL ^LaJI ^ Jl*J IjJlp 

^1 iJ^I Ot JUupU :J yu L.Up iJLS^ l~...^< 

(368 - «i_oVl J-^50 Lj y ^ : la : 7 j y?l 

y>Ua^l dJUi ULjuj <juj* ot *369) 

•^■^L? JlSOiL Lus yu> t U^Ljl <. L^JLSOij 

t »wiJ j j \jl+«aJjS i LlS" ^y 4jj-wvjJl oL jL^Jl 01 

*• ^ 

.L^a-jl \Xa jyj LJ JbL*_» ^yli ^y-j yb yJlj 

^ ^ ** •* » * 
oU t frL^Jl LUaJ l _ s L* jJ ^5 jzl\ ol o ^ jJIjj 

^< 9 jJ ( Patterns of Childhood) L^_.LiJ ^ 1 < *, l l jLiJLj^l ykl Ji 

tUlJ^Jl -byL J\ ^jklJUl L^.U ^1 »LJS\ 

.272 ^ I4_i; jX^all (35) 


^ aajL«« jjjjcJ i UU>-1 4 oJlS j 

iJali I M Ulj .(jiacJl i^iUlU 

Lji LUaaj t4^j^>Jl c3j j^JLj ^-jI^uJI 

** <*+ 

‘ jjD^' Jrf^ ‘Sr^ l 5* ‘-^Lr*'-^' SSjLi«j J-!<J 

j-^l>«Jlj ^y^LaJl <L»L*v |»j t J^>«--i)Ll ^jli Sjp^j i OJJS j 

•Ip* V^f 4 ^ J& 


^ j -*>-* * j_a U>j ^jj|.-L>sJl j^jLoJ 0VL*JLJl iILla 1 131 

S^LpJ J-p aJImL>JI wL^jLo t ^L>sjj j t 4 jj^jJI 4^«.a1jl$JI cdL>- 
^ ^1 vLJ>l i^' s j&M U^-^u - cr^ 1 

t>H J-*^' ^yrr^ ^L)i OJjj^-j bO-bf U->^ ^ ‘®J^-jJ'® 

. T 

iSj*- 1 

fj-^j 4 « 

»J ‘f 


<A*jb oLj-^jJI oULiU JjuLo o ^j»-LJl JuJUjJI oL>«-Jl j^*\ 

tdJJS ^aj 4 *^Ua>Jl Jl£jt>l Ju>-ta ^ iJUi 

JjuLoj ^j^jJJ <us ^JLa J-j ^ tilli UjJLj .L^jO^cj 

Cr“ c^jf (, t ! r^ a~-^J - <ijj-*-"-» ‘L>«-a-l! of ^Ij^JI 

J y LfjliS' £~j£ (Chris Weedon) (36) o j-bj <j~t£ «-b* j -^L-Jl 

. W4_*^Lwwj ^a ! aJUI ojL^J-^JL a**jL«~qJI 


o^lS ^-^.3 c Ls^Lmv ^Lsa^Lp 4 wL^SIj a^L- o <<UMvj A*J l 

-^j) L$-oL*JL*a>I ( j-^au d^_*_>tj 4 Jtfj jjJl ^tiaJ 

JaUo jls' Os-Ij JSj tU^dS jl—Jl JJ y (ciUi 

^UaJl dUi *- d./a. 

^LoJJ^/l i>ojLLo ^j_P aj ^aIjuJI jJo ^ 
Ol5'jJ>s-? AojjdJl L^_) jJ ^Jl 4 0 j-w-S" 0 jj) «,<3 ) J 4 dJJi 3 jJ»J 4 A-ol Jl>J| 

Chris Weedon, Feminist and Poststructuralist Theory (Oxford: Basil (36) 
Blackwell, 1987). 


j-yyX-i (j-wi>sjJ ‘LwwjL-^ 

*• «* T5r ** ** 

im ~^ > c^i ^r^JL aU-sL^ Ji L^^SLflJj L^-jJ^jJjVI 

()-i J ~r-i ^ i ^ t>«-U JLixjl ^LJ)! tL^jJj-jJjVl 

5j^5 a> j^j pJi aJI-uJI JjuU Lai a^Ui^VI oL-jU-JI 

*-Up La JuLL AjojLia oL>wl j~^\ L^jJlI q ^ -, U c <lJlpU 
tiJlJJl c^uij tL^liJ V L^J <. aJ^/jJ! JJc_~J aJIjl>J| 
J** jl L$Jp a^^JI ^jblJuJl Lai . (37) U*LiJl jl*; ^ L^J 
‘U*-;L a ^L^jI jr~**\ (1)1 oLjj-wuJI oULaU ( j^*j j .dJUi 

cLL^aJI ojJa>- sLS*U>*^ <L*-> JjJlj o jJ>-L*Jl ajIiSDL iolJL>- 

li-A jLa 0^9 i\xjba AjjS £AJ .ilLfc { jJ& yj ^ t 

Vj 4-bJj>Jl ^Lil ^1 <><S^\j>yj\ idjjJajj V Ji^ljJl Jj> 

dj^i\ is^Uoj) Aj^S/I A-P ^JU SJUJb*- Ju!UJ jLSLil ^ 

(JL^» US' j . ( j^JJJ A-JL Jj»ejJl o jJajJl j \ j ^\ 

*->^pj J*p J* ij>\ (J^ ‘ aliJl 

La dUS <jl .^iil Utj ;ci>Jl ^ AAjjJaj I^JLiJl r lkJl JUjO^I 
aJIo>J| -boLa oL^Jl j^i\ ^ Ja jj j ? <38) ^ j^Jl LjbiJl aJI 
JlSwl J^a _ j*j-lSJl is^jU^J t JiVl Jpj t oLj_«uJl oLLaU 15 J& 

pLUI S^LpI <>$1^ jis^l <>• - ^Lpjj u^L-^t J^ 

°-La J-—a (l)lj (, A^ws_a]| j oL*JL-kI j La^-JLS" 

• Lajtaj} C AX*a»L*^ ^ ^ jS'JG t Lsibl (. oL-ajLa-^Jl 

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♦ . . cGji! J bklt JljljLj 

«?Uljb- Jbuai cJtf ljU» 

♦* * 

4 1 " JrHJ 1990 ^»Lp ^ (John Frow) jl Oj-^* Jlj-*> 

oLS* U5 LLj t LilaJi t^Jl 

** » -2 p- i- ^"^"* ^ i ur*-> ‘ <J oUi^jj _ ys^l J j\ 

t* ^ 


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^ '^ ■* ** a * J <l»lwL>tj| j_rjL» JjJ^cj aJU^p ji ; ojCVL <£j j * i* 
U^J <1)1 .L "y 44^-j <1)1 .(/Jilj) J?L 

*■ ^ L» I ^1 k XxjL wLiJl » LLj^J o'yjL^Jl ^ j*_p ^JU 

^ jl t ( )(( ^r^L^» j_fc LJ Aj jiaJ ,) A-a-w^cJ jl 

Kenneth Allan, The Meaning of Culture: Moving the Postmodern (1) 
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(. i JL*jUI d)U t A^JL^j <1jIJL>- JUuLo 


-L^jj tjS/lj t UjJjl j_aIjJ? 

** ** ** ^ ^ ^ 

4_s^ j) « /? . > <J jL^? kXx3 t ^J^LS" Jl^-JLj ^jLU ^Li_s^| 

<UL>“U-aj C La j! jij 4jJUg _^.j | 4*lSj tojL>t*Jl AjLilaXiaj C <UjJl<Jl 

aJ (jl t <J jA> (1)1 ^]| ^Jajl) 

JOuU ^liS ilLib J .jIjlJI oJu l*j Uj . i^lp. « JJ 3» 

^ i V 

U5 c jMl jj^> j_a j {Postmodernism for Beginners) 

tP* U-*P' ur" <P-* ‘-*^i » I l , - *- ^ jmwj 

(5) l*Jljj ^ jj (jl t 11* t l4^w» 0 _^bo 0 j-a^LjUJI 

L-JL>*Jl jj^C-1 J *L>«J! ^ ^Jl ^fSjLLol] ^ J,a n ) jLSj 

( 7 ) 


Charles Altieri, Postmodernism Now: Essays on Contemporaneity in the (3) 

Arts (University Park: Pennsylvania State University Press, 1998). 

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Books, 1995). 

Stefan Morawski, The Troubles with Postmodernism , Foreward by : ^JaJl (5) 
Zygmunt Bauman (London; New York: Routledge, 1996); Nicholas Zurbrugg, 
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1993); Margaret A. Rose, The Post-Modern and the Post-Industrial: A Critical 
Analysis (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1991), and John McGowan, 
Postmodernism and its Critics (Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 1991). 

Terry Eagleton, The Illusions of Postmodernism (Oxford; Cambridge, (6) 

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1993), and Truth and the Ethics of Criticism (Manchester: Manchester University 
Press, 1994). 


^ « j cJ j Jj jUjLJI jl j jjj (Christopher Norris) 

Ot jJ- tc^l lf>l Jidi tpAjj J-ii j^fJl 4 

jl ij\ Loj 10 —^*^[1 o -JLp _jl jJL* Jl oly**Jl oljJL^i L» 

^ ** 

JOuLo <JLvwa ^Lp t Ja.A.3 t j^pZJLi^ ^ A^jL>«JI 0 ..L& ^3 a£j>\jI 

c-jUa^Jl a)jj>*j Jj 

*jA Jl>- ^Lj & A_t_> ^ t L$i5L!) aJLsLu^^ ajOLp a^jLJ«jl$JI^ 

^ ** 

£U& La^jI^ ^ ^ ^ iAa_) Loj i /U* (JI^NI 

ya <p ^JJLoJl (Jl^JaSlI oj-A .LjjLjLJu La J .aLj^P <Lj -5 

JLr^' j£j 3* JjuUJl ^ i'-W* - 

*■ f t 

Or* -Ia-^J t j-* L^j floJLjfc ?lj 

•* 1 

aJ Jl^J^I oJ-& Or* J^SJ I 

^ ♦* ** 

A-wSl ^j>xJl A>v2_4-ll ^3 A-ol JL>*Ji J-*jL*- 3 t £ jj »^-3^-wJ C 4 _aJ»1>c-4 


<• jJl oLiJjj Ujbj tU^-iS jtj~^b 

** ** 

yt>- yJl uJiUl yo ivsUJl ifr*-lyJl y» O.IJj Lfll Jyll jSUj 



ilrriJ ‘lS ojIJIaJI ^y-liojVl ^jbJuJl jl yoljJl (Referentialism) 

oi-A 01 ^ t^-LJlj ^ykjjLJl 

•* **■ 

jJUa^Jl ^%wJ ! bolio c A~>0 <LjIJL>- JboLa AjJ-^j C^Jol A^l>vJl 

^1 ^ aJj-w yiS'Vl /U-A^\5» ojLpj 4«j 1 /Lit » ^ 

^5 jJl UhJLoj ^JLp 4-o^Ap LfJli aJ j^lJl cLUj OjL^? Jij .c-w^p 


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^^JLp j A^JLdJl OjLxjLo-QiJI ^^5^^ A^Ij^AJI oJ-A j^Sjj t_)l Lg^J^ 

^1 s*j t j?A - l ^ 1^1 >xjJ ^J-dl3l c-^Ua>*Jl (JL^il 

Richard Terdiman, Discourse! Counter-discourse: The Theory and (8) 
Practice of Symbolic Resisdence in Nineteenth-Century (France, NY: Cornell 
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Igi! j i ^ v'-^' J -*d'- a ^ ‘ 

U> .ijjjJiilj <Xj4 JJuJ' LrrjJ^A' J^” t/4* ‘vA-' iJ * L - 4 
( ^ rr > . -i l .~. .U JjVl frLiJJl olS OJLi <. CjI-DI ^-b ^ 

ol jJl JJUJ Jl J^> cr-.J—i' 
Jlp jluLJI l*Jb SJL-Jl «■!* JsL-jj 

.oL~>>«.>~jl (<^ j> 1 JjA>) jtoJCU-Ml J-*J Uj <-ijyc3l 


AjjiaJl it CalfrUJJl ei-fc J-*-" (Jj 

bo _jJu>v ^ j£Jd\ \-t~*j y* j J-! 4 *-r — ^ J -*-;'- 4 

. ^.jl.-ll ju 'y jl5 ibl .Li*i iL?-'-U^Jl oU-LJI ^ 

t jL-uNl ^ jl i-jlJ->«Jl b»oi*Jl 

Jl .j L* <•^1^ -U->1«» - 4 oIjIj-; 

SoL-Jl S y>UJl oJuk ^1 0^)1^ Oj^t ot Jt» '^yr <* r ^ i 

o' v_^«i U IIa Oo^i •£/ <■£' 

LfjLfj J-*-*^>' ir* c)-^* “*"*"'^* < -^- n “ 

. i.^ j iiu (10) «oU*Jl Ji-b ^ JU^iVU ij& (Homi Bhabha) 

l f .i : «, ^1 ijj iJ'j iJbJiVl Or^' aJI^ ^ ^Ui 

t( _ r o>Jlj tSJuiJl Ui->1 bl b;1 Vr~d 

JuoU> objJi: oi iSy oi tiiJaJlj jb^M'j 

Uj>uj) i*>b> - iS>^' -^kJkJl - v'o^jl 

, y, . .- ijl jil Jli L*5j .3aX*i« cjUjJ> i5L>- o-L».t — , » (<^3 l;,^o 
^JLJ U,> ^iJbl ^ 0 a^> ^ry. (J* : (Edward Said) 

Brian McHale, Postmodernist Fiction (London; New York: Methuen, (9) 

Homi Bhabha, «Minority Maneuvers and Unsettled Negociations,» (10) 
Critical Inquiry, vol. 23, no. 3 (Spring 1997), p. 438. 


** ** '*’■" * 
tlr 4 ji l oIJ JL Ls-oJI ^j» 4-P >-*-?*-* J1 t4_4_Jaj 

La ( JLp <JLJa^l c5* oi-fcj .n-*Sj>*-a ^ yjl*£ a!>\JL> Sy*J> 

^ ^ j ^ 

t LsAjI ^^-A 4j ^jJL La ^J-P (j L L I 

i J jJLll J-SL*-> 4 JU t LJIj->Jl JjyLa C-fljl jj 

jl5 p\ y* (JjLs^J UlAj . (12 ^« Jjj>dJ c-LsAJ® cJ-L Lfjl tLU 

LjLlalA o jJbliaS LJlA^Jl J-a-jLa ^ P t 1 -La ^ L>5 t 

aj iJ Loj .La I p Ll>- -UuL> ^^Lp jl 

js& >* cr^ oL- '^ 

J5 O^i tdJUi JLp Sj*p .° 3) (>^ >il t^jLUJl *1*} 

LiLilSl L^JucJl cJ^i» oNUajMI LwrjJy^J ^ <• 

*b*4 Ji -A 1 - 1 Lr* ^ V-rf ^ ^ ^ 

JL*jLa# ^JlL 0 Ls t dili Li(j->Jl J^jLa 

Lr° js£ j'^J L*H Jss^* er>A «^ 1 a>JI 

vlUS (^-X-^» jO <1)1 t cr p -H-? 4 ~Lr® *■*-* ^-L*Jl yji 

w ^ - „ 

jU» ^ 4 «oUiJl» JLp JjLuJI yS jz Jl ,J1 jLJ* 

* , * 

Lr^ <■ < 4 -~-L~* j\ a^pUj^-I ob ^A2-> J-*^L$ -L>- £*0j l — * * /, ~ 

(J^i t t^JLSi ^a J .4jlJL>dl JL*jL*J JjJJjJi ^ J-«jLa oLLsL-0 

t L jU^Jl (Jjhju-J (LwoLlaj L$_*-a L» j) J15L,^I »J-a 

Edward W. Said, Orientalism (New York: Vintage, 1979), p. 10. (11) 

Simon Malpas: «Introduction,» in: Postmodern Debates (New York: (12) 
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JlP dDSj IpUwI aJjU~JI OJlS Jj 

( _ r ^jJl ol y-Jl J J ji*~ J ol jj-asHj oljjJaiJlj 

.; o j-ip 

OJb tJlLjl J.P liol-b^Jl -IajLJ JjVl olj^Jl J 

JJ jj> oLiil JaJ ^JJl £_jl cUJS aJ' j^' 

JbuL> i~»jSll j\sS j* tu Oj^j >J-*j y j ««) ( j- < Clj ;alxi!l 

<14) ^jJ ^jj_>-jL> ! <jj'j*- (^JJl ( Postmodern Genres ) UlJL^JI 

LJjlJ J^sLaJl l _ r ^_jlxJl 1>JI y is-y Ji. Ji (Marjorie Perloff) 
Aijajl ejliS JJLo 1 4jb-N oljL^a J j»l®OA^n £y~“y 

KL,Ujl5 >_aJL> ( Postmodern Times ) (2000) iilJ^iJI -UjL» 

(JU L» ot rj^ . (Alison Lee) J j j—Jij (Thomas Carmichael) 


t JjLkJl J £js*A\ y» oLjl-iII i i LuLo 

Uh^j tUjjJl J 4i*>Uj LJ» «JlJb- JUAJl* JkiJU jU> Jui 

^ •* » 

J^p jyt&->. ^iUij t J-LojJl J oL«lji J 
.yyA jy y> (Nick Kaye) <17) (jl^ <-LLh_? <16) jJJ!>L«j 1 
oUjjj JlJbJl JUjL. p*p>l JI Jlfcftl IJlp iL* ^ UMkilj 
r^rj <18> ’^JUj oT JLq_pI J,>JI ojU, :\^ 

Marjorie Perloff, ed., Postmodern Genres (Norman: University of (14) 
Oklahoma Press, 1989). 

Johannes H. Birringer, Theatre, Theory, Postmodernism (Bloomington: (15) 
Indiana University Press, 1991). 

Philip Auslander, From Acting to Performance: Essays on Modernism (16) 
and Postmodernism (London; New York: Routledge, 1997). 

Nick Kaye, Postmodernism and Performance (London: Macmillan, (17) 

Anne Friedberg, Window Shopping: Cinema and the Postmodern (18) 
(Berkeley: University of California Press, 1993). 


oLI jij . (Jim Collins) ° 9> >i^ 

Jblj^ iL&Jl ^ Ju JLxJl ^Jaj ^y <. olaJ jlj 4 lO^Jl AajU AjU- j 

^1 j-laJ -tij . I *XJLp L&.X ^ » *> 

JUoLa o jjbLfe 4j| c _ 5 Jlp ol jJwmmJI oi-A J*>L>- <^LJLl ' I oLI jjJl 

jl»uUJI iijLU iJUdJi oL-ljjJi ol 

Ji J\^ 

(j-J j U-Jto ijji JiiuJl ^Jj I JjJ> • (Stuart Hall) 

aJ j t ij-iJlj ajj-*j (3^" ®cS j m ^ ~ e ~‘ jj* 

. (22) ^~JI kUUjJ v-L-Jl sUJl ^y tJLCiJ <W» 

* ’‘t H +* 

(W. J. T. oLJLS - JJJ J 4 Itliki ^ Ujjiu JUJI i-i-* jJj 

Jl iJlJL>- JUoLJl « jJajJl jl : Jjil t >-T (iL- Mitchell) 

> " 

~*» ■** •* ** 

Jim Collins: Uncommon Cultures : Popular Culture and Post-Modernism (19) 

(New York: Routledge, 1989), and Architectures of Excess: Cultural Life in the 
Information Age (New York: Routledge, 1995). 

Jonathan Bignell, Postmodern Media Culture (Edinburgh: Edinburgh (20) 
University Press, 2000); John Docker, Postmodernism and Popular Culture: A 
Cultural History (Cambridge; New York: Cambridge University Press, 1994), and 
Mike Featherstone, Consumer , Culture and Postmodernism (London: Sage, 1991). 
Vincent B. Leitch, Postmodernism: Local Effects , Global (Albany, NY: (21) 

State University of New York Press, 1996), and Mike Featherstone, Undoing 
Culture: Globalization, Postmodernism and Identity (London: sage, 1995). 

Stuart Hall, «New Ethnicities,» in: David Morley and Kuan-Hsing (22) 

Chen, Stuart Hall: Critical Dialogues in Cultural Studies (New York: Routledge, 
1996), p. 430. 

W. J. T. Mitchell, Picture Theory: Essays on Verbal and Visual (23) 
Representation (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1994), p. 180. 


jfij* ^ UjT jaj\ 

** ** 4* «• 

4-^9 JISL-IS .o^Lji^a-^*jlII (J^^* ^LgjLA^M ^ ^jlaxJI oL^xJ^l 

jjj_sAlJl <W>L>fcjj 4 <^£jL*j*_*J| ^j-dJlj t <L j *,a « ] I l 2 A £ * 


c *- 9 J^L?^ j j $ y j -*jl^>\ L*_J jS' j-j j-iJl 


t (Donald Kuspit) 0-^15 JilUj^ Jd* 4 aJIju>JI JOyL> o^.>U«-Jl 
(Charles jj jLiu^ 4 (Douglas K.rimp) ^^jjS j 

^L^Jl lj> e-uS'L* c^S ji 4 j! o^pI Ul w Jl>- JlS' ^^JLpj .Jencks) 

d->hX^- U dU^J 4 La Lp y AaJLl^vw* AjL> j 1* * A,,-,, " 5^ -.» 4 ^ j^ n l| 

<_$-H j-lkjt <1)1 ^$->1 4 Lit t JlL<Jl ^ ajlpLI> 

•4/*Lr*>*>^ 4iU^VL 4 J^saJI £* jJ*-! ObJs>Uu 

<JL^a2**»I i y ^ 4-« P jl h— 9^** 4 4j Jb JL>cj j£\ *j j * ■ 

^j|*Ul j^SLa^AJ 4 (Art Spiegelman) oLaJL*^-^ d-> jl y* 

(Holocaust) 4iy*L*S\ y> L>J ^JJl 4ojJlj i^ai Zj~*j 

(7^ ~ ** " 

y*j .( A Survivor's Tale) Aj i^aj :(Maus) yy ^ 

** #T 

0-1a3 Lw® Ai^P *LJDj JjjI ^j| Ju«JL>w^Jl 

4 j-*j jLs^ L« a-« 4 ^^oLJl «, /g a l l ^ 4 ajj_~JI aJLw#j ^yjl j | « *l l 

|^>waJl ^jbcJl Jl dUS 4«JL^>J| JL £j# oL^cJl ^ 


J-dojJl JjL^) O Jj>xljI LwA SI 4 JbJL>- ^iLij jIj AjLiSCj 

Donald B. Kuspit, Redeeming Art: Critical Reveries (New York: (24) 
Allworth Press, 2000); Douglas Crimp, On the Museum's Ruins (Cambridge, Ma: 
MIT Press, 1993); Charles Jencks, ed.: The Post-Modern Reader (London: 
Academy Editions; New York: St. Martin’s Press, 1992), and What is 
Postmodernism! (London: Academy Editions, 1996). 

Art Spiegelman, Maus: A Survivor’s Tale (New York: Pantheon, 1986), (25) 
vol. 1 : «My Father Bleeds History». 

Linda Hutcheon and Michael Hutcheon: : ^1 t oU 5 J^> J* Jj (26) 
«Before we Begin... An Introductory Note on the Operatic Body in Context, » in: 


. - LLJ ^ 4-JL$L« ol jJ> . ^ ^oJbJL>- LI*jI 

J ^JLiJl ^Lk^Jl b\ 6s 'o\ l uSLw t *\jj}\ l J&SJ 

o jS ^ (J*)L>- APj-^ jJLot ilJlJbJl jl*jLo 

** ^ 

Ljj-J-J| Jj*j La oL j-lajJJ (Jj_SL; |jb 4 JLLqJI ^JL*J t 4 — 

I -La J->- wLs j c oL-^ljjJl JbljjLa j-o Ij c LoL-Jl j 

*• ** 

oL-ljjJlj Lj j^jJl oL-ljjdl L$JL j]p 4^3 C-JL-* ^JUl o- & jJI 

4 -JL^j^JI (Jl^Jtf'yi LajLipL _ cJlS' L«jjj . Ls-sul LjjJtJl 

jS . ^ y >z*+*A ^\s>- J-*jL$JI s° °Ljo! / U^>" Lo <Jjl 4 Lol Li 

i <Ij|jj>J! jl*jU o! j/L L^2 jI i LgJLJL>tj ^yL.-* j_«Jl ^ <1)1 

(Susan McClary) 6j^S La JJL- 3I4J J^p U 5 

(George y - -‘■^ -■ * J t (Lawrence Kramer) j-a\ jS 


(Neil J_Jj c (Russell Potter) J—ljj iLipsitz) 

Bodily Charm: Living Opera (Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press, 2000), pp. 13 
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Nicholas Mirzoeff, Body scape: Art, Modernity , and the Ideal ' j k 31 (27) 
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Herbert Lindenberger, «From Opera to Postmodemity: On : n .i - . 1 (28) 

Genre, Style, Institutions, » in: Marjorie Perloff, ed.. Postmodern Genres (Norman: 
University of Oklahoma Press, 1989), 

Linda Hutcheon, «’01d Tools’, not ’New Noise’: Opera’s Postmodern : Jl 
Moment,» in: Thomas Carmichael and Alison Lee, eds., Postmodern Times: A 
Critical Guide to the Contemporary (Dekalb: Northern Illinois University Press, 

Susan McClary, Conventional Wisdom: The Content of Musical Form (29) 
(Berkeley: University of California Press, 2000); Lawrence Kramer, Classical 
Music and Postmodern knowledge (Berkeley: University of California Press, 1995); 
George Lipsitz, Dangerous Crossroads: Popular Music, Postmodernism, and the 
Poetics of Place (London; New York: Verso, 1994); Russel A. Potter, Spectacular 
I Vernaculars: Hip-hop and the Politics of Postmodernism (Albany: State University 


JLSLJ.I ^ JU«_;L*JI tij-iJl cjL>- jJ t Nehring) 


t 0*3 jJl ^ t (1) J i*-^J t <P 

,<u^« 3j^i 3 j*^\ 

^9 JL*_)LoJ 4j Jaj LaJl AjjJajJl A^Ai ^j. 

**■ •* 

J> 4,a...UII JU^> Vjyj b\ \Jj>-\Jl* jSL, J (.jyiJl JISLi! £ro*r 

t Ijbj^ .lit?- ^ C * ^ j t cjL^^-wvjJI 


SjUl ^ Q j. wl jU j-J _ oL>*j ijSji (JLL^j 


JUoUJ yj-dl <U~A> jij^J ji*-Aj Jij .^L-J^ll jij^J 

s > s _ Lx—oJl oL>ol ^3 ciLi 4jLs<?jj 1 jjj 

% ** 

ijLljjj jLS’ j^Ajj-jlj i 4-j^JJl j _ y i lj_L>-i IjJ_>- jl j^e- 

v-' J* ^-U^I^JI iJjjj 

#* ** 

bl^o ^UjlaNI UiJL J i u t^LJl J. — 5JI jld 

o jJL* ^Jl o j_p j t (Emmanuel Levinas) ^L^jLJ J~J jJL*-p 
LL^ ai CU>- t ^Lol JL>Jl JUjI* 4-wuLw^ jj Aj jl j ^ oJ*u I 


of New York Press, 1995), and Neil Nehring, Popular Music , Gender, and 
Postmodernism : Anger is an Energy (Thousand Oaks: Sage Publications, 1997). 

Jean-Francois Lyotard: Toward the Postmodern , Edited by Robert (30) 
Harvey and Mark S. Roberts (Atlantic Highlands, NJ: Humanities Press, 1993); 
The Postmodern Explained: Correspondence, 1982-1985 , Translated by Don Barry, 
Edited by Julian Pefanis and Morgan Thomas (Minneapolis: University of 
Minnesota Press, 1993), and Postmodern Fables , Translated by Georges Van Den 
Abbeele (Minneapolis, MN: University of Minnesota Press, 1997). 

Richard Rorty: Contingency, Irony and Truth (Cambridge: Cambridge (31) 
University Press, 1989); Objectivity, Relativism and Truth (Cambridge: Cambridge 
University Press, 1991); Truth, Politics and « Post-Modernism)) (Assen: Van 
Gorcum, 1997), and Philosophy and Social Hope (London; New York: Penguin, 


ot • 02 V jW'j ^ u>J*r 


JLkjLoj (1)Ls^JNI jj )g\a ^jA t I ^oLj j <do_A>l >^i>- JjJl aAA 

l^jl <jA\ t (Donna Haraway) Uj^ <JLu j\5 tAlil*L>Ji 

^Lr^* <3W* 

{Cyborg Manifesto: Science , Technology , 

JtA >- j . and Socialist-Feminism in the Late Twentieth Century) 


<dU>”! JLL«^ 4&y£A d^L^-LwwO ^jA dal ^ j^>%A oJ ftp 

4jL^ 0 jj\SA C-^Ua>sJl ^jA 

4j1 jJ L^ -t (j - ^* * * Ijbj t^^4-s^L>- A*j| JL>- JUljLo LI */» a 1 il jil 
t ^J\ ^jf\ J ~*UJ . (36) (iiyu j\ A-ijJL^) iilil oU^i 
L# JUo! t3 jJaj <-L jaZ SiUI o jy>-\ JjL>- 

i* ** 

. ^ i .j * It oL>Jl!a^« ju J u>o ^ a*aj t 

Margrit Shildrik, Leaky Bodies and Boundaries: Feminism, Post - (32) 
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^^JLp t (Slavoj Zizek) L- <^S Jl^j yjiJuj 

( JLill Ljwill ttl2)l iiJLiJl J jjJl ^ ji^Jl 

ol y •*—*** V 1 -^ 

LuLJli JjL— • 1 1 ./o 1 1 t J jLj t(Jane Flax) (39) ( _ r >5‘iU y~>- J-l» 

t* #• 

ojj^aj 0 L 0 NI ^AJl 

c.Jjg ii oNL>w« Jl? <1)| tJj-dJl 4-*JL*-*Jl 

L^JL^o olj^Jl ^ a!j!wL?xJ1 JjkjU ^ L* idj^lau 

*• •<** 

X'L^+AS i^LJlO yUl JLSLil JJL* 

1 . . H ...1 ^_Lt- ^L>jIjl>- JbuUl <jj b « il Lj j ^ la <l. ‘. j.ii ll ol—^ljjJl 
\ r *s> jlxjUJI y cjIj LfrJi _y ^ y^l jl ^ . C40 ) Lajla: 

jlioLs jLiijl J_s4l>- Ljkj . ^ ^sL>«Jl 

CS 3 

0 J-j J->- 4_Aj 

j j-t j 4 Ijljl>- 

(Mark ( 42 > y-y iljL. J^p jlSj .UI.a*J| J^U Jl ylJu>Jl 

Postmodernism (Cambridge; New York: Cambridge University Press, 1989), p. 12. 
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A. K. M. Adam, What Is Postmodern Biblical Criticism? (Minneapolis: (40) 
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Mark Poster, Cultural History and Postmodernity: Disciplinary Readings (42) 
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aS j>- ^ (David Harvey) JuLb aL ij t Poster) 

t oAjJ->- CjNL>«_ 4 A-wwaLww»«j 4-upL$A^l ^Jl 

LjJiJl jiJL^ .U1> U p\ jjSJ Jj jj\ <44) i,JLiJl iJ^UJl 

t* ** 

4-*jiA>- A*jb 4tf 1 a, Vo oL!L^l**l 4-JUk-P jU O aJ c)b- *->L> 4*pL*I>-Nl 

jL<? Lojj^p 4 jI AJUbj ^y- jdJ j 1 5 

JJL.) (46) ^I/VI ^ »L^i JiJi 

•* 44 

a^Jujj (Simons) Jio) ^ ((Docherty) 

cr-^ t jJ» ^IJL*- J_*_>LJl jL LjJ Ijlp- t ((Billig) 

** ** 

oL£ L*»Sj t^^-s^LoJt jj^o oVl t I jlop- t 


<j V jJS 4 j1a>*JI JOuU d)tj ! j^jLo IjjjL** a£ 

.\+~J o^i; 1*1 j}j tiMjbJl lit jZ\ 

David Harvey, The Condition of Postmodernity: An Enquiry into the (43) 
Origins of Cultural Change (Oxford: Blackwell, 1989). 

Douglas E. Litowitz, Postmodern Philosophy and Low (Lawrence, KA: (44) 
University Press of Kansas, 1997); lan Ward, Kantianism , Postmodernism and 
Critical Legal Thought (Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic, 1997), and Costas 
Douzinas, Peter Goodrich and Yifat Hachamovitch, eds., Politics , Postmodernity, 
and Critical Legal Studies (New York: Routledge, 1994). 

Jean Baudrillard: Fatal Strategies , Translated by Philip Beitchman and (45) 

W.G. J. Niesluchowski; Edited by Jim Fleming (New York: Semiotext(e); London: 
Pluto, 1990); Baudrillard Live: Selected Interviews , Edited by Mike Gane (London; 
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on the Modern Object and its Destiny, 1968-1983 , Edited and Translated by Paul 
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Thomas Docherty, After Theory: Postmodernism /Postmarxism (46) 
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^1 j. \ ..~* jlS j t (Agnes Heller) (47 ) ^La ^Jjii i JaJii 

►Lit ‘ (49> 0 d>T Ori ^ J-b >*J ‘ ((Feher) (48) ^j (Heller) 

U^J j . <Lul JL>0l JL*_>La oL-Uj ^J J^*** A»^Lw**Jl 4 j jJa^U 0 Jj 

^ Ajl jl^JI jl^jLqj aJLL^lOI a ww ^L_ m JI o0_& d)i o.-a L > 


4»Jil JL>tJl Jl*_)Lo i j-*J La oLj^LqJOI l^N^L>*-« i o J-jJ-P (^jhj Oijj 
oljialJl JL1P CJ15 ^1 O^L^LLjl <£^\ 0^ tdJJij c Ajj^JI j 


t oJ-5j ^->1<-L>- *-^-*-iL^Jl *-# 

** +* ■*• r 

U5 t A-Opl-9 o^taL9 ^ Ji ojLfililj A^0> jj AJL5L5Lijj 

aJU-juJI .iOuOLl I t ^j^oL*Jl J^aaJI <*iL!3 
U^>- LIS' aJIjl>JI jl*jLoj <_£ < — _& Jw<0! . aJ-aL*Jl 

g\J jJJi J\ jUl LS taJUiJl ikUL i^UJl i-UJl ojSfl ^ 
L.UJ tcr J <► (57) 1983 ^ (Craig Owens) 

S^-Jl ^jblJUl ^ Jo^Jl 01 JjJLSl ulj .I^IS iL>JL 

Jii t JL>- <. JjuLaj (oJjl*^JI L^-jLpj-u £^->«JL|) 

^Jj i J OJL$ L^taLlCul^ A^g^a d->L«->-l jA L^LL-^^LiJI f*""^ ^ 

Agnes Heller, A Philosophy of History in Fragments (Oxford; (47) 
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Sara Ahmed, Differences that Matter : Feminist Theory and Post - (50) 

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Somer Brodribb, Nothing Mat(t)ers: A Feminist Critique of Postmodernism 
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(52). , , . t 

M^s^l U_ 

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> . ^^iUJl J1 U+* , 

w p 

OJ>JLp 4 L*2j ! ^jja C->Lpj-oJ>^a 

US' t (51) U^H U4^lio ii*)U 

1.UUI «UL| « jJU olj-^1 OjwI j 


(1)1. .Oh ^ J ft) l^lJL^- JL-«-jL« <_£ < — «— ft J— ^ •> j-J>- J (1)1 

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cJUsls- (54) # ( _pL>w- JL*jU» (_,!»- j\ <. ((Hekman) 

♦* ** 

(Judith (55 ) j JL^L d*-o jj>- J^-p a-jJ (^JlJl pg-*Jl J ^ ajLj 
(L ijjUl) o ib£Jl 4-JLs^^fl j-^*j Butler) 
aL^ <3^ ^Ua>Jl JISLil o-ljlj 

1 ^ 1 j^j 1 1 uJ I I <-Lft P^-J Lj^ 

jIjlaJI <1)15 4 S ja>j 4oLaJI aJI U <1)^ 4<_£j~JI u-j^JuJI 

dJLIi ^ xj * iulJbJl JbuU Aj^JaJl <U$ C.^a> 

<LJl5 j^®Vl L«Jlj Ja a $ ijj5jJl 

p f* ^ 

ir*j !j* Jr^ >yrj ^><J' j-*j -UajI 

^j3j N LjI LwJL&LJ aS_^ 4 6 jJpLwo ^3 i^-L>-i j^uJj5 4a*j-j^J1 

Linda J. Nicholson, ed., Feminism (New York: Routledge, 1990), and (51) 
Margaret Ferguson and Jennifer Wicke, eds.. Feminism and Post-Modernism 
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Teresa L. Ebert, Ludic Feminism and After: Postmodernism, Desire and (52) 

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Donna Haraway, Simians, Cybors and Woman: The Reinvention of Nature. 

Rita Fleski, Doing Time: Feminist Theory and Postmodern Culture (New (53) 

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Judith Butler, Gender Trouble: Feminism and the Subversion of Identity (55) 
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1 OLJ15 jJj 4- c# ^i~J iIilJj>Jl J^yUj 

JjLrjjL J Ll^j5j J^ 

(Marquez £->j-j JljjJL* j--5jL«j Lw^jLp JLj-jLpj c jjoL£L^j-** 
J^JLjLoj 4 (Robert Kroetsch) { J^j J -S Oj-jjjj 4 Manuel Puig 
(jj5s_) jl Nl li-* - ^j^j! Co^jLaj 

oli iS USLlJI Lol .<Lil j?*}\ 4-sAa3I ‘UjU 

jl ^._* a LgJ( JjuLa l j\a : *~J A \ */2 l l 


. j5 j^Jl 4 iUtxjLj t Lft J : lg ^ jt-J Ai LgJ ^5 J^a N o^fcUaJl 

i^JUl A*li&)l (1)1® ! 0 yyJ>\ by^j l>- oLJi^J 

^i^ljJl ^ocJl ^ 4 kS jJ\ dUi ^ ^ j£\j AajU 

** ** 

I l jla. 

j-* SJjJ^r- <4-15 br* t5j-^. 

^ip OJLipl 4 AjJU53j tUlj . ^ ^ Aj^L ^ -iaNlj 

(Wallerstein) ^Sjj oL>«li ^ - < 4 ) ^^l ^1 jL^j ol 

. <57) « s? S'^oSf I 4-A4JI ^ 44^' I4& (UiLSS 

j-» ^gJLSlj - ^ dUi b\i tdUi 

2 ,p \m\s 4 ^ Iju c (<L$L<il!lj Aj^L^iNO v*^' ' k *. ^g «^ lj 

Jju ^yUi J ^ V-W- V'>* 

oLN jU a-JL ^»1 jJl AiLajJl 0 y * (*-*!** (5^ 

JL*jLqJI (1)1 jj> <J J>-\ *l-il br* A iji ^ji^J toJjxJui! 

4(1)15 JL ai tiaA3 (U^lk^t^jj) L5jj*lj ^^5 *^>X ^ 

Jbn_> (1)1 tlil 4 tlsAjl 4 oJjL* OJ^sAJJ 

Fredric Jameson, Postmodernism , or. The Cultural Logic of Late (56) 
Capitalism (Durham: Duke University Press, 1991), p. 5. 

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ttlJbJl JboU iji Jl CALLS' i JLyNl 

J U»>^. iL^-Slli c (58) ^l^l Jiw» JJL. ojb^* >% 


jL^jL> 0j ^ 5 l$J ^JLp Lg-Jj jJ ^ a-jjLwmj! o*>LpIj-s^ 

1*1* JiU U5j . (59) ^^MI J E*JI JP UI^JI JI~L. 


L«8 yjw <1)1 <LulJl>*Jl JbwLo <L*J (Post) BJIajB <1)1 4 ^LjIS 

•4 «4 

4 O^LjL^-Nl j 4_J J g ^ (J y^- ^jj?y\jis\l ljjJ_>* pLsA3 UJU- 4 ^*\jj 

*X*jLaJl 4^Jl*j La I.X& <1)1 cJjxlL aJL^ILoJI < j!>*(*J ^1 4 lx».fc.lS 


JL*jLaJl ^a c-L5_lJ^Li ^ 4/* (*" ^jjJl 4ijl*-« y* 

J* * 

^y l._ . . 1 ^ 1 1 ^iJLs^Jl tklD.^ JuLa li-ti^- oLS" )Lo^JLw>< 1 

.4_gjl>ta ^1 <J j£j ,Ajb 4 aJI>J| oSa ^y J 4 4 oL^LajJl 

JUjU ^9 ^Lyadlj . . . J*Aa JjjX 


ilLU 4^Jl 4u^j—-L>Jl {j* oLJ ajc4 ^S' J^-s^>*Jl o^jl ISI 
^iS/l J ojj^a^i oNl L. ,>jjU*j Lrr^ 


(jLa-J«Jl^) 4_*J yh j &\ ^jjJl LJL y 1 ^jA ^ J 5 0* tJaii 

•* «* 

tSaljJl Ja^Jl y»y^- yol y>j t^j-wsa. 1 1 ol>LS3l Jl (^JjjSlI 

**■ «# 

JJaj" Jij -Ja-JI j\ tl^J^lj iW^ 1 v- 5 ' (_^i 

^1p ^y>xJ cjUIaj L^-Jlju>o o*yi>Jl > yj 4 i^JiSyZj ^ j a^jLaII 
*^a <JL>cJl ^yb L$^) ^j1jl>«J 1 JUuLa yp ej ^JaJwQ 

Jj .(1995 *U J «%' yj J 0y>- J-^ J 4-^j*>Ul \SjJ\ 

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oLi ^ c lP' 1 x>J ' 

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v p. 

t j^ajl ^a| j5 J*l~J 4 


jLjtj L*» _J «o_*_> Lo» J_A» : (Kwame Anthony Appiah) «L-.I 

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^ ^LuJ'j LU5UI 

pP jJI) U» ^ jP*La ^ C5*^' 

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J .... p t aJl ^laj Jui t Li*i a*jL» o\Sj 

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U j iol ^ a*p ^3 iii® ajI L J^ t t Jli*Jl 

jkuJl LlJu C^aIJI LgJw« f j£\ aJU-JI AjI 4 LojI vlUi ^j^S'j) 

. <63) (((^UtJl oiJlj ^Udl 

U 5 Jajljjj ^-SUiil it y* j^l Si Uwm»Ij jL* L* 

! JUuL> jiA ja i—s\s£ S oVUL*Jl • ; (_yi 

( Past the Last Post: ( 64 ) 3-JIjl>JI J^L»j j U - ^u ^l X*-> U y : h: > 
jl# 4 Theorizing Post-Colonialism and Post-Modernism) 

o^U^Jl l^uU ^JlJI *>i$* Ji a~JI*j - (65> ^ ^ 

4 ^jfcl jujl \ 1 a £y*J>~) A*-;J(P aJIJ^ oL^U-fJl 

j\J\ Lo o> j \ jJ tidjJL* oUt .1 jg ., <g * oJj JJL® 

S^UI ajIiSCJI :Jju yk* ykJ! SJtfUJL 035U 

o*«Jl^LJ 4 ^-^L^-^jVI 4 (LojjLJl) 

«+ ' 

Ju Lo AjcJfl Jbj>*l! , s jjl A>d-*^ '"i '"< 

oj-mJ J l oli ^Ijl^JI JUyLo J-LxJo oJj>- 4 AilliJl 

*• ■ 

JiL; ajI ^Soil Ulj .aJLpU SjJi a_> ^ iaJ LajLa^Ij a*^L~JI 

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^L*Jl JLoN I jaj <jl Lu^w 5 ^ j^> g ll 

jL U j£j L. bl t^LLJL I Jut . iee) ^r*±S\ .-AJmJI 


4-s^L>«Jl t^JUa-gJl ^j0j\j£j ^LsAj® 4-3 Ju>«-*Jl 
^L^Ji J c jJ>“N I uL-w^jNIj j j-»L5Jl JJL^o - j~>-^i/Lj 

JI*j La 4>-L» 4 4JL$.5 Ojj^Ojj i ajjt . ((. . . 43Ldi!l 

^jjL oLpJj ^Ji ^3 <ilLJl ^3 |»-Ua.ll 4-w*j^ 

bj^ c^i U-J «VjA^J <LL^» <>* 

U ij tdJUij jU? ^Ul ^Jl «^LJ)(I JJ-jlJD) 

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oIpIj-saJIj ^JlwbJlj tAjjL^^Jl < Jlla^Jl ©L?XJ ijJ->*^>*>Ul 

. ^ ^Lviji dJLSS ^ j .cLL£ c aI^^a ^At t4-^L«*Jl 

UJUl jl cJu ^ jlU( I 1a (Ajay Heble) JLj* ^b4 cJ jU j 

«• •* ** 

t ^JL cJlkJL JjuU SjfcJl Liji cJtf j & I 


JliHl Jl^Hl C^aJL^ ^yJlj Lg-p|JL>- ^«,<a ftj 4 * :; la 1 

• (70> ^lsNl -k~JI J Lj-~^L «|.,ill cJ.>" jl! ^jbcJl 

** *• 

v> *jJl *S^ JJL, JJJl Jl .jUalj t JlJbJl JOoU ^till ob 

oLIp 1 ‘ * ,/9 » ^ ^jsjIhwh oL^wJl 1 * ■ • •■ *1 * L<5 j * Q ii ^ k »i P l l 

JIO^JI -L~U JU J Ol>C p-» U^l^) JS ^ J»Li| 

jl t jl ^-JlJl olgj *y <L^ y >- 

lo ol>T,l]a^.xt.i; Li^>-1 j A ajLoJI J^-l>*Jl 


^Jl ( jji l~Ho 4^j|jL>- JboLoJl jfJ l^L? 

. ^ ^li * j J •/* *J t LJ^->“1 t JUSlllLj (, L^jU t4-j3^->-'yi 

< JLp ^ V 1 


Seyla Benhabib. Situating the Self: Gender, Community, and (69) 
Postmodernism in Contemporary Ethics , p. 15. 

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j N (1)1 tjl t ^ t/0 ^ A^L<*-P Cf* 

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jljju, ^ylJbJl JajUj 1 £jLxl/)II Jju l» j^i 4 ( ^J-UJ' (*rr' J *^' 

dr* ^ 

J**jL»Jl 1^9 a5T a~a> Uk> ilb» cjl^ JS Aj 

( ^» « ~ - 1 1*_« J_4-»Jl ^1 L»_a')L5 ^jL<i- » . 'w <' JjyUJlj ^l-L?- 

jl*_>L« ( _ r - r ^.U L»J_lp Si I a!) j-» -° -‘ (*-l ,W^-£J 4 

OjJJj Uo Ji j .JiMl <-\$jA J*' 4 3 

C -C U ; .iU 4 _JlJu»Jl JL*jL» (Robert Young) 

J ^jjUl jl l-*-*j -*^ry^ jl-Cb i!U>- :<jjl t 

Jl jbJl j ->'■- ! jJ j 4 jj^i <j* b ^. -v .a >X»j 

^yAj t«Jjy ^Sj j*J A' AA 

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jUj t(Conrad) ^ly^5j JU.pI AJtki J l 


«. (Pound) JGjLj t (Woolf) u-iljjj t (Proust) t(Mann) 

t (Forster) <. (Lawrence) ^jjJj 


t (Metropolitan) 1 j-*jULj IjJ^>clJ 

t ( j-ULs^i d)L^*o> t £U*j lj-»L5l *\ y~n t J^U-jl j 

Jjji ^JaCj 5-JIJL>* JUuLJl C*^La3 


. <u^5 j^JI 4^?L>Jl L^u^jo 5jIUj UJJi 5 j?*** UjLUJl cLlLj 

t !Lj 4 (Said) ^ ^ 

(Grand ^^*11 4jJ Juii oUJ-U^^ t Ja-ai c^UaJl 

4Jli ilLcuJ! recits) 

Ujjj^j jjfe Uj jA U® id)l tl» U-jj 4-iU>*-4 

iiliiJl ^ Co * U * 4_pLws<^ oL>«3 ^ Laa->" 

.(223) ® U ^*>1^1^ V 1JLU> U^Up d)l5 i 

JuyLJl jl5 olij-cJl j LgJli oL^iLcJl oi-g-> JUcJ^Lj 

d)U tdJLJJJ)) .iiCbJl ojSlI 0JL4J S^iU- ^Ub- 


a5JjJI ^p LJ^^p -UjUJI j-s^UJl ^ 

j5 j^o ^ ^Jl oNUajNI olij c->Lo jJLSI o^Jx^Jl A-w<JUJl ^5 


Jj. (ill (76> «^Al ^ oljJtf ^1 l*j L: — oil jl^J jl\j LgJ 
‘^JJ-kLrr*^ £j~aJ»d\ ^ Oj-Sy j! j£-+-> Uj ^! 

iJb«Jl LjlJLwI J — £Jl ^pUaiSVl j t5 J^Luaj'yi ^aJI Ljjli 

** 4# 

Edward W. Said, «Representing the Colonized: Anthropology's (75) 
Interlocutors,» Critical Inquiry , vol. 15, no. 2 (1989), pp, 222-223. 

Jameson, Postmodernism, or, The Cultural Logic of Late Capitalism , (76) 
p. 44. 


jl t 4 jlJL5Ll« Jli Aij .oL^j-S-Sl o^wL^jLoJlj 


LJ oj+«i ^ l** v -^-‘*"^' ^ > '-*- ; 

1 1914 ^»U ^1 <ol t.UjS’ij . (77) «J^^U LJ_^> LJU- jNl jUs 

S^JI ^ L>- ixJl J> 85 c-J U cJL^.1 

1 1 1 1 a iJU. tol 

ol iSteti cjLUuj . <78) «i*^ Jjij io^^oUUi*.> 
tUSj CJlS C- ^ 

dJJj ^ L-> c^jVl !>JI ^ SjjO J* ^Oj 

1| 2....-.U , cJbJt>*j iJ jaJI C J <■ jLx^-l>J • (79) U. j+*S*~o)\j 

j--. ^jSfl j j y^\ J? iS^p-li-Jl aJL-J^I 

J\ gjUu (80) «v-JbJl oUjiMl ^ «U^J» c~iA> o! LjJ 

jjJlj- _^L«Jl JLwIjJIj 

-» .r.- SH Jlmj L»j JjuLoi oLa^xH 

jj jl ^s- ^)L> t 4^ -11 ^ tx* ' J-> a U-*^ 

.U*JLpN v-LJI iJUiJl Jlp l>b M d ^*4 ak- J5 ^ 

Edward W. Said, Culture and Imperialism (New York: Knopf, 1993), p. 6. (77) 

.8 t 4 *«ji3 jXsdll (78) 

.259 ^ jJU^ll (79) 

Stuart Hall, «The Local and the Global: Globalisation and Ethnicity, » (80) 
in: Anne McClintock, Amir Mufti and Ella Shohat, eds., Dangerous Liaisons: 
Gender, Nation, and Postcolonial Perspectives (Minneapolis: University of 
Minnesota Press, 1997), p. 174, and Arjun Appadurai, Modernity at Large: 
Cultural Dimensions of Globalization (Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 

1996), p. 279. 


^j*s\ i-jUii j j ocj-i jjU. 

4JUp ^ i ^L« J-p o 4^L-Ji LJL*iil LSL*-a j! 

JUjcl^I Lk-j j-> jLtJ cJl5 U UIpj ^kjJ 

4*^sjjLJ 1 LL^Jl J^gj jl 1-b^ .4--dk-a 

^1 <>* £>* <>* 

^aUI { j^i ^Cs>^J? aJ ^JL jl t j£Lojj A^waJl jj*J ^^UJl 

,J_A jJl k— *L>- I J->- ^-UL AjL fit j\ C~-4j -L&3 I 1^-3 L ^^fcjjtxJl 

t/* 4 Jpyj c j^^U- csLJij ^^LJl 

^5 J J^»->U" aJIp La jl J** . ^^AL-*^> (( A^tjl j iJ^jjlj 

c^L*-^l® i— -> jll> jlS La-L-p 0 1 d^jL^I La-S*^ o-La 

JS3 SjpLiJI ii^UJl Ji tlWty Wj*. ju,U jZ, <J (82) «a-~jUI 

t/* jAll ‘(iS't oUJioj • <83> 4j 5>»i;LJ' “^ry if (*-4* 

jv-A jJl JiJj ^jJl ^jI JL>- JUuLJi aJIS Ja^jJl ^a (, 5JL>Jl o-La 

. ((AJbLwa^ oj^.yg.; o j -i-Vj O^IpI ^*->L 

\}5y> J-^4 ^LJI ^1 jr^J' oli t^r-i j-* Lr 5 ^ Lo^-aj 

t iiJLi ^L tj t LJL* i— LI & jj : yj-Jl Oj-^<wL>- j * lg * * ^ IjJL*^ 


a^_p*>L jl j-j-p *&ij i^Lil j <• 4-w^A-a L jJslj j-i La -LLP 

^LL!i 1 Loj-p Ijj^j ^^UJl Jl L Ju 4-s^L>sJi 

Jameson, Postmodernism , or, 77ie Cultural Logic of Late Capitalism , (81) 
p. 17. 

Anne Friedberg, «Mutual Indifference: Feminism and Postmodemism,» (82) 
Unpublished Manuscript, 1988, p. 130. 

Anne Friedberg, «Les Flaneurs du mal (1): Cinema and the (83) 
Postmodern Conditions PMLA , vol. 106, no. 3 (1991), p. 427. 

.427 ^ t <~Ju all (84) 


jLxJl ® l-o-jli olpO LoJ oJj-*-U 4-*P j ^jS f t A-iV 

CJS J t^^AxJl-J^J ^l^Jl ^ {J^3 . 

e^TJ U°j t AjlS t j-A 5jLs^'^l® <J^ 

** •* 

p Zqc'J f 

(JjLwJl ^JL-J J\ Jjjj>tj J-A ! J-A Jlj-^Jl ul * l$^ J 


Jli> Jl Ijl JL lJ jl5 ^JJI J (iuJlsJl I >4 tilllj) 

0 , 

(a**L** j\) UJai^l to 


t(^-g-* j— jL> iij) aJLLw* LSjJ-d-* 4-* Li 1 1 J-A lili 

dJULS 4_*_*il J Ju t L*J^ t AjI J->- £J>^" Ji 

•wjj>Jl jb Lf! j>- j—tfUl J ( 86 ) (( 8 jijJlii y ili>J» a'>M j' ,_J' 

w' •* — ^ ♦» ** 

jJb <^l!l y ^iUJl jb t^JUJl y ,j\jj . J*jjbJl y/^ Jl 

y.Jj^ri -M-*-* b>JJ^ Slj-i» dj£j V jl 4 J 

J Si Ijb IS^J J jL-Jl jl LliL« (Michael Berube) 

*# ** 

: Jli jJLs *LJi\ll I 4 J ^1 ^LVl (**>Ul» olijSll 

j ;J^( djLJliSl Cjbbi-JLjj tSjj^JLaJl »L~j J l obb?- jj 

Jl ^^1 J-*- c^Li ^1 ^\y\ J* 


Jj\i ^p oLS' liu t^ ^^ylJ-oJl JajLqJ $\ . ^g - 0 .,11 jL~~Jl 

j\ A jji\ J\ lit C>JL Sfl t^^UJl J SUJ>U 

John Frow, «Tourism and the Semiotics of Nostalgias October, vol. 57 (85) 
(Summer 1991), p. 135, and Simon During, «Postmodernism or Post-Colonialism 
Today, » Textual Practice , vol. 1, no. 1 (1987), pp. 32-35. 

Fredric Jameson, Marxism and Form; Twentieth-Century Dialectical (86) 
Theories of Literature (Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 1971), p. 38. 

Michael Berube, «Just the Fax, Ma’am, or, Postmodernism Journey to (87) 
Decenter, » Village Voice (October 1991), p. 14. 


; (Utopia) ^UJI Jl Ji 

J- ^ *<Mi *,.U I*»^a ^ 

«* «4> 

•uCr*^' < - 5 ^' j*"bt 

4 /j-Js>xJl 4**JaP <Cw*tw> U ic^" 4 aLL-^11^ 4 ^jLdX3l^ 

- * Sr ^ ** ** *♦ 

& iijLUl A j & 1 ^ j*-p jJLj 4 LaJtaj 4 dJJi o j^cJ* JLii 

.aJL$ ^jJI ( 1 ) 4jL^-o o ^Jcyg aS^p d--Lo^- ^^JLxil u jjtll ajL^j oL 
^jlp (J LS'jLJ*^ 4 (J ^>- iij^s_*LJlj I5 jL£ JjaJ 4 

4 JUL 4 JL 4 4 A^p'L^jwj-^l I oI^Lmd^JI ^ 1 t ^-^Lw^mJI ^)l 1 

^ii.a~'„A ^ J-«^>- U IJla j£S <. Jj-Jb yJci\ {y> 

J * LUJ U*wMj ^Ul ^1 <jtf aiJ XjJt OjjiJl 


£~*L)I o jl JL U/>UJl (fin-de- siecle panic) j jk )! UL$J ^y> <-^e - jJl 

cJLpI JlUS oijl 5L>Jl Jl >JI J vliJi JUw U5j 


^Uill JlwJI j^i 4 (Gothic) jJJl ajjL^JI i^JU^Jl l 
tlr^ - j ^*t ^ 4 LsajI 4 IJj OjiJl 


( ^xJl jLlII A^il ^ ^ j It ^3 \**S _ 0 j^Jl o*i_& 4 /»-5s ^ " > 

•# *• 1 

p p 

^1 4 (jjd— Ji>j oL^-l — oj jl ^Jjlls ^-j o i ^ 

«» ** •* ** 

< 5 ^ cLJUl j| (Bruce Kuwabara) 1jL>lj_£ 

4 cr si > LJl j-p j-^L>Jl ^Llj Jr^>Jl JLSi 4 (Frank Gehry) 


^wsJlj ^ ^Iju>JI jUoSfl cjLJ JLp J^JI J^pj 

4 ((1)^-*^w4jL>- j-JaJu ^3 OJ^* L^-LS' 0 ^-s^LoJl P-4_^P^ 

t* 0 

L$JL (^LLlX-ll ^^Jj) ^LJxjjLJI J <J yL*-> L«jup 

(1)1 Ow«JLp <J1JL>J1 j . 4^uJ-JaJL^1 d*>LaL»JL ^ l 

. J JLaj j OliLJl £s*3J iMHaJ L^UI 

David Lowenthal, The Past is a Foreign Country (Cambridge; New (88) 
York: Cambridge University Press, 1985), p.p. 394-396. 


i *(Camp) ^l£ll SyUi g WJl J^. U 

'-'j 'j'.JJ y^Ai .LililJl L-lSUiNij iiUiJl <j?' 

5^U SjU. Jlp ij-jJl o| tcJUs (Pamela Robertson) 

0 * 

t 4 JU- ^ 

t JliJI J~«. ,JlP 4 ^ J—OJ ‘ £}•*»- J 4 Ail >«i U» 

^ oli S^jj! jl £* '-Jj— 

J1 j£h}\ olypl* tUil uiu» s^£J i^UJl 

JIp J\ ^ LJI Ji o^'-J ‘sH’ 13 

.(267) dJU-ii-Jl j iL*-r-^' J*>^- <>* “j'-\r )l '-*-kr i * 

^1 l y^>JI J j»« 5 y j oy« ‘ y.y' y-r^-* c^i V '■” ’ 

Ltt-~fllLj LJLp^' Ji-l—j ( y p ' <_A? . (90) A-A5LfJ! Ajblf; (jJl 
JojyJl Ljj^i 

* Vw ' . (91)t . t 

oL^jU-dl J*-b jia^i I J^-^d '*■*-* 

ijLp (Laura Doan) <jja IjjJ oLs nilli a-«j .il)l-i>Jl -X*jL» 

jji _,i u\l U,ib>- li ^1 v-4 UJ^NI ,>• jy (Camp) ^15 Jv>i (*) 

^alsSlI •VjS-^J aUJ.1 £l»jJl ^ <->r >»j -f^ 5 ' i> **s* -» J *<4 iJ 

yi { jLd\ JUj oLyUJI y U?*-i a) jU» Oij .oU^JI y oUlil ^ 

■■ yjl’iJSJl _*i UOSGl J-»l U .iiUiilj yJb iiUll v 1 -^- -^l j ^ 1 

.1^ jJU Uj~= y *yJl jyj ,/J' (Se coper) v 1 ^ 1 

Pamela Robertson, «What Makes the Feminist Camp?» in: Fabio (89) 

Cleto, ed., Camp: Queer Aesthetics and the Performing Subject: A Reader (Ann 
Arbor: University of Michigan Press, 1999), p. 267. 

Fabio Cleto, ed. «Introduction: Queering the Camp,» in: Fabio Cleto., (90) 
ed., Camp: Queer Aesthetics and the Performing Subject: A Reader (Ann Arbor: 

University of Michigan Press, 1999), p. 304. 

Andrew Ross, ed., «Uses of Camp,» in: Andrew Ross, ed., No Respect: (91) 
Intellectuals and Popular Culture (London; New York: Routledge, 1989). 


ol j l a « * clUS L*5" 4 j iJlfc ^3 P ji jJl *jJj*J> S 

0 ** ^ >>IM ' 

1 ^-lfl -L^ U aJ-& J-9 (1)15 J*a_jL«J| (1)1 ^-li 5 JL>a 4 CjLj ^ -- * 

* ** 

J-to . (92) «i» jlLOJ SiJucL. oUJl ^l» oLJU^JI oUbuiJlj 

’ I* «• 

i A-w~Jw>Jl ipJbcJLj 4<*J^lS-^l C-* dJLJij (X) 

. (X) ftQail>t*^ /LsA^Ip 

^JJa^a -0 4 J-^-P j-P tJuwuL^J (Doan) dj} ji C-iLJl Jjtj 

* j-«J! ^JjJo Lo-S" _ ^1 la .J* A ft^jl^s-**® 

t j-p 4_^jLw» /ijjJaj <1)L5 L« LJLp SI 4 ^j!jl>“ jl*_>LoJI 


.JsL-^Jlj oLUJl ^i jl^jULo U*jt U*JI . Jii Jl *JIju>J| 


L*-A^LS^ 4 O^JL J l JUo La Aj^JaJL.11 ^3 1 A ^ - . ol . ^ 1 (j|jL>«_) L$_A^LS"^ 


A^-sAdJl <1)1 4 cLLi .4-jjtll Lk^L^jLw* ^ LojjUij ^51^x11 oLiis^j 

( j*j J***l)l 4 oLj^. ^ .^jl <LJlJL>- JLkjL^j aJUaJI j 4 Ljfe 4 ^ ^*£]| 

** •* 

*•. ij- ^ *-* oLJU^J! jial oL 5— L— 
ijjj^Jl i j-L>J ijjLijuJ! LfJLJU*^ jJLi i (Queer Theory) 

J j ikLJl y> I 44 S y> J O ^ 0 i» t5ijL*Jl 

** #* 

t JDi y y Ui . (93) ^U^^I ^i=JL i^UJl L^JL^Jl y^\ 



4 cJ^»Aj 0* 4 l ^ * a ^Jl^J AjI^ A<w^MMWta!t J-* 3 C$* C jl-LLwj 

** * 

®4— Oj-P® tl)lj 4 |» ^ «-4 )i 0^*-^i>tJl 6jll>*l ^JJl ft ^JLi>- ® (jl 

^1 4_Ljj>tIjj . e^Ua^Jl ^ Ll^o UajaJ 4j^Sfl ^ 4 jl5* 

•* •» 

: (wOjAJl aj jiajJ a-^j^JI JsUjVI jl>-I 

• l) l I I i 

Doan, «Preface,» p. 11. (92) 

Gregory W. Bredbeck, «The New Queer Narrative: Intervention and (93) 
Critique,» Textual Practice , vol. 9, no. 3 (Winter 1995), p. 478. 


Us-JjL) L5 jj>- 1 jl*j cjL^Lww*» 

W J> 

^-aLj jJ ^^Jlp ^ 4-*J j->“ ^ kliJi 

» jj ^ 'j' 4 ^ <jjh>j ^pLoJ^-I J^LiJl 4 jj-» 4_~ * i-L»Js 

,y> jfi j£> U x* il j>c dJ i>-UJl J_p- jS\ U> J-^- t t£j>-\ <?'fr 

^ c * ■ c * 4 t 4 AIDS 

ijys _^*Jl oLjliJl JjIa* £>>j ^r^t*-!' J e 'y. 

i5>l ii> 4l^j . (95) « vr^J^Sl! oU^-Vl ^ 

4ouy«JJ (jr*yw (jr^ l^ 1 4 /* J-*-’ t/*-> 

jl \yj . . . *b*)!Lj u^Ua>Jlj ’ U-ft j Jj^ 8 l5® 

4^4jU! 4_, J j> t Jl ^ 4 _s!>LlJI ^ Ip oj5j ^-L>Jl j-e- oL^tjjJl 
iiil>^a ^IjJl (lr° a1x*-« (wOjaJI ijJaj jli 

. (96) « v U2^JI JlSLi! <y 

1 4_oljL>Jl JL»<-)Lo JjLa L^Lo-jU^>j 

.pilflJl LJIpj JUaj^/tj <JsJlSS 1 

iuLj® jtiixj Ujb £*i>ju ioL j U -4 : *tu^jj 

(<loL«-pI ^ Ji^b ^UcuJlj 

U.^. : ,^ii £^Jlj 1 4 5 ; lfl .) lj tAJjVl ^^Lp 

oJl» ^ aIiJLJI c->US!Ap Lg-> A-Jj^iJl <u-$J 

Eric Savoy, «You can’t go Homo again: Queer j t474 ^ <.<*16 >Uall (94) 
Theory and the Foreclosure of Gay Studies,» English Studies in Canada (1995). 
Cleto, Camp: Queer Aesthetics and the Performing Subject: A Reader , (95) 
p. 14. 

Robert K. Martin and George Piggford: «Introduction,» in: Robert K. (96) 
Martin and George Piggford: Queer Forster (Chicago: University of Chicago 
Press, 1997), pp. 1-28. 

Cleto, Ibid., p. 15. (97) 


t L5 jL«^ lJ L t jLL OLS^j ,4jlLl>«-^J1 


£y LUij UljbJl LjjjUl Jj, <LstaS/l «%JI 

ujUa^Jl qA Jhj jJ^j Ldj 4 j j-g-)l J 

L^jV - Lla t Lvdul tLgjli t ^jI J-*- jL« AjLpjj ^-i ^JJl 

- ^ t kX*jL« O** ^ ^ L>W»J 1 ( 


. JLjcw- ^UJ i;i! ji JLa 4 io^>- 

J&ilj c^ibJ 

^LlS” (jljJ^J (_£J- 4 jV (. 4j>5_s^Ij Oj j^^Aij i J>- IJ-A ^jljJLP 

t 4* 

(The World, The Text, and the JULJIj ' J * ‘ "j t ^JLo.,11 : Jl~ 


Jj«jL« jljLJlJ ^ JjtiJl 1 _ # Jlp JuJL?- JLj^U *-a i Critic) (1983) 
^ Sj^^y o~J iJlJbJl JUjL. i-L* ^ iLaJl ilp ol .^1 j»J1 

4* 4* ** 

.^ysLuJl 'i/l t 4 JL—- 4_i*^_P d->13 ^ g Q C ^ * 1 1 

Ju jJLi ^ ^'IJUI ^ jJl IS J^JI boLL. iJLJl o^>Jl 

«* * 

6^_Pta^J L^_P 1— J^)yA_>" ^ 4*J 1 ^ I lr )LJl ^ «J^iJl» 

**-*A*^ 0\ ^ jJalJl 

^ ** ** ** 

^JLp oil j^^-l <oLp( ^ ji-L-* j ^jli ^wwL^joI j-^-aj j^»J-oJlj 

«* 4 * ** 

i dU JL>^ liuuwsj oJbJL>- LojCLxI 1 o^^>-^aJ| ^jLs^jl 

4* *• 

.<Lwo!)LJ aj ji j _ ii jJL « j (JLjJI 4 J g «»> ^JLJ (jl LgJ ^U^JI 

Ui j tu-O^fl L^-J ^yJlj c olijULdl oli (3 jJaJl (.Jd^l oi-Aj 


yb j «pJL*Jl ^ oji ^^bU» (Tompkins) jj oLJLSU 
^ jJajJl 0 jJi} 4_lSCJ . ^ ^I^-aJI c-»IJ-5jlj 


La |Jla) «jJUJl» ^P jj ^jld>«Jl d*jLj 

Jane Tompkins, Sensational Designs: The Cultural Work of American (98) 
Fiction 1790-1860 (New York; Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1985), p. 14. 


jliiVl 015 J ij .( Oj ^05 

4j j»J J ill a*1aJ1 ^A LoJ S^UJI Aj j la J l l j* 1-^ 

.(JjVl aUuJI ^9 t <51 Jj>- JajI^JI ajLx^U 

^yJLxp ^_ii j-9 JlSUVl li*>LUl o~l5 j-9 l5 ^xj -L>l ^Jj 

^ SA-i^JaJ)) ^Jl lil— cS^ 

_ j-saJI j- 0 jJallll t_JJ ?l Iwb CJ5 t (ci /Oi Ujjj) 

aJLIj j t ^^auJU L^jj^ t ^yaLoJLfcl U^i 1 1 jJ • |*-L*Jl jl 

JLsj - yj OoJL*-P AjI ^A L|. ^yJl aJLSCjl ^ JI oJ15j .^JL*Jl ^ 

« ^1 ^p jj ^iJl iulJbJl JajU Sil>Jl ^ <_£* U5 - U^jjUl 

:LajjU *1 ^ iJUodl cU> Sjj^j ^ 

bJ^9 t Lo^jL 4jL lx*5 L»*aip t^oVl j t 

9-^Jm {jJ* ( 0 4_>Ll5) Lj^jjLj IJla Qj£-i (1)1 * ^ * & 9 L* Uj-ol ol 

J jj* L**-ly cH 1 ' '•** cr^ J* c^-J - (99> >' 

jl>uJl JSLiJl tiisL.-jj f^' 

^Ljij LqJllp jjJaJL^Jlj Jl <£ j-s-^-aJI jL«-*iuNl S-L>*-L ejjtJl 
j*49 <Jl tSl*L>- <.Jj*}\ ^SUj j .o^a-LJI Aj^^JI 

43 yc« UlSs^J <*hj T *Jc}\ oU?UOJl oJA Jit* ^ JA>J| ^>5* >* ^ 
C Aj iTM,* -1 y*"* 4 A<.>^ > 0 ^aLIp l ^ t <Lo1A>«J| i-XxjLsiJ (1)1 

{Midnight's Children) : JJU to aS*^p ^ UXa3 

J ;; ^ ^^JLp {Tristram Shandy) j t ^Xij 

vf. L>jj*i luii: ^Jl ,_yA iJl5LiJl l^iajljj c~«Ji - JliJl 

Linda Hutcheon: A Theory of Parody: The Teachings of Twentieth- (99) 
Century Art Forms (London; New York: Methuen, 1985), pp. 84-99, and Irony’s 
Edge: The Theory and Politics of Irony (London; New York: Routledge, 1995), pp. 


j Jl J>\ kJSLtJ\ jl tdUi 


jjl^dL! o jJiJl c5^3^ ,-J^-iJl yj d) j .o .£« J i 


Vtf ipU y (^JLi j oJL> [181] ^1 i-i-^Jl ^ ‘Lfcjji 

jlJUiU jjJJI (Ir^ (a~jI.i>- -byL» <y 


U oImj) i^Ua^l iJlo-*?' s Ojli.j v 1 ^' Ik H C" 
c t ^yU^I : JjwJI j^Ip 

tjyl Jy 4jy*-JJ } ) ’ oy j^fjj c.iL/yj 

y ySjl jl Sll t£e->Ul <j* oLJ>l JL*-; y ^ Ol 

. (100) «kJI oJuxj JJ^DI 

«* f •* ** ** 


(7%<? Politics of Postmodernism: History, ^1^5 y y 1 £*j 
jb4 y U t y$j y5l Ju^aii; ^ jjl IJLa eJilj Theory, Fiction) 
lilj t Jii yjJl jl5 IS1 l» Jy- IbL^U tiJlill oyJJ j i 
jJLo aJI y (J yJl j ^liLJj .C.wxaj 1 Ji J^yUJl CJ15 l« 

yj t yj iJ-*-* y y A-^iajJl y Ljljy^j jl ^ 

^ 4* w 

tiJyJl j aJ j y5UNl ly jJ yiJli t-bVi ^1 id j& jl 
jjUJl j yJl iiJLS UjLyl ^ ly ^ e> 

t olj-JcJl oJla jJuJ t . <y Ly*-> c5*^l 

Uypl jJ tlSLa t ^S3 . ^ 101 ^ajI-L>JI JxjUJ ^yj oLJl>o 
jl ^T *,/* ?yljL>- JUljLJI *Xj*j 4 yLw^ LgJ ^5-ljl oLa*>Lp oJ-fc 
Jl (Interactive) L# y iipLiuJlj wJl 


Vr *• 

Roland Barthes, Mythologies , Translated by Annette Lavers (London: (100) 
Granada, 1973), p. 112. 

Arthur Kroker, The Possessed Individual: Technology and (101) 

Postmodernity (London: Macmillan, 1992), and Henry S. Kariel, The Desperate 
Politics of Postmodernism (Amherst: University of Massachusetts Press, 1989). 


^ U JlkjUL aS*^ oli A~iJl Uly 

SjJaJJl iyv OJ15 J^L« ^ J* ,iL *0 

U Ut.- l Lf»l» SiJL^j «v L ^* LLk^l °w^' cf» 

® „p 

o^JUCLaj t 4_Ja_>- C.*— .*« j 

o ‘ 

OpaJJ ibJtfl I3U, f ,uz, «ik~U ^ 

,-..n r ijjUajjJl Lslj^l oJlpI Aij A-kiiJlj 

^ 5JUu- 0 j£~- o\ j* (Jeanette Winterson) O^j 

L^liU- tij - BBC Jli {jA c-aJ&j VxP 3 ^' c^O-*- 3 ' 

,yS\ 5A* <J »-^'j *~*-j~*5 

^ lssi-1 i_— L aJI ^ Ajt J j-U* * cd^isJl o-U ^ 
ijCiiA 4aJh-»Vi ^ f>J' '-Hi V'- 1 ^' - b, s L * 0 * 

_ujj ;l-l* gsu; I4J 0 j*--* W1 J~^ sr 31 ^ ^ 

jOuUJl a]»J o> JLiJ .JJl-J 1 ^ baUiJ ^di\ o*Jl_, 

Jb> UjUUj A-ikjJl ot >Jj ‘«/-^ 

^ ^UJI LJU J - Ai'J^J' U Ji- - *UJl ^ 

Liojt Ulw»I ul : Jj^ t-ilkJl ajI^ <Jj -oij^J t# 5 ^* 3 ' 

Zi „l* oLK VI ^ <1)1 4aJ1-x>JI ajjJIj^JI Jl* 4A-0! 


*pUi)l ik,> j “4^^ 

(Post - A-J|JU»JI JU«_;L» JL*_iL. Op ‘'«P .4i>L~-*j-«-)lj 

11^ --U dUiij 4 aJUJ SJbJOr U^U Postmodernism) 

U?U- L—l UJ 4AisAUl 

•O^J ^UJI o>JL 

Jaishree K. Odin, «The Edge of Difference: Negotiations Between the (102) 
Hypertextual and the Postcolonial,» Modern Fiction Studies , vol. 43, no. 3 (1997), 

p. 599. 


CjI&IjjoJI 4la>M4 

I£si4 J>^ <-J>&\ ij £-rlr«-" <^i 5jLi)ll *lil >-9^ 

ja oUly 7-1^1 £* tc^JjJ ^1 L-^Jl i»UJl toUil 

SiJUt HsiLtf JlSwl 


I J " V ^ "j A^jIaX^vil JmU 

Jencks 1977, 1980a, 1980b, 1982, 1992, 1996; Portoghesi 1974, 
1982, 1983; Mcleod 1985; Stem 1980; Lerup 1987; Brolin 
1976; D. Davis 1987; M. Davis 1985; Jameson 1985; Tafuri 
1980; Kolb 1990. 

; Ja»U 

Creed 1985; Caroll 1985; Brooker and Brooker 1997; Friedberg 
1991, 1993; Zizek 1991, 1992; most issues of Screen. 

: U\ i*2)\ j AjitJbJl -UiL* 

McHale 1987; Hutcheon 1988; McCaffery 1986a, 1986b; Newman 
1985; Klinkowitz 1985, 1986; Thiher 1984; Stevick 1981, 
1985; Mellard 1980; Tanner 1971; Bradbury 1983; Lodge 
1977; Ebert 1980; Lauzen 1986; Lee 1988; Malnigren 1985; 
Porush 1985; Wilde 1981, 1987; Zimmerman 1986; Bertens 
and Fokkema 1997; Beverley et al. 1995; Smythe 1991. 


Rawson 1986; Altieri 1973, 1984; Davidson 1975; Perloff 1985; 
Moramarco 1986; Russell 1985. 

Grossberg 1987; Roberts 1987 Eco 1984; Baudrillard 1983; Kaplan 
1987; Brooker and Brooker 1997. 

Abbas 1984; Crimp 1979, 1980, 1983, 1987; Starenko 1983; 
Thornton 1979; Andre 1984; Barber 1983/4; Bellavance 
1986; Corrigan 1985; Goldberg 1988; Graham 1985; Mulvey 
1986; Phillips 1987; Sekula 1982; Solomon-Godeau 1984a, 
1984b; Burgin 1982b, 1986a, 1986b; Tagg 1982; Wollen 1978/ 
9; Ferguson et al. 1990. 

Hutcheon 2000; Kramer 1995; Lindenberger 1989; Lipsitz 1994; 
McClary 2000; Nehring 1997. 

JLiulil * ^a< JJ iaU’ oU-IjA 

: ^ J 

^ 4 * 

D. Davis 1977, 1980; Owens 1982; Crimp 1980, 1983, 1993; 
Buchloh 1984; James 1985; Jameson 1986/7; Kibbins 1983; 
Krauss 1979, 1985, 1987; Kuspit 1984, 2000; Lippard 1976; 
Paoletti 1985; Ferguson et al. 1990; Mirzoeff 1995. 

: Jusdl j *— jjSII J? 

Arac 1987; Paterson 1986; Kohler 1977; Hassan 1971, 1975, 1980a, 
1980b, 1982, 1986, 1987; Hoffmann et al. 1977; Graff 1973, 
1979, 1981; Bertens 1986; Huyssen 1986; Calinescu 1987; 


Hutcheon 1988; Russell 1985; Huyssen 1986; Auslander 1997; 
Birringer 1991; Kaye 1994; Smythe 1991; perloff 1989. 

iiiUiJlj i-pUi>-Vl oLI jjdl i 

Palmer 1977; Lyotard 1984a, 1984b, 1986, 1993a, 1993b, 1997; 
Habermas 1983, 1985a, 1985b; Baudrillard 1983, 1990, 1993, 
1999; Kroker and Cook 1986; Bell 1973, 1976; Russell 1985; 
Benhabib 1984; Trachtenberg 1985; Bauman 1987, 1991, 
1993, 1995; Bennett 1987; Collins 1987; Davidson 1975; 
Jameson 1983, 1984a, 1984c, 1990, 1991; Kramer 1982; 
Muller 1979; Owens 1980a, 1980b, 1983, 1984; Foster 1983, 
1985; Polkinhorn 1987; Rad-hakrishnan 1986; Sc hmi dt 1986; 
Wellbery 1985; Haraway 1991; Docherty 1990; Heller 1993; 
Heller and Feher 1988; Laclau 1988; Harvey 1989; Poster 
1997; White 1991; Duzinas Goodrich and Hachamovitch 
1994; Litowitz 1997; Ward 1997; Simons and Billig 1994; Lee 

SitiiM, ^>1 J 

Bignell 2000; Collins 1989, 1995; Docker 1994; Featherstone 1991; 
Brooker and Brooker 1997; Lipsitz 1994; Nehring 1997; 
Potter 1995; Ross 1989a. 

: h jilJbJI j jouUI J j>. 

Eagleton 1985; Jameson 1984a; Foster 1985; Huyssen 1986; 
Greenberg 1980; Latimer 1984; Laffey 1987; Silliman 1987; 
Calinescu 1977: 120 - 44; Wilde 1981, 1987; Burger 1987; 
Garvin 1980; Giddens 1981; Hayman 1978; Malmgren 1987; 
Nagele 1980/1; Raulet 1984; Rowe 1987; Russell 1982; 
Scherpe 1986/7; Wellmer 1985; Wolin 1985; Gaggi 1989; 
Cahoone 1996; Auslander 1997; Waugh 1992b. 

sjU£ oL«Ja« 

Adam and Tiffin 1990; Amiran and Unsworth 1993; Appignanesi 
1995; Bertens 1995; Bove 1995; Cahoone 1996; Carmichael 
and Lee 2000; Connor 1989; Doan 1994; Docherty 1993; 
Ferguson and Wicke 1994; Gale 1996; Geddes 2001; Grenz 


1996; Jencks 1992; Jenkins 1997; Leitch 1996; Linn 1996; 
Malpas 2001a; Marshall 1992; McGowan 1991; Morawski 
1996- Natoli 1997; Natoli and Hutcheon 1993; Nicholson 
1990- Perloff 1989; Rose 1991; Ross 1988; Sarup 1996; 
Schiralli 1999; Silverman 1990; Sim 1998, 1999; Waugh 
1992a; wheale 1995; Zurbrugg 1993. 


La y&S* 1 j\ s.*.-.- y> oski : (Pastiche) j->»a 

j\ J-Un ^ 5jUi~^> I15j jl jlSo! ,y> V~^J j' ^ bj^. biy 


y jl? 4 (JU^Jl jJlp ji) UJa^.^1 : (Aesthetics) UJai«*J 

(JL«-pVl (JL«->«Jl -U " > o y^j .4-i^fcLiJl 

o j^S oLjJaJ iiLjbj .I^pIjJU jLJNIj oLLi^Jlj 
Lf*~t '■* (X ijj .ik/AiJl 

jl) :(De - Doxification) c-jI ^ iJI 

iX t.$3l jS* ^-> jjcJlJ! ^ja aj J-naLj 

*UjI ^ kXx*s :> ^ L^l j ‘jJc; V UJ* o-li o~J L^-it 


: (Jacques Lacan) jli^l i3L>- 

. (Sigmund Freud) -L> J X 


jJj .^^Xj*>LSl JJ2-*_U oIj-^-S' <klS\ aJjJjI o^u5Lj ^ J-^ J 

4H^aq)aJ^ I ^ 

ol^LJLJlj ii-JuUl J j-jU U5 iiUl ^ JU^I ^1 L ^ 

.^1 J-Ui!l hj*. ^ ywiJlj 


JA iiiy l»Uii 5 alp d j&j <■ J* j ■ (Narrative) SASc- 

^jA j>- (1 )j£j 

. JLjJl 

^LJl jSl: J> jts\ t >-^J I : (Nostalgia) ^~>- 

oy>Ui j+i tU^Jj ^ ijjjS\ <yJ\j 

.^'Ll^ y y y (Historicism) £_LJ' -^J 

(Property, <lLSLL«JI £jj 5jL-j>Jl : (Possession) 

j _^LaJl ^ L ^iyJ> jb\ i-5LUl je I 4 JI y* Ownership) 

•* ** 

(. £*-J! J^>- JlL« t J( j -*-**- 0 ^ 

jSUJU 1 <LJ ^JIaSI ( 3 j-a 3 *^ dill) ili l)U-*j^J £* .* ~*> 
dJUi JUoj jl 4Al« -Uj <SjX^ 5jl^» ^ 5 ^ 

.<ujJU> yt ^Jdi ^^U!l L^JL» ^J\ ^ 

1916 fU ^ oLu iS^ Nl ^ d\ : (Dada - ism) Ufob 
(Zurich) ^ejjj iJJb* ^ (Surrealism) aJLjj^JJ i-oi-a oJlSj) 

\ j^aijj oUJlj oL^ J-jJ fj* 

<_^>J I jLJJt ^ a-w^JL*J 1 

J_»L>»; ^jJl ^jlJlLJI b^Jc ^Js- (Jj 

j ij .^jAj *S y- *L 5 .iljJl C-jlS - 1 jl ., <a^> -lj j .oJj-L>«J! A^laJl 

OLT tiJJl (1927 - 1886) (Hugo Ball) J y> <SyJ\ y~-J 

(Cabaret yi y ‘UjLlS’ If*— I L ^y y ^ 

<u J>J jl L. r ‘ .£dxO ^ ^ UjiOj 0l5 ^1 Voltaire) 
o\s~uyj 1 Llbi 015 (jJJl (1966 - 1887) (Jean Arp) yj by? 
y> jS iJ ^ jj>-b sr ; '-JJ J-*J (Tristan Tzara) ljl~J 

. ., _ - ■ ' yj (Marcel Duchamp) jLijj ^ ; ■* ••»' 

jJj _^JI JJ > UL5 ^JLUI (Francis Picabia) 


^saJI JS ^^Lp (. I yj? j^plj A*. ; kiL A-*>«Lpl 

AiJjb \Jl^p\j 4ji J£Aa ^ u—»jl 4 (jk^J^M {j* (l)k*oNl Lp 


^ t ju jl>- ^ja tA>-kolj tjkJ^U j^jwXJ 4jl» : Jlii 

** *• 

Ij^p U5 <, L$J ^ JjU^S Ijljij o * iJl jlsj .«A* :; kJl 

J& (J U*5U-j .5 L.Ip £jy. '^U-j 

.iUalo ApLu>- (Jj tAj^kj 


t (j j ...-,' k_jUapt JU ja : (Sigmund Freud) Jbjy Mj+i. 

J> I y. i j jj j .(Psychoanalysis) t _ # aJl Lb»«Jl i^k; 

^ t* 

^ yLJ>l JJUJl jl djj JAp Jl irfL^Jl 


(Ego) U^/lj 4 (Super - Ego) ^*_«-^Jl ^jJ I ^ Hj-i 
jjbl^ki AjI^-wwjJj ("j?J (Id.) A-d^ 

(Sex) ^1 LfcSj ^jJLp jujlpI s^l jk-s-s^ij 


<l)k>Nl ^>-L*Jl j-fc JkL*JL ij-vaJLJl 1 (Inert) Jklp 
aJLp a ^ U j <j| Jl ju 1 U . .. .. ll lJUb (JL^aJLmvI j ^ • "i . p- ; tf .* 1 *** 1 

o < upIw» ^y (Isaac Newton) ,>>*-.1 ( jyJi>J)/l *Lyi)l 

JS : Jb Lo JL^ J^j. ^AJl ittiJl tfyJl <Jp yily ^ JjSfl 

J^lkj J*J La Adis *UlL> ^jA jI aSj^JI (JkLp <_pLa 

j!) O jjLflj 0 jjllll iJlA c_3 j& Jij . A*_*i > J ^jA yl*3 A*>- jL>- OjS aJ-P 

.(inertia) i)lk*Jl (Ijl* 

AdklJ ^3 JLaL>-^ 0*->k La JlS . (OOXy) A£dk ftX^AP 


jl 4»^»L^*» JLJLaj jl jl^l jl J^^ka j\ Olj-Al*-a jLS^ j-^ La 

. AaLu 4 L>- aJ oj JjI a I t Ao^l a I A^JJ 

* •* ■ * ^ ^/** a* *«/ t»» » *• 

(JL^Jl j»-Lp jl) 1 ; . Ur .„ NJl jj, £jj IJLa :(Camp) k r -*L$’ 


y* J 3S* S* ^ ! '<~r^ 

v,.,i' l y 15131 £»1 jkJIj ^alsSlI ol^;*>U iU*J' t>* * , j s f 
y-' jil ,JLi3l jl*j olyjUill ^ ^ -^j L#* 

:j_c n i yJ\ ul ..y 15131 j J 531 J yJxuJl S-SI-^ a*jUJ 3 JaA\ oLf>-jJ 

^ * i _ # jJl *y> j (yJl se coper a!A*JI v^yil <ui£Jl 

.(sllcS <^31 5 y^3l •&/> -^fi vr* 


g**r jr*z - 31 lJu* J~H ’• (Pornography) A^y JUpIj 
L, j t^Nlj jj-^aJlj oUl^ll V~>Jl Jr^' 

.JokLuJl jl t^jlaJl a!~i>JI A i'"' 

J> • ' I y y_, yJ! jIj-JI jl : (Paratextuality) JSaiU 

,4jL1 Uj ty»!>Ulj c->I^Ulj JjL-^3Ij J~* 

c y > , w . yi j>~ c-J «i : ( Meta - F,ct,on ) *"jr^ 

.' 5j IjjJ Ui3> JU»- ^ ep>- ^ S?** t5i1 ^ C^’ 

■y, ■I* *■•■' jl <cJLP j' 4<c£SLftj Jij 4^51^31 (j-» - L ^ 9 

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80 4 13 

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275 4 251 4 245 4 236 

342 4334 4298 4282 
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136 1 77 I d)l .<>■ 1. 4 ***j 


166 1 164 . 163 4 142 

195 4 181 4 173 1 168 

t 89 c75 c70 ^Lkil 


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180 4140 

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176 . 4 H 3l***>^£' 4 ^j***t'j 

t 23 _ 22 4 11 47 : 'll*- tlJbj3 
4 120 4 112 4 102 486 469 

328 4292 4253 4 193 
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4173 . 172 4170 4 119 

208 4187 

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4286 4283 _ 282 :o^r iJlij* 


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277 1 122 c345 i307 t 221 c207 

307 t282 

351 _ 350 

216 :^j>- tj 

346 i 4 

191 1 160 

328 4 103 


350 t 221 

4 130 4 128 4 95 :UjU 4 


274 4255 4243 4 224 4 132 

93 456 4 17 - 15 

4 187 4 170 4 

198 1 193 1 153 c 139 


210 4 207 . 206 <, 199 

290 : JL^Ip 4 

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224 1 2 17 . 215 c211 


107 : uli >> 


296 1 232 1 230 4 226 

222 4 143 4 Jbj 

351 . 350 t347 

268 ! jlUJjj 4 <L)L*j j 

165 4 120 :^jlol 4 J * 

349 4342.340 t 322 


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. 294 4277 4179 4 141 

4 307 4 303 4 301 4 296 

t 329 4321 4318 . 316 

'348 4337 4335 4 333 _ 332 

1 140 

4 128 4 122 

4 118 

1 152 

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153 :J-lj 4jly> 

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199 : ±JUf 4 yriy 

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4 69 lil bjJxJl 

347 4328 4228 4123 
281 4 101 4 76 liy-Jl 

327 :JJ 4 frjr 
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4 11 48.7 liiLjJbjJ 44 -liJ 
176 4 158 433 . 30 420 
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t89 1 81 c 12 :^JjLSJ 


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72 : 'rrrv* 

101 (.96 :U ,jS 

311 <.217 1 183 1 143 

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187 * (J jlS" 4 

2 1 7 ; 

: ^dJ 4o* (*-WM 

176 tl60 4 103 4 53 . 52 
333 i ^ 4 

332 . 4 jL* 

161 :^ijjyr 4^L» 

11 :ai>b 4 


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322 ' Lj-ijl 4 j 
305 :c-» 4^]lj 
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4 151 4 147 4 140 : jJbU 4 4i-.l* 

•* ** «*✓ 

177 c 167 

93 ^82 : t JiLij 

4 209 : j-J jl — JLJf tijj— 

216 : o 

151 ! Jjj-wIj 4j^l*Jj 


JL^Jl JLjuLo 4 o^Lu u 

M • M 

JbuLa «L. A IjlLJ Cj <£j\ “ 

4_la_». yd 1 < .i A J a 4 _L^o 1 3j)_Lxj a^ulJOfcJl 

(Umberto Eco) yy ^3 ^1 
# * 

U3-2 1 -- j • --- JjuL* wjLi^» 

» 1 -i~>- JUU Ll ^ > k_A jj. ^ JLl 1 ftjll ^W*i 4^C-U< ^ _y Ifc 

oJjjLclJI ^jl^v 4_i JL*-j .^Aa 

(American Book Review) ^uijj jts j^i 

^^*Vi ^J' 4 juIJa3I JLjuL* <_j L£ juiju ...» 

JUuUJl 3 j y U 1 1 a jubdLoi «_-i ' j 

4-ijljL>. JUuLU JJJ J>>- ... 

. tjr u.UiiJ* 0 LcJLv V ' J*jJI JtSJjJj jlll)' <4- 

.«4J j'jlLLwV'j 

(Rosemarie A. Battaglia) UltUb .1 

^ j.^1sk j V ' 5 j LLm i aA 1 JLuJ ® 


Jjl& (Toronto) 4 _*_a L>. 4r- Oj ^ 31 'i 

i^jijlJbOl jjuL* l jx. 3 jojuc. cjLIi5> cjjJijj 
. *-j j V i i4- 3 ^LJl 3l£L*JU 


4-L.tlill jlLuJ £l> jJLl>. .4 • 

^a.j)ltll 4_xfi ^_j_a V I il_ 

.jLLJ - cj Jwh u 4 (AUST) 

(Rutgers 4 jujL>. A- <-LuiLiJ' ^3-* 

(Ohio ^Lb^i 4 -jVj kjua L >*a University) 

4^U.j State University) 
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dju^>laL4 a. jaIa aiaUeij • 

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4 ^cUJL>>(j a-xjLuu* f$lc. • 
a Jq j Akvi ^ ^lc.3 CjLuuQj • 

^>• 1 x 4 ^ JjLxjluJ • 

doJLyjU cLlj>AJI cLoJsuuoJI 
